Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 15, 1919, p. 2

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fii n i 2- tnrv w leavdlnc funeral i1- ceotor and embalmer office opposite merchants bank opn day and night omrilton out phone 64 married cook bill at the home of the bride father gleiiwilliaina on tuesday jan uary 7th 1919 by rev a s true- blood lulu bell to frank cook died hooob at slewartlown on january 8th 1919 ftlrruerile fanny hunter belov- ed wife of walter john hodge aged jo years and 9 months deeply regretted ome v tv bablor vi i bfaeyhri fo hvityfr m tbsvastgnsviohft- aryluti 91 wife or v yeai jfc 8t ittfui stevvitowny jar dorothy hod beloved ged 25 swakrzmnmwiaat h9tfcdo p william swanwhberr kd 8 month 20 y- deeply rj ry y mia bul not forgotten r w4fliaiky byg january 1fc lblft -hbb8- to i the nvew eij ahd-ljeres- illag- eviipoils of georgetbis-n- 1b the reiinng beeve and coulndillors we piterid thanks for services rendered add to the new reeve and councillors we express the hope that chey will ealieall that le expected of them the peace conference delegated have at last been named and the dominions premier has been hon ored by being invited to sit at all sessions at whioh canadian mat ters will be disonssed canada will look to sir robert to put in a claim for every expense she has been pat to on account of the war most favorable was the recep tion given by premier of ontario sir william hearst to the delega tion whioh called upon him last week at the parliament buildings to urge the matter of mothers al lowances on che government sir william promised that the matter should have the most careful in vestigation and consideration de clared that no organization could take the place of the homo tho great factor in the making of rood oitizens said he felt that never again will we be so indifferent to the needs of others as before the war and after oiting some of the arguments used by authorities against schemes of state aid for mothers said he felt that the fail- ore was doubtless due to initial carelessness in regard to detail obituary john p bbown on- monday january 6th the friends of mr john frederick brown were shocked to hear he had suddenly passed away at his home grimsby farm esquesing although not robust he had at tended faithfully to his many du ties until but three days before his death he was taken ill failing to respond to medical treatment he became suddenly weaker from heart trouble and passed peacefully to bis reward in his sleep he was the eldest son of the late charles and mrs caroline brown and was born on the farm on whioh he died 68 years ago where be hod spent his life with the ex ception of a few years in boyhood on the old homestead adjoining his birthplace being of a quiet re tiring nature he devoted his life wholly to his home and family who have suddenly been bereft of bis kindly counsel and careful con sideration his wife margaret hunter two sons j lester and c ward and two daughters may and florence are left to mourn the loss of a most devoted husband and father there also survives to miss his ever thoughtful care and generous hand bis mother mrs c brown and three sisters misses brown and one brother a j brown on the homestead the funeral service on wednes day last was conducted at the borne by the bev mr booth pas tor of hornby presbyterian church of whioh mr brown bad been an elder for over twenty years in terment took place in norval cem etery the bearers to the graveside were two brother elders messrs bobt king w henry jno barnes b harrop w switzer and jas h wilson there were many kind messages of regret and sympathy from friends unable to be present from a distance sunset and evening star and one clear call for me and may there be no moaning of the bar when i put out to sea twilight and evening bell and after that the dark and may there be no sadness of farewell wheat i embark for tho from out our bourne of tlftte and place the flood may bear me far i bops to see my pilot face to face when i have crossed the bar com i fmbiteati id chfldreii in u for 6vr30 year town council cmmcil met on monday evoninu with reeve grant in the chair and counoillors f cook w brudles ijeroy dule w mcmillan present minutes of morning meeting read and confirmed moved by dale seconded by bradley that the clerk secure a copy of the municipal world for each member of council also for the clerk treasured mill consta ble carried communications were road from win barclay re rink commitlee from t j speight re rink com mittee intorprovincial brick co cunadian reconstruction associ ation re work for returned soldiers w a moms jcivil engineer siclt chjdrentlpeijtivl wiji barclay and t j gpeigbvag members ofiha rink pomroifelee bp apcebtedrcarried the report of chief hunter of x ho fire brigade for the year 19ib- wpxentedjiod read as51osi- li-y- tya -3on- imip to tlqeorgetoirtodl j the fjilaving- i the oepow of bb orgejojjri fire- brjgauk fo themaar endipg december olstjjd- 18 wie tire brigade has 22 ibjbt bersjij gbdrl standing 8 of