Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1918, p. 2

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w ii n hi m died matthews in chinifiiacousy on wl- nhtlnv piivmbor 4th 1918 cecil merviu miiulifwh loving son of mr thoinan lmuihoii ajfed 18 years akthuks -on- friday december 6th 1918 at havre france of pneumonia capt rev t a- arthurs b a chin ese labor corps adrian ii cleveland ohio on decem ber 6th emma norton widow of the late harvey e adrian and daughter of mrs t r norton georgetown t tr the gorgciown herald war haltori lmm ia kuu of coast f hal- toa vlotenr iiou bmdb extending the school terra edneday december ilia 108 n- f voso uibotjot dbpp lattices ha yeiooujfed- but merchants v are r tae of the chrasi y maejiejmpnv and 6djpjaccitablt v r cariges wlfte vv ifottlbwotfe tmw-ji- adofjbibonient are j onjibufrw jfrjfcljc wjorab roadin jvandtlirie spent in ibeir petueuaris hwy fc borproflltiible a chants advertisement 0 on in iatiop tbdeskwifhmdapub- p1 v- j ijft istoowidnlettt thattle qjon m w k aiders your buniueis wortli asking- lor anything- worth going after i always moro appreciated thao something wiifoh 060108 without ah effort and the advertising mer- ohanfr is the merchant that recog- pizes che tact tnat your trade is worth asking for therefore read the advertisements military news pte edward eason arrived home last night from the war and was given a reception by friendb and neighbors at his home on main st north we are all de- flighted to welcome pte bason book again a general big recep tion will be tendered all the boys who return at a date being ar ranged by a local committee corpl percy harding son of mr and mrs wra harding nor- val station writes borne under date of november 12thas follows after two years of hard fighting i am glad it is over now i was in that awful train wreck in france but was not seriously burt only my shoulder put out of place a little i have had enough war and bopo soon to be home with you all again cadet j c best of the arma ment school hamilton visited with his aunt mrs annie- lane during the past week prior to leaving for his home in the west to enable schools to make up the loss of time occasioned hy the epidemic hon dr h j cody provincial minister of ecliicntion lias decided to circulizo school boards inspectors unci ttiuhers to the effect that it will not lo nec essary to hold any of the depart mental examinations in juno noxt so that the second term of uip school year will be loncr than it has been for several yen re the minister said lis helttrrril that with this provision and with the provisions made in hie rogu latious for the conduct of those examinations the ill effects upon the school work of the interruption that has pccii ived joayybote6n jdd ifeji verobin- iiibt ikly isi fiiaka potter efc iea wtll he vrly tfie wesks later tha6 tbisyeaivii will b necessary to erhencvhe farm reg ulations to providethat tha chevtf examination tttsiy be hedil id the veekfohywing the iaitr tata not enwoaeu dajio the puytfciif rfif ssnrifcsaefc mjto8ttmmic3 ejiil8pepbbmbj tii vlew- ke liriay6idable in teituorfertdtohaqtvoftwhrc have taken r fmgftovcovis pent b4lf year tb4- holding pf tfie midrsijmfapr exanjivatiotla will be deferred in each case for a tori- bight in accordance with the fol lowing scheme- junior high school bu trance jnlyandl jnnior public school grodaation june 80th lower school july 2nd middle school july 11th passmatriculation july 8ml upper school and honor matri oalation june 80th obituary there here on eliza sphoat passedawayat her home thursday last one of georgetowns oldest and mast highly esteemed residents in the t person of eliza sproat widow of the late joseph barber deceased j was a daughter of the late mr and mrs john sproat and was born in trafalgar 77 years ago she came to georgetown with her husband when a bride a little over 60 years ago and has- residod in the same home oontinuouslyuntil her death she was the hist of her generation in canada a loving mother kind and trjie friend and good niegbbdr has boen called to her re ward decoasod loaves one daugh ter mrs a w nixon who has the sympathy of many friends in her very sad bereavement the late mrs barber was a memberof the presbytorian ohuroh and the funoral service on satur day afternoon was conduoted by rev b p cameron six nephews of decoasod earned tho remains to their last- resting place in the fam ily plot in greenwood cemetery emma nobton on peoembor cth at cleveland ohio emma norton widow of