Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1919, p. 2

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births marriages uiul deaths urc charge for nt the following rates births 25iarriatfe 50c i deaths 50c meinor- at card 50c- 8c per line extra for potiaa r yh vi i ftti v vv born klrby in glenwilliams on march hh to mr nd mrs wm kirby n son mervyn nixon evans- in georgetown on saturday aril 12th to mr uiul mrs j a evnna u diuyjiur t sachs toronttf oil fnidav april 11th v jo bfkf aqd mc kjcrriot fiuahs dariitvfm4fnl toroihw vf marrtmaw sttwxbtsmstiivoki monday mr mu at ronton koad t llaltie soiithyaiingestdiulslkr of mrs win ctangocrgekviii 10 jiutte slowart dtf cfhejtchhtitn 1 vaw fcprit3hv fvarl ral iibyoarl v pi iiti fer r brt holprfvl 2ffl01 vlr iwnlfoh tanrfrvd ur i witl ailiabuiwiiea in kcvotiittuiiiestncrtib tnee april- tuis vt lriajxr and whereutctreetfielr brttricbes bend liei nlovirtjf son andbrolhor t one of ikcbtfni that god irould fetid liesvcps bodr h comrade 7 iil liulmwou grnvemiknown i but his niimo is written iiv letters of love inthe hearts ho left at home father mother sisters and brothers cowan in loving- memory of pte james cowan 5sih battalion who made the supreme sacrifice on april 10th 1916 in belgium there is a grnvc in belgium that holds a canadian son a boy that djd his duty and faced ottr foemans jjun he knew it was his duty the dear old flag to save so he gave his life like a hero and found a soldiem grave mother and sister esquesing council esguesintf 11th april 1019 the council met pursuant to niijonrnment the reeve in the chair members all present the miuiutes or last meeting were read and confirmed mcdowell thompson that the sum of 2750 bo paid to j- a willonghhy for wire fence bonus 110 rods on e lot 88 con 8 j w rutledge s260 for putting in culvert lot 27 town line carried hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay j m moore the fol lowing account 100 sheep valuers posters 2 1200 letterheads 626 160 auditors reports 2800 160 post trurds 5150 total 8075 carried plliot hampshire that the ueore pay thfefotldwing- bell 3teleboneco fettn pit7pfc binperihapi foberlnitsijcl tnde ftnd ac6arit pl7cj jn rf v j oneill repairipg buggy the georgetown herald wednesday evg april 18 1910 the ohkat question that the electors of ontario will have to settle when thu proposed plebiscite is taken by the lrovinoial govern ment is thot bf the retention or re peal of the ontario temperance aot that is the first question to be asked on the ballot and every elector male or female is expect ed to answer in settling the point it will save confusion to re member that the ontario temper- ance act permits householders to import liquor of all kinds in bottles for private uso in their homes this privilege which is suspended for the presont by a federal law will be renewed if the ontario temperance act is sustained in the referendum and if the federal law is repealed if the electors vote no to the question of re pealing the temperance aot whinh has now boon in effect some years things will continue as they were until the federal law preven ted importing liquor if the elect orate votes iu favor of repeal on tario would then lapse back to the old lioenee law system that has been so effectually wiped out by the prohibitory methods in addi tion to thus seeking to ascertain the views of the people the govern ment seeks to learn if providing the present act is sustained there shall be ohanges made in the di rection of the government taking over the sale of all spiritotis and molt liquor or in the snlo of light beer in standard hotels the for mer would bo a move to ensure li quor of bettor quality the distri bution of which could bo regulated and closely checked repairipg buggy brokeb oliposite lot 17 con s said buggy belonging to a byd instil courier carried sajinpshireesjliot that the fceaurer pay fchw ftllowiftg-uj- unte of georgetown hydro pioeoric systeni one light january lab fcp inarch 81st 1019 s8 far 4 bridge irons supplied township 526 a burgess for putting in pftlvert pn 10th hue- lot 87 and filling in ifttoe10 asvwrejpr- refundj ddg hivian4 statutctebor 860 car- ried elliott- thompson that the treasurer pay the fol 16 wing ac counts g b thompson on ac count of assesaors salary 980 fuel commissioner 40 esquesing fall fair 60 carried thompson mcdowell that the following amounts be returned against property in ward 6 8 h lindsay collector john mccarthy 248 j ballantine 848 hampshire elliott that d robertson be appointed pathmas- ter in division no 4 instead of f someryille resigned and wesley murray in division no 10 instead of t p watkins resigned car ried elliott thompson that path- masters be empowered to give or ders through the clerk for tile for entrances to property needing such by reason of rood making carried hampshire mcdowell that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to provide for grants to officers and men residents of the municipality who have returned from active service overseas with the naval and military forces of the british empire and that said bylaw be now read the first time carried thompson elliott that the by- law to provide for grants to re turned officers and men from ac tive service