Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1919, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fiftythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening aagrnst 18th 1919 150 per annum or 125 if pild in advance the georgetown herald u pukliikoh every wednesday evening tf at the herald power ppi nting office georgetown oht wrigleys wf contract advertising flates frjiwmtlojifpuilo vv iriti ijvtiier llhle mlierihni hd lni per ltiu ov each alibae- juuitr insertion will ueioiuinted k juiuialini utivitwriitm twulvtt line jejri alnincli xuvertllieinriit without huoeltlo ll- jrectiwi will- lis jiiaorted onljl fohlui tlilil dhlbtt- nocdtlcllihtly- il afvulliehl4wl vwlivf6i ijiice moiniihh wloioutxprachiryi lihiuvhcur dbutripc advarllsemeiits mvlbkliitka wllloiu mua4y eveti- n svbscftlpticinv rates 6u jor f5 ur lj6 it paid lu ieidvmice- inoot4ih6v0enle pi aj noune tlie nudies latiul allows the uuc yojliunhsorlltlln expire j- it moore publlaker m otrtlma table qoinu eaht passenger 742 am passenger 1010 itin mail hh6 aui passenger 840 iini mail 828 iiui passenger b20 iim passenger stirfday 711 pm going went passenger 707 am mail h40 am passenger 201 pm passenger 400 pm passenger 001 pui mail 767 pin passenger sunday 047 pm going nohth mail 747 am mail 620 pm oointl bouth mail 1128 am mail 700 pro toronto suburban railwav daily timbtahle am pm pm doing east 810 224 040 going west 800 810 747 rltlnday timetable going bawl am pm pm pm w21 1220 15 the signing of peaee j hpirrvil an immedfc return vsbuiwn activios and vvnvrwjftijjj shipliijp and tdpb ij i alafiifiict6i reduce uioir- prices jtvtiw vm1 inecost of labor iind material would permit sol that the ihvhcnf prices njny be expected to stanrl fituiin most of these linekjtbr tanni- uiiv i the kadjeot i going west am 1040 010 pm 010 pm 017 pm 080 butter paper at the herald st georges church rev wm burt l th reotor 3unday aervlue u followe matins 11 m uvensong 7 p m suniluy bohool mb a m in but- maut holy communion 1st and 3nl buntlavm ot aitoh mouth at 11 a m legal 8hilton wallbridge a dale barriaurs solioitora eto torontu and georgetown oltlco kennedy block lo itoy ualu in oliurjra or qeorge- wii olllca medical dr joseph moandrew phyalolan and surgeon medloal olhcar o hoalth dlatrlot surgeon u t r obloe hour 2 to and 7 to 8 p m phone 58 oluce and residence main street south oppoalte presbyterian churoh optical l l plant d o oph o eye spaoiallat georgetown orica next lo public library satur day evonlngn 8 to lo pm anil by ap pointment dental prank r watson dd8 mos dentlat georgetown oht houru v a m to 0 p in exoept tliuraduy afternoon nuutihtry in ii it branahe over bell telephone office f l heath u d8 o d 8 dentiat oltlcs liislaiie block one door north of onelira carrle faotory s a m to 6 p m houru chiropractic no medicine surgery or oeteopathy a m neil8en o c graduate ot tlie palmer the orl- glnuj buliool of uhlropraotio daven- pji iowa u a a ollloe over houilifuna drug store coimullutlon and upluat armlynlu fiveo tueeduyh tliuredaya und ualur- rluyu 2 to t aiut 7 to 8 p m phone iboe y auctioneebs benj petch liioeimod auctioneer for haltoiiand peel ulonwllllama ioat ollloo salea oonduutod aiitlerautorily and at rea sonable ratoa order left at tlie qeorgeiown iloralj ollloo will receive promiit attention milton prentiss noinkkhn and molorh foy bluo maciiinkkv iihokkrk ulaclritf kepalra toronto j a tracy clerk township of linueang olerk 3rd division court ths londlnir plro and llfa inauranoe o rspreaented uauerof mtrrlage lloenaea ameitrruat stret wt t offlm hdiim wanaday and sat- 1 day fuinowj i georgetown creamery highest market price in cash for your cr we will also buy your poultry and eggs now we think you have conlldonce in uk and would ask you to enquire ournricos before shipping anything out ot town for thn aceommoilntion of farmers we will he npan on monday wodnosdny and saturday nights georgetown creamery co m saxe manager pattersons meat market is where you can secure the very choicest of all kinds of fresh and cured meatsfish etc at the lowest prices any