Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1919, p. 4

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i personals your vote and influence mammoth house georgetown i georflretown herald wednesday october 8th 1819 obituary day vaijtli drum etida and der colin cameron after he weeks illness which comrtiencied with a ibroko of apo- ileky- coliu cameron priiwa away without regaining conpolousiiess 61 sunday evening 21st uh mjv cameron was one ot the best kodwja rtnd highly esteemed men fiii this section he was a native of pirednoht6wnabiij lwvjrig befen lborn there jsbvntypne yewp ligothe sdn 06 the latas colin carn- arjin and mfliaret aipmsoru af- terleavirig school be tjjqk a coarse at iitnei rbokwdod academy jiftd liteivspeiit twoyears at toronto uniyerityvjti767r 1 pnteredthoprqfebsionof tench ernhfl- wijs for a number of yearvirj charge oftfchoolhno 5 and no nahmvgawcyu 4lj cameron tfas twioe- marriid first to- miss erne- line rarffeuy daughter of the late joltn rarosiiy e3en slilla wbonre- deceased hinf eight years ago his second wife was miss margaret shultz of rockwood to whom he was married six years ao and who survives him tliere were no children by either marriage when he ceased teaching he engaged in farming for five years and then re tired for twtfntyflve years he was township clerk of nassaga- weva he was the first secretary of halton union piro insurance company and held his office for a quarter century- upon his retire ment he was elected a director which office he held at the time of his death six years ago he re moved to rockwood where he was a school trustee and also secre tary of uie fall fair being a notary public he transacted most of the legal business of the people pf the vicinity and he enjoyed the implicit confidence of all his ad vice was always valued he will be greatly missed in the commun ity he was a devoted member of the presbyterian church a 8 tail noli liberal and an rvowod prohibition ist the funeral last thursday was very largely attended rev mr little and rev dr gilbert mo- robbie of vinelnnd a lifelong friend conducted the funeral ser vice glen williams following is the school report for september class iv jack addy 72 marie graham 08 willie beaumont 86 madeline mullen 61 emma beau mont 62 allen norton 50 ernest porgrave 46 harold wheeler aba sr ill sadie bell 70 ivy hunt ley 68 annie mcminerny 67 end oilman 40 sadie gregory 86 viola logan aba intermediate iii russell wheeler 88 thomas haines 88 bert marchment 88 anna cooper 70 rupert beaumont 69 brock beamont 04 roy norton 60 jr ill sarah halpin 84 ivy huntley 78 willie allen 70 don ald appleyard 00 james benson 06 boatrioe barlowe 00 fir ii winston wheeler 84 george cooper 60 clara jackson 67 willie chapman 51 franklin lo gan 60 emily norton abs junior department jr iitotal 800 sammy allen 287 jack graham 224 annie mc- nally 824 joe marohment 222 willie hoare 208 stanley logan 207 jaok norton abs bob beou- liiinht nttm i prmnsry classytotal aoovw- ie dnviaon 11 albe tracy ibs sandy norton abs primary total 100 edward bluddw maty wheeler s4t eva thjoijipson 82i frank gilrnrtn 79 gfttherine allen 79 jaok bpbarts 7flliella jreid 7b jaekjbeuiimont 08 i rma barlow aha hazel hqnfc- fay bs a classtptal 100- mary nortbn 88 freddie gveenlhbien mcmooeufy 78 joalvip gregory 71 jinraiej3ejl70 s clas total 100 mabel mcnally 92 katie norton 90 myr tic kirby 84 eleanor allen si lloyd davison 80 sammy hood ih fraser roid 67 kyle bingham f atfrel- bell 04 mary haines abs c class total 100 do iglas hoare 91 elva brocklebank so johnnie hood 89 frank green 88 johnnie e verson 88 irene brockle bank 81 alice hadley 77 gertie logan 77 willie e verson 76 percy norton abs teachers m e carrie m e wright auction sale ok choice dairy cattle f he undersigned has been instruc ted by t l bote to sell public auction at lot 15 con 6 west cbinguaoousy on