whioh- are overseas fijjlifcipk forkinjf and countryi the fjre co hold thrtirtruetrns on the hrst thursday of enun month they also hold flrolxnc- tices on the hrst and third thurs days of may june july aukiist and september we have had 0 fire calls in tlio past year which wore as follows march 1st h corkes woollen mills april 4th frank woods house april 9th ballantiuos coal sheds april 15th heraul office april 25th lor piles at grand trunk station august 8nl guthries barn wm loso nkil hukter secretary chief moved by bradley seconded by dale that tho report of chief hun ter of the fire brigade he approv ed carried moved by cook seoonded by momillon that the following ac counts bo paid bell telephone co constables residence and town hall 1576 d j matthews stamps 400 georgetown herald acct 1750 carried moved by bradley seconded by cook that the members of council desire to express to the chief and members of georgetown firo bri gade their sincere appreciation of the services of the brigade during the year 1918 carried moved by mcmillan seconded by cook that the following be ac cepted as members of georgetown fire brigade nelson cook clin ton herrington and james cole man carried moved by mcmillan secondod by cook that leroy dale be ap pointed seotreas and that messrs bradley and momillian be added to the bink committee carried moved by- cook seoonded by mcmillan that the following be the committees for the year 1919 the first named being the ohairman of that committee finance and charity dale and bradley streets and walks cook and momillan waterworks- mcmillan and dale fire property and cemetery- bradley and cook chief beith was reappointed as truant officer mr n hunter was reappointed chief of fire brigade and mr bobt erwin assistant ohief salar ies 86 and 16 respectively mr john taylor was reappoint ed caretaker of fire hall at a sal ary of 10 dr f r watson was reappoint ed a member of the high sohool board for the ensuing three years mr j a willoughby was re appointed a member of the public library board for the ensuing three years mr e coleman was reappoint ed pound keeper for the year 1919 on motion of dale and cook chief beith wrs appointed assess- or for the village of georgetown for the year 1919 carried georgetown amateur minstrel club were granted theuse of the town hallfor practices onoe a week counoi will meet first monday of each month at 780 pm township council eequosiiin jan 18th 19197 tho members elect of the es- qiiehing township council met and having inado and subscribed to the declarations of qualification and office took their seats as follows jus l standish reeve john r elliott deputyreeve w j l hampshire f c thompson and jus mcdowell councillors hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay the following ac counts m e turner oollector ward 4 12 boing refund taxes e w grace 660 statute labor worked also 2 dog tax he having no dbg w frank 760 refund statute labpr paid and worked- jenr s led t- -v- bhibtohapsbrfeiy fctte ti-edauay-tollwiri8- ftcv oouritsv tforpert dtysdgo- under- brrmbhig- ot the st rlonbrind 21 mj carton- 66 rodswire fence 10 26 k darjingdr o ardt election expenses jl60 w0xok wdi fimby o ampson ajd i bw wi sprinwll8 m ltofl 3np- in sii sa irvr3v always bmui sgnsttpsob military news the following is tho official gazette report of the conduct of leuit jim pedley whioh led to his being awarded the military gross when the left company was held up he brought up two platoons in beotional rushes to their assiutanoe thanks to his promptness the loft company was enabled to continue to advance tbronghout the two days fighting be displayed remark able coolness and was always with bis platoon in the thickest of tbe fight pretty greeting folder has been reoeived by the herald from flight- lt arol oneill of no 8 squodrop franoe capt b j w brookeof the canadian siberian expeditionary force sailed from vancouver on the bellafardb lf jc qook wrd 9i iie jdhn rohn tofjlpd i drtg tax haiog beeadeattioed 4ofora coui of bvjsi6tf ij o 0 cnn bell- jsorf iefuod statto jabprj fwwitimuvjihy nesting bjlsfhi miihtoipal eicelioiis-cirrpn- thompson rtampsftitc that the treasurer pay j m lopr the bum of 686 for balancftoh print ing account beli lclimliino- ront for liiarfccr rtidirlg 81st of march elliott- mcdowell that tho treasurer pay the following ac counts a c macnabb 10 and w a wilson 10 being balance on salary as assessors carried ilamnshiro thompson th a t the treasurer pay the following ac- cotints robert joyce collector ward 1 6 boing refund dog tax harry dicks he having left tho municipality also 99c error in rollcarried thompson mcdowell that tho treasurer pay james mcdougall 2090 being work performed in division 42 in 191718 guelph in got iron co 2 culverts 12 x 16 4820 and one 16 x 16 2720 total 7040carried hampshire thompson that tbe treasurer pay j mcnally 2 re fund dog tax and 160 refund statute labor total 860 henry may oollector for ward 2 1490 refund taxes w g davies former bank manager at norval henry may 8 refund statute labor