Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 19, 1919, p. 2

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iftir- jl kf i r t i- j tldki born hunteh norval on february 11th 1919 to mr and mrs j kennlh hun tr a daufchlar married covrtm wwoclbsworth at george- town on saturday february isth 1919 by rev j truax beatrice gertrude daughter of mr and mrs george wrigglesworth to mr r t cowles died isfe kij f jueyevyot6rtihitry tqcome hack na- v to handicaps to hariiie without handicaiis and with friction t ifittot ooyeftsmn does not sat apsit b mourn ing for those who lost their lives in the great war the municipali ties ought to take aotion early this summer and observe a memorial day of their own it is but a fit and proper thing to do and such an event should be perpetuated for all time as demobilization is proceed ing rapidly it is strongly reoom mended by the post office depart ment that the name and address of the sender be placed on all let- ters and parcels that are being sent overseas to oar soldiers in or der that if found to be nndelivered they may bo returned to the send er with the least possible delay jfc i hi if m- sfc rijiwr huron county as the result of an aotion for damages caused by a collision vill have copies of the rules of tbo rood posted up on all publics highways the idea is not a bad one if it is followed by the maximum punishment for every one convicted of violating the rules driving is often made an noying by road hogs speed fiends and others who violate both the laws of courtesy and politeness and think they are smart in doing so oooe the rulea of thejroad are enforced rigidly accidents will be reduced to a minimum esquesing council irftil m m sfejyi ifetff fisittii esquesing feb- 17 1919 the ooanoil met at 10 oolook with the eeeve in the chair and members all present the min utes of last meeting were read and confirmed thompson mcdowellthattbe following amounts be refunded be ing statute labor paid and worked p ferguson 2 mrs geo binnie 160 mrs moorehead 160 in di vision no 62 sam lastly 8 in di vision no is j bamshaw 860 w bouerteon 460 in divisiou no 0 joe weaver 450 in j bason division carried hampshire thompson that the treasurer pay j b mackenzie the sum of 660 for lumber sup plied w a wilson pm for use in his division thos dobie 5640 for 900 lbs of coal to walter hodge same to be- repaid by hodge olen woollen mills for 80 loads gravel frqra their pit at 26o per load 760 piping to reinforce culvert 1 one mans time in cutting bridge rails and piping 260 total 11 wm bell for 8 days shovelling gravel at 2 per day 6 burgess 2 days shoyelltog gravel at 2 per day bdtownsend for dynamite work done on lot 27 10th line 8-t-0ar- mcdowell thompson that the treasurer pay the following ao- cotfnts for gravel drwn on town aetweei lots 1 and 10 87 yds 04ititil6ss f 2176 chinguacousy pay- ig a like snm j a giffen 49 j yds tejf 912ib7 on no10 side road con 6 james barrios for drawing same leiyds at 160 7910 carried pfjampshire elliott that the treasurer pay jas stark 82 for shovelling anow in out atlime- honsefitb line same to bededuot- from limenouse divisioncarried 1 elliott thompson that the treasurer pay the following ac counts tjxosv carey grading hill ofttown line and oleaning ditch 7267 chip wwousy to pay 8862 budding dry wall and bleanjng out dfhosftofsflwaokharnmerlb one larnl killed by dogs jas stark bljo moqudoueb and j hender son viewing fence b reid vs jno carried big demand jor new highway t at tim at btntated business men merohantsr farm ers members of the federal and provincial parliaments and a roadconstruction expert from eaob aide of the international border gathered at the stratford city hall on february 11th to boost western ontarios campaign for a through trunk road from hamilton to samia assembled at the meeting were representatives of twenty cities and towns and thir teen counties through or nestr which the proposed highway is to run after an afternoon ipent in discussion the mpreaentatlvaa formed eilvs4nto a orgto- imttoobbiown ae tfcevcen tem ontmid proyhioiai bjmy assocjation pledged to laylitsiaer mands mostj forcibly before the provincial qoyernment v irresistible enthusiasm fois the bi project inarkedhe whole