Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1918, p. 3

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j v s r vsf -v- rtjvt v r- i jw11- ffl jmflltrtljiihilbi ibf 11111 mmhdasi nfjni im matthews drug store uw gifts wo are hhowing a large assortment hprciauymeeiglisd for christmas gift books fly standard authors suil- cl rooka mid stationery stationery lit very attractive boxes far children and adult able for ach member ol the family xmas card aud booklets xmas seal and t- toilet articles aratety and in case games japansis puislea cameras and sup pllea vlcirolas and victor records and many ether suitable holi day qifla j fr foh a7r j v 1 vlv rnmf ljarttha itmf jq vdnr jchriitmjihbpbarig 5 desemberl9ttt- v v ip lxnoiteatotbome tses still un- aid how jibqut yonfe fi htvve you bought a war sttv s-ingb- btowp- bqpk yt neither jifjv have w jr a number of lnlwrinsliug iltues k 8 fe te- tit- m were unavoidably crowded out of this issue has it ever rtrock you that stealing a headstone would really be a grave offense last meeting o bsquesing council for 1918 will be held next monday 16th at 1 pm auction eile of standing tim ber at lot 9 con 4 bsquesing on monday december 16th see advt any person wishing to buy a quarter of beef oall at pattersons meat market quality good price right mr win cunningham is hold ing a big auction sale of atook etc on friday december 20th see fcdvt all members of the band are requested to meet at the band room for practice on thursday evening at 8 oclock warden forster has issued in vitations for the wardens dinner to be bold at the hotel mooibbon milton on december 17th a fnrlined overcoat would be a whole lot warmer if the ownor didnt have to leave it open so people oould see the lining plants for xmas gifts ferns palms begonias primulas cyota- men ivy oxolis and other house plants 0 w papst charles st the knox- ohuroh sabbath school has taken five 860 victory bonds ihisspoa w for the children and teachers and officers help the members of the bop class pay tor their viotory sonde by taking tea at knox ihuroh ss room on saturday afternoon tjqethells many ohoioe lines of christmas oonfeotiqnery is the tau othe sweet lovinlg publio these days are you getting your share of thorn bev mr book of islington presbyterian church toronto preached an able sermon in the in- terests of the forward movement s knox ohuroh on sunday morn- jfigjsrsr j 0 bnl will sell 16 acres standing tlmbtr at lot 9 con 4 next monday decem- at 1 oolook mostly maple bead his advt ie jverdiot brought in- by the jwlsit thursday in connection with the adjourned inquest of the waito ohild was to the effect that theiobild 4iod from the effeots of abnonnaljdeyelopraent lraepupils of 88 no 8 ohingi will ripldan entertainment and lfo6ejkihhm fobool noose lot t6ffimpfflw ifteceifte at 96lobk aanuntitoh lboeijts propedal be usermor patriotic purbibfv -p- icmrr kiogsnevy tpyland bspabting many ohttstinas sboppere these dftys his splendid seleotiob of toys is- haying a large gale oall and mako tour ohoioe novr ftp3 by making a small deposit any rtiole you wish will be beld for yoountil ohrisbmas eve itpfio jmeottug pftbe georgetown jawrr bbwllpg plb wlu beheld in iehoy pales offtoe at 8 oopok dburadajt bvening jjwebfjbsriiib aju members who can possibly betlioro are reqiieited to ottend businibsieleotjon of offloeijsftnd gowa routine dq not leaye it fprittiree or four bnt bethlplfi frjv iavowove to sill continue to give you j0atymf jiave jfmhai bohooubopts i othif bop from f8 to wiiimrt thorn pffsat 2 fctiifmm lamij 411 isolli myii inynioi teoitoptoprebittiry i ilyliifg oateajda twatirtnimldhe henil feciveiabtipnd of jontd- aljniokl ottwhtj itfeltelnj naa jrjayaa v qeo h wjsitertlam- ohairmttu of tle toronto hamilton bigbavrvy commission say the inooine from fines will more than pay for this years maintenance of the rpod the g rose income practjcahy all from ones is about dsooo h h bi ta personals miss moo ladgan visited friends irt toronto duringljaho week mr ed wheator was the guest or tciontofrjhms over soiiday mr wihredoolo- of toronto siient thewwjkend at his home here mr josephwapshott toronto was a visitor with his