overseas be now read the second and third times and passed and that the blanks be fil led up with twenty dollars per man carried elliott hampshire that this council adjourns to stand adjourn ed till may 19tb next at one oclock carried church news temperance questions lor ontario electors when the temperance referen dum is submitted to the electors of ontario next september- the exact date is yet to be announced every voter will be handed four questions on all of which he must vote yes or no or havi- his ballot spoiled those four ques tions as given to the legislature by premier hearst iu a full state ment of the governments temper ance proposals are as follows 1 are you in favor of the repeal of the ontario temperance act 2 are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than 2 51100 alcohol weight mea- spr through government agencies and junfendtnentsr to the ontavia k 8 are yourp favor of the aah of lightbear coutaipiug not mere than ft sliqo percent alrlohol weight measure jn standard hotel to local mnnjcipalities that by a jpaiority vote favor euyjh sate and atnendnjentb to the jonuvrip tn penceatpiimit8uwswbv are you infayir bit jibe sale of sptrituouti aidt waltjfijudrs through goyecjjnioifc nencieii ami amend orients to the ontario teijri- iteronee apt to bernitvlonsalei f i il i i mahogany and black kootrat rotfeysfromndw u pjbi 1 the first of may at from 4 to 5 50 call jwd see them girls sohoou boots izes 1 to 8 at sl98 while thoy last repairing as nenal honey the gold boot welcomed home there was a large gathering at the station on friday evening to welcome home sgt charles ruddy another noldier hero just returned from overseas reeve grant in n few well chosen words extended a welcome ou behalf of tho town ex councillor wui barber also hkke worda of welcome charlie is looking line and we are all de limited to liavo him borne ngnin id tbo good old town sgt roddy thanked all for the kind words and splendid reception tendered him another home in town was glad deued during the week by the ar rival of a soldier son and hero of the war pte c f holbeiq son of mr and mm holbein george town who ei listed in kitchener ojitho reliripo ft-oai- yersawi a visftfug afchli totettii iiandsoiaii rac itbotupsoii who liiis been at exhibition camp for same- time has received his dis- obiuitnd returijed horpe glad to see you btvok roe- i- a k htfsv- the ahie are- nijw tlio lanilj pteqwoige ujlts who has beei visitihg hi inothjpf other friend heref- returned- to quebeo- bu morfadfiy mrs pttvw mceiiefy isat or angeville visiting her father who is quitesevibrlsly ill capi forster occupied- knox church pulpit on sunday morning rev n waddell preached in nirls- burg facts regarding the club house obituary pearl fobsteb the home of mr and mrs b forster was sadly bereaved saturday morning last when their second daughter pearl passed away after only a few hours illness deceased was but 18 years of ftge and possessed a bright sunny dis position which made her beloved by a host of friends and associates rtho very deoply mourn her early demise tho funeral took place to greenwood cemetery on sunday afternoon the service being con ducted by rev mr trueblood and mr a g oroon supt methodist sunday school in the absence of rev mr truax the members of the sunday school of which de ceased was a member attended in a body tlio pallbearers were messrs h b graham r snyder e a ou minings n snyder oliver oumpaings and doceasods brother donald beautiful floral tributes were contributed by tho following erhploybcs georgetown coated paper mills provincial paper mills girls of provincial paper mills miss josephine will son mr and mrs gummings and family mrs h w kennedy miss marjor- ie ballantine miss edith cave goldon hours class of methodist oh u roll card of thank we hereby convoy to friends and neighbors our very sincere thanks for their many kindnesses and sympathy extondod to us in our very had bereavement caused by tho death of our dearly beloved daughter and sister pearl mr and mrs b j forster and family st georqe8 friday next being good friday divine service will be held in this church at 11 am on easter sunday the services will be as follows holy commun ion 7 am holy communion and sermon 11am evening prayer and sermon 7 pm the annual vestry meeting will be held on monday evening at 8 pm in the sunday sobool room watch for girls sooial an nouncement st albans divine service will be held in this church on good friday after noon at 8 oolook holy communion will be cele brated at 0 oolook on- easter sun day morning the usual service will be held at 8 oolook the annual vestry meeting will be held in the parish hall on tuesday at 8 pm methodist easter services next sunday morning subjeot the foundations of our faith evening special easter song service with a few words on the joy of easter baptist tragedy or triumph will be tho theme of an easter sermon by the pastor sunday morning the resurreotion in symbol will be the subject of the evening sermon the ohoir will render choice selections of easter music at both the morning and evening servioe baptism at the close of the sermon in the evening strangers and visitors always wel come knox rev alexander mcmillan secre tary of church comrqjttee