Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 9, 1919, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wttilriead ev april9tli 1u19 sometime well tjndaratandl not now but in the coming yenra it louy he in a better laud well read the meaning of our tears and there some time well un derstand then trust in god through all thy days fear not for he doth hold thy hand dhoiigh dark thv way still sing ami praise some time some time wti nil dershmd i v- v mskafiy v ii- i ty v anbvriiaw fceribpivtk i- lleuveii willthe mystwies ejipliuny am thou ah then well imdor- hrand i t loietpfpmeliriie- vyu llun- i-v- v i3eistnfl k p i if all 1 v lqluv9d0ftoun6akcmfl i vvjy- h6ppi4avie crbhe3 liudcustlesl fall v itp jtlifrri sopio time well itrjder- tiirtd ioil khois the way ueholdstbe key lie guides whh unerring hand some time with tearless eyes well see yiw there up there well under stand w borrowing at home instead of going abroad canada having during the last two years of the war demonstrat ed her ability to finance herself it is now exported both at borne and abroad that she will continue to do bo london advices say that yhe is expected to meet loans fall ing due there this year and that canndians residing there admit that this should be done in addi tion to tho financing of the domin ions growing foreign trade canadian opinion also pretty generally agrees that it is in the interest of tho country jhat this should he done there is a feeling that while some borrowing may have to be done abroad still the less that is done the bettor for canada indeed the wisdom of converting canada from h borrow ing into ii lending nation is so manifest that there is a general demand that this be done war savings stamps aro a step in this direction for through their stili funds are placed in the hands of the dominion government in other words this means that in stead of borrowing in london and new york the government is try ing to gel at home the funds it needs it has also arranged that any person having 4 may thus lend it to the govornmpnt which pays 14 per cent compound half- yearly clearance cattle sale of wil- loughhys will ho hold on the 10th of april void cqvw and cougherit coughing j0r hfloh 30 dronrsrops covens mar raw tor children in clearing auction sale in erin farm stock and implements the under wigned has received instruc tions from wiuum h spear lo sell by pub iu auction on lot 1 5th lino krin 14 miles west of ballinafad and 4 inilcft north of acton on friday april 11th at 1 oclock ttharp the following hokkks lllnck maro gp good fiialj liarnebb 12 yrsj bay mare jrp 0 yrat buy mare driver good in all natneaa 4 yes bay mare 3 yra jjpt dark bay marfi 3 yr ffp bay colt yearling jjpi chest nut colt driver 2 ym latrie red and white cow 6 yn milking well due july 15 red cow 7 ym milking well due aug 25 roan cow 4 yra milking well due sept 15 all red bull a good one 13 nios grey heifer yearling hoes yorkshire a yrs due may 24 good one reg berkshire hog 5 good pigs 3 months shkkp 2 thoroughbred reg oxford downs 4 well bred aeiqester ewe lamlij 2 yearling jamba one with lamb fowl- 3 geese 2 ducks and i drake 1 a taw lions i mplhments binder 7 ft cut mausc harris upeclal finuh complete nearly now mower 6 ft cut maasey- harris nearly new rake all steel selfdumping massey- harris 10 ft nearly new roller 9 ft miisseyharris nearly new spring moth cultivator miihseyharris 13 teeth iiearlyknewi disc harrow utssoll 13 ppout grain drill disc with grass seeder attach ment beaver sulky plow furrow now drag harrows heavy section 3 horse daig harrow light 3 sections 2 linrsei plow verity 21 1 plow shantz 21 ucu flier new hcufflor old binder or mower tongue truck orchard sprayer hump blirrel and hose newj stoneboaf now steel coal oil barrel 25 gallbnn newt rain wagon bay ynccf new 15 ft georgia pino wagon box and rack set balnbloljghs top bp mnrrlfl root nliijr mill and plntfornt scale 21 in kny ropotmelotte cream separator 50 ibi cnpi coi chains set team harnosi sood as new set team harnesb old sot rifflo harnesbi rpbos blankets mllkpaili piii3id iclei terms top bpffpy cutter all nearly now 1 mmacy pulhor nol chatham fan- nd bagger nearly now sot nearly newi 120 ft 