Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 13, 1919, p. 3

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matthews drug store victor records and phono a moil aimoitiiipnt of rccoiiik ulwnys on linncl or will procure promptly any record yon vinli beclufeecl specials jrice orirtd seal dfymatthew likuasniiw station pr personals i news iteiifs 0silpntliii harivst vontlipr bckoot lioliifay only weolm inorc v the imrvobt is rapidly moving to a completion 7it is reported that plumn and peach oh are to bo a poor prop now lot us all join in andxing in tlio swept dry nnd dry attnd tlio hrdoii party in no mil on tuosday august ljtli fow people will take advice unlohh tliey are charged for it tlio refcrudum vote is likoly to tnko place some time iu october liourlay and co shop miinu- facturcr ot kitclioner may come to acton are you doing your part to make our town inviting and pros perous livery little helps ono of tho over present difll- culliehof a married man is to acj count for iiih absence from home the foot that tlio unitod stutoa in refusing canadian money should impol canadians to spend il at home enjoy a good ovoniiik at the sjaruou parly on tho presbyterian cli inch rounds noival on tues day aug 19th some vory mysterious burn lirou havo occurcd througliout tho oountry lately the origin is boing investigated r according to the lists of the enumerators in regard to refer endum there aro over eleven liuu- voters in town v pte mclollan of london made good bis promise to n dying soldier by bringing homo his watch to bis mother in london rev ben li snonco lias won in tho parasius case judge mor ion having quashed the conviction by magistrate kingsford mr 11 t ostrandor of george town has purchased tho hurley property on john st the sale was made by 12 a bonham a good ford used touring car also a ford truck both iu ilrst- clttss repair for sale at j n onoills qeorgotown dr oollop of norval will open up his new office next to merohauts bank uoorgotown a week from monday august ijotli ttold has boon struck in tho abitibi region a polish sottlor is said to have sold his farm to an english syndicato for 800000 holiday weok is now the order in many of the weekly news- papor offices not here nothing but work work and then some more work the herald regrets to record the death of mr it h mortimer for many years editor of the shol- barne papers and a highly respect ed citizen mr w m blouin of toronto bos disposed of his property on jofin st totmr uoorgo powell-of- georgetown the sale was inado by ei a benbam a meeting of the board of trade will bo hold in tho counoil chamber on friday evening august 16 at 8 oclock all members are retiuosted to be present brooking out of toronto jail appoarsto have beoonie a popular pastime what tho guards are doing in tho premises is a- deep mystery jsir d codlt of esqucsing has puroliased tho houso on goorgo st boloaging to f o simpkins bale was rjiado by jh lane real es tate agont uoorgotown pobort wright a mombor of the hamilton board of lilducnlion lias been expelled from his branch of tlio owva booauso lie did not support a returned mans ap plication as school caretaker one day last weok a truck load of whiskoy on route for bur lington was seized on tho toronto hamilton highway near that town shore were 12 dossou quarts tony valenti of hamilton tho al- legud owner was arrostod cols barker and bishop tho worlds groiitottt aces will have chmgoof the flying circus at tlio canadian national exhibition tills year they will fly surrondodgorj inniiy fokkors and typos of british french and italian machines tlie ploton gazettes tins issued a notabloand handsome war me moiijvl numbor 20 pagos it tfivos thq military record of lrlnco kd- vf nwl ooulitj with many llnst- i misn iiditli owens is visiting friends at acton miss pearl sloru of pickering is visiting at the home of mfs freure miss margaret dobbio npent last week with friends in brampton mrs wohnter of ktreotsville spent luomliiy with friends in town mrs w tyndle and arthur are holidnjing at cobourg and port uopet dr j ii ijaidlaw of ottawa spent the woclaid with dr and mlstf- mticbll licslor jah whkvqkbjjyib snpna inga eoijpleqjr weeks with friends