person having veal calves for sale communicate with w j patterson main street georgetown phone no 1 sla good flour is absolutely necessary to produce the best in bread and pastry the noble brands are the superiorbrands of today try them robert noble limited norval ontario sfeetc locks knobs po i sjcarlm intqkbjiiiqoni8ts ot hinpstjrtiateiattie of thr leariinh luanfifntojjireirit wjp almqbovnjtp attraetivit assortnieat of tritsvellanfiouti hiirttwhrebtieh as httt ajid coeit hobkl tmh jftie push plates door xselu 3uet 4nd hinces aid s114istb xjoor hangers 6artbje sots parotd ready roofing iri in aolasfi by itaolf w c anthony phone 46 georgetown protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned ah the time it is here it earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry unneeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and fire by opening a savings account th mcrchants dank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown branch h r mimms manager acton branch l b shorey manager jirjj considered the ftoo omet hamilton wave you ovr odvantoos of a joint account in tho bank of hamilton with drawals by cheque either by the wife or husband such accounts are invited by the bank of hamil ton whore depositors may always depend upon oourtooiih treatment and elnciont service bank of hamilton gcmackay manager real estate my bargains in farm lands village homes garden lands etc are attracting many buyers pobably i may have just what you have been looking or call me up and i will be pleased to show you my list phone 18 4 seoretown e a benham palmolive sale 3 cakes of your favourite palmolive soap for 29c 6 cakes bsc 12 cakes 9116 while our stock lasts no more than 12 cakes to one customer come early canada foml rnaid llnm no b1278 a m grandy phpnev quick delivery kylfiptryice our nee3d what we lack and oily need for want of which we iiummi nnd bleed is men of a uore kodly bjeod hqiiput i npnjnhi4hptil plnoes menilhsiugftjqhijs aixl teprtibeffoblfruwdlitoirtiynoy xheurftt of slf drjjowforjvff- jeri whoso axri rjped- iio krltluiriki merwho are not ukvnrs ninditik ifirsfclbeiv ni nowet blinding v tlieirisoiilu 9ratolirfer thiiira fliuywowouid ncetniiia4 hoi inhitthest ptirtijlion- fiejielwice jyjtn cbiweetu jtt n aatliesfliviour of jthbitiytion ddwoi hinr witlifainw lord nbv raiau nlan- nvvw oi pavjilislin aha pompev lolm oxenwnr his specimen br lincoln r0thblum sff iyjx t i ikf simai i k t copyright liu by thi miclura nawa par syndicate prof duiuiio iliriniiatiir aat down to hreukfuht und klnnil at tlie ninll lylnit just lo tlie rliim of liu coitt tlie frock com anil woiiiikt tie of blnik allk ineffectively cipil with tl clcur eyca und toowtlfonncd llpn und the whlteiieus of tlu- rolini hharply contrasted with tile liluik linlr whlih trxlhled n curl inn iiimiiii tin curs nnd alons the nnp of the neck tlood morning lkiitcuii was tin miiillfng icreetlnff of ills aiwthcr u very niutcrtial rort of woinsu what do you hee to smlto at ian that letter kiiotiirli for two to httlllllt he handed it to iter ami kic rcud uloud prof duncan iarnilutr city rconlzlnu your knowledge nnd uliillly along the linen of this coramlt- icch uctlvltlen you imve been ftelected to conduct its investigations with par ticular reference to th public dunce hall evil mall the rotilt of your finding to the morals investigating committee respectfully cei1a doane ctlla doane mrs iurminter re peated i met her bimie time ngo und ahe la a wonder site u the type of girl i should like to aeo you tnnrry tho profeaaor ralhett hia hunds in silent protest the kind of girl hli mother approved a not nn infre quent topic of discussion between them when he gave die matter any thoiielit privately he felt hint ho leanrd toward celibacy well you muat marry some time duncan she reiterated hiiu this in vestigation buslnehh niay help u to appreciate a girl like cello doane on this very evening to the palace hull and see condition there the professor ueknnwlmljred accept ance of the ooitiitilsslfil and accord ingly that evettlni it hail scarcely turned 8 oclock when