Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1918, p. 4

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m the georgetown herald wednesday novmuber oth 1018 in a pahaohctss yiw yxsfiv v iv if v te v s4 v c j v 4 5vfav just for toiaoht btiok ward turn bockwunl oh time in thy might take rao to canada juxt for to night far far away from the noitwi of this war whore machine guneu rattle and big gtinu roar back wliore its poocoful quiet and serene away from these trenches and all that they mean bank where instead of the shriek oaivljau v jr- i wejlieapiipaeefol uoleosftndmtiiow i tbe ipefnofy jof ftotjlo is fri iay 1 tnind rifcfw ib liaii dreairlltig i oft think uf how my jilother cafoasod hiainjii oallod l mo her6y i v- v r r- soadfvrfebt j ariov the afbel is qghmnagnt yuimfdrnilightj sphats- chy iwisb wbile tihrb that i could but reverbo the great v nandof tiriie v and while im writing these lines that i might beturn to thoo canada just for jpnight v tnaf t bo home juat for one peaceful night away from the worries and trials of this fight away from the kultur away from the orime away from the trenches bhell- holes and slime must i keep dreaming and longing in vain to btroll down the path with my sweetheart again and once more to love and be lov ed as of yore oh god isnt thai what you gave us life for could i but tonight while tlte bj8 guns roar knook and be weloomed at mothers front door be kissed once again by those dear lips so rare and once again fondle the now silvery hair see dad on the doorstop enjoying the breeze with two kiddies claiming the use of his knees then would 1 floe from hub ghast ly sight and return to thee canada just for tonight no honor thats gained on the battlefields hero can compare with tho love of the ones wo hold dear their true love embodying all that is best take me back father time to my homo in the west away from this land that is barren and cursed where the bold lust brings out in man all that is worst ohi just for one night to be back home again where is peace on earth and good will to all men oh god who is watching dear ca nadas best fighting dying and lying at rest instil in us courage to fight the good flghti and at length know the triumph of right over might and as i sit penning this very poor theme i wonder if time like an eor flow ing stream will ever turn back in its morci less flight and take me to canada just for tonight ca8toria for infants and children in use forovsr 30 years always bean tho signature of your thousand dollar victory bond will buy 200 gas masks or 200 pairs of soldiers boots or 460 bushels of wheat or 600 steel helmets or 1000 pairs of soldiors socks or 2000 lbs of high explosives or 4200 lbs of ohees or 28000 rifle cartridges or 60000 revolver cartridges trsppan attention mr m bohen buyer of raw furs will be- at brills store corner main and mill sts on monday nov 11th to buy raw furs of all kinds if yon have any to sell it will pay you to see him 2t heiwattiirtk of men wlio made daring drop tho pilol pushed back hia gocslea una motioned to me i could see tilt llpa more and though 1 could not hear a word hla excusu would not avail me or i knew very well that what he was try- itik to convey waa that we had reach ed the right altitude and that it waa time tor me to get out the open countrywide below look ed horribly far off to let oneaeir drop helpleuly into that aching vqiu seemed an utter madness bat i hud only myself to thank tor having iiukod to be allowed to make a low altitude descent from an airplane 1 bad tbe inventor word for it that the parachute woufu open in from iwo to two and a half aeopnda aay 150 feet of free fall ajtter that 1 jihctuld glide genujr tq the grptjnd no lipjsaw j tonchea f i to he of ana weite e eilfeklwease- 6rwlialpsinl- leealy along- mastering ny inclusauoo to glance over- tbiji 4 again i looked at the buckles of the harness and the release deylfce everything seem- ed to be all elf m tbeiaraetuteu- semjneattf folded ut ita taufflaehap eti cqhtouner waaottppedvjmhe jao of ahs lusela tb ww seconds aoeniea un fa nawyear veiitery lt49 f threw objje ovemrtie aldiaviidtnejoui9th- the pilot fiw his wore efnjfori able coekpl trhnned nouragkneqt were speeding at ninety mueri hoffetbromhtaiajr t abut my eyes and lot nlv for a aeeond- p lo l dropped like a stone and then i lelt a terrifle tng at the harneuvhlcti told me that the parachute had lelt its easing i could feel the increasing strain on the harness as the envelope opened and i