Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 9, 1919, p. 2

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iswww fl willson xeadius funeral di rector and embftlmer office opposite merchants bank open day and night i georgetown out pbon i imfiifiiaicuemti btsulrutuuruiufuii births matiages and deaths are charged for t the fotlowins rues birtht 25c marriage 50c deaths 50ct memor ial cards 50c 8c per line extrsrfor poenii v-1v- died stewart in milton on wednesday april 2nd f919 margaret laidlaw widow of tlie late john stewart r jnmernbriam 6neme scvkc oi jferfl jolh ft v belgpiipi oneof htf waivbonj god coiiid lend adotihtltiusbttnd a ffcithfukfifead a ttivru daddy i rue aod knd a bkutimlriikry let tes kv -txw- hbtnthabne hejfivatw l ibtemerworl4tn ph thoiagh short oh ethfcwashib little stijy stiltve jtyhl acfc repifl sincejjesus ih hibobdfnweftrv the flqwjrfhfctbilce was oors t sadly missed by grandfua aod grandpa batcnelor t j dobbib ii levlng- meirtory of our qear little on and broiher orvtlle ross deb bie who departed this life april 8th 1916 age 4 years and 7 months a few short fleeting years had passed life seemed but well begun but he alone who knowetb all saw that tho race was run the yeara will come and springs sweet flowers may bloom on hill and plain vet never to this world of ours will orvtlle return again we watched bin breathing through the night his breathing soft and low as in his breast the wave of life kepi ebbing to and fro but when the morn came dim and bad andcjtiuedwith early snows his quiet eyelids closed he had another morn than ours three years have passed since that sad day god called the one we loved away forget him no we never will ah years roll on we love him still nevor a day but his name is spoken never an hour but he is in our thoughts a link in our family chain is broken he has gone from our home but not from our hearts safe in the arms of jesus sadly missed by father mother and brother the georgetown herald wednesday evg april 9th 1919 daylioht saving time has been up in the senate and just to show that tliey are not as sleepy as they look the inhabitants of tho eed chanilier are said to favor it wonder how many of them ever ret up by daylight or before nine oolook the immigration to canada through the immigration ports of windsor nnd walkerville for march more than doubled the number for the preceding month 898 admissions being granted as compared with 256 in february rejections tor march also nearly doubled those of the month before there be inn 298 persons refused admission to the oountry ac cording to inspector adams in charge the majority of those ad mitted stated their intention of going to tbs canadian west to en gage in farming town council council met ut 780 on monday evening with bee vo grant in the chair and members bradley cook and dale present the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed a communication was read from mrs a m adams thanking the reeve and council for their kind neas expressed in the floral offering sent in remembrance of the late alexander mcdonald communications were also read from j w konnedy asking for an increase in salary as treasurer tbe imperial oil co limited the suor oil products- corporation and the depaatipent- qf garne aua fish vvhwt ejongf asked for the privilege of binding a sidewalk in- front of theifhonaes on union street ueesrs thompson flerbert and wateon iadeeised the doonofl r gtitiiifwit6r dervica and fire pro- tfbtron4tajbiaie vmr j eone addressed the coin- jile overflowing p seaafcair a the- cornerjof majfi aid esleypki tqy askiblk that rsrjmethjpg be4oneto better conditibbstheie- a dibcus8ibntookplaie main streefepaverrjentandon an inpreas bd snpply v water jto th0corpora- tiort a deputation waited on the council asking for a grant pf two thousand dolhirs to buy watches for the returned soldiers address e8 were delivered by messrs wil- looghby dayfopt moore heart well and kennedy major brown addressed the council in reference to the gwv a bnying a olub bouse moved by bradley seconded by dole that the request of john ballantine that he be permitted to lay a cement walk four feet in width on the west side of union street tbe measurements and workmanship to be approved by the streets and walks committee be granted carried moved by bradley seconded by dale that the following accounts be paid municipal world 07 bell telephone co con- stables residence 6 80 bell telephone coytown hall 7 00 george spires shovelling snow 2 10 henry marohment sho velling snow 160 tur- there 