Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1918, p. 2

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ctk52 another succesfol fair qied nlxon lnieoritoivil on friday orlo- brr jlh ilim j i nixon tkm iu filotiwilliiuiw oil weiloehiiny oilolier nil llii jmiiii ilerberl tnuvy in ins will wir iiuiman lii kiiiiisiiik tburodny ortober lrd illh jluiel llaniillon be loved wifi ijif mr john iliilfinmi wakkkn in adim on sin unlay octo ber 5lli jiune i wuiron brother o mr r 1 warrtti lorineily otoorir lown wr vyv s l v i yk- iv iljr bctqortt and vchntehos jvill liela iofiorieijjnwt uiibom chit thebflmstipaithootit jd v yjleto t hoy yiu uvprnpn- tov 1w10 duti bt jiim c-owsidar- jpurtewn in tln jfteaihfjlinbcjtv eejuj ai paijaa- iokettvfiij pro vatioitlio jpaj3 tiilivt tho ik pfrfiiodibeiflc u- iriab jjubtjlvvo years tfo6b month sipce onlittrro wont diy rt- lonjj with a jot of others andal- tbonjjh but acopipurativoly short tinle igo tpday it seems quite natural for jipople to net along without lubrioating gently or a- deslro w i k w fcirt eiim- iv bllndantly flu tllg deslro of tho crowd might tempt there are some violation no doubt quite a few yot ovon tho kiokera amongst us mimt oonfess that good hau boon dono if nothing more has bean accomplished than practically eliminating the speot- aole of a drunken man on the streets of ou r towns fine weather mad large crowd fever eaquaalnca annual event large anmbera of exhibits in all oiuhi one of the most successful fairs in the history of ksijuosing agri cultural booioty was held at geo tgetowir last wednesday and thursday although die weather the first day was threatening the second day was all that could lie desired and the large gathering made the hearts of the directors glad tho exhibits in all classes wore splendid there was an ex cellent showing of stock including horses cattle sheep pigs etc also poultry biol jncug bwiy aivly veft roijro sdrited in ladies work and fliwy iirta thfilsliowing never vts betfov and wn 4oir wjftifcliore wtliirtl tho huiioy ofppr tqw vbo ujqojit oliji-ltomyivofk- iipd coutijliutevl htvtferii6jlijo splenilid ocoesiof thijueu s v the otpllei jibnfiiy of soldier s pbtnortit inadaj bvjitlo qepvqfttjuhxo vojon ftripite kqagu60n filio innin flijof oxtbo1 iiebrijcte4 tvulo- attqliiioikttndgttvpiho pea- pie- at iplqridid itleoithpgroiit jvbjrk being alonoby oar lailrpsv- the esquesipg wotnpns insti tute also mode a splonditl displaj- of aoldiofs comforts piode by riipnv berp of their society the grand work of the htcrres in this line should certainly bo appreciated it has very wisely been de termined at ottawa to act on tho suggestion that it is high time an effort was made to suppress bol- sheviki and revolutionary organiz ations in canada and of literature printed in ononiy tongnes it is henceforth unlawful to belong to or attend mootings of the induut rial workers of the world the russian social democrat party russian eovolutional group rus sian social revolutionists russian workers union tho ukranian revolutionary group ukranian social domooratio party or any other body of russian anarchists the chinese national loague tho chinese labor association orany association which advocates bring ing about political social econom ic or industrial changes by force or which defoiuln the use of force violence or throats tho penal ties for infiirikonieiit are very high up to 5000 or imprisonment for a maximum term of five years enomy language publications in cluding rubkian ukranian and finnish must bo licensed before tbey oan bo issued or imported ex cept in the ouso of religious or sci on t flic works the penalty being the same as in tho other cases thkhh nbveh was a time whon prayer was any the more real than it is today to thoso at all events whose sons are overseas and who know not tho hour whon one of