the georgetown herald j wednesday bvjiuiiiary 29 1910 ijbtutillsosthat cdunt how otua in our buity life we speak a little word we care not who the listeners are we tare not whore tis beard we do not know within our heart to what it mrfy amount and truly it in only one of little things that count we often wound the trusting heart by being inttincore we do not think that which we do may causa lonely tear s0- w tbie truatihgiheart to doubt wis often wong within durelf the oneawbp love usirue beoaue ief tell us bj afanlt vvxerttuhhlfittanvw jsipd afthdtqubttlje tiny ittf ilhti bjir ft ww y f of j41e jt cotv ibips yotiodu1atbntlotfor ajp you tsouftt to sadden- trusting tifjoits rj- sou c6ini for nabgbt it pain you- cqunfc as clojids in someones akv you darken someones aay o pruel little deeds and w6rds we eant undo unsay i then ever bpeak the kindly word instead of one of pride twill banish sorrow frsfn a soul and anger turn aside the loving word the deed and glance is borne on angels wings and angel voices echo true b in l w lip if fev life childrens aid society the annual moetinu of the chil drens aid society of the county was bold it the sheriffs office on friday night of last week to hear reports of the oillocrs for the past year it bos been expected that the annual meeting for 1918 would be addressed by mr j j kelso of toronto superintendent of neg lected children for the province but tho repented postponement of the meeting on account of the in fluenza ban disarranged all plans to that end the meeting on fri day night was hurriedly culled and was preliminary to a later one at which mr kelo will be present and at which the officers for 1919 will be elected mr chas w sorton inspector for the two societies of iialton and peel picseuted his report showing a yearof great and useful activity and reviewing the work done na turally much of the work of the inspector is out of the publio sight but it is none the less a social ser vice of the very highest importance in the protection of children in the preservation and recosntruo tion of home life where it has been marred and broken and in tho safe guarding of the future of many children who otherwise would be come not only a burden but a men ace to society mr norton report ed the results of his investigation into many cases of neglect and nonsupport on the part of the parents and presented abundant evidence of tho success of his ef forts in placing children entrusted to the care of the sooiety in foster homes when possible this rescue work is dono without recourso to the courts and without huinh mea sures of any kind it is not a spec taoular form of social service but it is a real human conservation in a summary of his work mr nor ton gave the following details 204 homes visited and warnings given 2000 letters written for both counties 260 children help ed by warnings or removal 870 children visited in foster homes 10 children made wards of halton county 6 placed in foster homes 1 girl sent to the mercer beforma- tory 8 girls over fifteen years of age helped to useful mves 10 boys over 16 years of rtye lot off on sus pended sentonoe attondnnce at po lice court in 47 eases for children and 10 boys under 16 years of age let off on suspended hontonoo al together halton county has 101 wards in charge at present there are nino of those in brampton all under ten years of age ready to be removed to the shelter in milton when it is ready tobo oooupied the treasurer mr c h stuart presented bis report showing a ba lance of 2978 on november 10th last besidoh the county grant of 80000 municipal grants wore re ceived from noanagowoya nelson milton burlington trafalgar and georgetown in viaw of the establishment this yearin milton of the shelter by the county counoils of pool and halton and the inoreased need of the work of the halton 8ociety in connootion therewith the publio are askod to take a jfoonor interest in tho operations of the sooiety and to show bat interest in a praotioal way j m denyes ip8 president georgina young secretary the economy of spending enough be measured by price 1- true economy can never alone it is well to remember that the cheapest is se dom the most economical at any time durability length of service must be carefully weighed against the purchase price and the correct balance is economy k k- 21 with four cutters sargent 2 with four cutters 17s 276 14 faddel chopped with fpuxrujww 1 vr pione4 you may put antifreez in your radiator but not in your battery why then neglect it when it plays the most important palrt of the car of today leave your battery with us this winter end have it in first classjhape i vint or dy s as the customer desires also repairing done work guaran teed batteries left at w h willson s will receive prompt attention d f brigrdenj prestolite