Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1918, p. 2

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4v wamdua dmummmmmhmi dm euhesinx on saturday ry s eorfca v october i9lh 1918 henry gillman au 25 yiaru gillman in enquesinfr on tiubtly october 22nd 1918 norma miry gilltnan aged m years 10 months mcdonald in georgetown on monday october 21st 1918 mary lucilu cole beloved wire of jolni mcdonald ard 51 yeara tp0p c pneumonia at quebvc ntreetoiioit oetre4wihoil-ictjtbei- margaret todle- low ilerfjranlhrveybrfcd leyved 1 month and zl dajil flkjmjbfcin eequeaingv on ueedvy v october 22nd 1918 heatedmary ha cock beloved wlfeosedtinuatilinp- qnltjher7lh yeaoy v liniyal pii v4e ram obituary mbs joseph kitohbn amelia morley beloved wife of mr joseph kitchen and eldest daughter of mr and mrs john morley milton died last wednes day at her home here of pneumon ia after a weeks illness she was 27 years of age and besides her husband lenves one child the funeral was private and took place to eivergreen uemetery milton on friday last henry grohoe gillman norma mary gillman the home of mr william gill man esquesing- has been doubly saddened by the death of a- dearly beloved son and daughter during i2mhitt on tuesday ootober flfind nor 4na2ary gillman a bright daugh- tertthehomawasoaleg by death shevwaviirber lth year muoh gvmjiafcliy ieetendfecl to lr0ilt 3v grey mwheio crmer cron attorhey h1tcoantyqouiatea7ke day- peceaaed ie aprylvell by thren v eonrandonedaagfiter rjiberi redjfr vlcjis wnliinandjibie interment was held t bangor 8unday october 6th t9ia- i i the georgetown herald wednesday ootober 28rd 1918 clear the decks oet ready for action i forget each attraction that leads yon away from your parti what partll yon have bhown in this victory loan will you back it with all of your heart canadians fighting are daily delighting their allies with proof of their skill the foe theyre pursuing how muoh are too doing to give the mad kaiser his fill you know- of a way you oan help win the fray quite dearly this way has been shown canadians all arise at the call and carry this victory loan i william f kirk c the following are extracts from the speech of sir thomas white delivered at winnipeg when he explained the terms of the new victory loan the success of the victory loan is absolutely essential to the prosperity of canada the viotory loan is a vital fac tor in the creation and continuance of our prosperity last years viotory loan was the means of finding a market for hundreds of thousands of dollars of our produce and this kept can ada prosperous in all lines of nat ional activity without it victory loan our farmers would have failed to sell their produce and hundreds of fac tories would have been closed the victory loans are furnish ing the qapital for the nation its the victory loans success means five hundred million dollars of new business for canada prudence enjoins all to gave money for the period of readjust ment what better investment for the people than a bond of canada backed by all its resources joined to the industry intelligence and enterprise of the canadian people do you know 1 that the principle and inter est on 1000 invested to- yield h interest payable half yearly and the interest reinvested at the same naterin 15 years amounts to 280786 compound interest 2 that even if the interest is not reinvested the total amount in 16 years would be 1825 sim ple interest 8 that the interest and princi ple on a 1000 viotory bond maturing in 16 years would amoilnt to the above 4 that prior to the war domin ion of canada bonds sold to yiold the investor only 8 to 4 6 that when conditions return to normal these bonds will be in great demand and will have muoh increased in value 8 that a 1000 viotory bond maturing in 16 years bearing in terest at 6 payable halfyearly if sold to yield the buyer 8j would sell for 128180 7 that a victory bond is tbe safest investment in the world it is really a first mortgage on every piece of property on every indus- try and on all natural resources in the dominion of canada and as such ranks abroad of all other lia bilities 8 that the viotory loan com mittee toronto will buy your bond at any time- you may desire to sell at a minimum price of p9 and interest merely take it to any bank manager lie will attend to it for you your banker will confirm the above figures and information parsed away cm monday last the xnwnsreiritferrfidin stdwurfe n cetejt tuesday wthe t