Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1919, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fiftysecond year jftublicatlon georgretovm wednesday evening may 7th 1919 150 per annum or 125 if paid in advance the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at elm ar herald power pruutingopfice ly- georgetown ont pflithir a9 v e otj si no r at8 w rtiiptut ecjv wv qfeent mserlibh wul bo ahavgod- toralt i transient axlveiuaenieru twelvelines toaii inch dvertleerntinr vuhout hiecirtn th- vicilqnb rwrju be- fnaerted ujitif foilo wud ohqiil axjordiiiauy f afrverusemenu wlli be ctauiisfxl onco atitpoiiur without extra otorife chuw focoontrocj ayrtunewv v s1st1e in the imnce by monday evtir iv 4te eusacriptiqn rats v iwsyeav hfifi or vr ltiuhl lb advance ejxmdntha flbeqnui in atf- yanc xnfolioe itlbel ikw ihu date cajr subscription expires r c m m60rpubll8lter qtrtimle tabl going east mail 9411 um passenger 1 1 81 am passenger 845 im mail 02s lm passenger 880 pm passenger sunday 7111 pan going west mail 767 a in mail looonm passenger 201 pan passenger 686 im mail r 767 pm going nobth mail 767 aru mail 680 ptn going south mail 1180 a in a mail 740 pan toronto suburban railway daily tlaietablk am iim pm going east 610 221 640 going west 855 810 747 sunday timetable going east ftm pm pm pm 1021 1220 845 610 am pm gojng west 1040 01o imtrmmffli i annul i iij ijsibi ibiiiiiriiiiiiqbl i ail in i rriiii jl la mom spring reduction sale i wo vvity in make money ii j- fliiveit ftur toetiic alimspluuiji bootsis too jnrg jmdtliiiriiiay ttfteryioon liei trig a half holiday we will hold our burgajn day in fbotweav onwefliiejsdav v little tired feet ihi feet crccpiini up to mnb heavy boou ragyrat 5 tot 000 noy 30 refeular regular regular fof or ro 4oo oo verything ifi th store- jjlubereiloftl op wcdnemshv- of oaejj vcknilr hirther riojje v rtjmkjrd the shoe man the home of better shoes as qmnnmplb rniiiiniinal ea fttrotnmfrall ibnntiminon counter check books at the heralu 8t qeorqe8 church rev wm burt l th reotor aiunday aervlca a lollowa matin ii a m kveuamiji 7 p m uuilliuy fcicliool u45 tt t in bium- mant holy communion ut unu itr uunduys of each tnontb ut 11 a m legal hilton wallbridge dale barrttorai 8otioitor etc tordntu and ueorgtown olllce keimdy iilock l lioy ualo 4n ohmtftj of ouurve- owa ollio medical or joseph moandrew phyaiolan and 8urgion usdloa officer ot health dlalrlcl durseon o t r office houra 2 to 4 uild 7 to ii p in phone 68 office and raaldenca main street south oppoaite preabyterlun church optical l l plant d o oph d eye spaoiallat georgetown office next to public library satur day evenings 8 to 10 pm md by ap pointment dental frank r watson do8 m o s dantiat georgetown ont houra j a vr to p m xubi thuraday afternoon dentlatry in all iu brauohea over ball talabhona offioo f l heath l ds 0 ds dantiat olltce in iane block one door north of onellla carriage factory hours a a m to 6 p m phiropract1c no mediolne 8urgory or oateopathy a m neilsen d c oraduate of the palmer the ori ginal ftchool of chiropraotlo daven- jiort igwa u b a pfllce over ilourltraha druar store conaultatlon uud spinal analysla ifreo tueudaya thuradayn ami sutur- jiay 2 to ii and 7 to 8 p m phone 160a auctioneers ben j petch llcenaed auctioneer formilloii and peel aienwilliama poat olllce halcu conducted aatiafactorlly nnd ut relt- aonable ratea ordeia loft at the georgetown herald olllao will reoelv- prompt attention milton prentiss bnoinbhrh and machikhrv drokkru motqri electric repairs v iovbldg toronto j a tracy clorlt townahlp of iiuqueiliiir clerk 3rd dlylalon court th leadlhg firo and life inaumnou oa rupreaented iaauer of marriage fclooniea otflco mill streot welt georgetown oinoe hpurarwedneaday and bal- jday aftornoona lpter paper at the herald 1 just out of uniform and here for business again 1 will buy all kinds of scrap metal and junk of any icind bags and old auto tires wanted h eisenbro p o box 1 076 georgetown real estate my bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attractingmany buyers pobably i may have just what you have been looking or call me up and i will be pleased to show you my list e a benham phone 16 4 georgretown t how about your garden x have you bought your seeds if not give us a call we have a large