Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1919, p. 1

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is -vv-tv- yimji 0 kf fiftysecond yjbab ofi publication georgetown wednesday sroninajr february 18th 1818 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance k the georgetown herald pukluhwl every wednesday evening t ttu herald power printing office gtaorgetown ont- oontraot advertisino rate furnished on application tendanta per line tor drat insertion and nv cenfa pier une for each aubse ouent insjarilon 1u tie oarad all advertlsetpenti a5 month without ttr olara ohanaororotrmct afrtjnamn w halxiiu pwff ipfr t ji l- t i 1 1 si- -n- gorki bast m st m4ij paeienger passenger- mail paasengern jpaaaenggr sunday f going vrabt mail ti flijsau jassenger nwlmmilihfm v going nobth in the seated p3cftae e48vm 1181 aim 84ft pm 1688 pm 880 pm 718 pm 757 am 1000 am 201 pm 586 pm 767 pm r- mail mm mail mail going south 767 am 680 pim 1180 am 740 pm toromto li daily tj going bast going west sunday am going bastl021 going westl00 pia pm pm 1280 846 610 610 st t oeorow church rev win burt l tk rector atanday service s follows- matlnsu a m- bveneonb 7 p m sunday school mb tu m in base ment holy communion let and ird siindairaot eaonmontliat u a m hft b safrrrjrrjrjrjrjrjrjrrj b isuilullltjrjulmis coco si si heavy end sale of sns overshoes felt goods r motherhood bue1n we dont and wi lnfclaii m svtpseasnrj a iw tfronvsrj jak by eleanor robins wilson so short a time at my command thesbholffldren that i hold toniht god give me grace to understand wisdom to piiide their steps aright that 1 may be tlirboghoat the ljmd the home of better shoe g niimiiiiidbi ibanmrjg ibiiiiiiiiihtjobi with dbnflampisf haiyhood ut tteindwiy- 4rtem tli jhrng but ijye theribfcle partlshonld that inmb aa4ch saorifloe ef6vsqonotot8aee- v tfflwdlrsi6n intihe ts y vr ba ana gtioa hpneeieeping peggy by this time baa accepted tbe inevitable dunged to e blae linen dress with white collar and caff and apron and decided to make the beat otlt she was oat sweeping ome extra large chunks of mad off the front sisps when captain pearson arrived peggy did not run nor hide the broom she stood smiling down at him from the top of the steps a blae goddess with the emblem of womans sphere in her band the humor of taridrofattt jber wicinred ead to tug iplesdldly cprtstoed maa ifaji dreadfol day lsnttttt ihfteeomesnitll brothers who wont whf their feet and they in torn bmv a4obsyflr two fdenqs oiwon wjpebkbot cow itf add acdnibijiifon r v v1 our own town m i 1 si l we have been wondbbinq for many moons why the town of georgetown is not more widely known throughout oar dominion that is why it is not spoken of aa some other even less prospdrons towns that have not tbe location or industrial activity to oomparc with oars anddoyoa know the r v jffall mrm farmers business tifihtkept jbh1lton wxllbbidq dale barristers solloitore etc toronto and oeeisatown oflloe kennedy block ijo roy dais in ehsusw of oeorge- vwn oulce mi medical dr joseph meanorbw phyalolan end 8ursn medical officer of health district burgeon o t b office hours s to 4 and 7 to p m p phone b8 qffice and retildenoe main street south opposite presbyterian church optical l l plant d 0 optu d eye bpeelallet oeorgetown office next to public llhmry satur- davbventngs 8 to 10 pm and by ap pointment dental frank r watbon d d1 m d 9 dentist oiorjutown ont hours am tj p except thursday afternoon deiitistry in all its brmohea over bell teltnhdnej offioe xp- p81 1w heath u iom d i offloe in lslhe blook- one door nortl mkw fsoto hours mavtsalneimtsirxv ms paloer tb ort- ixkssnal sobodrox cmrpa4tfo oaven- sf4ttrdfflbsdvrlhourjs dug store k4 4tgyih vljoensea aubtlonter lor halton and peolajenwlluawseoat oace salssi conducted satlsfaoloruy sind a raay w5i6bjsbjrat 0rdsot left at the wffeeoowhheraljofnoewui reoelve miltqn prentiss v i molvt- ovbroq maojflhbry ia ssw t oirk twwp bbffkr h i cierlrddlyioncitwt s ssssseaasawsssssil ii i j 1 ftlbj ar ivglaee for this week years tfals bank has sttentfen tebnglpesb far hi given paurtll ofeauiners w have helped inany over the rough maces sua hive aided many more to the highest plane of success werare prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate hanking practice come in at any- toe and talk over your sdlairs with ua xo are always welcome bank head offico montreal of canada established 1864 ohorgetown branch c w grandy menager acton branch i b shorby manage ywesssetlllllllltllllllllmljlt ii th rib rout beef thick rib