Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1918, p. 1

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s fiftysecond year of publication grfeorgretown wednesday livening october 30th 1918 150 per annum ox 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald i pohllkh every wedne8dav evening at the herald power printing office georgetown onfc contract advertising rate8 furniahad on application ton uvula pur lino fur ileal liuatruon and ttvu cent pir hue fur each eubse- guenl insertion will tie charged fur ull transient advwiiatmienta twelve- lines vr tp anlfaph i i vuvvrttaftmuiiup6uiiecjbiai tifcj mohanjredanoe fj aoofttlmonth without extra icuarsje changes for contruct advertlaentoiita must be in the office by mqwtujr iven- i iii ni r a1 l v 1ttllalmir vi mop fv- v 0rxitt table vv upinq kawe- ilnlv a 4 jmtf li psger paengervt46ni mail oijw rrtiii pasowor 880nu qoino west mail 767 am mail i lnnn m keep wriglevs in mind a xh jotiipst- fastlns cbniqctloh vdu fihe bitwi nt-ffig- front h m passenger 201 nm passenger c8c nm mail 767 iim going nobth mail mail going south mail mail toronto suburb railway daily timetable x going east going wast vam z610 866 pm ii24 810 jm 640 747 sunday timetable going east going west am pm pm 1021 1820 846 1040 pm cio ilo yes if s diflerenl sj war time economy is sill 2b oaaam ii 8t georges church fuv wm burt l th rwtor sundby service as follows matins ll a m lvensong 7 p m suijtiay school imfi a m in base ment holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays of each month at 11 a m legal shiltotf wallbridqe dale barristers solicitors etc toronto and georgetown oltlce kennedy block lu koyt dale in charge of oeor- own outctt you should know results that coast the reason is the diflfor- erence in the service given personal attention to every student this different service gives different results tfc vf wanl boaun 60elph obvieu1iieroib pisnactuow phpft ov ttinini iout jtefdiij you caw star n men grain rubbers after the snow the slush after the slush a bad cold or pneunioaiu unless you tsear rubberav shoes ruined and feet wet we hayp rubber for most dmirtible stjteav everybody in all the best and menv 5utber ppots reg eop for items iightijubbers reg jktio tot woihr- v yontka lfciev rttbfeftbiajiesli hit jtessage written by a young lieutent u his wife a tew weeks befoie he wiib killed in finiiff wliat shall i bring you wife of mine when 1 come back from the war a ribbon yonrdeor brown hair to j twftiev vssjiatlf epsetoefeuwa icoac i whpntbeuhluna we overwhelm shall 1 brin ydt a potsdarii gofclot bacif and li orejt trm idpripsbelin i4tie yptia tai wiiaft i- iil jj k okays iifiwioui fed7ffl in sweetmeats js a sceof packaae of wriclevs will fllve you several days enjoyment its an investment in benefit as well as pleasure for it helps teeth breath appetite digestion chew it after every meal tfre flavour lasts s medical or joseph moandrew physician and 8uroaon medical officer o health dlutrict tturseon o t r oinoe houra 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phone 68 oince and residence main street south oppoalb presbyterian churcli that that that optical l i plant d o oph 0 eyf 8peoialiat georgetown olllce next to library phone 1 for appointment dental frank r watson dd8 md s- dsntist qeorgetown ont hours 9 a m to 6 p m excapl thursday afternoon dentistry in all its branches over belt telephoneoffioe r l heath ld8 d o8 dentist office in lane block one door north at oneills carriage factory houn 9 a m to 0 p m chiropractic jto bfodlolns aarstsry or ostvopathv r6bt bf ogo dc phc graduate of the palmer the originu1 school op6biropactc davenport iowa usa i office over hourieans drug- store consultation and spinal analysis f roe tuendays thursdays and saturday m 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 pm ifbon x80a j auctioneers ben j petch licensed auctioneer for halton and peel aienwliuam post olllce sale cnduoted satisfactorily and at rea sonable rates orders left t the georgetown herald oflloe will receive proiftpt attention t jackson and lee clfh engineers and surveyors temple bldg brentford maj a m jackson a h jeo jeohanloal engineer etc olsdls- it o wynne roberts wuter works engineer w c til ley kectstered arch i toot milton prentiss moihbkrs and motors toy bldg macii1nbrv brokkrs electric repairh tokonio germs do not cause disease they are gcavantfeis that live on weakened tissue whioh is caused by a subluxated misplaced vertebrae in the spine every case of so called fevers influenza pneumonia eta ia cadsed by a subluxation chiropractic adjustments whjjl reduce a fever in a few min utes that chiropractic adjustments will remove ease effects the cause of