Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 3, 1919, p. 2

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w h willson undeitnker and licensed embalmor main st oeotttowi aulmiolil r llklrii llraiw imiml- nicll mv r vi w ff i fci- k hiiihs mtriiik loalh hii f ilw following twni ii jsc miiriiigos so- ivuh 5lx- manor ial oiriln so- bipcr line oxirn lor jwcnm n memoriam m-kbk- in lovini memory ol our jfi husbaiul ulltl- lather alfred sykos loop on dear induct tly work i oiic tbjwmfuir imvwin w k ujwudkt illiw- wflliklly hulhope iorrtii dnv y iii again four- ycpr liayf putod niuo sl day god called ll- one wt- kyid vvi forget him no iw ju tears roll on f sw jinnjshh v viloumi llwiip ptf fc wt fedwhvhonhw yr j suet at rdunhsu franca iv itiobr joihr l6irthu 311 onr sor pai ibul pfrbulir wltwoof stars vv andtticuayt olbur lumirui tnuvy and so in pnrioyrluntor ymrmletul bleu ilton every omv and ibouho v v grave witha poor utile vross t its hcpd and tho gold of his youth it so gladly s t yol 16 u hellnevw be jfad faily the georqclown herald we kvb dec- 1011 if the present council would remain for a year nndcarry through their proposed waterworks oxton aiou we beliovo it would be n good thing for our town an increased water supply is absolutely ueoes ary and we would bo sorry tosoo the good work which has boon started al this lino un a kllddle aqed woman from neighboring mtiniciimlity has beeii making hor annual call on our oili ens begging for clothing oto and wiling tho old story of her home being burnod which home by the way seems to have formed the habit of betting burned onoh yeur just before thn begging ex pedition she has been treated rather generously by our unmj snooting and charitably inclined citizens and line already received more than hor nharo there nrc families much nearer home and more deserving who are in need and would no doubt appreciate any thing in the way of clothing out citizens have to give away wo feel it our duty to mention tho above facts so unit others may not be imposed upon find this impostor be prevented from hogging all the cast off clothing in the com munity h s commencement our high school commence ment exercises and entertainment held in the town hull last friday evening was us usual a grand sue cess the hnll was packed to the doors and tho program provided up to the usual high standard of pre vious occasions mr c b day loot was tho chair man of the evening and opened tho program with a very appropriate address on education mid matters pertaining to school mr prank oldlitld of toronto delighted the large audience with his selections lie was repeatedly encored and his good matured re sponse was cortuinly appreciated the wand drill by tjirlsof the high school the indian club drill by tho boys and tho old timo dance by tho girls wore all pnt and re ceived much favorable comment graduation day at woodhill school was an onjoyablo farce and caused much merriment mm ralph uoss was the capable ao- oompanist of the evening during the program the follow ing h8 pupils wore presented with diplomas and certificates senior diplomas clcini llrown myrtle mckinnuy junior diplomas murgnrot kutmell honor john uyun fltonorj hazal bnrly florence giltuu ann mcciibboti alfred luird lively n wilkinson jinnus mcbtiau leslie watlclell hntpin hoau- mom fitfully murnnco 1iirt i myrllo mc- kinney clara llrown olivt mowrfl honor matriculation clarn brownfr ill myrllu mckiunoy lr ill llarpin buaumont lr iii norinal kntcftlire margjirul llussell houorst john kyjin llonorsi ha2tl early flornlnu ciilton alfrod ninl james molluuii ann mioihbon lcftllo wltddell kvelyn wilkinson matriculation mnruiirit kussoll olln ryun marpin beauinonl alfred laird james mcbean lower school honors form i klnluy allen stowart miller form i yvonne adnnis marllm ml- pherson madliue taylor thomas hlng hum arthur nnnlcn hex hurry loyd oavidson flwood harris howard ihfll- lock grorge konnoily provincial prlie for victory loan com position irwin muithow county medal tor kifln shooting- join ramsay much credit in duo mr ralph bobs priuoipal and his able stuff of teaohors tor the excellent stand- ing of tho pupils of the school at the oloso of the program the pupils of tho school entertained their guests a dnnco which prov ed quite onjoyablo tho mil rio was furnishod hy masons orehes tra of aoton 8118 18 1418 0 12o8 00 8b 65 1 50 11 40 11 to h 40 121 so 8 84 town council council met on monday evening lbeve grant in the chair itnd councillors mcmillan dale hi-nd- loy cook prpucnt minutes ol prcvimih meetings road iiinl confirmed coiiiiutinicatioiim were from tho following fuel administrator herbert johnston engineer sam uel craig