Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1919, p. 6

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vliv 4 imk mi- fcfftv acksoms the georgeto her wednosjaybvg out luth lfllu now is an opportune time lo ffll in those vacant spots in the home i with soirie chmce fttriilturc at exceptional value v we snow a splendid range of living room furniture at a good saving on present values fine quality 8- piece mahogany finish nil it upholstered dining room suites from 9800 up oak chairs and hookers upholstered in heavy tapestry from 1995 up heavy oak ohairs and rockers allover upholstered in leather 9950 up heavy oak ohaira and hookers alhqvor upholstered in heavy english tapestry from large library or living boom tables from large comfortable wiokor chairs and hookers from ball trees from quarter out oak umbrella stands whits enamel bedroom chairs 9850 up 180o up 1985up 105oup 750 9t5 jacksons main street georgetown ladies fall and winter coats for those ladies who are con- temblating the purchase of a new coat we hereby wish to extend a cordial in vitation to inspect our stock we have just received a large shipment or coats in all the newest fabrics and colors the styles are so varied that there are not more than two coats exactly alike and many more come just j one of a kind the following will give you a rough idea of what we have to offer but it will pay you to come in and see for yourself in silvertones we have a number of pretty styles in two shades of brown burgandy and navy in velours we have brown taupe copen burgundy green black navy these are of best all wool material also other cloths in assorted colors the styles being so varied we can only give a brjel gener al description o item there are flaring backs and belled fronts sowebave allround bells fastening wllb buckles and bpttons the collars are moslly convertible made of self ma terial plush or for pockets and culls cone in niany pretty styles prices range irorn j1250 to hw now is the best line to maki your choice phone 167 wand main sis georgetown m highest market price for all kinds of grain rip pollvoroa our elevators at qepvaotowri in4 hove choice timothy seed at i hi r m- wwfty applejbiiihrtip3 at florvaj w public school board the public school boiird mot on tuesday evening with ullthn inoin- hers pitmen t minutes of previous nieiling read ami puiirliiud mcivimi by ijiuier thompson sor- ondeii by p monull lluil llio fol- lowing ikuoiintx be paid jno mrljonnlcl coal a0ii7b t j hpeighl ihrmiiing mower 100 j w nines cleaning chimneys 1100 carried moved by flock seconded by thoiiimim that board adjourn mi- til noxtregulur meeting nr at call of llje j i y i eoawtytwoatit 3 iravkiiteirp the nettuih liny cunipjiign til raise fiofl6tf roriue cfnnliniinnoc of- tfe worli of riuv jsnvy xnagjili of caniujnt tje ymmmsriiipfflll tic- tjvitiesor yjwjnav- ldogiio imoiid the oondutrtfrnavl jrlgadfi- iu vjfiehvvutnw pnijwdiwf irp fhorquklity lsn4 seaoahoiii jciiomeivhnpi marine regnirbs pvov tjualuldifl salloi tfiesb brigades tlin rjftturuce and- iimny uovewihagfijtviflrk that s cpr uielijsitrir liohbfttofjhop rihriibnrthe porjiianenf pipapafltiy of which ni not bo dqiienen t to lajrgo oxtpht upon export trftdo business 411011 all over oanadii real izo this and aro jn-ac- poid with the aims of the nnvy league all the funds raised in the nelson day drive will be sont in canada mainly for the aiipjiort of the naval brigades and for the sailors homes at canadian ports ontarios quota is 280000 includ ing 180000 which will be subscrib ed in toronto a brisk eivnipaltin is now in progress and the actual drive will take place oct 81 82 28 i georgetown creamery ice we beg to announce that we are starting a cold storage plant and ice making any one wanting ice oan be supplied by advising ua what their requirements will be kindly jtttuw kwow noi later than october lau j919 j vi i georgetown creamery co tw i bramfton bususeigs monday oct 20th 9 10 a school of excellence commodious cfasa rooms finest equipment efficiency courses in business stenography typewriting addresh todoy for pnrtipulari brampton business institute c e bousfield prln brampton 0nt intolerance mise a challenge to common sense k let anyone tell you that the issue on october 20th is the beer or the boy is alcohol a poison or not economy or extravagance any such an abstraction d the plain situation is three sections of the people of this province are absolutely dissatisfied with the ontario temperance act and want hew legislation that will permit the sale of light beer and wine generally and the sale of pure spirit uous liquors only through government agencies these three sections of the population are ninety ser cent of organized la- or by actual vote a large number of returned sol dier organizations by actual vote thousands of the