tonfe dfttheaisorriibicwcojmw oif hig jsavfir tol4 th gfttherin that with tbw completion next fallofthvi3iiohj gan state injnkoa4jt wtfaw open opa tourfst jioaarighx frotrx toronto to qsj veston txaa ov miami elorfda 4 j acririg to theresojuiioh car ried by- the meeting the proposed routeis fronj toronto to sarnia through brampton georgetown acton giielph ejtcheher dew hamburg stratford st marye parkhill through the fruit belt in the neighborhood of arkonoanui thedford and on to samia there to link op with the liberty highway of the state of miohigan the resolution oontinues this convention expresses itself as be ing strongly of the opinion that the construction of this provin oial highway should be undertaken immediately and urges that the provincial government do at onoe proceed with this trunk line and oommenoe survey work with a veiw to construction of a feeder system whioh would accommodate territory north and south of the proposed highway and east of lake huron beeve grant of georgetown pointed out that a good roads pro gram was one of the best possible ventures in helping to provide la bor for returned men and civilians between 80 and 40 delegates were present from georgetown glen williams and norval a glenwiluams the valentine sooial held in the town ball friday evening was a bnge sucoess in spite of many counter attractions a large crowd was present and thoroughly enjoy ed the interesting programme and taaty supper provided by the ladles of the village the bev mr true- blood made a very entertaining and energetio chairman and auc tioneer when all expenses are paid 4000 will be turned over to the veteran fund the annual sale of work of st albans guild will not be held un til after eaeter mrs j 0 copp formerly miss norma holdroyd and miss ger trude holdroyd were the guests of mrs jos beaumont for the week end miss winifred polkingborne of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs bex polkinghorne pte w h preston an old 164th batt man returned from the front last wednesday in the evening a reoeption was held at the home of his father mr c h preston the band and a large number of friends being present pte preston is looking fine not withstanding the fact that be was severely wounded while on bis life in the firing line military news mrs lewis of glenwilliuns re oeived the following telegram from ottawa on the 17th sincerely regret to inform you yonr son pte harold ijewis 461878 officially reported seriously ill in military hospital aylsbury england director of beoords pte william kennedy another of our soldier heroes arrived home unannounced last thursday billy is looking fine after his many varied war experiences and we all weloome him back to bis native town ewnro maoanrsror saxe singer aewlog majchtnayiiaarly aew for 40 apply at herald tjfflcej up briodle heifer 2 yra due march 10 jer sey cow 4yriduc march 13jdark jer sey cow 2 yn due march 14 fawn jer sey cow 5 yra due march 17 briodle heifer 2yra due march 17 pawn jereey 4 yra due march 18j minting well grade durham cow 5 yrs due may 14 fawn jwfi j wt yrmn lliaicrxliiwi bidermrieed 3 i 2 driu decrink mower roou a dew mh culuvator bimelj di dewnri h rke mfjh eu8nr lumber wagon fmy tpbteigp m of pleasure ilati r wagon ataty g good f sbkcj pertin rjdtng- plcjw i dduljte ei9ajiia jjajitlriiipi lgtm fawjwyracltmt diafnond harv lr4aleevybb haow4 ecaftlldwhevdbrtowugiy- vl griuaiume 2eta hifiple tree fcheavyiet kat l2o0ldwheejbr itcme si sets whl butter palewhippl tfe and oea yoke cotnplte bav asb- jbsuk-2iw- luirjey 400 oabpi thos j bohepi mrs thos e boberts of glen williams has received- the following letterfromher husband w i with the army occupying german territory siegburg germany january 18th 1919 my dear wife and son i now take the pleasure of writ ing to you again hoping this finds yon and all in the best of health as this leaves me here at present this is my third letter sinoe i last heard from you about two weeks perhaps your letters sire delayed somewhere well you see we are still in bieg burg i havent heard yet when we leave i dont think it will be long i hope not sixteen of the band boys have gone on leave to day so i guess we will have a quiet time for a while unless we move i guess we