lie approached the entrance to the palace hull dar ingly resplendent in n muze of multi colored electric lights he entered the hull ho wns alone was not this lite rlithf place down the aisle he noticed an iittciidunt her jaws working rhytlunt nilly on gum which to sustain thn truth of its ad vertising that the lluvor was perma nent still cast forth lit icented sweet ness the professor wished he hud the temerity to speitk be would in quire if tbls perhups were a dull night sure you dont moan to stand there and tell me youve never been to this here place before do yuli naw the crowd dont get toueelier till nearly 10 tjie professor felt ralmae pr rebuffed for his ignorance of so well- known a custom and pasned hurriedly on in a direct line for a chair be had espied in a far corner be did not know how long be had remained in this semiconscious neclualon when the music with a treinondous bang from the drummer suddenly set into mo tion innumerable coupled on the floors center it was a iiooai crowd the professor felt hr cotnlijg to ward him nnd urine n escape but she interpreted hla move as an ad vance and thrustlnc tier arm through his with gnodiiiilurtd coiuiiraderle snuggled up close to raliti hello cutey inuulee swell to night aint it as he- trleu to tletermlno how he could most dlpioiniillcmlly correct her inipirfect english he round himself on i he other side of the ropes with the girl to him n riiedln place al ways suggested ihict- fighting the proressor did not inxiw very much about hinclng nnd wllhln a few mo ments the girl knew lie didnt she had no hesitancy in celling him so i guess you olnt had so much practice in dancln lets all mil ami with a sure blep he guided him safely through the rsiiiise of dnncer and deposited him in ills cornor vnti look bettsrn you can lnnco and with the parting thrust lie- teas gone the professor regretted raor liuaty depar ture he wanted lo learn the nnmu of the soporlllo perfume aha exuded lind he did want to iell iter that her pet tlcoat showed tjie professor suddenly remembered in all such reporla mention roust be mode of the attitude of the girls and men toward each othwr nnd he would investigate ono inirtlculnr individual as a specimen tlior wns a girl who did hot koero o r hrsueii ee would investigate hor and summoned courage to approach no i dont care to dsnee the lirnfensor nrnr very sorry 1v hid mlie cur t hit nut and its he lud lltm to ills i le secretly com 0tybirg evening found him uncomfortably nervous in a dress suit with ita both ersome coattolls nad eagerly he wntched thn muld tia she answered eneh bell ring there at last that mix surely her ring she would ling lust like that a liny gentle hesi- imt rlnsl hut hla mother was saying so elm to see you miss doane you can meet my son at last and he has nslted one of his specimens to be with ns tonight come right this way disappointed the profesaor walked over to the window and dejectedly looked down into the lurk street why hadnt the girl come first he wanted his mother to meet her alone so much depended on the first im pression he heard them lo the room through courtesy he must ad vance he turned nround and made a rusli for the vision before html won she cello doane bira partnln- lei whirled in incredulous aroaiemtnt us her ilrenm hopes were lolu aval- ixed before liar vcryeyes hhi miss doane i didnt think you even know my son i didnt tho night i inspected the hull he thought me one of the glrlh who said and looking up arch ly nt tho professor wlo held her very clime she uddud und because i was liivisilgatlng i never let on but i didnt suspect he was the professor until until mrs purmlnter re ettroily 1 until he told mo where to call to tieet msljnntliur cello hesitated aa a ducp blush colorod cheeks and neck a scarlet red 1 wns coming ben to moot you ns-r- sty specimen i imirrnured the pro- fesamr tcutlorlyt to othars i kuiiw i dont pluy whist well but i pnly pluy curds fur uiuiisetneiit wtll ur s e la erlftluly miu lug llustou iluukulpt pliliiniieil hlniilt on it inr jut tjielif in neutly iiiiiiiui tu lit ie vesluntlil tllld 111 