parents horo over the weekend mrs tl 1 hutchison and son jack of whitby spent tho week end at mr george leslies mrs wm ijorth and daughter margaret are visiting friends in gait mr long spent sunday in gait dr murold holmes of owon leavytfg- this weak for cleyelond pbjoiwhere ttsy mtand spending tewintst months with thisir son pfiories r v mir m i m of ab4uikpipn t jfi oiibprmsvkfbiaittew ytai ohg ibpta r6nviptlt4iftbjni jyho atteniled thefanerftl of late mrs joseph batwrv oip urdasnt eretrobeit a6tt steatttiioy- iits3 t5go1roph- hamilton airs james barber mw grafton mjr and mrs f j barber and mr and mrs h m- wethertltditdronto glenwllliains christmas tree ana entertain ment in the methodist ohuroh glen friday evening deoetnber 80th particulars next issue very interesting and enjoyable event was the piano rooib- algiven pupils of miss m mcmaster that those recitals have grown in interest and popularity with each succeeding year was proven by the crowd which taxed the cap acity of the ball and which showed its appreciation by no halfhearted applause eighteen pupils at of a total glaus of thirty took part in the programme and as number succeeded number it became very evident why miss mcmaster has become such a successful teacher all the pupils showed the results of the careful training tbeyhad ieoeiyedat tuehancls of ajpatient worn uli quarter cut oak dreaaer aland and ex tenalon table apply to mra duncan queen st georgetown phone 133 ftp cow cor sale good jersey cow for aale aged 6 years due to calve dec 25 an excellent butter cow apply j brandford college view 121 1 tf notice to creditors mammoth house georgetown j mr brown i had a queer dream last night my dear i thonght i saw another man running off with you mrs brows and what did you say to him mr brown i asked him what he was running for oaristnuu oenfsotlbaery etc the largest and choicest bb in- and is sewed freeon rt will not be closed any mqjftwmnfjy or sat- 3us bijbbor bojitrepairaand m ffptoiiiat jheywere the b o p class of knox church sunday school will hold a bazaar in the sunday sohool room on saturday afternoon from 8 to 6 this ia a splended opportunity to secure xmaa gifts early there will also be a booth where yon oan purchase borne made cooking during the afternoon a musical programme will be given and tea will be served proceeds to buy viotory bonds waat xevtauwm hernia a movement haa been started in stratford to ask the ontario go vernment to construct a similar highway on tbe northern route to the one which is to be constructed between hamilton and windsor a meeting was held on tuesday night of lost week when anumber of organisations were represented but tbe organisations will not be completed until nexfweok in the meantime other cities and towns on this proposed route will be ask ed to oooperate the northern route as proposed will pass through georgetown verdsullodej verdun eebekab lodge no 184 hod a very successful meeting on tuesday night last sister mid- dloton vioe president of the be- bekah assembly was a visitor and spoke o triple link first aid alsojbmheaentenuial fund the offloewvxetlirled tho rebekah pegree to form candidates it war their first attempt at putting on the degree themselves but they did so well that they will be put- on the degree almost every meeting light refreshments vjotfi served and a very suoceqsful anlntoresting meeting olosed oboert vfum dim a cable recoived from lieut- col b 0 hooper d8o mc by his father john hooper 688 main st hamilton last week an nounced that col hoopers wife nee nina louise barrow had died at her home in hythe blent eng land on wednesday of last week their marriage took place only last spring and it was announced a few days ago that they expected to soon sail for canada lieut- col hooper left hamilton as a lieutenant in tbe 19th battalion under lieutool john i molaren and has twice been awarded bon fire for bravery reoeivingtbe mili tary crosii early ftj fhe tfr and the d80 a few months ago lavs the iuada tress in the november issue of tbe canadian horticulturist there ap pears an interesting letter from mr j b carter ffeoretary of the guelph spoiety dealing with the important questipn of