the georget herald wednesday bvg march 26 1918 the old tums tue hobo heard the old ornau croon lu the cottano over the way the notes of a dear and familiar tune that his rodther uses to play he looked athla rags at his ill shod feet he lingered his stubble grey and harked to the anthenl soft ami sweet that his mother used to play move on i he went as one in a swoon along the dreary way but his feet kept time to the grand eddtune faqon v v v 8orne rags and afifisrol nay yvriaimweut to eveeftothetty9 tbmhisrjtfcer wse4 tprlav uigiti vjiv yv- aiinthwubefpwy fletiuliibsdthf weflbl- stftirs v at noon xndlii heirv8 tlp4jan0 bay eoo the bauflsf biivett wprepliy- ingthe tune that his mother- used to play tfee ehari in tordrrhf telesnun postal inuna in halton the annual report of the post mastergeneral for the past fiscal year has just been received the revenues received at the accouritf- ing offices in halton are as follows georgetown 881687 aoton 642148 bronte 8181760 bur lington 798684 campbellvijle 187096 freeman fcl60sf84 glonwilliams 80702 hornby 71977 milton 987879 oak ville 1844610 palermo 47192 port nelson 68464 auuual for milton since the carrying of the hydro- radial bylaws at hamilton and in nelbon last saturday sir adam beck has announced that the hy dro- radial line from port credit to guolph connecting with the guelphlondon line will be pat through as quickly as possible this line it is understood will run through milton at first it was proposed that it would start from ookvillo but it was found that grades would be too stiff and port credit got the preference cham pion im a 13 par bottle a bunch of travellers were standing around scotia junction waiting for connections when a ru ral youth who hod been sizing them up picked a likely one wink ed mysteriously and tapping his hip pooket whispered want to buy some tea he did and a consultation behind the station re suited in the oxohange of 8 for a promising- looking bottle he tipp ed off four others and four other deals were put through that night at parry souud they prepar ed to make merry the oork was pulled in no 1 and at the first swig a look of dismay came to the face of the swigger great scott i he roared it is tea and it was parry sound star oldest methodist minister tbo homo of rev and mrs t m jeffories oakville was visited by a great many persons one day recently it was the occasion of the reverend gentlemans 97th birthday and the callers were pro fuse in their good wishes rev jefleries is the oldest living metho dist preacher in canada and has worked in the lords vineyard as a preacher for more years than any other preacher in the country he is jceeping in good health and re taining his faculties in a remark able manner his friends and they are legion will wish tbat he may at least round out tbe century rev and mrs jefferieswere resi dents of stewarttown half a cen tury ago bradley rush offer by auction ul cedar vauk paku gkoboktows thvbiday april 3rd ioohkau cattlk horsk ami siibki- milch cows red shorthorn row due apr 14 ron shorthorn cow bred feb red shorthorn cow calf at side roan shorthorn cow due june 19 red shorthorn cow raf at aide red shorthorn cow supposed in be in calf roan shorthorn cow due aug 19 red shorthorn cow due time of wls red shorthorn cow calf at side red shorthorn cow calf at side the abovte are a proven lot of extra fine cowt 20 young stackers wwy rjgisnjdshortrorn boll 42uipat v heep jo0relng ewes many with lambs at e jllceer iuo ayrs alne specimen hlrlilirp gsvxx tfcnjtp of clyde mare both hy l farmer- vv deo3ay perehioron colt 3 yea above tot of slock needs olxloibe litwpshedor you tor see that quality thrcwglioull a strong foature the reimewjhusajeareexceplionak ly favorable to buyer as manyf0 cat- te ofred aro-hoitmwpi- udeswmvt tprbfli elghf mftnth credit ph ap proved note si per cent per annum off for cajh no rssrvk w- a wilson bek petch clerk aucjjoneer credit cattle rcv 1 m balance the giving and gelling every time you buy a war sav ings stamp buy a thrift stamp also and give tbat to some one who can spare very little for the nest egg fund do this to keep yout self from becoming stingy it is possible to hold a quarter so close to the eye that tbe whole world will be shut out it is pos sible to ohaso quarters so vigor ously as to forget everything else and even the compound interest is not going to pay for losing sight of the foot that the best thing about money is its spending power dont forgetabout the talent napkin tdbat was thrift sons wrong like an ingrow ing nail by spending a little for some oiio else everytime you save for yourself you keep the stream of human kindness pure