Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1919, p. 5

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matthews drug store wc arc nolo oeorkotown iikinls for llio well known nyal family remedies some ri outi t sixfinltiob now in demand arc cherry cough syrup creophos laxaacold tablets pinol expectorant throat pastilles etc r local news jtemd 1 fiivproveriuori bnyjd thanksgiving diiifmmtti-mon- vdav i tripliorwutiiiijotibk of owy av rnninlwitt tuesday eyeiiing- 11 hi public- school touchers- con- vontion fit acton on tluirrdny and frday -thorebokalib- will hold an- othtir dance on halfowevn par ticulars later when the woathor i oliilly hooroheadh hot tomato cream in in great demand real oldfahliioned applopics saturday for 25c be buio to get duo lb will ploane you ti v gib bons bakery the directors of esiinosing agricultural society aro roquontcd to meet in tho council chamber this friday evening farmers doniring higliolans cat tle will do well to attend herbert taylors halo at cheltenham on friday qntober 10th wanted at once by teacher warm room with or convenient to tableboard apply to box ii kjerald oihee or phono 124 new students received at hnuupton business institute tu esday october 14th business and shorthand informative fol der on request mr b c cowles has been appointed agent for georgetown for the canadian national express co with oluce at the toronto suburban ry station highclass holbtein cows sell ing at herbert taylors chelten ham on friday october 10th fresh and forward springors thasn cows belong to tho promi nent strains of ontario tho regular monthly meeting of extjiiesing womens institute will he held at mis jolin apiiel- ben btewarttown on friday oct ober loth at 280 pm all are welcome a returned soldier frcini terra cottn who had received 10 in toronto a few days previous land ed in o e o r g i t o w n ono ovenink last weok with a beauti ful jug and 10c florida water and witchhazol wore tlin cause chief reith and magistrate near did the rest and it tout the subject of our sketch 10 with trimmings auto draw ootober 13th action owva lesiroh to thank llio citizons of georgetown for their generous supiort in connec tion with the ford cur drnw and hereby announce tho draw to take place in acton on the afternoon of monday ontobor 10th fred coles hecfy owva vioterjr lioaa maatlas every person interested in the great victory loan now being launched is requested to attend a gating in tho counojlcrianiberat uio town hall tomorrow thiirsv day evening at 8 oolock sharp ft is very important that our citizens bbould be present at this meeting be on hand how about your im it is important that parties wish ing to secure their supply of ioe at 2fio par 100 lbs delivered should advlso me at once if sufficient business is not assured we shall only make tho capacity our now plant sufficient to supply outsolves if you want to make a contract with us we will guarantee your supply but we must know at once m baxe georgetown creamery attested fair tgsr ago mr joseph brownridge of tor onto who is 91 years of age was a visitor at our fair last week he was a resident of esquesing for many years and attended the first fair of esquesing agricultural so ciety held at stewaittown 72 years ago he was a great horseman in bis earlier years and won many prizes with his handsome road- lj ju good health and was delighted with bis visit to goorgotown fair and the pleasant chats bo had with his old friends nobody was more pleased than ojflo when i saw that boots had dropped in price 100 all over on- tario i have pulled my prices down accordingly and i am making a name for georgetown for good hpots cheap tbrno repairers busy at work so it would not pay me to sell shoddy boots as i sow all rips free on all boots 1 sell i soil tjio mo- pborspn boot from factory to feot also soli tbo williams shoo of jfrirnpton and wbh shoe of toronto tbo only eonuino uris cau u in a crass by itself and t issbld prily by mo lngmgotown is a registered shoe and is stomped with a bohver on tbo bot tom of the jbot also the box and is