wednesday oot 38 1919 at 1 oclock the following cattle dark jersey fl yrs fresh durham 8 yrs fresh durham 8 yrs fresh holstoin 4 yrs duo oot 1 durham 5 yrs due oct 10 black cow 8 yrs due oct 20 jers ey 8 yrs due nov 25 black cow 0 yrs due nov 27 reg holstein 0 yrs due nov 20 holstein cow 8 yrs due jan 1 black cow 0 yrs due jan 20 jersey 0 yrs due feb 10 black cow due nov 9 holstein heifer due dec 5 red heifer due nov 16 black jersey due nov 16 jersey heifer sue jan 20 red heifer due jan 0 part jersey due feb 1 jersey heifer due jan 8 steer 7 jersey heifers 2 durham heifers reg holstein bull 2 yrs number of young cattle number of pigs number of plymouth rock cock erels bred to lay strain tehm8 10 and under cash over that amount 12 months cred it on approved joint notes fowl cash w a wilson ben petch clerk auctioneer herbert taylors big sale of holstein cows at cheltenham on ootober 10th is attracting the at tention of cattle- men far and near his stook is among the choicest in the country butter paper at the herald emjueking agricultural society prize ljsl claw 1 draft hone brood mare e campbell bert e ulimdell colt 1b19 bert e lom- dell j 13 campbell 1 year old -elt- tng or fluy beet e rjinsdell 3 year hid tellrtk or rtjr iberv u untaoell noli glllsa-son- teamaodfcthburrn k a futton w hrd cha s- agricultural llrooil mare llert e iansdell fcckr- v wllkon alex lmrlls colt llt hurt e larmdell renry- yilon 1 yonf oldpeldlrncor fulybort e lana- uoll jyeur old wcluuigr illy itolit jcllyinot itultoi- bbntauitav 8 your qlct bltlnb in f ml- imoi wf- doubuji toam 1a4iarhtu4- wlw hutoewbon s v w biown rljjio oiium s oiliirjav vurpofo iolt 1 iv alexlnllb j yojtr old wswlrjkor tllly leo toav ift hltrnoaa- m oxrter cia tonrjaae s hatlolb hbtmo hufiiuol mclxiin wlh- frud bibhov j levocedux tolt 1919 hobt kerr vvm sinclair jnmta tilt 1yeur old geldlnff or k k 1htternoii jbnmtiel mclean prod ehi i your oldgoldlhir orfllly m k iuttorson s ycur old ireldinir oi tllly in liarnofw n o undaay o r homorvlllo prod eiiih hrood mare jilllloh tilt fred wrigglebwortli robt kerr teuni in harneiui jumes tilt h w armstrong hobt kerr clans r kaadxter colt 1919 john campbell john v nlckoll son q w robzoi lyear oldirelillng or filly iohn campbell 2 year old gelding or filly samuel mclean ij a tuoter john hunter 3 year old gelding or filly in harnciw f b hopklna oeoige aguow w w hrownrldge samtiol mclean brood mure john v nickel hon k k hopklnb 1 a ttoler temn in riur- chk john w nlckcll i hon w irah- crwood kptclalh agricultural lfoiho on line hunk of noiju hcotla w w mathowmn hlifh htepcr itnrrnclough jah tilt do ik-i-is- iioiho conwuy m onrtor ijt- dy driver lloaumont j a work- mun creri eiiih single roud horse yorroll w h kutlodge ivulle- ntuifh turnout standlhh j w j3os- aey pllrlllela turnout robt noble horfirin named a s whhoii cattle cliuw 6 huiy lirttl nurliaiiio cow ronald mcdonald null chi- ilex koim hull ralf noll cillllea hona ronald mcdonald i yeur old holfer kell ullllen ik soiih 1 year old heifer uonald mcdonald heifer culf null ulllleb sons konald ucuon- nld bull any aere honald mcijon- nld nell milieu bonn cliws 7 joncy cow w a mccture john huntor hull calf w a mcclure 2 year old heifer w a mcclure 1 year old holfer v a mcclure helfor calf w a menu null any age w a mcclure clnkh 8 holktclii cow john hiyiter holfer calf john hunter cattle smlau 1 year oll dehorned bteor t ea ton co honald mcdonald iure bred hhorthornu merchanth ilank ronald mefionald nell tlllllea bona clunm 0 dairy grade cow john cunningham w a jttc- clure a hyde 2 year old heifer a hyde class 10 beer grade cow honald mcdonald john hun tor nell ulllles sorib 2 yeur old heifer noll gillies sons honuld meuonald 1 year old helfor honuld mcdonald nell illllou it hoiih hel for calr konald mcdonuld la boast nell illlloa sons honald jic- donald kiikk1 4ihmm ii iaicvmuv 6htoi hhcarllng