Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 18, 1919, p. 2

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t w h waison leading funeral di rector and em b aimer ofllc opposite mctv op- i day ul omrgtown out birtlik miitiar and ivalhi charged of ut the following i willi- 2sv marriage soe deaths stir memor ial carln 50- 8e pti line rxli n im uini married mvcllkk eiviks al tin- irckbylerini maime norviil on vavtlmulay jinn tllili iw by rov mr fcvojitsjin iwoirtr uailiie frf- mr ohd mo- svlsiwietc iwiwikm- yiluhv bbio in ksvifmd i slanliivi- tsth 191 tiliimh- 1 liv konl rl 02 yiwmu frrokjiil- in terra culla oii jiilu- vlstb l9tyjhmsllik j -vtvt- t the georflelown jiuftfriwtii iais v i v jvrktis jtiih lito otjt tup chairman of the jitreoth unit nviilka hatr infpwjiiklliiithttlh wccif ly- taw witl by sirivt ihroruil this suiniuoe all titicns jijunt kcftji the v eulin frojil of ihoir preminoti anil kay when yoli are rutting tho veds pay nlittlf attention to the tirqun tuat thkitk wkitk 02 hcoiot bolshevist societies in canada and that those in montreal had a mem bership of 15000 was a statement made by mr eugene n de schel- king russian diplomat during n lecture given at the club st denis montreal under the auspice of the alliance franeaise only three months ago he said n friend of trotzkys had paid a visit of in spection to the canadian societies general 8trikkh can accomp lish no purposo except to embitter relations whore the utmost good will and cooperation are necessary confidence is essen tial tottro pro- sent and future employment of lab or at good wages a general strike will remove confidence from the foundations of the countrys indus trial existence a general strike in june 1910 will kill off tlu- exten sions of industry that might pro vide employment in november and december 1911 for this and other reasons labor hhould go alow in hearkening to the pleadings of a sympathetic strike onb of thk most pleasing sigllh of the times is tho unanimity with which the presbyterian general assembly recognized the inadequacy of ministerial salaries by ineroiih- ing the minimum 22i ho long ilk congregations treat lightly the comfort and general well being of their ministers ho long will the pastors be tormented by hmmcial troubles and unable to supply that leadership which the church so sorely needs in general minister iai stipends have long been a re proach to christian people nnil it is a step forward when an effort in made to advance them to a degree helming the station in life of the clergy town council only a few appeals agalnat aaea- meiit court of revialou georgetown june kith council met us a court of llevi mion at h oclock and after taking the oath proceeded with the ap peals which numbered only six be sides farm property moved by hrudley seconded dale that the assessment or wal ter diggins be reduced s10 on hind carried moved by conk seconded by mc milliiu that the assessment on jiunltnil bu idling o hunter jk ijituuwtty vontiritmfli btlurtvhf bhsiriete spksnioityiif3inreil only- frjivtifip liiirtitlls if janfiaij february miirtir and apwl tjipkp heirig the only hiqntwof the j ear iiti tliisflhii waft doing luiemess carrical luived bs mc jviniiin tbau the- liffijiiiewassqsfl uwrt6f t ftcauifc ofssqu be i cvtlli bflliswojitfaihy ijaleitftut tliebnsiiiess asseskmelil of nvntinaahf ttwlm ti tmed -ciurjeia- moymjy oy copk seconded- bj jjaje that vho isssesinciyvoffuhn thyld for lll be- cbnllrrtied carried mood by- hrndloy seconded jy lalei that the jissessiiewt of tlic ii w kennedy rjsfate portion land ami- building recently occiipf- ed by merrhakts bank be rediicod to2100carriel moved by cook seconded by mc millan that the clerk ho instruct ed to prepare a bylaw granting it reduction of 1 mills on the as sessments of the farmers in georgetown under the clause ex emption of farm lands from taxa tion for certain expenditures carried moved by bradley seconded by dale that the assessment roll for 1919 as revised by the court of re vision be confirmed- carried public school board norval on monday evening june 8th the members and adlierquls of the presbyterian church presented mr and mrs joseph moore who are moving to georgetown with two beautiful chairs and the fol lowing address m ir mill mr jowph moore ami kiiiuilr i dear krirndai hefoic your dupiirlm- atlllg irom oni our neighborhood and eoitgregulion i alovcd by e desire to htlur llutl we mighl kiiend i jno thomp lu u i 1 t l froi we this social evening togollur the remov al of those who have been for years iikko- ciated with um by neighborhood ami church ulnliatfonvm one of hose