Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1918, p. 3

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o5juisaisas skwksmbt w- j iv matthews drug store laying a foundation when you buy a victory bond you are laying by something that may be the foundation of future wealth th- millionaires all say that the first hun dred dollars is tlir hardest to get make the begin ning with a- victory bond personals mih f j barlior and kim gord- m of toronto wore wpik end vih- lois in t own mr anil mrs p ieiihon of flan ilton visited liicmlk in gioikcuiw nnd llenwilliumx iliirint tli work l epidemics of other days oholera eighty years ago imnj- tfraut fever in 1841 h wry bad the present outbreak ol spunuli influenza is by fur tin mod hviiouk epidemic tliitt hus urnimit in can adli vituivriceiit yemtn hut the rjitjbi w hsi v oo the wht boif jr auction sale of farm stock the imdoiimkned iiiik received in- htructioiih from septimus thompson in sell by public auction at bix i nreinisek hth lino at george- town on i monday novkmbbr 2fl 1hih i at 1 oclock tlio following i hoithr black marc 0 yfs attik holntein cow 5 yr cnlf at foot blue cow oulvod tl vl pure bred ayrshire cow due mar li rcil cow l yrt doe dec 10 grudi durham cow 6 yin due mar 20 crudo durhuni vow due apr 10 holytcin cow due in may uriure beifer inilkriij well ml cow kvv turn- f 7 t v i bap c fc kst v ciinfcctfc vhn otto wpjjm power eiu thpuh l lkv tlie- oiriit wifevdoww buy lioiuls foivictory tfoy taxes are darsi i- yoiiilijiv not- jajavyoir uvjjwlu yoaajkiniafccito titjk wmv ywil jinwit tbsftrotrtve yvrrtvfalji flipxicorgcttwn creijmery lute ihit itt a cqrplettr ojitih for ijastdjitisi- frlfr milk widis tjqjje htipplyjrijf il ihrue nuuwr l of customers wi t h choice milk pimtelirizod and ubt tldby trje mqs ujtbdatomin wry proce88 every bottle lit thoroughly cleaned and sterol ixrl i kit if tv in jt fux theatre ohiih toninbl lljive you paid your taxck well it wont take the oer- iiillub long to discover thai their goats name was billy some corrchpondeneo was un avoidably crowded out of this is sue it will appear next week it in now expeclod that the dominion parliament willl meet in january or very early in february those knitting for the patri otic letigue can obtain the wool any time lit imiaa kimtoii home short skirts for ladies have their disadvantagex at the falls last weok a woman wau arrested with four bottlek of whiskey in her stockinkb ben petoh son held a most successful bale of pure bred jot sey cattle last week tho calf whioh was sold for tho red cross brought 85 the womens auxilliay of st georges church will hold thoir annual sale of work on thursday deoombei fith watch for fur ther particulars all members of vardun re- bekak lodgo no 184 foof are requested to attend regular meeting on tuesday nov luth important businosu on 22nd inst the ontario railway and municipal board will visit aoton to hoar in aiiplication for the annexation of about 108 acres of the township of bjuoing by the corporation of the village at a meeting of the connnsr- cial traveller association on sat urday night mr c j tufchill an old georgetown boy was elected president by acclamation forty years ago he was salesman for grant thompson co j subscribers owin to the holiday on monday we were un able to change the date labels of those who have paid their subsc riptions recently as announced last week however you may look for correoted dates next issue np to nov 1st ihb milton reformer com menced its h4th your of publication on november 1st bro white has been at the helm from the date of its birtb n 1886 and has displayed the same grit throughout these long years we like to read this newsy exchange because notwith standing its politics the editor is wiite still t b moorohead has enlarged his candy kitchen by installing a maruhmnllow machine and a 8 horsepower engine hn claims ho can mako a marshmallow equal to ony on the market we notice ho offers us soma of this now product this saturday t- about wholesale price bo says there is two things we should buy this week victory bonds and marshmallow dont talk war bjt talk about the mofherson oris calf shoe the only