Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1920, p. 2

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v i i iv ivr ll 1lli s w h willson tjndoitaker owd licensed embalmer main st georgetown ulmilili i loolriwn lleurmi ill inc ii tli j s i 5v s- riics hid deaths ui lu- tllowhg rule hinlet so- llli 50c meiuor- pir lino xtrn for poem- i vl lriili ntli municipal elections winners in guessing the farmers paper married iuik at the homo ot ui mot hoi torjtfuwii on wvit- jiuuaiy 7th 1920 by k wutvl ohvukoii liu tertrudo only diujiltior of mrs john lljiasoy lo i roy pu yuajyot jton of c pwu colgute sak- if mtmorihi on pfche tfst whom ootl ttnud luau a ldvnp moihuj t faithful friend darctt w moijicrh gotjd nnd kiut abwtityl mtirnory led behind v v i duly titer it hd son iuvriytiaw jbnp roetftvjy 9touc v njealp foajban nrx cnlr ipkv rtodfer- iclc rrmvovho fopnriijahj i raffish t j- i j jgoakty thoitktr wyr tjearidpearn jor ttiitt drly lod wnv tfiat hajliyin iiwrh chtje- tifgein jiu houl w wafted awfty to the tjritfkt jreatitia of eteruil day t avifeadd family ii r -i- 1 the georqetown herald wednesday evg jan 7th 1020 i there was a bin vtoie polled at uw election for coimcilloi s in i own on manila tin intt i- tion wax keen lint good luiiuird and when i lie pnlu iliisil iinil l hi bullolh wore rniiiilitl lllr rnll win found tu bn us iollowi w c anihunv h10 d mintviv 810 w mcmillan 2sm j c rutli 2m7 a aunaiuliili 220 li v hountau 170 ijeoiiietou n council toi 1920 i now coiumi80 n- follot- hiove lo hm dal tlimiciiliiis v 0 anliinn u milntmv w mcmilluil ami 1 v ftimb l contest ii thk county coinfnl noted wisely iii niakink krauts to the fall kmrs indiud vc lielipve there would be no reason for criti cism if those were somewhat in creased y r- ith etsyuesinos turn for the wuidiiikliiu this year reovo 8tinlinh in entitled to that honor and we have no doubt bin col lean ucs in county council will hoc that lio ktta it a iikrald reader writes many people are wouderintf what action is bolnu takimi to pioridea memor ial tor the hoys who fell in the greut wnr as well an a permanent record of those vbo wentapd were spared to ret ii in how would a bronze tablet in the wall of the town hall answor the purpose til ciial would be from 000 to 1000 now that its all over and the ratepayers have expressed their wishes let us all settle down to ketlier iiixl work with a will for a oiiineiicoielowii there is lots of work for oachone to do and to reach i lie desired liavon he co- opmatinii f everyone is required lei ibis be forthcoming nnd past differences foikolten thero are problems enough ahead without trying lo rememher the mistakes of tho past obituary thomas armstrong after only two days illness tlios armstrong one of our mostosteonn- ed residents passed away nt his homo near the paper mills ou fri day december 20th deceased was a native of tyrone ireland and hu and mrs armstrong oauie to canada on their wedding tour in u iw87 they sottled in cnnniiigton for four years then reoaoved to georgetown where lio lived untilhis death ho had been an cmployoo of tho paper mills for twentynine years deceased was a member of the iof besides a loviiir wife deceased leaves onedaiihtfirmiiiid two soim lohrf and clarence also one hisum in canada mrs johu mason uooretown the funeral took plncn on monday to groan- wood ciinotory tho survico boink conducted by ttov win burt anions the beautiful floral tributes were a wreath from provincial pttpor mill employees wioath from fiuishink room and teamsters of the papnr mills wreath from tho lofwirinth from thocoopbiative society wreath from mr nndmis davis and family pillow from mr and mrs edward mowhirter and family pillow from provincial mill ltd pillow mr ant mrs john mason and fairiy spray from mr aikiue and family spray from mrs parr and boys spray from mr and mrs john armstronjj and family spray from mr and mrs poile the pallbearers were frod toast william long fred mcnally 8 kirk william thompson david f nisei lfuyiwiiin vni ihe vau lw- ov plectipp notheijpiiilihovjf4 pijialitios- 1 ksgiiksisii