Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1918, p. 2

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kfaaaaaisisssissaiii w h willson leading funeral di rector and embalmer oflwo oppohili mirihantn uank opiii dny jinj niifht georgetown oat phone 4 kswamhsbbi married ccrrt- cllalkkkoit november 7th 1 at st tnrs church cieoriee- lown by rev win burt conirtance younct daiirlttir of mr and mm john ilmlker surrev england u cliarlr f cutt of alton died emit on thursday morning october 17th roy cecil kdjjo ged yeare i month and 1 uuyi son of mr and mr hkd it nv n mtinorian s iiiwk a- b pastel iifjv k tj v husband and family ilkhdimsonin loviag memory ofc our slnriiojf iary cfirlhm beloved mod yoilllfaeift daughter- of j- ftud m hpfteionvlwdpte4 thbitifu no- when the news was received in town on tl ursday last about 1 pin tbat the armistice hod been sign- ed by the german representative and that the war was practically over everybody prepared to cele btate our mills factories schools urd business places were closed flags and bunting were prfusely dis played bells rang and whistles tje band tttnojjed of olen- ijlaijind qttqicmifoifttfc- ipec jaderbj1tjof astell- opened the ur6if ingviiii the jjullie sottool imiure by playing the national antpeiri a monster prqcossido vas then farmed led by reeve fleartwell sloijor jlanfc anl tfteband ami wheee lectii arid toivfig lotltfjllwilf irar pijorqrt-o- tkati ohrthiiitj6ililoth ciili i s i w pahjiettiaflyijmtiilojitflourdainmttc sslmfory ho rafried tier wine vtind placed hor fcuon thojrokjt reels obooie styovjl hciniv v as ttlpu hast called u reeigtr what most we pflsed itiuwer wae mine we only yieltxhee what i thine thy will bedone v faherlajtberl prytheranu sister the georgetown herald wednesday novmeber 18th 1918 ik oub rejoicing at the con clusion of this bloody war and the great victory of right over might lets not forget to offer up a prayer for strength and comfort for the parents wivoa sweethearts and especially the mothers of the brave boys who will never return the boys who died that wemight live heroeh of the greatest war in history foutht for the freedom of the world and won theirs wob a noble death and in this hour of triumph wo rojoice in the fact that such noble sons were born and that their death has not been in vain god bless the mo there dont buhkuhibe for a fifty dol lar bond if you can afford to take one for ton times that amount your own knowledge of your own financial condition and your owrj conscience must be the guides as to the amount of your subscription a canvasser ount toll you how much to invest in dollars all he can do is to sufgest that you in vest aji you can the amount you must decide for youirolf but dont get the idea that you have done your full duty if you invest only fifty dollars when you can af ford to buy bonds for twice oi twenty times that amount church news big peace celebrations at georgetown and glenwilliams milla faatoriea schools and bui- laem plmoea closed tor afternoon thank god lor great victory rfroobededdowtimain st io i op iflie mkiiwijiiyij atfr- jouncing jkbeliss of yity fybnii tjh baj saind lee ve hettvtttoiv cfdjod onvrev vj catiierqii who led in prayer tbttnkinh alniighty 0d ifprvthf grjetaf victory won speecnobifoljowed iymfliborrnit bx- wardfenj tj fl fjsdk iftjor gardiner abd- councillor t x speight v the band then played abid with me- while the large gatbekr- ing stood wilh bared heads tliree cheers and a tiger tor the king and allies was followed by select ions by the band much flag wav ing and blowing of trumpets to glenwilliams at the corner of main and mill streets the procession was reform ed and proceeded to glenwilliams by autos where another celebrat- ionw as held speeches were mode by major grant and mr george beaumont several selections were rendered by the band followed by cheers for the king and allies although this celebration now appears to have been a little prem ature as later reports proved the news to be false no one was sorry for the action taken the good news of the post week was suflci- ent cause for rejoicing and giving thanks to the almighty for the as surance of a speedy termination of the awful bloodshed and the tri umph of right over might