registered shoe made in ontario waterproof costs you g or 7 anywhere but at ronoys froin faotory to foot for 600 i am bound to back up what 1 ad- vortise and will make georgetown the cheapest plaoo in ontario for good boots will allow you a fair price for your old boots as i do re pairing os usunltroney tho man without opposition s peace hath her victories aauirai l hey are today o wl- spitn- isli mlyeatiugh uie tulaltticf ihujtlnv fnjritwerepvs if mill v v tho eneuiios of civilization are taking tho count one by one bul garia turkey austria all have auooumboa to the terrific 6nslaugts of great britain and her glorious allies and perhaps before this sets into print the instigator of jilifl foul oriipe against humanity the once proud gorman ismpire may havo thrown borsolf on the mordy of the world that mil bo tho ponoa that seenied so far away only a fow short wcoks ago how glorious it will ho to kno that our boys ovor tbore are through lltthtiug andwo will preparo w bring thorn homo and to 1eostabliuh them in peocaful pursuits poaoo hath her victories no less renowned than war it is for ustlion to removo the difficul ties wo soe in our path and- we oan do this by lending tho govern ment to the limitof our rtbilltyso that industry will not lag and can ada will face the now problems with serenity and oonfldenc inv before being mind rex theatre wednesday the antitk of ann a paramount comedy drama featuring ann pennington- a victory loan appeal with doro- othy dal ton and a 2 part sennett comedy an excellent line of pictures is being secured for friday and sat urday watch for dates for tho final episode of the mystery 8hip victory loan conowt the victory loan concert last thursday evening drew a full house exwarden l e fleck occupied the chair and made the opening address in the interests of the victory loan a splendid pro gram was rendered by the premier concert co of toronto whioh was intorsporsod with two excel lent addresses by rev capt wood cock late of the 164th batt and rev hiram hulk everyone was urged to invest in victory bonds norvl station the following is the report for ss no 2 ching for the month of october names are in order of morit iv nellie ridley freda morris leslie young etta harding wil fred leslie ill ina campbell hugh clark walter ridley sr ii lucy harding bossie campbell robert anderson wil- ma ridley fred harding jr ii arthur clark lloyd les lie john bird alex anderson donald clark sr i eveline young nollio hancock florenoe hancock jr i hazel ridley donald campbell ellen harding pr a mary anderson cecil soper b joe hancock earl lliltz wilfred hilt gordon soper m e bird teacher cils cttfllitijhftsj eipenejicyd juyjju yeiiithcvfla veryiheiny uiunii mfatkiii ftipm thti brit4li ibiiih dirrinij the vrwoflst511 had cuiiseil taevt ravages ml orwit britain the british government counseled that very fareful pvepar iitions hsgirinrttthitdiscvm fthouw- he made jw anudii money wm voted to insure full sanitary tie walking plow tehmtf- 10 arid tffflrcaalr ftvvr tiljiu rtnionj10qlithif v jt on apprqed jilrptnotos ballinalad annivorsay service will beheld in tho methodist church on the 17th miss lue nickell of limehouse has returned to her home after spending a week with her friends miss wilda rozel mr and mrs byard hilts who have spent the summer with the tatters mother have returned to thoir home in grand valley mr and mrs hendry of weston motored up to their farm here last thursday mrs walkor and miss irene who had intended spending the winter with friends here were called suddenly to the home of mrs walkers daughter mrs gordon eugenia on account of siokness mr and mrs john collins of gait attended the funeral of mrs james campbell last week this little hamlet has escaped tho flu pretty well so far cant inns ci rouse isle thirt miles below quebec was establish ed as a quarantine slntion to which purpose it has been applied to this very day medical ofllcers were appointed and temporary hospitals erected nor were these preparations un- needed on the uth of j uue ibs2 news reached quebec that a vessel from dublin had arrived with 188 passengers of whom no fewer than 59 nearly half of the total