saving tbe shade trees and- makes a strong appeal to protect bem from tbe ravages of oorporatipus soch as the hydro tbe bel telephone co and otler hhemen who are wuti- latins thorn just for the sake of saving a few cents on a pole he says we are pqw reaching the stagewbere every individual and louniolpolity must immadiately take aotlon or we will be face tq faoe with conditions wbioh will bo unnatural to this country- we must at onoe stop the destruction of bar anode trees by these corpor ations jjfoirfal station following is the report for ss no s chlngucpqsy for the month of november names are inorder ofrraerit iv freda morris nellie hidley etta hording leslie voung wil fred leslie i iii hugh clork woltei bidley ina campbell stv h rtoioy hardlne robert anojiorspn fred- warding wilmo illdloy blizabetheoblnson jessie oomdbeu- jriilloyo leslie clark ponal4 clork a ion jwr fefiypinp rjna of confectionery tobaccos etc from whioh to obooso yonr christ mas supplies now awaits your in spection at a bethells for up- todate confectionery in bulk or boxes he leads them all and in tobaccos he carries a large variety of the best lines all of which are sold at the most reasonable pfioes see his advt in this issue it will pay you rex theatre wednesday a vitagraph fea ture with earle williams episode 4 of the woman in the web comedy masks and mishaps friday the public defender a stateright pioture with an all star oast comedy good night nnrse with rosooe fatty ar- buckle saturday mary piokford in rebeooa of sunnybrook farm an artoraft pioturo arrested for stealing chief geith has been a busy man during the past week on satur day he arrested samuel harding e waller james harding and george hioks the first two charg ed with stealing pigs and obiokens the latter two with stealing 11 head of cattle on monday he ar rested arthur j horton and arch saunders of erin charged with re ceiving stolen goods all appeared before magistrates heartwell and near and were committed to mil- ton jail tostandthfiir trial to ereot a memorial ata meeting held in the council chamber lost evening with reeve heartwell in the chair it was de- oided to erect a suitable memorial to tbe boys of georgetown glen- williams norval and esqnesing who have fallen in battle anoth er meeting to complete arrange ments will bo held on thursday evening december 19th in tbe town hall all citizens ladies and gentlemen aro urgently requested to attend kindly bear this in mind as it is an important matter that demands the attention of every patriotic oitizen aato gerrlos station if yon lay your oar up during tho win tor- months send your bat tery to us and we will store it for you give it careful attention and keep it fully charged for a nominal storage fee we maintain a bat tery service station for the repair and recharge of allmakes of bat teries being service representa tives in georgetown and violnity for the well known and popular prostolite service and distri butors of tbe prebtollte battery your battery troubles are over when you leave it with us phone or jeoe word withjw h willson ftoyd brlgden asbgrove pastor bias in rrsnoe the death is officially reported on december oth at havre france ofpopt the rev t aaarthurs ba of the chinese labor corps death was due to an attaok of pneumonia deceased was fsveign pastor of knox ohuroh toronto and was regarded as one of the most effloient and successful missionaries of tbe presbyterian ohuroh two years ago be volun teered to tbe british government and was delegated to go to franoe as interpreter with a chinese labor battalion his widow is at pres ent risiding in toronto deceased woe born on the 4th line bsquesing and was a gradu ate of georgetown high sohool th sat aasrsting artist was miss bddt t whv petterbprou4h whpsosolgs i were vw maolfeav miwtoldred fleck contrihnteov verylargely to the pleasure df the evening with her recitations as did also the wheeter ip6gs with their songs the prooeijdb of the- evening tvmoantiigtc 86 were turned dv- i or to tho village veteran fund trust that miss homawr will ia the ansttar of the aetata of alex- amder surrst late of the vulaaieof ouhwlulauau tia the oomaty of haltom qentleauus