Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1919, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wed bvg feby 86 1919 kj1t tomobbow take oabb of tomobbow ijet tomorrow take pare of tomor row leave tiling of the future to fate whats the nee to anticipate sor row lifes troubles come never too late if to hope overmuch by an error pis one that the wise have pre ferred and how often have hearts been in terror ofei that never occurred that invisible bonds do enchain the- pat bearvbat qoi gives thee to bear jticumorrov take dareflttonidri r to if- fv if short an4 dtekib our litejnoyr i appear- wjb it sijill darker by sorrow still shorter- by folly and fear palf our troubles are half our in ventions and how often from blessing conferred have we shrunk in the wide ap prehension of evils that never occurred ah once more it is declared that knee breeches for men are coming in again never for us no neverl well go about in oar pyjamas ftnt whatever else happens we men cling to our panto we were always in a harry to don them when youths and now that weve got em though women may don them too were not going to be shortened no sirreel not by a darned sight man has sacri ficed considerably daring the war by making one suit do where two were wanted bat there is a limit to the sacrifice if the ladies are content to expose their limbs we men are not going to show our legs not even if they are encased in beautiful silk hosiery for one thing men as a rule havent been cultivating shapely legs like some people we have heard of and you bet we know better than to go around showing oar legs to the gate of an amused and sarcastic public men are divided into two classes those with bandy legs built for service and durability along the lines of a truok horse and those whose nether extremities resem ble a pair of stilts stuck in huge shoes no even for the sake of the fashion artists are we going to show which of these classes we belong to so now then if r laglawood tovakaapar flmad a dominion government officer laid a complaint against mr mayne a newcomer in inglwood who conducts a store there mr maynes offence was leaving off a government stamp from a package of salts it cost him 950 and costs the same officer laid a oharge agaitlst mrs baird a- widow with six children who ignorantly sold a box of unstamped matches the latter was allowed to go on sus pended sentence the offioer who laid the complaints is a salaried man employed by the union gov ernment brampton banner brld matter iftwtaad the tansley bridge matter is still unsettled at tuesdays ses sion of the county counoil the matter occupied nearly all of the afternoon engineers bell and connor and contractor moleod were all heard at length an offer was submitted by the contractor to finish the work on a cost basis provided all the bridge accounts to vtaatare settled by the county these amount to some eleven thousand dollars the engineers agreed on an estimate pf twenty ftv thousand dollars to complete the bridge and pointed out the se- veral methods under which the work could be proceeded with the counoil was undecided as to t the best steps to be taken anclad- jorirned without reaching a deoi- sion other than an application be made to have the road made a pro vincial county highway ivuaa straw highway there is an agitation along dun- das street from oooksyille to dan- t da to ha that road made a nrq to solve canadas employment problem 17veryone in canada should understand just what the government is doing to solve the unemployment problems that- may arise through the demobilization oi 4 v- o sq th everyonelmaleiiqr u feniale soldier or dvilianran tiufclcly such jobs ap ase wajfctile tigovwuwiht is www rytf j fjiji r 00000 to be loaned thraugn- v v- the provinces to encourage the building of drkmevs houses this will mean much new- wprkvx ers are being u of these pffi cei to secure -ny- ltelp 1thneedi fanners for example who need hiretf meil should apply to the nearest office itiere win- be- a public employment otbce in everj town of 10000 people and wherever the need for one exists there will be 60 different offices in all onehalf are already in operation employment opportunities the war held up much work thai will now be carried on at once public works shipbuild ing roadbuilding railway work construction of bridges im provement of roadbed making of new equipment these will provide new opportunities for employment in addition the government has sent a trade mission overseas to secure for canada a sharein the business of providing materials and pro ducts required for reconstruc tion work in europe it has also set aside the large sum of vflbpeda prflpamme that inciudwpwvid 0ilremi4ii training and supervision of those inexperienced in farming at present thet soldier is grant ed free in addition to his or dinary homestead right one quartersection of dominion landsjihe also receives a loan up to the maximum of 2500 these original plans are now being broadened if parliament passes the new proposals during this session the soldier settle ment board will be able to buy suitable land and resell it to the soldier at cost land up to