service station for george town and vicinity mail contract 14 the- scaled iviuler iuidrtul to the loi- mattter general mill be received at ottn- wu until noon on friday the 71st febru ary 1919 for the conveyance of hi majcntyh mails on a proposed contract for four years six tinier per week on the route georgetown rural route no via hornby- and ksquehinfi from the postmaster generals pleasure printed notice coiitiiiiin further infor mation as to conditions of proposed con tract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be ohmincd at the lot of fice of georgetown hornby and ksquefi- ng oral ihr office of the post office in spector toronto a sutherland osi office inspector post office iusrpector office toronto rfr of the0ontv ophaito1 1 the matter of te estsvt4 of jms hlsjd tflkon latedf ih vula of qirctowq lk tum gonnty of halton fkysoun doewdu v r 101 schitn- s6 tuftt jltsbbetuirnv ahnfifthii estalc ofthc sad jame rjcw tirdt nlxdrn wb ttidoyi orinxukui 4t da of ptfobpfc lbrt at tbshfdviluit fef ufcotjjetown aiijf cpqulrod to simldby ost or t qetiver to tho undesigned s6 lkjitoi on pr fcefore uiefllh davof hasbruarywlfl theo namea attdreiert f ufl ttiulv claims and fhs natare of tba fccurity atiyheld bj them all duly verified by statutory dtfclariitfiom after the said date thoadniftirstrator- will proceed 4o disvri- but tlmasses of ihehleceasedaniong jhe parties entitled hereto having rvard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and they shall not be li able for the assent or any part of them to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of sdbh distribution- dated at milton this 14th day of janu ary 1919 w i dick milton ont sduckin iuc rhcr anmlfflstrator graham wafers as a nourishing school lunch for a child or with cheese or with milk in the evening telfers graham wafers are unexcelled the nutlike flavor is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour brought out by perfect baking always crisp fresh and appetizing packed in air tight packages for sale at all grocers tiiiif get your butter paper at the herald gastoria for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of bnot copy of wrapper in use for over thirty years astoria auction sale of valuable farm property in the township ol esqneslng there will be olfured for sale by public auction by w a russell esq auction eer for a1ary lyons administratix of the estatk of samuel jkfferv lyons deceased nt the mcgibbon house in the village of georgetown on tuesday the fourth day of february 1919 at2 pm all anrt singular that paicclof land known as lot number twelve in the tenth lonccssion of the township of es- quesing in the county of halton contain ing 200 acres more or lus except fhe portion sold off to the toronto suburban railway company there is erected upon this property a brick and frame dwelling bouse contain ing 9 rooms with woodshed adjoining which also contains a cement water stor age tank there is also another frame dwelling house on the property containing 6 rooms there is a barn 84 ft x 42 ft a horse and cow stable 100 ft x 36 ft con taining 6 horse stnlu 12 double cow stalls and 12 single ctw stalls there is also an implement khed m ft x 18 ft a pig pen 45 ft x 18 ft and a poultry house there is also a bam on the upper 10c acres 60 ft x 36 fi water igfuiiuped by windmill in to a cement storage- tank and distributed into the stables in supply 19 stalls 32 acres are in good bush there is a first- class apple orchard of about 7 acres the west branch of the river credit runs through the property tho soil of the lower 100 acres is handy loam excellent for gardening purposes while the soil of upper 100 acrps i a clay loam there are 13 acres of land in fall wheat and 50 acres of fall ploughing ar done this ftroperty is situated one mile from the vil- age of nerval and two miles from the village of georgetown terms of sa t p ceilt down at the time of sale moi he bauwice on the first day of april next when the contract shall be completed and the deed deliver ed for ptirthpr particulars and condi tions of sale apply to mary lyons ad ministratrix aforesaid norval ontario or to the undersigned vendors solicitor dated his thirteenth day of january 1919 e g graham brampton ont vendors solicitor music the heart of the home insurance fjio ijifo aooidont autompbilo burftlkvjtwintlbtprm and torna do s sppoial short date ratob on farmers sfeook ton have a choice of tho oldest and best british and canadian in- burance companies for particulars of any class of insurance call o4 my office dbovo pjist offloe phone pf write to happiness and pleasure are ours as we mnko them our selves one of the great sources of happiness and poptenl i music lot good music be ever present in your life and in your home when yon ohooeo select an