Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1919, p. 4

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wts j the georgetown herald wedneaday bvg may 21st 1910 our neighbors v fv- jiuw v i to o6 youir neighbor as yourself is what the good book preac to lay your hatred on the door and thidk all people penclics to such a height we do not soar such precepts were defying we do not love the folks next door and wusto no effort trying they have so many grievous faults that love oould neer abate them and ordinary language halts when wed enumerate them their sins are- numbered by the ywdtheiraj arooastryiv- l ti afeajn8ut folks we he dntjiutrij wefaye tjlibsslwrvff- were afwajs ihtokiiigror the sins of those who- live around u ye- any they brujse out inpftal v shine aod worry nd oonfouod jl- jo all their virtues we are- bknd while of efe tretalifk vv wejaeiajpritlook abdtfttb ttrtheiy gaitifreaeimirig ifiwe wohjis trrfpirrselyeli toljoek pr goodjntothjeifeto anijnouassumea mans a orook up- fcii he- ah4wirui yellow v s wed sb ate rfiehbrtf growinft wings wedflnj- then 1 olka to bhierlsb aid envy and such vil things from ibis voridifilsperi8h walt mason get after if the world owes every man a living but he has to hustle if he would collect the account the fellow who expects to and his door thronged with people anxious to square up as fast as he gets out his bills will have a chance to learn that everything worth get ting in this life has to be chased up the country is full of people whose sad history may be told in the fact that they waited for square things to come round the best thing about suocoss is the work a fellow has to do to win it it doesnt matter after all how much we make how high we rise or what we accomplish as far as we are concerned the question is what effect has the process on us the point young man is not what are you going to do with your circumstances but what are your circumstances going to do with you the lout who drags in circumstances as a reason for fail ure to be a man ought to get a year at hard labor to give him a a ohance to think circum stances are agaiust me rot all things work together for good to them that love god and the same principle applies when a man loves honest work john bunyan used a jail dungeon to make for himself an immortal name all three brands l afclii afrtiant packages to find it is qnriale loohorisk for v be fo itr wrigleys the- greatest tiatrie in gooavland thlo indian word rijdurl kipling tell story of origin the word thus has an interest ing historical origin and comes to us f coin intllu in a recent address in england rudyard kipling told the story an follows once upon a time a hundred years ago there was a large and hfghlyornanled community in india who lived by uhbuaslnation and rob bery they were educated to it from their infancy they followed it uo u profession und it was also their religion they were called thugs tlielr method was to dlsgulbe them selves us pilgrims or rravellem or merchants and to join with parties of pilgrims travelers and merchants moving about india they got into the confidence of their victims found out what they hud on them and in due time after weeks or months of rqvatnlancetyj killed thejn by giving rtibm iovkmeil- foodbwswee- meiliof striwjlug iium ttom bwriio miey wttover ihflrttor anovbnlag with a knotted to nev or a specially prepared pteco of cope they then stripped the corp- of all valuable threw 11 down n well or burled it ajid wn on to thb nextjob f va laift things got 0 bad that- the fwyavnmmtpt indib had fo inter- ver ww- all obyeriiments jt ore rva lit oil a department u department of vuds7-io- deal yith the situ- tiob deoarcmenlsr hcpartniej worked well- and i rbta alter down and the actual murderers nlntf thjlr ptaa antr ftsn- man ysars of tracking hansukt up the actual and rederuferwho included 11 rjinksof society- it put an end to the whole- xuuiaeaiof thuggee spearmint jmw sealeo tight doublemint h wrljw kept bight the flavour lasts real estate save fo bay a 50 government bond ah persons who buy war sav ings or thrift stamps should set a 60 dominion government bond as their objective this may now be had for 40 and a few cents re deemable on january 1 1024 at 50 such an objective makos saving worth while for one thing it will be a strong incentive to continued saving then it is very profitable tbe re turn being 4j per cent compound ed halfyearly which is practically s per cent tbe purchase of a 60 bond will also be of material assis tance to the government in meet ing its heavy after- the- war respon sibilities my bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers you have been looking for to show you my list e a- benham pobably i may have just what call me up and i will be pleased phone 16 4 georgetown meddling with mall box we clipped the following from the legal column of the mail and empire regarding tampering with mail boxes a m stayner my mail box on the highway was filled up wijh stones and rubbish and my neigh bors box was written upon in a scurrilous manner is there any punishment for such acts answer it is an offence punish able with five years imprisonment to commit wilful damage to any letter box or any receptacle or other devioe established or used by authority of tbe postmaster- general in oonneotion with the business of the postofllce depart ment such wilful or malicious acts demand punishment sec 