Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 7, 1919, p. 3

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v matthews drug store some seasonable suggestions hat royal purple calf meal in 25 pound your crowing calves need and 50 pound sacks royal purple baby chick feed a prfectfodd jorydurttchipimn in 30e packages v v- iv i- a- v dbdgs and satjonery ibfcajpjev w fr p- ft i tbis iib c6uh v minstiretim sifty ws16 2ffrfi v 4lbuiidaynxt is motlicrsliiy head brill ccv special ndvt in hiii issue wetiv ii flower for dear old mother next sunday the robert noble mills nt norval have been sold mothers day service sunday morning in knox church dont miss seointf the oreat love at the bex theatre on sat urday night all returned soldiers attend ball practice at us grounds thursday evening securo your tickets for tha minstrels thursday and friday may 15th and 16th our merchants and business men enjoyed their first thursday half holiday last week ask to see eno glare pleated linen lamp shades chintz and plain at the hydro office two of our prominent citizens enjoyed a motor drive from de troit to toronto inst week have you renewed your sub scription to the herald if not wo would appreciate a remittance if you havent been foolish enough to tako cm off youll be lad to learn that may is the month mr fred cook las taken over the prestolite station here mr floyd brigden will be in charge dont miss a hirschorns grand opening of ladieswear tailored dressed etc on saturday see advt mr a j kay ban disposed of his property on victoria street to mrs cain sale vein make by b a bcnham mr john wapshott has dis posed of his house on main street to mr bert renmnn sale was made by j h lane the bachelors held a succoss fill assembly in the town ball on tuesday evening everybody pre sent had a good time the committee hope to have the list of contributors to the o wva fund completed in time for publication next issue summer millinory on display- friday and saturday nt the misses claridge millinery parlors up stairs in herald block with n 5000 victory boud and over 8000 of a surplus georgetown hydro users are on- titled to a reduction in rates with our fine park and splend- id athletic grounds cant wo have a ball team or lacrosse club or both now that the war is over a disease which seems to be a type of paralysis has become al- most epidemic among the cattle in the vicinity of molancthon station james hume formerly of mil ton and son of tbo late george hume of nelson township passed away at los angles california last month in renewing her subscription to the herald mrs t ismond of kenlis man wishes to be re membered to all old friends in town and vicinity the toronto suburban rail way added extra evening cars for sunday east and west until furth er notice leaving toronto ath16 and guelph at h15 thero was u large attendance a good program excellent tea and an evening of enjoyment at st georges girls guild entertain ment last evening choib cokoebt in order to avoid a conflict of dates the pros- bytorian choir concert will bo held on friday evening may 80th and not as previously announced see bills later all donations of money to wards the furnishing of the chil drens shelter at milton will be oratefully received by tho treasur er mr c h stuart bank of ham ilton milton ns early as convein- ent as the society are anxious to open the home in june dr bpvaird formerly of nor val who has for some time been connooted with the abatoir rorvlco in toronto has boon transferred by the dominion veterinary gon- eral to moose jaw where ho ylll look after tbo work of the depart ment ward no 1 ssquesing will bold n grando bally pay on juno 18th in robortsone park near ligny sohool when the returned soldiers of tlw ward will be pre- 4 sented with watolios and chains j the afternoon will be givon to j sports and addresses and after j supper a concert and thon a dance igfurtneripnyrtfoiilaifl will be givon yatera0p motfabb sepy notlir nw ijilsty tbefine ncwbriek in cbltece viwyofrnerlywcupedbjj tbe sioee gardeh- builders has ibeen iarthaed dim tbej iatend pitting indiriantyaf ones tor trie manufacture of ttlr kinds of electrical supplies- firemen had ftiu on tuesday morning about b a nimliefire alarm was sounded for a fire in councillor cookshorise the brigade responded promptly but fortunately the blaze which started in the kitchen was extin guished before