18 no doubt but that a large per cent of the degradation disgrace ruin and crime among the young springs from tbe habit of night prowling oorner loafing and kindled acts by both sexes in city town and hamlet all over thih broad country any person who keops his or her eyes open knows this hundreds of boys and girls are out at night and we all know that many influences for evil aujjw for good su rround them continually a curfew re striction tuny be derided as old fashioned anil puritanical but the fact remains that there is vastly less night prowling in towns that have a curfew ordinance and en force it ab oentbe of the province tbe annual police report of toronto is ail illuminating document on the status of publp morals there is a notable increase in all sorts of theft and other crimes this in cludes 1106 autos stolen a coin- parativoly now industry in the predatory world and the substan tial sum or 209102 was collected for breaches of the ontario tern perance act defaulting husbands wore very unwillingly forced to pay 16425 to their dependents and no comfort is obtainable from a decrease in houses of illfame of various sorts altogatbor it is not a consoling document from a moral viewpoint on tbe contrary it indicates much uphill work yet ahead for thong laboring on behalf ot fallen humanity 8 so henry marohment sts 5 25 6 80 dr mcandrew telegram 51 2 08 georgetown hydro-eleo- 4 82 goorgetown hydroblec street lights oot 1st to dec 81st 1918 875 08 georgetown herald ace 14 88 a b castelle tuning 2 00 seconded by following ao- 4 00 8 80 8s6 70 8 92 6 00 7 00 428 89 oarried moved by cook bradley that tbe counts be passed postmaster stamps j m gass inspection hydro- electrio power connn lamps and sup plies mcdonald willson lamp h lutz inspecting me ters h bailey 20 hrs central electric co wire and supplies 8s7 48 hydroeleotrio commis sion supplies 17 00 hydroeleotrio commis sion power for jan 1111 60 j t cameron express 6 96 merchants bank ex change 8 07 n 0 cook freight 2 16 toronto suburban hail- way express 26 j 11 moore printing 19 70 canadian general elect co wire sockets and supplies 127 97 hydroelootrio commis sion st light fixtures 60 77 hydroblectric commis sion power for feb 1251 90 crcilman bros drilling 80 t w kennedy premium on policy on supplies 14 40 obituary mas oka ham tim death occurred on saturday april 5th of margaret huston widow of tin lute jopph urahuin at her home centre road deny vvost toronto township in her 75th year- iter husband was tho son of one of the pioneers of i ter ry west deceased was of irish parentage and settled with her parents in esyuesiny township hoi- eldest brother wu burned to death in a fire whnh destroyed the log house in which tho family then resided her husband pre deceased her in 1887 mrs ira- ham is survived by three noris vwia sijfejyauvrv stfttorejt itaiaviwidp f tlh4 fafe jplip tewaiitdied wednesday wbrnwg at her homer to mijtod alter a few weeks illness she was a daughter of the ate walter tlaidlaws v eyueslrig he nnd her biisbpvnf reoveflrpintjhat tfoijojshjp t6jmjltonabiriut twenty- flv year bgothbreeno wwmnvhutlmrtpwiii istfy iiiarj kci vantboberfc tjajdlw ttororito1tft stewart was t a insniber of kio church the f unleraj took place friday o2 w from he ci8idehcei tdrbvctgreeh enoeterytghanipidn jessie macdosad in the death of miss jesie mac- eonalrt on wednesday of lastweek one of our best homes is sorely bereft and aoton loses one of its brightest and most popular young ladies after spending somo time as bookkeeper in the office of mr neil patterson miss macdonald decided to make nursing her life- work she was admitted to the training school for nurses at the general hospital quel ph and for a year and eight months continued in that institution with much suc cess about a year ago she was taken ill and although the best medical treatment and nursing were given she gradually declined in health and last wednesday passed peacefully away she was a daughter of the late peter mac- donald and her birthplace was on the farm recently purchased from ber undo alex macdonald by charles e bailey an evidence of the love in which she was held by the young people of the com- rnupity is the fact that during the year of ber illness her room wab never without floral offerings the funeral was held last friday afternoon her pastor rev j c wilson ba officiating dnring the service quartettes were sung by messrs h wildgust jamee smith thomas mcclure and alex mann in compliance with a re quest made by deceased when she realized her recovery was