num ber had died on the voyage the following day as though borne by the wind or caused by the peoples fear fifteen attacks of cholera were roported at quebec of which seven proved fatal the disease broke out in montreal next day thence it passed to kingston and toronto and other towns in upper canada and raged with great virulence between the uth of june and the 80th of september 1882 the people who died from the malady number ed 82f2 during tho hummer ot 1884 cholera was twice epidemic in to ronto people becamo alarmed as to the sanitary condition of the place in 1886 the toronto board of health addressed a communica tion to the city council relative to the deplorable state of filth and incloanncss in tho city they oxpressed the most serious appro- hension for the lives and health of thoir fellow citizens they urged proper drainage and the removal of the accumulating filth and nuis ances which form so frequent a source of disease other outbreaks of cholera hap pily far less virulent than the one in 1882 occurred in canada in the years 1840 1861 and 1854 in the year 1847 what was known as immigrant fovor broke out iu this country this was really a result of the potato famine in ireland as a result of improper nourishment owing to the faihiro of their staple food and of other causes the emigrants who left ireland for this continent wore dooimafod by ship fever and n hundred of those who died either on board ship or at the quarantine station were buried at grosse isle thero were many cases of the horrible disease in toronto and in attending those stricken bishop power and dr grasett con tracted the malady and died there from it has to be remembered that at the time of the virulent out break of cholera in 1882 the po pulation of upper and lower can ada combined was only 700000 honco tho 8202 deaths from chol era in loss than four months would in proportion to population be equal to over 86000 at the present time wlion la grippe first made its apiiearunco in 1800 the population a the whole dominion was under 6000000 and that of toronto was only about 160000 castor i a for infants and children in use forovr30 year always bera the signature of new advertisements to rent frame cottage on chnrleu si lo mm ii w kuiinody loihtf house fob saxb on george st now a few yeurn ago will bet sold reukoimblo awson georgetown apply lo h 9tf house to rent 6 roomed house on george st kloclrit lighlh witter apply to j h mnekuuzit im33t for sale pure brod oxford down hum lamb nlo 4 sllropuhlro breeding owci jumcs suirk lot 12 5th line enqueuing 1 11321 poultry for sale 34 spring chickens nnd 10 limn wyiio- dots and while hocks apply mm a hume roaottu st georgetown up for saie a quantity of household furniture apply to j kitchen or phono 133 itp sheep lost two ewea with tag hi ear bearing name reward dlnuo vannilcr pnlllnit- fd vva wtjsoy- vsjik f jceh yv v wtsv v v crbjjw auction sage of r 1 oo- head of cattle the findersigned bosrecpivjd iq- htructlontt from frjllxwrtofllesworth in sell b pnhlic a nctinii lit lot i buy victory bonds team for hire owing lo tin hiiildiiw nimhon ovor wc are now in a pouitiun ttjunintf for ilr piihllr apply to j u mackenzie 1 11331 hiving in do for sale 10 choice jloutein heiruru t f mc donald choltonlmni phone 41 r 5 lip house to rent frnme hpumaon churcti hti for rrnt uotit cheap apply lo a covontry cicortilown 1 162lp tenders wanted tenders will be received by the clerk up to november ffilli 1918 for the opera ting of tho skating rink for 1918 appli cants lo state salary per week r 1- heath village clerk 100 reward will be paid lo any neraon giving infor mation hint will load to the return of cittue 3 heifers ond 8 steers which stray ed from lot 37 con 8 ksqiieslrig about sept 30tb h p lawion georgetown 7lli line esqucsing j iqile north of hornby on thursday nonkmbkr 21 st it 1 oclock the following cattlk- durham eow 4 yrs calf at foot durham cow 4 yrs calf at foot durham cow 0 yrs calf at foot durham cow 7 yrs jersey heifer calf at foot holstein eow 4 yrs due dec 1st durham cow 4 yrs due doc 1st durham cow due feb 1st durham cow lue mar 1st durham cow duo apr 1st holstein cow due mar 1st