heve4 staddish deputy peeve j elliott council lorbpw j l huinp- shire freathor-dpson- jmosfmc powell c awos wve-fef-iviiv- cawhoilforswirt arnolisillrih a cojce jobiviialimany ufftv wj4s- iaih ru-fiilo- j sassaovveva ipoeverd r- ilutchectri lac- cjamafcion oouncillors e aniw s whitley mosvs james sihipsoo wui cfoft and geoftio gordon were a- bo uoruinated but declined a new uomiuatiou is therefore necessary tin result of v j llitttusons btihy beef ncssin contest was an inn need mi fridnv ixcnilih when the ciiiiam ol tin two nniinids nvcie weighed it was iertainlv ainiisiuii the idea iiune people hud nf the weiiht of thesf animals for the iiivm variedall i lie way from 20 li 2000 lbs cmli no 1 wiiliiil jhi pounits and nn 2 4tll ponnd or h 1 reed tun tirsl on no j ins guess biiim life pounds inliii v snow iinil gcoriie leslie viiei tie for seciind prize on no lbo liietsing 110 poundii lu the 4 tb- prize fetltu john v sjiriw irstiiruin ffpji wiis won hi iciuuw fij mrflwia georgetown and glen form hockey league a meeting was held on monday january 5th to organ i so n hockey loague in town to play for a cup to bo kiven by mr a bethel anil mr w j patterson the organization is to be known as the georgetown and glenwill iiuns hookey league tho following officers were el ected presidont reeve loroy dale vioepreamr j m moore boo troas- mr c is ruddy tlie executive for tho g and 0 league aro mr g c maokay mr e mowhirter mr b g arnold mr lin beaumont and dr v r waluon rules nnd regulations for the g and o league ns laid down mv as follows no player is elidible unless he was a bonndde niomber of inj competing association or on the pay roll of any competing mill by january 1st 1020 and in the en so of the town members must bo residents of the town or vicin ity within a radius of b miles on on oi beforo january 1st 1920 eneh loam is entitled to 12 players applications for compet ing teams must be handed in to the secretary by 780 pm friday january 9th including players signatures millar iuld vlijpswbmlprlzvwoiit to jos h allan in tho same way the- guesses within a pound of tbo oonecf weight or wo wjir a8 follows- v x8aijil jos hajjep r itcfiv lp cntnnbfrll diliiery ahinli mcbride k c lindsaiv s j rmiiii a lex- kfinawin 100 tohfl- h qrabam480 82 poumts- 489 480 48a- twice a week the funnels sua is to be en larged and improved and to be published us a serai- weekly this move to supply the ontario farm erfr with a paper of their own more frequently than weekly will be ap preciated not only by readers of the farmers 8nn hot by farmers geneiully this is a move in tho rrfilit direc tion and will enable sun subscribers to keep better pohtetl on the live stock and other markets which are of great importame to all having stock or produce to sell as well inr lo those desiring to purchase feed orotbir commodities- lo addition eaoh issflp- will- coot din accurate ottd full ipfonhfttlon poliipul hnd gerierar sip to tlie hour 6fi going to press no 6ther fartri- paper vrlh equal- tbo fartners tin in the ser- yiceenderea to its readers wtjerhyoq subscribe for a ftrno paper siibacribatorthe toimer 9n owned by rtie farmers and liablished n the interests of the pntrio favmers titer 8nbsoip presentatioit x very etvjoyftblt te va given lat sat unlay afternoon by the luditb of the bowling club at the homo of mr j j allen the kuist of honor boink mjbs lerttude iliisc whoho liinriiao to mr le hoy dnln our popular roevo is to take plno today hihs jlnssoy was made the io- cipiontof a very linndsome electric tahc tiamp theprosetitationbo- iriu iniuk by mvh john allen the picrtiiloatt of the club the follow in iiihhvhs hoinw rnl by mm jfssi llondotson duar mih glansoy we havc been hear ing vojy punsant mid doliffhtful rumours luiiily about two of our fellow bowlon ami ihoutjli through ilu odinmer mpnthi w have had many bright and hupp nijiithos on i he howling ireeu still h thosti onjoyahlu nmtchos nut together aro not lo hciiunparfd with the happy matrh i hat m to take place in ttiu near future aro gathered iorethor this fifter- noon to expioak lo you our