Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1919, p. 2

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iy w v i hfhkhuhu willson w h undertaker and licensed embalmer main st georgetown amoiiioliili-oi- llerseliiiwti lltiirs- iliitiu nihl or jay s4w or mj lliilhs mcriari and diaili are ciuukiii litr al i he following raica hirllik 25v marriakw 50r otallit soei memor ial ouils s0 he per line extra for potmns born fkllttt hi ittorgetiiwn on krliliiv auu- iwl wli lw tomr itiul mi- ii frljliiiliimglrtajr i 1 marjrietf- a tavlwmivsbh al piuvilliv mi vto iwwlky auriisi jofh liyhri l it tlirtnirmon ihuv4 klfninii flki iian- yhlcrof m iwui mrt k toylor qakcule tiktivaril vetiiort hjiiekroi- ly ion ojmr aiul mrsfiiiihrfy ly tyed military news about the lastof thi- olon sold- ior hnyh to arrivetiome in horn leslie icwis ilfl in rived lust wednesday evening and wan met at tlio ltr station by the ever willing glen rand who escorted liiiu to his home a hiimptuoiih re past wax partaken of uuj a very pleasant evening wiw silent by all present all food wishes wore ox- tended to the returned hoi wel come uoine lou ireetntoni oji t-utik- ihryspiftnrw2l09f aviiiijjili cui- verj iiiirtmrohg- sjred74 the fmierai wiuli1 pjaiv sxunfhiw ll- rlnlilpfice ontliulsday al 3piiiiwy lime itervife ill pt leorjfcs clliiri ll interintmil in tletiwihiama ciinctry kindly omjltlowerk f r i the georgetown herald wednesday evg sept 8rd 1919 slkakino of politick the united farmers are showing the grpntctit artivity okkmanv has been asked for 170000000 marks by the ex-kaiv- or probnnly there would be no difficulty getting bereaved ger mans to give the exkaiser all hip marks he wants if they net ut him tllk complaint of jjloyd ocorgp that hip ppople of cheat jlritain spend too much and produce too little might with equal truth be applied to the united states and canada this keeping up with the joneses is creating no end of borrow anxiety all over the world akkiai stunts at the exhib ition have thrilled and delimited tens of thousands of people and have caused considerable uneasi ness on tho part of others who realize that a serious disaster might easily occur when thp bird- men lly so close to tho ground canada hah for the first timo become an exporter of shoes on a ting so much lontjicr go out of the oonsiderublchcalo if in stead of lot- country it lnul been manufactured into hiiooh and then shipped this eonntry woula have benefited but tho trouble is to obtain suliicient skilled labor to make more shoos terra colla wtfhiu jv now thp -drdejof- i- mre hiiyyards furniture safe fast ivrfday wfts ijuile a fcuocpsh jvlisrf m kdgrtr of toronto is hlicnding a fa days vjth tier parents ifqref a u inbtt of our cifci ssens juije at- j tending the- exijibitvpntiuis veekv mr at liybfuvts on j wleold ibuta 1 liraid vii ei threiuiing otqfutfcnij i gi shift splbndul -satikfax-tiori- xo tiioi furufers mr crew lias coinuoucdi uifud- ingiiis jipw hdiisc- mr wtjiil jleithcalwtonejust has been survejili ttorrie lot rn ligh park and n bniliftutf bootnis likely to wikeplacein the westprnl suburbs of our unnflet this fall mr aad mrs joljn dlaekstock of radaxo ivfieb are visiting terra cotta friends tho rev mr cotton preached imprressive temiieraueo sermon in the methodist church here last sunday glenwiluanis we akk in the midst of tho exhibition season the fall fairs should not only be made socially attractive and healthfully anmsink but they should have a real edu cational value with agriculture taking a prominent place we hope the fall fairs in this soction will bo well patronized tllk opening of school for tho full term reminds usof how quickly tho seasons pass and how rapidly tho years go by truly the boys of today are tho men of tomorrow the schoolsof the country aro great character builders anddeservo the sympathetic support of all who want to sec the country enjoy pros perity the depreciation of the pound sterling on the american exchango as well as the depreciation in