doubtful the pallbearers ware messrs wil liam patterson james mann john mann hubert mann a d mann and william mcgregor the flor al tributes were numerous and beautiful rirdeidjteelj tenders wilt berecelvmby ibeuiiitr igueilr iiofldlpf limn fy it vto for ihe prtrisbbiicpihe wmw the did broriie bridg thp fiigauor vnf fridcr pl oec4irlly kcufeiled whi punton county clerk millorr fob some time past a system atic attempt to induce the people of the province of ontario to use oleomargarine as a substitute for butter has boon poshed forward by the retail merchants association of canadn who have according to the statement of an official to the press yesterday sent out 10000 circulars with postcard jiq wfrioh ft two- cent postage btanib is affixed for reply to nil the grocers and butchers in ontario up to the present it is stated replies have been rooolvfld from over 50 per cent stating that the sale of oleo- maffarffio should be permitted and the manufacture of the product l opntinhed iahont 0q merchants ijrepuoa rojfhjbinjf tq handle the pro fe ipvjrloo qfribntwjitoit rktijt iiaiji imhuhiaihaji alii rliil tiji 8858 88 carried moved by bradley seconded by dale that the council now ad journ to meet tuesday evening april 8th at 780 pm carried these ahe veby few house for bent signs to be seen in our town that is a proof of growth and prosperty but also an indi cation that more homes ought to be provided for the people who would move here if houses could be rented a number of cozy and attractive houses that can be rented at a resonable figure is what we need eveey han is a part of bis town the town embraces the fortunes and in some measures at least takes on the character of the man so loyalty to ones town is no more than loyalty to ones self and this loyalty is in the line of all well shaped human nature therefore it is right to say that tbe man who does not stand up for bis town is in some way dwar- fed there is something wrong about him his follows will pass this judgement upon him and the chances arethat while he may add to the disoomfort of others he will not esoupe making himself unhap py- gs new advertisements fob 1aje six roomed frame houie on john st must be sold to wind up cutate 6 rooms and aummer kitchen furtiar toilet dou ble eellnr concrete floor rood jfnrden quantity of small frufc posesiion almost any tim price 2600 j a willourhqy egg- redpaths granulated sugar 9 lbs davies peerless shortening 10 lb beehive corn syrup 10 lb pail mcdonald tobacco 2 for pastry flour 24 lb purity flour 24 lb trv iettimtv v cv 5ft5onj pearlirie lotge pkg ieg 85c for corn fiakesi 2jkjs io eadyvmatoh s boxes christie vsoda bisfiiits jarg bov 1ja brand oleomargarine l fresh seeded raisins lbs for eoosfoa 8 ale selected plymouth rock hacbiu rtrlce si i pttoiielkj toft saab v toti iuiutble fojr u honb jpjp fdt growing iroykijidof yky in tje owcwl paviumorrowiltown ttp v cni v ii0 acre wsmdjiatf l wcon 31 west ilhirisuaciywm eedtddiowb except p iv ol6o4l iyansr fam tranrbrie pitted apruy- ti srinhien-xlplsoti- kecepted j miltorr milton april sin 1919 auction sale ok horses and implements the undersigned has been instructed by jesse brantdford to sell by public auction at his premises college view on tuesday april 15th au oclock the follpvilrlgi horses sorrel horse aged 10 yrsi bay mare aged 1 1 yrs in foal implbments onehoru wagon new buggyi ctitten onehorsie t bobsleighs 2 scufbersi cutting box gasoline engine saw and outfit combined i cream separator mh new daisy churni dasher churnt box stovei set single driving harness new 2 seta heavv single harness 4 collars 2 sets harness andtraces2 crorscutsaws and axes wheelbarrow new tubs pig trough hay knife 9hens laying and nu merous other articles terms cash v a wilson ben iftch clerk alctlonber clearing auction sale of farm stock implements etc the undersigned has received instruc tions from walter lamon to sell by public ruction at lot 25 con 8 esquesing- on wednesday cvpril 16th at 1 oclock fihnrp the foltowmgt horsbs bay horse rts 9 yrs about 1400 lbs black mare ria j yrs about 1300 ibsi bay horse ris 8 yras gray home rls 6 yrsi bay horse ris 12yr yood driver cattle red cow fati roan cow red heifer milking bnndte cow due april red heifer due in july red heifer due in may j white cow due in sept 3 heifers ris 2 yrs 4 calves ris 1 yrt roan cow due time of sale pios yorkshire now with s pigs 4 weeknt yorkshire sow due may 1 10 good chunks of pigs- implements maiseyharri bindert masseyharris mower cut one season masseyharris rakei masieyharrls culti