dis- therefore you owe it to yourself to investigate this system of cause pbct investigate and be convinced that chiropractic we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog feed and sampson feed these are two good feeds ana give good results order a cwt today a quantity of choice timo thy seed we carry a fall lin of ljultry snpplies grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice kil ler disinfectant phone 1iq5 fpv price georgetown hour feed mulls greeiysibes proprietor the 8cf f as thie home of better suoes 5irpibi fpiiiiiimiiiitlbl iwfnrm mas good attwisl every motive that inspires good citizenship calls on canadians to be lavish in their purchase of victory borfdst and so insure their countrys welfare and their own security against the rainy day be prepared beware of the financial reaction that may fol low the present prosperity the best way to fore stall it ia to practice thrift now and the best form of thrift is embodied in canadas victory bonds mix victory bonos fibnprjrb wtiros w badir f fcyttilm and mjr tovo my fovo lb the end uiiasiml at tne tnn or ut nrst cliunii had been padding the puv roll for wka apparently tiutdiamlsaal was made witboot any knowledge of this bit of high finance but merely as the result ot the studies in personality oa the part of the mysterious efficiency expert moat remarkable of all the changes had been tbe rapid rise of peter nor- gea at the time the upheaval began he had been employed for two weeks a bremen dowa lnrtha boiler rooj ind vveavaioabwtarwabv nadlvyb cthab moted r foretbsn ofene of the tlenariments and now at the expiration of jwo montha h had a rftiponsoilu oifhho4 in tbe prltffic of mr xufgaenr blomelf ab4thlslniptwof tth fact that yfojlm jfortyn hm pp4nijf n- ted all prorjeqand njid ship vi 1 viol eseaiiyopadiiunif- 1 vhpisejii- r x z z heo 4bjdbly ttf tad beeh uro- to ed jwtlrtn uiree be a i and bf- is right consultation and spinal analysis free at office robt m orjg dc phc successor to a m neesen dc chiropractor office over htrarigans dmk store tuesday thursday and saturday 2 to 5 7 to 6 pm we are at your service day or nignt phone 150 a j a tracy clerk townshlp of baqueslng clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life insurance cos represented i issuer of marriage licensee offlee mluetreet west georgetown offloa hours wednesday and day afternoons bu- lbe 8ino laundry the old reliable laundry mrstciass work guaranteed at the lowest pricbi kirtl 10o roe blook qaoraatown tuyor itmrcoopeaa south georgetown on 1 per terms apply residence queen stv e i branipton phone sos po boxiib i seeing it through the war is not yet over and until it is and until the work of peacereconstruction is complete every canadian should dedicate all his energies to helping in the great work the practical and easy form of help is the purchase of victory bonds buy victory bonds today a b wilson main street next mcgibbon hotel if you want the best t quality phesh and cubed meats at the lowest possible prices try etlrtordtjnhmm butchfr w anthony phop9b4t georgetown ont hester proves her- theory by jams osborn hllltyilrtiivimhrtliirthiiiij pjrrlght uu toy the iloelure newaba- our new cash and carry system makes our meats cheaper to you canada food board licanae no 9131 clitforblinham phone 196 main street f tecl th children to save hahlts are acquired early in life ghflewn who are taught the vttlue of money and the habit of savin grow up into good business men and capablwomen the easiest way to teacb children to saya is to startf savings account for teen child 100 each is sufficient after a child has aaved another dollar to inae ajn additional deposit he or ah wil haw a better appre ciation of just what a dollar stands for and how much work and wlf denial it represents th archant5 bank montreal of canada established 1864 c w grandy manaier l b srlorby rtaoaja hilwrt head oftica fjeorgetowis branch acton bltanctf maat ti- ulllsbf do you require fire life accidei of autolosurance i represent sotno of the bost com panies and shall be ploasod to tran sact your insurance business r j hynds phone 903 georgetown ontabi we can now stppl your needs in at the herald the strong nation o te ye y0 e e nation whose people by the pracce pfthr y0- vidually and collectively av srbtrvjwiqfpr ceeds of their labor of their profits as industrial leaders of the riches that are yielded by forest mine every one desires that canada should be a strong nation and the best means at hand to prove the sincerity- of that wish at this moment is the purchase of victory bonds young women are wnnled as never before for btiilifl neas ofllces and as telegraph opera sftawfs sclools toconto tflye the proper training- in