utiheony roal buaranteod water proof uoe a the mackotv sit up and look and beware of imitations thiff boot is from tsbo up allmy ite prices jive away lower than any gkofcheiv ao ontario why bbs isimiimnilri tho blloo btjglnoss high gonial s jiijiifiw jitobeafj has rbiiip4 4isifnfrunlht ion the flincjnnt oj loted for the high bclidal btniortal ifctwo-iuri- dre1 and wljhtyiniiie illis nnl brfvrtrtjllvectentm baantjr firiis awrd v tito awards in the competition for tic best looking womenol acton faic field recontly ace -an- uouneed in the free press of last week as follows handsomest married lady on tho grounds mm j a willougbby georgetown handsomest single lady on the grounds miss florenoo murray acton woextend congratulations fair nlgrt concert tliocoruert kiven by the nation al quintette under the auspices of the agricultural society on fair night was a splendid biiocobs tho hall was filled to the doors and tho program was one of the best the people of this community have had the iileasure of listening to the national quintotte proved themselves artists of the first order and thoir selections from start to finish wore enjoyed by the large gathering rex theatre wodnohday the man from funeral range with wallace reid no 2 or the man of might with william duncan thursday caught in the aot comedy drama starring peggy hy- land friday- dorothy gishftho little distrimiter of hearts of thoworld battling jane our boys in iorniiiny two reel official picture showing our boys entering cologne bonn and other german oities saturday border wireless with v s hart the cook with fatly arbuckh thanksgiving day matinee and night matinee ut 2h0 pm child ren aro allowed unaccompanied to the matinee matineo picture put up tour hand with marguerite fisher and tho usual nomedv night at 780 our better selves starr ing fanny ward coining hearts of the world soldier entertained thursday evening september iwrd the young peoples guild of knox presbyterian church george town ontortained the returnedjaol- dicrs and nurses of the cbuieh to gether with their friends at a ban- quct in the sunday school roum which was beautifully dooorated with mi in iin leaves crimson flow ers and flags after supper a short program of in u sir hy miss mclapd and miss gardiner and short speeches was onjoyed tho toast tin king apd country was proposed by mi fjeslin wad- dell responded to by singing the national anthem our returned soldiers and nurses proposed by mr l grant re sponded to by lieut jack kennedy the church proposed by flight lieut arolpneill responded to by mr j d godfrey tho locdies proposed by flight oadet 0 croelman responded to by sorg b hynds rev r f cameron ably acted as toast master this- happy evening vvns brought to a close by all rising to sing for they are jolly good fellows and auld lang syne bfokiool arnold ono of the prettiest of autumn weddings was that solemnized on wednosday octobor 1 at grand view georgetown when sylvia glondolyn hecond daughter of mr ii t arnold was married to gilbert graham youngest son of mr and mrs jlmoniool of toronto tho coremony was per formed by rev mr burt in the drawing room under an aroh of roses and asters with a boil of the of the same flowers pendant from personals bters mr brownridge is onjoying tfu3 centre to the strains of the wedding march played by miss me wbirter the bride was brought in and given away by her frtthor i sho woro a charming gown of whito satin and poarl trimmings a oourt train which fell from bor shoulders the tulle veil was caught up and hold in placo with a wreath of orange blossoms fifty years old her boqunt was sweot- heart roses and liliob of tbe valioy the grooms gift to tho bride was a sunburst of pearls to the pianist a pearl brooch during the wedding supper miss ann io hielcoy whooloihrjthe wedding cake tho bride placed tho knife in it afterwards the bride and groom motored to tor onto tho bride travelling in a dark navy blue gabardine heavily braid ed and pearl gray trimming with hat to tnatoh on their return from tho states mr and mrs mcnicol will reside in toronto tbobrido