vice ming oendflctad bybevri cameron mis john mcdonald bji tbje death of alary iidcilla cole beloved wife of mr john mc donald at her home on queen st ou monday lust georgetown lotwu one of its best and most highly re spected oitisens deceased was a daughter of the late mr and mrs henry cole and was born ines- quesing 61 years ago after her marriage she went with her hus band to alabama where they lived for a number of years afterwards returning to georgetown where they have since resided a kind and loving wife and mother be loved by her family has been re moved from the home and her ear ly demise is deeply mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends besides her jiusband she leaves one son mr harvey modonald of toronto and three daughters edna amy and margaret at home one sister mrs john lindsay erin and three brothers albert of nortu bay jacob and frank georgetown also remain deceased was a member of tbe methodist church and the funeral service this afternoon was con ducted by her pastor rev j truax when the remains were laid to rest in greenwood cemetery william blaib in the person of william blair georgetown has lost ono of its most highly respeoted and best loved young men who passed away at guelph general hospital on ootober 0th 1918 aged 29 years deceased was born in ballymena co antrim ireland and came from glasgow scotland to georgetown in the year 1907 taking a position in the coating mill under the old company and remaining with the present company in whose esteem he had risen very highland in this respect they had placed a rung in his ladder higher up where he was shortly to climb his death ia deeply regretted by all who knew him particularly by those with whom he came in contact through his musical capabilities he played in the 20th reg band for several years was an adherent of tbe baptist cburoh sang in the ohoir and was a member of the baptist male quartette the funeral which was masonic took place friday ootober 11th and was conducted by revs cline and cameron and offloers of credit lodge no 219 af am of which be was a member- he was also a good oddfellow a member of verdun rebekah no 184 and a very strong orangeman he leaves behind to mourn his loss his father three sisters and one brother mrs e cowan georgetown mrs m maopherson toronto mr john blair mount dennis and mrs s smith glasgow scotland beautiful floral offerings were contributed by the following mr and mrs j makin miss a cole mr and mrs watt mr and mrs j soott mr seif remand mr mocuaig master charlie kirk mr and mrs mowhlrtor and opal miss gladys mttwbirter color di vision of prov paper co ioof verdun rebekah no 184 lol no 246 credit lodge no 219 family georgetown mrs porter hanee and mrs hart mr and mrs j g wilson and family mr and mrs j crosland and family pro vincial paper co toronto mr and mrs j reekie westou mr and mrs c willis and mother new york result 011917 victory loan the oversubscription of tho 1917 viotory loan gnve a new leoae of life to our agriculture commerce and general prosperity throughout the dominion of canada for the farmer it mount that the loan was able to finance the only purchaser that could buy hia excess products namely great britain our total exports of agricultural and animal produce in 1916 amounted to 209000000 for the fiscal year ending 81st march 1918 they exported no less than 7400090007 the largest export in one year on record the ian likedse beneitteithe nanyaprvjiifaptuii porfcsfoithe twelyt months ending mttrph 8i8tlw8 amounted to 686000000 ah increase in three years of 9661000000 or 848 per cent a- remarkable growthda to thebucbo88 ofoo victory lioari nftmlbbt jeintergtiijg ao note thatoijur governcbejt is avenomg credit ia great- britaiajst the rate ioy600qbi per iadntk- ij iddr ihgthesavett months from decejii hec 1917 itfjune 198 o sitlm ot 28oio0oooo xo aditoritfrfhm canabiatimaoufinreis are ycev cutiiuj iinmense s orders f6ftlie united states whfch is bringing large sums of new mobijy into tho country every oenf- raised by the viotory loan will be spent in canada to oiir manufacturers and to our far- much sympathy is extended to his bereaved wife and family principal a g green received a message last week from the mili tary hospital at bovington eng land dated october 18th stat that his son pte ivan tgreen seriously ill as no further newshaabeeoreofciyjaditisbcliev cd mere the success of the 1018 victory loan means continued prosperity throughout the domin ion