Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1919, p. 2

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ivs lh w h willson undertaker and licensed emlialmer mala st georgetown aulomobil- it 1 1 i hour ttiffht or day the georaetown herald wednesday evt lfith kvkrv woman whose name ap ihium on the electoral list as a voter is auo entitled to vou in tlio pro vinciul lectioiib this is u fuel of wiih many women sworn to be ijjuoratwei tf va constant haawwi at 111 lfihallv writes to sagged nalii- of john j alleii us tieorgc towns hrtt mayor for- several decuuaaalr allen uasilioen one of i cleornettjwph jiios prgrersjyecit isjenai anil ihlriivk retioiit ujonths lie lias iprj uoninii ihacticalivky tj bring qjoofch what we hope will lmppofl ijoini nouylytlis making bfuorfi6tovvti liijltqwn just a wouri w tut wofuj -two- votes will be taken ojneiet tion day octobaraotlv onw a the teinjtornnce referendum and tile other to elect a member to i legislature tins is the first election in ontario when all wom- en- may vote it is important for every woman to remember when voting on election day that she should receive the referendum bal lot and the ballot for member to the legislature answer every question on the referendum ballot and mark your legislative ballot for your choice of candidates when we get through with the election and referendum cam paigvi probably there might be time to rive a little thought to another very important matter we refer onfe sioiie to the mat ter of showing our appreciation in some tangible way of the services rendered by our boys who have returned from overseas if they and others had not responded tolhe call we would not have the privi lege today of casting our votes un der the british flag surely sure ly the good citizens of georgetown are not going to fall down on this matter we he miohtv 0 lad the brave boys from oeortfetown who sleep in flanders fields will never know how slow wo have been in our effort hero to coniipiemorate their heroic death is it possible we nro going to forget the sacri lice they made for us hns the winning of the war iniulo us hog gish miserably selfish and so darn mean in this prosperous town that nobody seems to want to speak of a memorial for fear it will cost him something those horoes who gave their lives that you and yours and me and mine might live in comfort and happi noun will sleep in peace in their poppy covered groves whether or not a monument is erected to tliei l- sacd memory but clod forbid that we should bo ho ungrateful the ladieh god wkhs them are those days chattering over the fact that they will shortly ho position to show the men a tiling or two at the polls tlio now privilege is going to change womans attitude in many ways sho wont be content as in the past to take for granted all that she hears from the man of the house and with enlightment will come independence and the habit of forming her own judge merit on many points that she has not bothered about in tho past the maid whose vote will equalize that of her master and mis tress is not going to be as meek and lowly as she used to he and it will go all the way round tlioy can now- start to oven up on some old scores and the first solar plexus would appear to be that of keeping drink out of the men sway they not only intend doing that but tlioy announce the glad tidings in anetnnhatio im proving sort of way that to the men resembles an irate mothor scolding a bad boy who lias had his own way long onouirli no use tolling oni anything they simply rogard you with a bad boy look or caustically re mark that homo people cannot have all they want a method of dealing with a fallow that is at least exasperating li to is soaro- ly worth living in many homes these days and ono isnt surprised to learn that tho crowds are in creasing at the movios and the fraternal societies whatever woman looks in knowledge of the ways of the world and that you cannot reform a man in one gen eration sbe certainly does know how to uso her day and power and tho ability to throw thfe harpoon ab well it looks very much as if man bod had his day and there is little uso of him gotting stub born about it should he try to retaliate it is- more than likely the dear indies would havo tho nerve to get even by rousing to got us our suppers or lind us a elcan ehirt or toll us whore we laid our sunday tyjiisorsl tliores no ro- lying upon what a woman would do mr frank l itobson for years the popular leader of the royalor- ohostra and who was well known in georgetown died at his borne in brampton on saturday october i nomination meeting there was a very large attend nine at the nomination meeting held at milton last monday when the following candidates were nominated to contest halton ns representative in the ontario leg islature dr a v nixon conservative ino v ford independent ufo k ii cleaver demoeratic lib eral at the close of nominal ions mr dnvitl hutchison wns elected to the chair and the candidates d die sell the withering esqnesing council the council met pursuant to adjburniimnt tbft ueov in fcfip eunivmelwrsvajl prfeseirt vfif minutes m task meeting were rei and confirmed mcdowell hampshire that the treasurer- pay thontas care the sum of- 20 being balance on ac- eoulif carried unahltemii0ofl3lbliattlie trensiuir patf ac ccoisiiiati p m no tftlie iiii of jd ftjfo siid divisron fpr cn8 21 and 28- good boails iind 8 foivork hp done on l6t brftiievformeir byfbrdei- of p m carried l ubliqlihre fiuiotl tjjat- the tieainrer pay the selectors at jur ors as follows 7 