Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1919, p. 5

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the georaetown herald wednesday bvg nov fitli 1010 ift kk fel bylaw no- a bylaw to aid smith fe stone limited by exempting their proper ty from taxation and providing then with a period of tt yeee and t authorise the council of tnia corpjor- ation to enter into an agreement with the a aid v company for that pur- poaaj tiiqpwtitiit ti ponttioiinr tiuv vllod r uootgeiowii stone ijmixflo kyiexeipnllng tnoni vfrpiiy tniatton nna pcoyldlns jthoni withtrotf vwaler upon tio ttwma ft4 tonattqimae forth jh tho airroonfiih hereinafter referred to which rornis psrl of ths bylaw afij wheileap tho aroourlt of he rateable property yf the m-unlcl- pal corporation of the village of georgetown according to tbe last re- vised nsweuunontroll in f 834900 4s and whereas the amount of the whole debenture debt of the aald cor poration amounts to the sum of 3 60- 80762 exclusive of local improve tnent debts and no portion of the principal or interest is in arrears now therefore the municipal corporation or the village of george town enacts as follows 1 the corporation of the village of georgetown may make and enter into an agreement wjth smith stone limited as hereinafter set forth and forms part of this bylaw and the reeve and clerk of the said municipality are hereby instructed and authorised to sign and execute the sold agreement and the clerk of the corporation is hereby instructed and authorised to affix the corporate seal to the said agreement 8 upon the said company comply ing with the terms of the said of roe- ment and subject to the terms and conditions thereof for a period of ten years from january 1st 120 the companys lands and premises de scribed id tlio saltl agrooinont shall be entirely oxotnpt from all municipal taxation by the maid corporation eltli er in respect of the ui lands or any part thereof or any improvements now or hereafter lo bo made or orectod thereon for tlio purpoheti of tho said business but not for dwelling irons or residential purposes or in respect of any business which mny bo carried on upon tlio said lands in pursuanco of tho said agreement or in respect of any liicemo hut tho company hiiuii not ho exempt from sohool rateh or local improvement rates and during the said period tho corporation uhall free of all churgo to tho company supply the company with 76000 gal lons of water monthly and every month from the corporations water supply provided however that the company shall have no claim whatso ever against the corporation for dam ages hir reason of any deficiency in wator supply whoa such deflcien- twi works durlisr each calendar year iiiiiiik tlio saltl iiorlod for tho purpose oft tjikliik stork of maktnjr ropulrs and ilnilnir the said period of two week lhi company shall be rollevil pro initio of mm undortakliik to iinilty ihtt number of cm ploy nnd lo pay the quantity of viisch hereinbefore sel out r dilrtnir llui wild period the said company shall he entirely exempt from all muuiilpnl taxnllon by the said nrporutliill either ill respect of the huiii lands or uny part thereof or any improvements now 01- hereafter to be made or ercrtetl tiirin for the purposes of the said business tiut not for dwelling house or residential pur poses or in rosjuot f any business which may lie eiirrltd on uk aforesaid upon the hiii iiuhis n in respect of any iihmmik but tho tonlimny shal not be exempt from hctiool rales or roeittnpiohtiipilt rates and dnrlug thetijd nwrkrti fit- hcrporuitdnvmmh free of h nnrje jo thce vcl supply tii company wit j f botfgat tons of water nlqnthiy httov ever month from the torporatlohs water works fmvlilli however that the company shall buyuo claini whabai evw agulnwfjtbe dil njf by teasoii of unf lflflncjr ii the wnivr sulipl wllrlisiluclliilvfiolsivs py is riiwif v uny litrukiige ln wuw skurhsl- ijst or from nv stller causatvsyvhd lli omt or tlvf wppriitkui aiid pioyivi r taxi iter lli- juiiii intionijuni