Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 30, 1919, p. 2

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w h willson leading funeral di rector and embalmer office opposite merchant dank open luy and night oaorgetowia out phone 4 births miriaci and deaths are charge forul iii following rates births 25c i marrianes 50c deaths soc memor ial corcu soc 8c- per line extra for pooios appelbe at buffalo on sunday april i7th 1919 clara wright relict of the lato john s appelbe aged 73 yiam in memoriam mcfltlkkson loviiij memory ol john duncan mcpherson o entered info rw r unboujtivcjs ll wfc i antshf havwftlll idfdaugtwer thfegorqelavvn bctj rtrtibtidaa fia eatuegaiutdti trade eohipiiisisin- tlhibairwar tiwebwktifs iikviqbeen susfieiid- pa yhtvi list oojrtaried the namqs of several thousand morohants titl pvertjve fjlabe who- bad uvtininte veiftipn tfltti citmt the ojjeihy agents ovthe trifalers of cnoihy pations coipiallw lins bttem made that ome of the butter being sold as pound prints are short in the weight our merchants should weigh up a few pounds as they nre brought in and ascertain if the weight is there or not when the prioe is so high purchasers want full weight we note that inlet week a woman was caught on the market at hamilton selling short weight butter twelve pounds were confiscated each being under weight and site was brought up in police court and lined obituary wm griffin mr william griffin 8upt wel lington county house of industry since 1884 and one of the most respected and popular officials of the entire county died on thurs day april 10th 1919 in bin 77th year deceased was born in the township of rsnuphing and was a son of the into michael griffin who ciune of uk loyalist stock and settled in hal ton about 1885 be- sidos his widow who s formerly miss elizabeth doit i of pctrolia he leaves to mourn bis loss two daughters mrs jonn i wilson and mrs norimui d kyle of fer gus also one son mr marshall t griffin of now york city of a family of thirteen eight brothers and four siitlcrk but one now sur vives mr j y qritlin of vancou ver bc the funeral which was largely attonded took place on saturday 12th rev griffin thompson of hamilton n nephew of deceased assisted at tlio funeral service which was held in st johns church elora mrs john s appelbe clara wright relict of the late john s appelbe passed away at buffalo on sunday april 27th deceased wus the fourth daughter of the into wright one of tbo early settlors near milton and was born 8ft years ago on the old homostoad she came to george town with her husband in 1874 and resided here until mr appel- hes death 6 years ago since which time she has lived with her son mr pierce appelbe in buffalo she was a faithful member of the methodist church for over 80 years and vns nn exemplary chris tian woman a good neighbor and true friend the funeral took place from the homo of col w p appolbo georgetown this after noon when tho remains were laid to rest in greenwood cemetery tho service was conducted by hev mr trtiax military news hon homecomings and jojrosu welcome extended nursing sister elvira thompson daughter ofour esteemed towns man mr win thompson who has been serving with the american bod cross in france- arrived homo on friday inst and was given hearty welcome by relatives and numerous friends miss tliomp son is looking splendid after her many varied experiences pte tom nelle of the old 4th battalion and one of the first to enlist didnt wait for the grand parade in toronto lost wednesday lie sajd georgetown looked top pod to hioo iipfcft beaa itfepd or- fi ved vbere urwnu6t5ncod opr wq- refidiyevebing last iww all proucl of toms record and otelignt- ed- tij see him safe home again a sad feature refreshened by todiw rtturo iathe loot that his brother etiest wh4 enlisted with him end afyerwaiids bcame tfljilpf lnthe ftpgfuyalair lpytfrjfoyfajibe fo prenae ticrifloc was- shot down hy ttieeriilry while ftyipg in jjraiice r on toidaflpv harvy rlhbttfor tljgatiadian engipjoerbjirrived iw tdvvri and rocjeivec a tftjfcrty wefc coinbirbn hjibiwcms frienidsv h lefl wftb mrslsllioit on saturday evening for his home in barrio staff set m merryday of the glen received u hearty elceme when he arrived by radial on sun day evening he was looking fine see glen news everybody was pleased to see the smiling face of sgfc john bal- lantine as ho stopped from the train on saturday evening on his return from overseas he was giv en a hearty welcome by numerous relatives and friends reeve grant spoke oh behalf of the town and sgt ballantine replied ox pressing his appreciation of the kind words and splendid reception accorded him another boy who has brought honor to this community ie sgt cecil polkinghorne dcm eon of mr and mrs g e polkinghorne limehouse who returned home last week ceoil bad some thrill ing experiences and very close nails but escaped without a scratch and brought the distinguished con duct medal withhim welcome home to all of yon church news baptist- sunday morning tho pastor will deliver tho second discourse in tbe series on deuteronomy the lords supper will follow aud the hand fof ellowship will be given- to the new members sunday evening dr cline will answer tho question was adam only and not eve created in tho imago of god st georges girls guild supper and enter tainment tuesday next chicken patte specialty sunday school room 8 oclock may 6th the following kind