also 150 refund mrs robinson statu te labor total 14 40- carried hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay percy martin 100 on 4th line contract known as the sprowl washout that j m moore be awarded the contract for print ing for tbe township for the year 1919 for the sum of 1q0carried that a public meeting of tbe oitizens of the township of esques ing to consider and discuss the question of recognizing in some way the services of our soldiers who are returning from the war said meeting to be held at stewart- town on wednesday evening 22nd inst at 780 a full attendance is urgently requestedcarried elliott mcdowell that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint a member of the looal board of health also a medical officer of health and a sanitary inspector and that said bylaw be now read tho first timecarried mcdowell elliott that the by law to appoint officers of the board of health be now read the seoond and third times and passed and that the blank be filled up as fol lows member john l leslie m o h dr mcallister sanitary in spector jameshoodoarried modowell hampshire that leave be granted to introduce a by law to appoint assessors for the year 1919oarried elliott modowell that the by law to appoint assessors be now read the second and third times and passed and that the blanks be filled up with the name of g b thompson for wards 1 2 and 8 and g c campbell for wards 4 6 and 6 and that they be paid the sum of 90 each for their services- carried thompson mcdowell that leave be granted to introduce a by law to appoint auditors for the year 1919 and that said bylaw be how read the first timecarried hampshire elliott that the bylaw to appoint auditors be read the second and third times and passed and that the blanks be filled up with the namosof wil liam thompson and b c mocul- lough and that they reoeive the sum of 16 each for their services- carried elliott hampshire that the treasurer pay the following ac counts d campbell for gravelling the- town line opposite- lot- 81 8126 cost of gravel 1876 total 100carried hampshire modowell that this counoil do now adjourn to meet again oh february 17th at 10oolook am carried school report public sohool bepprt for 1918 iv class hon maud mcdon ald aileen moote pass mary lawson thomas bason winnifred king eva beth el merle fisher clarence benham helen lawson aileen bradley marion mckay willietuck inez leslie eva frampton morrel hil lock earl van natter mary mckin- non edith cave marjorie ballan- tine 8r iii hon edna shearer hazel bradley jean mokerrzio maisie mcdonald mina soxe pass herbert coutts lenore cooke lilian watson ooorgina henry dorothy frampton violet lairdslily jeason arthur tyhdall muriel oijtrdnihtc kfithucn xfreaw otarejs lmhg axisr suiir cftilute adavlhjie jr hi b lion isabel mcder- mid pasflrlitliun kennedy del lav bales slwgdjotcutts ruth orr awjoiib tost mmiieqaiftoroiji and hart- woods f v r viv3fffeb lbngiir hoed paispquglae horsey qlaropue vlek jljck tost tknley tfpd- frey i firnl hopaileou bossru too tiiciv victor norririgtofl t rf- vwlssiimay rths jylariieck ernesji taborner rata tost allan baker jlaude ijjurnsidei jtru hon margaret kenho- ly edith davis harold bnllivont margaret willoughby pearl saxe pass irene tost victor tedder equal margaret c kennedy and marjorie hillock equal jock chrioliton jjjn dobbie garfield mcgilvray elvin ostrander flos- bie blair bruoo heath and hazel holmes equal edgar rush new man truax jack mcdermid char lie frampton john loslie and walter hyde equal wilfred bre en alice troanor violet tedder wilhemine hynds bonnet arnold br i pass willi- merritt stella coulter charlie willson gordon spenco charlie kirk iso- bel lougheed kathleen barnes eleanor maw jack forster willie reeve clifford bradley kenneth weston jack watson ruben bas on harvey king jr i pass jack harrison is abol cameron edwin hoare hel en forster jean watt 8r prim hon jean bull vant marie cook marion plant pass elizabeth sponoe aileen groat ralph armstrong margaret wright arthur ezeard clarence hale margaret braisby bessie smith jr prim hon willie king- edith tost kathleen wright pass gladys weston clarence leslie hilliard allen roy mcen- ery elmer costigan jr prim hon evelyn la- rose mabel sparling olive davis pass lloyd walters charlie stockford willie vint fred mc nally marjorie linham waldo diggins vorna barker walter lawson clifford blythe willie butledge nellie green correspondence electors of georgetown you have elected a beeve and counoil you are entitled to know their views on alfvital public questions tbe greatest danger we have to face will be the agitation to bring book booze is there a booze organization in georgetown i think there is i am deolaring myself in this is sue of the herald and hereby in vite the reeve and counoil to de clare themselves in next weeks herald i stand for a continuance of tbe enforcement of the ontario tem perance aot of september 1916 and am unalterably- convinced that this act has been the greatest for ward step towards a sound and sol id