Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1919, p. 4

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v i the georaetown herald wednesday kv j 111 i 111 it let au join in the chorus before louis dodko wo hink kakiol say i whhi to would lifl ank yqu nil to your voicok let loose your bouih on uiix blight sabbath day god lovos hip man or woman who rejcihim my faith looks up oh kimhi your tones up loo rejoice that theres so iniicli of iilenimiie fmis wiifytlu caftv tjtijlv hiuji mv vwh6leiyiy thvouflh i- ijet ftjiiwulnucit i1jtm join intliocljorlinv through ullthurs 1 hour unam ujesbrfg thie lagging tiuieihs voicesflull or riniffrm- tl seqiui jn aiiicturijd o allrmftjs jefint ohi faivoot otflpvtutttij4 v heart for iijiif arii tfiroyigti fcttf virn3tvcs4 auriin behold lwbirilj farm luirwotfhitplipitbe hill i my 1b not coming to you through luck pull or chance the history of business proves that success is a natural result of training tor it training for success kveiy leiuler in business will t 1 1 you bow much business training will help yti win siieeess guelph business college gaelpb onl specializes juj tliis t nird yhv mttvtifrtph sfqbduj obsth htirji yowrviliiu yon liesiljatjng- otheis lire traioiwh- decide- act nfathtlie arubr owsy lowiteijded drowsy the mandate omi join in the yiioiuh- heart doth harbor i ofton thirik ofcolil kztffivfe plea and find in it ft lesson worth the reaping day aftor day i think or him though he lias gone beyond the singing or the weeping so when from mo joy seenm to lly away and peals glad from otlior men are winging i hear iigain thu urgent preacher r join in the chorus- and 1 to singing fail we always try to ronpoct a oheerful liar when ho says you dont feel the heat while working some mon are very absent- minded but mighty fow of them ever make the mistake of paying their water bills twice over a coroners jury at moose jaw brought in a verdict that a man had met his death through huicide and exposure all suicides should take warning and not esposi them selves afterwards judging by the sickly letters of protest againht banging thcr ought to bo a good moinbcrhliip to start an organization to be known as the ancient and accepted order of the prionds of murdiiprn soon commencement iluyn will come and the graduates with ouso will act just like tberiuoiiioteih theyll got there by degrees the street watering curls and the oiled roads are greatly wel comed for although of the earth earthly man doesnt want to look like a dust heap before his lime success a i bquck pr4hdlm new advertisemenls v oiki w at for name lumttvljj4rtil jmittiooktvk bifyitsi watt h ptdu afly u muu it t aviiotj jmtfcnsjc toratmy- calves wati aaiiv tyrnoii having jnncrtllt iojjiii phtimmonmuiimhii vrlh j i jliiniphre nirvai it j i tjoat xost mhirsitik ioaf httwivn gooi-retown- hi ul iwiiu kctuielt on the 7th line on moiulay evening j uni 2nd kinder please return to v j patterson cleoreeiowti for rent nke eomlortable franirhoitke roonm near paper mill s7 a month apply j a willouhby property for sale corner lot for bale 66xfrffi on draper and lorn street h elose to radial iviee 225 or nciar ofujr apply m small 1017 dufferin st toronto itlll is pettits clover honey ik jitht what volt want now when yuii searee 10 ih pail 250 5 ih jar 1 pellil apiaries phone lu tjeorjfetown t23ff watch lost on snnilay in tieorfetown tfold writ lei whleh aid and re kinder kindly loav ive reward dog lost lifjht yellow collie losl ahotii may 22 answers lo name of spori kinder kindly communicate with john millar phone w r ceorttctown uk no i reward s it for sale small hiiko unliable lor pony or small horse tfood as new apply hox i0m4 ceorelown wi farm for sale l i t nt ui 24 7ili m itttking i ttf ji mil a laugh is just like suiiliine it freshens ovory day it tips the peak of life with light and drives tho cioiiiih away the soul grows glad that hoars it and feels its courage biioiik a laugh is just like sunhhiiii for cheoring folks along a laugh is just like miiuic it lingers in the heart and where its melody in honiil the ills of life doparl and liuppy thoughts conic crowding its joyful notes to greet a laugh is just like music for making living sweet void coughj and coligherit coughrifl s hilo 30 drorf-jtbpj- covqtw wot thu- tor cmldreh 104 acres west li in the township of k from limehouse statim 85 acres work able balance ban wood anil pasture jfood hank barn itottm siiblin for 2k head of cattle other box slalls for pif lare root house hay shed ox24 sialiliu lor 5 headof horses driving house com- tollable dwelling ihmisc oml tucliard mosily n pys hei ol water apply on ihe ptviniies lo w a lane 528ttp for sale or rent choice village lot on leortf st will he nletl or soli reasonable apply ii smith uw quebec ave west toronto storo