on praise will take the service next sunday morning rev mr camer on will oooupy the pulpit in the evening milton the hookey match at the rink here last thursday afternoon be tween georgetown and milton high sohool tearns resulted in fa vor of milton by 10 goals to 4 the milton ladies lawn bowl ing olub held a meeting monday evening at which the following of ficers were olootod hon president mrs r k anderson pies mrs gorham vicepros mrs jnmos houston sectreas miss laura scott reformer objects in purchasing i to provide a suitable meeting place for the gwva to hold their business meetings ii to provide a place where members of the gwva and all men in georgetown and vicinity who are not eligible for mem bership in the association can go for healthful and harmless re creation- any womens organization will have all tho privileges and when desirable exclusive use of the house and grounds for any such purpose as meetings teas lawn socials etc iii to provide a nights lodging bath etc to any returned soldier who may be passing through georgetown and who may be in adverse circumstances iv to provide georgetown with a real asset in the form of a clubhouse and grounds whinh will be a oredit to the town it is the intention of the gwva io make the house and grounds as attractive as possible and a real beauty spot in georgetown v to provide a homo for a crippled soldier and his wife who will have quarters in the clubhouse aot as caretakers and keep it openfor citizens at all times during the day and evenings management and maintenance there is no doubt about the clubhouse being maintained after it is opened without calling on the town council or citizens for further funds the annual fees of members of the gwva and other members together with the proceeds from an annual garden party entertainments etc would maintain ample funds for the maintenance of the club the gwva would welcome the ap pointment 61 trustees by theoitizens to oversee the management etc of the club the association is willing to enter into a written agreement with the town providing for the return of the clubhouse and grounds to the oitizens when the time arrives that the club house cannot be maintained without assistance from the town or the association is willing that the town shouldown the clubhouse from the beginning and give the gwva a lease of it for a term of years the association to maintain it how the town council stands on the matter the gwva appreciates very muoh the kindly feeling shown toward them by the council the gwva project has its sup port and individually and colleotively it has given the gwva every consideration and the association feels that the counoil in passing the following resolution helped considerably to insure the success of the oampaign next week moved by loroy dale seoonded by w f bradloy that this council owing to tbo legal and financial aspeots of the situation feel that they cannot respond to the wishes of the committee to raise 2000 to procure watches for the returned soldiers by direct taxation this council also feels that any gift or subscription given by the people should be of thdir own free will and volition this council also feels that the subscriptions for the watches and memorial should be raised separate and distinct from the olub house and feel that they do not in any way want to interfere with the purchase of a club bouse by the gwva and would reoom- mend to the committee that if the gwva feel there is aq ur gent necessity for collecting for their olub house that the commit tee defer raising the money by public subsnription for the watches to be given to the returned soldiers and for a memorial to be ereq- ted in honor of those who have fallen until such further tirhe rb they maydeem expedient carried unanimously l grant reeve dated april 8th 1019 aims and objects of the g w v a i to perpetuate the close and kindly ties of mutual servioe in the great war the reoglleotions and associations of that experience and to maintain proper standards of dignity and honor between all returned soldiers ii to preservethe memory and records of those who suffer ed and died for the nation to see to the erection of monuments to their valor the provision of suitable burial places and the estab lishment of an annual memorial day iii to insure that proper provisions are made for due oaroof the siokwounded and needy among thoso who have served in cluding reasonable pensions employment far suoh as are capable medioal care and equitable provision for dependent families of the fallen iv to constantly inoulcato loyalty to canada and tho em pire and unstinted service in their interests accomplishments of the g w v a the gwva has been responsible for obtaining more than two million dollar in settlement of olaims advanced nn account of widows orphans soldiers dependants and veterans of the great war it led in the agitation which rosulted in the msa and was- largely responsible for the increase in pensions separation allow ance post discharge pay and war bonus the extension of voca tional training facilities and improvement in the treatment given comrades returned to canada no organization bod more to do with tho ontario and domin ion government sotting aside twentyseven million dollars