rain wm mullln hon w h allan hum lunib win mul lln hon w h allan ewe win mullln hon w h allan ewe lumb w h allan w mullln son sheur- llng owe wm mullln son w k allan clftsh vx hliropnliiro imwiu ham 13 jetch ram lamb u retch lowe h petch kuller biob shear ling ewe 11 1ulch ewe lunib b letch ciiikk ia any llnr louii hum fhlsholm uroa stuurt j koburuon tiheurltng ram chiaholm bioh stuart j hoborthon ham luuib tiliiurt j kobertmou john i hobert- boii ewe stuurt j kobortaon s uol- boii son shearling ewe stuart j hobertnon chlsholm uroa ewo lunib stuart j koberthon chuholiu uroa i tluuh 14 cotmwolu han fuller bros s dolson hon shearling ram fuller eros ram lamb puller uroa h dolaon son- ewe fuller broa a uolaon bon shearling owe fuller broa 8 dolaon son ewe iamb fuller broa s dolson son pat wether a s wll- aon fulled- bros cluwa is hampshire down ram a a wilson shearling rum a s wilson ham lamb a s wllaon- ewe a s wilaoh shearling ewe a s wilson ewe lamb a 8 wilson specials fen fine wooled aheep job beau mont stuart j robertson a s wil son leicester sheep e y barra dough wm mullln son w hc allan hogs cuino 14 berkshire boar 8 dolson son w w brownrldgo boar 1919 w w brownridge s dolson son sow w w brownridge s dolaon bon sow 119 w w brownridge b bol ton son claw 17 yurkshlro boar john f robertson w hi relit boar 1919 john f robert son saw w h held john v rob ertson how 1919 john f robert- ion w h held cliinm 18 tnmwnrtn boar h dolaon t son jamea stark boar 1919 jos stark sow s dol aon ft bon james stark sow 191 9 b dolion son jamea stark class 30t arain winter wheat white nell oiiuqs bona wlnterwheat red henry wil son binall pew henry wilson oata nail olllua sons ward ruddtu barley ward ruddell w w brown- rid another of these popular one day specials in tomorrow wenevfcr let a satiirflay go by it we can help it without e resenting our patrons with a good special in cfrafonola but- iu and with manufacturing difficulties beebming inorea- ingly perplexing weare finding it harder each week but here- m come with anotliet of these splendid offers such aswe madethree weeks aabdust tsooi a ever and sure to bring ril the uwjal wg rush of buyeifs w vultake ordes to-mor- row only for so of jhea putfita riiflibting of or quartercut oak ifyduptefer it with record cabinet jumt af you it ilutraud hmr for only thii to notable combination of high iqualjfy and low price it i an entirely encloaed tad cabineted gtafonol made of selected ma- hogany or oak of excellent design the height of grafoncla with record cabinet to about 43 inchei and 17 yi by 17yi inchea at base of instrument it has twopring drive nonbearing motor playe three record with one winding haa speed regulator operated on graduated dial tone control leaves new bayonetjoint tone arm and no 6 columbia reproducer lid is piano hinged cabinet has capacity for close to 100 ten and twelveincji records no money need be paid down tomorrow on this outfit if you purchase ten records all we aak la that you buy 10 record coating you only 1900 and giving you 20 aelectlona we will aand tbe complete outfit home ft you at one and you wn pay ua the price of outfit in mall weekly iiimi afterward tliere i aura to be ruab to own one of these grand home entertainer and aa tbe quantity la limited you ahould get your order in aa early a poaalble j5- r k j r l v hourigan georgetown this is for you you are interested in the high com ot living suppose you had to repluro your houne or the content of it and htiy rvrrythtng o vera gain you would need double kk much mon ey to do it ae in september 1914 everything haa gone up the purchas ing power of the dollar ia about 47c com pared with september 1914 building costs of all kinda have nearly doubledt clothing ta going up every day boots and shoes furniture curtain car pets food fuel everything cottta nore fire may detitroy your entire property any minute your 100000 