and property for sale store and 1 acres of land al terra col- la lonpiick sale tho man leaving lo t speights garage agent for j willys overland automobiles in- j i ternatibnal harvester co motor ii i trucks mellotte cream separa- t j tors gasoline engines moline j ktracior cw eeictic mpldrsb i if ihterested in jmy fke above linps cituan- 1 let me8howyou qtir line if 1 s igeneraf kepalrlng of all machinery and electrical i courl of revision cuelph street r geogetyi for the bride a phonograph or piano the young man loves the lady thats his business soon they will marry thats their business thcminister will marry them thats his business when married they will need pianos phonographs sewing machines etc thats my business kaiil in bell pianos brunswick phonographs and singer sewing machines open aix say frank king n1 door to liivinkxlonch ilulcr main street georgetown the ocean and must be sold at terms cash apply al hi aid of 1041 f wwwmwwww gibbens bread a word to the wives is sufficient after a trial our brown bread will be your bread fresh now and tuesday thursday and saturday morn- nings phone 203 fishing prohibited l or trespassing on lots 16 and i 7 in the it h con ksipiesin is positively prohibited trespassers will be prosecnl- led r mills c g murray wanted at once winders and menders hlnhot wam paid let us do it for you well give your battery such tests and distilled water as it needs to keep it in good condition no charge for this our prices for repair and recharging will surprise you your next battery should be a prest0lite built by the oldest service to automobile owners in america official prcntoliie service station fred cooks sales room mill street georgetown rbtefttry service takk notu k that llie courl ol revis ion wdl be hold al ihf town hill ctire- lowii on l ho th day ul jut if al s oclock pm to hear and tlilctinmc iho com- pljiinls uk inst the tscminmil roll ol 1 i i mi mil clerk cfoigolown june hli im l auction sale household furniture tlve iiii4eitotllumheiui ittsu irsed by v t v u jolin atrtl xiinwi sis cvjoiovvii on thursday june 12lh 0 7 pm jharp ljfllovyin jgohlcji ii jpittto tluiiti miuiicrisrfstv tiufjo nwtimvnioa iciiild itlc lufmvt nmrclucit wr pleiv ijmvrkbtdrijtnn wmivvmu btvlt4frtfvtlwtts 1irmlv lavtaj rotuiii fjlbuf cjhtihi ktltlieii vyipjail vide1toart1 mwc thijj t kilciicil chairs lmirctiei kfeh hfhle drop siles jiitelien labk on- liit kitrlnii rjiijtn riev fcttv avuf oyeii j fnirnir livhij rtv p ll tv ftphvkurdi jmxtu- thblcinmici0 iwiisthwei- iiicp uuhler mninil tnnws jtml huil iiisl inilel hervlee i jjielvaiiie n tid ciciik riter wash luial k itiiiil pints ijuilcrtlal oil nni yn iln loojs also iuisctllaiuous ariii irs tkkms oasm hkn iktfll an iiomi u hugo brunstane i7u registered cidekdale stallion will stiml lor servici at his own stable lol 21 third lino wrst chiiikiiacoiisy ilnjio hrimsiaih is out of an imported clyilesdult ilam by an imported sire both registered me is i out yeai s iui and weibti well and st amis over sixteen 1 in- jfti hruntitane is a tine type el the clydes dale ami needs only to hi seen lo be ap- piwintfil by the iliscriniiiialiii breeiler i has never been shown al airs as the proprietor cannot jel lime away irom his liirin kviy 4wner ol a nutr rctiiinii tin serviees f a hoim irue hiio hrmi- sluue is cordially invilril l o visit iwtv farm and look him over vvliilhei they decide loi him or tiot- tikmiui lcnrolment no 5172 fom 1 certificate of knroliiunl and ln- spuetion ol lite isire hretul vtlesdale stallion hiio mrmistaiu ijfisleied in ihe canadian clvuvsdulcst ml itottk as no i7iu lwniil bv w i ool- son of hrampttm koabil in im- inpetd ov the h inlay 41 july lik anil passeil the hitaiio slallim icniohnent hoard koln mtkvveii cliaiimait r v vul- secretary datel at toronlo otituiollie 1 i b day ol july imh hood nnlil dec mst im renew ill for service 12 payable feb isi i i the usual onihtio dolson hiampion k it 2 vv n georgetown fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of all kinds a restivo triiit spooinlist mftln strt georgetown glen woollen mills ltd glenwiluahs ont e y barraolouoh huir rolks to whom jiluauty ake4 ir appsal is market op mt mould always i at tl markbt ol mbijit should alwavsji coal the 33 est soranton coal in all sizes portland cement fiouk feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 30 shaws summer schools torimo apmil lo ainliilioiih kiihichih who dii not chic to ioko two or llircc moiillik liinc you limy ntr nny iln iihi conl iniic lo ciiihliiiition into ii nuu ioxilion fyi1 lloou- lot wrilo w ii nlimv iros illlmlt a timely word to house owners now before the i lousecleaning tin- hatli room fittink and other plumbing should have your attention this stores position in the buying inarket coinniands th vecy