and apprecia tive words were handed to 8taff sergt m merryday of glenwil- liam by his commanding officer just prior to his leaving france for england france dec 8rd 1918 to staff sergt merryday my dear staff sergeant it is with deep regret that i have just received instructions to send you to your base depot with a view to your ultimate return to canada you have been with my com mand for some 22 uionths during which time i cannot express how much i feel 1 am indebted to you for your true loyalty your unsel fish disregard for the many hard and strenuous times we have been through your ability and stead fastness have been a true pattern to the rest of my staff to follow i have invariably felt when called away that n have been able to leave the conduet and control not only of the office staff but as ray senior nco the whole of the personnel of the unit to which you were attached entirely in your hands i can but most sincerely regret our association is now to be sev ered and each to take up once again the paths of peace i oan but wish for ypu a life of happi ness and prosperity should you join any firm in a business capacity on your return i can but say you have shown by your past conduct you are ono in whom every confidence oan be placed not only on account of your steadfast integrity but also on your firm capaoity in the manage ment and organizing power of an office staff y i oan but trust that in after life you will always remember you have a lifelong friend in yours truly and faithfully h alex r uool valenciennes glenwilliams stuff sgt montague mori day was given a hearty welcome home from overseas on sunday evening a procession bonded by the piuml was formed at the radial staliou and he was escorted lo bis home in the glen a huge crowd had gathered luie mid the returned sergeant spent a pleasant hour greeting eld friends work on our new walk is pro ceeding rapidly it will be a great improvement in the appearance of the village st albans bazaar was a success a good sum was realized for the work of the church the appeal of the local gwva met with a hearty response in this pettits clover honey u juet what you want now when fruit ia hcnrcv 10 lb pail 2 so 5 lb jar 4135 pettit apiurteh phone lu georgetown t23tt for sale well bred cowhand call for toile cow fieeheiud march llat dr mcalliater georgrlowii 423tf for bale pure bred plymouth rock tkgis 51 per citing of s rhonu20q maple ave ha iching l watson 42341 for bale or rent clioico village lot ou iscocge st will be rented or sold reasonable apply h smith 309 quebec ave west toronto tohvoi wanted fortable home with room and hoard for man of middle age itekt of reference apply lo box 40 georgetown post office a mawf u buggffevarid ta v pot democrat at j n o neils wlu jj r pte w a brent of the old 68th w day- bcomrcyanc of his majesty battalion 18 renewing apquuipt- t contract for four ances in tbwiitd-dayl- buy will timra pv- on th route retwrpio hfe bid position f jjhj i rrt fromth lt ociober qihor ia ta choral cpflbeit rwia l- i i 4 ktiktorniof ten- i apihe presbyteeihrirlchuriib frjjfey aircpiiig may lth by ohoir of the church nseirted iven on- fw the- hy members bf the pthef town clioirsj prograrhrapswil be imttpd next wjeek comevyouuiajoy it brhig your shoe repairing to a reli- atle rhan that can piend any kindof boots or shoes a the very lowest prices wo mens boots soled rubber or leather heels 75c all work warranted to give- satis faction koney the gold boot hp vbbtuwejra uie pdt qffices iitnlii fimt the oltb injpevwr oionjoi r a srthilii iow pfjke inspector inepcciortiiofjlce trpotj 9 ion sale of- ihold furniture isietied litf been instructed by se hrandkord farms for sale oooo soo down 100 acre farm gives immedlale possession to 4 12 miles from acton 70 acres workable balance bftrsh and pasture soil clay loam good writer frame house n rooms cellar bunk barn 60x68 good stabling ce ment floor tieup 10 head 2 box stalls driving shed hen house school 1 lot rural mail price 5750 is acre at hornby village small orchard rough cast house 9 rooms good cellar cistern house frame barn 86x16 stabling for 4 head driving house 24x14 pig peri 18x12 henhouse 24x14 garage sebooji mile church 4 mile cak istatjqnti utiles rmal niau amdtrevl4 ifrl0l tssoo ciy v v v welt 50 acres of building and uonldlnff sand for sale on fm acre farm 1 mile from umehbnse 2 mie from acton uoacres woikttbiebalaflabuhb pasture i uciea orchodms0 acifftfjjuoijyred sptl sandy lcai goqdwtrv aadjj eisteraa foawjf house ir riuomp ti gpftdeellak haiirk bhtin stiltm jifch doublje fci pajiig peh with sheep hoa on toinbisfir ijxs sllcts i horttis school 1 j milesccjuatoh milebirvburaluiai atiriifceliiihtjne 48 acres 1 12 allies frornranuhsro 0 acres workable bftlahoe bush hardwood and codas 2 acres or chard soil sandy loam springwater 1 wou conorte ljouse wjlh stone foundation- 9 rooms collar tlliii farm iespecially adapted foi mark et jftardening price 47o0 your hearts desire in music is in our store all the melody all the harmony all the great operas every simple little ballad the latest dance that has caught broadway the most recent popular hit here you will find them all columbia grafonolas and records that is the greatest combination in music to hear any record at its best you must hear it played on the columbia qrafonola we have a complete stock of instru ments and records come in and look and listen l v hourigan dealer