good returns for the farmer and large salaries for the working man victoiy loan canvassers w mcmillan township from 8id line to 7th line above ohook line tdwn from main st east north of guelph st south of gtr track fbbd cook township from 7th line east to town lino above noryal rood town all north of gtr track p s habbison township norvo1 road and norval north of no 10 cross road to asbgrpve north of no 16orossroad to 8rd line and both sides of check line town west of main stand south of guelph st do your best and a little mora esqnesina council thecpjipcil met pursuant to ad journment the reeve in the chair members all present the minutes of last meeting were read and con firmed hampshire bingham that the treasurer pay the following ac counts m e turner for 1o0 yds gravel 16o per yd 16 hauling new culvert removing old one placing new one and filling in same 16 total 80 canada ingot iron co one culvert 80rx88 112 grand trunk railway co to be charged with cost of culvert and putting in 12700 carried bingham hampshire that the treasurer pay joseph marchment 800 on account of construction of new bridge at dolly varden lot 26 con 4 j b mokenzie 8645 for lumber supplied to township cor poration of georgetown for elect rio light 12 peroy martin 980 on account filling in wash out on 4th line lot 20 that reeve alex joe 6 j a tracy 6 a h monab 6 w a willson 6 for selecting jurors 2 days at 8 per day car ried standish elliott that the treasurer pay the following geo e letty on account of norval race bridge 1000 baines ds peokover toronto steel for reinforcing nor val bridge 18982 carried elliott standish that the treasurer pay the following ac counts adam alexander for gravel supplies to road division no 1 186 yds loots 1860 a moclure and j cunningham for repairing bridge at norval also f hostler for spikes 2206 canada ingot iron co foroulvert 86x80 ft 144 peter fisher operating grader 2 days also new doubletree 6 e bousfield for plank supplied for culvert on no 6 side road 1850 carried standish bingham that leave be granted to introduoe a bylaw to borrow the sum of 8000 from the merchants bank to meet the current expenses pjhe township and that said bylaw be now read the first time carried hampshire elliott that bylaw to raise the sum of 8000 be now read second and third times and passed carried elliott standish tbat leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint collectors of the rates for the year 1918 and tbat said bylaw be now read the first time car ried bingham elliott that the by law to appoint collectors for the year 1918 be now read the second and third times and passed and tbat the blanks be filled up as fol lows ward no 1 robt joyce 2 henry may 8 henry wilson 4 m e turner 6 s h lindsay 6 jos marohment carried elliott standish that this counoil learns with surprise and regret that the government con templates tho dosing of bsqueelng post office wo are satisfied tliat the doiiaitmoiit in not informed as to the conditions existing and trust that the question will be re considered carried ii umphhtro elliott that this counoil do now adjourn and stands adjourned tiill november 25th at 1 oclock pm carried military news at jtum buir kill mrs blair received the sod news last week that her husband sgt james blair had been killed in action sgt blair went overseas with tbe 164th batt deceased was one of our most respected young men and died a heros death lighting for bnme and country- n4rtojvipwwamiiha recoivedprd that her soij plje william james norton tofneftry was admitted- to 4tb general hos pital pannes camlets october 2irdf witbrgun shot woukid inbafck vpte frjuok rogers formerly of je baqk bf hamilton who went overseas with 8 batjfc is b6ie onforjobglndpentia oofr jile- of days ul tftwo last week ipte jsreerman writes to his sister in glwifliama from sea- forth camp england under safe of sept aetvas follows dear sister tthlie v ji rtsceived yonr letter to day and was glad to bear from yon it was a long time coming but x got it since wo landed here i have been looking for a letter every day it rains here about every other day and the weath is c harold in d yon require fire llle accident or rtiv v v-wviyfv- ttepresetscrei6ftabeicpji- pahresand shall be pleased totran- sact yqurlneorancebciflinebr seoicctewn oiwabio and i like it fine here but hope soon to be back in canada i am well and feeling fine and hope all at home are the same dont get the tobacco and gum when you write best regards