and clear riand refreshing incidentally yon nelpthe government if you give thrift stamps of course no one would objeotln the least if you gave naore- but if ypu have not formed the of balancing your giving nif getting jfsti mil itotur ally begin on asmatl scale rr- jtefevar sfejsts t vw rtr oolic or if mie loniion v iiii 1- i jaivwuii t0ce of plsmo or- kovn ooruet viplin delcought tb eoaapbla kuethe uglrt aai power pleat pumpa the water and grinds the feed an extra band at chore jme w t evans ontario 1 tbe fliat totiqltrtnte tpilibtk the typioal veyjy lile ofwebpyb who faihvjotwi i3 snd humor tfojllow each other in anioicanojealon a tear harflly startii down youroheeir before it la dried op by langliter spring term opens march 8rd in shaws business schools torontoand merges into summer session from june 80th no bompul- sory vacations free cata logue write w h shaw president to kovelllas repaired standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically soreened and loaded coal wood select lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i oarry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone is at rex theatre georgetown one night and matinee only tuesday apr 1st the better ole jroijbv sotain-i- baivi olay now ahownb to oap- aolty andlenoea in new tors and london ti fe fe the quickest possible way to forget the troubles now past ib to smile them away with old bill bert and alf the three fatuous musketeers of the british army tftobwteyeiaup cetijdn pftiniph eoiotioria igi afteinawng nshebjof hanipr pathos connected by the wifctest situatiofts arid subtitles ever seerj oh the screen administration sale of- beal estate in the matter of william blair late of tliir village of miorjfctown in the county of halton colourmixer decesea thero will in ollercd for male by tbe ad- ministrator of i he said estate by public auction to ho held on the premises nit- ualcd in the village of eortfetowii in the county of halton on saturday april 5th 1919 at 1 oclock the following property lot no 33 on the west side of academy road in the said yillnge of georgetown according to plan no 132 of a part of said village on the premises id a com- fort able cottage with an artir containing five rooms this cottage has waterworks electric light and furnace and is a modern up to date dwelling terms 10 percent of the purchase money lo be paid down at the time of the snli balance to he paid within 15 days after the sale the said property will be sold subject to n reserve bid rqy jurvber part iciilar an ptididnfc hss tja ajjf jfe thre anipu crtbon tharactetja of captaiin bfuce baiif- nsfathers pre jfam ous the world over in the better ole they are brought to life in the most won derful motion picture of the war matinee prices 25c 50c special orchestra night prices 50c 75c 100 seats on sale at mooreheads ice cream parlor good flour ii i i atm is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread and pastry the noble brands are the superior flour of today try them robert noble limited nof val ontario bolter paper at herald the canada life co assurance etablished 1847 for rates and particulars see r j hynds phone 203 georgetown salt and grass seeds just arrived a car of salt we are able to supply you with fine salt in bar rels 1 00 lb bags and 50 lb bags course salt in barrels and 100 lb bags dairy salt in 50 lb bags get our price on any of the above special price on quantities also get our prices on red clover timothy and alsike canada food board licenae no 8- 1278 a m grandy phone 78 quick delivery prompt service real estate my bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc solicitors far iw sakfiktatei ben petch acriopefr farm for 5al vabvtiswioeattr in th afatar df ttw alys4rlrijxftmlsar glehwijlians in tjw coiirity bkltojl pimtlenifttvdtoeaiii and iiv th mhher of the sale of wstblf lot number twentytvw anubp satb litjrtoctticwai hal tjrf jot iiimnbor rhhtythrb mnthi jjfevimth cioiicessibn oftfrp tortiiiliip of tktkiupnuig in the counryof auon coii- 4amiifr by admasureiijehc one hundrtn and fifty acr0s morvr lev kialcd ttsnttamaddrestftsl tp shifton waubride dale gcortomr orilarioi soltcitors for ernoht vl ynrrarlopifh godre kvinfiefd ant lac htaivg rant the executors o the said esuttf aijj eodorsed tender for purchase of late alexander fetirrat farm will be received at the of fice in georgetown of the said solicitors until 12 oclock noon of tuesday the first day of april a d 1919 for the purchase of the said above described lands each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the said executors or their solicitors equal to five per cent of the amount of the tender