durham cow fat u durham heifers durham hull 8 mos stkkuw is steers short keeps 85 stee rw feeders lf steers year lings sllkkl2 oxford ewes 4 ox ford ewe lambs yorkshire sow due dec 14th tkkmri- 10 months credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes 0 per annum off for cash veal calves to bo cash bun petch auctioneer auction sale clearing auction sale of horses implements etc the under hi urnid has lfn inhtriitled by a mai11nson lo litu by public miction al lot 10 loth con knquening on saturday november 16rn a i 2 oclock the ioiiowiiik horsks- bay horw s yru bay horxc 6 yrtt bay horw 10 yr driver impikmentn etc set heavy huriicsh food net plow himeim hrj hinplr har- nerts heavy wafon fotd a new bujey rubber tire power uprayer on truck com plete sulky horse rake riding plow new plow net iron harrow dmcharrow pout hole dijfer spring tooth cultivator tark niie s- iron pipintf about 400 tt pruning outfit apple prevn ladders and bankets for gathering apple hay knife quantity of lumber kcythe complete hay rack mower flour barrel heater quantity of houcbtjld gopfyy other articles not wtlltifmjtl v flrfeft j l l bjijn petth aitctijne mammoth house georgetown your investment can you feel the pinch if not keep on buy- ing victory bonds buy till your pocketbook grows slim invest your savings in canada every dollar you own would not repay your debt to those who fight for you were you to give it you aje not asked to give but ta baiuwanted ani prepared to purchaiteaiyqtialathy if rtikj if oy bjrvi jioyt ur syt con murircatewinvjotln ford aflrifetowni cash fcund garry glrocery ivvwi 1 buy victory bonds 5 j- fr r h 14c griffon brand seeded raisins lfi oz pkg sunmaid seedless raisins 2 pkgs for 27o aylmer brand tomatoes 2 cans 16c campbells soup per can 16c beehive corn syrup 6 lb pail 4uc quaker brand rolled oats large pkg i0c shredded coooanut per lb 2uc best canadian cheese per lb 29c canned pilchard large can 2ho peerless shortening in s b pails 148 castile soap 2 bars for 1 8o cristtoo 1 lb tin for 84c peanut butter per ih 29o now currants per lb 80c eddys golden tip matches 2 boxes for 26c pure lard in 20 lb pails each 62s liptons cocoa in i lb pkg 24c best pastry spice per lb 29c boy j smart baywilh ajr maoiuieri to iani iintiniri a ooddnpertunity fiu- bright boy apply a herald oflfirii e kotyse to rewt i on welfclyn st rent kid per month a hm nns 10n we ha ye enlaced our caii4yktcieo ityihslajlnikn iuarhlitalllw machine i it takes jlhoftl jig1ne tp fim it -iolil- tiyrcs tiomepower tdwhipt just the jway vc want to bodbdyw needa realvpt wruppingtomatte benigrooa u doeti marshmallow need a good whippinjf and qurit gets it then you should taste the marshmallow bcitf ever tasted and oh so fresh ta the v yw 7s oc v s id jivj x r of farm stock implements the etc undersigned has rocoivod in structions from cikorge robr3ut80n to sell by public auction at lot is 4th con esquoaing on friday vovember 22 1918 at 1 oclock the following holibes black horse 7 yrs agr bay horse 5 yrs agr brown horse i yrs agr black horse 12 yrs agr gelding 1 yr roadster bred from imporiul allerton cattle grade durham oow 5 yrs calf at foot grade durham heifer 8 yrs calf at foot grade durham heifer 8 yrs call at foot grade durham heifer 8 yrs due fob 11 grade jersey oow 6 yrs due feb 17 grade holstein cow 6 yrs due mar 8 grade holstein cow g yrs due may 10 grade durham cow 4 jndue mar 8 grade durham co yrs dun june 6 grade jersey cow 7 yrs due june 16 brindle cow s yrs due feb 11 grade durham bull 1 yr 2 steers 8 yrs 2 heifers fat 2 yrs steer 2 iyrs 2 heifers 2 2 yrs 6 spring oiilvos 8 steers 1 yr heifer 1 yr sheep 6 breeding ewes 0 owe lambs pius 8 store pigs 42 yorkshire sows fi mos reg implements etc moeorniiok seed drill disc masseyharris cul tivator new steel land roller deering hay tedder weigh scales 2000 lbs chatham fanning mill magnet cream separator massey- harris souftler hay fork rope pul leys set pleasure sleighs 200 bus seed oats 100 bus mixed grain tehm8 all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes w a wilson bkn petch clerk auctioneer j j gibbens phone 160 lane blook georgetown caretaker wanted