Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 15, 1919, p. 1

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wmmt the jrttifc3 r fifty- second ybab of publication georgetown wednesday january 15th 1919 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald i pukluhh every wedne8day evening at the herald power printingoffice qorgtown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application- ph ost pv ilaa lfi insertion w ffifei advierlun wlttojit rt j sv reetlomv will be jnaermd unut foma fe ooriied acjsjrdlnifly v dvevttseniant will be changed pnoe a l1l wwnni wvibmm b vvlk toev shows h ius4rrpbiovptjoieblr -j- t ibvrtiina tabl going east mail 948in passenger 1181rn passenger 84fipm mail 828 pm passenger 880 pm passenger sunday 718 pm going west mail 7 mail 1000 am passenger 01 p- passenger 0 p- mail 767 pm goingjjojith- jfttfr77 767 am tni mail 680 pm was d morn going south mail 1180 am has e take nv mail 740 pm j bee member monday toronto suburban railway daily timetable am pm pm t mjjing bast 81q 224 640 hislmonhjug y 866 810 747 eaifer tti j sunday timetablb am pm pm pm ding baat 1021 1220 846 610 oing west 1040 610 the mi mclnt tors week st georges church rav wm burt 1 th rector undiily service a followa aluuua 11 a- m ttveuaous 7 p m sunday uoliool im6 a m in baae- a9nu holy communion 1st and hrd luudays of each moiiib at 11 a m ail legal ihilton wallbridge ov dale barrister sonoitors eta toronto aud ueorgetown ouice kennedy block koy dale in charge of george- omoa medical or joseph moandrew pnyaieian and surgion medical omcer of health district pfjthefcjurgeon q- t r iwb oulee hours li to 4 and i to p m it vd y phona 68 i owce and realdenoe main street ttiuutll opposite freebyteilan cburoll ftfe ifeyfn sows i optical plant o o oph d i specialist georgetown om tl office next tp public library satur- loltunday evenlugn 8 to 10 pm and by ap- ith p uelp ne tf dental ftank r watson dp8 wi 5i m d s dentist georgetown ont uoura v a m to 6 p m except 1liutvuay afternoon ueutiativ in ii ita branohea over bell telephone offiee v l heath lds 0 p8 t6loe in lane bloolc one door nortb of qnellla carrla totory uoura toto p- m- b ui- ohiopkaoti0 urcarr or oitaopathy svjidjt a og iwlsriitfuhte of the palmer the original isoh6blbcbiropactlc davenport iowa yiioitv av houriirani drug store nd spinal aniuy ail free jittueidaye and saturday 2 to lkmiiid7 to 8 pm fertjll to w auctioneebs benj petch imlisuxilpemied auotloneer for halton and i poat omo sales rsil ftoiduotea antufaotorlly and at rea- bfrbgobitbleratea order left at w fv5o8town herald offloo will receive prompt attentlpn femltqn prentiss sl laannnnildbl f rntttrrr g ibuulllll just received a large shipment of hockey boots wavliiinijljieitil ughlnlnff bjicbho gi reduced pricei xtal nt w will -iiehrat- x we also haye that turia caitf bbt that half been advertised so iriticht 5 by jicheapeat pjice- in rubber boots tactl6f 94and9 the rax foiks folks that likes you thems the kind worth a journey long to find course its something purty fine to be standing up jn line wjieiitjeee chosen oqxrpregajiio cyflfom wrin w ip t t m- lotkedl ovr the rim uf iiim riru3 with a ellitlit krlmimv nml iikiuii dont you liellew in iivhj ijnt you holltvc iluu pvtmy tin- was uimlo for soiuo om notlur inuch thlh tlin jntirtor and falter from luck i miioiiiii siiv not ho retorted heron no xucli thine u lov mar- rlfikctsn rnflttefof bnkluii whrtj jll kanftto stmc the sho m home of be i in mi i iirjoptai la rrnmrnnj g man shoes prompt returns fipm shipments when you up grain butter cheese or fro put through the merchants bajmpjft on the bur this is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement it saves time and possible losa th mcrchant5 bank head office montreal of oeorgetown branch acton branch canada c w l b esubllshad 1364 grandv mojer shorey menace to the motorists i as the motoring season is approa ching a close i beg to call your atten tion to my facilities for caring for your storage battery for the winter our price is 50 cents per month for win ter storage we would also solicit your overhauling and can guarantee you satisfaction oxeyacetelene welding electric al work and storage battery work