georgetown wins hag leads haiton county in the victory loan cam paign smaller municipalities doing well presented with first honor flag card of thanks we hereby oonvey our sincere thanks to friends and nohdihoih for tboir uroat kimlneflk and hvid- pntlijr extended to iih in our sad hpiili vuliieiit iiillkid by the liiil h of a helm il koii nut iiihikiiui- in our ixmiii mil v luiman and fmiiy notice to creditors in tbo eaitnte of bamncl jeffory ly unit dtkoiod noticv in ruftlty yiwn ttuil all pt4oiii tiiimu laiinv iiiinsi ihc- lstate it kamrki j km ik ivons iinot the tttvniliit o ivsijiu siii4 m llu coutily ij haltun liuit c ilctiftill whi itij or about ilu- 1 went vlourth iluy ol mar tli l no rftuir1 to send or ile- inn to he niklermiiiej solioilof for mar lutein tiiiriuiitlniirix ol ihc kstute ol tlu aid jirisct lull part iultn ol tlioir vtiiinm hrl vihci by uuitmor dfclaitt- iiutuon orltitvthfc iir- i50h l43f mrljtyjl ebb- ru-aiuu- niiiihratvi ivm proctcy iiiajnc ttie kssrtt ftb mfti ifocafird nnuftiffev hr puitw erttoleu lhcrotmvnf ppafci only to the ifluiiiis ol iv hit h she halllheii have rvervait iitltitild hur will pot be itilblu lvlrjlt sdx ifcst jwit tbtrvof li rtnitrjiiifofwfrpi ulnun jioiifc jiinih demtwrrd ritlicluni v st geobgeb on monday inst the church was opened at 480 am when the ring ing of the bell announced the sign ing of the armistice even at that early hour there were those who came to offer thoir thanks to god for his jroat mercies and from that time until noon the church wbb hardly ovoi ompty at 10 oolock a service of praise and thanksgiving was held when the rector emphasized the fact tbat on such a day as this it is our duty to put first things first in other words to locognio that al though we have won the victory we were only the instruments of a righteous god and it is only fit and becoming on our part to re cognize that fact by coming into his courts and in humbleness of spirit rather than in confident boasting rendering to him the tribute of grateful hearts the services on sunday noxt will bo of a thanksgiving nature there will he holy communion at 11 oclock and evening prayer at 7 pm st axbanb a special service of thanksgiv ing was held in this church on monday afternoon last at 2 oclock the sorvico on sunday next ut 8 oclock will be of a similar charac ter and it is hoped that under such ci routnstancos and having re gard to our indebtedness to god that many will take advantage of this set vice baptist there will be special thanks giving for the oiobo of the war sunday morning and evening the pastor will proooh in the morning and in the evening there will be a series of short addresses interspersed with songs of praise the general themo of the evening will be spooial reasons why wo as canadians should be thankful a warm welcome will be extended to everybody como and lot us give thanks methodist the morning service will bo in memory of our young soldier ivan green who joined tho university tank battalion the subjeot of he evening sorvico will bo thanks with honor rev capt a w robb will ad- dross an opon mooting in the methodist cliurotion this wednes day at h oclock capt robb has monday was another day of re- joicing in town the official re- port that gormany had accepted the terms of the allies was re coivedat 880 am almost immo diately the bells and whistles were brought into action again and a large bon fire built on main st citizens tumbled out of bed to hear the glad news and join in the rejoicing reeve heurtwell posted a pro clamation declaring a publio holi day and everybody began to cele brate in various way a monstor procession was formed at 0 oclock and headed by the band proceeded ddwn main st to church along to charles thence by factory to main and on by way of queen and king 8ts to glenwilliams after the band played a couple of select ions on the lawn of mrs s beau mont the procession reformed and returnod to town at 9 pm another procession was formed and beaded by the band proceeded to the park where ad dresses were delivered by reeve heaitwell dr nixon m p p major grant councillors cook spoight and rush r j hynds inhlie evening another large bon fire was built on main st thoro was a good display of fireworks and an effigy of the