changes which brings a lonclt of madness to our lives sinelinieh il is on such occasions thai we realize how hlron lifes tics lmve become and how much its friendships and associations have meant to us ve will miss you as neighbors and also in the life and work of our church and we asktire you that our interest in your welfare will continue still and our good wishes follow you to your new abode we sustain a great loss also in the de- karture of i he young people of your hoime- old who have grown up among us and have become willing tintl faithful helpers in the work of oyr church we ask you to accept these tokens of our esteem and good will that they may be in the days to come a reminder of your old friends and norval presbyterian church we trust that richest blessings may followyou in your new home and throughout the remaining years of life john cunningham alex noble signed on behalf of the congregation hy the committee the public school board met on tuesday evening members present mrs ii v kennedy ij 10 fleck jno thompson j m moore and mr fred mcnally the newly elected member to fill vac ancy caused by the death of mr neil hunter the halfyearly report of inspec tor denyes was read and on mo tion of mr fleck and mrs kenne dy was approved moved by mr thompson sec onded by mr fleck that the ac count of jno mcdonald for s117 110 for coal be paid carried miss arnold and miss jenkins tendered their resignations as members of the teaching staff moved by mrs kennedy second ed hy mr mcnally that the resig nations of misses arnuixl ami jen- kins be accepted carried moved by mrs kennedy second ed by mr fleck that the secret ary be instructed to advertise for teachers to till the vacancies on leaching stall salary iso to 70 incording to experience carried moved hy l k fleck seconded liy mrs kennedy that the teachers ho reengaged at the following sal uries mr green 1hg0 miss ryan hi0 miss harrison hofi miss lull gnu hoc miss robertson 7h0 carried moved by mr mcnally seconded by mrs kennedy that the care takers salary be 10 per month may 1st- carried mr fleck seconded by ison that fio ft of in hose be purchased for list at the school carried odd fellows and rebekahs luun to splendid sermiiu delivered by rev j truux the odd fellows of the loeiil ami visiting bodges together with the bebeknhs met fur divine -er- vice in the methodist church on hnnilny evening last the pin gramme of service was beautifully prepared nnil put into the hniiilsof all the anthems rendered soelli- ciently by the choir were cross ing the bar and 0 jesus thou artslividing- bositbjeetj takei-ritlilinini- teiwltsiile notvriid jtiliimwiihiifti jcliou -ntiut- love vtty nciglfbttf itit thyself tbisl was sliovvii to- he possible only by keeping fjte lirst coiimiandiilenty the point if view aiil- ostennmcc jciujgjlit from tire prst wolfld aume oimlile us h kcip tluiwtoiltt the speaker regifcftd- tlvat tliet rrfejreu 6i had vtiijoiviit iiv iu tiiisttucho biite- siiid eastiiriohipnfjmiticiniv eryibs slwj prevjiils jtuii pirtlriro avojif lysiivnjmileifov tile jfirprly pronteetdfittc jjijlllsli iirit iwirimil itiwre jvcildtoday ave- shale if fhe iesiousibilivv our illsoliedi ence lias cyst us tvuich therehii dyhas ever been wffli us bntvi jected by us oiw fyofcssihm tin inoven to be shntlow this high spirit of our test must not heig- norcil carlisle said a minis religion is the chief fact of his life and is yet so regarded abra ham lincoln made this command ment his reigion hence the aboli tion of slavery mjder his rule this will correct our condition linterniilional economic social and every wrong between man mid man our present state ot bond- ago wjmilnd fitting relief under the observance of thisgracious imperial t each ing withall the sermon set the high water mark for societies churches and individuals in their aspiration for n better world and life what is chautaiiqa this is a ipiest ion you hcitr quite freipumil l hitch cjiniituiiiu is u eoiiiiiiiinilv entertainment which comes to georiietown for one wcek from june 2hth to july 2nd and otters us one of t he higgohtund best entertainments we linvervcr hud there isan afternoon nnil evening ctilerliiinuient planned to suit everyone in the community siitrie of the imoni tilented tirtisls in north america itikini piirt in the programme a lent capable of holding three thousand people will he erected and it is here unit lite entertain tnents will- lie contltjetedj the fbjikyivvls it te i u 1 if a jtitiids of hie 6wt i oin nijlkivnttseh ff p6 fitftfitlc w4u titv fpit5 wortlj irliitftwviuid lje the cost oruelfers it luircjiitsel iii- the jguhit