the late harvey e adrian- passed away in her 88th year deceased was a daughter of mrs t b- nor ton and bporlt her girlhood days in georgetown besides her mother she leaves to mourn her loss throe uisters mrs geo b andres mrs wm abbot mrs h p hellmotfft detroit- also four brothers w f norton thos b norton jas h norton and j a norton the re- mainswere interred in bast cleve- jaild oemetery in view of the fact that the county of halton raised the high est parcentage in the province of ontario and was fourth highest both on the team members and combined in the province of on tario the victory loan executive toronto made special application to the imperial munitions board to have one of the large ocean steamers now nnder construction named after the county and reply has been received to the effect that tbe application bad been re- comniended and fowarded to eng land for confirmation the ap plication will undoubtedly be con firmed and the steamer will be christened war walton itwih rstfcuimfor year oeijme enjwent- atic of the wonderful patriotjc wovkaphe hy the fcouhty- gredit la- ihdeed due- topobaia bobertson county chairman and to- judge utqtt vfchaarmajj find to all the local execduvos for the utatitihjg work tbat tbsy dst ydtedto twbmwlinvvv hiwf- jaaljteu t0 irlti v bartttent sbutd v v ii following is the school jepori ar th month if no v6babet- sr ivaiirifthel mclaighlaa julian green donald bnssel charles bankine mnrray laird ewart earty jr ivmajijon jfoble hon ivy whitfield marion goltop har rison wilson olive hunter george moore earl meclnre absent sr illhenry whitfield eva green dorothy wilson jr ih willie fiddler hilda bankine gordon casely bernard knight tom fendley nixon hunter absent ii class janet modougal bee- sie hunter ethel noble margaret wilson albert carey edward benson wesley louth absent sr ii b willie inglis minnie inglis jessie smellie christopher grimwood edna kerr james ben sod george hulls bessie moclure absent sr i george inglis gordon sharp jean green irene evans pearl louth harland hustler ar- nott noble edith caseley elsie louth ralph whitfield babe mo meekin margaret modougall ab sent jr i margaret fendley doro thy huiib willie cunningham bobbie coupland a class gerald trueblood moo watson terence evans dorothy smith jean momeekin boy carey beby harris absent b class clarence hun ter war wick coupland jack murray jean nixon lena whitfield friddie hulls fred sharp irwin eerr george harris absent teachers m mitchell b e hume the following is the report of the gkc norval for the year ending october 81st 1018 lbbfibb1fi proceeds corn roast 18 26 three euchres 168 07 boudoir cap do nated 21 66 proceeds boys dance do nated 4 26 peel grant 28 00 donation mrs blacks eu- oh re 12 00 proceeds dance for boys going overseas 96 60 registration money dona ted 9 26 membership fees 82 26 donations 49 06 donations overseas box fund 68 81 correspondence toronto dec 6 1uj8 l k fleck esq cliairmnu victory loan com georgetown ont dear sir wo lmva hoen in formed hy major j a lairilnor the organizer for your county of the very important part you and your fjocal cominiltop took in the lecent victory loon cnitipjukii in your county will ou plmiso ac cept the tliuuks hiki appreciation of hie ontario executive commit tee for the valuable ik ip your com mittee voluntarily rendered to the local committee it was the splendid cooperation of publicspirited men like your selves which inude the wonderful uuceexs of tlioehiniuii in the pjoviiices muitiix thai- tbattejt thoighqiit th4dtoioposfdhlw j q il cfatriaau ibrnibfiic tjeiriiellfteckrmr giflivdodi- csioirman of the roptajhoviptorr jn church news knox pbebbyterhn the annual sabbath school xmas entertainment and tea will be held on friday evening decem ber 20th tea served at 680 pm followed by an excellent ontertain- mont of choruses drills and dia logues santa clnus expects to arrive same night admission 10 and 16c children of 8abbath school free methodist the educational work in con nection with the church will be presented by mr blackburn of viotoria university on sunday morning in the evening tho pas tors mibjeot will be gods i fund- writing prayer meeting on thursday at 780 st georges holy communion will be celebra ted on sunday morning at 11 nm ot faltonfin hongr thjpjf iavipg obtained the higbsa pvicontrtseof special sdbspription objiotive in ijhat terijitbry astbceii reobni- mended by them and forwarded to engiauil for confirmation there is np doubt whatever but what the