Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1919, p. 2

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pf ii willson w h leading funeral di rector and embalmer office opposite jwjvhnnth hank j j opin dny and nighl j georgetown oat phone 64 born wilson lit ljuebiing on may 13th 10 mr ami mrs seward wilson u daugh ter chiitlotlo or ma died brain- at norvnl on sunday may 18th i9l cieorgo brain in his 8bth year iiauakt kulerotl into rent in ovorfvtiwn on may hill i 19 mr m habarl in- utrnmi at owen sou ml may old li 1 ib w aitlblfe tejwitjivojc those vhp aev- lahed tlip dpjusion tuut tlito hsltt oh flm liilioufhtjaiie uud ipo vvlqrtiufri6notiitjtoruld be liffcett tiiivjjto jfirahenvsomtrvreliefr ed to- wtfioiidbjr sir tliama i rpffplniob ij iv4arli5tt fnado ij cjohj- liiitlntijii lliitytiop is tostay tor jnolhw yoai ttl leasti no only inwniitn thfrliuportttjionl of uiguor injoilituyiofcorlhiui tiut brewers will net be allowed lo makk boor with ii stronger kjok in if thiui24 per coot of proof spirit because uuy beer stronger than thut is unlawful in thin province vino made of ontario xrawn grapes is not on the ban of the o ta and therefore its mnnufact- lire will not be iiobibitctl by do winion law our native wino has most of it a iniker alcoholic con tent than flv nor cent boor but it is made jawfn i iih a concession to the ontario grape growers the obtaining of wine however is edged about with diftienllios that afford little comfort to any who purpose cultivating its tasto halton county provided fob soldiers dependents during the war the county of hal ton has provided for its sol diers dependents independently of the canadian patriotic fund thin was done without any inci dental oxponuuh oxcopt postage etc in addition in 1011 the county contributed about 80000 to the canadian patriotic fund for expenditure in districts in which liltk oi- no money could be raised this iulh not been forgot ten at ottawa at tuesdays meeting of the county council the following lcttfr from sir herbert ames honorary secretary of the canadian patriotic fund to hal tons secretary was submitted canadian patriotic fund 115 victoria street ottnwii april 7th 1919 w i dick bs dear sirdurmg the war hal- ton county bits very generously subscribed to the canadian patri otic fund will tout as has been the oaso with our branches drawing on us for assistance the war is over now and we find that we have on hand n considerable sur plus sufficient we boliovo to meet the noeds of all our branches through tho repatriation and de mobilization period in viow of your previous contributions should you desire to draw for current needs on our head office fund we should be most willing to hon or your domandn provided always that the sanio method was fallow ed by you in ronpeet of allowanc es and disclimgen an by tho regular branches of our organization that is lo say vhpn a man is discharged from the cef bis family is not entitled to further patriotic fund assistance yours siikorely herbert b ames honorary secretary by direction of the council a letter was kent to sir herbert thanking him anil the ottawa com mittee for tlioir kuirarous offer and adding that hallon would prefer to continue its own system until all of hor men bnve returnod no demand would lie made on the canadian patriotic fund unless some emergency should arise later champion welcome home beys several home gladdened online the week by arrival home of soldier hero tho boys yoh and ifirls too who have been doing their part in the great world war are arriving home in ones and twos almost every day during lie past week georgetown has been pleased to welcome a number of her brave soldier sons and one daughter who have help ed win glory for canada and bring honor to their native town those whose coming uhk announced weie met at the station by numer ous friends and relatives and of ficially welcomed by reeve grant and other citizens others carrie- walking dovytj town bolqrfe uy tmiiionlwaji vwjire pf ijbolr fttirtt liotwteyevsvsay weloofriit4ftfl wetre proiitt of j on and ifyrigbted to see you hoik again ip your na tive town foil bvri rig are the mimes of those whiijittve rtrrived iioiue since oijr last iwue mk major vvoofi tottuferlv nfdwlnb swerjttj- siandgtyroiftigs c6rij frea anrijsfeion l ocpw ptwm iiavtoouesqaes dvivatyin mcdoiwji580u8ink pte fptgo fhgwifotii ohojiok prtpf pttmb rajloi iuil hiyry res- ton of brandon stopped bfftci visit friendrf in town aiiifyjctnity during tlie week jiiovious to rej- tiiriitngto theirliomes in tho west obituary gkohokbhain an old and respected resident of bsquosing in the person of mr george brain paused away at his homo near norvnl on sunday may ihtli in his 80th year de ceased was born on the old brew ery farm on the dili lino and lived almost his entire life in esquosina