kaiser was consigned to the flames amid the cheers of tho big gathering in the morning parade a number of boys had tbo kaiser in a coffin with his boots on and after carry ing him in the parade consigned him to the flamos the odor from this effigy was as rotton as the heart of the beast who has brought so much sorrow on this old world sheriff webster and party from norval joined in the morning par ade on tho back of his oar was a largo effigy of the kaiser with a rope around his neck attached to this was a card bearing tit words the kaisers doom 1korgetown district has the honor nr being ihr first in haiton to win the vlctohvjjoan honoh flao they have done more for they have also been awarded a crown for having already subscribed over 26 per cent more than their objective the objec tive for this district was 176000 and to day as we go to press the amount already subscribed is 224600 or im 2 per cent the highest in the county haiton county to day stands second in jhe province lets put her ahead and if everybody duos their bit we can at a large gathering in tho armories inst evening mr ferguson of the central committee toronto presented the beautiful honor flag to exwarden l e fleck chairman of the local committee mr fleck on behalf of the committee presented it to reeve heart- woll for the town splendid addresses were given during the evening liv chairman fleck senator r bliiin mr thompson major grunt c h duyfnot col noble and reeve llonrtwel the band furnished music following is the standing of haiton districts inday per en i 1 2h2 126h 88 7h6 jfih hk15 total georgetown 224600 acton 207800 burlington 20h860 milton s40150 okville i 17860 1284160 military news le jim pedley lias been awarded the military cross for bravery on the in id on august htli and oth last he has recovered from his wound and is again with his battalion in france we are pleased to see our old friend mr fred beaumont of glonwilliams who recently return ed home from france after doing his bit looking halo and hearty welcome home fred tho following lettor was recolv ed by mr a g green in regard lo his son pte ivan t green who died on october 21st the marriage of mr charles chesnoy and miss gertrude louth took place quietly on monday last at tho parsonage norval the rev a s trueblood officiated after the ceremony the happy cou ple started for cleveland ohio whore they will make their homo norval had a big celebration on monday evonihg school children marched bon area were lighted and the oftlgy of the kaiser burned a musical program was given in tho hall by local lalont and had throe years of war experience i speoohos were mudu by col noble to relate come and hoar him i major brown sheriff webster our weekly prayor meeting jon rev forgusson and hav truo- thursday ovoninfi at 8 ocloolc blood knox church the sacrament of the lortls supper will bo dispensed rn knox church next sabbath morning november 17th the thanksgiving sorvice for the great victory will be held on sabbath morning november 24th no 1 can tank bn bovington camp wareham dorset october 24th 19ih dear mr andmrs green you have had long before this a cablegram informing you of tie death of your son ivan tremaine green lie died about 7 oclock on monday morning the 21st of october i had been in to see him frequently while he was ill and bod little talks with him and when his condition became serious wo read a few words of christ and of fered a prayer together he knew his illness was dangerous but was not afraid of death on sunday evening late i called in at the hos- i whon the procession came nenr the church tho bell commenced to toll and continued until the body reached the graveside carried on the shoulders of the bearers the coffin covered withn large union jack a goodly number of his friends ffom the camp had already gathered in the cfanrolr yorift his comrades had further shown thei feelings by placing on the coffin a wreath of whito chrysanthemums and orchids attached to it was a tord with tho words in loving memory of our comrnde from of ficers and men of section 4 a co no 1 can tank bn after the simple burinl service tho firing party fired three shots over tho grave and then the bugler blew last post after which the sol diers were formed up in