application wilfliorniuted alnj the war ha will s acton total receipts 474 98 expbnditcbe flashlights donated to wpl boxes 10 60 104 lbs yarn 206 80 material 88 00 sundry expenses 67 98 14 overseas boxes 89 28 22 overseas boxes 66 86 46866 bal on hand 21 48 474 98 correot d lad the ladies of the ballinofad womens institute wish to thank all who helped in any way sending parcels to the boys who are pyer- mas following are the names of the 17 boys james moeeobnie james hendorson7 james allen will modonald herb ipoughty george boszell george hilts bert sinclair h j crowell joe stull peroy laird john mokay 34tt flaherty wallace momhlan john watson m snider amos eentner tholodios of tho institute have received soverol letters from the boys who have reoeived their par cels asking to thank one and all for their kindness them tho regular meeting ojiihe in- mfcute will ho hold atmrs hbr jecerobovaa6h all mem srsttra rogjilvstgdto be present thinking audited and found 8bodd norval november 26 1918 olive laird treasurer the wfms held their thank offering meeting in tbe presbyter ian ohuroh friday november 29 an interesting address was given by miss mitobell travelling secre tary of the society solos were contributed by alioe leslie and ulan olive laird during the meeting mrs biehard dick was presented with a boquet of mums and an address prior to her remov al to toronto afterwards the ladies were entertained to a dainty tea the norval womens patriotio league have forwarded tho usual christmas boxes to the looal boys overseas twentytwo in all the body of the late thomas heatlpy arrived jierion monday from princeton british columbia and was in to reed in failview oe metery the mother of mr wm john stone undertaker passed away at the ripe age of eightyfour years at her home in freelton last thurs day afternoon mr and mrs seaward wilson mr and mrs robert cleave of mijton and mr and mrs herb j cleave of georgetown visited at the home of messrs f w cleave and j v watson last week in a letter to friends here pte j j corney says well now i have seen the english and french girls and i must say they work very hard of course all the men are at war here in franco and it leaves the work for women nnd old men to do but tho canadian girls for me all tbe time free press ly bo launched i know that this information will be very gratifying to you and all the members of the committee in georgetown who dovoted such untiring work to the victory loan campaign in your district i have not time to write all the other members of your committee just af present but i would apprec iate if you would convey the above information to thorn along with my best regards sincerely youra j a gairdner county organizer the warden has nmned tueadny 17th inst as the day of wlmt in oxpooted to be tho final meeting of the county council for 1018 on friday david ilulcheon county treasurer received ollicial notice from ottawa that his son trooper b s hutoheon canadian mounted rifles had landed in england trooper hutchoon had been a prisoner in germany since june 1916 when ho was captured in the bloody fight at sanctuary wood fridays news was a great relief to his family who had boen anxious on account of tho reports of illtreatment of released prison ers on their way westward through germany champion limehouse mr angus modonnld has pur chased mr jonathan lanen house mr wm million spout the weekend with friends in toronto w are pleased to note mint air a mcdonald and children who have been ill with induenisn are utile to be around niain winter term prepare now for reconstruc tion days oiirvjoate and ex port trade will demand the ser vices of bright voting jjoople send for new catalpwae today shaws business schools tor onto w h shaw president r jacksons xummmk jkn j nttrntnrrn b il ihiiiiiiiiiilia hlllllimiiijub 5 1918 seasons greetings- 1918 the mens store offers you a question oxiria jranticgl solution of the over- puzzling t shall i give hint fox a pnicti ifjrha t there is nothing that will lie appreciated more hy father brother hiisbnudor son than n iift select od from our fine exlusivn display of mufflers sweaters gloves hosiery pyjamas shirts umbrellas handkerchiefs in slain and initialed linen also khaki eandkerohiefs itesixk and linen smok ing jackets pressing gowns etc georgetown bcas8tatoh agents for stookwell hnersoh 4 co dyers and cleaners tdivjrito miiujuiuisl isminiiiiiinil sdtnnniniib rape fbi ibcmnfl iffetiwjhmce card of thanh mr and mrs t mullen and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind ex pressions of sympathy extended to then in their sad bereavement sperilla corsets corseteire is n town phone soi ivatstp terra cotta the annua business meeting of the united farmers cooperative society was held in mr w 6 marshalls hall on monday evening december 2nd there was a fair attondanoe mr wm mcmillan was elected president and mr b taylor vice president the so ciety is in a prosperous condition notwithstanding the fact that they were rather bard hit by the war just a few more membera and a little more enthusiasm is needed mrs c moseown and son ar thur of acton spent the week end with friends here we are pleased to see mr james longo home again from hamilton hospital mr john oliver is ill with ton- hi litis at presont there are a few oases of flu in our village but all are progressing favorably mr wm dawson of tho moan- tain who has been ill is ubo to be around again w g marshall our gonial blacksmith is quite busy at pres ent his reputation as a good meobanio is bringing him a large patronage wood cutting is quits general here now lis your wife properly proteotod are your children proporly protec ted do you carry onoufih insur ance to protect your family against your possible death it is your duty to proteot your wifo and family xife insurance ia pro- teejbion i oan offer you the best rates and in an all canadian oompany talk it over with me it costs nothing w w roe georgetown ont buy a useful furniture pieoe of art rugs carpet swee pers vaeuxn cleaneva china cabinets buffets or complete dinjas boom sets parlor tables conoliea parlor suites hookers choice gifts for men and boys boots slippers sox suspenders ties ha-nol- kerohiefs scarfs jwek- etsr gloves armleta- caps a pair of our au tomobile hookey skates a good selection for women and misses in christmas slipper boots sweater costa handkerchiefs gloves hosiery g neckwear hookey skates hail racks hall seats hall mirrows bedroom suites bed room chairs chiffon iers stools libra tables book rary oases desks jardineer stands tjm- brilla stands wastepa- per baskets a gift for every purse every choice fancy china dinner ware vases jardineers aaoxjxetalablflsil verware jugs teapots brushes purses per fumes fancy toilet oases pens gift books christmas booklets toy books cushions scarfs fancy wool and silk novelties aprons fancy linens toys games sleighs shoefly bookers skates jacksons main street georgetown get your butter paper at the herald special xmas prices at bethells lunch parlour we have the largest and best stock of candies boxes of chocolates pipes tobaccos cigars etc in town fancy boxes of neilsons and willards chocolates from 35c up special xmas mixture 30c per lb cigars from the best manufactures in boxes of 10 25 50 arid 100 suitable for xmas presents from 60c perboz special line in cigarettes j 3 packets for 35 cents 10 in a packet tobaccos chewing tobaccos from 1 oc per large plug smoking tobaccos in packets 2 for 25c 1 2 pound tins suitable for presents 75c per tin oysters 60c per pint solid meats one pint sufficient for five people a betheli main street georgetown jt c asto r i a for infants and children in um for 0vr30yris m and riowahdirv si clotty es lkristrnas the gift useful again we are faced with the importance of confining our christmas giving to gifts that are practical again we must exhibit true economy in our choice of presents for father mother sister and brother you should realize that the place to obtain this kino of gift is in a hardware store for in our business nothing is placed in stock that is not a truly needed article in this hardware shop you will find everything necessary from which to make your wise selection for the entire family to make soma woman happy as an instance of what we mean by the gift use ful wo would like you to consider the ocedar polish mop for any woman who hasnt one or whose mop i worn out we can think of no more truly sensible gift than one of these splendid mops sucn a mop is an almost indlsgienslbla aid to good housekeeping give an ocedar mop and she will appreciate your thoughtfuloeae she will think far more of such a present than of any of the usoless trumiery too many others will gfvo her note the two styles in panol no 1 either these mops at 150 of note thee helpful sucsmtlfnei perfection oil healers hot blastouheaters hojeshc electric healers rooers4847 silver ware walacei8ss silver ware automobile skaleslsieds etc 9 6so 9 300 91000

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