policy today wont buy half what it would three yeara ago so you need more inuurnnce one thing in thu world haa not increased in coat thai is insurance the thing you need mom in abort whni you moat need ta the cheapest thini you ran buy protection you need the beat kind of protection too you can have it the beat cost a no more than the worst phone mo how much more cover you require and we will put it on loday or we will cull value your properly and give you the neceawiry protection r j hynds osnsrsu insurance agent phone 29 georgetown auction sale ok dairy cattle and pigs the undertfifined hua received iniilruit- tiona from fred hancock to sell by public auction jit tot 22 con 6 weat chiniruacoiiby on friday ootober 11th 1919 at- 1 oclock ahurp the following cattle roan cow durham grade 0 yr calf at hide red row durham gratis 5 yra calf at side roan cow durham xrade fi yrs calf at side roan cow durham grade 5 yihdue time of sale white cow durham krade 6 yrs due nov i jersey cow t yrs due jau 20th rubys sunny brae born apr 24tb 1016 ayrshire cow 5 yrs due feb 20 registered no 61718 ayrshire cow 0 yrs due feb 18 durham cow 6 yrs due mar 20 durham heifer 8 yrs calv ed 2 mos durham heifer 8 yrs calf at sido 2 durham- heifers ris 8 yrs 2 steers ris 2 yrs durham grade 2 heifers ris 2 yrs durham grade holstein cow 4 yrs due apr 11 jersey cow 5 yrs duo mar 18 8 spring calves spring calf out of eubyfl sunny brae plss 0 pigs q mos good ones yorkshire 7 pjgs 8 mos yorkshire 8 sows with 22 pigs 4 wks reg yorkshire sow ready to breed a number of ducks and ohickens also some geese tbbmb fowl and sums of 910 and under cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes 6 per annum off for cash bbn pktoh auctioneer tbe navy league of canada its vital work for canada the navy league of can ada fosters the splendid spirit that made the british the greatest of maritime na tions it organizes loyal can adians so that practical work may be accomplished for the development of canadas direct interests at sea the human side of canadas mercan tile marine is the leagues especial interest training canadian boys to become the stur dy type of british manhood that won its laurels again and again in the great war relieving distress among victims of the submarine warfare and giv ing the sailor ashore an alternative place for rest and recreation to the places of doubtful entertainment that abound in port why the 500000 is needed on nelson day octoher 21st starts a 3day campaign throughout the dominion to raise 500000 necessary to finance the coming years work of the navy league of canada help the work by giving liberally as a na tion whose expanding trade will depend on exports we must educate our boys to the highest type of seamanship so that they will be equipped to man our ships to carry our exports to foreign markets you will do your part in this work by con tributing liberally to the support of the boys navy brigades the organizations b which the navy league trains boys for our mer- chant marine evmry dollar mhteribti mill it mud hfurtktr tht mrk fth nnr ltn kt canada tht wtrk in which yam art 0irietiallyjpurtild an m patriotic eitim halt h giving 1 tselson for campaign ber 212223 8amp s caoaalgb ceajalltee in ike rreviaca of oatarto orinasal slrjehacbejes vlmcbslranai a m hea trterri sir t4m4 walker ant treeaoran n l m ma met wm tmmu mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm hbl hlhtl pwy yprjoes aio wh lowpt than anx imwciii why ihtgiiiitrry voniiiy and hrbfaglfto among them spine handsohio ohooks i riejl tbo w h b hoot sec pico ilip wttranted whllit the heaven wcro ihuiiub n calm noreno hi mul nidl nll met 4eatli t hie eounl ryi cull buryhlm in fluniiera earlh npbla ton of brltlab ulrllu piscq b cro ftlwve ilia hreual main street phone 214 ww j n oneill i 4 4 m m -f- fer greohretownj

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