sprvasiho kniilofi sujiluy wf vutijr smd rouvaiiy m common vyh hriotner vatekusors otiojiliilcjrlnutyltlhe ialll corporntfanlmnris it nocesnary toftftt prqtoctlbn- of otherwise but anv brnkago shall bo repaired dlll- goiftly forthwith oi tha comoany shall annually wfionevef so ronuestod- by oi cor- pdration ftfrnlsh the corporatlpn with n statutory doclawctlon to the effeo tlint tho cofaipany has duly obsorvod and performed nil tho terms and pro visions of this agreement during th said year 7 if the company should make de fault under this agreement then the company shall thereupon become li able to pay the corporation all taxes and water rates which would have boon chargeable against the company if this agreement had not been mads and then and thereupon this agree ment shall become null and void 8 the corporation shall pass such bylaws as may be necessary to carry out the terms of this agreement from time to time and shall when and if necessary have the same ratified sanc tioned and approved by the ratepay ers and unless so ratified sanctioned and approved thin agreement shall be nun and void in witness whereof ths said parties have duly executed this agree ment undor their respective corporate seals w h smith president b 8tonb hectreasurer th cy lu caused by any breakage in wat- erwork system or from any other oauso beyond tlio control of tho or poratlon and provided further tho sold corporation reserves the right to shut off the supply of wator to the sold company in common with all other water users of tho municipality of the said corporation doom it neces- sury for fire protection otherwlso but any breakage will bu repaired diligent ly forthwith s this bylaw in tho event of the assent of tho electors being obtained thereto shall take effeot from the final passing and ratification thoreof reeve clerk ur agreement rsiemd to in bylaw above written thts indenture made in du plicate this 20th day of october is 19 between smith stone lim ited a company incorporated un der tho provisions of the on tario companies act horoln- after called the company of the first part and the corporation of the vil lage of georgetown herein after called tlio corporation of the second part whereas the parties hereto are desirous that tho company shodld oarry on tliebustiiehs of manufuoliir- ing electrical machinery suppliog and jtcceisorles or either or uny of them within the limits of the corporation and whereas tho company has for that purpose purohasod the lands and premises described in schedule a hereto hereinafter called tho said lands and wheitbab the corporation has accordingly agreed to rive tbe company cortuln privileges ftmt con cessions hereinafter sot out on tbe terms and conditions horelnaftor set out now this inoenture wit nesseth that in consideration of the promises tho aald parties hereto for thomsolvos thalr successors and us signs covenant promise nnd agree to and with one anotlier as follows tliut is to sayi 1 for a porlod of ton yoara from january 1st 1920 horelnaftor called the said porlod the- company shall employ in its business for the first year an average of ton employeos for each working day and for tho remain ing nine years an average of twenty employees for onoh working day and shall pay jjj wages to tliolr employees for the first year an uvorage of not less than 120000 per weok and for the remaining iilno years an average of not less than 4ooo0 par wnok un less prevented from so doing by ac cident fire siilkes or other unavoid able oauso lh wlilcii event the culou- latlons as to tho number of emplbyeos to bo omployod and tlio sums of i moriay to bo paid in wngos sluill bo iorelnaflorprovlled it all tha said oinployoos shall be fjjfldents ot tho suld viliago of vtgforstetown in tho eviyiti o flro accident btrlkm or any other unavoidable au8 ruoli its fliull cause suoh an ln v terrupuori tlieri in suoh case opeiit- rlbns has rosumea as sodu us posslblotheroftf tor and until bualnoss tsvrinliiw 39biny lo4l b ro- reeve clerk schedule a ail