georgetown heupe for sale six roomed frame house almost new in the village of georgetown bard and soft water in house good garden price tl600 cash payment 700 willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario estimates gladly furnished on application stewarttown tlfe annrml business mooting of tho ksuuesiiid womans jnstituto will be held in the council cham ber stewarttown on friday after noon may oth at 2 ho daylight saving iiuports of the years work will bo given and officers elected for the coming year a good attendance is torjucsted 2t a special mooting will be held this week on friday may 2nd at mrs john wilsons at 28q la dies pleasu tiring their thimbles some auto bargains do you wojat a oar 1 iiavo a few splendid buys in mclaughlin chevrolet and ford seoond hand oars some are almost new see them at fred cooks oarage georgetown kentner tost carpenters builders phone 211 georgetown a timely word to house owners now before the housecleaning the bath room fitting and other plumbing should have your attention this stores position in the buying market commands the very best of values for your requirements estimates cheerfully given for plumbing hot water and hot air heating also elec trical work gel our prices we guarantee oar work wc anthony phone 4s georgetown tt ib ujlujujuiiiii bi ib arammm mi lamronjriiidbi jfanffibm the mens store 1919 spring 1919 we cordially invite you to inopci our display of fln suitings overcoating trousering eh for the present sea- sou youll hud enough variety of patterns and weaves to give you umplc choice see our special in blue and black serges fully gnaraiitsed price right samples ready for out of town customers and hosiery aihe styles m hnrti and soft felt wtfcv ktiow wha itiigvf in itad i v i i v georgetown phone 126 higqcciass tatlbbing and mens furnishings agituta ior stockweli hendorson co a ibomjoaj dyers and cleaners toronto i bc saturday treat remember you arc judged by your hnbita i f you ean acquire the habit of buying our satcrdav treat evtrry week tlirn that makes another good jiabit this saturday we ofler you 100 lbs o our fresh home made peanut toffee ours has that real flavor that linger and ll so pleasing to the taste wonderful value at 30c per lb saturday treat prioe 98c per lb- weekend chocolates 39c it is remarkable how many chocolates we sell every saturday the de mand is increasing and little wonder look at tbe wonderful value assorted chocolates hard and soft centres and peanut clusters weekend special regular soc per lb 89o per lb th moore he ad milton brampton georgetown rt use only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups redrose tea is good tea 8old only in paclfa las i pattersons meat market jacksons ip i am bringing peoplt from nil parts to buy my union mndo boou nnd ahoefi 75 ft pairs mncphcrnou urie calf regulored nil no 6 hizo thai am going lo eoll at cost while thtylast 190 now ia your chanco to ret boot b at actunl- cost fronv factory to oot there in no better boot soldlbdny and the regular price la 500 75 prfir only al 190 we back up what we advertlsu- repairine while you wait at cut prices j uony the gold boot up terra colla mr and mrs hastings of tor onto have moved to the mountain mrs j edge of toronto spent a fow days with friends in our hamlet wo are sorry to learn that miss barbara smith is on the sick list at present mrs c h stringer and family spent easter with mr and mrs chug mokeown of aoton mr a burgess sold his driver in georgetown for a handsome figure mr and mrs george aldoua litturgirl who has been ill with pneumonia is now on the mond mr m lyons had his foot badly out with a circular saw recently mivwhbarth one oftbe en terprising 10th line farmers is using his tractor to put in his spring grain and it is giving good satisfaction dbbbczdi i speights garage agent for willys overland automobiles in ternational harvester co motor trucks mellotte cream separa tors gasoline engines avery tractors g g e electric motors i is where you can secure trie very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meatsfish etc at the lowest prices w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 if interested in any of let me show you our line the above lines call and general repairing of all machinery and electrical work a specialty tjrspeight guelph sjtreet georgetown madges candy shop have you tried our homemade candies made in georgetown we are showing many fine lines in furniture that are much below their value 4 piece oak parlor suites upholstered in leather 8500 8 piece mahogany finish parlor suites upholstered in english velour 8850 llpieco mahogany finish parlor suitos upholstered in line silk 8800 h- piece mahogany finish parlor suites upholstered in special silk 2850 mahogany finish and iout oak parlor tables 895 and up extra large living room oliairs all over upholstered in good quality heavy tapestry cliaiih 3850 ltockor to match 3400 large roomy couches upholstored in imported velours 1660 hall soats oak finish 1085 hall mirror to match 98s bed couches 9400 just arrived i a number of choice pieces of beautiful draperies ir- another lot of those lovely congoleum jrt ryga main street phonc 214 jackson main street georgetown we sell flower and vegetable seeds in pack ets and bulk in good variety s store the best in drug store merchandise the finest in ptu8 storcf service

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