ii matthews drug store asaya neiir all the new remedy for neurasthenia or nervous llxhauslion resulting from overwork worrying shock insomnia etc prepared by the old and reliable firm of davis and lawrence montreal l other popular d l preparations as pain- i 1 iuejrtjial plsiter stockj personals local news i cfllvutltllllllil i vivviuit liot enough farynlik after tshrtiilmiqiia ttiidimii- me sniwk i line you told your fricud nl about gliiiitlmifjuu tjfo luiilon party at terni cottrt tomorrow evening ahiikiovc inrrliii party on friday evening juno 20th secure jour ticket for chiuitaii- jun from tlie ciiiiviimkcik when they when a family starts to scrat ch matches on the wall its a hign they arc thinking of moving lest wi forget how about our civic welcome and pre sentation to our returned soldier aorih potatoes for halo- a iiuantity of choice last years potatoes for halo at pattersons meat market georgetown we are kind to see the water- iiimarl in action again a broken axle put it out of business for a couple of days plants for sale celery toinaln cauliflower and all varieties of cahlmgc plants for sale at yv ii godfreys luelph st i 0 hip if yon would know what your friends say of von when you are absent listen to what is said of others in your presence there is a shortage of pennies in the 1iiilcil states wesuppnse t lie hiuli eosl of liviuu lias driven cliaiihin imit in he wall wo now have good hope- of our miiin slreel pavement being iwiidelcil a iin of men com ineiued work momlnv and good jironress is lieiiu nnidc ilaviiiij eontriicteil for a ijiinii- lityuf slravvlierriis i inn prepaied to lill large or small orders for maine nt ii reasonable price ijeuve linn oriler early a bethcll leorgetow n a towel shower will he hold ut the inula of mr john nlifluer ksipiininu this tliinsilayovening 1 iik- mill iood program anil everybody welcome proceeds im iiieni ial fund a meeting of the ratepayers of wind t kmipiesiuu will be held in the coimoil liiiniber slewiiil- lovvn on thursday june lth at h p in in make in iiiiigcmcnls for i lie lecepl inn and pi liseiitation to i el in nod soldiers miss glenn of glenncharles toronto canadas hair fashion stoie will he in georgetown iri lime 27lh at hotel migibbon willi i lull line of liiidies and gentle mens llnir guilds if you are nol hiitifiel with hie appearance of our hair consult m iss glenn who is an iiutlioiit y on i lair goods and in dividual i in r styles free demon si ration j v rrr bowler 4 sfaalfoft- i riirto vihft jf biiploibnj bowlers vvfljit b gnolpu- ye8trrdjv ivornjig tovilvpitrtintjieeeixtalriltvii flflwljnrt aikjeiatl6a fonvnajftiiit being lim 0 thatcity the flpks were- skipped tliy ir heath j w kennedy anihsoagibuogs eleotod pnblio sohool trtuuie at tllo nonijuati6n for public school trustee on monday hist to mil the vacancy caused by the dentil of mr neil huntar there was bill one name brought before the mooting that of mr fred me nally i le was proposed by c b day foot and william long and derlureil elected by llio clerk naw hlich school dlatrlot the rcijuest of the hal ton con nty council that high school districts he established in burlington and milton hns been approved by the educational department at toronto this will mean that after the holi days both of these towns will have reeognized high schools for years tbey have only had continuation clausen it welonino iotn huroxil we were pleased to see pte harold wntson arrive back home last week after ilninu his bit over- seah welcome back to the old town harold rx tlmtre wednosilay his majosty bun ker boan with jack piekford no 1 of liiiio of tho circus thursday fox special why i would not marry all star east a colorefl hoonic burnes belgium in blossom time mutt and jon car toon comedy admission 20 and 15c war tax extra fiidaya desert woointf with enid bennett saturday- uncle toms cabin witlimotktiorito clark and a two part fox sulishine comedy baptut oonvantlon at kitohonpr tho koneral sessions of the quel pb assooiation of baptist churches were held at kitohoner during last week with a largo attendance of dolokiiloh che annual sermon was delivered by rev a a hovoy of gall who spoke on tho subjoct of reconstruction thojnbileo ad dress was deliveredby ir w u clino of aeorgotovvn in