the value of 5000 may be bought by this plan the money to be repaid in 20 years the low interest rate of per cent will be chnrged these new proposals will also permit the soldier settlement board to loan the soldierfarmer up to 2500 for purchasing equipment etc in addition to 5000 loan on his farm the repatriation committee ottawa the bat them all beaten and yon will be convinced if yon will call and let us demonstrate fsr ike bruswleks eneoeaee la vtoha mule here is the talon of wat juek a virtmss ulnnrifaae iara violinist i have been more interested in the phonogra phio reproduction of that instrument than perhaps any other i have subjeoted the brunswick to very thorough tests on vio lin teoorde of all makes and can say that your instrument reproduces the violin better than any phonograph i have ever heard life insurance is your wife properly protected are your children properly protec ted do you carry enough insur anoe to proteot your family against your possible death it is your duty to protect your wife and family to tnavrawoe is pro tjotlc i can offer you the best rates and in an all canadian company talk it over with me it oosts nothing w w roe iohostowh oht vinciar county highway this will be pf great interest to resi dents of toronto trafalgar nel son and bast flambbro townships and would mean- that dpndas street would be rsoonizfd as a through highway at the last bblton copnty counoil meeting a resolution was oarried appointing the warden and the reeves and deputy- reeves of trafalgar and nelson tfl join w with tentwprth and peel counties in wiaitihg on the minisr publio works to hvpi dundob street njade aprbvin- toinl bounty roavthis would naeinthat jihd government would ponewnotion the- syftvpajdjlipnanqe ot aeljjhjtinwdbh pghfoehioeiti read the figures notice how the coit and the cash value of the stamp ad vances each month until on the 1st day of january 1924 the dominion of canada is pledged to pay 500 for each wss jmbuck butcher always kaepa a choice stock of tfca baat prooorabla in frnh and salt meats wkioh ha sella at tha lowest possible prices canada food board license no 9 3108 get the best georgetown garage storage battery service just after completing a course in one pf the best storage battery plants i am now prepared to take charge of your storage battery needs and have a full stock of re pairs for almost any kind of battery we can repair your battery and put it in first class shape for a reasonable price mill st georgetown sbarpless dream sonnra- rs milktofcv maofiines preston steel barns roofing tudhope-an- deraon manure spread- era also stoves j w k gutters and sleierhs phone 101 r 8 thos e hewson ivorval ont arthur b v it v poijaja nf afnsla j london bnan oboirmaar rabriarlaa vbiiroh opntowa 1ali6r pfpwo or- gan cornet yiolln tulllonfoo injjinylrau6h 6 per febterm of 20 lertoni at my rcif- fpi dance mi i or at pmpilf home ooorgefpwri ii hardware paints stoves tinwrare electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbing hot air fixating hot water heating electric wiring j f kennedy auction sale of farm stock iapleakals etc the undersigned has been instructed by w j alexander to sell by public aucltpn on his premises at ashgrovc stufliii on monday march 3rd 1919 at 1 oclock the following horses grey mare rising 5 yrmj grey mare rising 4 yra dlrham grade durham oracle and calf durham grade and calf durham grade due in april ulack grade and cfcu it r indie cow and calf ay shire cow due in april jersey cow and calf reg jersey cow and calf reg cow due tn march jersey cow due in april jersey cow due in april pigs 8 pigs 2 t2 mos sow due tn march implbmrnts 2 top buggies t rubber- tired new waggon and box new sloop sleigh j set single harness double set brass harnewj new icw fcperaibr and other credit auction sale of fara stock asi hspkaeab the undersigned haa received instruc tions from h u bessey to sell by public auction at lot 19 con 7 ksqueaingr coo watt a georgetown on thursday march 6th at i oclock the following- horsbs hone 8 yra extra good worker bay mare agricultural 5 yn cattlbholsteui cow calf at tide holstein cow due in aprils grade durham cow due in marchi grade durham cow due in may grade durham cow due in september grade durham cow milking well grade jersey heifer mllkink veil ayrshire cqw due in august grade dor- ham cow due in august grade durham due in april grade durham cow all above caule arayoungr yputa catttb ueleri- rising ab- over that amouni7 tbi credit on atppnovednbtca bnpetchi auctionebb cijearing- m m twa reteixedinbtruc jeilie- j 4ostuby pwbiic aiictifit tqfit esquesingqn- 7 r tarfprsdav fefi at 1 oclock bhiirpheiollswlog h6hsbs bay porse rising 6 yrsan bay borse rising 5 yra agrj readroarev rlstnit 3 yn spring poll road t durham cattle red cow syrs due time oftsate redcow 5 yrsduain marj grey cow 5 yra due in tlar red cow 7 yra due in mar black cow 5 yra due in apr brindle cow 8 yrs due in apr red cow 4 yra due in apr brin dle cow 8 yra due in apr fresh cow 6 yrs calf at side grey cow 4 yra due in mar red cow 7 yrs due middle mar the above mentioned are all ftkd choice dnrhatn grade cows jersey cow 