which cheque will be returned if tenderbe not accepted and will be forfeited if the person tender ing falls to carry out the purchase of the aid farm when called upon to do so tbe highest or any tender not necessar ily accepted the said land will be sold subject tp a lease which will expire in a year the said farm as above set out contains one hundred and afty acres of land more or less of which one hundred acres tilled twentyfive acres more is workable and balance is bush and pasture there are one and one half acres jn apples and small fruit there are two wells on this farm and the river credit runs through the same on tbe said land is erected a urge house containing nine rooms also bath closets pantry woodshed and good cellar on the said land their is also erected al most new bank barn having good stalling cement floors and galvanized iron cistern there is also a silo roojlhouse drive house and workshop for further particulars and conditions of sale apply to the said executors or the undersigned solicitors smilton wallbridoe dale solicitors for said estate dated at- georgetown this 19th day of march a d 1919 1932t clearing auction sale farsi slsck tatfcstfsto lay grata asifswt- the undersigned has received inhtruftiona from james l b088 to sell by public auction at his farm east half of lot 17 on the 8th con esquoaing on friday maboh 88th at 1280 sharp the following hob8e8 matched teamefper- oherons 4 and fi yrs bay mare good worker cattle roan cow 0 yrs due time of sale roan cow 6 yrs due in aug roan cow 0 yrs due in aug red cow g yrs due in april roan cow 6 yrs due in april white heif er 9 yrs calfafcfot rtq spw yrs dutti mfty purebred dprham ifnlltj eipbib- ym jrofyi btfttis yrstn calf foivn wifer ytfcjft calf wltie heifer 1 yrra heifer 1 yr 6 steers rising 1 yr 2 heifers rising 1 yr 8 fat steers 8 yrs bioaf tamsworth pw witu 10- digs fi weeks old j hat aiq gbaiw atyateooy 1u8oa iv rwpmbtvmhndaft hearlyriewr frost ftw6idapwv ejr 5 f t iotrf jmep b wrrqv nearly iewttsc good sl8pt teejjfooier spring tooth ooltmnt lajtedde new jobber wagbp with bdx hay rack set bob s1igi8t p bnggyr new- 2seatid jmggysj ruttor new pleasure sleighs dou ble furrow piow nearjy new cwo walking plows seed harrows horse rake 2 scufflers bayrook soales 2000 lbs fanning mill with bagger nearly new horse fork oar rope pullies magnet cream seperator neajjy new root pulper oharn grass seeder 1 share on mocormiok corn binder shovels forks doable trees neokyokee and other articles too numerous to mention harness set team harness set plough harness set single harness new set single harness a number of horse collars fubnitxtbe 2 extension tables 8 beds with springs side board couch parlor table happy thought cook stove tebms hay grain fowl fat cattle and sums of 910 and tinder cash over that amount 8 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes 6 discount for cash at the same time and place the farm will also be sold by auction no reserve whatsoever owing to ill health t frcmsholm auctioneer are attracting many buyers you have been looking for to show you my list probaby4 may have just what call meup and i will be pleased e a benham phone 16 4 greorgetown its no to if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch ac and guarantee our work satisfactory ju8ters to be alithe latest arid best in watches clocks jewelery etc at right prices main street next mcclbboohot1 clearing auction sale of farm stock implements etc the undersigned hai received instruc tion from thomas sopar to sell by public auction at lot 18 5th line west cninguacousy on fridax march 88th 1919 at 1 oclock sharp the following v horses bay horse rising 8yrsjbay horse rising 6 yrs brown horse agedi bay horse aged bay mare in foal cattlk jersey cow calf at side jer sey cow calf at sidei jersey cow calf at sidet holstein cow calf at sidej holitein cow due time of salei jersey cow due april 13 1 white cow calf at sidet jersey cow bred 6 weeks i red cowdryj5ur- ham cow due march 20 1 holstein heifer due june 16 holstein heifer bred 6 wkaj holstein heifer bred march 7t holstein heifer 1 yri jersey heifer 1 yrj 2 steers ruing 2 yrsi steer short keep jersey bull 10 most roan bull 18 most 3 spring calves pios yorkshire sow due april 5t 5fat hogs fowl 24 plymouth rock henst 6 coclcerehtf 3 ducks and i drake i 2 geese and 1 gander hay and grain 15 tons timothy hay 500 bus barley quantity of green moun tain potatoes harness set heavy harness set plow harness set single harness implements peter hamilton binder good as newt peter hamilton mower good as newt peter hamilton seed dilll good as nevvt massey harris tedderi deering horse rake 