Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1919, p. 6

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wmv sfftv piwsbwwijpj v- ii fwwf the ce he wedneejav evg oct 20tli 101 0 v ifi potjiilod of h vurtimtof qbrretowu hm vjtjilfcaftp to wdgbuw lift iuirote wt6ion4h6 tehpa aqa foihitroi aet nrth jn uigjagreeintiht ftv v v vmttf two weekm during each calendar year 1 tiring- tho said period for the purpose of tuklnk fltock of making repalraand ilnrlng- the said period of two wook tin company mhail be relieved pro lunto of its undertaking to employ ilte number of employees and to pax tho quantity of nrajren hereinbefore boj out 6 during tliu nuld period the haiti miiq1i be entirely exempt from till munulpul taxation by the huii corporation either in respect of the said latidti or any part thereof or miy improvement now or lyrenrier to be mude or erected thereon for tlit purposes of tho said business but not for dwelling house or resldentlul pur- pobes or in rtwpert of nny bualiinsm which niuy be ciirrltml on us nforwwiid iifinn the hakl inml or in respect of any liirotno but the company shut 1 not be exempt from school nttn or locul improvement rntes and during tho suld putloci tho corporation uliall troo of all cljiilice to the company ffuppjyuiti jot7iutny with 7 00 6 mil afterwar condition and the telephone bylaw no- a bylaw to aid smith stove limited by exempting their proper ty from taxation and providing them with ufitmr free of harge itor au4 tf akthprie cmaoi of this corppr- aiion to enter into an agreqaeni ththtbe asiiti odmpavny for that piftv- pqia-i- r wprki froyujoil liowvyer that tllj jwny ahali liae v no cuiltn njitttao ever ugnliuif the orporalioir for ilara ase byreiumm f anydeflcilbncy jtii water supply wljon -uolidenchni- loauboa by any break in whter vbrks system 6r trotnmx oilier c4iusebe5orii cqitfvol oxlhe korporallon wlproxldeid ruitwerthe talit iiorpmaiitii ieiarvipl sifm viiwtito s i r waiol to nfildp onniany fp oinrtion withruo othrv wator uflor tof tlle mlintcjpomty w qti milo corpotatlod doffnva it itecittooryj fin- jlift r6tfoon pr otherwise bnt viup whbhba9 tho amount of the rateiavbjc proderyi noftfce munlcl pal porporjulori ot the village of xjeof jetjpwn accord tn ttlje lat- rftr ylseduslfehsment roll is i8ij4 and whereas the amount of the whole debenture debt of the said cor poration amounts to the sum of 60- 80762 exclusive of local improve ment debts and no portion of the principal or interest is in arrears now therefore the municipal corporation of the vllloo of george town ensicta as follows 1 the corporation of the vulaffe of georgetown may make and enter into an agreement with smith qt stonb jljmited as hereinafter set forth and forme part of this bylaw and the reeve and clock of the said municipality are hereby instructed and authorised to sign and execute the sold afcaement and the clerk ft the corporation is hereby instructed and authorised to affix the corporate seal to uie said agreement 2 upon the said company comply ing with the terms of the said agree ment and subject to he erm and conditions thereof for a period of ten years from january 1st 1920 the companys lands and premises de scribed in the said agreement shall jbe entirely exempt from all municipal taxation by the said corporation eith er in respect of the said lands or any part thereof br any improvement now or hereof ter to be made or erected thereon for the purposes of the said business but not for dwelltnp house or residential purposes or in respect of any biielnesui which may be carried on upon the said lands in pursuance of the wild agreement or in respect ot any income but tho company shall not bo exempt from school rates or local improvement rates and during the said period the corporation shall free of all charge to the company supply tho company with 75000 gal lons of water monthly and every nori tli from the corporations water supply provided however that the company shall have no claim vhatso- pver against the corporation for dara- jbffes by reason of any deficiency in jthe water supply when such deficien cy