a specialty speights garage guelph st georgetown cbinbhlls and machinbrv bnakpbs j ittsuv v 1 tv j ij v electric repalre toronto j a tracy myfci ucierk towimllll of bniiuealng iliteisvqierkrd dlvlajon court 4rjhjleallii8 flreapd life inauranoa jifc d marrlace llcenaai mill atioet weat georgetown dllloe home wedneaday and sat tildayaftemotuia georgetown creamery highest price paid for your t fqwl wanted live and dressed fowl of all kinds wanted we pay the best prices georgetown creamery co m saxe manager l teacher in singing i south oflorgitown on tiimdaye iliqler check books m charming indood is the llnpro on this pio- ture jho youn lady known tha sho is poifootly uafo in usinu tlioap skates booauso thoy havo boon repaired at qur hop w vo the best workmariship and uso only the host materials if you have any shoes or skates that need repairing or in fact any- thiny that needs grinding bring it to our slipp good flour is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread and pastry the xoblie brands are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario jmbuck butcher always keps a choice stook of the best prooarable in fresh and 8lt meat which ha sails at ths lowest possible prices canada food board licenve ni 9 208 get the best pattersons eat market special in cann go we will give away with every two dollars worth of goods bought here 2 cans of peas reg 30c for 25c 2 cans of corh reg 45c for 35c 2 cans tomatoes reg 44c for 35c special values in choice quarters of beef canada food board licence no 8l2208 w j patterson oboboisow main slxee vpojrgetp wn lpna no sl r v i y v i j- it- rf ant ru die a bnchelor tijjjfife as tne n rises ami seta ijt tacljeilsr irxnii jmielt ilfliicej huowifapuletl 6oshewaa verf re- ouwertl bop jbm at hi mir j i mi4 fitj oid tol9e tit tbhtrtiniejp4cb tall- butiriltt he ktteplpi to brlrik tbenl towhei idatlhoni i inthisefore it ygtkitqie tar r v tp cmebrte wti rweptyighuiiti milipentsthatatntftincoro nlpriini7 somfthlnc put intd lacbfi f6ka ihatsbyeffgraaayv i tojirlifg rilamit itijiust bo opd for to have it understood that youre one of ilia select bewconaidoiea quite boriacii havpeopteiiqirlajru iiri bi3ioiotatai9avihsihi smlibthefjiij8btysq0thin soijs- ftlks4hthistwiihybdv hert jes laufefi andtuin nvfas- how e ibrive tlieirprnise to win only to ieturn ngin to thefehers that stand true folks that jites you edusotheydo fmmtoftmtotmtm lachesis byr bay baker illlllll copyright u18 by the atoolura nowepa- per syndleata things linppen just by accident onietimos but does the accident nap pin by accident not while lachesis in holding down that destiny job on mtiini olyinpub liirbpslb you know la one of the tlirce aloornc who meddle in the af fairs of mortals from the time tliej arc horn until they pass into other realms three moerne or fates have a room nil to themselves in the bis of- hce building of the ends and they run things with a high hand one would think that in these days of progress clotho would get some thing to take the place of that old spinning wheel on which she spins the thread of life and that atropos could and an instrument less unwieldy than that long pair of dull shears she line been using to cut the thread when she decides its long enough however they seem to have got along so far without modern improvements and they ought to know their business by this time anyhow this story concerns lach esis who works without instruments she simply stands near the spinning wheel and dabs weal nnd woe on that thread and twists it about ber fingers end ties knots in it to suit her own- pleasure it has been said that clotho and luchesls and atropos ure old and ugly of course as mortals reckon these fates are old but yearn dont count on olympus and as to ugliness well im willing to allow that atropos has a hideous fnrv nnd its possible clotho is not beautiful be- cnure her bnck must be iame and her eyes faded and her forehead wrinkled from bending over the spiuning wheel but lnchusls theres no reason why she should be ugly becauuo her job furnishes lots of variety moreover shes one of the heroines in this story so she has just got to be beautiful the horo is jack watson u mere mortal who defied lachesis she bad decided