ureat joy in luiiriutf ol ihis coming happy event there is only one regret and that in that inert of the howlers foul j not be in the match mm as wo underatand it ouh for the champion howler m canada and hit lhnife of a partnor we will hava to riinrtin fomented with the honor and puhtuie of having ilu- participatorh in thin muuli nicinbcrii and vary popular mem hois ot mil howling tluli mis tierirude the utlim of the bolitit cliih wish to extend to you every jfood wish potifiihlt tor your future huppinessi we wish you every romfort and joy that fan bo htstowed upon you in your future me if your partner in tlfe enjoys yojir iiij4ny in the ilny to fome as muoh n have in i he dayn piiht on the bowling kfceit we feel peifeiily huro he has every pi ohpue i of many happy day ahead of terrajcotta among our holiday visitors weio misses minnie nnd myrtle mo- caul ey toronto miss matiol ejdgo toronto mf and mrs downer toronto the social dancn rooontly held in mr goo aldous danaing pavil- lion was an onjoyabtu affair mil- hie was supplied by mr mark var- oy of gooitowii and master e bauiidorsoii and lorno craino pto vcln buttrey and bride have arrived homo from ovorasas and wo arc pleased to loam will rosido in torra gotta glenwilliams a very pleasant surprise win given misa m e norton in 1 lie bnsemont of tho methodist church on the evening of january 1st tho following addresh wai road by tho pastor rev h cotton to mihh m e norton wo your friunds of glciwillihm nnd coworkers of tile mellimljhi chureli e tond ut yon our hehrliist eongraluliilions unit wish for you mill yours miiii esrii of happiueiik mid proupcrity ou have for many year occupied a place in our hearts and liven which wilt nol easily lie filled we khali 111 i hm your couniel ami friend ship bill wo are connoted liy tlie fuel thai our loss in homo olhorh gain whciever you go our prayer will jjo with ym for i long life of imoruliiekk in lit serviee rieaiii aceepl this token ol our appieei iition of vour servieuii signed liy the ciuiilii ollleiiils miss m tost then presented u silver balling dish lo miss norton who made an appropriate reply refreshments worn provided by the ladies and a moat eujoynbh evening was brougnt to a close iias norton is loavipg inr al berta in the near future ic ers tlonpriie off- twfqeaweek8in is qnh i60per ye-ardittifi- tor- 3o0 nowell wisher of the farm- era mdvemettt srtoukl he withont te sun is tse ttittresl ol church going a tt of wu1 po- a mans aucoaas is determined largely by bis will power the following test of your strength of will is suggested resolve to at tend church ton sundays in suc cession opine what may tbon mark yonrself tou for every sun day you ancceed in carrying ont your resolution if you can earn a total of on 3 hundred in tho ten weeks yon mre pretty sure of suc cess in life baptist union prayer service this wed nesday evening at eight oclock address by rev a f cameron the pastor will preach next sun day morning and evoning annual re- union ajid business meeting thursday evening of next week january lfitli anniversary the fourth sunday of this month january 26th prof h 8 cnrr bd of memaator uni versity toronto will be the preach er this year methodist let evoryone try to attend some of tbo meetings of the union weok of prayer service each evening at 8 oclock all services at the usual hours on sunday next in the morning the pastor will proseot the work of the edrioational department of our oharob big january clearing sale 25 per cent off ladies winter toats selling at half price ml is imiiiiiiiiiiiiiibi i a mrr the mens store special announcement advicejo our friends who are thinking oi getting a blue or black serge suit we have a bought before the brill co phone 167 mill and main ss eorgetown large stock of the above goods big advance in price if you are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is die tipue topjace youy order as you will pay onethird le end pf mntir1m- rnatter where you buy 4herh buy now and save lilomey special clearing or all 3 wuilef 9verwi siifito j s j v a0 opportunity tp eurt 3argairit