the after noon mr f d ijang kitchener delivered an address on tho homo training af ohildron which was fol lowed by bov 13 thiety of grand jjignoquo who gave a description of niission work jn that centre n tho ovoning a young peoples rally wan hold at which oddroshos worn dollvoredbyrev tgroen preston ou what is tho objoot of tho by p u and by rev dr t wearing of woodstock on christian educa tion- i election of olllcors for tho womens auxiliaries rosultod mb follows president mrs mtirfio fltrotford 1st vicoproaident mrs gloftbon jiakosido 2nd vice- presid ent miss dayfoot goorgotown dirootor mrs barnes quit assist- nli director mjss wolland of fliiolpb s i chaltllmiii hotel opued the travelling public and others will be pleased to learn that mr j p brown an old glen boy who has just returned from doing his bit overseas has reopened the chelt enham hotel in addition to supplying meals and beds mr brown has a splendid ice cream and soft drinks parlor in connect ion when you mo going through cheltenham call and see him stray slot killed aoton native richard cook of grand llapids mich n native of acton dieil on sunday june 1 from a rifle bullet two sixteenyearold lioys were shnoliiij at a bottle when a stray sluil struck mr cook lie died a weak after the shoting deceas ed was fit years of age uud went to the slides wild his mother and hrother twenty years ago lie was a uiurrieil iiiiin and leaves uvvife and four children aobhi motuvuu killed angim mctavisli a nassagavvey a man but who had been in acton and vicinity nearly all his life an employee of th bell telephone company was elect rncuted shortly before noon on wednesday june 1 th while nt work at port credit mr mcln vitiliamla nundier of other men under foreman thouins had been eiikaged inputting a new tele phone line through from toronto to hamilton that morning de coimcd vv 1 1 1 is a ground man was working ut the reel off which the wire is tvouiid ou to the posts in some vviiy the wire which was being strung em ne in contact with anoth er wire currying a high voltage of electricity and the current was convoy eiulovvn the reel where mc tavisli was almost instantly killed a prewantatlon the hiidies of the methodist church through the missionary society nt i heir recent meeting recognized the valuable serv ices of mrs truav to the society and church liming her four years stay with tlieiu many most compli mentary things were said on the occasion and a feeling of distinct iosh at her removal prevailed her pr mi stent and beautiful spirit had been a great factor in bringing the society to a high state of elllc- ienoy the address mode by mrs h w kennedy on behalf of tho ladies was most touching and pertinent the presentation made by mrn p 8 near of a beautiful wrist watch and a purse contain ing forty two dollars speaks so wpllforall concerned mrs tin- ax mado a most appreciative reply fine raade through halton thooakvillo star gives the pleas ing ashiuance that the seventh line through halton has boon decided upon by the government as a pro vincial county road the star of last vvook says yostorday the roovo and deputyreovo of trafal gar were at parliament buildings in toronto determirfed to ascertain tho highway departments intent ion in regard to tho seventh line and dundas street those gentle men contemplated doing some work on both those roads but could not proceed until it was known vvhother tho government was going to take thorn over as provincial county highways or not when onco tnlton over tho province pays sixty per cent of the cost of all work for bridges grading and ston ing and the same for maintenance tho deputation were ableto loave the department wifli the happy assuraiioe that both those high ways would ho mado part of the provincial systom and unit the work of tho trading might do startod nt once the specificat ions for this olass of highway ro- fjulro that tho road ho at least twenty oisht foot botwoou the dit ches ami that- the btono be sixteen foot ormoro in width this will mniin n flood permanent rood on both those highways in the course of a few years y- v mr john blair of weston kpenl sunday in low u miss kleanor mcnallyof guelph spent the weekend with friends in town miss mae wilsoii of toronto spent the week end with