gaelph secretary fire co t j hunnagan re hydro deputation j w kennedy re tax es ori btiildiiik destroyed by are moved by cook seconded by mcmillan thai arthur jhe lie nppointcd a ineunbir of the fire bigide v ovedvbrijtaioysonopilodfby dale thattbe ql mr grr ocy for his picture show bo- ivriew- ed foroi6 year for he sum of 6o06j ctiricn moved hy date econde3i by braday that j jeniidy be rtqterwrt taxes- fcr 4 rorotrbo building fltyoy4y flrlttitad8utrc2me4- moved 1y mcmillan wopodetj j cobkthftt the fijllowipg hydro accounts bo pai- hjdrobuictrtec04uriujp -piies- hiilroelectriecolir hup plies bydro- electric com irow- er for sept hydro- elect rio gbrhpow- er for oct chamberlain bookham meters u lutz inspecting me ters e lovell insiiecting me- ters g a henry horses 7 m gass inspecting wiring mcdonald willson sup plies canadian general elec- trio co supplies canadian general elec tric co wire 102 84 hunter 4 fraser 7h crockerwheeler repair ing transformer b8 67 electric maintenance co repairing switch 7 ob j w kennedy int and debenture 1452 08 carried movod by bradley seconded by dale that the following accounts be paid fl marchment sts wlks 1470 waterwks 860 marchment sts 860 waterwkb 1760 marohment sfe 860 waterwks 660 mnrehment town ball loi waterwks 1820 cunningham sts 1126 waterworks extension 750 w cunningham water works 16 00 rh p lnwson waterwks 16 80 municipal world supplies 1 44 hydroeleotrio system light town ball 12 80 hydro- eleotrio system st lights july 1 tossept 80 406 08 hydro- electrio system lamps for town hall 2 40 taxes on resevoir prop erty 21 86 8 craig overhauling and repairing piano 60 00 carried moved by conk seconded by dale that as present year is draw ing to a olose and no remembrance or token has as yet been given to our returned soldiers by the citi zens in appreciations of noblo part played and the sacrifices made by them the council desires to meet the oommitteo appointed by the citizens to take this matter in hand to discuss with them what can be done in regard to the same carried unanimous counoil adjourned h h h w 18 20 21 00 9 lo 10 26 18 76 a great event an event of the greatest impor tance to every man and woman liv torosted in agriculture in this plo vlnoe is the appronohing convon tion of tho tjpo to be held in toronto on december 16 17 and 18 this gathering will bo ot great significance to the farming community you should keep in touch with every move made you can do this by reading the farmora own paper tho farmers sun whin will glvo most exhaustive reports of every matter discussed at the groat convention during 1020 there will bu many improvements in tho sun bveryf department will be onlargod re- modeled and strengthened al though the cost of the improve ments to be made will be groiitt and an inoreasef in tho subscription price nooossnry the price has not been raised yetjtnd 100 if romitt ed at once will secure for you7 without doubt the greatest farrrjl newspaper for 1920 send in yonr subscription utj once and get your neighbor to tako advantage of the present subscrip tion pike i there is no other paper just like the sun and none in the same position to liolr you over 80000 ontario farmers subscribed for tho sim why not you send jour order direct to the farmers sun toronto ontabio obituary mils llllw mrs thoinasiiie laidlaw deixiil- ed this life on tucmiiiv ttioriiinu november 2bth lit the home of her brother george mid her winters the mihmx cveiliu mill margaret hob- erthon tuiil her ikmi whs luidwu to rest in llroonwoiul iiineter georgetown on llie follnwing fri day the funeral nervtce woie t-un- ducted by her pastor the rev 11 f caljiejon mrs ijitidlaw was nil intelligent moehl fuilhful and consistent christian and it can be said of her that she hath done whottihe cbitldv during her inter years she ivd witp he toiriii- miss jlj mccoll tmuciivki r bsi4es hef hrotlnr aiid- sisters al- ready nieiititiliovj there survive bcr brotier robert pobeilson of mifu- itoha her sisters jlnj mary me- ewun itfrb veorg jlarr ind her- grandson walter loidlim of bcif ish colnrobia i therjfwsrs present atmslhs rat sertiowher daghtrin- lujv gwalke and her giniii daughters mrs thomas carroll and miss bessie laidlaw of toron to mr laidlawghusbftnds andrew laidluw died- nbjsutone year ter their marriary laprec- than a- half centpr ago cow fob aic yovng cow 4 yri tld in good- ornli- tion will be sola reasonable also footi largehay rack apply t herald office xhai trees let me have your order at once and i secure you a nice xmas tree for the kid dies order now vvm ward george town lip gnelph business college herald hido guelph ontario the school your friend at tended will do for you as