the valuo of a canadian dollar in the united statos ought to sorve as an object lesson to groat britain and this country sir archibald ooddes british minister of recon struction has boon quick to recog nize tho woapon that britain has in its hands and lio politely inti mates that the rosult of tho de preciation of rrilish money in america will result in ainorican manufacturers being driven off the british market there can only be ono result to the further flood ing of kuropo by american goods the adding to tho rato of ex change find this very foot will compel the institution of protec tion that will reduce the adverse balaueo of trade by keeping nut american goods canada must especially be giiordod in regards to encouraging any further increase in the depreciation of our currency a protective tariff alone can keep down tho importation of american good jhorohy reducing tho existing ifw una on prodter mrs earl fry of cedar rapids la bought a bushel basket of peaches for 800 in tho bottom of tho basket she found a note from a lady in texas saying that the basket had beon sold for 50 cents and asking that she be noti fied of the cost price to the con sumer paranta of triplet ofven sold as a tribute to mrs albert dor is the mother of tho triplets born to a peterborough family in june hint peterborough city council will present her with a 10 gold piece sujtably onrraved the council deeidod previously to pre sent silvor mugs to the babies children aid society chas w norton of brampton has tendered his resignation of his position as inspector of the ilalton peel childrens aid society in which he has done good service unfortunately there ui been a disagreentetit of some kind no tuition on the resignation has been reported an overly smart youth thoro are some foreigners steal ing coal from your yard shouted a sixteen yoarold lad as he dashed into a brantford coal oflloe tho coal merchant without stopping to enquire further went to check the thefts no foreigners were in sight so he turned down the stroot still none met his eye on his re turn to the olllce wondoring the eason for the hoax he found that the till had beenrobbodoffihundrod dollars with all suspicion falling on tho kindheartod youth who gave tho warning bntdid not stop to rocoivo thanks the police are now looking for tho boy the street could be kept cleaner drop it anywhere nobody cares anyway one little cigarette box or tho wrapper from off chew- 1 ing gum or the envelope from the letter ov the wrapper from a news- paper surely one would not call dropping them on the sidewalk littering the street but if each citizen young and old drops a paper on tho public streets the cumulative effect is not always pleasant to behold in many of our towns and cities boxes are placed on tbo streetsfar tho deposit of waste papor whore such are available however it is no hardship to carry small paper wrappers until they can be properly disposed of cigarotto and gum containers are j not out ot place in tho poeket until the poeket can bo emptied keep thorn there and for tho hake of cleanly appearance of tho streets and of that oivio pride which is essential to tho general prosperity of tho home town koep sornjis of paper pff tho street the hand is to be congratulated on the splendid success which at tended its outing last friday and saturday owing to the cool weather the often air concert on 1yidrty evening was transferred to the town llubl and turned into a lromennde anil dunce a large crowd attended and thoroughly en joyed tlioniselv es the postponcd game for the cllen trophy was played on satur day afternoon also under the an- spiceh of the hand after a good game acton was successful- iu carrying olt6lecup timely lult- iugvaol jdjftiav ithdiugv were- tjie mctarsi jrt actonh victory qiijc if their plays vtiuld- have done rrndit to much faster tpfnpauy thebriglrt particular star- of the daywnij ilhtckbiirn of cloorgotnwri ilis exliibitian of hard work ajiil allroundplayvuscevtainiyarflithj of slecjrl