will have lots to do then it is raining today but the weather has been fine not like oar canadian winters not so cold here and no snow yet we played an open air concert yesterday also a oonoert in the tmca last night and church parade in- the morning so we had a day of it i think last night was our farewell concert with the boys going on leave and we may move any day it is taking ns a long time to get demobilized isnt it another three months to go yet well really i havent any thing more i can tell you this time now i will olose with best wishes from your ever loving husband tom norval v the progressive euohre and dance held last friday evening un der the auspices of the girls khaki club was largely attended every body had a good time and a neat little sqm was raised for the bene fit of our returning soldier boys the gross- proceeds amounted to 10076 the young ladies thank all those who lent tables or in any way contributed to the suooese of the evening ssjt son- viewing ten nmxflv ahttmiaveaoh s v- fllllottrhftinpshirevthat leave 5 be to introduce a bylaw fev sheep valuers for the iwjflf bsmeajng and that ferff read the first tetiwoarrjiea pjty isr- mopbwellthonlpsorithftti6he iv- to vooihtbkeepivatuers jftvo6wrewbmbridattutbi p and m w0awm ldiiraijfbl iffiprmp johnicouison ill and archie booles carried hampshire elliott that a by- law will be introduced at the next meeting of the council to create a f and to make a grant to soldiers returning from aotiveservice over seas also a byjlawt9 appoint pathmasters for the year 1816- parties wishing a ohange in path- masters please take notice and notify the ooonbil of such desi ohngermcarrjed mcdowell elliott that the counoil send two delegates to the bural munioipal association of ontario to be held in- toronto on feb 19 and 20 1919 and that messrs hampshire and thompson be appointed as sugh delegates and that the initiation fee or 5 ba paid that thompson and samp- shire be appointed to interview the hallway board re the boards order regarding the orosisiiig of the toronto 8uburbarrbjilwayand the 7th line and the orbssihg in the 4th opn order not having been oftrried ou by said bailwayi-ofir- rlad w iviiv i thpmpsonbuipttbhftt tis caunoilapurhtprfleetohmatxr a sdcccssihi meeting the convention of the teachers of the north half of the county held in the publio school here on saturday last was a decided sue cess from every point of view in spite of the unfavorable weather teachers almost without exception showed their interest in their profession by being on hand at the hour of opening after opening exercises bad been oon ducted by the bev mr cameron papers were given on important and interesting subjects each paper was followed by a free and open disoussion in whioh all par ticipated thus adding very much to the benefits tobe derived there from r a letter from miss bertha ad- kins of st thomas was read ur ging the formation of a branoh of the women teachers association of ontario this met with the unanimous approval of the con vention and the following officers were eleoted for the local organiz ation president misb m b currie secretary- treasurer miss a byan the object ofthib oon federation is the mutual benefit and the closer cooperation of the ten thousand women teachers of ontario the following resolutions were passed by the association that history be taken- off part ii of the jurfior high sohool en trance examination and placed as formerly on part i that the education dept fix a minimum salary for the teachers of ontario that shall be commen surate with the importance of the work beting done jhatthe convention axpressita regret atliho inability of our in- speotor mr j m denyes to be present j w b wyndham b a prinoit pal of oakville high school and president of the asbooiation oc cupied the ohair auction sale of fam stock ad tmfumtab the underaigned has been instructed by joseph moore to tell by public auction at lot 11 con 10 eaquealng near norval on wednesday march 5th at 1 otclock sharp the following hoases brood mare gp 7 yra in foal to gatchel bay borae gp 13 years good work bone 12 yrs good in all har ness bay filly ag 1 yr sired by sardello cattle fawn jersey cow 7 yrs calf at foot briodle cow 6 yrs calf at foot