thobedroodf u i telegrams may coino this is a foot though clerics rail at tho loflhonod hold of tho ohurch on the pooplo ono of tho finest littie pootio prayers i have seen in a long time is tho following by john oxonham whereer thou be on land or aaii or in the air this little prayer i pray for then ood koep thee over day and night face to tho light thy eoutolieon white that no dospite thine honor smite with infinite sweet oversight god keep tlico over hearts delight and guard tho whole sweet bodyeoiil and spirit high that live or die thou glorify his majesty and over ho within his sight his true and upright sweet and stainless pure and sinlosh perfect knight observer in guolpli horald rook w i allan nilt fllllu a ho mlnorui bitt j n mrpliiihoti limit kblillt-i- minorca ickrl jiiiimm kmi ll i w ii allan mliioni i h 1 jim klilillfi v ii allan lliiijtil ii k i w ii allan sh ihlli on iliiriiil id li inn x ii llilllih v m ii allin llnniil iiimu k il w j aiomiiiiivi v ii allnn liiriii itifk imiiii 1 n 4 w 1 aimiimit llllfr kuril ruck noll i ii s vi son ililfl llork lien ni1 lilllrs son hun horn rirkrrrl ll i 11 lira v hun v ii allan iiiut liii liullot null ciiiicn ai son w ii allan white itock cock 1 a lollli v 1 alitxiuiilrr whltr uocll lion r a unltn u ii allllli willi- hnrli iiioli- nr i a ilclth w ii alliin willi llork inillot w ii allan c a ilillli an oilier fowl cock null ullllra ii sou w l lifvfrill any ttlicr fowl iuii nell iilllch son w it iltvctf ii any oilier fowl cockerel w lnv- erell any other fowl pullet w ot deveicll jome nell ollllcil ci son iniiion htmk tlniiiler jairwa htnrk nl- lllllem sun tlihyy v i jvllnn i1tijljihojiiitli tn allmn nll oil ilia klilillr vyihvahtiii youair jumvv in vvv v0flar trttfut wrtiir- hviil cr irfleir wiv krr jjiw mamhttzkma sriitf terrajcotla miss alien davidson was visiting with friends in hamilton last wool wo are sorry to learn that mr mark varey is in tho hospital with typhoid fovor wo bono soon to hoar of his roepvoroy mr 0 whitney had a largo shingling boo hhingling his now barn whiohjs about completed and is a modern uptodate struetiiro mr a poaroo is spending u fow days with frioridn in brantford mr 0 rogers wo are sorry to learn is now on tho sick list wo hope soon to hen of his rnoovoiy i m the mcphetson shoe which i am soiling at 5jkijiint bo bought in any retail shoo store in ontario for loss than 060 or 7 iam under no oxneneo and dont need to do you j bonoy tho peoplos friend tho exhibit of tractors and labor saving machinery for the farm proved a big attraction to many the prooession of public school children led by tho glenwilliams band was a feature of the day as was also their patriotic songs by the school children under the able leadership of their musical instruct tor mr a b cub toll they were loudly applauded the music by olenwilliams band added very materially to the pleasure of the day and their num erous soleotions were appreciated by all tho exhibit of grafanolas by mi- frank king was admired by many tho instruments which mr king is handling are in a class by them selves and are having a very large sale following is the list of prigo winners cattle best herd dairy cattle thou i lih he w a mocluro hunt pure llruil shorthorns nell tllllles hon heat shorthorn hull koimlil mcdonald heat yenrolil dehorneil uteer nell qll- lles ji bon hanker speolal itllhaell smith lilt t heifer calf 3heep leiomter dent ram aired j 10 featheratone hun wm mullln son beat hheiirlinir rum j k feuther- atone son beat rum lamb wm mullln hon j e peatherutone is son bent ewe wm mullln son j r kmitherhtone son beat uheur- llnu ewe wm mullln hon j k keuthoratone hon beat ewo lamb wm mullln a hon j is keatheratone hon shropshire downs dent ram aged r u nodwell bent shearling rum r h nodwell boat ram lamb r k nodwell beat ewe stuart j robert- hun tien