selertllik ilne eille iiimi uttrnellve 11 siijneii he uiulil iinuuitie her ns u lui rfinl fr illsmitliil us in ills hi i i ill mllliln- illt it wntihl have ti lie il er prelty hug so he cliuse the iinlljia- li llvi iis loiiuse ttae girl liil pref- ty ueti niifi lifvsiluyblr uiiiidium4si 1ja iiurthi wfrd bynlnv profesiiitjiirf iiuieer niitlced the ulntuut milcmw noils f tlu auxopliiinlwtnur liw ilrcmlriilly out of ttnie the plnnlst vu luiiuitmrlnir- akalpr liatl waa vfupiy- the glr uottced lt tietorohe old fl lifeiani adbavtlll sfobd lifore hhlinptrtudiefl ifli fjoiiifqy liitli- pf atlynniaheil afp yiru cjjntaeetiile iiortie puti ill b here tmrtbfrow hlghtv a aikriwhev the prof eflnor crept info lied listless tokstii brought tarriji leepi fllfiallii uitetrupeml liy nervmjs- dreaaik p 1 tliflar pijncan tntlgaee mis i purmtntrf the next mhralirijas tie eh levfdthe lneilkfst roam fifteen rain- iltrs in to inityoti lodkaailf you had ever been oht liefon and iwhy ihinpiirr she excla lined aa her eye took in iiih person youre wearing a colored tl rle mnrinured soiihthlng about be- ing tlril of hlnrk and appeared reti cent to hi m previous evenings experi ence vnuoiihiifliig the information i tint he would again visit the dance hull tint evening but duncan mrs pnrmlnter re- nioastrnted ive invited cella doane for dinner und you know i did want you to meet her the investigation can wait wont you please be homet he wnlkoil the block thrice to avoid ngnln being the njrsfln the hall and pull his entrance tee with an air al most of lirnviidn seeking his corner he wntelied tlie dancers to find the particular girl but the was nowhere visible he circled tlie hall colliding with every other couple but no girl why should he be disappointed sure ly she meant nothing to him he wns only watching her as a specimen to include in his report so he entered in his notebook dance halls create disappointments early in life nor did th- investigation seem to require ntteiitlnnce the following evening but as soon us he entered the hall he knew she was there for he could sense it in his whole body by an analytical survey he considered the question why wns he so glnd to see her lust to complete ills report ho mnile his wny lo her side and she answered te question in his eyes an enbagement kept me nway last night i nm sorry the professor was for overlooking everything he was glad lo see her looking well this evening and al though the syncopated melodies tempt ed nil feet on the floor the two not in the secluded corner and talked wnat were considered orujtnal toplca when adum first aw eve sie dropped her handkerchief and as both stooped to pick the tiny square of white linen from the floor their heads touched and somehow the profesxor was riot thliikltik of analyses then their lips met tlie professor wns dizzy as he gripped her hands with a wild fear she would escape he had to conftss it he prof duncan parmlnter in structor of social and political econ omy at the hello vtie seminary and recently appointed operative of the morals investigation committee was in love with a public dunce hnll girl one who came there iptescorted to be picked up a girl whom he had seen hut once before whose very name he did not know he took a keen delight in torturing himself with the reflec tion ah but she wns worth it all one did not catch so fair n specimen every day together they would hrnve the wrath of the world to morrow night she should meet his mother and mrs parmlnter in exceptional spirits was quite agreeable to her sous earnest suggestion that one of the subjects of bis investigation be permitted to visit them that evening and cella doane can meet her she continued she will be with us this evening just the person to under stnnd what is the jlrla namel the professor waa confused the fnct won mrs parmlnter waa in formed her son could not remember names but to himself he whispered acton the ladies of acton womens in stitute had an excursion by the electric road to lainbton yesterday mrs h pickard and children of hamilton arc visiting her sister mrs george agnew mill street