is caused by any breakage in wat erworks system or from any other rauso beyond the control of the cor poratlon and provided further the juilil corporation reserves the right toj xhut off tho supply of water to the rald company in common with all nther water users of tho municipality of thraald corporation deem ft noces- sary for fire protection otherwise but any brcakago will be repaired diligent ly forthwith 3 this bylaw in the event ot the assent of the electors being obtained ui ere to shall take effect from the final passing and ratification thereof dated this day of the commny shall nnnuqlly whenever so rquestod by the cor poration furnish the corporation wlthj a statutory tfeelaratlan to the effect uuu the company has dity observed and performed all thetermsand proj visions of this agreement during the sola year 7 f the company should make de fault under this agreement then the company shall thereupon become li able to pay the corporation all taxes and water rates which would have been chargeable against the company if this agreement had not been made and then and thereupon this agree ment shall become null and void 8 the corporation shall pass such bylaws as may be necessary to carry out the terms ot this agreement from time to time and shall when and if necessary have the same ratified sanc tioned and approved by the ratepay ers and unless so ratified sanctioned and approved this agreement shall be noil and void in witnb33 whereof the sold parties have duly executed this agree ment under their respective corporate seals w h smith president b stonb sec treasurer sfssr ik featprin keeping abreast of progress the farmer cannot go back to the scythe or the cradle he must keep abreast of progress by using binder and tractor for the economical hand ing of his crop so it is with the telephone it is an-im- part o th busing d social life of tcoij4itf en5stkfeep en- iiteytemldm ahdlohg distanccrfai qit hlihest state f efpcsencyolii apparattii ana old methods must continually give way ttp iiew ejcjenona mut kep abreast of thff needs of the htmunesprteonimunity pubhc stvjfaes feveijnvhere jart ehuid wtteearwe5esary- inateftfsniaricfc ja wpajrehiatrtb i w6i the return of hprinal times reserve4oplfnt imd material were felailstej r reeve scheucle clerk 19 re4vb clerk mth jiobekmxrt ralemd to in bjruw abor wvlttw this indenture made in du- plieate this 20th day of qotober 1s1 between smith stone lim itep a company incorporated un der tlie provtfilons of thb on tario oompanjj3s act herein after tolled the company of the first part and the corporation ojf the vil- laqp of oborqetown herein after called the corporation of the second part whereas the partloa hereto are desirous that tho company should carry on the business of manufactur ing- elacthcajmucjjlnery supplies and aeeemorlm or elther or any of them within the limits at the corporation ano whereas the company hail for that purposo purchased tho lands eiid premises described in hohediilo- a hereto- hereinafter called tho said lands anu whbreab the corporation has ncoordlngly asreed to give the company certain privileges and con cessions hereinafter set out on the terms and conditions hereinafter set out- now this indenture wit- nedseth that in consideration of tips premle the sjild parties hereto fortnemon08tnel wns ooyonant prohilso and akree to and witli one another as follows that is to ayi fofa period of ton years from january 1st 1180 oioretnafter oolled therwm iieriodj the company shall employ in its lulness for tha first year an averao of ten employees fgr onph working- jay and for the remnln ins nine years an nverge of twonty oinployeeif for edoh wpiklrig day and shall pay- in waifesto tliolr eniployeos for tho flwifyoaravn ayorasb of hot all and singular those cer tain parceln or tracts of land and premlues situate lying and being- purt- ly in the vlllnge of oeorgetown and partly in the township of ehqueslnk all in tho county of halton and pro vince of ontario and boing composed of four und 88100 acres of the north east half of lot number nineteen in the ninth concession of the