petoh boat uheurllns owe stuart j robertson ben petoh beat ewe lamb r ii nodwell a s wilson any other down beat rilm nvud stuart j robertson chiaholm bros beat ahearllnir ram a s wtuon chia holm llroa best ram lamb chiaholm rroa h h nodwell beat ewe stuart j robertson chiaholm rroa best abettillngf ewe stuart 1 robertaon chiaholm brou beat ewo lumh stunrt j robertson chiaholm bros cotswold beat mm wm patterson fullor brou beat shearling ram h dolson son beat ram lamb wm patteraon fuller bros beat owe s dolsttn son wm patterson beat wheurllng ewe wm patterson s dol hon son best ewe lamb fuller bros 8 dolson son beat fut wether any breed a h wilson j is featheratone son south down beat ram s dolson son best ewe s dolson son speotals best yen leloeater sheep wm mullln son j b fentherstono sonr best pen tine wooled aheop stuart j robertson chlsholm bros hoq8 berkshire best boar s dolson hon best bonr 1018 s dolson hon best sow s dolson son beat sow 1118 8 dolaon son yorkshire hunt boar w if held best boar 1018 j k fontherstone a son w h raid best sow w j i hold best how idih j b feathor- atone w hreld tamworths best boar s dplaon son jnmos stark most boar 1018 s dolson soii jumps stark boat sow s dolson son jiost bow 1018 jus stark s dolopn son poultry best white orplilnaton hen nell gillies son white orphlpgton oook- orel w c devereir nell glllleaa son wlilto orprhlngton pullet nell amies a son w c deverell bult orphlnffton oook w h allan james fiddler buff orphlngton hon w c deverell james fiddler liuff or phlngton aaokerel lames fiddler w c deverell buff orphington pullet james fiddler w c deverell 1 trail ma hen neil amies son rhode island red cook w ii allan w j alexander rhode inland rod hen nell oiiiioh son w j alexander rhodn island red cockerel noll olllles a son w h allan rhode island red pullet neil amies son w j alex ander brown leghorn ooak nell ail- lies son brown leghorn hen nell ailllob a son brown leghorn cnok- eiel w h allan neil llllleu son brown leghorn pullet neil amies it sou w h allan buff leghorn hen nell ailllos son white leghorn oook j n mopheihon w h allan white leghorn hen nell amies son j n mopherson white leghorn ooukerel j n mophorson nell amies son white loghorn pullet j n mopherson james fiddler white wyundotto nook w j alexander w ii allan white wyandotte hen o a iteltli w ii allan f- white wyiindolto onoltorol c a relth nell olllles snn white wyandotte pullet w ii allan neji olllles son silver wyandotte oncilc w h allan silver wyandotte lien w ii allan minorca juatiki mltr iv llhv 4 sonhuwivll r i iwpllni8ois ifefwiihwtk f j ixtpi kakli ytlilei wvivih ii allltti lel jfthnt hturli iriiwing room mlas n w lino mra it oryeu mm w ii illiie enllri m ilriihh emiuiiillreil mrs i it coffeli ii ii ltc1 mil i hi i 1 uiwsiiii iinlr iiiiiih ciimch ciiilirolilci1l mr i 111 i 1 iii1vhhii mih i ii tnrien alias n w i c pinr llnw iish im liel llri uny alllolil mra i i r i uluanii mlha n w line iui ilio hi1h iilililercl mra it arnold alra i 11 i utwhon rlorhrt dlllllri iiiitn mra i ft tolvrli mia lli 1 ialvnoli ii 11 hi id irimh rliiclirt ii c itrrd mra i i n i uiwa ilrv iii knlitli lililn iliiiliet jl i 1 recti mlaa mnr lliiiiiiani aix iinttriia of i lcl lure rev iii smith it k -lutil-l- mia n w it- tih1 inc- h i i it ii iinici v iir uiith lilttlnif ii uiil knlllcil awenlcr i it miller allaa ii uinrlaon mlaa n w liu icintel ilealkn itv ul jmlth mlau n w itia fuioy work jiib tev iii smith mra i it ioffen mlkh a mrlrl hix ilolllek mia w 1 line ii ii llciilltcv dr smith table runner wm lmik mtaa mn riiimtlisnii mra w ii whielril curd kiihj i h cotfek mfji 6ruhslmll fc ylloevvalrvjinjllcm ihkksjityivusiiijrhvtnjk i jsiiwlwl wlnhifnlki her iiifow old- nell lllllwl viprpit ltsjlrhiiliii limit- wunuei itiluswimiiwia a ilr rv w itne snca jililo whbulh sfiw liny annoli mr ilir 