soon after clotho betai to spin the thread that he should be mar- rlejl before he became twentyeight years old end she had picked for his bride a girl named esther itlclinrds they wore born in the same little town in ohio and had one of those school kid romances and then when jack nus only eleven and esther eight it onded jack moved with his parents to co lumbus where they resided three years jack ahd esther wrote occasionally as children sometimes carry on a corre spondence but they wore too young to understand about affinities and such things and gradually they forgot about each other when jack was fifteen his mother lied and be moved with his father to new york the boy obtained a job as office boy with a broker and held it two years then he was promoted gnd about that time pneumonia claimed mr watson when esther was ten she went with her parents to vancouver british co lumbia and there they remained until she was twentytwo laiheslh stood in the workroom of fhimoerno one day holding jack wat sons thread of life in one hand and esther richards in the other j bow for apart they have drifted she murmured this will never do i have decided differently jack mis leaning hock in his swivel chulr with his feet on his desk in his own reni estate oiuce in melbourne australia was he thinking uhnut ksther decidedly not ills mind was full of business of how lo travel ntlli farther on llio pntli of prosiiurily whltrh he already had found esther wus reellninu on a lounge n ber home in vancouver reudltig a lteil cross macrnzlue pit jnrk hold any place in her thoughts no not oven n small corner they had forgotten about each other as i have said that evening jack wont to tho mel bourne business club for dinner uh- tbroe other prosperous young business num all of them married whon the men was finished tho con versa lion turned to matrimony how comes it you never got mar ried jack asked george clifford as he passed cigars youro old enough and have enough coin to multo some girl comfortable and hupuy jack laughedas he llglirod the weed not mo he ssjd as ho puffed pluc- idly ill never get married im go ing to be a hormlt do you know fol lows its n fact that ive never been interested a bit in the fair ox tm nil for bublhoss im sincerely opposed to marrlagoifor myself at least the states as htjlrjiid aitcuraulated comfbrtawe pile of tho rfetn8t much desired ov tluv clone nnd ns ae hml taken in a j partner- who was capable of conduct ing hie business alode there was no feison why he should not ohrry the i iden nto effect i it was on the outskirts of chicago that the accident occurred tho trnln hit a broken rnll or something and the parlor cor left the track ouly one porxon wob severely injured and that was jack watson whose arm ns broken he whs taken to a chicago hospital whore the ana was set his condition physically and financially warranted n nurse being assigned to special duly on the esse this was the tlrst opportunity he had had to study woman nt close rniiko anil it proved decidedly ttiiorest- ing the nurse was in constant at- temlnne during the day and rendy l answer his call at any time during tho night she was continually paitlnu thermometers into his mouth anti talc ing them out again feeling his pulxo feeding him lee cream and olhor del- cades and sadllng and she lind a pretty fore always shlninrc wllli jrooo cheer nnd a lot of other ulco ways abnnt her 0 thats funny jnrk told himself frequently i never lnew a woman could be so timeful in ihu busy world and ho jjot to wioiiuk that hls arm wouldnt be in any hurry about jrittlng mended nnd bis mind began thinking strange thoughts that is strange for him of course you know the nnrse was esther richards but he did not a lot of chaaires tnke plnce in u perron netweeu he nges of eight and twenty- five nnd there was no more reason why he should ussoclate this miss richards with the one of his school days in ohio than thnt she should recojmlite her childhood sweetheart in this mr wntson who was her pntleut bad jack been less reticent about himself their former acquaintanceship would have leaked out in the small talk that usually develops between a nurse and a convalescing patient hut as he was one who took things for granted