Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1919, p. 3

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matthews drug store asayaneurall the new remedy for neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion resulting from overwork worrying shock insomnia etc prepared bythe old and reliable firm of davis and lawrence montreal personals iv- other popular d l preparations- as jafh ljlety t pvijft stock lirtpos nn taoombry local 4fcty items jclihutiuknia ioiamdnctq 2ccji nomination forscliqol tirttoo juhelqjih ohauttitiijua at geoatfolown juno 26th to july2ncl hal ton nefoimpih will moot at milton on juno llltli tho white m nn it homing hih burden tlioko iliijn nil riylit a muiibor of harden nnitioh a 10 announced for tliin month reiul mr thou mcrnorys auction wile odvt in thin ipsiio dance nt snells tjivkc every friday evening ilitrinr the summer at the mice liny is selling in some places gasuljnc is about as cheap a number of horses in this neighborhood died from the oxeoe- sive heat hist woek the big event for this district this year will ho chautauqua at georgetown juno 2c july 2nd if the lady who lost her wed ding ring last wook will call at lie ileiiild ofllce she may have same fiiils as a rule urc not up on baseball but thrv certainly known good diamond when i hey see ono and ion sale of household furniture thursday june 12th at 7 pm nharp sec iitlvt in this is sue its huiil to endure the heat hut there is some sutitifacl ion hav ing a smile ul the cniil bin as you pass by the prisoner that attempted to eseilpe from milton jail hint week must have thought lie was in toronto owing to a uuklioiit at wes ton the evening train on t he irani trunk last thursday was over h hours late potatoes for kali- a quantity of choice last years potatoes for sale at pattersons aleut market leorgetown hallinafiid womens institute will meet on june 2lth at the home of mrs ira lliltz all lad ies welcome 7 rh anwvxiyiitf v thchwivkbsreebltiirfdfyp cnvonifjinjj jjpilly ol ibisn6iki kiiiail k tin he for 1 ht jjnl uftowio a cnally- iug- swbi one wviv imirr- rbot h for tlio sei-uiiucifa-ikfc- i nut cxidhling 100 or itt jtoi xovyuiui soniihiil r lo a pnmy tmlnlhk intyrtsonnltmilt or both mill for theltiirll iviny mibkeuttit offenru l im- prisoniiu111 not exihhhlrtl tijx iiioiiiiih 86r elfcotrioal stoma the worst oleetrieal storm ex perienced in years nassetl ovor georgetown last thursday after noon a number of residences woro struck bj lightning also sever al trees but no serious diunade was done those struck were mrs cottons rosidonee 8t georges rectory j a willoublt- bys new club rosidonco f a hur leys roiidonce there was n vory heavy down pour of rain and some hail esquaning women inatitat the regular monthly meetiiik of enqueuing institute will be held on friday juno 18th at 8 oclock daylight saving in mr j h thompsons flold a good ntton- dance is requested on account of business to bo transacted and ar ranging of the yonrs work tlioro will be n lunch picnic and oaoh lady is requested to bring a basket if weather is unfavorable moot inn will be hold in the council cham tier garden party at afthgrovtt a monster garden parly muicr the auspices of ashgrovo metho dist church will bo hold at tlio ro sidonee of mr s k ruddoll lot fl concession 7 on friday juno 20th a splondid programme consisting of quartettes trios duetts anil so los will he rendered by ionic male quartette of biiunptgn composed of messrs lyndo cutlibert bar ron and moore violin solos by miss florence parsons atcm instrumental music by algid or chestra itrampton refreshment n will he served at booth revjinl son triiax chairnuin admission 21 cents god save the king rev mr roadhouse called on friends in town last week mrs p p colten is spending a few days ut burlington reach mr wallace finley of st cath arines is spending a few dasnt his home in town mr harry itridginaii of winni peg is visiting with his mint mrs uarrison charles street sheriff webster of norval is celebrating his 77tli birthday to day congratulations sheriff mr and mrs joseph luke of powassniri were tliegnests of mh imq tyrtjjk overijivndny in tqiin tjiosdayori fliitv vriiy ti tjaihllon to attend the fulicral of his lirotliejmiitnw t mjssjeivnllutt 1ms inrttmod her third yealcsiniils vyltlj iijrl class tiftu0iis nv tiuilh4ii 5cioueo at trtroniv5nivsii i 2 mus-alhriel- hmiijpn tiiic eppdied irji ptiwvlti6r tiirrd yenl exairiiiui1ions in lie faenhy of aiitscjruvijrurty of toroifto- itadrclioe wulit tovlsti jteriiig on tileiulay tokiienk pnfcrihiitfp mssttibiis iiftde