atbiiyli cliff miftrlathloen micuaix has -re- ttiniod 1omeafier spendingjfi cniimle of wolitin jirwooiu mr w ilarmiid of toinjo bw mrnn4 biwtro j y v lfaye ueeii infariiipif that itfiero nroiiion liosiugi rt picture frameiy and otilrtrgvjrft oimiaunh in thp small- villages around this district tlrey d6 oof touch the huge towns at all wp aflvise tiie imiople to beware of such mmi as you not only lose your money but generally li valued pict ure that yon prize very much iftf you listen to their bluff now id ndd speaking again of tho fall fair it is hoped tlmt a lively interest is being taken in its success we hope for a very largo exhibit the prize list has been well revised and should draw a health v competition of course directors must from time to time bo looking up now ideas and new attractions in order that the interest nnd usefulness of the fair may bo well sustained when ton write to the prince it is oflicially announced from ottawa that the address of letters to the prince of valen should be worded as follows to his royal highness howard albert christian oorge andrew patrick david prince of wales and earl of ches ter in the peerage of the united kingdom duke of cornwall in the peerage of england duke of rothesay earl o cnrrick and baron of renfrew in tlio peerage of scotland lord of the isles and oreat steward of scotland ko gmmg mc rx theatre wednesday the city of dim faces with the jap ijessue ilaya- waka no 11 of tlio lure of the circus thursday swat tho spy a fox picture with the leo children a canadian wookly and a lyons and moran comedy friday loves conquest with lina cavalieriand a special ga zette showing harry hnwkors transatlantic flight saturday bound in morocco with douglas fairbanks oh doctor with patty arbuckle new bneuteiib school in brampton a new school that will bo of in terest to the young people of georgetown and vicinity has been established in brampton mr c e bousfleld who recently resigned a very duo position in brooklyn ny hoods tho new enterprise mr bousflold is a young man who has had considerable exjiorienco in tho field of commercial education both in canada and the unitod statos and the now vonturo in brampton should prove a success we understand that classes will begin at tho regular opening of the school voar in september garden party at torrs gotta all good roods lead to torra cotta garden party to be held on grounds of w g marshall on thursday august 21st 1010 a splondid program will be given by will marr comedian janetto marr highland dancer phylks marr national dancer miss thompson soprano soloist liout u cotton bfc will give an ad dress on fighting in the air and experiences in gorman prison camp campbell orchestra ad mission 25i and ico refresh ment booth on grounds rev lt ii cotton chairman- prenbyterlan oauroh flonlo the annual picnic hold in our park saturday undor tho auspices of knox churoh sabbath school was a success not on ly f roiu being favoured with good weather but also from the amount of enjoyment obtained little medium and big people wore willing contestants in tho varied sports and a goodly numbor of thosp carried away some usoful and valuable prizos of course somo wore heard to bay ill know bettor how to win next time tho ladies suppliod a flno repast following tho sports and tho booth provided cooling moasuron in form of cones and spheres etc tho manngomont of picnic wish to thank all who contributed jn any way to tho success of tlio ovent barn burned about 0 oolook a weok ago last saturday morning a barn on tho farm of mr joseph richardson appleby including tho contents was com pletoly destroyed by lire mr richardson lost four horses and a colt three calves sow and twolve pigs ohickoas implements etc also fifty tons of hay and sev eral loads of whoat and grain tho origin of the lire is a mystery mr riohardson was working in a field near tho barn when ho noticod smoke coining through tho roof and by tho time ho reached tlio aianti tho building win onveloped in flames tlio whole neighborhood oauio to rondor assistance auj pre vented tho lira from dtitfjlayod fonoos implements and standing grain tho loss is estimated at 4b00 partially covered by insur ance mj richardson