they did for her and hundreds of o i hers viz put you on friendly terms with a bank acconnt make monday your starling day the ontario voters lists act notice is twreby k lwi couit will lw lield ptirsttuml to itt ontario votr act by his honor the jiulv ol llie iottniy iuuii ol ih county of ii all on at the coimuil chauibor on tho hilt ilay of ucembvr 1919 ut ittoilook to hut hiui determine toinplaiita of t- ror anil ominmon i h- vot or lisit ol the muiuipiltty of torjtetowii for 1 ottica thi ifetli ayol novmiihr ll k i heath irk ol tin ieln- of ocorvvtowu to tresptlssers ny mgjvti traalur outolp17 ji is eousij pvur nnprt nulls will bcproaevvted folhethac extent of the aw john blaginj n1- i i i u i gnelph business college a l bouck principal cams are in season you have no idea how good they are until you have break fasted on our coffee cakes one morn ing will mean many if you try them now large size lots of fruit they are only 25c friday saturday phone 90s b v gibbens bakery next door to radial station fresh eggs wanted i p ancing why be a common dancer when you can be an expert my taking n course at my studio you oan get to hr a perfect dancer in shortest possihle time la rues modern dancing studio rear of honeys shoo store main st entra georgetown lessons tuesday wednesday thursday 730 pm to i i pm private lessons by appointment school childrens lessons tues wed and thurs 4 to 6 pm special rates old time dance at tho studio on friday evening tec 5th gents tloo ladies free get the dance habit the household topie of georgetown many of the wage oarnors ol georgetown and dlutriot are now din- otisflinu tbo question witb their wiveu of joining the georgetown gle williams coopera t1ve society ltd owing to the grent ih vantages gninod liy mo doing 8 inteiobt on shiire caiiitnl and dividend on all purclmncs to gether with highest qaallly goods lowest possible prices honesf weight good service call in and have a chat with our manager mr h pritolietti he will explain the coopcrritive movomentin iu ontircty dont hesitate do it today phone 22b georgetown sa tukda y trea t uv ih tivftl a iflut from sinia ctnuj tillntf uh that he litis itki1 to mnui our hlor iiit1ii ff cnndirsntid whntn iih to hnv loll ol kckmi ii4irtk thit siiltinli y oner il hoi huiju l hat will tittan nvord lm- imss uh 1 w ih ol out lli ioiio himhiiiiml miplf injtni with fruil aiul mil hi it ktkuliti 40t- ptt jh sntnrday xret price 29o pern lb weekend chocolates 39c 1ui wrikmiil iliosolkift iu ill bvwt vhiu in cauudit iissortnl tftrs rluli nul ml oi ll weekend speoial 89c per lb chooolat pmuiat olaater 45lbw alnu offor you 100 u of our vhotolale ivanul climtor clurtrrh of frenh triwpy peanut oovcroti wth tltu tiou chiholjiics uijruhtr 6ck- pvi lh 8tarlf 8poll 45o lb milon t h moqrehead brampton i george to wo jgnmmm ibiiiinniiirifil laatmtmrmal laiiiiiiiiiiinrai launiulf christmas greetings from the mens store i whvii tlje dotlisl lajiigul a jjiindwd iritis worftiii buyhig iilivitlj mpaiitgaing iuto thy neuriiti htovopnu jotting vhnij jiiu xwiutl fointne aniflutit you wished to ijhstulkut timcliiivc cilhuved wd nowwhori thcilollivi docs vtll if it hctfc fifty cent worth btviu lias lieconrc wjitit may utmost call vn itru- it nov takes- he mlutw buyer careful planing iind 8ltuy kefore ji- llndft licnv and where to gvt tlimoht value ir hj rnonpy vow for a hiiggobtion why wimto time- and pay tits expciinc u woing to the city only to mud thai priori have reiulietl the clouds unci then not good 11 utility in what jou luywhen you unit just step iuto tlio family clothing store of vour own town namely brill st co and got tho best pounible vnliie tihtaiualile under the prok- ont oonditioiih our styles are vatird and alwayx tip to dale our winter stock in now iouiilcte comv in antl look around wo arv always ready to give yon hotioot oorteoun and ef noont aerviov here in a rotninder of honit of the thintm wi have to well- mens wear and boys dept suits shirts hats overcoats collars caps pants ties smocks overalls gloves sweaters sox raincoats underwear boot and shoe department bootsshoes and rubbers for the whole family also rubber boots felt boots and hockey boots ladies wear and misses dept suits coats skirts blouses dresses raincoats gloves sweaters stockings underskirts corsets camisoles vests drawers combinations also infanta woollen sets jackets bon nets toques and bootees brill co phone 167 miu and main sts georgetown far for s 50 acres esqoeslng twp 1 12 miles norval brampton 5 miles all workable iinttreu orchard h acres pall wheat 24 aores ploughed 16 ncroa fit tnendow tday loam soil levol hind nnd soft water i woiib good frame houan 2 atoroys h rooms with