best qf y ifjinycfut ririrerhrits y eiiimatesveljetfuwy giyertifq pliiniliing- uox wattr atd air heating also rlec- trical work i fief 0i prtew jvie guarantee ur work mcaiybto jhohie 46 qeorgetovvn i r 7 i fire si accident insurance do your business with the oldest and best companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen guardian caledonian liverpool london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co flour grain feed seed corn improved learning 350 wisconsin no 7 350 white cap 350 halls weslbury tur nip seed 120 yellow leviathan man gold seed v 90 qtaht whie adfha v- tpirytluh24z ils purity dr five roses bom 24l2lhi3 465 v pujfity fiyei- roses or- cream of tbe wwf v- i wr iris l i 660 oiuiiulj kjic7liira liivltti 93i i i phhe10e ifpr pieces jgorgretofn j mills c greensides proprietor i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select w w roe phones ollice 206 res 65 georgetown just out of uniform and here for business again when housecleaning call phone 167 h eisen bro p o box 1 076 georgetown oat tils beat it pnyo 7a elliott youice and charleii st toronto t in ttoltul tliroiijflioiii canada rorliih riulc bukinthw tlluiktioii cintal iiimiiiiiui tor tfrmlnat in 1 pcn nil jiii r k i n ur iujw weill loi calalojftu w j kiinri iriiuipal its no pleasure to carry a watch if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory gi next door to radial station b v gibbens qualify meats appeal to both a mans pal ate and his digestive machin ery its a matter of real economy to purchase the very best meatstuffs we can supply yau give us the op portunity to do so cniuuln vood hrmnjiicensuno9lil clifford linham phone 196 main street r e3h grave 9ab ally qiinhtltypf lilfi gradu jtrnvol or nil and bridge cbnitnictunlfimoral cq ant and concrelo work iiriioii dn- lroui of becurlng grayol from llio 9i lino pit iniio npplytor1 croolinnn giorir lovit slrwt rioad jnant life insurance t 4i kiym proteot your wife oliiulron yoursplf and your btibinesn with a liolioy in tlio oroat wont life as- suraneo 0o fha lowest niton witu tho best results forpartioulars soo ww roe rmu jpnjunoes oeoroetowk v out rates for telephone service the new rates for long distance service effective may 25th and based upon airline mileage correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and de creased charges y following is a comparisbn of old and new rates for a 3minute talk to ppints most frequently called by local sub scribers old rate new uate goorgatowu to toronto 26 s vft brauiptou 15 0 ouolpb 2 20 hamilton 25 26 kltchouer jo jo st oatharinoi 40 40 orlllln 40 mf the hours during which reduced long distance rates night rates are in effect are now prom 830 pm to 1 130 pm co per cent of day rate from 1130 pm to 6 am 40 per cent of day rate night rain are bated on standard time local service rates for local service to present subscribers will be increased tell per cent effective from july 1st next i applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates from may 25th evert bell telephone i a long dlttance station the bell telephone co of canada all the latent and best in watches clocks jewelery etc at right prices a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel f va w no shovolliuft required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically kcrecned and lioiulcil coal wood select ijiiinp for donioktio mill tlncsliiiiu piiiiosh kinilhiiih mill cinuiil conl ill filet i iiniy imi i liinu to li found in an up lo httc cmil ami wnoil yard john mcdonald georgetown piionk ia y w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinsmithing plumbing hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring il z y w kennedy phono 25 georgetown ont the canada life assurance co- etablished 1847 for rates and particulars see r j hynds phone 203 georgetown l jmbuck butchee alwftyx keep a choice btook of tho bomtproourablo in fronh and salt itfout which he uell at the lowest possible prices caiiiitla kooil hoard lirtmhtt no 9 210s get the best delc0ught the complete electric ught mad power plant oilcolinlii on the i i in i uwfttih more liiiu- for proiliiitivt wtirk irv t evans u qeorcetown j ontario kentner tost carpenters builders phone i2ir georgetown deering farm machinery international traotora sharpleaa meobanioal milking machines bugg and wa piionk 101 r fl thos e hewson norval ont i estimates gladly furnished on application arthur b castell t s f college of mulo j loudoii buflrloud oholrniuuter prenbytertmi church gvorsatowu teaohev of piano or- bn cornet violin and sinking tuition ftp tlttniiy brniich 6 nor ooljurm of70 iohhuiir nl my iof doncu main 81 j nooiiruloivn or al pupllh homo pianos vdtkbd nj nsiuruvuiuuuvun tslml o 3mi ak k mt- im

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