ivpirieiiv riw4udnof tlio miildjesjpx iindtjniufitoiijssoer- ation jgapt harry steele son of mr and mrs a c steele of fwgns- who hns jiist returneil from over seas is visiting relatives in town and vicinity j p griffin and his family have removed from nelson to to ronto before they left the local farniors club gave them a fare well party at which each was pre sented with n gift to mr griffin n handsome bag to mrs griffin a leather bag to miss allic an um brella and to arthur a fountain pon rev r f cameron and reeve grant arc attending the general assembly of the- presbyterian church at hamilton rev dr john pringlo who has been elect ed moderator for the presbyterian churches of the dominion is pro- siding dr pringle had charge of georgetown church ovor 40 years ago and his many friends here will be pleased to learn of the honor which has been conferred on him grand field day for returned soldiers the piitepuwis of ward one on a grand i u vnship f sport if ks kti jiicsiug art mr john robertsons park opposite jigne school lot mi 2 two miles limn milton iiifsset tfiewjiidmliflidoclitivuitiijils ui ttt j tmprviiie sfatiriihe the lollop ljilftajiyirhiis ijccivsv ilred addresses wiilbrigiveilln 1vrk andirsvilvljf a w n4i5ll thurs ho beginning thursday june 5th during june july and august this store will be closed every thursday bargain day bargain day wednesday june nth to make it interesting we will have a bargain day on wednesday andshbeav iciaigstigar jperjb- corn starcjh gbrri fac6s 13o clilihtieii suhibiflcmrt telexs sciljivj lt alfnnflpkorriatfearihc rlb- 3o 7 vfl bazil d wbito oomodinmsbf atovototj elreiieaer oi biiowjy thprogrivifiino witl be run ns folltiw 1 u0 to 1 hase hallspprtsaril innsic i to 0 piesentatiojii adiliesiesit i- to h ijuncif tug ofwur inn music h to 10 concert- after which iluming will follow on a large platform which has heel erected fur the occasion and a good or chestra has been secured milton brass band and mr norman mcpherson bag piper of hamilton recently returned from overseas will furnish the music both afternoon and evening the committee in charge lire neither sparing i hue or money to malic this one of the most plcuwmt ami enjojiible days of the season a special invitation is extended to all returned men anil a very cordial in ilation to all ijnts of riumi to park ears good stone road to grounds hriug voiir lunch baskets and cups niul enjoy a day with the hojs iqouge ii rax theatre wednesday- ija tosca from the opera with pauline frederick kpisode 2 of the fjiirc of the circus fridayunclaimed goods with vivian martin rip and stitch tailor sennett comedy and the canadian and british pathe news saturday- the man from painted post with douglas fair banks mid a fox sunshine comedy admission tree sullitis are rqhlil ti w his honok i imh ki l il m j carton chaiiiiian of dun rofrehniont bootht on oroiiud a i m naiih seiivtan vj vta c pandora js tcj have become a ituticn is this grand well known a n ud inn in- working pandora gli s ovt n door tcsici ilu i m- iincter an oven so evenly healed thit i the beginner can bake well with it work smoothly re crvor is ennmelcd and may be removed for ciininr there pandora is n hivt imr of iatisfaction in for sale by w kennedy the 14 t chautauqua a il oooooooooooooocxooooooooooooooooioooooooooo j s an important meeting of the womens civic assoiiiition will bo held tonight in tlio public library members are urged to attend ihinls for sale celery tomato caiilillowor and all varieties of enhhage plants for sale nt w ii godfreys cluelph st 1 0 tp everybody is proparing for a big treat cliuutiuiiiii week in xlnorgetown june 20 to july 2nd jt will be the event of the season mr leorgo unilgins of jiton lias disposed of his prntiorly in cleorietowu on main st north the sale was made by r a ron- limit romeinber llio ruinrangn and homo cooking sale at st georges church school room on saturday do not trouble to cook in this boat buy thore all niomborr of tlio bowling club aro requested to attend u mooting of tlio club to bo hold at the club mouse at 8 pm on fri day tlio 18th lost on or nonvr main st georgetown on monday evening ladys littlo flngor opal ring with throe stones finder kindly leave at herald officio will tho party who ijy mistake took a dark green felt hat from the public library on the occasion of the bunquot to mr grundy kindly return same to w wbarrad and rocoivo his own mr wm ijortops auction salo of household furniture will bo hold this thursday evening june 12th at 7 pm hharp a lot of splondid household articles will bo sold