roait beef shoulder roatt beef rib boll beef loin of iamb shoulder rout iamb stewing lamb smoked meats 300 lbs smoked heme whole or half smoked roll cottage roll side bacon elab or half back bacon dab or half dry salt pork pork chops loin shoulder chopi leg of pork fish b c minion whole fish or half freeh herring salted herring 100 lb keg herring v canned goods cans aylmer pem 3 com 2 tomatoes 1 lb tin all red salmon half lb tin all red salmon 1 lb tin pink lalmorl half lb pink udinon 5 lbvpallpf shortening 3 lb pall shortening 1 lb brick shortening 31b lsrd lib brick lard 20 lb pall of lard 140 83c 30c 88c 32c esso miun sta geojcetown m ssa bbmsfwflsas gjtsla jfft n igffafi lw wmmmt v u fyf ygx livingstones to the public in general we absolutely guarantee to give you as good value for your money as you can get any other place this is no makebelieve a few of saturdays specials apple pie large size 2qc puffs with pure cream from the farm soc doughnuts that are unexelled 22c cream rolls oc we stake our business on quality h a livingtone phone 86 georgetowaa ewm the blue tqrui w tm mmm by louisb ouvbr fthe seat sovanton goal in all sizes i poflland cement john ballantine georgetown phone 30f charming indeed is thevflgnre on this pio- jure the young lady known that the ia perfectly safetn using theae skate because they have been repaired atjbujfhop v thebestworltmanshljl use only ihe best materials if you have any shoes or skates that need repairing or in fact any thing jaati needs grinding bring it to ont shop phone i4t r- oboroetowk pjsft ivi s t lt mwb mmmmj w ls ali leb6jfi to projduce the bestjlrtiehaipe brands are th toaay j i peggy lay awoke at night listening to tho rain oh if it would only stop she had planned o many things for the next day the day captain pear son wn to be in town and had asked her if he could come to see her oome to see her i peggys heart had flattered almost to suffocation when she reud the few lines on the heavy white paper come to see her i she bad closed her eyes and pressed the words to her heart in ecstscy the tall serious officer she bad met at the marstons about whom all the girls hod been completely mad includ ing herself i then peggy had done some officer ing herself as pegs could her ut- tle hands which took only a flvo-and- aholf glove could make phil and lit tle chuckle step around more lively in one minute than father and mother combined could do in a week and a word from her pretty red lips meant more to susan in the kitchen than a whols regiment of orders from higher up lola her twelveyearold sister adored her openly aa did lolas girl friends who met after school every day for peggy to instruct in knitting the officering peggy did on receipt of captain pearsons letter consisted of disposing of tbe family for the day beginning with philip and charles and bad gone on down the une until no one was left but ber mother and father and herself- captain pearson was to stop to dinner nud susan was to achieve the most delectable meal peggys busy brain could plan in short the program wsb to be as follows morning house cleaned ap flowers arranged in bowls everywhere best flnen and silver hunted up porches cleaned and everything in or der afternoon tbe boys to go fishing after school and fo aunt marys for supper and to slay all night lola and the club to go to mnbol browns and lola to stop for dinner and all night as mabel had so of ton coaxed peggy plsnned to put on her new sport suit of array blae jersey and with her own little car sparkling clean was to take the captain for a ride out to bowling bocks to see tbe view stop at the club and introduce him to a fewfrlends then bring him home to a quiet delicious candlelit dinner for four peggy in ber new pink dress a whole delightful evening alone on the moonlit veranda there was a moon peggy found from tbe calendar a whole v and then peggy never tried to look pelt that bat the best laid plans of nice and men gang oft agley it rained and it rained and rained end rained the flowers would ne ruined the tulips hid been almost ready to drop anysyay the road to bowling bocks was impassable now even with a wbole duya sun and the boys couldnt to ashing mother wouldnt let them when it was damp after a sleepless night peggy was op at six to her surprise her mother was stirring in tbe ball peggyopened ber doori what is it mother r she asked its susan hes sick ive been up nil night with her i think she got overheated yesterday nml then coalfiit wainlhoidinghhanjav tvuaoihinrelths yrejfeji igtogetsny dinner istwi