vator masseyharris seed drill blssell disc harrow scuffler met 12 ft harrows stone boat i fleury plow no 21 hay rock wagon ton buggy cook itove cyclone grass seed sower set heavy team harness gib bens cut rate cash and carry grocery pail r 1 00 2 60 85 26r 1 48 1 65 27c 26w aso tile 29e aiiben phone lane block georgetovn farm bargains for immediate sale oooooooooooooooooooooooooc 211 acres 4 hilesfrain acton 160 acres workable balance bush and pasture h haven orohaid soil sandy to clay loam plenty of water good cement house 10 rooms flrst class cellar bank barn 68x80 driving slicdand hon house water in stable silo school j mile rural mail radial road h miles price 9000 100 acres on county stone road 1 mile from erin all workable 2 acien orchard hoil clay loam 2 wells splendid solid brick house 8 rooms good cellar bank bain 00x00 first class cement stabling driving house 24x80 water in shed cement silo erin schools and churches 1 mile rural mail and telephone price 010000 a honey maker 100 acres 0m of ihe best farms in esqnzslng township all workable well watered with spring creek 2 nores orchard 10 acres fall wheat soil clay loam 10 acres fresh seeding 8fi acres fall ploughed new brink house 8 rooms pcnso furnace 8piecebath 2 bank barns cattle barn 80x60 stabling for 18 cows horse stable 24x60 stab ling for 6 horses big open yard room for 80 head litter carrier driving shed silo school li miles georgetown 2 miles rural mail and telephone price 11000 90 acres in nassagaweya township near campbeuvioe harneit quantity of hay neckyoke shovels etc i set driving whlffletrecs 27 fowl no reserve as the farm bo been sold tkrms hay fowl fat cow and sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 8 months credit on approved notes 5 per annum off for catth w a wilson ren petch clerk auctioneer castor i a for infants and children in use for ovr 30 years alwajra bun the ugnatnraof at the adjourned meeting held on monday evening to consider tbe reqnest of the citizens com mittee re purohaso of watches the following resolution was passed moved by jjeroy dale seconded by w f bradley that this uoiin- oil owing to tho legal and financial aepeots of the situation feel that thev oannot respond to the wishes of the committee to raise 2000 to procure watches for the returned soldiers by direct taxation this oounoil also feels that any gift or subscription given by the people should be of their own free will and volition this oounoil also feels that tho subscription for tho watches and memorial shbuldbe raised aepeiate and distinct it from the olub house and foelthat thfiy do pot in any way want tainter- fero with the purchase of a olub houso by the gwva and would rocomnabnd to the committee that if the gwva feel there is im urgent necessity for bollootiug for their olub housetliat the com mittoe defer raising the mohey by pnhlloiiibsorlption for tho watch- es tobe sfvep to tho returned sol- dlews and fpr a memorial to be oreotod in honor of tbb0 who have eeoobain good clean wild goose wheat for seed alao a quantity of seed barley and seed oatl dcorgre faulkner phone62 r 1 1 norrol station po 4621 p he1ter for saxe holatein and jersey due in oct mark clark 9th line phone 210 georgetown 49tf clearing credit auction sale of farm slock implements etc the undersingedhas received instruc tions from w h opxe to sell by public auction at lot 9 con 2 esquesing on uondax apru t4tla 1910 at 1 oclock the following horubh bay maru rising 5 yrst brown gelding 11 yrsi chestnut gelding i is 5 yrsi bay mare 14 yrsi chestnut mure 7 yrst bay folding ris 4 yrst brown mare in foal to slay bay gelding 2 yrs 2 yearling colts cattlb black cow due june 5tnt jer sey cow due july 28 1 jeruey cow due oct 16f red and white cow due oct 16 jersey cow due dec jerioy huifer due dec 2 heifers 6 mos swing and poultry cluck how due april 26 white sow due way 38 j 40 henft i gander 1 goose purn1turb- i5 acres workable balance bnah and pasture 2 acres orchard soil gravelly loam plenty of water cement block- house 10 rooms bank barn 60x00 stabling for 18 cattle and 7 horses driving shed sheep pen hen house water in stables school 1 mile rural mail and telephone price 5000 wulouflhby farm agency georgetown ontario leti ibi ibiiniiimiiirfil ibi wtobj the mens store we cordially invito you to inspsrct our display of fine suitings overcoating trousering bto for tbe present sea son youll find enough variety of patterns and weaves to give you ample choice see our apodal in blue and black serges fully boaramted price right samples ready