instrument ofperm- anonoy as well as beauty brunswick phonograph this isthe only phonograph made in canada that will play all records properly it stands magnificently alone brunswick faithfully reproduces the real voice of thesinger and lonos of all instruments come in and hear this final phonograph and letyour oars be the judge i nan give- you one on easy terms bell pianos easy terms r no other instrument than tho bell piano is good onough for your ohilds musical education the purchase of a bell piano is not a speculation it is a sound investment singer sewing machines there js no reason why you should not have a sowing machine in your homo i oan give you one on terms to suit yourself open at ntoht only mjli jt vextboortolivingfltonbvbakery wlfww r j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement ffnsmithing plumbing hot air heating mot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phono 26 ceorqetpwn ont january 6th 1919 oponinb dato of winter term guelphbusiness college guclph onl you know tho nature of our work you knov ujo demand for jjur graduhtow xoukno lb iiojui d win tago to gdt our training oombrdont proomtlnntav a l bouck prlndple all three brands swiffdlo airtight packages easy to find it is on sale everywhere look for ask for be sure to net wrigleys the greatest name in goody- land wrigleys rspearmint l perfect ourl f seftced tcght wrigleys doublemint kept right juicy fruitiiiii cllb wing cum x riavotf lasts r the flavour lasts w wharrad charming indeed is tlio llguro on this pic- tun the young lady knows that she is perfectly safe in using these skntcsbecuuso thoy have boon repaired dt our shop we nivo the best workmanship and uho only the best materialx if you havo any shoes or skates that need repairing or in fact any thing that noeds grinding bring it to our shop phone 147 georgetown have you renewed your subscription yet grocery specials 10 lb pail of table syrup rr 1 00 fi lb imil of xublo syrup boo 4 lb lin if apple flnd fttrnwlmrry linn 7fic lb lin of apple nut iliibpbeiry jam 75o 2 linfsof toinaloos for 8bc laiko tin of sninertj tonlnto roup u0c 2 lb lln of oranm marmaliwu 45o 0 ioxoft initcbm for 25o prunos wv lb j fie 20n and 25 bulk bliuk ten per lb jioe uoo and 0o japan tea per ih fioo and ipo poas per tin j fio h pacluieb srumllchh raisinm for loo royal slowajl eoifeo per lb jop cnnndh lftitcl hofttd liroiiho no 8- 1j78 oiuei fatal ordbft triifml f die camperdowti mnn iten rcalld a tew llnm ia canadian news- pnpbrs ii while ago chronicled the ilmh in knulund of a man who play ed a prominent though unwilling mid irresponsible part id one or tho great em rtlsasters that has erer orurred in the british navy the lomduu papers devoted considerable h price to t h e career of a d i u iral sir allmrt ilnatlngs markhum who was lt eooititand of the battloniiip cam- icrdown when hhe rammed and sank ih nafcflhp victoria with 336 men tl 23 ottlctis including vice- ad miral sti gorge tryon the com- ttnderinchif of the mediterranean ii t june 22 1893 the fleet wab at uuitotmivrea off tiirtll on tlie coast of syria when vmifil tiyon gave an order that wil impossible of execution without br1n5iu tile to hips i6gcuiqr atfmfrai sjai lilmeaup5i ue d uvtthfffetjdtetft rb wwsmv aiktkiilw lvtirmc coretjtpd jnateiifl diirrtl tryon sigmnleft sharply jtmtiniv rtjiai t b p comma ip let tof tb itiipcrdown was wakfcnj5 for v tlitj flider wmi eiredoiiviodrhei cpv mion ohhwed 901 fcnjps wrn baduvdiynitged tjtto- ivtcnsrlfr trtllrik pver anaajtiihjiw x arew- tbioamperdfeiwn- luftnitged o jteih i- j x v 1 tpf tiie hjstjer aridlmoinfb taar mordz m tiv iwven ilavhwr in exbnvialidh of adinjral warkham 6ue jijf theftiidlwb towi-mar- tit that lriijjmrq i nip the- casv waa rchjrcttmtt r rr mftrkhant ktv uni ahw johy llrt ckpatlpitand rail his suieror atrpnmori tb r uppitronf eiror at the siime time the- cbuj bald it wialized thai t the ntevyhj of nawil lilsclfjlino he could iv well havo done- ittnrwbie thah lu did it absolved hlmbr all blime sdmlral mark ham who was born 76 years ago the son oj a naval ofji- cer entered the serviec in 1866 his career front that time to his retire ment in 1906 was an active one and filled with adventure he took part in lite british and french expedition tlm raptured pekln and burned the hummer palace a few years later he aided in quelling the taiplng re bellion that brought fame to gn chinese gordon then followed crulfles in the south sous in whir 1 1 hoslilo nuttvoa wore taught to rtmpch the white mans rule drperit iittlos were fought wlili the chlmno pirates thitt infest ed that soctlon of tho pnrlft and the foundation was laid for britains vast tride ntcrrsts in the orient in lh7 ho com itndrd nn arctic ex ploring erpeilii ion that with one in- hliulneiuii exci pi ion pushed