sleeps- caa cook ft if nob x cant vmotha as developed nstutalglai mr toe fain- uy may have to eat crackers and cheese uie pantry rbnt1 cent imgwiyway sowkhe captslh 1 just came to mil jarf 1 cant cone that not uu tbursday im on my way to new tors on busi nessend stopped over a few minutes between trains in fact he did stay just long enough to meet the admiring friends of lola and the boys then he had to go til be back on thursday tor all day miss peggy if it suits you he said as he left jy- thursday it dldnt rain susan better anrableto cobxthedelectable meal the boys went to aunt marys lola to mabel browns lite toad to bowling bocks was good the car per fect and peggy never prettier more flowers bad corns out in the garden and the house looked wonderfully sweet and attractive the moon was full now and the veranda that night a fairyland of lace- work shadows delicious scents cams from the garden and peggy breathed a sigh of ecstacy it had all worked out so satisfactory just aa she had planned peggy dear l lore you sold the captain suddenly why why captain i said peggy breathlessly yes i do and i may aa well tell you now why waltt ive known it all along bat hi confess it i hadnt seen yon monday i should probably have waited i can hardly tell you why ifs because perhaps ive al ways hada horror of useless women i wish you could- know how adorable yon looked that day in your blue dress most girls would havebeen worried to death ijeggy dear little peggy tell me yon care a little wont your yyee i do said peggy happily i love yon very much but woman like she knew it wasnt the bine dress and the broom at all that did it it was the pink dress and the shadows and the garden scents and the moon i 4 off too quickly ill send for doctor boyce soon now but i think shell be ell right h a day or two a day or two 1 but mother cap- tain pearsons coming to dinner and theres so much to be done today ftm sorry dear but we cant help lt im almost too tired to get break- fgat peggys face changed instantly dont you worry radmiy dear il get breakfast i tod telephone for the 36otoywen gbjind lie down yu get wlisjibsraehiil afttr iithat thbre wano rest for peggy vhe rain kept up and sun -j- ot w6rie wpil ddiitflr caine and itaysdfadpegnhatp br every- where at oricen the kitchen one mlnttejluiijg jipt d tor bottles the next aifiwerlpi the tolepbohe nnk wg- beds ihjp dishes getting luhchspdkhgnilred other things lwpnf6w adto-vli8- warned to jsme straight hoin from when rftherworrts about tbemtvjid really be o message pain haa it purposes and should by ne means be looked upon as an knsmy pain la a messsgs sent to the brain to report that soms part of tbe body is in trouble and to ask for relief it is therefore not an unmixed evil but a bane or a blessing according to the view thit we take of it many per sons especially those whose nervous organisations are acutely sensitive dread pain both for themselves and for others to such a degree that their first instinct is to do something any thing if only tbe distress can be checked they refuse to listen to the message and think only of hashing it if we adopt the view that pain la a faithful servant bringing ua a msa- asge we alter onr whole attitude to ward it we learn to listen patiently and to organise relief wisely bat we must remember that there is pain that can end must be borne and pain that cannot and should not be borne in certain unas of accident uch as extensive burns or lacerations the phy sician always gives the speediest tem porary rebef that is in his power and then removes the sufferer to a place where he can give hint proper care in j such cases the call for the morphine needle or for some other anodyne 1 tmipn out pjmtw sffi kirta the very best place in- ontatfo if a salesnjan has ahythihg to sell li going tbfty sjphat it untu xm everyone witiiitt wahi4cjtp ifem wrer sattite siomaamcis maeiiibg aiwpvmmem a artotoft a slmp pwheiiriost talteffof city ih theoiiw beoaaae peoplej whot jveibjbir even for ahoh iimo kesb boost- lag rtjjs tenebon of oententiri between- some anerioan oitixha ii and some oamidiapones j bense the ftmner raltao loridly andeb mhoh abbot their eoumryl that may be a fault but it happens to be the sort of- one which haa made the country exactly what it la to day it is remarkable how very quiet some of oar citizens aire able to keep certainly they are not very anxious for the stranger with in the gates to know that george town is one of the best towns in the province jt is a mighty bpfld cir cus that does not have to resort to