township of requeuing and now in the sald village of georgetown and two and 38100 acres of it number twenty in the ninth concession in the said township of esqueslng and may be better known and desctibod as com mencing at the westerly angle of lot number twentyone as shown on reg istered plan 1s2 of the county of halton thence north fortyfive do- brees and eleven minutes west twelve chains and flftsrtwo links more or less to the south angle of lot number twentythree as shown on p u s george mophllllps plan registered in the registry office of the county of hulton on the twontleth day or june 1854 thonce north easterly along the south easterly boundary of lots nuni bers twentythree one and two of tho said plahlfour cbulns and thirty llnke more or less to the south boundary or the grand tfunk railway property thonce easterly- along the said boun dary of the said railway property thirteen chains and twentythroej links nnore or less to its intersection with the north westerly limit of dion road thence south westerly along tlto said limit of glen road six chains and twelve links more or less to tho south limit of victoria street thence south easterly along the said limit of victoria streot twentyfive links moro or less to the north westerly boundary ot the said lot twentyone of the said plan 132 thence south westerly one j hundred and two feet along the sold boundary of the sold lot twentyone to the place of beginning containing seven and twentysix hundredths acres he tho same more or less taskf of overtaking these postponecj repair of restoring the margin of reserve plant while keeping jervice up tb tho highest standard is now engaging out eairneat efforts new buildings are wing built new long distance lines new underground and aerial cable new switchboards all in order that the tele- phone may continue to do its part throughout the difficult period of reconstruction our 1919 program me calls for an expenditure of 7000 00p telephone tvpers everywhere appreciate the kind ly cooperation of subscribers ffi ttfir hpneat effort to give an adequate and efficient aeryice the bell telephone company of canada oh what a pal was marjr heres a good oldfashioned ballad song thats making one of the biggest sentimental hits pn record hertry jbiirr sfngs the appeajjrig words arid beautiful riidody with sincere and tender jfcclirtg coupled with waiting fitmniateo lctbcfk by harrison ivew advertjscmehfs hetter for sale one year did lialfcr holstein jersev apply to m clnrk phone 210 gemg vge- al ud nhtble s hor io ikx 00 barn to rent f mill sr in goad condition for nnrllculkrs apply kvlown 1022 it heifek btbyed strayed from my premiftcm lot jl 8th line ckuthninf ohm weeut heifer 2 yr old her whereabouts ago a red ny perann knowing- iu assam qualify gfaroa ft that rich flavor i teaisgoodtef sold only in sealed i notice take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed byrlaw of the corporation of the village of qoorgo own to bo submitted to the votes of the electors on the 24th day of nov ember 191 between the hours o nine oolook in the forenoon and flvo oclock in the afternoon at tho town kail in the said vlllnge of george town and that tho 17th day of novem ber ad lsit at five oclock in tho afternoon at tho town hall in tho said municipality has been fixed for tho appointment of persons to attend at the said polling place and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk and tljat if the assent of the oleo- tors is obtained to the said proposed ilylaw it will beakon into considera tion by tho munloipal council of the said gorporatlon at a meeting there of to ba held after the expiration of one month from tho date of the first publication of this notice and that such first publication was madd on tho twontynlnth day of october a rm9 i f i heath clerk the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying houses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1500 to 6500 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 la benham real estate georgetown jmbuck buioheb lwys keeps a ohole 8took ot the best procurable in trash and salt