and never displayed curiosity especially concerning the affairs of women bo had not oven nked tho customary where is your home naturally her professional reserve ac quired during nearly three years of training precluded the possibility of her taking tho initiative in such per sonal matters so the fact that they had not been schoolmstes and puppy- love sweethearts remained unre- vcaled he fought against the peculiar feel ing that was creeping over him but it was a losing fight he gave up tho strurglo and confessed first to himself and later to her that 119 was in love with her he told tier all nhout it on the day be was to leave the hospital do you bellevo in love she in quired as she stood beside the bed and retained that professional de meanor sufficiently to keep him from seizing her hand these days peo ple are beginning to have the iden that marriage is only a business contract jack laughed and forgot nil about melbourne and real estate business club dinners and hermits lives love i he echoed surely i be lieve in love every one was made for some one and i was made for you ive felt that ever slnqo i first saw you standing by this bed and counting my heartbeats havent you felt the same way she forgot about being profes sional and her hand found its way into his perhaps she confessed thats what we always read in books and there may be something to it really i foel as if i had known you always lachesis smiled a smile of triumph she drew the two threads together and held them side by sido in ono hand with the other bund she reached into thohupplneb8 box and dabbed some of the contents on the threads then sho carefully and methodically knotted them together you cant defy lachesis and got way wttn it ne of tho motf surring of british c in the niuitatsjjpfnjsf impressioua it all depenajjws far us birmingham u concernalevfroni lilch side ones iraln nasrlnto the great city of tho ilnaaasmldlands docs tho ruvelsr his journey from the south the severn at worcester uhu the fool otth tlckeyhulsnt glflbvwpli fthx ialonc mifiit there is however jrnofher way of jfjroach the way thtcjugtithoblacki aijr escaped trow tuefllack oountlr i ftnhey6nd w aj jihwqtlief stjury e open jahd 1 its nothlngtut ta sbirn rnd ch vary names in ihchvo5thbb0wuo jfit6w hivi alaye bcouseottatjo- wmb the countryside now both views ave necessary in order to understand uiraiiuhuni tor the vast semi- circular aiafphlthcatxe with taassos of hduses brokeuby innumerable fac- toty chimneys as one writer has described the city has always had a great idea and a high ideal of the unenltles of civil life indeed this view is to a very large extent its chief characteristic if manchester stands for solid politi cal weight and worth birmingham stands for civic ublllty and civic achievement to hose who have caught tite temper of the town the lord mayor and corporation never suggests the notorious paving com- niltict tho city liovernmcnt is sur rounded by a won vifiil tradition in augurated by l kiiut btateanian for tliosu who kuov lhi ory can never forget tiiac luior joiili chtimber- luia bcame u gifiii nauona states- m mui bo lllul lh ii sttlesifiitii ami be iii g tat colonial miniio a i eat ciitec 111 live cily of liliiii moniioii of rli111 anolliel iiifi lev 1 lliiu lis exlrain 1 1 iil family or a c11 all quite 1 ee nt li who recall 1 lit u lstlfi nnl iii i stiviigih in lulu v way in v i1i1 1 11 nifiham utood iiii ebli and lloiv aiini 1 ijn loiiiithiili ii it wei- the rit fllm i uinninlin inii had a wa or pio zeus nuu li ll woll ai tie tluu done so 11 iubi mem to the bin rit mtiiicipttl he huil ooon a 1- lie bailijaen of hla na- rsi suggests of liiining- y loyally to a i in is o course nioiy and those iiil iiiriikle of glvlt in da of 11 t ttiiiuicr the iuii ul illriu- iielioil uniiiisi tlie it and a solid sv niv seven ul 1 he day ii 11 ciiis to have iieiijg groat clti- l not irenl ihcm w lien it bliouul liave tiiienily iiiuo atone- uc lit abilliy tlius british honduras british honduras is in the tropics but lis climate is only subtropical tho maximum shade temperature is of dogroos fahrenheit while tho min imum is f0 degrees cholera yellow fever nnd other tropical diseases oc cur from time to time