farther north thaa anv other expedition till that of nunsrn the admiral ws a man of culture and of varied interests ho wrote a number of hooks dealing with his ex plorations mil adventures and wits a fieqim nt contributor to magazines he was inunsely interested in every thing peri aliitng in the km pi re and followed ih event m of the gieat war lonely minoat to the day of his death kor the nuble dead their name llvtih for evermore thin is the phrise ilmt will be en- gntvod upon the prcat memorial stone which ir to he erected in each of the cemeteries of liihlnh soldiers who have fallen in the war it la the sugmstlon nf pudyard kipling who in submit 1 lug the pmake ro tho im perial war iivvch om mission wrote it was mepary lo find a word of praise ant imnor which dtoiim be both su tile and well mown comprehensible and of the me nluo in all tourrnb and also hltndirg as far an ml till t beouthldn tlii ilnx of men and things after search and consultation with all ranks and many races in 011 1 armies and navlea uh well as villi those who had given their sons it seemed to m that no single phrase could ho bet lor than that which closes the trlhute to the famous men in keelesiafltos their name llveth for evermore ltinitii of iarllitmetil the maximum duration of a irit- lsh parliament formerly seven years is now five the socalled long pur uaitiont of cromwells time latjied from nov 3 lfiin till april 20 16f3 during queen victorias reign eight paiiiumeus loaiod over flv years apd two over hix years the property quallhcat ion considerably restricts the rtcln of suffrage anu only about onesixjh or the peoplt are voters all clergymen of ilnj church of england ministers of tho church of scot laud and roman catholic clergymen are dihutia llfljd from sitting ns members of the house of commons this provision of the law only applies to the clergy chaplains use army slang this little tale came to my ears while we were gathered about a log fire eo that ha authenticity is open to question writes a trooper in france anyway it runs its brier course this way two chaplains who had been doing a long turn up front and were both pretty well used up wore talking things over doctor im just about all in guess ill have to go 8ol for a couple of days im all for it myself pastor nn- awered the second sky- pilot but weve got- to be caroful about this army slang we pick up or well be using it in church some day india supplied 90374 men the following flgurob referring to fpq indian army have been given out strength q army at the out break of the war 280561 during the war 1161789 wore recruftedvof which 75777 were combatants tne number of men sent overseas was 063374 of which 33091 were killed died of wounds or are missing 502911 were wounded and 0092 were taken frlaomr the majority of the casuol- les were suffered in mesopotamia suffering r that poaeo demonstration upset your nerves completely im suffering from yell shock no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coajl in all sizes autuoiuticully screened loaded and coal vis ftyid jthresins purijoaeg sinitliiiijj and cdnttel- coal i in tibtlfiafty jfetytiifag to be toytiiffm an- uptoate mcdonald tfcbjowefcii ci j i w a bailey harness maker we now have a good assort ment of blankets robes bells etc w a bailey main street georgetown a restivo special choice fresh fruit potatoes green vegetables a restivo fruit specialist georgetown maip street hour grain feed fresh rolled oats always ii stockin 20 and 90 lb bags whole wheat flour and wheatlets now is the time to get ybut poultry in shape for the hptchr ing season good feed prop erly balanced is the only way we have a complete line we are now booking orders for fertilizer seed corn and grass seeds cmmdit food board liceuse no 921 1 1 phone 185 for prices georgetown x jm life insurance hour feed mills c greensides proprietor inslrance do you require fire life accident or auto insurance 1 roproseot some of the best coni- pimitk and slrall be pleased to tran sact your irisurnriec business grandy phone 76 quick delivery prompt rvlpe h your wifo properly protoooorl re your children properly protnu- todv dp you fjarry opongh inhiir- anoo lo protect your family against your possihlo dentil it is your duty to protoot your wifo and family life insurance is pro tection i oan offer you tho best rates and in an all canadian company talk it over with mo it costs nothing w wr0e rejhyfyps vponspqa georgetown pnjar0 phono office 800 realdenoe 05 oeorostowik attheheratd ilsisii pm wm0 ont arthur bcastell s f oollese of hniio landon edviiuii oholrmey tor fretogf erlku church a6rketoirn teaojber of piano or- grtii oorntv violin and singiiik tuition foo lli ny brnncli 6 per lorhi of 20 lobspna nt my roil- dunce mnln si georgetown or jit piipllt homo y yi kkbikli