1 jiwefipjll isi ajolijott fii mrs- pu iin4h hiwik w vir j1j otisiion v lruiiirj mhnl ma lc ijuiiilapil illlrva wbrkriynt on- um lvirileatiun a rort8 aisfd othfe vblietble8 tleat uushel pojsjoes rfuiojjualdelf ajhyie irypt boiuigtlbii irwlift nutc lawt neiu catraii- v -x- akixafiitrir eiiithvyeide turnnnl jioiifi ii ix wntsim heat other ftnjiftwmhjriiii- tor- beit mangel wuflzeli tcirn v it whjhhir t ibiwdeu tst iwi jiunip- ktns it m klunter hnt lliite stuyoi uiiallagevvrjt k 11 iluiiter mfs jus mirtlii heat two llioiin lim mae thompaon jl watauii tent wuter meloiih mlaa ii ilerrlaon it ii hon- trr bent miiiaah itrtrt mc t rt tlnmlile boat aituuah iluhhftnl k h hunter lred it hutt liekt itirrota aliurthorn mra j k inmbli a k tracy beat turnip beetk jan stark joseph moore heat lotuf botth karl wilson boat iuirhnlph a is truoy m a i tally beat calihugea jas itarneh mihs ii hurlihon beat ulibljiiffoa ivii ci l wutaon r ii iluntor boat celery fred b hull bent onions red tl l watson thos llnwiitm beat onions other varietiea lreit tl llutt mlaa ii harrison beat tiimn tuea a k tracy m a dally fruits and flowers best snow apples w w itrownrldge j h inline best king of tompkins j ii lane w w hrowiirlilke best blenheim 11111111 w w hiownildge vv a wilson heat northern kpy j h luno w w brownrlde beat llaldwlns j ii lune w vv urowil- ridge best rhode island oreertlng j 11 lano isurl wilson best itussuts w a wilson w w llrnwniiikre heat mcintosh rods mra 1 ii coftini best 11nlm mra jas martin w a wilson heat penrs ilartlett karl wilsuti j 11 lime heal pours other vuriilleh llin wriggleawottll jamea ituriiia heal jiltillik iitlier vllietlea jutlleil stark heat black frillies mra w it ivileeler beal collrrtlliu of uiilea illirneslll alia w k wheeler w vv itriiwn- riili best collection of nipua export karl wllaiin alra w ii iv lleli plants in pothoaton kern mra i it roffen cut flowers- tollertlini asters mrs hoy arnold mra j k liimlile cnlleii- tlon alnrlkolila alia 1 k llnmlile xi a ituily collection illliaiea mra i b toffen mrs 1 k liimlile cnlleo- liou petunias single a1 in 1 k jumble a 15 traoy collect lull phlox drummondl airs j k onmliiei jus stark eolletitlou stocks aim 1 is gamble james stark collection v lioiuis jas hutrk mra vv ii wheeler collection zliillliim mra 1 is htmlce oolloctlon sweet pena mrs 1 is clanible jas stark uollrctlon ntistur- tlums atlas ii ilartiaon alin j 10 clamlile jollectlon dnhlliih mrs 1 i oanible collection iladlnluh mra g ai judge lritl it ii nil loose or iliower bouiilct mlaa ii llnrilsou mrs hoy arnold ilornl ilehiitn mrs j is gamble table hunlttt mlaa ii harrison mrs p it coltun miscellaneous host bottled fruit alra v it wheel er best mixed pickles alois ii harri son mrs j e iambic hoeit liomo- muile wine mrs j m judge mrs j is gamble heat bread hop yenitt alra g ai judge beat buns airs tl al judge james stark best huim fancy mrs g ai judge junies htnrk best 10 lbs hon ly extracted j n alo- pltorson w w brownrlilkc hunt ex hibit of buklilg mla w it wheeler best tart pie james stark bout apple pie mrs w k whoolur jumuh htnrk best lemon pie mrs w it wlmulur miscellaneous 8peoialsrno 2 best barrel spy apples j ii ijiue l best barrel spy upplos j h lane 4 best hurrol spy apples j ii lane 0 best dressed duok w w hnnynrlilge 7 best dressed duck jutnes sttirk 8 host dressed goose w a mccluro 0 best dressed gooso w a moclllre 10 best dressed gooso vv alcclllo 12 beat dressed chlokens g l watson 11 heat dressed goose w a muclure 15 best dressed goose w a muclure 10 vias a- tlmnipsim xlr pyjt xbfn mm url fining- table tuft ovllfreulld etil j ilecsi5wis h iurr7 son- afrs itni aiiijild l nreaam- scurf alra tliii ijijvwuit miwutoy arnold- vas ai lcliiie s uatljldiea blouse mlaa ai- tliomiaiun itilyi iir smith mrs dr livaou braiding aflss l thompson curtains hand