approolatos vory inubli tho kimlriousshqwn by spfnji tlit wekspjiwit nii ami ghaiill ari spending a couple 6t wooljent fenjonaj lsxioioron liikos rtr iitjd mjfuumplifl anl family aridmisstlosc campbell spehttho week enlvat ningara mins xiwpndojyn mason of sti6etnville was the guest of miss margaret cainphell during khoaveok mrs m williamson and daugh ter alice have arrived borne after a three wooks visit with friends at clinton london and vicinty mr and mrs j n ruddoll and mr and mrs t as barnes and family motored tooakvillo on sunday and spent the day with friends there mr and mrs walter cave and sons frank and jim and mr and mrs george mc mullen and daughter tholina spent sunday with the formers brothor mr reen cave dr and mrs t d j farmor kiugfslow oakville announce the engagement of their daughter isabel mary o hon digby a willson american vicoconstil in charge at bermuda youngest son of tho late colonel and mrs hen ry willson of new yrk tho mar riage to take place short moaster garden party a garden party under the aus pices of norval presbyterian church will be held on tho church grounds norval on tuesday aug ust 10th at h pm standard time an excellent program will be ren dered by rutliven mcdonald bari tone mildred walker entertainer kva marsh elocutionist george town band iu attoruhtnee re freshment booths on grounds every nody welcome admission 2fie rev j a ferguson chair man regrot hie departure mr mnreelliis lute principal of the milton public and continua tion schools who jias boetr appoip- ten-to- a is4ti6rintlio- sladoc htirtl softool lisft beeif stewing good- bje this wppk tohisvtilton trlohdjw not irtftnv people have eftour town whrlse departure bos been more deepiy roretced tlian has tliat qf our late prinpipal b miitqusjosa will bo junacflvgniu churctilmcws andrew carnegie the groat magnate and philanthropist died at his summer home lennox muss lust monday in his nlth year councillor whi taker of oak ville hleptin the sewing room and ran a needle into his shoulder which had to be located with the xrav ono of the hotels in guelph was closed down lust sunday by order o tho license inspector it has not been coming up to tho standard requirements our basoball team defeatod the glen on monday evening by suoro 70 they arc now in the finals for tho glen challenge cup which will bo played off at the big celebration in that village aug 16 wo aro very pleased to have recoivod a copy of the empire ponce reconstruction issue of the daily financcr and bulhonist of london england it is a very largo paper and contains somo ex cellent subjects on the british enipire it gives some vory good points about canada stand to with tho men in tho trenches during that deadly hour whop the eastern sky grays with the coming day when the blood- dronchod hour immortalized in tho official communiques in the oft- re peated plnaso the enemy attack at dawn in the war memorials paintins at the canadian national exhibition this year boots i hope mv customers will not ot excited when they see boots advortiscd at 20 per pair tho reason for this is that there aro somo retailors trying to boost tho price of shoes thoro is no need for my customers to worry for as long as i can got tho mophorson boots from factory to feet i will stand by them j roney tho professional shoe- man home of mopho shoos sign gold boot main st georgetown reoord tor now sonoola scholastic facilities aro keeping paco withtrie steady growth of settlement along the line of tho grand trunk pacific in british columbia official rop6rts just made public sbow that thirtyllvo now schools have been established during tho past two yours ten new schools having been authorized in ono week a record to the province fonr generation at family pionfto a very enjoyable family gather ing was hold on tho lawn of mr richard n brown the old family homestead of the late alexander brown on tho acton crossroad on civic holiday it wasquiteanovol in tho fact representatives of four generations of tho family wore pro- sent it was an ospocial pleasure to havo mrs thomas homniorvillc oldest representative of the fam ily living hore as ono of our com pany mrsr soinmorvillo nancy brown was born on tlio farm eightytwo