Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1919, p. 4

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1 the georgetown herald wednealav rvk- sept- 1810 il irfv i is iki i ftr mostly scnbhine here and tliorc u teardrop here aud there a sontf here mid there a hand reached just helping you ulonq shiulowrt deep aflittin iliyht before your way but always comes a somethiiik keeps you middliu kay here and there a desert here and there a lower uore and thom the sunlight brettking jurouh ukvaivtfworv suprairiftjkleii of nxifr vieikie9 of groy but- always comes jisoinetuing keoiwyoh middlingpy here and there tljo crucj here and tliovo- themixj jflere did jbejre the niiliiit elarfiiig doyntrfwiia j yevy the iifijiliiii7v yeseyiydjiy v ho ahvayd cameaa nicilluv keea ypn middlin nay freed after serving 10 ye punis kak oonviotbd o hmanchpatbd attbbwhw trial a which dessrre mneli thoughtful consideration i that of wm h barron 103 morgan street bennington for ten years mr bar ron suffered the agonies caused by rheumatism at times he was bound hand and foot by the grip of bbeu uiatic iinlns on the advice of a rltnd he stood for a new trial and i ed trcs kend what he has to say i have been sufferer from rhett- uatlsm for ton years have been m hud at t lines- 1cduld not move band or fiot tot months afriontlpdvloed me tv try joinpletowrs bliiimttfeapr jjiiien d i have ttera tlinnkfulever j ihee they ported wondara forma- land t have never felt any retain of the duvase lte netlrally impossible to ohuln evdenee stronger thtfn this tettl mqniaj ajfd aword to- the wise in uwavsnifflhlit- if yon upet hv sypewjtrnil sr th0 boohtjumsshirpiaim wl cojls vuu w3 iurtc a rsdplojll04 nvmawnjwrkiirisi and slnrjlcr 4 sole a5euiqebrjretyn st oii i ail2 sept a3anl2- ort 7 anil it sepl 19 and to ilejii m oct i v sept io and 24 ol 8 hiki 9 ofl 4 re01alr gelrgrtowfj acjtoil arthur- brampton rjirliiifrlon caledon erin freellon gait sept loniul 19 milton oct 7 and 8 oakville sepl 1820 rockwood ocl 2 and 3 streelsville sept 25 waterdown ocl i weston sepl uundlj woodbridke ocl 10 and ii chased by k bear a strange thing happened at tlie borne of james rinn molntyro when elmer his only son whs nut getting the cowsdn sunday oven- ing he heard something omahiiik through thebushes behind him and turning to look ho saw a large bear after him ho started to run and as the bear was gaining on bim he decided to climb n treo the bear started up the treo ho did not notice that there was an other boar in the tree ho wan climbing until old bruin in the tree struck bim with such forco that elmer hurled to the ground about 25 feet in an unconscious state when he regained consciousness his dog was standing bosido liim barking furiously it is a miracle he was not torn to pioccs elmer says ho got off lucky with only his right arm broken and loft wrist out of joint and a few- sore outs and bruises on bis body flosher- ton advance guild torranoe a very pretty wedding wnb ol- emnized inthe presbyterian cliuroh rockwood on wednesday august 20th when edna bolle youngest daughter of mr and mrs wra torrance was united in holy wed lock to wilbert jollirto second son of mr and mrs l r guild rev mr little performed the oeromony and vyas assisted by rev a c ed dy ba bd the churoh was tastefully decorated with gladioli the arch of vinos and flowers was beautifully constructed tha brido who was given away by her father entered to the strains of lohen grins wodding marctf whioh was played by miss annio jolliffo tho bride looked charming in a travell ing suit of cadet blue silk and a white ribbon hat with touchos of blue sho wore a boquet of sweet heart roses and thajroomb gift a sunburst of pearls whilo tho reg ister was being signod mr f guild sang o perfect lovo messrs loren guild and rutherford hew- at were ushers after tho wed ding the guests of whom thero wero about sixty retired to tho homo of mr torranoo where a dainty wedding breakfast was soivod tho young oouplo loft on tho s20 train for michigan whore they will spond tlieir honeymoon upon their roturn mr and mrs guild will reside in rockwood the many presents thoy received testified to the high estooin in whioh the young oouplo arc held in this community new advertisement ias t rrri traitress wanted amktslnnt whitrewl warned at once- apply lllel mcctibhmt tlsprgelown obituary mrs wm h waikeh about throo weeks ngo mrs w h walker was stricken with par- alysls at the august communion sorvico in the methodist churoli she nevor ralliod from her semi comatose condition and poarofullv passed away last t4iursday owning surrounded by her loved ones mrs walker has not enjoyed health for a number of years and most of tho time was confined to the homo she was a daughter of tho lato william l wordon who with ills parents were oaily set tiers in this community and wns born on tli o first lino bsouosing whore mr james mcmillan no resides some fortyseven years ago sho and hot- sorrowing husband wero joined in holy wedlook mr walkor had boon in acton from bis boyhood and wns an iipprontico as a carriage painter with