their arrival no very serious damage was done grand oonoert at if orval a grand concert will be given in tbe presbyterian church at norval friday evening may lmu 1919 by grace church choir of bramp ton under the leadership of mr w e capps soloists mrs cork- eft dr peaker and others do not miss bearing this splendid choir admission 25 and 15 cents distrlot representative baok lieut h r hare who enlisted for overseas with the 164th batta lion while district representative for the department of agriculture for halton has arrived home from overseas and will resume his posi tion in the office at burlington about tho middle of may lieut hare is at present holidaying with his wife and little daughtor at grafton contributed to children aid the recent collections for georgetowns share of furnishing the new home of childrens aid society at milton amounted to 24678 tbe local committee are holding 4678 for the work in tbis vicinity tbe committee wish to thank all who assisted them in upholding this worthy cause on behalf of committee f r watson secy bex theatre wednesday double crossed with pauline frederick episode 11 of a fight for millions friday the ghost house with jock pickford larry semon comedy the canadian regiments showing the 4th infantry batt saturday the great lovo by d w griffith with practically tbe same oast you saw in hearts of tbe world the sheriff with hoscoe arbuckle special music admission 25c and lfio war tax extra get your paper ready the civic association would ap preciate it if those who have sav ed newspapers or magazines would have them in readiness for the col lection on may 10th and 20th all newspapers may be bagged or tied in bundles magazines with covers torn off should be tied se curely if possible with binder twine by leaving everything ready for the collector on the dates mentioned above a greater collection than in former years will be possible and disappoint ments avoided y addbrssa and presentation a pleasant evening was spent at big bay point barrie when friends and neighbors welcomed home mr harry elliott who has just return ed from overseas a presentation was mode to mr and mrs elliott nod the following address read tvprll29lll 1919 mr horry elliott dear friend li is with feelings of pleasure tliat we your friends have mul here this evening to welcome you home we rejoice that you have been spared to return home safely and in good health you are the first of four boys that left the point to return home we all sincerely hope that the others will have a safe and speedy return wo know that you have ondurcd many hardships- at the trout and we feel proud thai you have done some thingr to bring- this great war to u glorioini victory we may live in freedom us ever we are pleased thai you hfcve acted on the frld saving- that two is better for than one and as n slight token of remem brance we would ask you to accept these chairs one for mrs elliott and ono for yourstulf we trust you will enjoy a long and happy life slcrned on behalf of your many friendi of big bay point misses beatrice ami klme kraser of toronto ate visiting friends in town mrs f l heath returned home from guelph hospital last week much improved in health mr and mrs blake leslie are now about settled in their new home recently purchased on mar ket st mrs d j matthew was railed to london last week owing to the serious illness of her mother who passed away on monday mr and mrs john l leslie and family have moved to town and are now comfortably settled in their new home onguejuh st mjwxsbel aoeiachjab of in- cynattii just- returned fbmmc epeiit ioveraliwsjuit eut tho home of mr w g davrreaux f hose frbiii toronto whoattend- ed the funeral of the latfe wna fbeli h tuesday yerj mrj jtnd ilrs john bell u s mtfdnwell wm miipyell- geo mtlioxy letl andwnii modoveu jr- islri jiiidson widow of capt xtje v d hron lws tpsof qergetonjbaptiistchiirh who djedjn camp fr london when arjting astthaplainha8 returned to- guelph and infeifids taking tip sey residence ihere mr arid mrsi john qltfrlw rej turned- frorutheir sojourn in the sqtrvhon- saturday they spent several tnonths very pleasant j rind returned homo in excellent heallji they visited at various points of interest in the southern states including jacksonville fla hot springs ark and memphis tenn acton free press pettits olover hohet is just wluu you want now when fruit is scarce 10 lb