to all and goodbye for this time your brotherjack mr roney has received word tbat his son william whovwas re cently decorated for bravery was wounded and is in a hospital in london pte t bristow of glen williams is reported wounded word was received on tuesday of last week stating that pte harry goldham was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound in bis left arm on ootober 8rd id a letter from harry received by his parents dated september 19th be says they presented me with a military medal for good work down south on august 8th cost of last loan in reply to a number of enquiries regarding the cost of tbe last vio tory loan information has been received that the last canadian victory war loan was floated at less expense to the canadian gov ernment thaj any other war loan in the world the total expense to the government was 64100 of 1 wbiob was remarkably low con sidering the magnitude of the task and tbe wonderful results attained gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery c astoria for infants and cummb inllm for 0vr30 yfart always tar the mcmttoraer davies pure lard 20 lb pail 026 peerless shortening in or 10 lb pails per b 29o best canadian cheese 4 lb lots or more per lb 28c sunmaid seeded raisins in 26 lb boxes per box 826 aylmer brand tomatoes 8 tins 86o new can peas per tin 14c salads tea reg 70c per lb 66c chalange brand corn starch 2 pkga 28o best rolled oats 7 lbs for 49o eddys golden tip matches 2 boxes for 26o shredded ooooanut per lb 29o handy ammonia large pkg bo gibbons own baking powder 2 tins for 29o uptons cocoa reg 18o pkg bo all laundry soaps 8 barsjor 26o newprunes 2 lbs 29o j j gibbens phone 160 lame blook georgetown auctksstsale of furniture etc 1 the undemlgnod ha been imtniclad by charles mclaughlin lo sell by public auction at bis notldcnco norval on saturday october sth at 2 oclock ike following- new upoatry stair carpet 9 i 2 yd i all wool bedroom carpet 5 yda 3 yda i rag carpet 13 ft x 9 ft i full oak bedroom ulti bedroom suit elmt 2 bedateadst feather mattrefij 2 bed aprlnsa and map irepaet good as newj plllowai 2 toilet setsi wash atand i extonllon tablet email tablet couch new 5 kitchen ohairat reading lanipi hall hangins lampi dining room hanging lamp carpet wooper nowi bed room mlrrori iet able mati uvcral pic tures and paintings doxen lea knlveii doien dinner knives and forki tbrmscaih young women are wanted a never before for bui- nesa officea and m trlrraph opera- tora shaws schools toronto give the proper traoinjf in short order frr catalogue w h shaw prenidrai write j i- georgetown housewives have figured out that it pays to buy victory bread you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and trouble home baking volves and to provide your family with genuine good bread all this is unnecessary just get gibbons vio tonr bread try it and youll buy it regularly canada food board licenie no 51835 gi next door to radial station phone 202 b v gibbens totoh yes its different smr the i raaon is tbe differ- ereiue in the serviro given personal attention to evey student this different i service gives different results j tie esaltoi thai i iiiimh51 m carnniiinieai i guelph business college henod bvodlbe c1ielpi ontario iiorwcri vw tail jsurt m indulayl ur tha v- sa m rrrrmtttrmll inammmedjl isiarnirinimi grain feed we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog feed and sampson feed these are two good feeds and give good results order a cwt today a quantity of choice timo thy seed we carry a full line of poultry supplies grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfectant phone 198 for prices georgetown hour feed mills c greensides proprietor established 18721 the present is a good time to sell things whether labor produce or merchandise at high prices it is also a very poor time to buy anything that is not absolutely necessary earn to the limit save to the limit that is the road to prosperity open a savings account with the bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c maceay auction sale of dairy cow the underalgnka hai received inalruc- tione from h b henderson u son to aell by public auction at lot 23 2nd line weal chlnguacouay on thursday november 7th 1918 at 1 oclock sharp their entire herd of cdwa aa followai reo holstbina flora clothilde poach no 45435 4 yre due april 15 bull pont lac artla thekla no 30395 2 yrai bull calf 6 moa eligible for regfatratlon holstggranbs cow 7 yra calf at aldej