itljgrtorer free catwottue w h iw president wrltef lors j w- s i i w 4 patterson main street georgetown phone no k copyright er srnaueataj to be qnlte honest hester was atur- iqg ahameleasly st the man opposite iter ahd the predoinlnuut ntimen4 iu liter mind a she stared was one of nt- miration tte mao sat in a posture or dejection bis sbonl ilers slouched for ward and hie cbln aunk down on his chest this wsii uol he rcinurkiilili thlnjr for it wa a nniurul uusttirt rur s insu begrlmttl mill hiuiiiiki rnuri liln ilnyii work ui thi klnuilon foun dry the rrniurkiihle t it lute i iiiith keen inmltrlit una ilmt ilu yimn tiinn did not look mm if lit were ineitiully mlouitilnu hi nil f iih rather jiiiife ruddy itrv uliflitiveii tmil hlukenel irulemqliely showed hlertltsk hu1 none of the net linen that mine from iihik aenfmleaderiitjk itriidirery in the fouihlry tlmi night after dinner hester nought her fsther ihe oyner hint inan- ngvr at the foundry in ills miikiv he held ho open utegazlne in hix imml hut his ferswtiy dettiriiilneil eacpreaalod nliowed to heater at a glance that his mind was not in the magazine but on the foundry no fjdr having troubled you dont tell me abont sh begun dritwtni her low chair up to hl and folding the uisguzine that rvsled lightly in his huuds if you milmt think ubout iiiihi- nenh think out lotul im eihhmaialy interested alwsvm mr kingifiiu little by llttl iinllled to his ilntighter that the ureihest antirie of worry in lite inunugiiutnl of his tiuslneaa was tuoid or lexa ttt a psychological duturt- it iknt llnwa in thii metal or wliortuife of fuel or truiih- pnitslloii troubles ttii irhe me luy greatest trnllhle its titnillik men i cut trust oiuetl nits hvnter i mis- trttt them all tbty un pulllui nwiiy froui nte and tbe uiau 1 feel the mkimi eonfidence in hi always the man that abows the telling weakncnh if ttiere were only h wuy to eut the utuillty of ises aa there is ti test metal then i tulifht uud inen to help shoulder the rnspoiitlljllltfei hesters suluiated exprekxiitn show ed the interest fm rrlt she lolil her father thai this reuiurk led up directly to the verythlug sdit bud in mind to ask him her only boliby outside of her beds of aptlng tloweru wits tlie study of futrea she bad workfd up for herself a system by wiilcti xli thought she could interpret men a a ml womens na tures and characters itiruugb their fu- cial outour to be vure in her twen tytwo yeara of life in a restricted cir cle of associates in tbe town where her fathers large foundry wuh located ahe had but little linucc to test her theories but thougli not extensive her tuily had been intensive now she asked her father for un opportunity to try it out she told liliu that she could help him to uud the rlgbl tuuu for tbe right place iu hia work if she could be permitted te study ttae moil in the fac tory and te test them by tbe stsudarda she bad werke4 our let as have a jotfas timekeeper something so that i caai see the uieu every day when they come to work they wont knew wtio i am and they will be off tbeir guard i know there ure men there that have the iiblllty needed to take the poaitlnns of trust hut decause you haro no way of ills- covering them they are wasted they remain in the rut doing something that la not big ennutell for their abili ties sad other men without so much hhlllty through aouie accident or ri more pushing nature take the bigger positions that ia why they so oritoti prove a dlaapnolntiuuut why this very afternoon 1 got on crowded street car at closing time just to study i lie mens faces there ws one vomit man shabby enough unci iippnivnily doing the crudest sort of work- inn any one could see that he had ability there was an expreaalon uiunii hia tiioiith a rugged dstenninaimu hun showed me what sort of a insu he was i know ill be able to help you wont you let me tflfj oirlbs the two won hip that followeu rletewssflmpuottof til job 6f time- luwnsvnn fileltiuujdrjr hiera wejji sev eral surprising proniotimis mill- more than one enforced renlgnuilmi all that mr klnidob would suy when asked for an explanation was that he had btiun adylsed by au nutlmrlty ou persona i ifflcloncy to make the changes ant that ii was due to uu pre judice of bis own whatever snveot coarse a perfect coonileuce in the ablty of tbe elllclsucy export who wait the efllclencr expert f it was admitted thnl be nmst be a man of same shrewdness kl r than one of fiamu it m iui u teshouoi ini an a ixnnelsblrtand overalls andvlajalitw oii eatjhigluuch withteother hen lulbe conrtyard at rtoon and consortuig with thera at closibg time rather than with tfie men lu tlo olhce departments no ooe was more puzzled than nor- gen lilimclf at his rapid visa if he wua st all