assort ment of package seeds besides the following seeds in bulk golden bantam early white corey early minnesota and stowells evergreen corn little gem and american wonder peas golden wax and black seeded wax beans beet seed and sweet peas caiimln food hoard llienaa no 8- 1278 a m grandy phone 75 quick delivery prompt service brunswick phonographs tbo brunswick in tiie only phonograph in the worjd with a weight adjustment in the tone arm providing the prop er weigh ta lor every make of records dittviiiit inuluh of records require different weight an well an diffprenl diakiaiiih and needles the secrets of the allrecord brunswick mo the all wood tone ehamhor built like a violin and the wonderful ultona no oilier phonograph possesses those advantages here in an opportunity for you to become the owner of the worlds latest and best phonograph pay 10 down and i will deliver a brunswick nnd one dozen records to your home you can pay the halnnco in small monthly payments prices iso to 8250 just 88 will place a singer sewing machine in your homo balance 2 n month little ti heii what u weary way it mmmin to wjur httlc r 1 o dreams nov- that tlaylviim lied wtjvtefitpivueiiinft rioimorc ie3afijrriiiilkl y wtsie alttreyniiy6ii h phly tv at dcettiuhinds rlooj- iilltle tired f only iuigclsliiiow sweeter loeptlmu you will find nresa ccriublevni oljapjnx hocked tjy dfearluyviiiilijiy tittwtfved feet evm- ti6vy4n5rj tlbiv jpjtu- dhbttbtjttle irpni sv l i- bver6tt gy i- otfljfeviipwarclwhy liittrj ired fev- ot-deriti- itpto lie3 i me who iovetlrtheehilujicn kefepfl watch vyliere every we one sleeps till thetbighrt liasfled arthurwaluxce porich bell pianos on easy terms open alr day frank king nest door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown georgetown creamery wo advise all farmers not to listen to any of the otitxiilc creameries that are making big promises we are here to give full weight and honest test and we always pay you highest market price in cash for your cr we will also buy your poultry and now wo think you have conlldonco in us and would ask you to enquire our prices before shipping anything out of town for the accommodation of farmers wo will bo opon on monday wednesday and saturday nights during seeding georgetown creamery co m saxe manager eight good reasons why you should buy a de laval cream separator 10 pat greater capacity now capacities have been incroaaod without increase of speed or effort required in operation b closem the improved howl design together with tin en ted milk distributor gives greater skimmirjg efficiency easier to wash simple bowl construction and discs eiwiiked only on the upper side mako the bowl easier to wash easier to turn the low speed of the dolaval howl the short crank its unusually largo capacity for the size and weiht of the howl and its automatic oiling throughout make it tho ciisiest to turn and least tiring to the operator the majority choice more dolavals are sold ovoiy your than of all other makes of separators cdmhinod more thai 2820000 are in daily use thousands of them for lfi or 20 years time tested the pelaval was tho first cream separator it has stood the tost of time and maintained its original suocoss and lend orslilp for 40 years the world over equipped with speedindicator every now do laval is liuiiipped with a boll snood- indicator the warning signal which insuros propor spend full capacity thorough separation slid tiiif- form cream at all times servtce when you need it tho worldwide de laval organi zation with agents and representatives ready to servo users in al most evory locality whore cows are milked insures tho buyer of a do laval quick nnd efficient sorvice whonevor ho needs it order your do laval now and lot iitbogln saving cream for you right awuy itemombor that a do laval may bo bought for oaeh or on such liberal terms as to savo its own cost 8oe vw j alexander georgetown ontario y mmm the tourniquet by r ray bakr iitons icopyrtchl ims by mcclure ncwepapei syndicate my hertnjtlnk huslneaa la rained jsnifh murium xtaoil in the door- wnv of til hpiinltiige and gnzeil re- men fully ikmoks kllvcr lake where in reil lirlik liiilluliiks of the new anti- ton mtmoortiil hoplral toomeit hknliiat n hln limp ky tlif ilkhi fiouii ilrvelopiil lqto a lriiniuiiil hoowi in hlrt earn