swayed in wide mad ares- in v a tile empty all th e r up wards everything happened with sueh terrific rapidity that i hardly had time to aelu impressions but one field in particular loomed up as if to engulf me as a matter of fact li landed nearly a quarter of a mile away from it i waa fully supported now and dropping comparatively slowly barely missing the tops of some big elms 1 came down with a bump not nearly so bard aa i had expected before i bad time to get at the re lease the straining parachute had dragged me off my feet momentarily but i pulled the cottar pin out and got clear a little shaken up but otherwise none the worse tor my fall of 500 eet london dally mall ancient pirates history repeats itself is a saying almnsi too trite to joe quoted llow- evor the way in which england repeats history in the matter of dealing with the threat of oversea foes has nothing ut all trite about it there is tbe instance of the spanish armada and there is another story which la to be found in tbe apglo- saxon chronicle for the year 897 a d in that year alfred the great had to contend with the danish plunder ers of east anglla and northumhrla and the way he set about it was lo think how host to outdo the enemy on his own ground he ordered the building of long ships which were full nigh twice aa long us the othern they were not shaped either after the frisian or the danish model but so as he himself thouftht that they might be most serviceable six of the pirates appearing off tbe isle of wight and laying waste the coast up to devonshire the kings men and the kings ships went out and fought them so that only one of the danish ships got away to the bast anglian coast it la the same story wlth variations which mr uoyd george had to tell the house of commons the other day when he poke of tbe german submarine men ace to the countrys very exlstenco and the way british seamen have dealt with it a literary feat mrs humphrey ward in the rem iniscences whloh she is publishing in the cornhlll tells of a wonderful epi sode in which henry james translat ed at sight mr kiplings mc- andrews hymn into splendidly idiomatic french m bourget was of the company and though he reads and speaks english fluently he com plained of tbe technical expressions made use of by mr kipling in thu poem in question whereupon says mrs ward mr james took up the book sod there and then put mcandrews hymn into vlgoroi idlomatlo frescb an extraordinary teat as it seemed to m bourget as it would seem to anyone even though possessed of a complete mas tery of both languages for mcandrew is at home with such expressions as thrust block coupler flange erosshead libs etc which is a good deal more than can be said of the rank and file of kiplings readers dexestlna when gen smuts says that qer- many has all along been engaged in dishonest sod insincere trick in order to spread pacificism or a de featist spirit among the allies it is well to remember that just as he who dlggetn a pit shall assuredly fall into it germany today la facing as count reventlows words amply prove thx tearful defeatism running through german public life- i have one anxiety says the hohenxblloru prince henry of prussia according to the hamburger fremdenblatt it lies in the homeland and relates to tbe falntbearts and defeatists is not that exactly like saying we have been blown up by our own petard t jtob philosophy it takes a job to catch a job so use a job for bait it youve a job better job is quick ly caught id state a small job lands a bigger job ae- cording to my book without a job youre playing bob just fishing with bare hook goo fl is absolutely neoeavary to produce the beat u bread and paatry the noble brands are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario our real bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers probably we may have just what you have been looking for call us up and vve will be pleased to show you air list e a benham gjsksii get your counter check asssi insta i i i n i i ii in oi rewbi 4 1pays for itself iy the coal itsaves more heat less ccal most durable most economical costs least for rfvr3 w c anthony dealer georgetown giving helptocanada the victory bond good investment though it is is a great deal more than that it is the docu mentary proof that its possessor has an active and living impulse to aid canada in carrying the bur- vcljtns thatf bayebeen imposed orj herbythe tj j i 6iji ttoe1j0ih t wvi j vp jihse pfat voorislfuctjve wort that will follow ipeflcei