deeeased nones is hereby given pursuant to section 56 of the trustees act rso 1914 chapter 121 that all credit ore and othera having- claima or demands against the estate of the said alexander stirrat who died on or about ttte ninth day ot september 1918 at the village of glen- wlutams are required on or before the 12th day of january 1919 to send by poat prepaid or deliver to tbe underaig-n- ed solicitor rbereln for laehlan grant- arrnclousb iid george wm jterfcjoroh laarv amnt of tbaaafd dccsajedi nstt 0na aixj aurfuime deacripttona ibafuq partii ing 0jctlmlr claims m staiamaot of their accijums ana the- nature of the security if any held by vherit r aod tao netrjttar after auchlaat raerr- lwid date the aaid enecqtor will pro- to dlawbut vbe at of tb aem i rtea evuts4 wvjip mr i0lbeln1ina owtilcbtu1alllb7enoavnoliiw a limap wat utatae mimhriflciftm dot bjajubl llloughby th tor uioanjcl aator aijy partthrraof to any rseriori irrbecaona r no4es1ill nb imi ihmt trie tithe bfioch sfttswaltbilrp8jtj5av soeorgatjown ootaro v executora daj of xmas 1918 to hand a large assortment of suitable goods for xmas presenta parent the following pupils took parmojrtha and mabel marchinentij btanley anb captl bat tu edith aodsusis prwood wnoicvifarigraiaij r muiiuvmwrh p m4rm faeemargr4mlicw cooper fanny wvewoty- mojpraffc4 6nv mnigarat veorgipiwiiai soflcjtors ortheaaid exe dated at georgetown tbii 9tli december 1918 artbhr glider- nellie avoid the christinas rush by patronuing the bop bazaar in knox ohuroh sunday sohool room on saturday aftornoon from 8 to 6 feel disposed towards givng us a- nother such evening before tbe winter is over the regular monthly meeting of tbe bsquesing womens institu- te will be held at mra j browns home stewarttown on frday december 18th at 880 pm all are weloome toraf window fob iaijb get our price liat showing cost of win dows glased complete any alaa halliday company box 61 hamilton 1211tf stop tarheri gueaaingi investigate our system of farm bookkeeping keep a record of your buaineaa transactions like any other buslnesa man it will aurprlae you start the new year right write us today for full information the farmers account co box 763 station f toronto can l2ll3tp auction sale of standing timber the undorsigned has received in structions from 1 j c bull to sell by public auotion at lot 9 con 4 esquoslng on mbda oecnnijwfttv w18 at one oclock 15 ooros standing timber mostly beeoh or maple will be sold in quarto i- and half aore lots pur chasers givon until april 1st 1980 to romovo timber all brush mast be carefully pilod tbbms cash or 8 on approv ed joint notes ben petch auctioneer notice to creditors in tho matter of the estate of ella hall late of the village of george town in the county of halton widow deoeaaod notick ia hereby given pursuant to section 56 of thu trustees art rso 1914 chup 121 that all creditors and ot hers having claima or domanda against the estate of the said ella hall who died ou or about the second day of october 1918 at the city of st catherines ure re quired on or before the 12th day of jan uary 1919 to aend by post prepaid ar deliver to the undersigned solicitors bore- in for edward mccannah the executor of the last will and testament of the said docoasod their christian names and sur names addresses and descriptions ttje full particulars of their claima in writing astattitnont of ihbir accounta and tho nat- ure of the aecurity if any held by thorn and tuke oolico that after such inst mentioned dale the nld executor will pro ceed to distribute the aueta pf he laid deceased amoeg the parlfos entitled there to having regard only to the plalrrja pf which he shall then have notice and thai the aald executor ww rtat lie liable for the id assess or any part hereof to any per- apt or persona of vlqse claim notice snail not liave been received by hint at time of such ditrlbutton shilton wallbridob dais georgetownpontorlp solicitors for tho said oxeoutor dated at georgetown tills 9th day of december 1918 j clearing i auction sale of dairy cattle sheep an pigs the undersigned has been instructed by wh a wilson to sell by public auction at lot 23 8th con esquesing- on tuesday