thoir various parties in id marched back to camp wool is a pretty lilt it village of erhapi 800 people it is quaint and old fashioned with its winding streets its lowly cottages with thatohod roofs and ivy covered walls and porches beside it runs a cloarrunning stream called the frome tho old church is at tho edge of the village on the first ter race of a hill that runs hack by gentle slopes with green fields and hedges to tho higher heathlojld jt is indeed a lovely sheltered ifrlace llttlo gods acre whore yqur jn iietuff j fdtrili iittlufr ihv frtlding i yrt gry miirn 9 ym bred lo ierclieron and filly colt by spjirlimat nidr the ithovi itoadsur coll art- nil sired by standard hreil sires and iut of hiiih mare as llaxi1 h an3 her full ifur golden bell siikkp- kegliliivd colkwoldll e i hrid ui ootl sis soim of tlitijlorl of imported dams 10 ewe inillbh li ml iniiihi ram j shears thcue area ii eovered lok of sheep and many el it ewes are shearlings and i wo ilieirv lmilkmknik kiv horse rake k i logging sleigh and bunkat land rol heavy wajroti and rough hoxj wheel l ultivator good m new rubber m bujrfry pole and shafts kod at n set of long tujf names el ol plow h- niim some poultry all will he sold without renervr un a fuller underwent a serioun operation lat spring and has seeded lus lanu down and intends pasturing- it morning traiuk will lie mt at tiorval slariou otr tkrmk- poultry and all sums of si 000 and under cash over thai amount 11- mofiths credit on approve d ioftu nolr ov farm stpck tjje undersigned has been iiittuct- j by r dajvemblifvft jh 4nvybberi jnkvfllnviidjninuirrarrjjt fjiid vsiuc filv wrr lioflifini l i- nwh a briitivp- v joo oftmuv- v s v registered stock tbo uudonjfiud has rroofvod intitritt- tionsfrvia t vlilhk ftkos rokfll by public auotyoii it lot 21 fth litir wfitt chiiikiihcqtihy four mtlet from nor val suitioo i kkidav novkmbkk tsni ut one oflckk the following- mokses registered mares- bay marr ayr in foal to irhtceof greenhall bay mure 4 ym bred to gulden favuurilr brown tnaie 4yrs in toal to goldvii la- vountc liny mare 3 yrs bred bay mure 2 yiw the above mares are a good lot out ol imported dams and aired by import ed sires rome ascot imp 10 ym in loal to gulden kavourite and entire colt at uide by golden kuvourite buy entire colt by miltons last dam rouie axcot imp orades brown mare 7 yrs bred to miltons laut and lilly colt at side by mil tons iatt black gl mare 10 yrs bay gelding 2 yrs by miltons last percher- ou guiding 3 yrs bay hlly i yr by mil tons last black filly yr by dan mac- nab stundard bred lilliek chestnut mare 3 yrsj chiktmit marc 2 yr bay filly 1 yr brown iiriii lilly koadstersclicstnul gcluuij 5 yr a jfood kind clicmnut fcldiny 4 yrs bay marc 3 yrs chetinit klinr 2 yri iheslmit jjelding 1 yr mspt fey jjhblfetiijttion up loii usbyrjolitiwny hotivy bliy huriie vrsi by hollotvuy a-wxji-hiitcoiid- utvni a yrold huy 1 yr otdflfly mucking coltby jlollowilyt lirood marts 8 foal cattie- cowtt yjs iu6- in de cow 8 yrs duo in ive cow a yr t in jan e ii yrn dim in jan cow 4 yrs tw in jan cow 7 yrs due in jan cow l yrs duo in mar cow s yrs due in mar cow a yrs due in mar aged jersey cow due in mar cow 4 yrs duo in april cow 9 yrs due in april 10 yearling steers h year ling heifers calf 8 mos 9 spring calves durham bull it yrs dur ham bull 10 mos plob tamworth sow and- h pigs a number of young thorough bred plymouth rock roasters iso bags potatoes tekms 11 months credit on approved joint notes u per cent per annum for cash fowl and potatoes cash k k walkeb men ibtch clerk auctioneer jd bntrrrrrrrrma1 atmifr thejtoisstore making friends with fortune m fortunr favors the man or the nation that- bonds thy wit hdpher tn they yvill hjelp ojai 9 l r wk cprgetqwi vfhwev120 ugaclawh tairrrisfvi ani knftllflnisnlov ardnte fbr gtocjtwell ilohderson xt co dyers aqdeanermtordntti 1uumjlub frmmimluua jbriu g m buy victory bonds georgetown creamery pasteurized milk on and after monday nov 4th we shall be pleased to supply the public with any quantity of pasteur ized milk at 1 2c a quart georgetown creamery co m saxe manager h vl fall bargains for immediate possession norval pita and found him very weak then asked him if he had any word to send to you that i