detect- ml i fnint hiinnnlni which orlclunted mime illhinneehiipk of tho shock the inunuiluk tiecnnie n ronr aa a raotor- nr with cutout open whizzed paat not iar frim i lie dwelllnk of th d- litied hermit lt tho limit the way clvlllratlon iiiik a follow arouikl he growled ilre i rot n plure all picked out for ii iiulat unmolested aummer of soli tude and when i arrive to begin my horniltloe i find that aotne one haa liuilt a concrete race track at my back donr and some one else haa erected a klllorcure place in my front yard between uhleklng ruotorcara and com plaining convalearent patients nnd iddy auraes my hermitage lilds fair to ripen into a main street of n huay town on a saturdny night he shrugged hlw iihculder in ill- tniat and atrode into hie shark wlilch conslated of a living dining cook nnd sleeping room fill in one three open windows permitted plenty of light nnd nreze to diapel jrerinh and gloom in one corner wtre a cook ktovennd a imuip in iinotlier n narrow cot de void of bedding still another corner held a bookcuse in wlilch were some iluatlncrusted voiuiuch two three- legged atoola and one which pormckb- ing four stood aalde in proud dlndnln comprised the other article of fur niture the hermit rummaged in his pock ets and produced a pipe a aock of ro- haccp a box of matches and a rail road guide planting himself on the haughty atool he tilled the firstmen tioned article from the second ap plied part of the third and begnn to peruse the fourth he waa not a veteran hermit his face waa clennrhaven and he had clearcut youthful features let off by n pair of piercing brown eyea ho was only twentyseven years old and that is altogether too young for one to he in the business of hennltlng the decision to become a recluse was due to two things they were the acquisition of a fortune and the loas of an attractiveyoung woman he had intended making his partner in a venture far different from hennlt lng janet hslllson had decided after all that ahe did not care to settle down ao just before she left with her par ents for a tour of the continent she broke off her engagement with james a month later james inherited near ly half a million dollars from an uncle who died in the klondike the money acted as soothing balm for hla shattered heart for a brief period until doting mothers heard of his stroke of liiek and began setting snares for him this having sweethearts thrust upon him when he bad juat lost bis bearta desire was too much for james he got tired of attending debuts uf young misses and listening to their chat ter of society nnd faahlon and other subjects that held no interest for lilm especially since he was still yearning and longing for janet tho decolt of the whole thing grew on him and made him cynical he deterralnod to sever ilia sphere of feminism froiu bis uni verse he decided to spend a winter in california and then in the summer to atart herraitlng for fair before his trip west he located thin shuck in the ohio woods learned who the own er was and rented itfor the season wlmn this transactlontook place there was no algn of a habitation or a road in the vicinity only one man knew hla present whereabouts and that was hla chum of college days ralph williamson wil liamson helped him locate the place nnd even offered to spend lorae of the time with blm but james declined de claring h was going into hennltlng for all there was in it williamson laughed and remarkad youll soon be back and youll marry janet after all when aft coines home then thinking to do his iujidtrfvrmwijusraion secretly- sent a letter to n the day after imnem oriheit ul in cablu to find it no ouar n hoiiuhic- be sat out on a hike avuldltik the turn pike and heading into the woxl tlut fringed the shore heavy uiirlerbruuh made progress rather difficult so be took out a long clasp knife to cut a walking stick from a tree 8pylng a branch that looked good to him some dutuuce up the trunk lie climbed the tree and seated on one branch be- gait to saw at theobe her had select jv which jvssyustvahoye laox- j jamea wavftot natty trecijkv ier br- el fwbcjfii jivmjuflwroiy orrisr atiif somehowjiiat as- lie was taking a html luuk at h branch rfe dtslred lost hla balance arid feu the kiilfr clutched in lila right hand slashed hhvleft jarrn sod severed an srjry 4ul