fawn jersey cow 5 yrs calf at foot dark jersey cow 3 yrs calf at ley ife foot u o 4 toa timothy hay marnbsssct double- harness with britcnlng2 sets- single harness j purhltuge khohen tablew stove self feeder good as oew churn b jsteadl sprhigs anif mattreas cduc easy washing niachlae helotle seper- ator cap 450 lbs j forks spades shovels hoes 2 logging chains cro and other articles too numerous to roenrlbnl all wiltbe sold without reserveas pro prietors lease has expired and has no further use for same tehhs hay grain fat bogs fowl and all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 9 months credit on furnishing ap proved joint notes 5 per cent discount for cash w a wilson ben petch clerk auctioneer rftovwrnvwajc qilairtitjr rfooariejiand knltrrigyara in irojns colori wackrown kpakl 4nd tgray wulseuriwhue t skein gebselwrr wooirenvsis oscrrgeiowo 1 credit auction sale of farm stock aad imblements the undersigned has received inntruc- tions from h r bessey to sell by public auction at lot 19 con 7 esqueslng 1 con west of georgetown on thursday march 6th at 1 oclock the following horses hone 8 yrs extra good worker bay mare agricultural s yrs cattlb holstein cow calf at side hoistein cow due in april grade durham cow due in march grade durham cow due in may grade durham cow due in septeniberi grade durham cow milkinj well grade jersey heifer milking well ayrshire cow due in august grade dur- augusti igradi cow due in april grade durham cow fat all above cattle are young yoiwo cattle heifer riuing 3 yrs fat s heifers 2 yrs 3 heifers 1 year 5 steers 2 yrs and under 4 steers 1 year and under 6 calves from 3 to 9 months grade durham bull rising 3 yra grade durham bull redf 10 mosi grade durham bull grey 9 mosi grade durham bull grey 8 mos pros yorkshire sow with litter of 10 yorkshire sow with utter of 8 4 yorkshire pigs weeks due time of sale 7 store pigs sow due middle of april shbet 10 well bred leister ewes 5 leister lambs 10 oxford ewes 15 oxford and shropshire ewe lambs pure bred shropshire ram 3 yrs implements carryall wagon 3 seated surrey 2 open buggys set of diamond harrows masseyharris scuffler cock- hutt plow no 21 percevial plow no 21 magnet separator cockehutt root pulper pair heavy bobsleighs roller 3 drum harness set heavy brass mounted harness set heavy harness set market waggon harness used very little set plow harness set single harness a number of collars terms all sums of 10and under cash over that amount 8 months credit on ap proved joint notes 6 per cent per annum off for cash all will be jold without reserve as x am giving up one farm and have no further use for the same in one of stormy weather sale will be conducted under cover plenty of shelter tor horses w a wilson ben petch clerk auctioneer our honor roll additional names added this week are pte harry poster george blink new advertisements hem wajfted airy person having setting hens for sale kindly notify cbas h lsdwidge glen williams po ont 2s2tp tobe to beht in brooke block immediate peilss- sion apply at herald offloe or to fr w brooke 469 paps ave toronto 1218tf twaeesv mtro dollar wtt sod same small change ftrtderoee- leave at- herald office or at qleii- store and get suitable rcwafd danlelrelcv lr- n i n wfcleryeptofrte choice young pork boast chops per lb from soo per lb 82 and 85o finest quality beef v5 itbjv t pnreijsird ajyl j9hwsihuiirl li l slp ar5eiptrstite i 0 19e i full weight of tea in every package tieatetoodtea sold only in sisismlsid psm in melangmin and chevrolet we have a big stock on hand of 400 chevrolet the oheapest full equipped oar on the market the baby grand chevrolet for design power or hill olimbing will equal any four cylinder on the road at less- price the chevrolet eight an eight cylinder oarthat made a record last year and sold for less than any other bight on the market come in and see a 490 sedan just the thing for a lady to drive it cab be converted from a comfortable olosed oar into an open touring by simply dropping windows and posts the 490 coupe for a dootor or bnsiness man is just the thing in mclaughlin master we can sell yon over a dozen different models in light six es regular speoial seven passenger in roadster tour ing sedan coupe light or