december 17th at 1 oclock sharp the following cattlb roan cow s yr due time of ale re cow 5 yrs due time of talei roan cow 5 yra due time of ttatej spot ted cow 6 yr due dec 20 brindle heifer 2 yra due jan t0 roan heifer 3 feb 2 roan heifer 3 yr duo marc sue waist a lovely range of ladies silk georgette and crepe de chene waiata colors peach cream pink grey navy and black 876 600 600 660 760 800 900 1000 silk skirt lengths fancy strip ouohess 8tlk for skirts itstsfijpo xaadias- sued ffloves wre and filk at ladies hedvyiik loves greyaud fuktik- rv lisanbldqovekv vnlfejfibmis tgitlntin 8an4 l s a lireeaerwent of fianikor- rtrhsi crtaim k larga bebortmetot afliames honake bta rsceivoy hiefsj whlts awrso -loe- roomor ldisjlrjfiutvowj 60c ahd 78b u taanblkerohiefr bfic containing kney bandketohefs 26o466 60j76c aba iflibo vbbis3a5ts a nic5 range of ladies and children- woql sets cop and soarf 100 22o860 and 86 l sweaters ladies b wool 8weauis 760 and 1000 ladies wool sweaters 900 ladies union sweaters 460 wooi caps ladies and childrens knitted caps 80c 5c 76c and 100 boys knitted cups uoc 76o and 100 childrens wool mitts colors cardinal grey white and black loi 60o and 06c qauisoiaes ad linen tray eiotns and tabl cloths genuine irish linen and hand- made mens ftjbnlhino 1ept twb v u en yjiwdicnt flfes ne abivf otio 0cond76c jtjrs oart- v mens heavy winter caps fur lineibantb 100 158- 160 i 78 and 200 handkerchiefs hfana tmwri hrlltfa ton 1n aon flr mens linen hdkfs 40c and 60c a large assortment of useful articles too numerous to mention vvi ti v vi4 r mi j ft v iw 3ri caiuvd fmd beard lioeoae no 83390 yra due pen 2 roan heifer feb 15 red cow 7 yru due arch si arch 13 white cow 4 yi brindle cow 8 yra due march 7j roan cow 5 yra due mi yra due march 16 roan oow 5 yra due march 27 1 roan cow 3 yri due april loj pril 12i red cow 6 cow 4 yra due ite ai red cow 6 yrn due apt yra due april 13 red april 16i red cow 8 yra due april 18p red cow 3 yra due may 24j jersey cow 5 yrs due jan 20 red heifer 2 ynt black heifer 2 yra calf at aide hoi kite in heifer 2 yrai 5 red heifers t yri 4 steera i yri 6 ateer calves 8 moa and undert 6 heifer calves night months old reg shorthorn bull 3 yrs chief ruler ii these cattle were all bred and raiaed on this farm agl mare 3 yra pigs tamaworih sew due mar 138 store pigs 8 pigs 7 weeks shekp 10 shophire ewe lambw all will be sold without reserve terms 10 months credit on approved joint notea veal calf cash 6 per cent per annum oft for cash wjbowman ben petch clerk auctioneer w credit auction sale -of- fara slacfc lapleaimta khi the undersigned has been instructed by w c cunningham to aell by auction at river view farm lot 31 8th fine georgetown on friday december 20th at 130 oclock sharp the followingi horsbs heavy draught bay mare 1 yra auppoaed to be in foati heavy draught bay horae 5 yra old heavy draught bay horae 10 yra oldt blocky bay horae 4 yra oldt general purpose bay horae 8 yra oldi standardbred bay mare 7 yra old by senator mitchell a uood one not afraid of autoei standard bred bay horae rlatng 4 yra by senator mitchell jr cattle durham grade cow calf at foot i durham grade cow calf at foot durham grade cow calved in oct dark jeraey cow calf at footi durham grade cow due fob 1 1 durham grade cow due feb i durham and ayrshire cow due feb durham and ayrehire heifer calved in jtinet fawn jersey cow dip in mari fawn jeraey cow supppaeq to he in calfi 2 dark jer be in colf 2 dark jersey heifers a yrs auppoaed to fawn ji n heifers rising 3 vi durham heifers rising 3 yrs i 4 red dur- ersey heifer 1 yr 2 roan durham heifers rising 3 yrs 1 2 red ham heifers rising yrs i 4 black heifers rising 2 yrs i 2 spotted helfera rising 2 yra i brindle heifer rising 2 yrs ayrshire jrnde holfer rialng 2 yrai durham and araey heifer rising 2 yra t roan ateer rialng 2 yrared grade durham ball 14 montnai roan grade durham ml 14 monthsi fawn jersey bl calf ellgiable to register sjhbpp is grade oxford down breed ing eweai i jgrsde oxford down ewe iomhsfwhgtade leister breeding eweat 12 gndei leister ewe larobsi 1 pure bred oxford down ram implshbntft 9ood drill frost 4s wood mower ft cut deerlng mower 6 ft