610 criminal code tbe ailing of a letter box with stones was certain ly a damage to that box and the writing on the other box was also a damage to it the malignant in tent which instigated both acts was in itself criminal apart from the damage to the boxes flailing for drowned strips vthe british navy unfortunately wen able to depthcharge all the german uboats before they had done their foul work so there are hundreds of men fishing for ships sunk around tbe coasts of the british isle and their catches have indeed been marvellous more than 400 hips have come up in their nets these men work under the admir alty salvage department and have done what would have been thought impossible before the war after ves sels have been raised they are brought again to the shipyards are repaired and go to sea once more the methods by which they are brought up are various and their perils are innumerable but down sur men go to the ships lfio feet and sometimes more one ship carried a cargo worth 16000000 nearly all food she had been a vietlm of the uboats and had a hole in her side 40 feet long nnd 28 feet broad at low tide there wan- just her shelterdeck showing 57 foet from the bottom a wonder ful new electric pump was used and engineroom and stokehold were cleared of water causing the derelict to rise and enabling her cargo to he cleared until she was high enough to be towed into safety practically oil her cargo was saved another vessel or 8 500 tons wan down in an important channel to blow her up was dangerous tin- divers got sixteen 9in wire cables under her by means of compressed air a great outflow of water was caused which reduced her weight to less than 3000 tons at thru point sbe was lifted and carried r mile to iiafety temporary repairs have actually been made tinder water to some vessels which have then been brought up docked refitted and nenl to sea sonie time ago an oil lunker was mined and caught fire after ail explosion the docks weie awusti with blazing oil and more ex plosions followed she not only seem ed doomed to destruction but also likely to be a danger to other ships she was bhelled not by a submarine by by the salvage corps and sent to the bottom divers then went down plugged up the shot holes and clobed up the openings and the vessel was ruined and taken away for repairs winter visitors londons winter visitors the sea gulls arrived particularly early this year never since the hard winter of 1895 first impelled them high ll the river and into hitherto unknown regions of parks und private gardens have the birdb omitted to make thlr yearly call to the serpentine and kensington garoens round pond on the liver of course the gulls single or in flights have been regu lar habitues for muny yeurs perhaps centurion feeding the gulls from the bridges is u favorite occupation foil niuny a londoner or rather it used to be tor now the feeding of birds is forbidden on the ground of waste by the defence of the realm regulations the gulls will have to shift for themselves this winter and londoners reputation for hospitality will suffer- accordingly in the bird world notice to creditors of icrgrot icimo iomed the creditor of margaret mino ute of the post office of limchouse in the township of enqueuing married woman who died on or about the first day of may 1919 are required isn or before the t5th day of june 1919 to send to the under signed solicitor for the executors of the will off the haid deceased their christian and hurnamesi addrehttes nnd description and the full psrticulnrs of their claims and after the an id 15th day of june 1919 the said executora will proceed to distribute the atn of the haiti deceased nmonjr the psrtien emitted by law and they will not be responttible for any claims of which they ibnll not have received no tice at the time fixed for such distribution dated at arton this 14th day of may ad 1919 wikiam mine george h odditis exe cutors by hvioln n farwpk their sobeiior jshy avtori oritv cttjottj it pays yaaji ad cfs st totanto vdc for ignt03ow ritb for eisbrtiec v wjeucprfhtfcal l wijteclihroiilai canada fir highgriti bueinew eduewjorv pveat demn3 if eradwe open ill y wr- 1v4 qdjl jjftb8hnd ctjrfct at the lowest possible prices call at my shop our cash aod carry systom makes our meats cheaper to you canada food board license no 9151 clifford unham phone 196 main street a timely word to house owners now before the housecleaning the bath room fitting and other plumbing should have your attention this stores position n thebuying market commands the very j v it av y ttitfiat cheermtjj given ifbr-uinng- hoi tvatey arnd hot ait heating trical work also elets- get otv prices giuufaptee our wori km cyaprrfisrr phon 46 grtwji accident insurance oo your business with the oldest and beat companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen guardian caledonian liverpool london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co you can start on monday at the gaelph business college fiaelph onl and receive individual instruction in those subjects necessary for a thorough buflinesb training ask the business man about our courses he knows the results hake arrangements today i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select flour grain feed seed corn improved learning wisconsin no 7 white cap 350 350 350 120 9p halls westbury tur nip seed yellow leviathan man gold seed giant white fejediirj paiiry