mis- me- whirler miss petrie at toronto wiik tlie guest of mrs i c adams nvei sunday di and mrs somniervillc of llailey bury were visitors in town last week mr and mrsg c lawrence mid sim ofjuiantlorit were viiitoiy in i pvyn tirirgi tft wok ty rvidkoij tf culgary nnfclhiwefewtl vyitli mrstjwo mejpermid mr and mrs w barnard of tforetnfo sut jhoweolfoml with mrmjmhs arnorrliwton j4ihsjiroaiior frazerifltoroiit o wak tljvi guest or mikh- miitjowvj rilifvvavs utrrrpgrtlh weliv mr itfjrfimttr jrtiuesxjtnnrtoii rtn oii svieii ocollitybwibdire spenilirjga co4iplo vneornalslvk 4iod mr and mis kdwnnl icivvdj motored fitvi unfavia tfnt sunday ivith mr and ilrx win gowdy at limehouse cl- wmdobbip omlajtirlton who has returned hoine after new ying three years in france is visi ting friends in town and vicinity mrs a norrington is attending grand lodge of the joof at toronto this week as delegate of verdun rebokah lodge no 1h1 dr and mrs mcallister and family expect to leave on thursday first for a holiday to ottawa they will return about july 11th or 12th miss enid gibbard of moose jaw is visiting friends in town miss gibbard graduated this year from toronto university in moure- hold science mrs will mercer of kinloy susie was n visitor in town during the week she had been visiting her father mr ruddy who is quite seriously ill at london mr jonathan lane announces the engagement of his daughter vorlonn mary to mr frederick sinclair oth line krin marriiikc to lake place latter part of lime at the recent examination in brandon college miss helen b clino was awarded the scholarship in special knglish of the second year in the university course mr and mrs w a millar an nounce the engagement of their second daughter mary very a i lo mr pnliiik w sheridan hamil ton the marriage to take place early in july mr s a karl of susliitoiui who has been spending a few vvoclik with friends in town and viiinit is ret urning home this week mrs karl and family are spending the summer in california mr and mrs joseph t donald son gait out announce the en gagement of t heir only daughter olive willard lo mr john p meid of georgetown the marriage lo take place the latter part of june mrs will hortop mrs walker and mrs historic left hist woou for buffalo mr hortop will ifo later we are indeed suit to lose such estimable citizens from our town the best wishes of a host of friends will follow tliein lo their new home leneral mitchell the subject or the following item is a son of the rev mr mitchell fonribrly pnslni of the methodist church here brig general charles ii mitch ell of toronto whose war service marks him as one of the finest sold iers canada gave to the force of allied cause is home aler four and a halfyears overseas brig genera i mitchell sailed from canada us n staff officer of the 1st canadian division and liccnme a staff ollicor of the canadian army imps when the dorps was formed in suptember 1010 in october hi 11 having then demonstrated ex ceptional qualifications lie was seconded to tho imperial servioe and in tho following year on the despatch of a british force to italy ho was honored with an appoint ment as a general staff officer with that force many honors came to oonoiul mitchell during his four and a half- years of service ho was mention ed in despatches no less than nix times and his decorations included tho d s companion of 8t micheal and st george companion of the bath legion ofllonohfran eo order of leopold belgium croix de guerre belgium crown of italy andcroce diguorrootalyx before going overseas ooncial mitchell was associated with por- oival h mitchell as consul tinti andsupervisingenginoer mis out standing ability as an enginoer was widely recognized and recently testimony wasgivon to thorospimt in which ho is held professionally by his appointment as head of the faculty of applied scieneo at tlie university of toronto insiicceshion to dean harris chautauqua tickets secure your season tickets now for oliiiiitnuijun june 2 july 2nd at any of the following places hourigans drug store herald ollice bunk of nova scotia nerval win little stewart town win sowdy limehoiisc thus beaumont glenwilliauis will t hose in town kindly have their money ready when the lociit committee call with season tickets i