but ou the whole the country is not unhealthy lu comparison with the west indies or the gen trnl american countries ihe dry benson lasts from tho middle of fobruurymo tho pilddle of may unln occurs at intervals during tho other months ami almost continuous ly during october november and de cember the aiimnl rainfall aver ages about 81 w nehoh but rises in some parts of t 10 country to 1150 enstnrly headwinds tnctfes or tnoro prevail durlntz he yoarl greater part of the ths hur the amalleat i color of all the p tho bumming bli species none is t tlmn id tbit weet noticed that hunu orous in sumni greatly diminish explanation is fi sands have been iiiery tndf nlno dlrda d si brilliant in thered creations are s i lid of the 400 be found elsewhero ii heiulsphere it ils ing ulrllj oe nllltt- lb inflfnnu lime i in number an u hint ninny thou- scrlfleed in tho mil- it drove llio fiiinoti ur prlesiley from its midst ji iiu- clumlng years of tho eighleiniil century burnt his house at kan lilll spiiritbrook his library and luburaiury and all his manuscripts being lout lu tho uamea but in front of the town hall today there stands a stuluo of tho great chemist and lilrmingliam recognizes him as one of na greatest citizens for tho most uan indeed ulrnilng- ham has treated its loag list of dis tinguished men wurililiy and remem bers thorn willi prkto ono of the most procloun herimgos in tlie town loriay is tho memory of the groat soho factory where through the genius of james watt and the cour- ugo of matthew liotilion tne steota engine was perfected walts own private workshop ieinalns just as he left it wllli no ulnglo article disturb ed cnrofully pnscrvod in tlie garrot of bin house hi iloutlineld tho ohrlstlun ticleaco ivlonitor landors thrift maxims 1 behave towards your purse as you would to your beat frleud 2 view llio reckless monoy spender as a criminal and shuu his company 3 dress neatly not lavishly a bank pays a higher rateof interest than your hack 4 take your amusements judi ciously you would enjoy them better 6 uonl throw away your crusts oat them they are as si rengi hon ing as beef 6 it is more exhilarating to feel monoy in your pocket tlinn boer in your stomach 7 urmomber it only takes twonty shillings to make a pound and twelve pennies lo maku a shilling 8 you can sleep butter actor a hard days work tiinn alior a days idleness 9 always get good value from tradesmen thoy watch they get good money from you 10 there is us much pleasure in rending a good bnuk acuouut as a uovel walking the court notes of the olmerverof loudon record thin uuvn mary is out a groat denl as lier mafmv is fond of opon air llfi- and is an cxrol- lont pedestrian it is remarkable how rapidly tho art in whb h queen marys proficiency lias been so grace fully hoknowlodkcil lius nluiiitit lapsed into obsolescence since fiellierr karl drals von snuerbinnn invented- a veloclpedo to snvo uls otyji exertion and trundled it surressftilly around the grand duko of lindens rorosls in iho days of waiiilon walking has its dovoleoh by the million in iho brltlbh isles however they do not all manifest the fact after tho manner of the itev a n cooper vicar of flloy in yorkshire woll known as tho walking parson who some twontyodd yunrs ago stepped out of his pulpll one sunday even ing and turned st might on to the hlghrnnd for a 2ri0mllo walk to lon don mr cooper reached london the following saturday took train and next morning treated his con gregation in filey to a bormon as full of vigor as of sound advice the htiinds tho earl of dunmpro said at a dinner in washington there was a good deal of baseball ployed in lon don inst summer and tho doughboys ofton look english glrs to see the game i heard of a doughboy who said to a girl as thoy ontorod tho ball grounds together if thorns any thing you want explained toll mo i guess a lot of tilings soonj meaning less to you everything soems mean- ingloss said the girl and soma things soein idiotic what seems idiotic naked tho doughboy well said the giil why do you call tho seats tho stands posing for avilltnm photographer to captain in full untorniuok fiaroo ploaml i t aaababibbsgfflsiiiasgaam 7yiavk4

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