way lviigrthiiiiieskiv rntr fuh nitahs irtf cfiiiiiultijfunvtiith j of aftitsjtinit lirlinffiniinuom xuuyj b rmmtritirelrih ut ne joiuiy y childrens shelter heat progress is being made with the furnishing of the new children shelter over which mrs judge gorhnni and mrs 101 grit- ham are busily employed indeed things are going so finorubly that plans art being made for the open- inu ii is no small matter to plan for the ftirfiishiug of such n big house including as it docs a mim her of departments the mill ton has been secured in the person of a mrs curry of milton herhtih pand will also he engaged in t he work connected with the shelter and w ill deal especially with the outdoor work and the cult i at ion of the ground the children who will go lo i he shelter when it is opened are of all ages but tin matron will he called on to take charge of a large mini her of infants the rest range up to fourteen years of age nnone feels more keenly the sal is- inctioiior set ing work accomplished than does mr chns i norton the in si ice tor of society to have n home for the children will lighrrcn his work and lessen his responsibil ity to an appreciable extent he is looking forward to the opening with us great anticipation as any one fijeiiwilliaiiis am hiirtico u rgmrtt unit tin parjiouhtrs of lltinrr sutdinrsi which tlie coin lifter urgmrl thnse r- ilfivc not yet boensent in be ftirniilicd to the- otniniti muiineiliii fcuv tlic lists must be cumi1clc lwroveaiiy thing furtuer cimjic thine jtnrik full iiiiiiiii and unit are nil unit tire required will tlione interest ed kindly furnish the above inform atiou to mr ky haniuloilgh oi thos heaunionl 1 have enlarged my shop and will keep a large box tilled with mens womens ami childrens nearly new boots anyone want ing boots at from floe lo j so call and help yourself j rnney the gold boot and home of mncplier- son shoe chautauqua al leoretown june 20th to july 2nd gibbens bread a word to the wives is sufficient after a trial our brown bread will be your bread fresh now and tuesday thursday and saturday morn ings phone 202 gibbens x ladies here is anothrr list of special reductions the items again ijeipg offered at cost or below if you bavfc nolalrndytalcen aclvantage ol special re- duottiajeawi0 w j 4 other itemjin theatote ate astidtjal slrifesold at cbrnf fiatatively low kigures aheitd i lo seljvoil yi tvimmedi egijiwr unsiijjr juixb ic ms i hj jjhiiwli- hff shlkgrspib d chnnad geoinscttocepij blouses of i fikiu tihiihled vitiimtita ku oilvvid li cjeafjittcei- i tioiuniiftil silkitiiiltifilil gilliioidiry jiillrels ujiil cuffs nr tiliy fucjis pehr mill hut wins markthe lj niingd of tlise blousts which will hi- solilljiiswicl etui nfthe greittly bediuid piice or 837 theoddoss a poitecl figure front luce corset with elastic inserts at hot loin sides regular 2li ss if- price s235 another gnod now oller line of corsets selling id for the low liguro of regularly nl s li is c 119 fur those who want a pair of cool summer hoots we linve n line of iiadies white canvas high top boots with rubber soles and rubber heels selling regularly at 215 for g 195 ladies white ii0c for stockings of line cotton iegular 33c brill co phone 167 mill and main 1 georgetown next door b v to radial station gibbens mini i- church news baptiht the pastor will preach next hnn ilny morning and evening memb ers of the autsonic order will meet with us for worship ill the evening strangers and visitors always wel come acton david mills for some years an esteemed resident of acton died at his homo in gnelph on sunday he sultorod a long and painful ill ness from cancer the funeral was held on tuosday the work of rohtirfacing some of the bad places on the second lino has been comuionoed uill finally took the steam roller down to a seotion bolow the niounlain on tuesday and is now at work ihoto at a special mooting of the municipal council on monday evening the clork was instructed to write to four prominent enginn- oring firms roijuosting data as to tho host system of waterworks to supply actons nooils the eost of plans and specifications and the approximate cost of tho system eaflh may propose free press tho big cvont for this district this year will bo chautauqua at georgetown june 20 july 2nd ballinafad the ballinafad branch of tho womens institute held their an nual summer meeting at the home of mrs br shottill on juno 2nd hhe president mrs w b shortill presiding a splendid address was given by mitts dirhcan of toronto whero tho house wifos time goes her address was full of interest and value lo the girls as well as the older women two splendid