on sat ieorjrlo kindly il llfiiuilli lost ilay last isliv ii speysideatut lilak tox tur kinder k v itariacliiiigli 51 1 if roli apply le lots forsaxe small village inl on eiiitr of mil iai-oliii- sim lifoinetimit mrs a hum kosilla si lip stoves for sale moll ii ll i lire ltrts ui mrs a ii uwii kimiki als ot v uhl ill komlta st i ilih liven igr apply lip thrift still necessary the need of continued thrift on the part of canadians is set forth iii thcfomovinij vvliich is opciiint jporsbnal cbnuiimijt ttililtiiskronrt now iis in the black dihof litis vvhenut was roalisted tlmtthe mpsj stringent selfdeljin was riaiuisite to enable irs to mcetheilonvimlh of tlie tibyeiiunoint for luove irtjt ejttcmo liioiiejfc vyrtjinjinoljtowilivv ojithe iv thiikjrefit1i liiiuk tilaychtrajro inishfltptv liofcir yeiiiovedhut w still lui a duly to- liorfiiioji iluijitjs iijseijt ii 1 thiitit shoifldhe ficeil i it in nee- wuy tit currs hniilmic vorkftlllbt villiudpoliiecioirs3fch in uinilrf audi riiilwajisl on ii- ooiisnleililile scale in order to provide employ iiientfoi tlio voikois we hgve also a heavy burden ofinferes iiii- posed onus by tlie warlind vvtflnivt- groat obligafioiisto those who wore maimed as well as to the depend ents of those who laid down their lives for our security these ob ligations iiii be met only by n continuance of solldenial ou the part of every one in the dominion small pan jav june sill 11 iiiid dxhliit- lire lost vl o lialnslollk- ihiuiviict k r plfic- iihiiii l vllllwii on siin- ilim anil mrs k isllf boar forsaxe furs ttrlhrtjslliiv lftiil utiijraiiild a le mir ltiil4 9tyikiw j jjjiisj asecwd ltfn teachers wanted ajiijioiijswill in nvvi1 by tjit un- tlu ineiinii itt two puimw prtjmftnjtoi 0 cioircuir fublu- stfyol shliicy iroivi fwc o 750 muilitift o tfxl- thursday- holiday bargain day bargain day wednesday june 18th to make it interesting we will have a bargain day on wednesday june 18 of mens clothing dry goods groceries boots and shoes lie coatxjost x- on suwirotiy laiji j boifrrtpij tmhnwii jfitil hi vlark savk emtl khidoflheao fslurnrolh a nirt tieorjjxuwvn v 1c new advertisements wanted mim lo itiati ii tif ranis thcr d pm can lit done in 2 imink v iry aitnirlivc lenns otvorcd musi l rxpftsciucd ii corki ko rroitffiown uoolun milk tntmfjtlown it cjimo n pr part of may strayed mint tl miller pijf about yjimr by pn paying cxpciw imiom ccoiii k hnvi il lallor th- tiui k puper c hidwii l i- up woqtd you tike lo live in toronto wllkivo tiolv ss i thamiiij tokir or mufdlthcd woman willing lo ck house- avork tiood home all iftvniofuen liutc oil ivitv wtfk two wks auuiial holulays wlile ktatinjx ajcti liialilira- tionk jiiul prvious exiterittii it any mrs i- k rnlinni m 7 cliristif si toronto i rc j9njbv 2ornmrfk i si juse gbrn flflfcea xsc wwte peons 3 hajpr 8c v kippered herring 23 finnftn haddte- 21o ckrjstips spda qjbctiitai 3 t h a brand owmrgarine per ifc- 86c granblated sugar per bag 1050 vsilver gos starch j iso rvk v- v r i orlfrbbtjfce- property for sale iiousph lots ami jmrcolb of land frnin four to twenty ikich for salp anon iinvink iropirtv for hiiip writo or iilionc 17l coniiiisninn lowest in town -i- j h lane real estate agent georgetown iimiiiiijujoi 1 ii 1 1 1 ii hh bntlttttttnija a r n h i l ls pkkij and iiai1oms haikiain stohk strawbarriaa wu1 noma hih cnnnorh of the niajjnra district mvi importinu r loails of kttinv- borrinh from the south piiyinu a- hoii i 25c a box for tlioni tlidy realize that this yenru berry croii is koink tobevory small and tlrny have tnlton steps to play safe dint strawbeiiios will not bti sold nn dor 10 cents a box thin yiiu- is tho prodictionof groworu a con trast to a few yqars ago when one could buy thein at throp boxes or 10 conts with iioaoji orolinrflsso infestod with purl leaf that the crop will bo vory email thooannors may have to iieiichos an wall chorrios should bo a ood- crop growors say right seeds ii pitas stnuner now is the time to seeds seeds seeds i ulililiii ilowir sls i i i siiiii- bil rll ui vial linn mmiiilil -i- hi pku iiii sum mlllilil pii- iii pk siniiiiirs inipiv silllillls loilit ii siiuiilii s liirv i krimiix vlliu liiil him miiiim pr ii ki iis jiiinlki wliil- siikiii ltl pr hi kiiiniot iiiipiovril siiur heel pilli