bieritiprt 0oodvydtwi hndai jjodd- crp wil cpvthtfp y mssjtt ri v tiuted ipyardbtlteviceehs of the day tye undsihtaritl iba i iii result df the double everit- the bandh fupds were svyelled consider- urtily- v ve iuensly ish toy roihinil oeeiiretovncciincil fhjitthe roml abovo the itiu not eqpipltel yet vc hoiei uie touchonwill ho miton osspon asllie main hi work is ffnished georgetown benefits by a good road o the glen according to genoral mitchell ulenwilliams holds first place in regard to percentage of men en listed and its record is equalled by few in the empire in the last victory loan tho glen didjuore than its share towards putting hallon count- in the front rank yot we know nothing of the launching of the war ilalton and the attendant luncheon till we read about it in the papers on the following day an oakvillc cattle sale nver- aged 247 per head obituary wuiiam camkht ahmhtitonr after some monthsof poor health f r w c armstrong passed away at his homo in uooretown tues day morning mr armstrong was horn in yorkshire hlngland in the year ih15 and he luul thirefore piikked the allotted three scwrc and umi deceased ciiuie to cauiula with his parents in the carlh6- mid they settled in streetsville ior about twenty yearstie lived in the county of peel and then he moved to halton fortylive years ago the deccitwl married margaret lleniy of vjuftdojivvnuv and his frtitl ul iel puipel vtydeeoased bfifri 1 bistitjvsait v mn arnistrenu wtisa veteran r tlic fenian riid or lhofl fie was a loyal and lifclong orangehmn anil tire celbratjon of jirfy lath lalip jyiy the llrstjie hiid intsseil for llfty yeais te wsulspa frjeftiber of the ordcicif cahirdiarr ihiille circu iiimlfjgai lereaill yviia atvahgl f- itcjx nnii iu- pphicsi a conservative up is shvjyodhj tvp srsurs- and ono brother mrs m4irdoclif wintmieuivkij mri jalih winteys pflvmoiito nixp sir k ainscniiig jvbf biautpton pikj also roinavv uiniurnthe loss of va- esteemed fitthcr two sons antl a daughter itrod jeseph and ntiss mniy all at homo the funerajwill tulie place ttf- norrowthursday at h pm when the hervice will bo conducted by- mr win burt following which will take placo in cllenwilliams cemetery the enwjrer and the slop watch says the milton champion a week ago friday j a- k ilnuloii barrister of milton appeared lit aldcrsluit hefiire police mijgikintte fry of diinilns on n ciiimkc of siceling nil the toroulo llumillnli highway the constable who lit i cl the charge swore tlnlt lie timed the cur between two imirkcil points and the speed was mtta miles an hour on cross exauiuiit ion he admitted that when lie did the tim ing lie was 110 feel from i he roiid way liehind the wire fence which parallels it lie insisted that be knew when the cur passed each point lr dimlcn swore that- lie fiinj trot exceeded the tiine limit j ijaniitw inmlthjs ioolobiiiteu by c 4i ufijf fr- utllawkoi ilaniiitoir wtjb ini witll mr jlraiou ort tlie fcrifi vfr stimh sor tlint be whs uciriwtoined to iiioloriiig tind ipt tiucl qf ibe timli i te liidiliiiil vyiihlieritlie ihndiealrh bjiil llirtie iir iiltnost- ediovodip ililis ipinf tie rloute- ami imilfow thi police tnawifttinti suiiliie knev the ciuc- aitnhles inelliixlti diiiwos fciti i klied phutiilitsvvpreugfit flngaf filial rvileiiei lti firefeijcuei honyklecl mr bunion hurl tfinii liiuilo iirnl 5lpsts mr- ihiidi ijasenlereilim ah appenl wluidi mirrwiltcomeiifv for himin at the silting of tin third jivisiiii conn of went- worth nt vatordown new advertisements vegetables for saix otiiiili oniooh iaiulili4v4iiul piinip- foi sale in ii ii iliail-ellsi-nrgi- ii ii a live i- li oil 1 1 110 house to rent itmile1 hulls lo inl willi uul ualer nisule also w al hi herald omil lt inleil l i seed wheat a iitaiiiiiv of dnisot olilin la d ulnal inr sale iply in j a ili oaux iliiine s r t2 iorilnwii i auction sale i- rysb mllcb cs atrtrsplirbersi and young cattle atid mas allse evaaii i ytlii- ilwi illtiisfilllmi im afraid well have to charge h5e for a shave