Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1919, p. 3

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i juyvtf aiiro lvsrr vsv personals amuiiu our pair iav visitors we your vote and influence it i j mammoth house gkeorgetown is georretowii herald wednesday october 8th ltw9 o 13 t lr j cotaptsmt twd rvwwlbiid200 miles cams r bven kthijlyn namttdej andcjmrles kiitwa t iw persons thi her father ns bin niotner- tie cftlled were tbow that intervene between harbor springs m northers mlchlgnnlowlijaod qrend bapjdv th tiirnjture mnifclnrlidi center of the same state ctiaiiefhsd votd for ths nrst time in hla life and bthef yn had juat pnsuei eighteen when he decided he hail dn single lanf enough she agreed to hip him nut of hla state of unwedim un- happiness when he broached the sub ject to her and tney stayed up till midnight to discuss the plan and they would have continued the discus sion heedless of the fact that there were things snch u clocks and per rons kueh na fathers and mothers if they had not heard mr rnrnsdell step out of bed on the floor above and ftear his throat this brought charles out of his semitrance and he sudden ly recalled that the air oxjtslda was wonderfully invigorating and that nil i hues needed some of it the next morning mr bamsdell ended his daughter into hla study and look the negative and winning side of the debate besot ved that a yooni lady just paat eighteen ought to leap into matrimony with the only youni mnn she haa ever known especially when he haa no financial prospects whatever btteiy a to jln that afa never could care for any young man but charies and she pleaded tearfully and at some length but her father wild he was looking out only for her welfare when he forbade her going bout with charles nny longer about the mine time mrs halsteail was having a similar interview with ner son in the house next door for the halsteada and liamadelf wre neighbors when ktheljrn was a child her mother had died and mr hut stead had departed from this vtuth before his son had mustered a vocfitm lary of fifteen words ethelyn nnd charles had gone to school together when they were in the lower grade as well as in high school and he linil been graduated only one year ahead of ber charles had not made a confidant of hla mother in the matter of hi love affair bat she had kept an eye on him and intuition coupled with hl long absence from home on thst im portant nlghi told her that the oil man had been reached what enn yon know about lovet she demanded youre too young i know you are of age and ought to ha capable of judging for yourself but just the same im going to interfore for your own sake the young people knew very well that they could not give each other up especially since their affection seemed to increase 100 per cent after they were forbidden each others so ciety so tliey met surreptltlouxl wlien opportunity offered and when these opportunities did not come suf ficiently frequent of their own accord they were manufactured but charles waa wasting his time and he realised it he had no pro fession no huslnesa and if he was to marry he inuat find a way to carve a career or at least obtain a job that would provide for two furthermore he felt ashamed that hla mother should continue supporting htm out of the comfortable but not inexhaustible sum his father had left her at last be decided to leave his home town and seek hla fortune in a larger city to his surprise hla mother consented even encouraged him in be i dislike having yon leave home eon ahe said hut i realise it la for the beat my slater will come nnd live with me tea it la for the best the young people had not abandoned their plans for the future after once bringing op the subject of matrimony gfthelyn never mentioned her inten tions to bar father for mr ramsdells refusal to consent to any such non- snss had been firmness itself pbarhis hid net like failure in his attempts to presuade his mother that stheltb was the girl for mm so they continued their clandestine meetings jkkrstly tsjolctng in the risk and mys tery atuehidtotbem when charue left home he wrote wegalarly tore times a weefcjj bthe- tra gad at flrtt he received letter for latter to reply at itggttbsy dont care if we srrlte ho amid thats ansa gratl- effert he suppread he timidity that gripped aim and wrote a letter watekt though jt eonslstei l r only a few haas contalnedtlupifalj read taalope k ymweb based nirtr jjtfttum only way to elk come to brand haplds oj te shj train thursday ntid well do tat deed let me kpow by telegram if yonll come the next day he hnd all he eoalq to remain at jilli work in the ecjlee very time a uiiviftengei boyedtatwl charles hert pojurfded like a pua drivek finally o limecoated lad sow proacbed tbdelc imd cbsrtea signed lh tnudblhi linnd the lawiajg was lllii there u o they werj njarried and took sn then abode in ir hotel for a boneyt rflhon of one week charles could net get away for a trip am ethelyn tlinf they bad better save their anyhow they were eorcbldermg the dispatch of n somewhat defiant tetter to their parents when there