pkn uiiiiius ciiint kiikir miiuolil pr ll pk4 lk ikk m nt mxiaiys pandora so well known as to have become a canadian institution is this grand working pandora glass oven door tested thermometer an oven so evenly heated that even the beginner can bake well with it grates work smoothly reservoir is enameled and may be removed for cleaning there is a lifetime of satisfaction in the pandora 14 for sale by j w kennedy for warm weather ihkh al liianl knar heoi i mi pkj hrinftf vhil siifcu lt cr ih pkyj uris ciiniiliaii itfiti tut nip sntl hritfk tioot1 iink tiiuiip siil por ih pk mri kanaim turnip svtl ih p lh k joinho turnip koctl 1 sl otiioni por lh terms strictly cash barnhills norval hammial aa cm lammiiniuj s aittttrrrrrjhl lamnmi madges candy shop have yoii tried our homemade candies made in georgetown main street phone 214 livingstones quality bread made by the most modern machinery that skill and science can devise which gives you that beautiful texture thai you find in our bread saturday specials cream puffs soc cream rolls 40c doughnuts that are unexelled 22c quality quality quality h a livingstone phone 55 georgetown liimo luicp por hottli 10c ijfiiidiliulc jii liottlc i0- iiinwoiid per bnltlo h0c lliihplmi- vincar per bottle h0o drupe 1 11 ice ptr bottlt 2- it 50c corn flnkch 2 iiiikk for z sliced pineapple per tin be iiiiud pineapple per tin hfic liiieliod per tin 20- i0 clierrich per tin sifio pens per tin lfic corn per tin 20c loiiiatoes per tin 20c snrilinik ii tins for 2flo porli anil beans in tomato wince 10 lfi 20 25c salmon in 1 lb tins 20 25 10 10 50c salmon in 4 lb tins 15 20 25 it hoc tnili lnnl lttvul lk-t-imt- n- a m grandy phoime 7s quick delivery to picnickers this should in of inlerert to all punitkfih to know that the bootlm d th blue springs haw liton rented for the season by thf rob roy cafe acton ami i will he htr with a full ttuuply ot all refrekhmcntk iiutudinj neiuons lie cromin lor alt gatherings kindly fomnnmicate with thr manager y c deverell an no pinict are allowed without per- inintiion rob roy cafe phone i acton ont more about boots get your counter check books at the herald ford yy the universal car there is a limit to the performance of all motor cars but the ford goes on when other cars are mired the ford travels roads that other cars cannot travel the ford turns in and out and around where oth er cars are blocked the owner of a ford gets a motoring service that is only possible with a ford cnupn s7s scliiii 1 1 7 illiwiul iiioiiiiih linvo eleilrii- si lining ami llliliii kuniibmit h0 liiiimliunt uilh huiliiistiirtlilif mid liglilin 7m tiiuiintf ww toiirinjf will kliu-lrli- slnrllnf mill lililliik 790 sliuithiiil ilmknihlsfiis oniliiii truck cliahi s7s0 tlii-ht- pruoh uritl o u ford ontario all m-i-t- ttuhicfo war lax lliartfeh oxittpt trmk nnrt chakfllh ford repair paris always on hand j n oneill dealer r georgetown wo can and will back up what we advortisp that we will make georgetown the cheapont plaoe in ontario for good boots and cheap and good repairing we save you 20 to 40 per cont on repnirltik nnd from 1 to 8 on new boots we handlo the best made shoes in canada that is the mncpheraon lokiktciod tiris calf shoes at 875 to fi if other shops could get these boots you would haveto pay 8 to 7 for them i cant get any other boots that give such satisfac tion mado specially for my own trade i sew all rips free re member this that wo have no op position in prices roneys homo of moophorson registered shoes sign of the oold boot main st georgetown being n editor most any man can bo an editor aji the editor has lo do is to t nl a dosk six days a week four wooks a month and twelve months in a year andtodit such stuff as thin mrs jones of cactus creek lot a canopener slip lost week and cut herself in tho pantry- joe doo climbed on tho roof of his houno last week looking for a leak and fell ending on his back porch while howard green was enoorting miss violet wiso from the church social lost saturday night a savago dog attacked thoiii and bit mr orpen oh the publio square mr fang while harnessing a hronobp last saturday was jcickod just south of his corn crib bxquiitige m v li iv- t fv l vt tfhj v v ijlrp- v i i tv i t l l iu vx i 1 t v rt vvf il v 1 ya rm