solos wero render ed by alias botty ijowrio accom panied by miss waddell mrs robert colo provided a number of splendid selections on lior victrola the fow remarks and good wish es by tho rov mr waddell were vary much appreciated hy tho ladies wo wore very pleased to have a number of the ladies of george town branch present a social tea hour brought a very ploasant afternoon to a close com georgetown creamery highest market price in cash for your cr we will also buy your poultry and eggs m ffliiiiiiiiiiiirtibl is oinigriidml iffiniamgnrtibl lag tram the mews store 1919 spring 1919 soil ii vc cordially nmtcyoii lo iiispee our display of lir ill i wil biilll iii mill iiiiiii ovenimling triiiicniii ktu for the present sen on youll lind ilioiigli villi l y l imllii-ii- nlld weucs lo give you ample dunce see ur poeiil in lllue and bhtek serge- lulu guaranteed prioerisht sn tuples nil of town etisloiuers res il ii nevlvielsiif f4ew shirts gloves and hosiery jeqrietown phone 1556 iuui1 ss taijlmrnfl am mkn s- iv n isli inis agiltl a- fiirsfnel well llllderoli iv jo dyers nnil leiiners toronto fl auimwmdbb b mioniiijjdffll laaomnrimfjal laamm l ft saturday treat keep col lliat wliil uiie iiv ing li llnse jis now iii- niilui- sry iiiiiily is lieilmg inn you will liml ini minnni sil oeliiig this sat in tliy vveiller you loolls ifeur llnl i i k simuhrry ind itiilli havoc a eeeling fiflini willi iocooiul in it ueultr -10- ih saturday treat price j9o per lb weekend chocolates 35c doyen mr slop nml think nliiuit the price nl limits think lllionl the price ol our ullk ksn clni ol i i oidyen ill wnuiler hnv we can sell ihcm al so leu i pnee kegular soclh u t weekend special 3g p n t h moorehead milton brampton georgetown jacksons toronto ottava scenic bv day and comfort by night convenient trains ol parlor and din- inn cart nj com fort abla coon he by day and standard sleeping and lluiet- compartment cam and cjoiche by night lv taronto 1645 jn snd 1068 pjn union stalloa ar ottawa 1600 pjn and 00 sun conlrl station lily tuily aacapt suiulty with connections for montreal que- bee st jolm i iuiiihx and maritime and new england state points thraucktiekai nrtfl reaarvatloa cnrys agnt cliv jitna m king stmt vlmu nd union statu n toronto 7 juin stroat nodh hamiltoa rtle way to ottawa m now wo think you havo von ildencc jn m and would nuk you to enquire our prioeh before sliiiipinu anything out of town por the accommodalion of farmeih wo will ho opon on monday wcdnohday and saturday nitflitn georgetown creamery co m saxe manager hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity i iipprpfiiile the pal roiiiike ncconleil in me hinee opening in leotke town my lnminchh ih incroiihin every ilnv itttil ninny itiw iiuhtiiincn nre tnkiiiu iiilviuilage nl my lm value in ladies wear 0 mlflanmmer millinery a nioht iiurnotive sliowink vf liuta in tlio bofthonh intost htylon mllartn lokiioiiih transparent lit- foots in blaclf and eoloih also tho cvor popular pannma at tho mjubob claridge upfltaiib in horald block 24 years the same good tea redrose teais good tea sold only in sealed packages 196 a hirschorn georgetown brooke block cream i wish to announce that i will be in georgetown every monday to buy cream which will be tested and paid for at my store main st next to crcelman bros cream is weighed tested and paid for while you wait i was pnyin8 60c per lb butter fat last week call in on monday and give me a trial i am sure you will be satisfied g a whiteside main street georgetown that lovely spring month of june is here the him- briile will lie iloliiihloil in finil sn ninny bountiful iinofnl mini moderate prieod ibitikn fur hie home tho choioo put emu nnil bountiful elieeln of our new drnporioh nro eortiiinly kitro tn pletihi wilton ttiitfn tupohlry hiiks coiikoleum riihb cniikdloiiin lin oleum fellol nnil kloor oileloth wnll ill porn window hliniles inlik mill cniiiiirik what a uplendid ill to n juno itride ono of our labor sn inn kitchon cabineth in lji inn rtimini finnil nro wo lmve ninny very moderate prioo pioeon of real niorit wo kiiow some lutudkoiuo hidoiimii riuiok r our kbowink of diiutih- room fiirnitnro is of the iiowoki doniknn and in koloctcil with a view to giving llie bout kotvioe furiiiliiiu for every room of it htilwlanliiil elinrailer and at nluoa thai iu below ivesenl prieok jacksons main street georgetown m9iv i zn l edison records for cylinder machine for sale at hourigaivs the isn store the best in drug store merchandise the finest in drug store service irfe iy v v v i v -v- i v i i 4vl

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