ballahooing bight in this pre sent age herod would not be able to stage his famons salome eysn though she danced steadily for a week without a live press agent ahead of him and yet some folk here refuse to boost oar town it is really a crime because with such a little encouragement it would be such an excellent place life ia exactly what yon mate it therefore if you want to live in a regular place get out and do a little boosting with a little en ergy patience and perseverance on the part of our citizens oeorge town will blossom forth as one of the best manufacturing and resi dential towns in the dominion not only that but think of the business and other advantages beneficial to every citizen dont be a knocker lets all go over the top with the board of trade in their big drive for a gbbatbb georgetown boost yonr town boost your friend boost the lodge that you attend boost the street on which yonre dwelling boost the goods that yon are sell ing boost the people ronnd about you they can get along without yon bat success will quicker find them if they know that yonre behind them boost for every forward movement boost for every new improvement boost the man for whom yon la bor boost the stranger and the neigh bor cease to be a ohronio knooker cease to be a progress blocker if yond make your town better boost it to theflnal letter i ii m the formation of a provincial highway association at stratford last week and the determination to press upon the ontario govern ment the need of a highway from toronto to windsor by tbe way of georgetown guelph and stratford are the natural developments of the good idads movement sooner or later there will have to be a provinoial highway through the heart of ontario bjr way of oeorgetown if for no ptoer reason than that tbeprojeoted itoronto- a perfectly legitimate one bat there hamilton- windsor route 0fieffft are certain kinds of intense pain that all the valuable territory to tmfwsjajj w nortb- it ib welli therefore ought not to be immediately masked with an anodyne hecaaselt isvery necessary that the pbysldanabonld bf able to incorporate thelrvmesmges la bis diagnosis somsumes as for ex ample when there u urgent need of an operation qatetlng the patient with morphine might mean that when the effect of the drag had worn off and the pain began to call attention again to the diseased condltlonlt woftu bs too iste to save the patient many bf tte pains we suffer are cow- ard pains wj know very well that a little courage wonld glvs ns relief bat we are so mach afraid otthe dentlsre chnjrdr6thtwh that we temporise front day to dayand o endure a frost deal of unnmeswnr suffering 4 path la a good mrvsnt and abd master we should learb to httd its message and then dismiss ltasqalckly as possljile when it i of the type and cannot ba dismissed we should always consolt a trained physt- clan he will do hi beat to render it bearable and be will ssvs na from add- fng the blanders and psnsltlesotsehj dosing to pur trob toshs odbp panloo tfthwribmlfri fiusjibvajiyi thetrappors and othsrsemploye by the hudson by company bats as tlcea that where doapwatorwaj to bs found in the bay lieretpfore it h be coniingjso lilow that havlganoa 1s sctomplisbbd with dlfficiilty investl atloijrpa jed to thdicvfritflr jhe shores of the ttestodyf water irs graduallybeing tlppsdjmiran om jhi the alining aas he baita harhenhuabbsi i 18 these days when highways are be ing constructed tp organize sc that the facts may ba dressed home upon the proper authorities a provincial highway by way of georgetown guelph and stratford is the only method whereby the real heart of ontario can be touch ed it will bring thriving towns and cities- into close connection with the most valuable country beotions and would tap to the north a district too long negleoted t good rome move ca not be delayed it must come rightalong aa one of the great works of reconstruction and froth the expenditure on this scheme no one will reap more direot benefit than the farmers r v jki ml acton r bslslbwbes oonnoiller john leishmbii has returned from jloronto after un dergoing a suceessful operation for removal of a growth in the nose miss myrtle olarrldge attended the high bohool pomnjenoement at georgetown and spent the- week end there withjhnr friend misi edith qwene actons colony pfnstriwa ia gradually leavinft about half a qobensloave this week for okla- boraapisia where they intepa to engage in farming irfi 1 li saabssaasasaaasaaaasasaasa tiafs f jf ytr t f ify f

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