received many costly and useful gifts among them some handsome chocks t1 boll tbo w h 3 boot beo thejh v price mtto wmunted among our fair oav visitors we noticed mr duncan mcdonald of brace- bridge mr am ley and miss ainley of toronto mr murray mcdonald acton rev father goodrow acton mr a tovell cliiolph the misses pickering guolph mrs smith and misk gladys smith of toronto exwarden d campbell and mrs campbell moffat mr marshall holmes nassagii- woya miss gertrude bessey toronto postmaster steavart of milton m fredocrmjltqn mrs- jn68yke tprouto mr fred 8eoord actoii bv and mrs tua grand valley mr mjr j cbnoiv ouelpb mri jthliairk8v pottapwcv mili i visltihgtrteniwinbsnnoh irig aldhilti pf pmit nospial- bur1itc ijpeht 1 iay in town- mrs ft bbarlieitnormivbroek bavbjbi of toronto spent biinnsy vitlifrjendb in jown dr ftirdsmrs- xinicviql of toi- onto wore guests for the weekond at jvlr g c campbells jthe misses poarce have gone to leadvillebblu s witl spendsome ihontbs mr and mrs s trimble of tho th line spent a few days with friends in orangeville and vioinity dr and mrs mccollough of chatsworth wero the guests of mr and mrs w a wilson last mr and mrs 0 t coo left yes terday for montreal and other east ern points thoy will be absent three weeks mr and mrs 0 c maekay re turned home on sunday after a pleasant holiday spent on a motor tour in the states mrs mimnis will be at homo on thursday ootober 16 from 4 pm to 6 pm and afterwards tbe first wednesday of enoh month mr and mrs s j hammond and mr and mrs m t kerr of millbdnk motorod to town and sient the weekend with mrs harrison among the oil friends who at tended tbe funeral of miss h god frey were mr j t hannant mil ton mr lovell and misses picker ing guolph mrs cowie guelph mr frank johnston lucknow mrs lewis and miss paul toron to and i m beottie west toron- to mr f w johnston guelph may a ball mark company it will bo a pleasure for tbo friends and acquaintances in this town to know that may a bell marks the peoples favorite actress will be seen here at the head of the marks bros no 1 dramatic com pany for a stay of two nights with matinees commencing thursday ootober 9th the name of r w marks is a guarantee to everyone that thoy will witness plays that no other attraction can secure and that they will he given a pro duction ofovory play as they lire noted for their particularness or paying speoial and strict attention to all the details of olectrical effects and mountings may a boll marks former appearances will be remembeibd for her origin ality grace and case as well as her entirely different conception of tbo many roles she has portray ed never has she been known to play two parts alike and all times she has received the highest of praise from both tho press and and the public for her olevor work she is an actress that is at i homo whethor in comedy drama tic or romantic roles advance seat sale at mathews drug store prices 2d 88 and 4so your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for dr a w nixon the cbbservatlve candidate as your representative in the provin cial legislature election october 20th 1919 your vote and influence respectfully solicited for independent farmers candidate for ilalton counfcy fmrtho provincial- legislature a yote tor word ii k vote for eoonopiy a vote for ford is for mareeavnl bepresetttation if qjimit a vbteiforrdiifoirbw httu0aj ooiiinuiiktjrt fcour bporttfnrnr ociv20 id mammoth house ckeorgketown mj ft n h i ll peel ajjd u altons bargain store special shortening by pail only per lb 29c cheese per lb 30c barnhills nor rhtrrniiii i- laiqjnno hirschorns ladies wear and tailo to the ladles ol georgetown and vicinity if you are considering buying a suit or coat for the pall season call on us and save money we also make up suits and coats to ordor we make up your own material if you wish and guar antee perfect satisfaction we guarantee all our goods if you aro not satisflod with any pur chase in our store return same and your money will be cheerfully ro il 11 ded a brooke block hirschorn georgetown in mmmoriam