heavy trucks tale mo xiaugltlin better known as canadas standard car is made within seventy miles of georgetown fred cooks sales room georgetown farms for sale i luiuuffll ibnniihiiindbi ia amedantrj sii ijbjgjggm special mid- winter at the mens store we are offering special bargains in our ordered cloth ing department this is a good time to place your order and take advantage of the low pricsjs we are offering to keep onr workshop going daring the sbstwcen season a splendid large stock 6 select from v f uld rjaptf v jpoit mirttbis opportunity to get your sharexif these i i8poial priced goods as they are ejljhewsdaustbei clestm vwsrootoqrisiw dhnggqpds j 0 oiilatn miihfki j i i 4 m hjouclass ipailioililg afeb miiatnrhlng8 agents for stockweil- sendersoq ccpii- pyers and creonei8 toronto j dbh ib uuiiiuiiuij bi ibcagnicfecoi lw a saturday treat last saturday fa the beat saturday we have bad for some time next sat urday promise to be better still our saturday treat will be in great de mand 100 pounds of fresh home- made victory fudge square pink and white cream squareswith fine cocoanut aprinkled through them thlc high class confection is worth 40c pound saturday treat price 96o pr lb hot drinks after your shopping u over drop into our parlors and have a pot of tea we serve light lunches at any time milton t h moorehead brampton georgetown ja special february sale of fine furniture 11- lr sh irurlih taste it once oooooooooooooooooooooooooc 150 acres ood dairy farm 1 mile from norval station all workable 2 acres orohard 2 acres fall wheat 25 acres fall ploughed boil clay loam level free from stone plenty of good water frame house 10 rooms and summer kitohen main bam 60x80 cement floors stabling underneath tieup 24 head of cattle 2 box stalls water in front of cattle horse stable tieup 6 head 4 box stalls 2siloe wind mill school on corner of farm nbrval churches 2 miles norval village smiles bural mail and telephone possession arranged price 114000 thats all we ask 150 acres 78 miles from acton first farm outside corporation 66 acres workable 16 acres of hardwood bush balance good pasture li acres orchard 40 acres fall ploughed soil sandy loana good water stone house 10 rooms good cellar large bank barn 70x85 l part 24x60 and 80x69 all stone foundation tie- up 18 head of cattle big shed hen bouse and pig pen in one end of barn driving shed 24x26 almost new school 1 of a mile ohnroh 6 minutes walk possession any time 100 acres 2 12 miles from acton 80 acres workable balanqe bush jjand pasture ljioce- orohard 20 acres fall ploughed soil clay loam to sandy loam good water new stone linn an 7 rnnma wi lr airjurnaoe bank barn 64x50 horse stable in sieendr8bh6braniilesrburarm posseisidri dhytirrieprioe 14500 cash payment 1500 iboaoart atforral a oonoert under the anspioes of norval presbyterian choir will ba given in the ohuroh at norva thursday evening february 20th a good programme or vocal and jnstrpmental rnusio has been ar ranged consisting of solos duqtts quartettes and readings n mr 0jlerensbaw of toronto- jpenor soloist will sing admission 26 next door to radial station phono 202 a v gibbens canada foo board license no 51833 100 acres 2 miles trom georgetown 66 acres workable balance bush and pasture small orohard 11 acres fall wheat 26 acres fall ploughed soil day loam spring preek 2 wells and a oreek frame house 7 rooms new bank barn stabllgg for 6 horses and 9 head of oattle hen house sohool li miles georgetown church- es 2 miles bural mail and telephone possession arranged price 16000 cash payment 1000 we furnish the home complete we show a splendid display of good furniture of hfgh grade material work manship and design furniture for every room that is styl ish useful andof exceptional value all lines being purchased at i very favorable prices which cannot be now duplicated to save time in marking each piece separately and give you an easier method of knowing just what value you are getting we offeryou 20 per cent discount for month of february this off oiijf already low prices means a substantial saving to you have a look over the show rooms you are under no obligation to bjry we would like to see you lilii

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