cut good covered buggy 2 set single harness horse collars fork and a few other articles not mentioned tixms ten dollars and under cash ovar that amt 10 months credit on ap proved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash ben petch auctioneer mcbean co georgetown gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery redpath gran sugar 0 lbs 100 pure lard h a brand in 20 lb pails 690 pure lard h a brand in 10 lb pails 800 h a brand oleo per lb 87o pearl barley 4 lbs for 26c rangoon rice 8 lbs for 20o choice mixed peel per lb 87o notaseed raisins in bulk 2 lbs for 28o qriffen brand seeded raisins 16 oe pkg 2 for 24o horse shoe brand currants 16 b8c new prunes 2 lbs 27o feather strip oocoanut lb 29o flavoring extracts 2 oz bot tle 7o corn starch 2 pkg lfta rolled oats 7 lbs 47o walter bakers ooooa in bulk 29o can tomatoes best brand 2j lb tin 2 for 27o oan peas best brand per tin 14o pumpkinb host brand 2j lb tin 2 for 28o christie bisouits large box 29o christie plumb pudding li lb tin 60o eddys golden tip matohes 2 pkgs 26o mince meat in bulk per lb 17o dont listen to arguments our good speak for themselves j j gibbens phone iso lane black oeorgetown iiiirhrhpip sinniiriiiirjdb bihjiiiiiliritbl ainiinnitnaif j arnh1ll peel and bafctonsjbajaoaii store r hve yon xully antlelpnted yonr xmas needs here is a splendid opportunity to make thorough prepar si ation for xmaa splendid qualities and right prices fire life accident automobile btirglarjy windstorm- and torna do special short date rates on farmers stock ton hovib bob614b of thp pldost and bestflrltish aqd qnndiap bprooppiapftniebj v for pftionlws oany olass of inguranpe cuft my pffioo aljove 1flji offlbes ilione ortwrlto to grocery counter 2 lb notasecd raisins ibbutlt for ohoioe mixed peels per lb choice oookihg fjgs per lb extraot rvny flavor per bottle 2 pkgs seeded raisins q p exoolslor dates pr pkg 20 lb pailtyvlpgtfute lrfl 2 lbs rnpqpflrioo t chaesa pprlh 8 pkgs oqrn flukes for christies uj lbsjardboard box telfera bpdawsdqltb per box t j pkgs oprq stftrob for comparlpijn is the onlytrue test of value it in eyery line wesoll 26 m 08 fl 88 805 91 88 81 42 29 21 we oourt 9 saturday treat only one more satlrrtav trat before xmas btoke advantaire of thle one 150 lbs homemade peanut toffee a clear candy with lots of pea nuts worth 40r lb saturday treat price 25o christmas boxes a fancy box of the beat chocolates tnnkes u pretty nice xmas gift you know sometimes it is hard to decide what to give when in doubt giv chocohmtea iaeiw wo 11088 t h moorchead georgetown established 18721 bank of hamilton record of progress for five years taken from government statement as of october 31st deposits loans total assets 1913 35664000 29590000 46174000 1914 33780000 31284000 44832000 19ts 36124000 31365000 46437000 1916 43830000 34960000 57266000 1917 55738000 34111000 68394000 1918 60614000 46114000 74554000 p beix general manager g o hokay looal manager a hi iffliiiiinitiirn gibbcns bread i i pure wholesome common sense pro duct baked each day and distributed so that it is possible for every family in town to have it fresh every day call the driver canada food board llcenas no 5135 gi next door to radial station phone 202 a v gibbens we buy jfiipikiveggs xmas guis for one and all make it the best of all gifts something from b willsonb jewellery store if v m it can be something for the home personal or something hi i if i for a lady french ivory single pieces from too to f 040 toilet cases from 99j60 ie iso bracelet watches mjm to ho umbrella s3u0tot640 diamond ringa 10 to ibs childs rlnga wo to 8 stone set ringa 3 to f go reads s6p to s3 leather puraea la to 650 for a man cuff linka from gillette rasora from pountain pena scarf plna shaving seta watches military brushes umbrellas signet rings soo to 6 5 to 1750 150 to 8 sootosld 800 to ib jw 840 and up s1t5 to ttso 30tol5o0 s3a0tolljm for the home ii i t i cut glass water and fruit sets clookstllxl knives fork and spoons hnf dojen knlvoa ritl3 bros make gpeolal 060 per 1st fully guaranteed open evenings sls main stre next jvlcglbbon hotel m pi m tsz

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