iiieae qopdsniiisf bp cleared tp njafee room fof tstwsipxias lines bargains iri all departments duvingtlerjnonti wr millar jo fine hiahcas8 tauori man farauuliik and rudrtawsar ourthfal georgetown phone 126 icmmrudal mmiiiiiiinubl lliiiiiiimiinm ibr bonm wv f s near ballinafad doc 201 li 1019 we wish the rdilor nnd his staff a happy nnd prospuioim now year mr and mrs peter feruuson spent xmnfl with friends nt kit- ohonei mr will uilts of toionto spent ghiistmab at his borne here mrs henry hftohaock has re turned home after spending a couple of months in acton mr ray lindsay of toimmo spent christmas ut his parental home miss wilda boflol spent the weok end in aoton the uncut of mr nnd mrs w bcid a it vnnnatter is spending two weeks holiday nt his hniin here the hiillinnfad goiiiniiiiiil y so- clely inootingn uro living wellitl- tftiidnd tho last two tuesday nv auingnhava been sneinl uidlitn mr tjobiio wnddoll of george town spent christmas nt liiw homo hero issuer of marriage licensee in- suranoo agent etc pkesa 01 cokobtowit ont him nol only in howling have we found you ptliasiint to meet hm alsoin a biibines way wo have nlway found you extremely rjej qlt obtiinjr and pleahant in your choice of a pnrtitar in thu com ing event wc rannot say too much one who can win the championship of canada iti itowlinff win the reevctihlp of our proxperout town and win the hand of one of our moat popular youn adies all in o stiorl a period of time must bo a very on- ergetie progressive and clover man an you have been n very bright and uiiuiiik light in our bowling club we wish u prehrtnt you with this kleffrlc lamp ns a ilitflii loken of our esteoml for you hop ink- ii iiuiy seiut forth lliroufph lis shining light rays of uood wishes to you nnd your partner by yor ain firefildo on behalf of the ladioi of tho george town howling club chrimina allen lesflie ii fleudersoil miss glassey very ginoiously thimlied the donafors of the gift nnd expressed feelingly the reooll- ections of the happy days spent to- kotlici on tbo bowlingr flroon eaqueiiing institute the rogiilur mooting of ksquos ini vvnnienh institute will bo held nt the home of miss cutis maple ave loorgotown on friday jan miry 0th at 280 pm mr nor ton inspector of childrens aid society will give a talk on hi work lijyerybodv welcome card of thanks wn hereby express our many tuajiks to our friends and neigh bors who so ably assisted us in our recent snd bereavement caused by tho death of our beloved husband and ialhor wiiis and family card of thanht i hernby coiivhv my sincere thanks to the ratepayers of george town for the splendid support given mo at tbo election for councillors on monday inst i slmll endeavor lo fthow my appreciation- of your fuvoi by devoting my energies ilniing 1020 in the bast interests of our town yours very hineerely walter 0 anthony card of thanks to my friends andjmpporters in tint election just cloned 1 rot urn my most sincere thanks for tbo wry practical support hivon mo mid to those who supported me on the leioinmodnfion n my friends i piiniiiuc omconcy and attention to l he business of our town yours vory truly d melntyre notice ot application of u village of oeorgstowa in the gooatj of htuton to tha ontario railwaf and mnnlolpal board to bo araotod into a tews ondar pro- vlalona of tha haniolpal aot take notice that whereas it p- fears by the assessment roll for the year 919 of the village of georgetown lu the county of haltnn that tlie said village contains ovor 2000 inhabitants it is ihe intention of the council of die aid village after three months from tho dato of ihle notice to apply to tho ontario railway and municipal board for the erection of the said village into n town and further take notico that the limits inteeded to be included in tlie said town are tho limits already established for the paid village of georgetown and that the proposed name of the said town is georgetown i grant reovu dated at georgetown this 12th day of november a o 1919 in windstorm damage this home in8uban0e 00 ny insures again si this loss liberal policies