his wife died about 21 years ago jle was a son of the late john brain and of a family of 12 but one brother romaiiim mr theodore brain of enqueuing deceased bad a family of mix children two of whom survive mrs ellis of tor onto and mr w m brain noryal the funeral took place this aftor- noon when the romains wore intor- red in st stephens church conio- tory at hornby the service was conducted by rev mr rogers of st pauls churcb nerval of which deceasod wiw a member drummers snack club the may executive meeting of tlie drummers smick club was held at the hotel mcgibbon on friday may oth every prepara tion was made for tho annual out ing on july 26th and 2ith a radical cliango was made in the method of providing talent for the friday evening concert the whole matter was turned over to a concert bureau with instructions to provide a firstelash programme the list submitted nt the meeting shows that very best talent has been secured and the concert will be tho best ever provided in the matter of the sports it was felt that no effort should be spared to give tho children every enjoy incut tho parade preceding the sports will take on a slightly different aspect for children un der 14 years of age thore will be prizes as follows a for best charlio chaplin representation h for best mary pickford representa tive c for tho bout eostuuio made of paper d for best patriotic cos tume for those over 14 the fol lowing prizes are offered a for best comic costume b for best artistic costume c for best pa triotic costume speaking on behalf of the ladies of georgetown major grant re viewed tho efforts of the club dur ing the past four years to support the splendid work of the ladies patriotic league by turning over to tho league tho hiirplus of each years outing rocoipts major grant said it would bl hard to es timate the complete effect of this action on the part of the travellers he wishes to express on behalf of the ladies their sincere apprecia tion of tho efforts of tho club the time bad arrived bo thought when as furthei funds would not bo nuoded in thin direction it was only right that tbe club might look to building up its own financ es a little tho members of the club were in tho mood howover to continue the good work it was suggested that a branch of the owva was being established in georgetown and that it would be a good idea lo bold tbis years out- iug under the auspices of the ve terans with the idea that at least a substantial part of the surplus bo handed ovor to the veterans and to secure their consent to this arrangement tho club is not in any sense a money making ven ture the great idea is to have a coifple of days of enjoyable outing and to try at tho sanuo time to do a little good to uomo worthy cause tho travellers fool that the citi zens of georgetown have spared no effort to make thorn feel at home and they are thoroughly apprecia tive of the fact every good georgetown cause is a good drum mers snack club cause georgetown minstrels lrse andienoe enjor perform- umi thursday and friday evening the entertainment provided by georgetown miimliiis on thurs day and friday cviiiings of last week was iniicli enjoyed and thorough appreciated by the lull house which greeted the perform ers on both occasions there was not a dull moment from xtarl lo finish tbe chorusch r insisting of southern iiielodien iiiiartettes and solos were heartily applauded while the jokes and local hits brought fourth rounds of laughter all the colored kent lemon repre senting many -at- tint spullieirn jjowislaoalnntatioivsi vire ridffliliwr 8bnda vsolyi ve4ro wlfen the enrtam r0p things looked wojucwhat dark but rainbows noon becajuie- yisjble the proklnofp6tel vjitji- tbe cfioju ubder fdllthew sliu foilovjedbysj duettre yon ffcifirl di3iew tjio tvevffoititliertj dudvj lourigiui- and niltt- re jyi bihas6io vrpuowedbyaitpiallfotie hen tuokv babo by jjraaleythomp oir edwards arid coje nexcl cltnpe ii jcylfiplinnvjsob by toy edyi oiid tlin joo ifimtw saik aint bpl vejpryyiil tlie entire voln-paio- jdinihg iv lhe cbohfti vroinoo and juliet with banjo dccoinpaniinent was prodrug eft by jpe cartel after which mammy miss ine stewart of hamilton and ijer pickaninnies misses jean stewart mildred fleck marie fleck and jack tost brought down the liouso with their witty jokes songs and dancing while tho curtain was down at intermission misses ste wart thompson brothers and messrs smith ftourigan iliuld and bradley enter turned the ntidi- once part two opened with the chor us uncle ned followed bv a vio lin duett by bert and jack thomp son roy edwards played the xylophone again and r j hynds sang long boy mammy and tho pickaninnies in jokes songs and dance were followed by e colo in solo dear old pal of mine jtben came tho pickanin nies ngairi after which w f brad ley sang till wo meet