tho lato speight riotliors aftor their piarriago mr and mrs walker lived in ooorgotown for n tinao thoy then caino to aoton and later romovod to mitchojl twoii- tyfour years ago thoy roturnod to aptoa mrs a t brown was tijieir only child mrs walker wois a groat lover of children and flowers while she was ablo to attend it ber garden was always a wealth of bloom blio was n nioni ftor of the methodist churob tho funeral pn saturday afternoon was largoy attended rev immpyev horpastqr eanie home from vino- tja4uilwfts spflndfngbls wastes bookkekier ani tvp1s j ap- piv to ckkeivan bros georcetovvn ls8f wanted experienced housekeeper good wafres midlle nged woman preferred apply to mr t l box 63 brampton 2782h help wanted girls or women llght and congenial work beat wages apply canada needle works georgetown 16 7 tf speights garage agent for willys overland automobiles in- ternational harvester co motor trucks mellotte cream separa tors gasoline engines moline if interested in any of the above lines c0 and let ipe show you our line crencral reptlriog m iu mtwtuiieiy 4 ekdrltjil v-v- wn 4 g september loth 19 ouelh street t sczdib o grgtow house for samsb brick hoiihe 7 roomi mderii convimi- imhtn on john si pohtiehaion arranfftfd apply to csoorfftt leslie gueen streoi oeorjfetown 208lf stenographer wakted experienced si enographer wanted ap- ilichtiona stating experience and salary to e addressed to box 1104 georgetown 307tf buix8 for saib two choice reu iatered hoist ein bulls one rising 2 yra by dutchland calantba sir monand one 8 mot also highly bred these are good individuals apply to h j w tuytor cheltenham 27i a 2t fttrniture for private sale household floods in cluding coal and wood range electric range dressers rugs tables chairs etc may be seen at mrs anthony costigans 2781 tptf milk wanted 7000 gallons of swkkt milk wanted highest market price paid why ship your milk to the city and mm risk of it houring or ol losing your cuns when you can deliver it to us fresh every normng jsvmos ioago terra cot la cheese works terra colta ont 278tf life insurance proteot your wife cbildron yourself and your business with a policy in tlie great west life ar- suianoe co the lowoat rfttns with the best results for particulars see w w roe omoe ton j resldanae 05 oeoroetown ont jmbuck butcher always keeps a choice stock or the best procurable 1st fresh and salt l keats which he ells at the lowest possible prices canada food bnnrd luns ni jhim gret the best coal the best scranton goal in all sizes portland cement flour feed provisions john ballantine georgetown phone 80 madges candy shop have you tried our homemade candies made in georgetown main street phone 214 fives who are ners tfes dont nay dc g dlgouqiff th cosnptsta-elsctrie- liht anal power plant ilii- i vua4ckfhl rlv depetidluilv dlirw lvi thti wtjfvans aeocaftowu ontai grain feed 145 165 pastry flour 24 12 lbs purity or five roses flour 24 12 lbs purity five roses or cream of the west flour 98 lbs b00 during july and august there will be no delivery on thursday afternoon as mill will close at 12 oclock canada food board license no 21 1 1 phone 195 for prices georgetown hour feed mills c greensides proprietor wake ontario up let the referendum battlecry be nononono since the announcement in the legislature last spring that a refer endum on the ontario temperance act would be taken this fall the different temperance organizations of the province of ontario have met together to consider what attitude they should take the result has been the formation of the ontario referendum committee which comprises representatives from the organized temperance forces of the province and the temperance sentiment of the province outside of these organizations the new committee will conduct the campaign we are asking the voters of ontario to vote no to all questions sub mitted on the ballot the referendum ballot and how to vote yei no 1 are you in favor of the repeal- of the ontario temperance x 2 at you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fiftyone one hundredth per cent alcohol weight measure through government attendee andamendmente to the ontario temperance act to permit such sale x 3 are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fiftyone one hundredth per cent alcohol weight measure in standard hotels in local municipalities that by a majority vote favor auch mle and amendment to the ontario temperance x 4 aro you in favor of the eale of spirituous and malt liquor through government attendee and amendment to the ontario tem- x by the ontario temperance act sale and distribution of alcoholic liquor for beverage purposes within the province were prohibited for practically three years the province has experienced the good effects ofthie law i ts repeal would be a calamity any of the amendment would spoil it for the temperance force to win they mutt secure four no maioritie that it majority for jno on every question the temperance forces will be defeated if there is a majority for yes on any of the questions you must mark an x after each of the four ques