birtbnshaw in loving memory of my dear sister gertrude mny burtensluw died october 10th 198 one of the bail whom god could send a dutiful christian a faithful friend a loving sister true and kind a beautiful memory left behind sliier emily blairiin loving momory of william blair who emere into rest oclohcr 9th 1918 the golden goto are opon a gentle voice said come and with farewell unapoken ho calmly entered in when ithlnkof all the changes that the pnaalns year ha brpuglu im glad that tbe world holds hjin is the world that oliangeth not some may prove falae and forget thee but as long as life and memory inst we will remember thee if the grave were io open great changea youd see but eternal rest dear will is far better for tlteo untlll the dny breaks and hie sliailowa flee blair in loving memory of serjrt jamea blair who fell lnacllon at cambral september 29th 1918 wc often think of days gone by when we were all together but a shadow oer our uvea is cast our dear jim is gone forever long long bo ny heart wllh such mom- orles filled like the vain in which rosea hnvo iraco been distilled you may break you may shatter the vnae if you will but the scent of the roses will cling round it still of wm dlalr ictober 9lh 1018 short and sudden was the call pf our dear bill huloved by nil the blow waa greaal the shock scvertt we little thought ills death so near and only thoao who lost can lull the pain of partlnir without farowttll oft wo think of you dear bill and our hearts are sore wllh pain oh ibis earth would be a heaven could we call you back again father brother and slalom blair in loving anotnory or sergt james blair formerly of u l4h ball who was killed at tin battle of ciiinbml september 29th 1918 faithful till death- midst the battloi tumult driven whilst the heaven were thunder rjvoni calnit serene his apul midst nil met death nt ills countrys call bury him lit flanifmarthi noble son of brltlnh blrlhi place a croaa abovu bis breast bialk in loving momory who entered into rost oi gibbens cnt late cash and carry grocery new goods new goods just arrived a large assortment of the following bergen navy brown liluek green and latiut tier ytl 250 and hoo pliuk and colored silk 1opliiih mt- yd 175 anil tjia00 colored ami hlnck duchess kulin ier vl 2215 and siro mack mfhiiline per ytl 1h5 kliuk brown and navy silk foilc a yd 1h5 hlack and coloretl crohdoclion per yd 200 and 225 hlack wid cojou rod cvorgotto at 22viiul 250 jcfjforsjl coijtnri jahmewj ifllftdrtontli drnskcs tfiitl jrsj ladies undeieeir lailjos uniin ant ull wbul vests njnd drntyois frjftn ltk ti ir00 purribullh a1 1 wool ccelec vfuliw uviil luavcors ptujr- m7b lindifcbvcoinbiitatiuiis iitlw 5 tfofo h0q chiltlrens union and allwool vests and and drawers all sizos chiltlrens iislnucre liore hlack and white all sizes goc to ladies all wool cashmere iioho from 10o 125 150 ladichs white cashmere hose 150 ami 150 r70 175 staple department a fiarko assortment of fjiuinojextuhi shirt- irrghpiinta fuiruolettoblaiikos a mys- aisaqrotosmfo v i p- cretonimal 0usc7fcvhoc lioo i6p artmusiinfi rtt 40 flannqlejte bidnkets 1ho0 jt2s and 450 fiabrielettab lkc use and joc coytjon tjhnnol strliipd i ffob shirting at v ry tickjhtt- at jhilifiinaprim at lot 465 and 60c la lvs0c and 1joc pocfqzz ttj 125 1 mcbean fg6w own next enrolment day brampton business institute monday oct 13th 1919 a school of excellence commodious class rooms finest equipment efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting address todny for particulars brampton business institute c e bousfield prln brampton ont j tfw nua t tueildtty nighl i canada leads all countries holland 1 lc per capita switzerland 13c england 64c france 74c united states 273 canada 400 u ip thohi lltfmvtt iippltct to production w woulil imvc very rrahon io bo pi-mid- but iluy ilo not tlcy fnlutw tin pr iipiiu fire loss tit bik counlrioh we inlk ol thrift mid yoi idikly ihiouh carelessness vc- biiniaj up 567124000 worlh of mfrrlimiuli r itnildins niul footl sinfiti in onrario last year individtinl rirkpoiikibilily