he- ouklu- fant to the ground- wfkidwafcet ivouau lprjlcfouspxirtv i r vvien diajetjgblneit conacuodanma he n lying mf the ciitliji1e net inltujbf- fitfi alp ft wiati-ner- vintage 06 rlohger- a wting jn a white unjfnrov with narrow- bluetlpeivatr holilliicvhlf feftarnj mloft while anpther sffiiljnrly dressed was busy abotit fhixovej in which a are had been bull tho young woman holding his arm a very pretty tolwnde smiled pleas antly and handed hlro a glnm of viator whata hnppvntri be nked after he had drunk the water 8he explain ed in a few words my friend and i were enloytng a half day off strolling nbnut the lake when we heard you cry out we found you lying under n tree a severe cut in the brachial artery nnd blood apnrt- ing so profuaely from the wound that we were obliged to improvise this tour niquet with your handkerchief and a piece of wood we saw this house in the dlatance assumed that yon lived here and managed to bring you here the girls angers holding the arm were alngularly soothing to th feel of hla akin and her mll was one of the most cheery things he had evar seen my friend la preparing something for you to eat ahe announced its something light just the thing for yon james felt that it was good to have this girl looking sfter hi comfort in this way she knows her rpislneita he decid ed shes s very capnble person all right nnd hints whnt 1 need one day s month later while tames was partaking of a conned dinner he heard un nutnmohlle horn emit several imaklnc blnsis fnltimil by the sound uj of s maihiiie enmliu to ft stop hack of the shuck soon there was n knack it the door anil it was thrown open to admit fttilph williamson rnillnnt with smiles the two young men clanped hnnda unrmly and williamson was offered the fonrlegged stool as a special honor tsnt stop he remonstrated t just ciime out to see if you had enough nf hermltlng obtaining no answer he went on ive a pleasant surprise for yov janet ellison is out there in my car nnd sbe wants you to he her special guest at a house party starting to morrow she got hack just this week and immediately inquired about you come on and get ready james held up the coffee pot have a drink he invited and re- clvtng a ahake of the head from his visitor he poured another copful for himself dropping in a lamp of sugar he atlrred it and said ive had enough of hennltlng all right ralph but i cant go with yon you see im getting married tomor row to a young tady who tonight will finish her conrse of training in that hospital acroaa the lake we need the money lentle reader win who owe us for this uir you are reading as well mi for several of its ancoktois did you over sec an editors iickntbook well it is just a fallible nnd prone to ompti- iicsh us thimc of other common mortals tho newspaper business luislt yefcbet brought to thai wfei h can b hiij tyithailtpetiso njfs tujifffyini rnider the painful necessity of pfd- tw 6u fqra little cash now and tlien ijspkfully now we have beep niiieiptin somes cases loos- snttejjng- wowfbg ttiat ypurpdt- etbptjkv about as loan and- jftnk aii ijjrirnwn tot nov tljeday ofintjkopini iwus aiwveclan jit brl del- tojkop thtfsswjbo have ttosed us as vehuviestpnrit- v iipbolutely hecjbsory- iftll j anbaeribers ib luicara pay 07 ijipdly- attehdtybnl sfljjspriptioa uw and seu8 the labor fyid ec- iperise 6fbillirjr you- n thank yoc 1 7 4 1 j it v v v v v i if r- y v comments on may iht s1h000000 was paid in interest to the holders of victory bonds issued in 1918 this was by far the largest single intercut payment ever made in canada incidentally it is only one of many for canadians will draw over 870000000 in war bonds interest this year canada buould at once got after the big stream of american tourists who according to the in formation received by the canadi an trade commission at ottawa will this year be unable to go to europe mexico or south america and who do not want to go to their own west when yon want an article of merchandise bny it of a reputable home dealer that the profit may remain to enrich the community send your money abroad only for what you cannot purchase at home homo talent home labor home in dustry home capital and home pleasures are things to be foster ed encouraged and patronized that the people of canada may be asked to subscribe to an other domestic