tions or your ballot is counted as spoiled a century of temperance progress in this province is at stake in me coming referendum the ontario rwerersdum committee earnestly and rmpectfuuv ask you to mark your x in the no colunn after each and every question as idicated ft tho sample ballot it produced herewith r sipsi cjjrjan v ft -utrjwriwj- fmmie akprbwfl9awr yicechlrman swism jti no bhoveuinff required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screonod ami loiulod coal wood solocfc lump for doniphtic and thiokliinn puiiinik smithiuk urid can no i coal in fact i carry ovorytliink to be found in an uptodak coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown prionb 12 the signing ol peace huh ixuiumi in an iinmeliul- idinti of liuililinu itclivios and roiixoijiicnlly in iniikinu a liiruc ilcniuiul for nil lines of llmd- wiiro huildinn supplick mill tools mumirucl tilpro imvo allcnilv rpiluoid tlieir prices wher- ovtr tlu okt of labor ami iiiuteriul would ierinit ko that the present prices may be eimktel to stand linn in most of tii8 lines for some lime riieriuitfe of acmbarfl snrv k gii in stack bv u rotniists theihost wtnplo patterns of tlie jnqdiuiimntifivtirrerh vealm have an attractive asqrlment oif iniscellnnoous liaixfwiisekiicli a hat audi coat hopits baaix iiifta lfaj alwtes dbotr bells bntta qnd hnges aiact slidttfie idtbor hajngijrs 1 oaak jets pafoia sadr sqfltasiaui tws w itetf wcant1tony ooe4q georgetowhi hre ac i do your business with the oldest and best companies in the world some of the companies i represent are fire royal queen guardian caledonian liverpool london globe hartford north british mercantile western globe rutgers hand in hand dominion accident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co 1 am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select phonesotflce 206 res 65 georgetown w w roe pouotowhom ayjfy makes it appsal at this maslket ofmbtlt houo axwavs dsai 41 quality meats appeal toboth a man jlr atie and hi disesfivrtiachri- v ery- its a matter of real econbrriy ro purchase the very i ijeat rjrsiulffs we can supply yoji gi e is thtfvop jrtuaytoclbs5 panada fkmi wuiic4 hiienae no 9rtt clifford linh am phone 196 main street r iwwiinfiwiihmi u sa fatal jctctlbajhjsailllmlsjljrljljlistl hji njjijljstslliajlwi arthur bcastell t b f couefr of mnslo london bnjrlauld oholrmalhtor proabrtarlaui h onurob oisotetotoira u teacher off pino or- gan comet violin jfl and sinffine 9 tuition fee hi any hrnnch 6 per ffi t 20 lehhoim hi my resi- main si oeorelown a or at pupils home u pianos tuned s psi samsaistn irjlmjrtjigtwnijti deering farm machinery international traotora sliarpless meohanioal milking machines j w kennedy hardware paints stoves tinware electric fixtures sewer pipe cement tinamithing plumbing hot air heating hot water heating electric wiring j w kennedy phono 2fi georgetown ont w a bailey harness dont forget to drop in and see our most complete stock of light and heavy harness of all kinds also tfgood assort ment of wool and fancy dusters for the auto or buggy al kinds of repairs neatly and promptly done are you at home with good music if you are not you are missing one of the best tilings in life nothing in all this world can give so much enduring pleasure as jj music in the home and nothing we kiuw brings to the home so much good music at so moderate a cost as the columbia grafonolas and records come to- our store and let irs prove that statement to you let us play you some of the latest columbia records on the newest grafonola models then let us explain to you our con venient purchase plan that makes it so easy for you to have good music in your home l v hourigan dealer oeoroetown bugtries and wagons carload ofplymoth bind er twine at reasonable price phone 101 r 88 thos e hewson norval ont georgetown fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of ah kinds a restivo fruit specialist main straat qaorgatowa guelph business college herald bido guelph ontario counter cheek books at herald its no pleasure to carry a watch if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory yon know all about us our cour8e8method facif- ities for placing graduates this year bigger and better than ever fall term now open have you registered alhhe latest and best in watches clocks jewelery etc at right prices main street next mcgibbon hotel guelph business college a l b0uck hrlndpal fine positions a ro loin filled dally by tlio oriiiliiiuicr of sliawk biihiiirhh schools in toronto writiofor ciiliilnmio ami lit of ipoont ap- point nifiith kntir any dav v molntohh w ii shaw tvinripnl prosldnnt ii cm ulllciih al yoiifto goi- rnrd sih o vons nnd charles bts toronto lnjoy an lixiillciil ktuiallun for high uraon iiuhiiuiuh tminlnr aiul for placing irradualoa in kooii iomiiodh enlor any i lino wrlla for iuialnjruu w j kiiott1rlnclpul canada business college oolusaaispadlna la torontos popular oominor- poithons biiarr topd individual instruction bntorapy day mall upq rises s- n sl im m m m flv ar

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