keata wbieh ha sails at the lowest possible prices canada pood board license no 02108 get the best tear rich in centenaries natal day celebrations of many fa moua people will take placo during 1919 this yttnr of grim llmfl in rlhi in tmironurlek t ihhhi with it ih h in i nd red yciirs nlnrt qutmii vlctorln np- 1 1 tired on kloflinr kiumii u icnuimiy ciihrnlng ulilch llif motillillf- vlll presently ho wiixiiik imiiciii komlon tiibith bihus another notfd ccniinrtry of tin present year is hut il iln fmnoim olil k4ilo almlrtil umtimy i in nuni in wltirn for yearn tin kreinh fiuiml n pihihterit ii n audullunt so ihutrlify tin iwlverkiiry twh wny luirk in 1s1h lint this old cent itmunii first inhkiii his frlenim with his prcsimict thv ntonry of v k posipr ilic vt4ite- num will id so lie roltltnitid hlirenr few front er tuitlnirlrhs on fdiuutlon hum this jflftod konlnhiw f iln trrwit doctor arnold of itiitfby ever lireuthed aiimidk ihtr worthies whitet nnm nmst also be moiitfoiifd in ihls con nection in thtit of john rmnphell hlmrp the wonlnwnrthliin mi and phllokopher arthur illicit cmmmli the poet tind rim r les klnirsley tlie gifted author of mint linninrtiil thriller wohtwiml ho m scotsmen will presently lm doititt honor to the memory tif niioiliir noted futllvldunl whomt centenury also ftil ik i1h year u mini wnriiiy of a hnppler tnte donald piirjshi hie jmnt cov enanter who it will he remembered for dnrlns to exmiiimiinlejife the klnc vnth exeedted tit the old murket crtuw bdlnbtirirh neither tnuxt we target george kllnt the tiiillmreas of that unparnllelid niiniinee adam bikle dealer 4 georgetown com hr and hear them on the cotzznibla grafonola at our store luiimuimhle with j p cook georgetown uk no i fs8ap i r otrtimai table floino kart pii8nff 724 nm pllhsoogof s 1016 fljl -mhll- v 028i fhjm pivistncr v aaami s patiicnei 8uridayi 7jlpip ooino yvksff maii- pahsfcrnjer pattiienjier lpa9sinipr sitwjftvi a aoatt ftic g yix doma north milj4ravh i- aoinosorjt v s 11 88 om hirschorns ladies and tailo to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity mail mafi toronto slnsarbstsi railwi tiailv timbtajjle am pm going bast 810 224 qoirir west 8b5 810 bunday timetablf going bast pm pm nni pm 1820 845 610 917 pm 640 788 a 1 am 1081 om going west 1040 pm 810 pm 98ff it you are considering buying iv suit or cont or the fall season oall on uh and kiivo monoy wo also ninke up suith ami coats to order we iniiki- up your own material if you winii and kiiatantee perfect halixfaction wo fiuaiuntro all lur roods if you mi not uiuhiii1 with any pur- cihiho in our stoic return mime anil your money will be rlieeirully re funded a hirschorn brooke blook gtoovgetown v arthur ecastell t s f oollsgs of mnslo indan shiselaiid cnolrmastar praabrtarian i oburoh gsorsmtown toaolier of pino or- fean cornet violin and sinklnc tuil ion fee in nny branch 6 per term of 20 lessoini at my resi- rttmue mainstoeorgelown orttl pnpiu homtt pianos tithed deering farm machinery xnternationajbjteiatovai sliarpleit nitjktianioal milking mitohineis busrgies and wagontu carload of pljrxsaotk bind er twine at reasonable price phone 101 r 88 thos e hcwson norval ont j less than 0q0 per weejj and for i the romnlnlnaf nine- ye4rs an avernije i of not lesi than ioooo pep week un- jj lbss iireyontodfroni so doing- liy na tfiw fi lir whloh evht tho cajpii take nptloo urtlior that a tenant who dosires to vote upon said propos ed ijylaw must deliver to tho olerk not later than the tenth day before tlio day appointed for taklne the vote a dooluratlon undor the canada evl- donco act that he is a tenant whose loiuio extends for time for whfoh the dobt of liability is to bo created pr in whloh the money to o raised by the proposed bylaw 1 payablo or fori nt least twontyono years und that he has- by the lease eovenated tpajrall mtinldlpal taxes in respect of the property of wliloli ho te tenant other tlijn local improvement rates fjnstjio7yont otxat ociaeiiti jf dqsjss9wyii tfother unavoidable o08ihmiwwafc ianywolbe wsagf made science of checkers new englanders ut pattme on ela vatlon