10 ft heavy waggon with box light wagon steel roller peter hamilton cultivator set sleighs 2 sots iron harrows buggy cutter wilkinson plow no 3 cocksbutt plow with wheels peter hamilton 2 furrow gang pj fanning mill wheelbarrow 2 scufflers cow chains logging chains 2 cross cu saws melotte cream separator cap 650 lbs quantity of grain bags quantity or lumber mostly white oak other articles too nu merous to mention terms grain potatoes fat steor pigs veal calves and sums of 910 and under cash over that- amount f months credit on approved notes ben petch auctioneer t credit auction sale -of- ghoice dairy cattle the undersigned baa received initrac- tiont from hormaa kechreajor to aell by public auction at lot 2 9th line j eaqueaingr near glenwiuuuna on tuesday april ut u10 at t oclock the following cattle holateln cow calf at foorr holitein cow calf at foot holatein cow calf at fool holateln cow calf at foott ayrshire cow calf at foot aynhire cow calf at foot holateln cow due atif 25 holateln cow dtie nov 23 durhmoi cow due dec t5 holatein belfer due time of aalei holateln heifer due time of aalei holitein heifer due time of aale holateln heifer due time ot aale holateln coif due time of aale black cow due may 1 hol atein cow due time of aale holatein cow due may li holateln cow due hay i jer sey cow duo time of aalei jeraey cow milking 2 ourbam heifers jyrat 1 dur ham ateera 2 yra reg- holstein bull theaeare an exceptlonaly fine lot of cowa all young no reaerve going out of milk buaineaa pioa 9 pig i moat 7 pigs 4 moa 9 pigs 4 moa dlicka indian runner ducki 4 ducks 3 drakes terms fowl and sume of 10 and un der cash over that amount 7 montbi cre dit on approved notea 5 per cent per annum on for cash ben tetch auctionbek w a bailey harness maker repairing imow is the time to have your harness repaired for the spring work prompt service and best workmanship at a reason able price anto tires and accessories weapajfcey ft4ain street ge0hget0wn in the surrogate court of the county of halton in the estate of oeovga albert nevlas late of the villas of georgetown la the county of halton barber dooaaeed notice la hereby given pursuant to the revised statutes of onurio 19h chspter 121 section 56 that all persona having- claim against tbe estate of george al bert nevus late of the village of george town in the county of halton barber deceased who died on or about the 37th day of january 1914 are requested to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors fortbeadminiitrat- rlx of the estate of the said deceased their names and addresses and full part iculars in writing of their clalma and statement of their account and the na ture of the securities if any held by i hem and take notice ibat after the 26th day of march 1919 the said administratrix will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased atnong the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claimi of which she shall then have notice and she will not be liable for the asaels or any part thereof of any person whose claim she will not then have received notice mcleod bell solicitors for elizabeth class administratrix dated at windsor thla 18th dny of february 1919 peering farm machinery xnterntlonl tractor sharpleaii mechanic milking machines buggi and w phonb 101rs thos e hewson norvalont notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of arah hoars late of the village of olan- wiluaam in the const of hsuton widow deeeaaed notice is hereby given pursuant to section 56 of the trustees act rso 1914 chap 121 that all creditor and others having claims ordemands against the estate of the said sarah hoarewho died on or about tbe ninth day of jaautry 1919 artho village of glemyllma are required on or before the nintecnth day of april 1919 to send dy post j prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for joseph henry hoare the exe cutor of the last will and teslsmbii of the said deceased their christian names and surnames addresses and deicrlptlons the full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and jm the nature of tbe security if any held by 5 thehi f and take notice that after aucblsat mentioned date the said executor will pro ceedto distribute the asset ollhe uid deceased among the parties entitled tberetoi having regard onyti the claitna df which he shall lhn have notice nd that the said executor will not bellable for the said sels oranv part thereof to any person or persons of whose olajm no tice shall not have bomi rceved by him at the time of such distribution bhiltpn wausftrmra dam ji wlwor or tw said ewcuftr dated at oeorgetownlhlslsth dhy 6f mar0b19j9 o sslffixlglimtls