triour i lb 4 m purity or five rose flour 24 12 lb 1 65 puxity fiwrpieos vcreamovtha west vc hvvvv aw 1 ckimdif fond- board uciofi no 9 31 phone 196 for prico and mills c gbeensdes proprietor fp v- j nil ww roe phonesotflce 2m res ti georgetown iet us do it for you vjell give your battery such testa and distilled water as it needs to keep it in good condition no charge for this our prices for repair and recharging will surprise you your next battery should be a prestolite built by the oldest service to automobile owners in america official prwlolh sarwcs station fred cooks sales room mill street georgetown a l b0uck principal vinot creates potmre contiiyjng proof it b ss very well to mak clalma but can they be proven we pnbbeb the formpla of vtaol to prove the tatenteot we mak about ft mawajatcwam aai in ill olf any doctor will tu job that fha ingreoletits of viaol above combine tfae needed to make strength all week ridowa overworked nervous men and wojaanftay prove tus at qorespeoso tbere lenbtliinc bkt vuol to re store strsngm ana vitality to foeut old people dehcats cnodren and all boot westfoni thet proves our vjm and yow protection 1 0oo down will place this fine brunswick phonograph and 12 records in your home take advantage of this opportunity life insurance protect your wife children yourself and tour business with a policy in tbe great west life as surance oo the lowest rates with tbe best results for particulars see w w roe verse added to anthem four hundred competitors sent in verses to the hoynl colonlallnstltute which invited suggestions for an empire verse to the national an them the adjudicators sir her bert warren mr kdmund gome und air lawrence blnyou decided in fav or of the following veine wido oer the linking seas polar and tropic breeze our song shall ring brothers pf each domain bound but by freedoms chain shout ns your sires again ood save the king ilie bonanza king tbv bonanza kings were jas c flood a s obrien john w mac- kuy und janieb c fair four nion ot irish pnientike who acquired vunt fortunes ram the gold and silver mines on the pacific coast they hudl various imliutors and successors wfio whined the name but these four inon weni the only original bonanza kfngu- will twli typesetting chutnum llinid of education is instnlllnh oquliniiui and will teach linotype opcrullng in its teehnical schools ft pho oeoqetown oht a-yj-t- frank king next door to livingstonosrbnkery ittanbfiet r greorftei6 open alx day ttt the beat doranton ooal inallsiaea poruand cement where americans lead the ainerlciin l fiihcluntcd by novel iroblem iiy iiiiifiiuuvd 11 ml ungaiigo- nlile dlldoultles he glories in build ing a pniismu iinul after europes moat fnmous engineer had fulled be cause europe had nover ventured to build skysorapers that is no reason why a woelwortb should not rear n htructore more than b0 stories in the ulr for centuries man had dreamed of flying but without success yet two obscure american lads nothing daunted experimented until they con quered the original mccnr- mlck was a farmer not a mechanic but that did not deter him from milk ing up ms mind to produce n ninehlno which would cut grain and he did not give up until he lind made both a reaper and fortune army supplies since april 1 1017 hie army qf the dtlted stulcs hits hovu supplied willi 0877000 flvorvnnrs 8010000 woolen cents 101w7000 pair iiir woolen breeclios nnd 01018000 pnirs of woolen socks mnlorruclh t6 thi ournlmr of 171s8 luivo boon sent over- seas nnd omq motor niittuilnnces hnve town provwad georgetown fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of mi kinds attery service ho shovawng rqoird standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened loaded and coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 a restivo fruit specialist main street georgetown w a bailey harness maker repairing- now is the time to have your harness repaired for the spring work prompt service and best workmanship at a reason able price aolv tires and accessories w a bailey main street georgetown pattersons meat market is where you can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meatsfish etc at the lowest prices j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbing hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phone 25 georgetown ont w j patterson main street georgetown phone its no pleasure to carry a watch if it does not keep perfect time delcought the complete euctrio ugh aael power plant turns the grindstone runs the fan ning- mill and other machinery qeorsretown evans i are shaws snmmcr schools toruhuo appeal to ambitious students who do not care to ldso two or throo months time tou may ontor any day and continue to qroduation into a good position tree book let write w e 8hay pros- idbnt expert watch adjusters guarantee our work to be factory all the latest and best in watches clocks jewelery etc at rightprices main street next mcclbbon hotel deering farm machinery international tractor sharpies mechanical milking machines bugg and wa phone 101 r 8 thos e hcwson norval ont ii m k s v arthur bcastell t t college of mnslo london eotrlandi onolrtnsster frasbnarlkn oburob aonretown teaoher of piano or gan cornet violin a4 sinieink tuition pee in any branch 96 per e term of 20 lesions at my r n wln st oeorgeiown i or at pupils ijome fiaip vvitiso wmflnwh ffmm

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