mr and mrs george wallace and daughter of guelpli are holidaying at mrs lluuli wallaces misses minnie z bennett and miss margaret left last week for sault ste mario to visit friends there mr j chester mathews and his son james left on monday on a ashing excursion at kearney and other points in algonquin park mrs thomas ebbage who has beon in a somewhat critical con dition for several weeks is still confined to her bed but seems now to be improving messrs robert scott and john mc arthur went to burlington yesterday to represent acton fire brigade at tlie annual meeting of ontario volunteer firemens ass ociation on tuesday morning mrs robert aitnew park avenue had just made a call on her neighbor mrs david storey mill street and was saying goodbye at the loot- when she made a misstep and fell to tho pavement fracturing her left thigh this es teemed citizen is oightyfour years of age and an accident ot this nat ure at her advanced age is always serious although suffering a good deal from the fractured limb the old lady is very patient and uncom plaining she specially enjoyed civic holiday owing to the visit of pipe major murray of toronto who discoursed on the pipes for her edification during the day free press the number of people who are ready to steal when opportunity offers is amazing many motor cars for instance are stolen in tho cities of ontario evory twentyfour hours tt is a wretchedly bad habit the national lihrbal con vention in session nt ottawa this wive is ereating a good doal of in torest trio puiitical parties are in uoh mixed up at preuout audit is hard to tell what will oome pulof tlie provailingoffoitsatieconstiuc tion thky have had heavy rains in alberta and although they came too late to save the wheat orbp they will save many cattle from starvation the wheat crop in irrigated lands is reported good otherwise it is a goneriil failure i ft i j a w hjm counlyjcouncil milton au c 1919 the council mot at tansley briduo nt 1080 am in accordance with call of the warden after inspecting the bridge council adjourned und resumed at the court house at h pm members- present tho warden n the- chair ops- messrs- barberj i brfdgriiin oreaverjblttpuy orani hillnier iryink johadtone- mor- deri mquvtlrendhco and stand- ish tliij minutes- otuie lastriieetinff wore read and eon firmer a ic coirtqiuhications wre tend f roin v i w i dick county sol mtot re i a oakiille bridge- arid jxcbptoaioud j ztt ypnaihvonntyburidirigs- ir heudhead presented j aria read the plghth iepprt on j ftanmiifi ednimlttee on roads ttrij i bridges lyndmr elliott they sev- ortitb on county huildirige mkillnw nlovdd seconded uy mr reodhead that the xoutcii go into t committee of the whole for the eonsideration of the reports of the standing qommiitees carried the council went into commit- tee of the whole mr cleaver in theehair the council resumed tho war den in the chair i the warden reported renorts of standing committees considered and approved in committee of the whole mr cleaver moved seconded by mr roadhead that the reports as considered in committee of the whole be and are hereby adopted carried mr hillmor presented and read the tenth report of the standing committee on finance mr hillmer moved seconded by mr standish that the report on the standing committee on finance be adopted carried mr morden moved seconded by mr standish that the chairman of roods and bridges committee ask for tenders for the building of hornby bridge after receiving the necessary plans and specifications carried mr standish moved seconded by mr grant that tho road and bridge committee and the county engineer he instructed to exam ine and report of the county bridge on boundry line of george town and esqiiesing and repot t at next meeting carried mr grant moved seconded by mr cleaver that this council ad journ to meet at the call of the warden carried the council adjourned a m 41 a i m i i m i 1 i castor i a infants nod children in umtot pvsr 30 ysars alwayapsars ltr of slgruuursof sw feu- k ui v l a 1 dmskius jjssa irma-

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