from now on said a barker hows that anked the man in the chair well replied the barber mens fiupx are getting longer and longer every day tdjinking of prohibition and it takes twine as long to shave them 9ef ficihiri ca jsutes sciah good health is priceless ifyou suffer fronieumatjcafflicuonstrc will remedy your condition and remove both pain and disease ask your drugglt or write aa for our new booklet it u lnteresuog and coat 70u nothing tenapletona 142 king w toronto wc mall tkca anywhere on receipt of fl01 sole agent f i ii attppw dr for georgetown 1 ii oil if stationer special quaker corn flakes lc make georgetown a town- it u by j arvculneu stnitmt vhk yriiiv vkt iti lit ftim jefiy ryw ioyt jltsv ticiit ac fool luti ijvj 11 iot ifhtm l i nivt pirrhain covv lint- tit nf ar 1 rlj tlvit itw oiirin lh imy tuiltnrftjn tn- nrtrlmrtiifnw mil n jji lwvllj mmur lviniifcivftr itwlkrtt u aryshir fov with ciilr tiiilltitik vn aytmrl tniltmik wll vol nii camij h marlitik im 7 tiiliiij4uffs ioiumi spring ijilvcw j ilim t pij ivi nurt t iif3 iiios l3jtv t 1 1 m viirktiir uiw iliit ipt lurti nntk shirt- sw with 10 pijs h pi vvk voik1iiii tvv iliu s isli jt yiiuii k koil romlinj ws tlmms kitul mini fill 1uivis thsll month rrvilil on iiirtvj jint iiikh v j aiar xiiriiotiff u next enrolment day brampton business institute monday sept 8th 1919 a school of excellence commodious class rooms finest equipment efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting address toiln for particular- brampton business institute c e btftsfield prln brampton 0nt oakville fair september 17th 18th 19th 20lh with the additional buildings and largely increased prize list the fair is expected to be a greatersuccesa than ever the prize lists are now ready and can be procured at the herald office or by writing percy a balhsecfy oakville bfciiiiiiubi a m i b iffitmumuron i t j the mens store 1919 summer 1919 wwiiiiull invite oii to iiirtmcl our display of lino snilint ktrcoitni 4 trntiiriiirt hl for tin prisont son- hon youll find ntntjli afil of uiltcrns mid vupk to iv you iirnpli rlitiiff s our niufiul in uluc and hiuk scilcm fully grtmaianteed prioe riht smuploh nwiy for oul of towu fimtouorh new new shirts gloves y vaiid hosiery auh new spring stales jn jjnraiiiiid hon fef jcftil vi hovukft fiurtld- sjilu ii- barij 1miaa iii l h l vinltlis alwitreirttx j- v hle juttji rsf thikli ie fh ii 4onl j i wiirclthiiig- iikjui xvoivvfltorie frntultjvjll iiil infiteel jur tbeft arid kajw wnit- irjrigtjt in stylo and fnhrie r ceollcetown phone 126 iiksiicijash rirrini and mrns furnishinis agents for stockwell- henderson co diers and cleaners toronto pi m mrrmtjrrrja imiiiinuniirjal ibhuiiiiiihd m saturday treat a hiahea quality s yraiiiinji tvtry iutvi ilmi will iiii us iinprovi our serviofl hiaheat quality sweets lowatt prloett potulble thiw ar v vrv nrvi tt jfivr you ifyou liave any kuirtttoii to sitvin kiiiilly mail u our brampton hioro i shuui wo adopt yoiir kuistin wt will latlly rovvird yon ak ihi woutlio toour niir btxtits rmpiirt tnurt tmuly this sattirday wo offer yon i out laitiotts i loimmlo mitplo ci ciuti willi fruit autl num worth 4k saturday triat price llocoti 100 ii 25o per lb weekend chocolates 39c wotulrrful valuo in ih vordit from all kiiicn v know it and an- promt of it candy huninomf it out biiwim- vv miiki- our own randy that in why our prirm art ko low a4nriod ciiovoiiiuk kt -voi- and rfj weokend especial 39c per lb t moorehead milton brampton georgetown jacksons if you are going to the o exhibition i you doubtless want to look your best adverse balance of trado rostoring tho value of our currency and pro viding work for canadian artixans church news baptist the pastor lias roturnod from bis holiday trip and will nroooli next sunday morning and ovoning toe lords snpnor will ho ohsurv- ed at thn close of tho morning nor- ttibn andhev members will ho welcomed into the fellowship of tho church castor i a pot infants and cauidren in us forovar 30 