years ago thoso who assembled for tho happy event in eluded mr and mrs r nbrown and margaret mrs alexander brown anil miss allien mr and mrs j korr brown and margaret and harold of winnipeg miss uelon nleklin of guolpli mrs william brown and margarot lynd marion toronto mr and mrs j m fori- loy and miss helen and their little granddaughter toronto mr and mrs alex mathews toronto mr nnd mrs edwin maddoclt owing to the sudden illness of mrs walk or mr and mrs a t brown wore unablo to attpnd tliogroutest ap pointment brail during the aftpr- noon iv number of group photo- graphs wore taken which will ho prized in future annals of thohesi wislres faflovv mivfarcojjib to his new flelaflabprwbofoijnur v on min street t thepuving of ou rmain st hsjj fpepgrosseil us ropiiily ns possible and willbe abqlit ociutxtedby tbe orwl oif this week v tliat tjf the contractor could havcjiold the new gang tliat comnienced lost thursday morning and pro- ceoded for three or four hours that the job would have been com pletod now that is according to the way they worked thoro should be some kind of a celebration in re gard to the opening of our paved street it has been suggested that a dance be held on the pavement and that the band or an orchestra supply the music v oakville hydro sumy completed hydro surveyors completed their work on the radial railway survey through oakville last saturday apcording to the completed plan sir adams radial will pass through oakville town just hk blocks north of the hamilton i ligliway pur chase of the right of way will com mence immediately and actual construction work within a very few mouths when the hydro service is in oeration it is expect ed there will lie halfliourly service to yonge street the electric cars will be the very latest design and will make the trip from oakville to toronto in m2 minutes oar plunged into ditoh all accident whicii might easily have been more serious than it was occurred between acton and milton lust sunday morning it appears that n car of which the driver wns clarence isroal of kit clioner and containing four occu pants was going along tho road when one of the rear wheels came olt and everyone of the party was thrown into the ditch all wore more or less shaken up but miss lillian peach of bockwood was quite severely hurt sustaining a broken right arm anil a fractured left collar bono j hutchinson also of rockwood got off fairly well miss poach was taken to st josephs hospital xmelph union skrvickr the baptist and methodist con gregations will worship together next sunday and will meet in the baptist church in the morning ami in the methodist in the evening dr cline will preach both mornine and evening the sunday schools will nteet as usual union pracr meeting in the methodisy church thursday evening methodist norvai circuit sunday august 17t1i norval 11am terra cotta 8 pm glen- williams 7 pii subject the transforming slower of jisu revilt sl cottdri thursday holiday bargain day wednesday open from 8 am to lo pm the following prices for bargain day only there m wo proareee ko siili ah doaritneber ritlp on dom things said an old color- ed lady- looking in on tbeniorrygo round why de othvrtlay i doon viyu toxvelliw ffijcv folu to- ciessrwjijf v s viiuc1j adollniifisvarrti asu lgitojj at theyry- satne place he gijooiivitnii jkozta hini rust us lsee yp vp money rbut whar yb jieen j new adverliseraenis wanted at onop j bookkeeper ann typist- ar- plvto ckeblman hros- tlhoittjhtvwn is8lf house to rent ntie vomforlnblt framo home 6 roomu convfiiitiil to paper mills 7 per month light colored prints hoc for dark colored prints hoc or darjtiolotreupriujtkijsrihxpi dftifc ftanneletie bocfor i light cblored flannelette xk light colored flaiinelctfi tj5 liineiilaivojingcdc for v 24c 25c 9 ij 236 for 25e for i soo 5o 2bo hemp towelling hoc for 22o scotch lingering 820 iior lb for phildren ylajd dresses 2 iuad2i6 ltjft v jjjtdkrtvihiiiwr- slwiaiols xvfiol fc vmissls pulloinbventftr8v ull vi-qbl- 350 ladies sweater coats7fi0 for 500 ladies grey ufid brown lisle hoilse child rfimtt ittrawjiats st lsjf price lons hwvybarvesb boots- 29e 935 cash oi- produce r mdbeaii apply to j a v u82t horse for sale horse 