aki hinollar those cer- tjiln parcels or traots of land and premises sltunte lying and being part ly in the vlllago or georgetown nnd partly in the totfnehlp of esqueslng all in the county of ha i ton and pro vlnee of ontario nnd being composed of rour und 88100 acres of the north oast half of iot numbr nlnetoen in the ninth concession of the township of esqueslng and now in the sold vlllnge of georgetown and two and 88100 acres of jot number twenty in the ninth concession in the said township of esqueslns and mny be botler known and described ns com mencing at the westerly angle of lot number twentyone as shown on reg istered plan 1sj of the county of hal ton thence north forty- five de grees and eleven minutes west twelve chains and fiftytwo links mors or less to tho south angle of iot number twentythree as shown on p l 8 george mcphllllps plan registered in the registry office of the county of hulton on the twontloth day of june 1864 thence north easterly along the south oastorly boundary of lots num bers twentythree one and two of the said plan four chains and thirty links more or loss to the south boundary of the grand trunk railway property thence oastorly along the said boun dary of the sold railway property thirteen ohains and twentythroe links more or less to its intersection withmhe north westerly limit of glen roud thenco south westerly along the said limit of glon road six ohains and twelvo links nioro or loss to tho south limit of victoria street thence south oastorly along tho said limit of victoria street twontyflve links more or less to the north westerly boundary of the said lot twentyono of the said plan 132 thence bouth westerly one hundred and two feet along the said boundary of tho said lot twentyone to the plaoe of beginning containing snvon mid twentysix hundredths aorcs be i ho same moro or less notice take notioe that the foregoing is a true oopy of a proposed bylaw of fho corporation of tbe village of george town to bo submitted to the votes of tho eloctors on tho 24 th day of nov ombor 1919 botween tbe hours of nine oclock in tho forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon at tha town hall in the said village of george town and that tho 17th day ot novcm- bor ad 1919 at ivo oclock in the afternoon at tho town hall in tho sitlil municipality has lidon fixed for ths appointment of persons to attend at tha said polling plaoe and at the final summing up of the votes by the clork and that if the assent of tlio elec tors is obtained to the said proposed bylaw it will bo takon into considera tion by tho munlolpal council of the aald corporation at a mooting thore of to be held after the expiration of one month from tho dato of the first publication of this notioe and thnt such first publication was made on tho twentyninth day of octobor ac i 1919 f l heath clerk take notloo furtlior that a tonant who desires to vote upon said propps- od bylaw must deliver to tho clerk not lator than the tenth day boforo tlio day appointod for taking tho voto a deolurutlon tinifor the canada evi dence act that he is a tenant whoso loaso oxtpnds for time for whlah tho debt ot liability is to be oreatod or in which tho money to be ruisod by tho proposed bylaw is payable or for at least twentyono years aria that he has by tho lease oovonatod to puy all municipal taxes in rospoot of tbe nroporty of whlohlie la tenant other limn local improvement rates rexall drug store 4 rexall drug store the plan yon pay tho regular irifc for one article nml then we give another of the sums article for owe cent one for s100 two for 1101 example one cent or 2 lor 101 btiv one liol i of rexali h ijnir tonic at the regulnr liricc if sr00 it ixl wo will k you another bottle for i friday and saturday 1919 m v sal by the united dltltg company for the rexall dhui stobkh o toilet article remedies chocolates perfumes rubber odous stationery and dm sundrieh in tho world and this is an advertising plan viureand simnl of the expenm instead of pendin money the retl way