years al ways bun slgnamrecf one man killed one injured ono man is dead and a second seriously injured is in a hamilton hospital tho rosult of an nutomo- hilo and niqtor trunk collision on tlio t and h highway half a milo west of bronto a week ago thursday samuol crahb a farm- or was riding on tho runningboard of tho ear and was instantly killed directly in front of his own farm alfred russol of toronto who was one of tbo mon jn tho truck was iiiflhod to a hospital in hamilton vv proctor of beavorton the dri- vior of tho automobile turned out to pass a motor truck and collided with a second motor truck coming onst along the highway crahb was hurled from the rutin ing- hoard and landod on his head on the highway his skull was fractured and he died instantly both oars woro badly smashed but noithor mr prootor nor 3 a williamson tho driver of the trunk wero in any way injurod a short distance west of bronte mr proctor had ntoipod to piok mr oiiibb up as ho was not going very far tlio far mer had hopped on runninghoard ofusjngto get inside lie was on yonts of ago and a wellknown man as there is a big general demand lor clothing for the whole lamllv at this time we can oiler the biggest stock and variety in or around georgetown ol ready towear clothing lor everybody at very reasonable prices we are therefore ofierlng lo the public for the duration of the canadian national exhibition only the following special values in oar various departments 8a me no shoes wear like the williams shoe if they cost a trifle more than other shoes it cause they are actually worth more will last and give constant satisfaction is he- longer t h rumford sole agrent georgetown in our ladies wear department ladies fall coats of exceeding smartness a good var iety ofcolors and styles too varied lo enumerate here liowovor thoro is a stylo to suit eyery individual tasto in tho lot those are reg 2250 to 2nfi kale price 81885 heavy all wool sweater coats in a host of pret ty sfvlcm very attractive color combinations uikciio sailor uiul other stylo collars these were good value at shdfi tn 1000 sale iltieerr 785 all wool blue or black serge skirts these have been selling at hr0 to 1000 hut have the ilis- tintivelv kiiuirt lines of much higher priced skirts sale price 8605 in our mens wear department mens worsted suits wingl hioasteil sacks or waist line effects good colors all iuzch ilegulai- sai00 81775 boys tweed suits with full lusliioned bloomer pants 1jutoht style wuisllinu citocih allsiyes uegiilar 10 halo price 605 in dur boots and shoes department ladies blaok kid walking- boots high tops and eiilinii lieilu ucgiiliir s700 for 535 mens fine boots colors mahogany and black in lieolin or eutlier soles uiul recinlo toes hegulur ho0 to siu10 for 645 mens fine calf shoes bus loos and leather solos ilegiihil 1100 sale price 445 special moneysaving week end bargains frid and satur sept 5 and 6 mens extra value 225 overalls for s 195 mens heavy strong work pants 2 78 foil 239 mens heavy serviceable smocks 19s for brill co phone 167 i mill and main sis georgetown 169 169 113 149 98c 79c 113 15c 39c mens heavy work shirts 1 95f or mens serviceable work shirts 135 for young mens overalls 1 75 for youths overalls 1 25 for boys overalls 100 for boys shirts 135 for mens 20c cotton sox mens soc suspenders for sets of dining- boom chairs 1 arm 5 arm chairs from 1450 up extension tables from 1850 up heavy oak living boom chairs tapestry upholstering from 1250 up large willow and wicker chairs and boo kers 1386 up large quarter out oak bookers 1050 up 3 piece parlor suites silk upholstered 2800 up large quarter cut oak hall backs 2850 up jacksons main street georgetown w rrr- mfi w if we want critiqisins when deserved and would also appreciate in- formationebneerning conspicuously good service i aword bimmeitiontiritlae deserving clerk urges him to greater endeavor and create better service to our customers- v t11 i ji -o-

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