soo advt in this issuo tho rev ii b cluistie ba pastor of tlio dublin btreot motlio- dist church guelph has docldod to roll io from the ministry and on- tor tlio hold of journalisin as odi- tor of the brantfnrd expositor of which his fatherinlaw is propria- tor and publishor verdun boboliali lodge and fc- orion lodge ioof will moot at v- tho lodge rooms at 080 on sun- day juno 15th for tbo purposo of iltonding divine service in tho methodist oh inch bvory mombor is urged to bo prosont at jihis con- toinnial ohuroli parade tho post oiuqo department has notioob posted up at all offices ad- vioiljfft the public to put thoir j bfixboirop trro outsido of all mail i jnatip pontaway bvoiy buginoss raijtrianfftpraor moqliiirii or private mf bad money bad money is being circulated in western ontario and it is only by giving the coins the closest scrut iny that the counterfeits can he letectcd cigar stores hotels candy shops and many others ale being victimized in one london store three had halfdollar pieces were passed in less than an hour and many other merchants have roporlod receiving similar had change the work on halfdollar pieces is almost perfect tho only defection that can be discovered is ill tho milling around the idne of tho coin it is not us perfeotns it is on the govern inonts money the die work on tho hoad and wreath of mnplos is considered an absolute replica of the kld money whoro tho bnd money originated is a mystery hodsnon wotherald strathaird mrs b t milcn avenue road homo saw a proltv ceroniony last wednesday when josephine jariny only daughter of mrs james c wotherald of georgetown was married to mr charles hodgson son of mr r ii hodgson of tho crown lniuls dept mr h m wothorald gavo away tho bride who wore a lovely robe ofohantilly iaeo and silver sequins over satin tho ions train was lined with pink oropo do oheno lior bridal veil was catiubt with a coronet of orango blossonih and she carried a bouquet of bridal roses and lily of tho valley the rev r f cameron georgetown condnoted the ceremony and mrs w a maddon and miss madoline hunt sang thoro were no atten dants and after an informal roonp- tion mr and mrs hodgson left on a motor trip intending to go whithersoever fancy loads the bride travelling in a suit of rookie gabardino with hat bag and para sol to match tho bridos mot ho r woro block and white satin foulard with a black hat tho grooms aunt mrs whitehead was in navy blue satin and woro a black hot mrs milos wore violet satin and gporgotte and o handsome black hat and carried american beauty roses mrs h m wotherald was in a frock of grey bason ot satin and georgette onion orchid hat others present wore mr and mrs t j wotherald mr w w munn misses munn mrs marshall buh- selle miss miles mrond mrs e a kantel mr scott graham mr and mrs j 0 robortson mr no bort h hodgson mr w b whitehead mr h a whitehead miss gortrude whitehead mr brook barber mrs d j-mckln- nop miss anna laughlin mr w a madden toronto rev and mre r p cameron mrs tolford mo- kay mr and mrs h p lowrod mra h b henderson miss ahnoa molood miss mary lawson miss hottio lawson miss ratio ryan georgetown mrjind mrs w j new advertisements wanted twe sniiiil girlti steud wirk hint eiul wildes applv h cerktl sl ceinpiinv m wo millh ii i it for sale a young iiuv irosli a good milker will he sold reasonable arply lo a ii main st nortti lie 1p household goods for sale a qunntilv of fumitmo lor sale ma lit- sern on lyiilay unit sutiirday liino ttth anil hill at i lie homo of miss liillios charles si imtrgelown 11 al one tlrak- or ply w l unvn for sale 4 indian kiinnei- ilueks xehango of laying tirus hayes k r no 2 f anil a- ir oil stoves for sale 1 luw irrltilion 2 ininul anil liolll ueai l- i aply at il hlite l-lam- 1 linruerh will he nokl riasoiialt office inlil tip th clever hay 11 1 62 eorgototvn hay for sale ions good mixed timothy anil hull it sonfl phone 110 2lp private sale private kale of kinhen and bedroom loiiiiitire apply i ii york miinloek si reel lip for sale 1railui house rooms lout hall ueio ot lailtl on john klrect wilier in house also iilitelru- liglll irlue 3000 apply lo j a willotighliy getown june 26 july 2 1919 bigger and better than ever the best week of the year dont you miss it seeds wagon for sale one burnt hpiliitf wittfou wittlablu or a farmur or milk waou yooil ns uvw will bo hpld roahomiblc wm ward john st georgetown 1 162tp wagon for bale sijiglo horho coal wagon good an now will bo mold ruahonublti if tukiui at oncu l starkniuti box 449 mill si sect arlon m64tp shoe factory help wanted thoro