plessed be did not show it and tliiwjts disappointing if not to mr kiugdon who had taken it fancy to the young man then at least to the daughter on whose persistent advice nbrgen hud received his repested pro- hiotlone already in his dogged al most surly way he had relieved king- dun of a great deal of worry in spite ot himself be was proving the tight ness of the advice of the efficiency ad viser one day norgen came abruptly to mr klngdon with his question who is responsible for my promotion he demanded if there is something be hind this i ought to know you might have supposed that he was complain ing about a plot to keep him forever working as fireman rather than lie- cause bf repeated promotions ive heard you employ an efficiency ad viser wall i want to know on what the expert bases his conclusions he spoke slowly and at times with broken english though it would have been hard to determine the nationality that his accent indicated if you dont wont to tell me ut least you ought to let me see this expert myself it is very important teu have seen the expert mr kiugdon said slowly and slaaost sol- emaly you see the expert every day four times s day and if i am not much mistaken you usually stop and chat with tbe expert for a few mln- utea when yen come in at noon in fact mr iclngdon was looking straight into the young mans face i have reason to believe that the ex pert occaalenally meets your after hours and allws you- to escort her part way borne norgens feee showed first annoy ance and then something akin to amusement a curious choice for sn efficiency adviser what does she knew of mens abilities he asked she picked yeu from the rest was mr klngdons answer and yon have made good i should never bsve no ticed yon even in a dosen years she seems to know her men and she la learnfbg more every day she is be coming invaluable its a rare gift a sort of second sight she might have found out the young man who went by the nam of norgen said and then be made a deaa breast ef the situation as a son of a large factory owner add sure some time te derive a large income through the operation of his own inherited plants be bad started out intent on learning at first band tbe pout of view of tbe men whose labor made possible the running of such fac tories the theory that he especially wanted to prove te himself was that tbe men who worked for his fathers plant bad no show and were ground down ail mere machines he even en tertained some highflown idea of re nouncing all claim to the inheritance if he could justify himself in the be lief that such was the case he bad really wished to remain in the klng- don factery eto toek a grim pleasure la the gruaaess of it and then hi spite ef himself and in spite of bis pretense of illiteracy his promotions bad begun instead of being able to go back t his father with an account ot the oppression of labor he would shew him the rare proof of his abili ties far he was now holding down a very important position for mr king- don and bad thoroughly mastered some of tbe most important phases of the large plant im a little inclined to be angry with yon he told tbe girl who bad been responsible for his promotions shu perhaps you have done ine more good than harm you have shown me that i have in spite of myself a great taste far the management of this sort of plant it has become absorbingly interesting i couldnt give up the idea now of taking ver my fathers plant some day and i had thought of giv ing it all up i have learned to look nt things quite differently now than would have been possible if has re mained in the boiler room as a flre- 76 y mmmesmtk omi v tliouudurjings ill theohw kijw that tbe yuuui bookkeeper vho wfs dhv r during tbe weeks that had when hester bad supposed him te be only one of the laborers in her fn- thera plant she had permitted a friendship to rise between them that seldom consisted of more than a stroll homeward together at night they never went more than five blocks to gether as neither wanted the other to know where home really was and now that yqu know who i am he said you arent going to despise mef we are none the less dear to each other are we i hud always dreamed alof marrying a girl likesjotirself s girl who know hard work a girl of tbe pedple whose world is not bounded by the narrow conventions qf lehnired so ciety im hester klngdon she said what a dreadful disappointment htlllr we might bnve met at any one of o domn bouse parties and never should have cared straw for each orlior ificin foiglve you for not be ing i hrawny unsiiooled stoker youll hilvo d forgive mo for nor bulng a nice little drkinilgiri idjnrt m course bu did miiifc 1 11

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