cow 6 yra calf at aide cow 9 yra call at aide cow 5 yrs calf at aidet cow 9 yra due time ealei cow 3 yra due dec lati cow 6 yra dec 5tbi cow 5 yra due nov 18lh cow 8 yn due mar 18thi cow 7 yra due mar lalf cow 9 yrs due 10 apr cow 6 yra duo apr 29 cow 3 re due hay 21 1 cow 3 yra milking well lelfer 2 yra milking welli 2 heifers 2 yra due in apr durham grams cow 13 yra time sale cow 5 yra calf at side cow 6 yra calf at aide cow 5 yrs due nov 26 cow 4 yra duo jan 23 cow 3 yra due jan 31 cow 3 yra due dec 13 cow 10 yra due mar 13 cow 3 yra milking well heifer 2 yra due in may these are a choice collection of dairy cows several having recorda of 10000 iba in the year in calf to pontlac artla thek la whoae aire la area arrandatre of the 106000 bull calf contributed by a c hardy of brovkvjile to the moiera aale a qunntltyof clover hay yorkahlre sow ii piga titans 10 month credit on approved joint notea 6 per annum off for caah hay and calvea caah robt marshall ben petch bookkeeper auctioneer obxbht sad cabbage flktir sau will the person who have ordered celery or enhbage for winter pleaao call on tnureday friday or saturday of thla week aa i will be taking them up on thpee tor oniona benj pptch avcflonlr up y ot thla pi days i alao have quantity of line win david morrow georgetown if you want the best quality fbbsh and cubed meats at the lowest possible prices try clifford ljnh am butcher themeifsstore your new spring suit leaves nothing to be desired when madebyus ahotirwork ib hand tnnrferpobbcbsing a dur ability a style and finish stamping it distinctly as our own product last ns build yonr new suit style fit nml finish guaranteed a large range toutfilect from special genuine imported navy bjue and black ser ges very ncarce good prices arc going sky high in these materials they will be i higher in another month place your order now and save money mlflvniftmhutk 1 ne anivatsilftshjri n8rwei itatefiltfes fineeeakwii tarevihowjng magpce jraoge eta ah the reidwig is jatjleit iphdindspft ioj08ps bmkdyto1n7eaar biothlkilg t vjfe jiavo a full range of towns ready to wear suifs odd pants etc nrtoek comprises all thjp latest noyeltieskinniens w lpviteyour ilnapeotlh biiwfmrf4idavi pionelfii6r tlklhctas8 taiijobinq ana mfinb futlnjshlnjfis tt i agents for stookweu henderson di co jv dyers afadcleanevev toronto you should know tbat germs do not oanse disease they are scavangera that live on weakened tissue which is caused by sublnkated misplaced vertebrae in the spine tbat every oassoi so called favors influenza pneumonia etc caused by a subluxation is tbat chiropractic adjustments will reduoe a fever in a few utes min- tbat chiropractic adjustments will ease effects remove the cause of dis- therefore you owe it to yourself to investigate this system of cause fect investigate and be convinced that chiropractic and ef- is right consultation and spinal analysis free at offioe robl m oflfl dc ph c snooeiaor to a m neilsen dc chiropractor office over bourlgass drug store tuesday thursday and saturday 8 to b 4c 7 to 8 p we are at yonr servtoe day or vight phone 150 jacksons readytowear goods foitfall our new cash and carry system makes our meats cheaper to you canada food board license no 9131 clifford linham house dress heavy percale house dress white repp oolar self trimmed in assorted patterns bach night gowns ladies white flannelette gown made in full sizes of good quality tuoked yoke and look stitched frills on collar cuffs and front bach v ladies white flannelette gowns tucked yoke trimmed with feather stitoh braid and silk stitched embroidery oollar cuffs and front look stitched made in full sizes and of good quality bach black moire underskirt black moire underskirt with 18 inoh flounce nicely stitched made of nn extra quality moire bncb the kiddie middy the kiddie middy made of heavy drill laced front collar and pocket trimmed with old rose light blno rebida and copen hagen small sice each large- si se each coverall aprons coverall aprons made of special quality prints in assorted designs iflaoh aio 14 17ft 10 100 1b6 white voile waists phone 196 main st reetmaiif street white voile waists with large inoo trimmed oollar embroid ered front hemstitched cuffs well made in two of the latest styles bach jacksons 89 150 ysm vt at 0imml t7r iivf ji iflja i the best in drug store merchandise wlrmig tpjaia thefir r i w aaie laici limhd i h t v ii mtkmmmk sssmim

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