fumacogood iollar barn no 1 60x80 no 2 soxllo tieup ii horses and h head of cuttle good hog pen hen house mile from school 1 mile from slono road church u milob price for iinmediiito tuile s6000 terms arranged 200 acres la esqueslng township 5 miles irom georgetown 4 miles from actoo milton 7 miles 1110 ioron workable hithtnce piialurn uiul bush co itorow fall plough- oil clay loam noil rood water 2 sprinns and a well at lioime and harn stone house of 0 rooms bitwator in liouso hard wator at door barn et8fi on stono fouiklatioii barn no 2 60x80 shed or oiittlo jn ond of barn now stable fl024 tlruup 10 head tvhortto stalls ninniiig wator in shod for uattlo driving house straw shod hen house and pig pen also garatto nnd work shop bohotjl aorosbtho road ohuroh 8 milos rural nmil nnd toloplinim price 11750 terms arranged 104 acres 3 miles from georgetown 12 mile to radial and gtr h5 uiies workable bulnnou bush iind piistiiro ii iiores orchard 10 itoros fall wheat 81 neres fall ploughed olay loam to gravelly loam soil plenty of wator ronyhoast house 7 moms burn h ahaped 04x00 on stonn foundation aboil 0024 tieup 2h head of cattle itiiorsos pjg non under barn driving house wator in htablu soliool 1 mile church 1 lot geoigetown 8 mileu telephone price 7500 terms arranged 200 acres esqueslng twp norval 2 miles georgetown 4 miles 180 acres workable balance bush boooh ood maple 2 aores orch ard clay loam soil good water h wells and a oroek frame house of 0 rooms hnm no 1 85x40 witb new stool roof barn nb 2 00x80 tieop lrt head of entitle nnd 7 homos driving shod 80x24 hon house school lj miles rnral mail nnd tolophone price 17000 torms arranged yvmoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont the gift question for men the liiiveisiil gnesliim i l i whut to pie for xmas moki men likel iviielnil dirts tho kind ihat involve miorotuh pleasure lh uiviiil- this store is roiliiuit with the inst wold in ntvleiintl color runiies in fine nselrweiu shirts halt hose silk mufflers silk sutd in- itialodxinen jaandkerchies sweater oot ferme audsqys cristimas handkerchiefs wt have excelhdallhu cffortvr iin- sectirjiiii a vtiry at- trnotiye upto iheiniiiitte asscihiniixt of plan iintj initiated liitulkerohiefa in tsillvutal init axl 8ttxe8 prices l- bbkmd nttb ieiiaoialiy nu4 to- b you- atfntion ij sv ffll suivhle gift for u fertertran c is the jrfiie toyele6t it rifl fctir- 1 your iloy hrtsbahd mr treotlomnji friend l w uvu ytuli iijbpiyt putstoeltwbftbur you puyjor iiet we ifavc whttl yujl vvani oo- shbpniini eorlv riot wajt until tlie best is electl- millar co flki hiohoiss fallotu irans fnrnuhlib and adytowar clptltlaa georgetown phone 12q pjcrmttail ibrntttmrnpffll m ojrrtrrrrnjrjbl ib rrtrtttrrrrcrj i onl a jacksons tij is buy furniture for christmas gifts we have a spleaoud selection of choice pieces ol furniture suitable for cnristmas gifts wui heart f the home you and snei will enjoy housing the new books in globe- wernicke sectional boo the advantage of glcbo- wernicke book cases that so pleases all users is the sectional feature you can start a library with a top a few book sections and a base at a very low cost you add more sections as your library grows globewernicke sectional bookcases are made to fit in alrnost any sized space dustproof and noiseless these jbook oases make an ideal ohristmaa grift lowest prices highest quality a good showing of real comloriiililc chain and rocuors upliolstorod in leatlior and hoavy imported tapostriew some ex- ooptional good priottd in cheslorllolil suites bed couphes opuohes und living hooiti suites serviceable odd pieces that make appropriate gifts dressing tables wjth triplex minora parlor tnblos card tables jurilineor stands 1cilostals unihrolla slands waeto pajier stands magaaino stands btoola llnll scats hull minors desks bedroom chalrb ito y what gift would ho more appreciated than a good uptodate kitchen cnhinof always acceptable h good hug or carpat square we show good values in wilton tapostry and congoleum art squares jacksons main street georgetown f efe watch this we are strong for the shop early idea our stock of gift goods is almost complete and wo are ready to help you fill out the hat our selection is well varied with highgrade goods at prices to suit every pocketbook white ivory see our selection of this hair brushes with stiff penetrating bristles made particularly for women frorn82 to0 rlso combs jewel cases buffers soap boxes and other odd pieces see our window perfumes and toilet- goods the daintiest and rnost alluring at a range of prices hourigan tho v fi-f- msui tjmwn- ir- a mitfaizi w hiibi shl

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