pail 250 s lb jar 135 lvttit apiaries phone 143 georgetown 4mtf fob sale iure bred plymouth rock hatching eggit 1 per ttftting of 15 o l watson phone 209 mapu- ave 42341 for sajle or rem t choice village lot on george st will be rented or sold rclkoiiable apply h sm 309 q ave west toronto- eogirob hatohino black miuorcu and koad island r eggs a hancock rr no 2 georj town to to d for sale small buggy suitable for pony or small horse good ait new apply box 1084 ceorgetown 304tf fhtrovthe pecan tmu niiutt be jsojd at- on trni apply lit h4d of nee j r tiiii- irjjrtmd flour grain feed halls westbury tur nip seed 1 20 yellow leviathan man gold seed 90 giant white feeding beet seed 90 pastry flour 24 1 2 lbs 1 45 purity or five roses flour 24 12 lbs 165 purity five roses or cream of the west flour 98 lbs 600 canada food board lireune no 921 1 1 phone ibs for prices georgetown flour feed mills c greensides proprietor a housewife is not so greatly interested in knowing how bor ot her half lives as where ho spends bis evenings there was a large attendance and a delighted lot of patrons at the rex theatre last saturday evening when that great produo- tijr tbe common oouso wns portrayed on the soreen you al ways see something worth whilo at the bex a double tablet in honor of robert o hunter and harold 0 hunter trwo brothers who gavo their lives in their countrys honor and sons of mr and mrs w j quntdr wore tinvoiled at mt plotuant church inst week a ta blet in honor of wilfrid molenn another young soldier whp died in e wan also nnvoi mr james hume will travel ids perohoron liorso this soason the shnao route as last year a y seed corn improved learning wisconsin no 7 white cap organ tor saxx dornioion orfcan 6 octave bi hrstclass ootthion cllffnp at- castr- apply -at- hrw ocroei j j y jim erpardloi riforioveyour gurbage lid jl hau nlb your garden orde any khll tils on tthbrt notice t mceoery john sr georgetown haul- john 3042tp stre and property for sale s dr land at terra ttl nan leasing togo nuri 1 nl4 bl srorearid 3 acrrs df land at terra fot ta for djujek- sale ii j e hotisc worw antf plaj highest wjigvt aidj apply to mra- itoftfoine hotisc orw antf plain ceokingi ighest wjtgvt paid apply to mrs h- t- arnold queetl sti oepf getowi 8axjebjsib a commodious safe in rood condition 21x21x12 inside nteaureoieiu- combine tion lock wll well at a bargain for prompt sdlc i slarkmiiil mill street 57jtj the bread thats nice flavory well baked light nutritious healthful no slice so nice as a slice of mammoth gquse georgetown bargain day thursday 1eay 8th phone aot btjlavtl from my premisei tuesday april 29 bay pacing mnre rising3 years i white hind fool any pfrson knowing her whereabout phone janies e campbell ballinafad st house and lot for 8axe 850 will buy houae and tot in good lo cation in town drawing 9 per month rent apply to j h lanc town up fishingprohibited finhinjf or treupaasing on lota 16 and 17 in the 6th con esquetinf in positively prohibited trespassers will be prosecut ed r milts c g murray net door t raaf station canada food board license up s13s for bargain day only we quote the following biscuits campbells soup lqc silver gloss starch 13o finest jap rice per ib iso icing sugar per lb 13c pornihion matches 5o0ip bx 12o sedipf s aisfn i 0 1 starch r ji2- 18o 18c corn flakes eech shtedded wheat each hnnhnnlin yoasje and cauuriets its toronto is noted throughout canada for high grade business education great demand for graduates open all year enter now write for catalogue w j elliott principal 350 350 350 dont envy him follow his lead tjb stojis in to see us for a ifew minutes every two weeks we give his battery the once over add distilled water without charge and off he goes smiling he car ries a prestolite because costly experience has taught him it is the best but no matter what mate of battery yon carry or whit car you drive well cheerfully do the same tor you if your battery needs re charging or repair wi have goort competent men ready to jump on the job at onoe the work will be nritclais and the prices moderate and theres a service battery at your disposal while yours is being repaired keep your battery in first- class condition and call on us to do the work fteatote battery cooks garage georgetown help wanted woollen mill help wanted apply to h corke st co georgetown woollen mills pigs for sale five pigs seven