3 yearn old in jfthxl ooiulition apply to h ivfukavnod icnwillianiri phoiur 92 r 32 ttp new house for sale comparatively new liouke alo lot knle iu glenwilliuiih for 900 j ii lane real kstati iifjent town phone 17 j for apply io ctt-orjfe- itp templetonts rheumahc capsules ron rheumattsmneurinssoatlca lumbago neuraigiag0ut etc asure relief foft the woftst headache w pen box tehptttons lr1ifhelom6st humanltt baa incked fmetleal rtaemnatla remedy since time begun pottune are epent scauly at hot epriiiba electric bathe and hoepl lie to obtain relief yet better result are achieved right at home by tulngtc the potnmon eeom treutmeut juat compare cost ani reitulu with any other treatment and you will be convinced aik jrout drucoiat or write us for our new booklet it is interest- ins nnd costs you uothitg templetons 141 kitik w toronto we mn1 anywheraoa rejctlpt of 9l0l d j matthrw drujffifist sind stationer sole ayept georgetown for sale 7 room houne and lot in georgetown stable smiantity of fruit trees price 1650 term to suit rurchaher this is a una p apply to e a renliam tore- tpwn box 185 or phono 164 guelph business college herald bxdo guelph ontario you know all about us our courses method facil ities for placing graduates this year bigger and better than ever fall term sept 2 have you registered guelph business college a l bouck principal property for sale 10 houses from 850 up to 0000 also lots and parcels of land from four to twonty acres for sale anyonoliavink property for sale write or pliotid 178 commission lowest in town j h lane real estate agent georgetown imminuniiiiim miiiiiiiiiiiiiial m hirschorns ladies wear and tailoring to the ladies ol georgetown and vicinity i appreciate tho pationiikc ac- corded to me since oixniiii4 in georgetown my businesk is in- creiisink every day and many nrw eiistoiners are lauink advai ol my nik valnos in iiadies wear we uuiirantcc all our koods if you are not nalisfled witli any pur ciiiihp in our store return sanie and your money will be cheerfully re funded we have just received fashions in falusnits jet first choice our call fall and wagon for sale lijfltl onrhorso whffoh capacity lir- tivcmmi 700 and 800 pomida hi at rokli- snap 7 r ilox 427 ctrjfotowii i jh21 heifer strayed slrayeil io tho prctnthok ol llio uiutor- sinod on or about july slh a rtil iwiftir 2 ycjtrs owner may have wanio by prov ing properly and paying oxwnsk e l iritmikword norval out ll8lt a hirschorn brooke block georgetown how about your subscription coal the best soranton goal in all sizes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 30 gibbens bread a word toj the wives is sufficient after a trial our brown bread will be your bread fresh now and tuesday thursday and saturday morn ings phone 202 gi next door to radial station b v gibbens ftaitofefefah ib mmrnmm b a r n h i l l peel and haltons bargain store mcphersons honey per lb 22c golden syrup per lb 8c barnhills norval taramml inaiiiiiiininim la ljuiiiiiauijffil ibiititiiiiiiiiih ibiiiuujo c pandora the boiler doesnt crowd the dinner off the pandora on washdays you can set the boiler either way across or lengthwise of the top vj there is no guesswork baking either the oven i has a glass door which keeps the baking in full view the thermometer tells whether the oven is hot enpugh or not the oven as you must have heard is very evenly heated this dependable range has easyworking grates porcelain enameled reservoir which may be removed for cleaning the pandora u the sort of range you have always wanted see it for sale by j w kennedy from coast to coast the verdict is the same no shoes wear like the williams shoe if they cost a trifle more than other shoes it is be cause they are actually worth more will last longer and give constant satisfaction tvhriiifqp creprgetbwn dodge bros motor cars the owner of a dodge car can safely calculate the cost of operation in advance he can dfepend upon consistent continuous and economical daily serviqe the car is light but substantial and particularly good- looking it will pay you to purchase a dodge from j n oniil yti lr t representative fw georgetown iti mmflfflmsm

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