mude j h miller mrs w it wh i ool tlon fancy work amateur airs dr uiw- iiin alias n w koe houiloir cap mra hoy arnold mrs vv it wheeler ilaa alnc tltinipaon glenwilliams in the unlit of later news our oelehriition of the toiieliiaiiui of the war waa vvilhntll tliiulit a little premature the news showed however unit the war is fust draw ing to a clime ami this liiet alone was just cause for rejoicing we owe our thanks to lite bum for turning out in such wretched wouthor and furnishing us with an impromptu concert we have had few opportunities to cheer in the past four years so we cannot be illumed for hiking advantage of the opportunity when it did offer itnd it is tine to the lew who have kept the hand together in spile of many dilllciilties that we liml the means with which to cilchrule when the iiciision culled for it the death of driver herbert tracy took place october 2nd nt the home of his fnther mr dennis tracy the decoased enlisted at luolph last april with the tilth mattery cfa and hud been at ictawavva camp all summer when the call went out for men for the siberian kxpcdition her bert volunteered mill at the tiim of his death was home on his last leave before departing for si berin shortly before coining home he met with a slight accident which owing to bloodpoisoning sotting in canned his death herb died in the service of his country and is entitled to a place on its roll of honor justus much as the soldier who dies on the held of battle pte wesley riennan who went overseas with the liiotli ioel bat talion spent the weekend at his homo here pte iheuimn was wounded over a yeiir ago but is still undergoing treatment for his wounds lie is al present in du- visville hospital it wiik his hist visit home since ilia return from france notice to creditors iu the matter of the estate of hush o monejly lute of the village of georgetown in the county ofhul- papermahcr deceased i 1 1 ii r pin vininl u i ilv vi nso ill i iii i ii i dilmsind hcis drill in u toiinm i he m ik who dn el vim ch liii tin- sih ijjiy el pol prcptul ton noli hon so i liiipli llililir cat iii c died ls lit r is i l he- on i iii irltlhri ilrluri man the ii iii llol 1 their -in- 1 lli i iiimii ilir mil aid vii1il- ii lclon is ii i nil i lp iu il 1 mil i 1 the ii uii- tt-lmtri- ii liil lull l iii oiiiil- ind the nut hi r ul i lie niy hvldbv ihcni and take holier lion iniiitioiicd ilnlc lie- 11 will pioieed to dislithul saiil dreciltil unioiil tin pjiiiir- therelo hiiinig reiiiitll oua sji i t- il i ii- nllrr i i idiniiiitiiilii the -el- i i he tit hcd i tapir- auction sale ok cattle horses pigs etc nilerilriitl hits hern niliiulcil by lkil iianloik lo ell hv pnhlic aiirlioii nl li j tih con vvri i iiihl ujumiry on tihksdav lulllltlk mm ill i oi lork alinip lh- ioiiowiiil mill- komi oiirlinni row at iilcj koioi diirlinin cm iilc koin iiiliani con 1 r nln hlnr i iollriu rou i i i j iiiidi- ailure veiv t vi- pure liird aiisliir con t vr de iuir liicil viihiic tunc air nolc vl i lilts oil lin itlth llolmiii oil ii lltli tiaiu- ayrllili cow t i r ltli criilc diiiliion row tlth krindle craile durham call ii in rail al all in aide ii ul aid- dm- lime in- hie i i due iiiic feb duo mai i yi a ilue mar yra due ieb tuili 1 yr- in- apnl aril liriiii diirliaiu iiin- syr ulvul i nioi iiiiile lleltiiu uiv lyis calveil 2 ino- lu jute ulifliiuri cow 5 vt- liu- llsi tljl ii llnrtime ol stavndwliiiiiiini hottsh- spitiill- ctyilcsaiiilo vnjfa snilliui usual odea oftie vili4iniui ii hrne jie xiijkuirr jliloi ditedit lmjoiciioiiii ii im wi hioi ailv awhile vorkmrcj jhriiiii ociiimtitii i j ii lllcliiva dliyi a v f n anprovoir jiliimlhite geprgctovyn hpvrewives iave fifeured put thiit it pays to buy bread you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and troublfe home baking in volves and to provide your family with genuine