rtit upon th riiizimiw of ontario to do thtfir pnrt in priivtittitt tho terrible whnte of our ttilminci what u btinud is irretriovnbly- loitt take iltimmivt pari in ntakitik a inuvoiti of fire prevention day october ninth clean up shjlwlldst amlrovh on num st dark ktcy- shawl viih blk ijiiitil itordtfr kintier pikp ltave uf x- v ritidv store it ai- tjj hi c bailey electrician electric wirlne and fix tures orders left in the harness shop will be promptly attended to notice to creditors in the matter of the ewtato of john stoke lte of the townemp of chlngaoony in the county of peel farmer doeaetl notice i tientby jfiven thai in pnrhit- anre to sect ion 56 of the tviiktce act r so 1914 chapter 121 that all ted i tor and others haviiijf laiiik or demands ag- aiiihi tho tiktatu of thu hutd john stoktfk farmer dtiiedkod who died on or about the fifteenth duv of june a o 1914 at the guid towiihhip of chtnguncousy are required ott or before the eijfth day ot november 1919 to send by pomt prepaid or deliver to he undersigned kolicilork for john rut led go and leuoy dale the kxeciitors of the last will and testament of the a id john stoket fanner deceek- ed their christian namew and ontantes addremhcn and deturiptionk and full pari- ifulars in writiiifc of their claim a utate- ment of their arconnth and the nature of the tteeurity if any held by them v and take uotieo that after kuiii lam mentioned date ihe aid exerutork will proeeed io dihtribute the akmelx of ihe naid etttate anions the parties entitled thereto having- regit rdnly to the rlaimu of which they nhall ilien have notice and that said executory will not be liable for the said asrnilk or any part thereof to any person or personw of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at he time of such distribution shiiton waiihr irk hi daik solicitors for said executors georgetown ontario dated at georgetown ontario this 30ih day of september ad 1919 ontario fire prevention league inc affuiatod with ontario 1ire marshals office department ol attorneygeneral parliament buildings toronto george r lewis stotrea property for sale 10 iiouhob from 850 ti to 0000 also lots antl parcels of land from four to twenty acres for sale anyone liavinr property for stile write or phone 17h comiiiifision ovent in town j h lane real estate agent georgetown davios puiejjard in 8 5 10 or 201b pails per domestic snorteniog in b lb pails kellogs corn flakee 8 paokageb for shrodded whoat orapo nuts or post toiuties best canadian cheese per lb rolled oats 7 lb for argo brand corn starch 2 packages old dutch 2 tins for uptons black tea reg 70o per pkg for 4 lb pail ayimer pure raspberry jain pure clover bonoy in 6 lb pail prize molasses large tin 2 for pure strawberry jam 4 lb gloss for peanut butter in bulk per lb magio baking powder 1 lb tin forest city baking powder larga jar frosh oroamory butter per lb lb each 8ce 00c 29c 14c 88c 60c 28c 28c 6sc 109 140 2do 125 20c 80c 87o goc j j gibbens phone ieo georgetovrn lane block madges candy shop xsossabssssssssssssbsasaasaabssisasssssibssssssssssssessssbssbxaassasseesaasesasss ah kinds of hot drinks setved main phone 214 jciarys pandora the boiler doesnt crowd the duineroffthe pandora on washdays you can set the boiler either way across or lengthwise of the top vj there is no guesswork baking either the oven nj has a glass door which keeps the baking in full view the thermometer tells whether the oven is hot enough or not the oven as you must have heard is very evenly heated this dependable range has easyworking grates porrrlalo enameled reservoir which may be removed for cleaning the pandora u thp sort of range you have always wanted see it tor saxe by j w kennedy j n oneills 3 si one garage carriageworks r ii two used ford cars in firstclass condition a number of good used buggies and wagons a large stock of cockshutt and fleury plows kitchen cabinets and white sewing machines agent for the well known dodge bros motor cars j n c epeesentativi l t- georgretownj 4 v i 5jl a mikmmm

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