am vncanimtm in otir faitory for a f-oinig- man and a boy apply to c b jayfooi co it to girl or middieaged woman who is fond of children i will loach you to bmomo a thoroughly capable nuromald and puy 20 to 35 a month while you lira learning vvrlto htallhg ago ruforoncflu and previous ex- perlonre if any mm p r ciraham 517 christie st toronto auction sale of horse wagon furniture etc the undersigned has been instructed by thom moenery to sell by public auction nt l rokulenco john slroul georgetown on friday juno sotb nt 7 pnj sharp the following ilorso tfoat drlvor and worker qideli tliorse wugon near uowi i horse light pring wngonj light road enrti sot heavy- sfntfle harnohb 2 sots light linrneusi tjuan- tlty of fowl 2 hens with chicks pure bred loghornst cook stove coal or wood near nuwi kitchen cabintftl sideboard book caso and writing doak combined i 2 bed steads and bcddlngi contro tablet dining room fnblei lonngei picturchf quantity of linoleiirm kitchen cliulrsi window hlindvi ugntity of dihont cooking iiteniriljij 3 tun cana plover hoi joy c qumitlty of hard and soft wood numeroiih other nrtlctes tkrrts 10 under cnkh over thai nmniinl 4 nionlu credit on approved john notes a per cent nlt for cash ukn iktcii auctioneer 6 pkg simnum siimnii siininer simnii s linpri igitaldior ki i sugar kmm r riuni rentiii i i dairy tj s vfllow iiviii han n jumbo whin- stig uonnititi improved sugar hict ucimittb cianl snar mangoki steele itriggn royal giani sugar i steele briggw wlilte sugar meet pi r steele briggw canadian geui tin nip steele briggh iootl luru tuiiiip set steele briggti kangaroo turnip set steole mriggh jumho turnip scetl dutch sel oniorni p ii barnhills mllllltlgil himilllthth w a bailey harness xrnt lorgot to drop in and our moat complete stock iilil and heavy harness of kinds also a good assort- nitnt of wool and fancy hiiltrs in the aulo or buggy all kintls of repairs neatly md pioinptly done w a main street bailey georgetown la en i mm anal n u annmjl n h il l more about boots ikkii and iiaijtons iiaik right now is the time seeds seeds iii in mnvll n siinr m itiiill mailkil1 if lltl i terms strictly norval ffl cdjiulljirdml ibinmimirjoi butter paper at herald madges candy shop have you tried our homemade candies made in georgetown main street phone 214 of ford the universal car there is a limit to the performance all motor cars but the ford goes on when other cars are mired the ford travels roads that other cars cannot travel the ford turns in and out and around where oth er cars are blocked the owner of a ford gets a motoring service that is only possible with a ford colipu 1175 fllnmil hidiiih lunv uloilrii sliuliitii 1 itiiimboul w0 lliinitlioul tviih icln liic stuxiiii initt liglll ii 7oii ttmiriiik lim touring with l starling ml lihliiijr l slniulaitl iiiiinih wsi duilin ti tuli ciiiihhii s750 ilumo prltnh r k 0 ii ioiul oiiuulo all prliii riibjtum lit wlir lax ihaiguri ixiopt tnicli anil chmim ford repair paris always on hand all kli liitjll j n oneill dealer georgetown f10111 factory to ioit ickiktorod nintli hpciiiill lur my own ens- liiiiiiis ikinl tlnv un tho only liooln i liit i ran liiiik up 11 h tho lnsl anil nidst riliiihlo boolb oil i1i11 iiwiiliil tn ilny anil if othor kikiik con hi kii tlioso lipols you wiiii li iiiim in pny s or 7 for tliiin ins iiicc jlio to ijinoo look 1i111 nciilin nolo niiiliohiiny tiin 00 lo rio uiho liliuili ut sfioo in sirio lloyn liiotk 225 lo s4 lirlh liimthut 1ssj00 to clear vo- iiiihh en if imou 100 hjzok 1 to 7 oilier liopb cliuiui ijitl to s7 ro- imiiriiik oliiiip n im1 roneys till plttci for tin in cniiiiiln mil 1 in txm iliillnirt 11 iichi- iiiiuio boots mi kiivn from ono i uiir golden favourite 1hw i5ii7 tim cclobratml im- poiiil t imisii sialliimi tltn proporty i hll iiil iviutliiy will nuiko th hohboii ot illii hn own ttlubli wm ifeuclloyh lot 1- hiincwiiin town linn mjjir norval ijtioliihiu no 171 approved korm al iiiiluwiu oflcnrolnjftit uiul inupef- liaii il iln ihi nt dred clytlohtlalo siiilllon itouuii favouiilu imp v rnuiortjtl itt 1 lie cjipiuiiuu clytlcwdali slutl hook an no ih16 ovvupu by roll wm lviivtloy of norval ponlvit in iw8 iuin hion iniiulod inidm ilu- ontario stnllloii aot lti4puttuil on hi ah day of oito- bm iyi7j aiul fopnil 10 hufioo from tlio mtilfornijiilonfiunti ilinonnih natndd in llio ropilationt iiiulor llio naiil ail tho op in no siillon kntolmoiii hoard tarmm to inwihi a vi 15 ou payahlo iubrnary ihi 100 1 rrihh or nolo 116 4 vv 1 i m i fsl iv v iiia

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