weeks old j h smith stewartlown s7tf pigs for bale 4 pig 2 ntos old also 1 chunk 3 mos old g c brown phone 94 r 2 norval p o 1tp buggy fortiale in firstclass condition stool tiro apply to po pox 427 georgetown 57tf acton farmers club meeting under the auspices farmers club will be held in of acton tlie town may 10th at 9 hnll acton on saturday m acton time address by j j orrlson toronto socytrcaei united farmers of ontario uriglii spirited pro gramme by local talent all parmersand tho puullc invited ladloi are eipoclally invited admission free r n brown president tv moffat 1st vice president w lamb sec and fjvejstock shipping abont illiilifii h fb tsajcelmnnltjai ibiiiiiiiiiiiiiii b a r n h i l l peel and haltons bargain store right now is the time to buy seeds seeds seeds seeds 6 pkgb simmers vegetable or flower seeds for 25c simmers improved sugar beet per lb pug 70c simmers giant leviathan mongold per lb pky 70c simmers dairy queen sugar mangold per lb pkg 70c rennies yellow leviat ban mangold per lb pkg 87c rennias jumbo white sugar beet per lb pkg 87c rennies improved sugar beet per lb pkg 87c rennies giant sugar mangold per lb pkg 87c steele briggm royal giant sugar beet per lb pkg 87c steele briggs whit sugar beet per lb pkg 87c steele brigga canadian gem turnip seed 129 steele brigga good luck turnip seed per lb pkg 129 steele brigga kangaroo turnip seed per lb pkg 129 steele briggs jumbo turnip seed 129 dutch set onions per lbj 19c tebmi strictly cash barnhills norval lammiiai ibiiniiiiiiiiiral iiiiiiiiiiiium nauiiniinium ibcomnnlfc pattersons meat market is where you can secure the very choicest of all kindsel fresh and cured meatsfish etc at the lowest prices w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 livingstones quality bread made by the most modern machinery that science can devise which gives you that texture that you find in our bread skill and beautiful saturday specials cream puffs 80c cream rolls 40c douuhnuts that are unexelled 22c quality quality quality i h a livingstone phone 81 georgetown christies soda large box h a brand oleomargarine per lb telfers soda biscuits large bpx -j- tfurqracri teia- fcr biursjjecial 31ackitei v- granlated sugar per bag losd brown sugar per bag- ioj5 82c 86c 32c soc a brothers motor car to dodge bros have concentrated on one style of car and have been determined to make as good a car as can be built the dodge car has the reputation of low cost of upkeep easy jriding easy operate and a low consumption of gasoline all dodge owners are well satisfied with their choice jpvestlgale this car and be convinced j n oneill dealer for georgetown and acton districts nnttiihhnnhit breaks high cear nonstop record seven dnys of pounding over country lanes and through blocked city streets in oklnhtima v s a always in sealed high guar each clay showing nn average of 624 miles and an average cf 2066 miles to thegullonofgeiscline not once did the motor miss an explosion not even a spark plug was changed let us snow you an txmt duplicate of this remark nlile model 90 car si iiu will t knight four tourinit373 tuvl ully n jourfttt 241 j i h i ul tiwotilo rfl m l tour it ottrunj m luurll t j speight agent georgetown wltlvioveruntl iimitid 11 ad oitli and worki wcatvtoronto hranchtx atohlai uinni ftt rcgifo madges c shop have you tried our homemade candies made in georgetown main street phonc 2x4 w itiitiiiii bylaw no 432 y thd municipal council of the corpora tion of georgetown hereby enacts as followst i the provisions of tlie ontario housing act 1919 slinll applf to this municipality ii the head of tlie council of this muni cipality for the time being and e mc- cnnnuh and l h pleck are hereby ap- kolnted a commiiilon to be known as the housing commission of the munici pality of the village of georgetown for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the said act snot such commission shall bo a body corporate iii the zald e mccannnh shall hold office for one year tsnd the said l e pleck shall hold office for twoyears and thereafter tho tnembora of the commission other than the head of tho council shall hold office for two years iv each appointed member of said commission shall hold office until his successor is appointed passed this 5th day of llluy 1919 f l hbatii u grant clerk reve v -i-i- iii t a ifji x m

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