came a knock at the door of their room charles n swered it and a bellboy ushered in a lady nnd gentleman the newlywedw were taken aback hut fhnrles miiktcred enough courage t put his arm around his bride re volved to stand up to the intruders like a man whats the meaning of thlsf cried the young grooms mother as she swept into the room thats what i wnnt to know growled mr rmnttdell fol lowing her a glnre on his counte nance charles spoke up bravely it means were mnriied tints what will you congratulate iwr the scowl left mr rnnrndells face and a amlle took its place well young man you havent a thing on us were married ourselves your mother and i charles and hla bride stood xpeecb- leeayjaxed by yu news wnjr or vrhnt hows that v charles finally stammered ilniug yon didnt like each other beennae of ethelyn and me mr ramsdell laughed heartily and hla wife joined him its very simple he explnlnwi ton see i know human nature nnd i fixed it up with your mother to hnve you and ethelyn get married 1 knew yon wouldnt do it if we urged it and waa confident yon would do it if we objected its natural for young folks to be that way besides we wanted to give your affection for each other a teat 1 even went so far aa to intercept several of the letters yon wrote to ethelyn la order to make year love the atrnnger it waa a mean thing to do but airs fair in love and war and well is there anybody who could conceive of this being wart he reached into a grip which he car ried and extracted a pack of letters bound with a rubber band heres some letters that belong to yon ethelyn he said handing them to her i only stopped them i didnt rend them theres only one i lid read and that was the special delivery in which you were invited to grand raplda to your- own wedding ton were away when it came an i signed for it steamed open the envelope di gested its contents then sealed it up ngnln then i decided it would be nlee to have a double wedding and charles mother agreed we came on the same train with you but kept out of sight in the next conch wlff yon congratulate nit hew the blind play chats a chess game with a blind man is exactly the same aa a chess gams with nny one else there are soma excellent cbess players among the blind the board has s round hole in the middle of each square and each piece has a peg on the bottom which sets in one of these boles this keeps the pieces in place so that they are not easily disturbed by a groping hand the white set of chessmen tech haa a little point on top while the black plena are round on top this makes it easy for the blind nan to tell which are ms pieces snd which are his opponents he passes hla hand lightly over the board snd sees in hla mind the layout just as clearly as you aee it on the board checkers are played in much th tarns way the black squares on th board art hollowed iootr tht white checkers are round and the blsck ones are square ontario temperance act a great belief it to province rjphe-6uiip- temperanct act he jnii j cnrojft fey over oiiethirfl jujrj t4xueie public hsis practically oimpp t v j alcolfioucinjanity fravaiatgppeawrjmv gold cures and alcoholic institutes for treat ing alcphojism have been closed for lack of patients r ontario haa been saved an annual drink bill of 36000000 enough to pay our share of interest on the war debt many victims of alcohol three years ago thank god today for the ontario temperance act to repeal the ontario temperance act would be a calamity the amthxdtnenta would make it practically worthless to every ques tioa oa the refereadatn vote ho drink is a cancer abraham lincoln the liquor traffic t a cancer in society eating out the vltala and threatening destruction and all attempts to regulate it will not only prove abortive bug wlu ag gravate the evil it must be eradicated not a root must be left behind doctors alienists criminolog ists insurance actuaries states- men generals big business men and social workers agree that ajsohol as a beverage is a racial poison aiui a national curse af british columbia alberta sas katchewan manitoba quebec ex cepting beer and wine new brunswick nova scotia prince is perman- edwardtlsland and newfoundland have enacted prohibition s the united states ently dry tr france has abolished absinthe scotland haffnow a local option law england is initiating a great campaign for temperance reform the movement is world wide ontario must go forward or be left behind but be careful mark four xs one x under each no ontario referendum committee johm macdonaldj caatnaam dadunlapj 7vetuvr andrews crantl pietckdirman m stcnltty 1001 escemorufsbtorob sot air answers became ian fre- dt ht ost4nned his three let- i a wttsvbut the replies aimlnlsbecl and anau ont tver cut jlg comijhjti vbntns carttlsone lyn bis asaetloo jls r ysar ossrlm fgdtgpd- i a- rgal wes ga j 1 th atwwaiivm wajs- mi m- tt w ht wat picked on why pick on me when there art 18000 other policemen in this cityt gpprebenslvely inqolred a cop wbea s man coming oat of the snbjrty at te ss street pressed late all band a tomb which he said kg tnti picked op n brpoklvn