for baptist church apply stilling salary wanted to dr b dayfoot mallow keg 50c lb saturday treat price 2c f r vatson or c i 116lf servant wasted good ganeral servant for small ramily apply by latur to box a herald office 918lf for bent three houses in georgetown close to main st electric light very comfort able kent 8 and 10 a month imme diate possession apply to j a wil- loughby weekend chocolates uomim no 11068 by the way have you tried our weekend chocolates lately better than ever assorted chocolates week end special 15c t h moorehead for rent store previously occupied by brill co by november int possession k w brook 1016tf wi iape av apply to toronto i pettits clover honey in a wholesome food ll is nauures own t sweet secure your supply now 10 lb pails the iiimuiiiiiiiuhiiinihiiiiiiiiiiiii n 143 georgetown 5 and ivllil apiaries phone 102tf 1 bwppihbrh many georgetown housewives have figured out that it pays to buy victory bread you know the cost of flour bought in the usual quantities the cost of fuel the possibility of the bread not turning out right not to speak of the time and trouble home baking in volves and to provide your family with genuine good bread all this is unnecessary just get gibbens vic tory bread try it and youll buy it regularly canada food board license no 5- 1 835 gi next door to radial station phone 202 b v gibbens hhwpiwhiw w i hiii ii i iii iii ilsl imiiiiiniinirjffll iniiiniiiirirrtfil of barnhills peel andhaiiton8 bargain store see this space for values next week barnhills norval fnttrnw ifflojrjtjtjtrrjqal wood for sale always wood on hand both hard and soft cut in stove length split and deliver ed at reasonable prices orders promptly attended to brandfordn wood yards collefc view for sale one heavy set of single brass mounted harness a pair of baggage sleighs two spring wagons for single horse all in good order one rain cover blankets and other articles for sale apply to box 159 georgetown 918tf houses to rent on chapel st near methodist church with all niodern conveniencci newly pa pered 6roomed cottage on munluck st off queen corner house 1030tf apply o 11 t arnold sons insurance fire and accident mrs roe- ontario graham wafers as a nourishing school lunch for a child or with cheese or with milk in the evening telfers graham wafers are unexcelled the nutlike flavor is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour brought out by perfect baking awavs crisp fresh and appetizing packed in sir tight packages for sale at all grocers telfers the buy word far biscuits silver bullets early in the war lloyd george called on bri tain tb win the war with silver bullets victory bonds are canadas financial shells bullets and bombs whereby she will help to consummate the final triumph and maintain the structure of her prosperity after peace is declared w wharrad fhone i4t georgetown the bank will trust you perhaps you never had an account in a bank maybe youve never done business irr a bank hardly even cashed a cheque in one but that is no reason why you cannot u to a bank and borrow money to buy victory bonds if you are a steady industrious thrifty citizen working and saving a part of your income you are just the kind of person canadas chartered banks stand ready to help today any bank will lend you as much money as you can save during uie next twelve months with which to buy victory bonds all you have to do is to pay ten per cent of the amount you want to buy and deposit the receipt for that ten per cent in the bank the bank wil lend you the 90 per cent balanco at filj per centf interest and will give you a year to repay it the interest you get on your bond being just the same as the bank charges you this is a fine opportunity for you to bejrin a real savings account to make a first class investnunt and to help your country at the same time why not see a banker today lie will tell you all about it and you- will be glad of the advice and help he can give you borrow and buy victory bonds issued by canadas victory loan committee in cooperation with tho mlnlnter of finance of tha dominion of canada ml ipfej v i ssisuwj

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