4 yra due in sept ral urh rii bull 3yisreg young cattle 5 steers rising 3 yra 5 heifers rifling 3 yrs 7 steers rising 2 yrs 3 heifers rising 2 yrs 10 spring calves sheep 3 leicester ewis implements cutting box hand or power 2 12 horse power gasoline engine cream separator 700 lbs capacity cream separator governor pulley buggy set pleasure sleighs market wagon terms 10 and under cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved notes 5 per cent per annum off for cash positively no reserve w a wilson bbn pbtch cleric auctioneer grade- diiiambud rising 3 yr crad purhiun but red 10 pios grade durhaun bull jrrey 9 too grade durham bull fry proij7 yorkshire dw with ihfmri w yorlumre whir withutte6i8i4y6iare llsovrj du bldite april 5i h wv-fl- 5wcr owod vw suixey j 2 openigas of harrow msseyhar scuffier ahuif noiofet 6ix itogiielbepetovcsbutt rt putpw- palf heavyoobalejghsf rc41er 3 drulfa r haank8s beavy bniat mounted harqess set heavy harness set tntrket waggon harness used very little scptpw v harness setsingle harneaa a nujnber of coltara tk1618 all sums of floasdundereaah over that amount b month credit on ap proved joint notes 6 per cent per sutnum oft for cash all will be sold without reserve as i sun giving up one farm and have no further use for the same in case of stormy weather sale will be conducted under covex plenty of shelter for horses w a wilson ben fetch clerk auctioneer auction sale of farm slock and implements the undersigned has been instructed by joseph moore to sell by public auction at lot 11 con 10 esqueaing hear norval on wednesday march 5th at 1 oclock sharp the following 1 horses brood mare gp 7 yra in foal to gatchel bay borse gp 13 years good work horse 12 yrs good in all har ness bay filly ag 1 yr sired by sardeuo cattlb fawn jersey cow yrs calf at foot brindle cow 6 yrs calf at foot 1 fawn jerssy cow 5 yrs calf at foot dark jersey cow 3 yrs calf at foot brindle heifer 2 yrs due march 10 jer sey cow 4 yrs due march 13 dark jer sey cow 2 yrs due march 14 fawn jer sey cow 5 yrs due march 17 brindle hetfeiy 2 yra due march 17 fawn jersey yrsjdue march 18 milking well grade purham cow 5yr due may 14 fawn jersey 6 yrs milking well 2 yearling heifers 3 spring calves plgs 6 fat hogs fowl t goose 1 gander number of barnyard fowl implements mh binder mh seed drill deerlng mower good as new mh cultivator bissell disk deering horse rake mh scufher lumber wagon pair heavy bob sleighs set of pleasure sleighs market wagon buggy buggy good as new cutter ferrjn riding plow double furrowed plow sliantz walking plow wilkinson plow no 3 2 root pulpers 1 as good as new hayrack act diamond har rows 4 pieces heavysot light harrows 4 pieces fanning mill and bagger set weigh scales 1 200 ida wheelbarrow sugar kettle grindstone 2 sets whipple trees cutter pate whipple trees aud neck yoke complete hay aud grain 200 bus barley 300 bus oats 4 tons timothy hay harness set double harness with britchtng 2 nets single harness furniture 2 kitchen tables stove self feeder good as new churn wooden bed stead springs and mattress couch easy washing machine melotte separ ator cap 450 lbs forks spade shovels hoes 2 logging chains crowbar and other articles top numerous to mention all will be sold without reserve as pro prietors lease has expired and has np further use for same terms hay grain fat hogs fowl and all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 9 months credit on furnishing ap proved joint notes 5 per cent discount for cash w a wilson ben fetch clerk auctioneer cow fat financial requirements do yon realize that every man has four finanoial eequirements l bank account 2 income in event of perma nent disaoility 8 life insurance 4 income or home for old age stop and consider this act yoo will find that the only way of covering these requirements ia a policy issued by a substantial life insurance company for particulars see ww loffleatoa roe oeoroetowh out spring term opens march 8rd in shaws business schools toronto and merges into summer session from june 80th no compul sory vacations free cata logue write w h shaw president w a bailey harness maker repairing now is the time to have your harness repaired for the spring wprk prompt service and beaf wprkmanship at a reason able price w a bailey halo street georgetown roup grain feed fresh rolled oats always in stock in 20 and 90 lb bags whole wheat flour and wheatlets do yon require fire ufe accident or aulolnsoraiice i represent some of the best com panies and shall be pleased fo tran sact your insurance bpaipesb now is the time to get your poultry in shape for the hatch ing season good feed prop erly balanced is the only way we have a complete line we are now bookingorders for fertilizer seed corn and grass seeds canada food board llceuse no 92111 phone lfib for prices georgetown mm ciipslsipjes lielvr r j h yndjs fhopeboff georgetown t ontabio it will pay you to attend the guclphbusincss college gnelpo 0st ton- know the nature of- our work a you know the demand for our graduates you know it is to yoqr advantaa to get opr traujing wmowt irtlaa

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