aeeortlng t the rittstiiirgii dispatchs hswtax earfgepeaosnt why said tkt oaas 1 am net collecting souvenlra sat tht thing looks aa ft it might bt leas gi 9oths cap took tag boab aad trapped it into pall of water baa4 gregadmjrt tjraed to ezpiede tl isa tags after the sprint rtltastd by g attf sat of th thumb hat bit dug nit dtteth jntn who fond itfrgss cairylm it in crowded sgbirgr av frost bretklga to nsw terkf cj counter cheek books at the herald 251 beerthe beer of the ballot- is not intoxicating rwgui aiasathgme5r tvtsrg looklnf nnjfim tlmbmsaaaa sjteolbi anoppsr hmvflim i bt wa that a flash of llgntnln galy ggg hlggweft- anilwttork ivcoaa vv ipsjr new of hsstjg a determination at to whether or not a particular beer is intoxicating can be reached only by a proper understanding and analysis of the manner in which the alcohol in such beer affects the human organism beer containing 251 alcohol by weight hag been proven nonintoxicating by actual experiments scientific testa thorough research fourteen specially qualified experts testifying before the united stales circuit courts of appesls were unanimous in agreeing that beer containing even as high as 275 alcohol by weight or 24 stronger than the beer of the referen dum ballot wag nonintoxicating these expert were protsiaors of chesiiitry teiieoloty theraptulies nerve spaeisllili phraieal traialag lauruetera medical doclurt aat speeislisls is ebsrge of elty departaaealt wbere aleoholles were eared for bxperisuats were eondaeted eptia twentyfour etea eboma froas vsrioas walks of life medical studesti laborers msebaales husioessesseatives eltrks in banks ana broken ofless srlists writers mi profsssieeal aws the esperlawnts proved coacltiilvely that beer of 275 aleoholis eoateat atrsogtb ooolitact peiilbly be intosleallag aot the ligbleil eigst af latoslaatioa were abewa br asy of jse sebieats la view of the sworn stateawnii of these ex pert bsied upon the reeultt of their experi ment that beer eoafaialag 275 sleohol by weight it noaiatosleatlag it muit follow that 251 beer the bear of the billet is bob- iatoxloatlng it is the strang soavletioa of lbs cltlsess uberly leaue thai at ae fasrahsl resnlls esa peiilbly oosse frosa drlaklnl 251 bear then there la no fair or just reason why the feeartl ssle of beer of this qosllty ehosld aot be psraallted uaits with tkf citlssai uberly leigse is its asrneit liaeere esdsavor to obtala sood- erate teaiperabes leglslslioa may a bell marks at the linxil of lir coiiuinny who nicir iiiti thursday and frlday oct 9 10 the goinclowiifler aid wednesjftv evg qct 8th 1919 t x jriv oiijivwi poung eabt passenber- wam rajasenser i101fl aip maji jiwam eafisenger mmlj pftsenger iftaaener 86ijn- d28 pm fiiijn gqrkgimrjtiia pnnbencr j mail 1 ta6enkeri fasseriki mail paaisenror snirflnv mailw- mail mail mail 00hjq npkth going south jold ajn v 0i pjw j 46dim 6cti pba 767ipm a0p bm 747 am 610 pm 1126 am 70 pm toronto baharbasi railvrav daiiiy timetable am pm pm going ens t 810 224 640 goin west 86 810 789 am 1021 sunday timetable going east pm pm pm 1220 845 010 hjx going west 1040 pm 610 pm 917 pm 88j butter paper at the herald fire accident insurance tr do your business with the oldest and best companies in world some of the companies ijrepresent are fire royal queen guardian liverpool london globe north british mercantile globe rutgers hand in hand iaccident dominion of canada guarantee accident employers liability provident assurance co caledonian hartford western dominion i am prepared to issue your policy in any company you may select phonesohice 206 res 65 georgetown ww roe coal problem solved kero gas burners onlinniy conloil for fuel j arc rasilv int ailed in nny ktove or ftirnnop nnil will aupply nil tln lirnt npcobkary for cookinn or heating pilrpohoh write for particulars nnd prices and firranre for domoiihtintion fred d dewar sales agenl or hallonconnly milton ont vote yes to all four question s x asy artlssr a will apatl it veto eaerssy ajsmslieever irfa lakt witt be sawim citizens liberty league mtmbkmtap hub wm poilam i 3wimilllsiilmimm g afavjwyjwf tff oaagwjmmaw s g g aii ttagf tig qtizeiu liberty league pbovinaal hbad0uautbr8 32 college slrasi t x carsutslbils gssressrg fr sir sdmund 01 la lceibiac tgachim sgpv rssmmi imwns t isolii- its no pleasure to if it does not keep perfect time we are expert watch adjusters and guarantee our work to be satisfactory ah the latest and best in watches- 1 clocks jewelery etc at right prices a flspn main fy next mcgibbop hotel bepbe8entativb j n xpwmm co 75 60 ou 60 dc 0o r 06- hdc sb m ii st i villi i unvi ii- jy fix- the ba rs i john ip of ty of tiirsn- vct r editors ds txg- hokth hboui m ty are juy of rrpaid joiiorn le the ninftnt fecees- minen i part- still t- tiro of ii iftni r will tf hie lit i i led rlniuih i and le for tn any notice jtm at u mown thi iy iflooo land salo halo ixuion e lown he he ip en oil en ve lin it s 8 oeobgretownj i- y fsj 14 fr v j fzm tr m ria ji 1 m a ii 1 cr 4 j to if v vv 9jlti srwra i t mmt-

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