for town planning and housing during tho period of reconstruction tho problems of returned soldiers and the dependantsof those who wjllnotoome baok can- be adjusted by tho gwva with greater satisfaction than is ppssible through- any other organization in the dominion of canada the great spring drive of the gwva commences thurs apr 24 and continues for 3 days or until the objective of 330000 is reached april 24th 25th 26th thte boys ept qyeir the flop many tiprie arill youpq oyer th top for them cut rate cash handy ammonia- per pkg 1 star crystals bpkgifor eze washing powder h pkgs for dingmans electric soap 8 bars for burlington brand beets per tin redpaths granulated sugar 9 lbs mcdonald tobacco 2 for pastry flour 24 lb purity flour 24 lb pearline large pkg reg 85c for corn starch 2 pkgs for shredded wheat each corn flakes 2 pkgs for eddys match 2 boxes christies soda biscuits large box h a brand oleomargarine per lb fresh seeded raisins 2 lbs for t bakers fresh grated coooanut per tin liptons cocoa reg 18o pkg 8 for roman meal per pkg 9c 27c 27c 28c 8c 1 00 26c 1 48 1 66 27c 25c 14c 27c 25c 88c 87c 29c 20c 29c 82c j j gibbens phone ane block 160 georgetown fresh rich fullflavored tea the same every time redrose tea good tea sold only in seale package 183 pf ibinnmiiicoai ibiinnnmfflbi ibii the mens store 1919 spring 1919 wecordiiklly invite you to inspect our display of fine suitings overcoating trpusering ete fpr the present sea- son youll hud enough variety of patterns and weaves to give you ample choice see our speoial in blue and black serges fully gnarantaed price right samples ready for out of town customers mens furnishings v y dmfcfery ah the wm spring style in hard and soft fu hats weare showing on assortsd stock of boys hv youths and men ready to- wear clothing wb ar rooking jieppoioteof ijbivlin i tins season v b i pvitovwdiuisiurjina hyspset bur sfcwk hiv hbdivnwhat wghin 6tylandj5cabricf i a georgetown phone 126 high-clasb- tailoring and mens furnishings agorite for stopkwell henderson a cot dyers and cleaners toronto l ibiiiiiiiiiiibqbi ibhiiiimiiiedbi ibnrntttrrrnjb saturday treat the old laying in you never get tired of a good thing that is why you never tire of our saturdav treat this saturday we offer you 100 lb of our homemade victory fudge squares strawberry and vanilla cream squares with cocounut mixed in cream which gives a delicious flavor this line is actually worth 40c per lb saturday treat price jhjo p j weekend chocolates 39c just think of il regular 50c per lb h igh class assorted chocolates hard and soft centres weekend special 89c per lb t moorehead milton brampton georgetown jacksoivs farms for sale ooooooooooooooooooooo0oooc 100 acres 5 miles from acton oo aores workable balance bush 20 acres good hardwood some oedar swamp 8 aores orchard soil sandy loam plenty of water largo frame housev new bank barn 50x40 stubling for 20 head driving house root house horse stable 16x20 big shed for cattle rural mail sobool 1 mileohurch it mileb price 16200 a honey maker 100 acres one oi the best farms in esqaeslno township all workable well watered with spring creek 2 aorss orchard 10 acres fall wheat soil clay loam 10 acres fresh seeding 86 acres fall ploughed new brick house 8 rooms pease furnace 8- piece bath 2 bank barns cattle bom 80x60 stabling for 18 cows horse stable 24x60 btab- ling for 6 horses big open yard room for 80 head litter farrier driving shed silo school lj miles georgetown 2 miles rural mail and telephone price 11000 w2 spring 100 acres 3 miles from eden hills 10 miles from gnelph 76 aores workable balance pasture and bush noil olay loam good oonorete house good divided cellar bank barn 60x60 good cement stab ling hen house garage silo school i lot church 1 concession rural mail and telephone possession any time price i5t0o mo acres 78 of a mile from acton population 2000 100 acres workable balanco pasture and bush 2 acres orchard soil olay loam to sandy loam 1 woll and 8 creeks frame house bank barn 05x46 pig pen and hen bouse water in stable acton sohools and ohurohess- of a mile rural mail price 8400 for every part of the home 100 acres 6 miles from rockwood 76 ooros workable balanco bush beech maple and elm 1 acre or chard 85 aores fall ploughed soil olay loam plenty of water stone houso 9 rooms furnaoo bank barn 85x80 cement floor stabling for 20 oattlo and 6 horses hen house pig pon two driving sliods water in stablo rural mail and telephone possession any time price 18500 terms arranged wuloughby farm agency georgetown ontario a good showing of beautiful new wall papers that for beauty of decorative art excel all previous displays we furnish all sizes and colors of window shades either plain or trimmed curtain poles curtain draperies nets muslins art sateens c re tones and art draperies special values in furniture buffet goldon oak finish for s2s00 china cabinet to match 00x82 2450 extension table to match large sizo 1800 set of chairs 1 arm ohnir to match 1t00 largo roomy i cut oak rockers 1050 extra quality heavy english tapestry all over uphol sterod hookers 2400 chair to match 2850 new patterns in congoleum art rug jacksons main street georgetown i i8

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