h standish reeve 0 ja tracy clerk g b thompson assessor 0 and o c campbell assessor 6 carried elliott hampshire that the treasurer pay the following ac counts dan mokechnio drawing two culverts and putting them in opposite lots 28 and 81 18 4 days statute labor collected in 1919 75 12 loads gravel taken from a mckays pit 180 total 1765 canada ingot iron co one culvert 12 ft x 20 in b w grace for 48 loads gravel supplied to jos allan p m 960 carried hampshire mcdowell that the time for coinpletiijg the collectors rolls be extended till 22nd inst carried hampshire mcdowell that leave lie granted to introduce a by law to appoint collectors of the rates for the year 1910 and that said by law be now read the first time carried elliott thompson that the by law to appoint collectors of the rates be now read the second and third times nnd passed and that the blanks be filled upas follows ward no 1 peter mcoibbon 2 henry may 8 g b thompson 4 malcolm turner 5 8 h lindsay 0 samuel mcmaster carriod hampshire mcdowell that council now adjourn to meet again on november 17th at 1 oclock i m curried church news methodist sunday october 8th thechuroh school will meet at 11 am no evening service on sunday next on monday evening october 20 the kpworth league will give an at home- to the students of the high school and thoir friends all are invited to enjoy a happy ovoning a feature of the evening will bo a debate given by members of the student body on the aubjeot resolved that the drink evil has done more injury to man than war tho anniversary services of tho methodist church will bo held on sunday october 20 services at 11 am and 7 pm rev george w barker ex- presidont of the hamilton confer ence will preach at each service baitiat the second week in october marked the completion of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth year of dr clfnes pastorate tho finance committee wilhlho concurrence of tho church jook ad vantage of the occasion to add an other hundred dollars to tho salary the church roll contains a few more names than it did four years ago next sabbath the pastor will preach in the morning but there will be no service in the evening owing to tho anniversary services in tho presbyterian church nouval prebuvtebtan the alex aux wm8 of norval presbyterian church will hold their thankoffering meeting- on satur day lhth inst at 780 pm an ad dress will be given by lieut col dr john pringle moderator of genoral assembly all are invited to attend men women and children phesiiytebian church anniversary services on sabbath next rev john pringlo dd mod- orator of the general assembly will havs charge of the services on monday there will be an old fashionod tea- meeting and dr pringle will give an address ref erendum returns will bo rocoivod and announced at the olmrch citizens of georgetown 1 speaking of a very timely matter what do you think of woulp vou like to see hquor back in the saddnj again not i iii stiratfotxly right here iji our wn fine sleah progreiwiw industrial georgetown do you know of jainy or tnan homes better riour- i ished cudrenv more considerate hu ly cdtnlforts added 7 mr merchant has the loss of the booze industry destroyed your business as was solemnly predicted mr manufacturer how do you feel about it well suppose we just let this liquor curse crawl back and regain its reet how would you like to see some mighty decent fel lows who have cleaned up and got a fair start again exposed to the old temptations they dont want it and they certainly dont want you to wish it on them quite apart from the moral view of things from a strictly mater ial side has it not been about the best thing that ever hap pened georgetown there is only one perfectly safe course and that is place a distinct x under each no on your ballot and dont forget this is ladies day too they now help settle the question for all time and they surely will ontario referendum committee your vqte and influence nro rokpoetfnlly solioitod for dr aw nixon the conservative candidate as your representative in the provin cial legislature ejectionoctober 20th 191b wmimubi l amit lgmgirxf 47 si0re to tho public- as i am leav ing on the 20tli inst for hamilton to conduet a larger business i shall be glad to roeoi vo any neeonnts i may owe thanking my many customers for their kind patronage walter wharrad private sale houxoliold furniture and stow 111 onco apply to c a couiu town for wile ceorgv- ii heifer strayed strayed from my premineh lot 11 bib line ihqihkink nonifi weekh hjfo red imixer 2 yrn old any person knowing her wherchboiitii oomniunnate with j c cook oeorgotowu rlt no 1 is83lp property for sale 10 liousos from hfio up to 0000 also lots and parcels of land from four to twenty oeres for sale anyono having property for sale write or phono 171 commission owest in town pigs cor bale sow and youiiir pigs 6 weeks old john thompwii rpr mills tl heifer for 8 axe one year old heifer houiein jeoje apply to m clark phone 210 ivorge town x horses for bale good team of working hbrsed 4 and 0 years of age apply ii h heart well georgetown if vegetables for sale cabbage cauliflower and pumpkins for sale apply li f1 heartwell geo r l l6bt small pink cameo out of ring findur please return to herald office and reeoivp reward i j h lane real estate agent georgetown bran wo have a car of western bran to he delivered nt once if you are in need of any phone 19s georgetown flour and feed mills i do nob want to soil out nor leave gooiuetown as i have decid ed to make my homo hero and want to sea