low ratos prompt payments for informatiin apply to w t evans phone 80s georgetown farms for sale saturday treat the next time you are in toronto just take a peep into ihe vonire si mores get their prices on candy ihen compare our prices with theirs iiid teu ivill find that t pays to buy your randies at mooreheads this saturday we offer you iso lbs of our llomemade peanut tofte ours has iota of those true havered peanuts worth 40c lb saturday treat price 29o per lb weekend chocolates 39c vou may search everywhere but none can compare with our weekend chocolates truly the boat value in canada assorted flavors reg 50 60 weehend special 8 per lb t h moorehead milton brampton georgetown ja stocktaking specials now that you have got through with santa claus and the pupils are back to school will give you a little time to notice the good things you can have for yourself 100 acres in nelson twp 1 mile from asb 90 acres workable balance pasture hals 11 acres orchard iio acres fall ploughed 25 acres meadow ilny loam soil plenty of water 3 wolls and a spring oroek solid brick house of 10 rooms wator insido cellar and oistern bnthroom in house hank barn 80x60 tioup 6 hoison 20 head of oattlo water bowl in front of cattle xood driving house ben house silo school mile rural mail and lclophone 1 mile from stone road oh inch 2 miles railway depot j milo possession arranged price 110800 terms arranged opening announcement i on saturday vovember 9btla we opened in the store lately oooupied by miss clark a oboioe stock of babys and childrens wear of all kinds also fancy goads wn cordially invite the ladies of georgetown and vicinity to- call and inspeot our stank mrs a watson mrs e wlnlleld j qeorofetoww 200 acres in esqneslng twp first farm outside the corporation of acton 100 acres workable balance pasture and swamp small orchard sandy loam to gravelly soil gsprings biickbouse of 8 rooms bank barn stone pig pen poultry bonso possession arranged price 111000 terms arranged 1m acres in trafalgar twp 3 miles from street svllle boaores workable 0 acres hardwood bush especially oak is acres workable 1 nores workable 20 norns fall nlnughod clay loam soil good water 2 wells and a pond bank barn 00x60 tioup 18 head of oattlo 6 homes and 8 box stalls large driving shed 48x24 small shed 20x20 water in stables sohool 2 milna church miles rural mail and telephone possession arranged price 112000 terms arranged x 4 a few stocktaking specials for 58o 3 packages star am- enamelware at 20 per cent 112 acres on ibe town line between esqneslng and nas- sagatveya f 1 2 miles from acton 0 nores workable balanco past tiro and bush res fall wheat 21 nores fall plough olay loom 1 acre orchard 0 ac tio gravelly loam suit plenty of water 1 well and a orook roughcast bouse of 0 rooms and kitchen bank ham 08x60 tieup 16 head of oattlo s horses and two box stalls root house ooment silo 14x10 sohool li milos church 4 miles rural mnll price s550o terms arranged willoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont a good 75c broom monia for 25o a good selection of discount for one week useful pieces of crockery china and glassware at a price which we cannot replace all lines of crockery and china are hard to procure and only at advancing prices we advise buy now keep warm i warm blankets good size good quality at 8410 serviceable comforters large sizes good patterns and good filling for 395 big value in mens fine wool jackets choice colors and combinations that harmonize special shoe value in mens chocolate retan blucher whole quarter tip slip sole good value at 750 we of fer you this special for a short time at 390 work shoes jacksons main street georgetown ijy weekend talcum jpowder one of the best tal cums made regular 70c friday and satur day 4oc epsom sal to i pound package regular 20c friday and saturday per pkg ifc rikers synip tar and cod liver oil- large bottlej regular 50c friday and saturday at 29c i snap hand cleaner regular 20c fri day and saturday 12c hourigans ffi-sv- im v i cip hihvir

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