standard of living space will be reserved for the beeve and re maining members of the counoil to declare tbein- selves next week there can be no neu trals on this issue w f bradley nmiiiiiihflnmiiiimiinnimiiijiyiiiiiiiwiii graham wafers one satisfied customer said i never knew graham wafers could be so good until i tried telfers they are perfectly de licious shes right you try them packed in air tight packages for sale at all grocers imiiiii g anmrnrim il imr iftamnrssi special midwinter clearing sale at the mens store we are offering special bargains in our ordered cloth ing department this is a rood time to place your order and take advantage of tho low prices we are offering to keep our workshop going during the between season a splendid rlaifceqtok taseleot from v w oddpiat bc o v y g iiei halfprice fov all failed winter hatkkxiov qana j tifisepportmfity to get yonx share of ths speejial priced goo4sabthey are all new and must bealrid v h v- r wr 4 weinite oatlmipttaot j wre orferurg v- 7 r v 1 j i i twii ii- k i v i iin nj t 2pkgtl cornstdrchifoi- 25c 8 pkgs beedleflh raisins for 49c 10 lbs granulated sugar for 116 2 tins of tomatoes for 86 large tin of sniders tomato soup 20o tin of pens for 16o quart jar of sour mixed or mustard pickles 26o 4 lb tin of apple and strawborry jam 7fio 4 lb tin of apple and raspberry jam 78o 2 lb tin orange marmalade 46c georgetown j ph6nx higbtctlasp tailorljsig and mens furnishings agents for stookwell herjderbon 4 coi dyers slnd cleftriers torohto iiiinimal la nnndffii ia nniniffii a gnmnnni b jacksons rex theatre georgetown thurs jan 23rd one night only direct from a six weeks run in massey hall toronto the people today a looking for reliabi ty durability quul ty in the goods thj purchase milton one authority has it that a man only requires eigbt hours sleep while a woman should have ten this may be true but to a man it looks awfully like an at tempt to give him plenty of time iri whioh to ge up in the mornings and get the breakfast ready pacisla in tea all package teas uptons bed hospital ship madras on friday rose or saladd per lb 660 walter january 10th the party consist- 1 bakers breakfast cocoa perlb29o ed of about 70 officers and 700 men j j gibbens on monday mrs s dice slipped and fell on tbe ice on tbe pave ment near the postoffioe a bone in one of her arms was broken a little above tbe wrist samuel harding and e waller were brought before judge elliot forsentenoe last friday for steal ing chickens and a pig harding was ordered to be released on sus pended sentence on paying the val ue of the ohiokensand 25 towards costs waller the alleged return ed soldier was remanded for a week for investigation of his his tory james harding and geo hipks oonvioted of stealing eleven cattle from h p lawson were remand ed to 81st inst with the condition that an earlier date may be fixed if circumstances make it advisable on new years day in the morn- ingffred inman was atwork pn some timber wbjbh he owianear oqxs mill esquosinfi the skid slipped and broke a bone in one of bis arms just above tbe elbow he did not know the bone was broken till he went to a surgeon in tbe afternoon it is doing well now champion hearts ofthe world is more than a picture play it is a world drama it goes straight id the heart1t is this human qualitx that makes hearts of the world as bio as mankind charles rarnt0n nyevenn world cs subitest love story ieb tolo dwgmffitrl s jt supreme triumph hairtsrimd we have a quantity of enamel bought some time ago under favo conditions this lot comprises m and best quality we put this lot on this week at special prices these ai serviceable and useful pieces and will good service as to wear for real service and quality we you a good range of wool cashmeref worsted hosiery in all sizes and at reasonable prices j childrens misses and womens wool gloves and mitts a large shoi of the best wool these will give service in wear and are of exceptit value lonemillionfhtiiujmen i tiwntylbousand horses miles of k tihery march of legions squadrons of airplanes fleets of zeppelins itiwdesliuclioii of cities ithechare of thetanks childrens cap and scarf wool silk sets aso caps of the newest desig pretty seasonable and serviceable of h quality and workmanship childrens misses nd womens ja ets the latest pattern choice self and or bination colors of fine quality wool a viceable garment and at prices that can be duplicated a saturday special of lowneys cowans and patterson boxed chocolates all fresh goods and i dainty boxes reg 45c values for 32 will be shown with a special orchestra and effects jiiles brazil musical director evening 815 prices 50c 75c and 100 seats on ale at mrtthew 8 drug store saturday boys here you are for 9c f a 40c girls hand sleigi main street will relieve y0ur cold or money back i u- sold only the bestiiiv taa oajbjul store jssiws bm fliflrwffppfffff f ft r- vi v v- wy y- yi ytv vt y yy y v i y n yi v r y yivwi baiiiiiiiiwiihbbhblbliafflbfiaialukakttiiyl

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