oeorgotown gotoname for boots and shoos of all kinds that no town in ontario can com pote with i havo pullod down the pricos ono dollar so dont be stuff od about pricos going high i have tho host stock of the best niakos inonoy can buy i have throe pro fessional ropairoib and you can have your work borne with you j ronoy the homo of maolherson urjs reaver brand shoes from f8no to 600 guaranteed water proof gibbens cut rate cash and carry grocery your vote and inlliienee resppetfullv solicited for j f ford independent farmers candidate lor million county for the provincial legislature a vote for ford is a vote for economy a vote for ford is for more equal representation a vote for ford is for government for producer and consumer your opportunity oct 20 191b v hrvb vvvobwjiallirinviee vou to inspee our display of fw suitjiik overcoating tjroucring ktefor the inesent son- soil yoirll find tnonjh vitrioty af imtlerns apil wlavoi to vgivisvotfiunplb oltoiop see our spemid in hilue iindhliick serges fully ffuaranteed price right samples ready for btt of lown customers mens furnishings new neckwear new shirts gloves and hosiery all the now spring styles in hard hpd soft pelt hats caps etc we are showing an assorted stock of boys youtlih and mens boadytowoar clothing we are making a specialty of this line this season we invite one and all to call and inspect our 8toek and know what is right in style and fabrics millar co georgetown phone 126 ilkmclass tailoring and mkn8 furnishings agents for stockwell henderson ds co dyers and cleaners toronto m bfininnindb sj til sji5nijb saturday treat mavtt yoti trifd our nonpolitrin kmijft lally it u butltr tliiut rirt it ik ruotui thai w think hktl u notui belicr iiuiil in camulit ik no ilonbi vou would think tho name if you coniiarl it with otliorn havormt t titty i chocouto vanilla and strawhrrry saturday treat price vr in tliorti a i hive- uttjfidnr 40f per lb 200 per lb weekend chocolates 39c do you know thai wo are helling more chocolates today than ever before in our hlstyry v we are not ktirprued we know that the quality of our choc olate are above the average and the price away below we make our own chotolateti tvenh daily and encourage the wale by keeping our price down our week knd chocolates are the host value in canada assortnd flavour regular 50c per lb weekend special 30o per lb t h moore head milton brampton georgetown iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii farms for sale 104 acres georgetown 3 miles 12 mile from llmehonse 85 acres workable balance bush and pasture soil clay loam togravolly loam plenty of water frame and roughcast liouso 7 roonisjjbank barn l shaped 0x2l tie up 28 lioad of cuttle 5 iioihos pig pen undor barn water in stablos school 1 mile nhureli 1 lot radial and gtfi lj mile possession arranged price 87600 terms arranged 150 acres acton 5 miles guelph is miles davies pure lard in 8 5 10 or 201b pails nor lb domestic shortening in lb pails hoi logs corn flakes ft packages for shredded whoat grape nuts or post toastlos ouch best canadian cheese per lb rollon oaus 7 lb for argo brand com starch 2 packages old dutch 2 tins for liptons bliwik toa rog 7flo per pkg tor 4 lb pail ayliner pure raspborrj jam puro olovor honey in 5 lb pnil prize inolnseos largo tin 2 for pure strawberry jain 4 lb glass for peanut butter in bulk per lb magle baking powder 1 lb tin forest city baking powder large jar fresh creninory biittordor lb 86c 00c 29c 14c mhc fioc 2ho 2he 000 loo 140 2se 12s 29c 80c u7o 0o j j gibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown 110 acres workable balance pasture and wood 1 aero orchard 80 uoios fall ploughed clay loam soil plenty of wator 2 creeks and awinduiill liouso of 8 ronins rood cellar woodshed garage rank barn 00x60 pig pen 48xho walor in shed windmill school 2j miles church 24 miles rural mail price 810500 tortus arranged 300 acres rockwood 4 miles guelpb 6 miles 21 n acres workable balance hush 2 acres of orchard 70 acres fall ploughed soil clay loam to sandy 100111 plenty of water springs anil windmill solid brick liouso 12 rooms good cellar water in house now bank barn looxm another barn 54x86 barn on the pasture farm 00x50 water in stablos wohool 1 mile church on tho place price 123000 terms arranged 100 acres esqnesing twp acton 3 miles us acres workable balance swamnand pasture 1 acre orchard 40 acres fall ploughed soil clay loam plenty of water urick house t rooms good cellar and jdtolien frame burn ftfx22 driving shed school i milos acton churches 8 milos rural mail possosnion arranged price 15000 terms arranged just a word to the housewives who are v not already customers livingstones quality bread has stood the test recipe a other lines buns at 20c from an entirely new they are so wholesome also our pastry with the highest grade of materials we are giv ing you the finest quality possible qualityour slogan h a livingstone 100 acres on stone road mlllon 1 mue do acres workable balanco pasture b acres orchard soil clay loam 2 wciikjiiiii 11 spring frame house h rooms summer kitchen cistern nl door bank barn 72x52 tioup 17 lioiul of cattle li horses box stall horse stable 00x40 driving sudd good now pig pun hen house silo 28x12 school and ohiltch 1 mile rural mall and tnlophnne possession arranged price 810500 terms arranged willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario madges candy shop all kinds of hot drinks served main street phone 214 llv v5war j a vl mums issisisis

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