1 other articles too numerous lo mention terms nd undercash ovof that tfinrtouil 10 months credit on approved joint notes fowl cash 5 per ccntv odt lorcaih j no reflervonipjfdnrletor is giving tip iivw vttibwhw i bshoroy c rexall drug store rexall drug store the plan you pii tin- ivkulnr priro lor one article und thiii iiivo another of the miiih nilirlc for one cent one for 100 two for 101 crl lv ooo hottle of reinll tiimtilcxh cod 1 n ti oil il jvolitipi c compound at tho regular price of 100 and ui will give you niiotlier liotlle for one cent or 2 lor 101 r i k i v i r v fc thursday friday and saturday and 12th iiuiiiniiiiiiml laiuiiiiiirrrpal 19 19 ib imiiiiiiiiiiilim tllla one oe3tt saie plan wan originated by the united druo company for the rbxalij drug stome9 tho united dru company arc the largest ninnufiotur- era and buyers of toilot articles bemedios clioeolntes perfumes ru liber goods stationery and drug sundries in the world and this is an advertising plan pure and simple of which they boar most of the expense instead of spondinu monoy in tho reiiliiv way such as froo samples etc it is their dosiro that we place full sizedpackages or articles in your hands giving you an opportunity to judge the real vnluo of thoso roods the oobt of which they clmre to advertising we will only bo permitted to run this sale oscasionally tnke advantano of this exceptional opportunity we can not afford to chnrge or deliver goods during this sale so please dont ask us to do it these prices do not include the war tax perfumes and toilet water 600 oz locust dream 2 for 51e 50o ox white heliotrope 2 for 51c 75o oz jockey club 2 for 76o 7bo bottle of toilet water 2 for 76o 75o oz rose opt i 78c 50c oz sachet powder 2 ozx 51c 200 oz ipomea 201 rubber goods k s hot water bottle 1205 each guaranteed 2 for 201 10c baby nipples 2 for 11e 6c eye droppers 2 for 6o 15c comforts 2 for 16o monogram hot water bottle 2 for 201 household needs 16c roll toilet paper 2 for 16e 25o hard water softener 2 for 26o 5o ironing wax 2 for bo 26c witch hazel 2 for 26c 25c bottle syrup of figs 2 for 26c 30c bottle white pine tar 2 for 31o 60o white pine tar 2 for 61o 25c bottle elkaya cleaning fluid 2 for 28e 30c tuba elkays bat and roach paste 2 for 31o 26c sln1 corn remover 2 for 26o 25o corn pads 2 for 26o excello silver polish this polish cleans silver quickly and thorousfhly loo 2 for 11o rexall remedies 50c khklnh health baits 2 for bio 35c ltcxall corn solvent 2 for 36o 50c kidney pills will relievo your imckache 2 for 51c 30c kcxall white uniment for nchos anil pains 2 for 31c 00c white liniment 2 for 81c i2i lleef iron wine 2 for 1s6 25c hexall little liver pills 2 for 26c 26n rexall eye wnsl 2 for 26c 25c roxnll foot powder 2 for 26c 25c throat kilrkle 2 for 26c 25c rexall aspirin tablet 2 for 26c cherry bark cough syrup is u most pleasant and effective rem edy for coughs colds and all bron chial irritations l0c bottlwi 2 for 81o 25u rexall charcoal tablets 2 for 26c 100 ftexall syrup of hypophosphlten a good general tonic 2 for 101 60c vital an excellent spring tonli 2 for sic 1101 itexall 03 hair tonlo 2 for 101 hoe cherry bark cough syrup 2 for 61o 30c white pine tar 2 for 31c 25c kexall stomach and liver piiik 2 for 26c 100 tohteleuy cod liver oh com pound 2 for 101 50c rexall blood tablets put red blood in your veins m 2 for 51o 25c rexall carbolic salve 2 for 28o 50c gastric tablets relievos dlstreflh 2 for b1o m iscellaneou s specials 15c fine combs 2 for 16c 2fic heulone for tired feet 2 for 26c 150 snnol kidney remedy 2 for 151 100 shoops rontoratlve 2 for 101 25c hex p las ten 2 for 26o 25c shoops laxoth 2 for 26c if be jljujor safety rastor 2 for 26c foc kmulhlmed cocounut oil 2 for 51c stationery ifc hoxcs writing pnpor 2 for 26o 15c writlna pads 2 for 16c 10c writing fads 2 for 11o 5c writlnar pad 2 for 26o 15 pkg linen envelopes 2 for 16o 16c quire writing paper 2 quires 16c 5c scribblers 2 for 6c drugs 2iii castor oil 2 for 21c 20c soda mint tablets 2 for 21c 25c perfect henducho powders 2 for 26c 50c powells nerve pills 2 for bio 2h kottle peroxldo of hydrogen 2 for 26o 5c bluud laxative tablets 2 for b1c 25c ijiuuct laxative tablets 2 for 26c 25u