intended to write you noxt day he suit to send you bis best love and if he didnt getjbetter not to mourn too much for him i asked him if 111016 was any particular requests he wanted to make and he said no just to send his love we repeated tho lords lrayer to gether and i offered a short prayer for him and for you the first word i got in the morning was that ho had passetl away i thought he would have lived an other day but it seems ho had grown vory weak lie was tiujtil conscious up to almost the lust so tho nurse told me you will be glatl to know that he roceived every uttuntion that skill and kindness could suggest he had a private ward and the nurses were unremitting in their efforts to have him tho medical officer too did all ho could for li i tit tho funeral was hold on wed nesday aftornoon at i 110 the cortege left the hospital ut the oamp proceeding to tho churchyard at wool about a mile and a half away tho body enclosed in a neat coflln with name plate was convoyed on a guncarriage and had na pallboarois six of his com rades tho depot band played tho usual slow music and the firing party marched with arum rovorued the sons body lies buried the day of the funeral tho sun was shining brightly and no oircumstunce was wanting that had yon been there would have tonded to ease yoiir burden of grief in my prayer at the grave we remembered tho griefstricken ones in canada asking that you might be given strength to hear your burden may that prayer bo abundantly answered clod give you tlie blessed vision of faith to koo beyond the darkness atrrj separ ation of the grave to t lie glad re union in his helter tjivndin liis own good time yours in dec icst sjrupathy geo c v ivingle capt iresbytoi inn chaplain 1st can tank bn 100 acres 3 miles irrom orton ja ready to- wear goods for fall hs nores workable balanoe swamp and bush maple cedar 80 acres fall ploughed soil sandy loam plonty of water 2 wells and crook solifl brick house 7 rooms summer kitchon bank baru h 8x115 stnblink underneath for 18 cattle and 6 horsos cement floor in cuw stable utraw shod 40x48 driving shed 22x40 silo school 2 miles church a inileh rural mail prioe 5800 terms arranged 100 acres 2 miles from ospringe dc rcros workable balance bush maple and beech 45 acres fall ploughed boil clay loam plonty of wator frame house 8 rooms bunk barn fita78 tieup 16 bead cattle 0 horses water in stables ce ment ttoorh hog pen driving shed 2fix80 school li miles rural mail price 7500 terms arranged famous wash heals skin odd ili rratihl of tkiii rrmrdiew will remihu thowt kin umliitlutmlliai have inntle your lil a hurilfn thai intolet- able itching inirnini nut iliaeoittfort will tlikappuar mulct thr uuiic nftliit remedy it lias ciireil ntai y cahen i4iiounred in curable niul will reach your cuse we guarantee the first liotllcto hrfiij you re lief watson farm two miles from acton 200 acres 126 acres workable balance bush hardwood codur hemlock and basswood soil clay to sandy loam stqnehouso 7 rooms gootl divided cellar with pease furnaoe bank barn oflxfio cemented loom timi is head cattle li horses driving house and shed 00x24 fianio pin pen 18x24 hen hotiso 12x24 kilo 10x2tt school 4 mile prioe 813000 terms arranged 100 acres seven miles from adon l v iioukjgan drugfrlst georgetown 04 roros workable halanco bush 2 acres orchard soil clay loain plenty of water now cement block house s rooms hot air furnace new rnnk ham 70x70 cement flpor tieup 16 hoad of cattle f horses pin pen driving shed 80x60 rural mail price 18000 terms arranged town property fourteen acres in the village of georgetown all workable nico orchard frame cottage 7 rooms and eelltr bank barn with driving shed nt one end pig pen ond hen home prioe 83500 terms arranged- wuloughby farm agency georgetown here in canada when the word goes forth to lend let us all be worthy of the gallant boys who have given up home and comfort and even life itself for the cause of victory and buy victory bonds i jacksons main street ge0rget0w1 wmtr i mm rvmr victory bond m your child will value it in years toc6me it will remairi as a token of the part you played in the struggle for freedom cs iy ijvjrf t v i i jitj i x il ira if

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