such a free samples etc it is their de that we lace full s zed raokaies o u nrtu it l portiinity to judne the real value of these goods llic cost of whioh thoy charge to advertising lackaos ot aitxleh th united drug company are tlio largost manufacturers and buyers 1 tuple of whioh they bear most in your hund giving you an op- wo will only bo permitted to run this sale occasionally j o i j beware of imitations in other stores and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity goodb tlurmg this sale so please dont ask us to do- it these priced do not inolmle tlio war tax p l n l wo can not afford to charge or deliver creams rexall cold cream a fnvorita cream everywhere ooo per jar 3 for 61 26c jar rikors peroxide cream 2 for 28 fioc janrikers disappear ing frcceicream 2 for 51 50c jar paradis mnswike cream 2 for 51 hoo bottle rose witch hazel cream 2 for 31 2lic bottle violet witch hazel crcnm 2 for 28 powders and puffs floc tins rikers corylopsis iul- eum powder white or mesh hoo tins 2 for 81 100 box bouquet ramee pace powder 2 for 101 goc boxes violet dtilce face powder 2 for 81 coc harmony rose face powders 2 for 61 25c tins baby talcum powder 2 for 28 f0 tins bouquet ramee talcum 2 for 51 25c harmony rose tal- cum 2 for 38 20c velour powderpuffs 2 for 21 80o velour powder puffs 2 for 81 00c violet dulce rouge and puff 2 for 61 fioo ox sachet powd- 2 for si stationery 50c tangara fabric linen stationery whito and tints with dolioate col ored borders 2 for si 86o box linen stationery 2 for 3 7 10c culture linen writ ing pads 2 for 16 25c culture linon writ ing pads 2 for 26 15o pk linen envelopeu 2 for 16 15o bottles ink 2 for 16 15o bot fountain pen ink 2 for 16 lro tubes photo paste 2 for 16 loo bot muoilago with brush 2 for 11 odds and ends 40c tubes rexall pearl tooth paste cleans and wbitons the teeth prevents decay and sweetens the breath ioc tubes 2 for 4 hoo tins ponrl tooth powder 2 for 31 25c nail rriirheti 2 for 26 26c hand brushes 2 lor 26 85c hand brushes 2 for 36 5c mouse tinps 2 for 6 26c rat traps 2 for 26 toilet waters and perfumes lilac lotion a most refreshing odor for the bath and after shav- ing 76c bottles 2 for 76 76c hottleb toilet water rose violet or lilac 2 for 78 75c oz opt perfumes car nation rose crabbap- pie lilac jockey club lily white rose or violet 2 ozs for 76 150 oz of ipomeu 2 ozs for 151 drugs h5c castor oil 2 for 36 20c soda mint tablets 2 for 21 25c bottle aromatic cas- t 3 for 36 26n box cold tablets 3 for 36 10c styptic pencils 2 for 11 10c plik kpsoni salts 2 for 11 1 5c pkg powdered borax 2 for 16 10c pkg powpered bor- acic acid 2 for 11 peroxide of hydrogen should be in every homo for cuts scrat ches sore throat or wherever an antisep- is needed 25c- bottle peroxide 2 for 26 40c bottle reroxidc 2 for 41 75c bottle rcroxide 2 for 76 26o pk aspirin tablet2forl56 25c bot a 13 8 c 2for26 25c bot 100 blands iron pills 2for26 60c hot 1o0 blands laxative tablets 2forsl 50c bot 1o0 cascara tablets b urs 2 for 51 soobot cascara tnhlelh 2 for 51 miscellaneous specials 20c fins combs 2 for 21 26o restono for tired foot 2 for 26 160 sanol kidney rem- 2forlsl 9100 snoops restor ative 2 for 101 26o rex plasters 2 for 26 26c shoops haxets 2 for 28 26c major safety razor 2 for 26 50o eniulsi fled cocoa- nut oil 2 for 51 rubber goods 200 monogram hot wat or bottles 2 quart size red rvbbor guaranteed for two years 2 for 201 16c baoy comforter 2 for 16 20o baby comforter 2 for 21 school bag solid leather small size 40o 2 for 41 veterinary poul try specials bitterlick medicated salt brick you keep it in tho manger and horso gets salt and medicine at the same time reg 80c 2 for 31 hoc holder for above 2 for 31 100 coopers milk oil dip for disinfecting stables t- 2 for 101 80c lloaling oil 2 for 31 80c sprain liiiiimont 2 for 81 80o gape roinocly 2 for 31 80o cholera remedy- 2 for 31 85c fly knookor 2 for 86 the best store merc the finest store service in drug hndise drug in trusses we have an assortment of trus ses