that made it far above mere game those who mention iln- ilentli of ly- niun steams ions mi nriiirii- hie dnlon recall aliiyi his hiiiiiilonhlilp nmong sow hnmiimliire herkir ploy- era it seems u minor iiiulier now but there mos a time when cliutkora were important observes manchester union in nld times wlien tlie snow was deep the tuners not ivhot they are nowanri the telephone not known this grime so euhy and yet so hard linir its votaries uverywhire a hoard wus atyery groeery und in every tavern shrewd umitilly lulher lliouslit- ful men with ulniitlieinutlrul turn of mind held the iioiioih in euch inert ii ty here arid there notiiulo iiuiliorltlos were developed men wulkeil miles to play with euch other the merits of center auil side attnek of iiiiincrvii- tlon or sucrlllee were widely riuhuted now the daminiilliik ukmisih hie i people has liveome belter exprehkiid in baseball onl n few or iln elect still make the tfume u puknuiii there is yet to lie wrliteii 11 plilloxo- phy of vnmer ivhy lire hiiuiihii- aneaklnit people niiinisi the only peo ple except anieiliiin liidiiius lniiliiy baseball h doih it uiipeii hint be fore the war one inrllt see u crowd in krnnee wnltlnr wlih hreiithless inter est the inipuriiiut htrokex in n iniiim of croquet why do nil the south american nntloix noein to have little interest in nny oiiiofiloorkparhi ex eept raclni ioohiit llchilnu or bull fls-htlng- why iiiih indln no outof door natloniil mimrt except tnlklh philosophy nod il-uulon- why ii scotland devoted to olf instend of cricket why iiiih jennnny produced only one or two puirlllhts of reputle tlon why have nut ion lint hnre do- voted most attention to ball playing rtihdpiiglllhiii been hie doihlnatlnt nnei in cominerce and cnveriiment rcereafjon is a iiniduet of ehuriiater expresidng itkelf freely whill doei tlie game of clieckurs meiin kvltlnntly a contemplative mildly pugnacious calculating spirit tlellghtlng to plan conipjilgns curry on defense and of- fetiije n lid at the end eel that one made a good conteni that waa wnaj the new hampshire riien of pasjgen ratlons delighted to do in ufa boiiit tare of that nntur i-llc- ijmf press it with other gamos a notion will forever kfefi the checker boarfl in we j w renrwdy and h m kennedy have entered into partnership anj will now run our hardware tiiibinitliing heat ing plumbing and electrical business under tbo firm name na below we are getting in and opening on fast an wo can a new stock in all lines and we shall be glad to welcome you to our now premi ses the building formerly occupied by the merchants bank our sale of goods slightly damaged by tho fire is continuing georgetown fruit store choice fruits and vegetables of all kinds a restivo ft 4 prsit speoiauist atavln straat oawicatowa m j w kennedy son wjrele phone 25 georgetown two days only frid oct 31st salur nov 1st groceries k0 4 lb tins of apple and stiawboiiy jnm reg 100 for 70o 24 4 1b tins of applo and rnspborry jam rog 100 for 7fle 100 lbs fanay turkish figs reg 26o per lb for ale potatoes per bag 200 potatoes per peok 80o 100 lo oz snidors soup iog 20o for 14jo ho 2 lb tins gnnns pork and beans in tomato sauoo reg 20o for 17o 72 pkgb corn starch rog 12jo for 10c 400 pkgs quaker corn flakes reg 12ic for 10o 210 lbs japan lon reg 70o for oso 200 lbs japan ton rag ooo for 52c 120 tins salmon rog 40u for hda 400 lbs llptonlu tea reg 70o for ose 100 lbn coltoe reg ooo for boo operating and win a good sal ary shaws school 89q yonse8ttoiontoha8 the rip est set of modern apparatus and gives host instruction at small cost write for facts o w crewson sboty life insurance protect your wife children yourself and your business with a policy in tlie great west life as surance co the lowest rates with the best results for particulars see i wwroe phon bosidsnosiai oeoroetown out phone 76 canada business gllege oollaat spadixta is torontos popufar conimer- oial school posltiphb-gunr- teed indiyiduar instruction bnjjdr y- day mtill ooursbs geo qpiiowieiittent n m connler check booj nnininita uiruifiii

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