loan before the end of the present year was foreshad owed by the speech of sir thomas white in the house of commons on thursday last the minister of finance pointed out that al though there was still the sum of 200000000 in the treasury this might be nil needed to furnish credit to countries to whom cana da wislinr to sell products norval following is the school report for the month of april senior room 8r iv annabel mclnughlan charles rnnkinc murry laird lilian green donald russell ewart early mary mcmoekin jr iv marion oollop marion noble harrison wilson oliver hunter george moore earl mo- clure absent sr ill margaret meekjn eva green dorothy wilson jr ill tom fendley george louth roes hunter margaret wilson hilda rankinc bernard kniglit gordon casoley ethel no ble nixon hunter coltson smith dudley smith sr 11 webley louth albert oaioy enrollment 81 average 2048 m mitchell teacher juniop department sr ii h minnio inittia hon jennie sine i lie willie inglis christopher grimwood bessie me- clure jr ii edith cnsely bcbe mc- meckin irene evans arnott no ble george hulls joiui green harland hustler gordon shnrpe elsie louth qeoie inglis sr i pearl louth nnd dorothy hulls equal hon margaret fendley hon bobbie coupland sr ir to jr i gerald true blood hon terence evans hon jean mcmeekin hon dorothy smith recom mended mac wat son b class to a class clarence hunter hon warwick coupland joan nixon roy carey fred sharpe jack murray b class addle casoley mary hunter enrollment 81 average ii7- b b humo tonchor stewarttown tile annual busineuh meeting of the esquesing womens institute will be hold in tho council chum- bo stawaittown on friday after noon may oth at b80 daylighj saving reports or the yoars aai 4work will bo glvorii and officers sent letter 10 n certain address in a for tho abntliail year a a new note was struck at the educational convention at toron to easter week when it was em phasized that no teacher should he cmployod before attaining the age of twentyono years j munro ba of hamilton pointed out the tnet that the nations chief build ers wore those who have to do with building character the only thing as nil own by thefjreat war that is indestructible on account of tho nature and importance of the teachers work teachers should be at leant of full age before being permitted to enter the profession just ab the average canadian was congratulating himself upon the fact that he was through with coal for another winter comes the announcement from the provincial fuel controller that we are as yet a long way from the comfortable se curity that comes with the know ledge of plenty of coal ahead perhaps oven whetted by the un usual mildness of the past season into keener discernment of future trouble he announces that condi tions next fall and winter will be more acute than over before unless householders avail themselves of tho present opportunity to stock thoir collars with fuel against the days and months of need now is the appointed time he says in ef fect and a word to the wise should- be enough tins old world is not half as bad as most people mako out thoro are ton things for which you ought to be thankful for the one about which you whine is your liver bnd re thankful you have any and keep the best side up have you rheumatics con gratulate yourself that you are not where the climate is too worm for ailments of this kind have you dropped a little money quit winning and thank god that you are given a chance to do a little hard work have your friends gone back on you stop cavilling and show yourself worthy of friendship if you but open your eyes you will find dozens of peo ple who have more right to growl than you have just meet pain reverses hardships and misunder standing with a patient ahdplas- ant face and you will live in a sunshine that will make misfortune a ministering spirit most of our trouble is with ourselves with a- right attitude towards oircum- stnnaos our lives may be serene as a morning in june d b dotwiler well known throughout canada as the father of hydro power and the oringin- ator of the great waterways idea passed away at his home in kit- chonof on friday morning april 18th after an illness pf- about six months l- ii aawa1att1alliaala1aala ii ii i ii- b wfria i

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