v v r l vi r vwtc r v- i i h n ii t- i i t h i the pure food store phone 75 swat kaiser coal the best soranton goal in all sizes portland cement floue feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone so wfrv no shovelling rqnird 16 wfd- tiirshln irjtbfees sinftirift aijd cuvinol cat hi fiiicst i carry oveiiyuilngsto tif folrndh ibaft- mitqdjitj cqlnjrjval yard 0 i iswolafso the bridge to the british market the victory loan is a bridge over which the farmers of can ada drivetheir hogs their cattle their grain and all their surplus crops to the profitable british market for the money raised by the victory loan enables canada to give credit to great britain and only by means of that cred it can great britain buy the products of canadas farms therefore when you come for ward at your countrys call and loyally lend your money that canada may continue hjer vig orous prosecution 01 the war you are also benefitting your self and the whole farming community it is the duty of every earnest canadian not only to invest heavily in victory bonds 1918 but to work among his neigh bors to make the loan a success before the subscription lists close every man should realize the sterling character of the investment the good interest return of si the undoubted security offered in the bonds of this wealthy nation and the vital importance to all classes of people particularlyjo the farm ers of the victory loan 1918 administrators notice to creditors and others bt tat estate of abigail sptera daoaasad the creditor of abigail spibju late of the village of georgelbwn in the county of halton widow deceaxed who died- on or about the twenty lifth day of august 1918 and all others having claims against or entitled to share in the estate arc hereby notified lo hend by post prepaid or otherwise deliver lo the undersigned ad- miuistrutorxj on or before the sixteenth day of november 191h their cliribtiail and surnames uddrcskeand descriptions and lull purtifiilarx of their claims ac- comuik or iittcifkt and the nature ol the securiliok if any held by them imme diately after ihe said sixteenth day of no vember 19th the akkett of the ttaid de ceased will be distributed amonm he parties entitled thereto ha v ins rvythrd on ly to claims or inlurcsts of which the kx- eculor or ailininitrutor shall then have notice and all others will be excluded from ihe said distribution national tbikt comiasv lrn adminisl rater 22 kiuj si kant toronto onl w a k cvmphkll iort hop onl its solicitors herein dated at toronto ihi 2st ilav of oct ober 19ik we can not supply your needs in butter paper at the herald yes its different results that count tho reason is the differ eronco in the service given personal attention to evory student this different servioe gives different results tde guelplt business college herald building guelpb i ontario is acknowledged to be tho superior placo for training youpe interest ed call today or writo yon can start on monday t i i top a committee in of finance of 1m hour grain feed we have just received a large shipment of monarch hog feed and sampson feed these are two good feeds and give good results order a cwt today a quantity of choice timo thy seed we curry a full line of poultry bupplits grit oyster shell charcoal poultry regulator lice cil ler disinfectant phone 19s for prices georgetown standards anthracite scranton coal in all sizes sautomttticjiily scioonml nndl loiulotl coal i yf t v ty- tey wvi li aibaiiv maker we keep in stock a full line of light and heavy harness- trunks bags and everything found in an uptodate shop repairing neatly and prompt ly done w a bailey halo street georgetown insurance fire and accident mrs roe 3 j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixture sewer fjfce ft cemetft tinsmlthing i i plumbing v i hot air heating hot tater heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 25 georgetown ont arthur bcastelli t 8 f oalses of mtudo liondon gnsrlanrt oholrmstatsr presbytsriaa ohiureb ooraatown teaoher of piano or- kan cornet violin andinking tuition foe in any branch 6 per term of 20 lessons nt my resi dence main st georgetown or at pupils home pianos tuned jtwine wire fencings buereries wagons ploughs floury sbantz wilkinson walking and riding plougl car of plymotb binder twine wilt be sold very reasonable for flash s2 phone lpl r 88 thos e hewso norval ont spec choice f ii tl mmmf wif- 4ji iliiiiik m a rrrvivirr mwm i5f lt v-fyfsfi-

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