mottle aromatic cascara 2 for 28c lv llox cold tablets 2 for 28o 10c styptic pencils 2for 11o 10c pkg kpsom salts 2 for 11o 15c pkg powdered borax 2 for 16o 10c pkg powdered boraolo aold 2 for 11c 25o healing salve 2 for 26 25c a us c tablets 2 for 26c 25c doss aaporln tablets 2 for 26o toilet preparations ilk- violet dulce shampoo crystals 2 for 41o l6r hurmony rose talcum powder flesh and white 2 for 26c 15 palm olive soai 2 for 18o not more than 2 cakes to each customer loouexull pearl tooth paste 2 for 4io cue rtall cold cream 2 for 61c ic cake medicated skin soap 2 for 26c 16c liquid court pluster 2 for 18c lioc llouquet jcunice tulcum powder 2 for bio 100 ilouiiuet icanicc face powder 2 for 9101 25c cako tar shampoo soap 2 for 26o nut oil meal soap a pleasant oothing toilet soap splendid cor improving the complexion keg 15c each 2 for 1co violet tal- i cum powder in a velvet smooth absorbing powd er with a delightful refreshing odor and suitable for either toilet or nur sery 2 for 26o 25c yucca talcum powder 2 for 26c 25c rexall baby talcum 2 for 26o 30c violet dulce talcum powder 2 for 31o 25c witch hazol 2 for 26c 30c bottle fxall toilet cream 2 for31o 30o pearl toth powder 2 for 31c 26c witch haiel cream 2 for 26c 26c violet talc powder 2 for 26o 35c tooth paste 2 for 36o 50c seeleyit after filtavc lotion 2 for 61o the 5lxbdul store order blank write your order now bring it with you when you come the best in drug store merchanie the finest in drug store service the rexall store etown ont mail orders if you oint altpnd the sale person ally wo will innil nn thing on uio list to any iuuiiobh provilinr suffi cient monoy is sent to pay the postage rate of postage 1 lb 5c 2 lb id each additional pounil lo w a bailey harness maker repairing now is the time to have your harnes8jrepaired for the spring work prompt service and best workmanship at a reason able price aoto tires and accessories w a bailey main street georgetown m i i i i gel he records boleot your school on the basis of actual work dono today wvite shawssolibols toronto fpruptpate veoord ond grad- utvto8and positions filled it will interest ypu t h bhaw proftdopt no shovalllae kqalrd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded ir v scetecf ijjowieatic a and threshing putihjsei i smithing and cannelckiaj fn fact i cacry everything to be- fouqit in ap uptojate 1 aj coal andfwood wj- l t z h i oeorgetovr v4 r- jlwknney hardware paints stoves tinware electric fbctures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbing hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 25 georgetown ont deering farm machinery international traoto sharpieis meohanioal millring mitonlnea buggies and wagronav phone 101 r 8 thos e hcwson norval ont delcought txwcompuu efoctrlo tight ssi power puat turns ihtf cream separator tum bles the cburn saves time every day meat prices going up fish comingxlown hence the low life insurance protect your wife children yourself and tour businesh with a policy in the great wosb lifo ah- uuranoe co the lowest rates witli the hxmt results for particulars see w w roe omo aoo pnons j btldsn 85 georgetown ont georgetown fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of all kinds x lmrst l vv ptiol36aotbil 0wl o hbsrt oforgatows its no pleasure to if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory all thedatest and best in watches clocks jewelery etc at right prices a b wiilson wls street noxt mcgtbbon hotel pattersons carry a watch 1 meat market iswhere you can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meats fish etc at the 10 west prices this week sea herring per lb 10c salmon whole or half 15 o whitefish whole or half 14c criscoes beacon brand 15o finnan haddie 16o canada food board licenae no 9131 clifford linh am phone 196 main street i wjpaprs0n main street georgetown phojie no 1 arthur bcastell t f oolkc of koala london bnclbnd cholrmaatar rraabrtarlsn ohurob aonrtown teaoher of pinp or- kan cornet violin wad singing tuition feo in any branch 6 per term of 20 leaiona at my rejl- dence main st aaorgelbwrt orat puplli home fianoh tvffbd m bifeil iiiu i ir- i x

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