good bread all this is unnecessary just get gibbens vic tory bread try it and youll buy it regularly anadli looil itoud lir no ms gibbens next door to radial station phone 202 b v gibbens acton hour grain feed we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog feed and sampson feed these are two good feeds and give good results order a cwt today a quantity of choice timo thy seed it full line of poultry we tarry supplies grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfeptant phone 19s for prices georgetown flour feed mills c greensides proprietor teinmibl iffitiiiiiiiuimml itbarrrjlimirjn i thcmcnsstorc your lien sirino suit leaves notliilin to he desired when iniiili hi ii- all our wnili is liiinil made posheaiiil u dtir- nhlllll il- 1vli anil lilliall hllllllillli it llistillol li on inn- nvvii prmliut ijet its luiilil xiiur new suit style lit utnl linili uiiiirmlieil a iniip rnliue lo select friiln special lioniiinc itiini il niivy hluc aiitl liliicl -rr- itis icii inice hoihi priees are koitik sky hinh in lltisi- iiiuleriiiu they will he i hiher in uiinllier iiiiiuili iliiii- your order now utnl save money mens fiirnisliinfjg neiy ariivuu insliirtkdoh- 2x- j tiff vvs t a iitiii nu tft jlv aiintii if 1 1 nivi uifa ik aleitf tovhocliwoll fevi1iraon dfc co lets foroirto i pattersons mea ma specials for friday and saturday established 1372 bam1c of hamiltom yk ijixuhy hoiikht now will cost morn thnn il will later on do witltont now and save the tnuney until thi time comes when you will hot hiifter value for your dollar in the ntiiiittinte votir money viill nalile the hunks to help the lovennnent win the war open it kn inns acciinnl in the hank of hamilton georgetown branch i c macicay hest lrehstiil pair chlukuns v w llrownrliltfe 17 best two limvoii breiul anil ilokon liuns mrs u m luiltfo james bmrk vv a hull 18 best jialr drosnfiil ohlokoiim vv vv llroivn- rldffo iu best liulf uokett burnt mrs tl m juue bust hulf iloieen fresh honu pffrh bar wilson beht unit neut- est vt ul butter joseph moore lilttfuht hulf dozon onions r h hunter inrir- est pumpkin if h hunter best bush vollow onions r h iluntor bent bafr potatoes n h huntor 80 rilr dress ed iluolis c w clrnnny jim stnrk dairy hest 5 lbs fresh butter jum hturk mis jus martin best its itm butter in urook jumon mark bost 10 slnffle lbs butter liwenh moore mrs w it vvhneler thowden jus btark spsoiali 2 ijeht 111 lbs butter in prints josoph mooro 3 linst i hik butter in h iti prints jiiheph moore i best r iiih butter mrs vv it vvhoel- er ii best io lb crook butter lames ttitrk 7 hest a ttis butter in inlnts jumes murk ft best iu lbn butter in prints james htnrk liekt 111 ttiu btittor in prlnth james hturk hi ttom iii his iiuttor in prints junies hlnrk ii hest 11 lbs honey j n miillier- siin 12 best 2 louves breiul jumen htnrk domestic manufacturers implement harness eto itciit nip buairy j a hell best untter 1 a hell best oolleotion of lulior itvlnlt farm muohbieri and implement- david hronkh j a bell bast lumbar wiiicon 1 a itell ladies wor amateur most lilynlet ehibrnhlory mihh mae thomphon mrs lloy ar nnlil ombroidery initials mrs p ii coffen rev dr spilth mihh a me- lfod eentropleco dlnlnir room mr i h coffon miss h ilnrrlhon mrs tdr j lnwson 44ible cohtrepleeo ork embrnlilor col cameron a warren was liore last vveelt to say farewell to his hrothor mr james ij wnrrtm and family boforo leaving for bi- lieriu mr j p wordon tio now jani tor at tho schools coinmoncod his dutios on monday his experience in handling steam boilers will he valuable tho farmors club lias removed its storo to tho matthews buildin on willow st formerly occupied by noblos flour itnd feed busi ness jlov i m moynr and ii v moore j p left on tuesday for hamilton lo attend tho general conference the palliiunent of the methodist churuh wliicli