again good night ladies anil tho national anthem brought the pro gram to a close during the evening the various selections were iiitcikpersed with many witty jokes and local hits by the end men boiioh l v liouri- gan allowishes a smith joshua r edwards iumbov f bradley sambo r j hynds and rastus e cole they wero all very funny but allowishes was funnier than the funniest in fact the ladies pronounced him the star of the evening and we would not dare contradict them bones is looking for the ladies who stood up at tho back of tho hall the first evening jumbo wishes to thank the lady for the onion boquet an does also joshua for the combin ation of rhubarb leavohnnd ribbon x sambo composed his soug as he sang it anil rastus put a good one over on teddy mrs i k fleck the misses stewart and miss jenny n were presented with beautitul boipiets by the members of the minstrel club for their able assistance in connection with the entertain- iiient mr a h custell was the itiusi cal director and miss k jerinjn tin accompanist others who took part in the choruses and whose names are not previously mcnlinikil ware w v rue p it harrison n cole and it thoinp son induction at boston aioitvtysxirtif vptf iosiiiticltfve wvied wns hnd hist lhifmny nfteitiooii wuoii ilevl itobcit me- doihiciit ma late offjuciin wh- liirlo wait iiulucud tiifiv tlie pas toral cjiarjl if boston church j3sxiueifii 17iiselvait ivjis rqtt drjd- va-aivty- tlrtjbriwsluion ot rev ci08ha toftioltviviho viah ciulwfpe ljflfe pwftjiytory of lpuiloiy t vnrc iiorthrk on jhurtfdrty vnk ilbder tlioijirect uiij f tjlo fcrosby teryof tihxnvto ii v cniiuiion of goorgetdvyn avus tliw pioibjiiiidi in charbe luijln the vniiiilej aiaf iii wuk nppbinted to presiile lit this mooting lurul induct the juini- htbr o j g cheyne tit morn- ingsido corfgresat ion swansea preached the sermon and n few words to the minister and- rev john mccoll dd of georgetown spoke some wehtimcd words to the congregation there was u splendid attendance despite the busy time on the land mr and mrs mcdcrmcnt were introduced to the congregation at the close of the service and they enter upon their work among the scotch block people under very hopeful circumstances the ladies of the oongrcgation provided refreshments at the close wo wish mr mcdorment a long happy and successful pastorate among the good people of the block acton mr robt liuthy is the new man ager of the beurdmore farm he moved to the residence there inst week rev j c wilson ba has been engaged to occupy the pulpit of one of the lending presbyterian churches in new york for tho next two sundays friends thore who know mr wilson and his abilities well arranged this supply chief lnwson has been laid up with a painful attack of lumbago tho past week contractor mackenzie is con structing two commodious resi dences m the second story of the patterson rlok over the bank of nova scotia and mcenery a evans meat store mr a ii cnrr who has been appointed pastor of the baptist church coiiiincncpd his ministry last sunday free press church news anniversary services will be bold in tbe union presbyterian church on stinday may 25th services at 11 am and 780 pm old time rev j e mothornill of montreal will preach at both services baptist tbe pastor expects to preach on j sunday morning on the decalo gue sunday ovoning mr george s poodle of toronto general secre tary of the upper canada tract society will speak the moopherson sbeo from factory to fool made specially for my own trndo in georgetown call in if you want a good plow boot second hnwiil army boots at 126 now plow boots at 280 dont forgot no one in this county can soil as- cheap as j ronoy of tbe gold boot georgetown george cr to the farmers of george town and vicinity before we bought your cream you were trusting out siders to teat and weigh it we have always paid the highest market price and will continue to do so honest weight and fair treatment have won for me a large trade and i shall endeavor to keep it by the same honest meth ods i will buy your cream every day in the week and will give you the same price as paid by any creamery in toronto i am aware an effort is being made to put me out of business by bidding you a higher price than the market price in order to get you shipping out of town but it is only temporary and to injure me that this effort is put forth stay with the old reliable firm that is here every day in the week and all year round to pay you possitively the highest market price in cash for your cream thanking you for past favors and soliciting a contin uation of name yours faithfully m saxe manager here is a chance to boostgeorgetown at a profit to yourself this means you and all others interested in ladies wear urctoi6 a our stqrcf ifl iconvlnce itbvk phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown seeds farmers i see us for your wants in corn mangel and turnip seed the following is a list of the different kinds that we have to offer corn giant white ensilage per bus 11 0o rod cob per bus moo golden glow fler bus ii 50 white clip per bus l bo mangel ronnies giant while sugar mangel per lb iioc giant white sugar beet per lb doo yellow intermediate per lb ooe yellow leviathan por lb doc turnip jumbo per lb 1 lifl good luck pet lb 1 25 selected purple top per lb 1 25 durham per lb 1 2fi derby per lb 1 25 canadian gem per lb i 85 we will be only too pleased to get any other kind of seed for you that we have not in stock i cnnnda ioou bonn liienk no k- 1278 a m grandy phone 75 i quick delivery prompt service j bi iboiuiiiuujubi i tumuumij a l us the mens store 1919 spring 1919 we cordially invite you to inspect our display of fine suitings overcnatinu trousering etc for the present sea son youll liud ciiiiiikii ariety of patterns and weaves to give you ample choice hee our special in blue and black serges fully guaranteed price right samples ready for out of town customers iwciis furnisjiings and hosiery aii teiow jitfriritf styles in hard undfv ptr hatui- capi etc vve jhliovvirjg anawsofted stuck- ot boys -ybatiis- tfliiil jvulnv iettdltweai ave are moiyng ptpitilty orlfifi1jne jjljjp snjisbiy ji- i r tye tiiviteone ami all tocnll mid ip8pti kriowxhnt 1riit py styvan fnjrvis t georgetowjsj phone 126 iiighclaks tatiorjn0 and mens furnishings agerfts fee stoqlfwell hpnderson co dyers and cleaners- toronto rcvj jrrrrrrrrrihj ib tonutillfel ib uiuiiiiiiidbi bdb1 ibcimicf it saturday treat snowy whitf ribbon coconnut hrik wiioivkodic pennuu nml the befir fradt of jranu luted sujar mixed loether and iookcd properly makes our am out coronmtt loffee thi snturtlny we otter you 150 lbs of it kejf 30c saturday treat prloe 23c per lb weekendchocolates 35c the general verdwt i our weekend chocolatei arc the beat value on the market and judging from i lie biff inrreawe in the sale the verdict in a true one our weekend ihoiolatesnre amiortetl lavoi hard and soft centres reg scc weeknd special 35 per i milton t h moorehead brampton kentner tost carpenters builders phone 211 georgetown estimates gladly furnished on application jacksons property for sale housos lots and parcels of land from- four to twenty ocros for sale anyone having property for sale writo or phone 17fl commission lowest in town j h lane real estate agent georgetown georgetown creamery hirschorns ladies tailoring and all kinds of ladies wear we appreciate the large patronage al ready accorded us and assure all that w are prepared to continue to sell you high- class goods at a less figure than you can purchase same in the city all the latest in ladies wear call and see us a hirschorn its assam quality gives it that rich flavor redrose tea good tea sold only in sealed package 123 brooke block georgetown cream i wish to announce that i will be in georgetown every monday to buy cream which will be- tested and paid for at my store main st next to creelman bros cream is weighed tested and paid or while you wait i am paying 60c per lb butter fat this week call in on monday and give me a trial i am sure you will be satisfied kitchen cabinets help you stay young retain your youthful energy and girlish appearnce is the wedding day ad vise of thousands of mothers g a whiteside in tho homes where kitchen cabinets are in use mothers and daughters all know the uiilos of noedless steps and hours of wasted timo that this seioutinc helper bhvos they honor it for the service it has rendered time saved mn be mven freely to othor pursuits can any homo afford to b without one when you can huy at such moderate prices as these fine lurue cabinets all modern conveniences special 84200 cabinet for 13600 a beautiful cabinet value 88 for 18800 new coneoleum art carpets 8 yds wide this will meet the requirements of ninny rooms where 2 x 4 yds did not answer good patterns a serviceablo floor covering at a moderate cost the draperies of your windows are intended to lend color cosiness and charm to the interior of your house they nro important enough to warrant tho most careful choosing wo have added many beautiful effective drapery rubrics which are very reasonable priced classic shoes for women the now lines we are showing are the very tmhodiment of nil that is dainty and graceful in fominlno footwear their pronounced smartness and character are amply jiiaekod by their wearing qualities korwrvico they are the fulfilment of desire jackson slain ptueet georgetown main street georgetown i we sell flower and vejgetable seeds in pack- ets and bulk in good variety the best in drug store merchandise ip vf the finest in drug store service m georgetown- r i

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