rank and file of the electorate who have joined the citizens lib erty league the plain issue then is are you going to vote for the safe sane fair com promise that these men and women want or are vou going to insist on the retention of the unsatis factory ontario temper ance actinsist on the retention of legislation that is breeding and will continue to breed dissatis faction and discontent among our workers re turned inen and a large section of the citizens generally which are you for compromise and harmony or intolerance and widespread resentment study the ballot and analyze the situation conscien tiously this is one ofthe most vital concerns you have just nowa settlement of ontarios vexed temperance problem that will be in the best interests of all the people vote yes to all four questions rrsw ballot with nx aay othr smiuni wui spoil it rmntmwr ifoevmy rottr must votsoa frtry q orbit bsuot will bs apoiud p chtizbns uberty league mwbbhtmr m ow dqlm ntmrmimiti j jih i citizqis ubertt leacue mm t lcarsilthbrf sapouartbw tsrvsfs wrigleys c a package before the war during the war the flauour lasts so does the price protection and profit when money is in a savings account in the merchants bank it is absolutely safe from loss as far as you are concerned all the time it is here it is earning interest so that the bank actually pays you to let it take care of your money dont carry unseeded sums on your person or hide them at home protect them against loss theft and fire by opening a savings account th merchants dank of canada haad office montreal georgetown branch actqn branch eitsbluhed 1804 h r mimms manager l b shorey manager to the public wo j w konnody and h m kennedy have entered into partanrhhiffand will now run our llanl ware tinsniitliing heat ing plumbing and elootrioal diibinoss under tlio firm niuno as bolow wp aro gotting in and opflning a fnst as wo oiinn now stock in nil linoa and wo ahau bo glad to wolcnino you to our now promi- aoa the building lormorly nooupiod by tlie merchants hank our sale of goods slightly damaged by tlio flro is continuing in meats mamburg steak hm- h alio round steak pur lb 880 sirloin steak por lb h80 stowing beef per lb goo roiiht of beef per lb gsc lry suit pork ier lbro and hho f foru chops per 11 h8e trimmed loin pork cbmpr xr ib 4flo uooil homemode fiaiisge iior jiv uf v28v- v pmo hpuiprndeit4 jjocd rier jjg of inmbipor lhjak tfitmb qiioptf pnrll i 40d klioutder latuli kn id r80c sfcowiii lamb 1 rib v fo smoked hanv jthale mliilf lt ier lb ii i wvnib ivfrftijlwaiilxr i -v- wviw ivivlwp- v sjnokoiiimlbriv rtoje or half phone 196 v j main staeef iv arthur bcastell t 8 f oouaaf miulo loadon knvlftiul oualrmaator prabirtrtan onurob aorvtown teacher of piano or- bon cornet violin and singing tuition fee in any lirancli 6 per lrm of 20 lefltiojui at my ren- iiiiro main st ceooreowii or at ftipitshoni pianos totted deering farm machinery international tractor sharplen mednanioal milhing maohinee busrgies and wagoaa carload of plymoth bind er twine at reasonable price phonk 101 r 88 thos e hcwson norval ont georgetowni fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of all kinds u i a restivo frnit speoialiet htn strt osorcatown j w kennedy son learn wireless operating and win n good sal ary shaws school 895 yonge st toronto boa the fin est set of modem apparatus and gives best instruction at small oost write for foots o w orowson 8ooty- phone 25 georgetown money savers i3pps ooooa regulni- 18o for lie epps coooa vogiilnr 80p for mo ever ready cocoa regular 18n tor 11a davios pork beans regular jjoe for 18 tiunnh pork bonns tomato sauoe rog sjoo for 17c moadowswoot spring benns rog luic for do corn staroli regular isip for loo anohprbrand baking powdor rog lflo for lie anchor bnind baking powder rog 20c for j on quaker corn llnkos rog 12jc for lojo quart jars plokles rog 25o for llto cinch hand boap reg 2bo for loo union hand olonnor do zip hand etpnner 124o honnio bright cloanor 8 foi- 28o come early and get your share of these bargains life insurance proteotyourwifo obildron yourself and your bualnoss with a policy in tlio groat west life as surance co the lowest rates with tlio best rosults por pnrtieulara son ww roe wor 1 realdno os georgetown ont canada business college coll pain la torontos popular qommer oial school positions guar- toed individual instruotion epter any day mail oourses geo- spotton president counter check books at the herald euiq yohb and pbrm su toronto enjoys n excullrnl repulnllon for high oracle bualnoss training and for placing brsdniite in irpod poslilnns tlmo vvrltafor rntnlogue enter any w j buwotj principal 1 ooo can sweet milk wanted uuiimniboryou ftro giiinlrigllireopolimi by unlllmf yijur milk to mo flrstyoii sayo all i

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