for out of town customer new shirts qoves k and hotieiy vy j- llvsviiprig s t iffi nviibe to gall and jaepect out- stock and vmprbat jsrtiu8lraaabrii y t d3x georgetown phonei le hih class xrjoblfjo and mens furnishings agents tor stookwell henderson co dyers and cleaners toronto b ibiiihihhhiibi lafiiiiiiniiiiial ibqnnnj u saturday treat last saturday was a record one tor 1919 next saturday we will go i die answer is- bctter look at our prices and compare with others and tne answer ts buy your candies at mooreheads this saturday we offer you 150 lbs of fresh peanut crisp made in our own candy kitchen thia week crisp like ours is a big special at 30c per pound saturday treat price 28o per lb sweet chocolate peanut flusters 39c we could sell tons of this line every month at 39c wholesale but it would nol pay jv are able to secure all the sweet chocolate we need now so our fresh homemade sweet chocolate peanut clusters will sell like hot cake next saturday clusters of fresh roasted shelled peanuts covered with delicious sweet chocolate worth 60c lb saturday while they last 89c lb t h moore he ad milton brampton georgmtown jacksons chairs moffat foa syuae no 9 range with reservoir apply at hydro office h wanted matron for the childrens aid shelter at milton initial salary 30 per inontn aasiitatnt supplied apply to mrs t j brown seo cas milton 492t strayed cane to my premises about 19th march an irish terrier owner nlsy have same by proving property and paying expenses ceo walters georgetown it pome for sale 4 year old gelding servlceably sound ocxiln rii harness cheap little money to j a giflon phone 98 r 3 492tp g apply georgetown jbqctf fob hatching shepherd strain ancona eggs for sst- tlngr c w davis chsrlest georgo- 2tp towdi 6-4- howuforiautv throe good bouses will bo sold at a fiarkaln iftakon immediately apply to j h liiio real rslnte agent george town 326 2tp jvpro on march 10th betwoon lot 6 dnth vi vshiwii ivin oeiween wioonwh don and stewarttowni by way of 7th line hsavyneckyoke 4 ft long wltfijwln neck vokei fndr kindly notify d nellsen ji lltoiipo w u vjjrts cows jesey yrsi purhnm 4 kitchen tables kitchen quebec heaters box stove kitchen range writing desk white painted cheflbnier grandfather clock couch bedsfeads etc miscellaneous premier separator 650 lbs cap paisy churn washing mach ine 100 egg hamilton incubator gasoline and coal oi tanks 12 ft wooden gates garden gates window frames paints varnishes boiled linseed oil machine oil axle grease etc implements etc froat u wood grain binder masseyharris corn binder mow er disk root seeder hay tedder hay rake torn scuffler stlftloolli cultivator 2 single furrow plows aeed drill with ferti lizer attachment iron harrows cockshutt plow s h scuffler fleury pulper chat ham fanning mill wheelbarrow bain wa- son with box complete bain wagon set obs buggy hay rack cutler hand tools tool bench grist mill cutting hox circu lar saw set single harness 2 sets doublo harness almoat new grlmni maple ayrup evaporator the above implement areall new some have duly been used ohcu terms all sums of 10 and under cash over that amount 6 mbullis credit on approved joint notes 6 per cent off for cash ben petch auctioniskr brick yard wmfmm safer for baby leu work for mother right here in town we are and the perfectly sanitary i selling the prettiest and most practical lowpriced floor coverings on the market youll be especially pleased with the unusual beauty of the congoleum artrug pat terns they combine the two things moat desired in mod- ern homes the truly artistic congoleum rugs are beauti ful both in design and color ing they are wonderfully practical being washable waterproof arid sanitary they never gather dirt under them because they lie flat without tacking the edges cannot lock up x f some good money sawing specials i itutgebuffot and china cabinet combined quarteroat oak finish art glass doors in both buffet andchina cabinet section lined ontlery drawer large linen drawer good value at 4600 speeial price s2900 good serviceable dining chairs set of 6 1300 5 chairs i arm useful pieces hall trees 150 large roomy oak arm ghairrrume finish 995 rocker to match 1045 quartercut oak rockers large comfortable and splendid designs 1050 1 bed springs and mattress large size oak finish library or living room table 18400 1900 the biggest snap in years i high grade sewing machines good oftah value at 8500 wohavo only a tvi and will offer at i1boo jlee tlteae sure sissssssssslsssglssss siri mjr

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