will ho in session for tho next two weeks on tho day of acton fair a con- plo of boys working for neighbor- in farinors broke into tho home of mr a t mann noar bannock- burn holiool while the family wits attend iin tho fair and stolo 10 cash and a revolver constable lawson brotikht them before m i mttoru 7 p on monday ovcniiik they both oonfossod their kuilt and wore sent to the county judo at milton for sentence froo iress the death took plnee on satur day lit his late residence in acton of mr j jj warren following an illness which extended over sever al years deceased who was a- bout co yoltrs of axe was a retired farmer but of late yours hud been eondiictiim a hour and fend busi ness in acton he leaves u widow and two children fred and helen to mourn his loss hamburg stonk per lb kausitko per lb noo lbs sliiailtlet roast beef per ih thick itili roust beef pur lb 100 lb e jin beef per lb itib roust lnf per it boil href per fh rmnprnlvst lieef per lb 1100 lbs pickled pork per lb aoo itm siniikeil rolls per lb 200 his smoked batti per lb 8 lb pitil khorfcniiil jl lb in i j lard 1 lb lnick kliiiileniiil canned toimtlock com 1miis fresh trout nor 11 white 1k1 per lb several ho ih pails pure lard a quantity of potatoea always on hand camilla fooil uounl liiense no h i220h 25c s2c 27c 2ho 2bc hoc 24c hoc mo b7r 44c h7f lofi hoc 20c 20c ific 18c 1 8c is0 w j patterson main street georgetown phone no gibbens gut rate cash and carry grocery maple syrup liuue bottlo siniliklil soap s bars for liptons tea iu i ih pit for aunt jemima pan cake hour per kn tilsons oats larxo pit criseoe 1 ii tin seedctl raisins 2 lbs for sunmaid seedless raisins per pkk beehive corn syrup l lb pail vinegar white wine- or cider per kill hoc posttim carnal laf ko tltk i hr peanut butter per lb 27 mniiiubukinu powder i lb tin jl i forest city bakiiik powder tit jar toro tuhlets u pk for shredded wheirt perpkh com mnlies per pltij aunt dinah molasses in met in ktiu crjstals per pkn keiiilliiss raisins new stuck per 111 canned lomntoes aylmer hiunii diintinion vexefiibhi soup tin j so 2c 2hc mo htlc hfie 20c lid i of hsi 27c me i ic he lie 17c llle lhc ip you want the best quarilty frfsii and curkd meats at the lowest possible prices try clifford linham butcher ja readytowear goods for fall house dress heavy percale house dress white rojip cobtr self trimmed assorted iatleiiih kach for sale nrlor cook heater anil orsrniiin irooil apply to mr a iv condition quiiun si lliblnird i012i j j gibbens phone 180 laue block georgetown our new cash anil carry hv stein mukos our mcnlh cheaper to yon tllllllllll illllll it willi lilimiki ni yl clifford linham phone 196 main street night gowns ladies white fliinnolotto lowti made in full sizes of food ipiality luckoil yoke and lock stitched frills onfjeijlr cuffs and front kiich r r white flunnolotte clowns tucked yoke tifnt mod witii ieathoitttitcli briiitl and silk stitched omhroidory collur culls ttntl front lock stitched made in tnll sizos and of kood juulily kiuli black moire underskirt black moire undornkirt witli 12 inch flounce nicely stitched inatle iif an extra quality moire kach the kiddie middy kiddie middy iniule or heavy drill laced rront collar and pocket trimmed with old rose lijiht blue resida and copen hagen small uru each ijaruc size each coverall aprons coverall aprons inndu of special ipiality prints in assorted dcsins riotli white voile waists white voile waists with lare lacii trimmed collar kmhroid- eied front bcinst itched cults vfell made in two of the latest styles knell th 8350 145 175 150 100 135 69c 150 w jacksons main street georgetown mtil hffl what is orme without a kant leek hot water ask ms prices of guaranteed water 150 and up bottle bottles kvpyi vvpt jn i- t nurn iiii h iv-vv- fev i

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