assorted styles and sizes vlyoh wo wish to clear out there are about 85 in tho lot and tlio prico is 8 eacl 2 for 801 household remedies rexall syrup of hypophosphites is the host tonic for a tired run down system and poor appetite il00 bottles 2 for lol 25c boxos rexall dy spepsia tablets 2 for 26 50c boxes rexall dy spepsia tubletb 2 for si 50c tubes roxaircatarrh lolly 2 forsl 2c tin carbolic salvo 2 for 26 si 00 box roxall ec zema ointment 2 for lol 25c pkt headache powders 2 for 26 25c bottle cold soro lotion 2 for 25 50e box rexall oasfrio tablets 2 for si si 00 bot eau do quinine hair tonic 2 for lol 60c tin roxall healing salvo 2 for si zso box little livor pillh 2 for 26 75c bottle rexall nerve remedy 2 for 76 25c box stomach and liver pills 2 for 26 rexall 98 hair tonic will stop falling hair remove dandruff and provont bald heads 100 bottles 2 for lol 100 pint of russian parnflln oil 2 for lol 50c box blood tablets 2 for si 25c box cureacold tab lets 2 fo 26 50c bot tliymodontalioo mouth and tooth wash 2 for si 0o1ot syrup of figs and senna 2 for 61 100 bot rexall nidnov remedy 2 for lol 60c box rexall kidney pi 2 for si 85o bot jaynes exzenin ijotion 2 for 36 100 bot jaynes exzomn lotion 2 for lol 60c jar montholine balm 2 for s 1 26c box rexall neuralgia tablets 2 for 26 we cherry bark cough synip 2 for 61 8oo white pino and far 2 for 3 1 0c whito pino nnd tar 2 for 61 oc corn solvent 2 for 31 ooo kidney pills 2 for si boe whitelinimont 2 for 61 2ie corn remover 2 for 26 25o corn pads 2 for 26 hoo black oil 2 for 31 ooo condition povders2 for 61 ispsom salts reg 100 for 10 lbs 20 lbs for lol wall paper wo are cloarmi out our stock of wall papers and have put all our pnpers into room lots thero is enough in a bundle to do a room 0x12 some have moro than this we have assorted them into four lots according to price this will be your finest chance to paper two rooms for the price of one 8100 bundle enough to do room 0x12 2 bundles for 101 205 bundle enough to do room 11x12 2 bundles for 266 8i6 bundles enough to do room 0x12 2 bundles for 366 476 bundle onough to do room 0x12 2 bundles for 476 soaps 25c cake rexall medicated skin soap 2 for 26 25c cake klenzo tar sham poo soap 2 for 26 60c cake bouquet ramee toilet soap 2 for 51 write your order here l v hourigan the rexall store georgetown ontario mail orders if yon cant attond tlio snlo person ally wo will mail anything on the list to any address providing sulhciont money is sent to pay tlio postage rate of postage 1 lb 5c 2 lbs or onoli ndtlitionnl pound 1c s riceman i have returned lo goorgelown and am now living on credit row close to the paper mills 1 buy rag rubbers sec ondlmnd clothes follies fealliarv horse hair and old moves and scrap iron of all jrinds live and dressed poultry hides etc andpny the hlgrhent market price if you have anything to sell please let me knpw by poll card or call st my resldonre s rice- insn georgetown w fthe beat soranton cpax in all sizes in all sizes portland cement fxottr feid provisions john ballantine georgetown pbone 30 for sali 10 houses from 850 up to f 0000 also lots and parcels of land from fqiii to twonty aero for gale apyone baying property for salo write or phojio 178 oorrnnisalon 6v peering farm machinery international traotob sbftrpleaa meoaniol milking jaaohinea bnffffiam and tayona carload of plsrmotli bind er twine at reasonable vrloo phoijb 101 18 h c bailey electrician eleotrlo wiring and fix ture ovdera left in the harness shop will be promptly attended to highest market price for all kinds 0f grain dlltid at our slrratnts at qaorgetown nnd acton choice timothy seed we have close prices at 1 we ere making applebarrei at norvatas uaupl fau and winter millinery latest designs noy on display at j counter cheek books at the herald sjfawllt misses claridge lto lori upsfattj oifer herald day in day out year in and year out victory bonds earn you money buy victory w kennedy son y mtimmsm

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