Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1920, p. 3

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matthews drug store the home of tile viotrola georgftown agent for the well known nyal family remedies try nyal laxacold tablets with nyal cherry cough syrup to break up that cold the inyal ylajia toilet preparations will please you dboqs and 8yationeb personals -4- x ldal yleat ttdlii v id ycro lose you riveter- i be aaeasybbybti can on the wajeidpni tonr merclrapts rertort a spl jn- did ouddy eradc i lasge blliott wasting town to- uay holding division court georgetown mid glenwilliams have organized a hockey league the herald extends conttratn- lationa to reeve dale and his bride have you ordered yours yet or are yon waiting until ihe rush is over well every shovel of coal yon put in the furnace makes more room iu your collar the grand trunk has resum ed its regular train service see time tnhle in this issue first nieotins of public schpol board will be held on wednesday evening january 14th say kirls just think of it leap year and theres one lone bachelor in our town council the annual 88 entertain ment of the methodist churoh was held on new years niht the first meeting of town and township councils will be held at 11 iim on monday january 12th the ladies bowling club will hold a progressive euchre in the town hall on friday february 18th the annual dance of the iw va will be held on friday janu ary 28rd binder and better than over the man who owns a paste diamond isnt necessarily an irish man just because he wears a sham rock theres a whole lot who have paid their subscription to the her aid and theres a whole lot who havent motorists could feel a lot hotter towards j d bookofellers oolosnal christmas rift if hed stop rocking the price of gasoline jboney sends boots by express and mail all over ontario they can get a better and cheaper boot from him than any other man it enroll at brampton business institute now thorough course individual instruction gradii ates recommended to best city po sitions writo for particulars wo notice in the guelph her ald report of the result of oac examinations last week that mr fred hutt took third highest standing in the first year olass m b nicholson the briscoe car dealer has purobased mr vvillougbys block and is opening office and showroom there he is also unloading another oar of brisooos today the puimo containing a sum of money also the ladys fur which were advertised in the her alds lost column a week ago have both been recovered by their re spective owners the commodious rest rooms of the merchants bank recently opened in the willoughby blook are much appreciated by both lad ies and gentlemen who have a little time at their disposal while in town the ladies of esqnesiug wo mens institute sent christmas bojjefr of baking to returned sol diers in hospital tboy also don ated 85 for a cot and a number of quilts to the gordon home at milton w bro goo ford of orodin lodge installed the offloers of walker lodge af am at ac ton on monday evening he was cj 7rty paring to acton by w bro w ay wilson and bro a norr- irigton s the annual meeting of es- quesing agrioulturmmociety will be held in the council chnmhor georgetown on wednesday janu ary hist nt 1 pm for the purpose of receiving the financial state ment andelootion of ofuoers pd other business mr j j- allen the popular home soeretaryof thedrumniors smirk club was presonted with a 60 cheque at the annual meeting of the club hold in toronto on monday of last week it is report ed to havo been the best mooting yet held in the history of the club ihe firemens ball bold oil wednesday evening- last was as usual a grnnd sueooss there wan a largo attendance firstclass musics was supplied by leishmnns orchestra of aolon while mr robt mccartney performed the duties of floor manager every body bad a good time and theyre coming book next year a lot of childrens good warm buckskin mocensins at 195 to dear j roney the home of the mopherson shoe jil money orders when you de sire to remit money secure a on r expross monoy order nif tbo i badlfh station e a cowles sorted tnaunwtfilaiiik remains of the1ate mj it dhn martin for many- years a respected resident of olenwilliarns were brought from grand valley nd interred jp the gitfbcemetefy tjtr aftmdojvjley mr- cameron conducted the service deceased was living with her daughter mrs d mckenzic grand valley nt the time of death important to oddfellow every inember of orion lodge ioof no 109 is urged to be present at the regular meeting next monday evening january 12th very important business also forming of a hookey team for georgetown and glenwilliams le ague jack joe and bill are ex pected to be present so all you members come along hi reason a farmer carrying an express package from a mail order house was asked by a merchant why didnt you buy that bill of goods from me i could have saved you the expressand besides you would have been patronizing a homo store which helps pay the taxes and buildup this locality thefarmer looked at the merchant a moment and then baid why didnt you patronizo your home paper and ad vertise i read it and didnt know you sold the stuff i have hero bad road oanaa of accident it is alleged that the iause of the recent serious accident to mr hugh blacks car and its inmates was a bad place in the road the matter was up at the decomber meeting of the county council a resolution was passed that the ropresentatives from the township i of esquesing in the county coun cil oompose aspeoial oommittoo to fully investigate the accident and claims of mr black and mrs les lie arising out of the accident anto aoeident oanon and mrs woodcock hod a narrow escape when their auto went over the embankment next to the 8tb line and made two oomplote turns but luoky to say they escaped with only a shaking up but the top of tho ear and hood were damaged how the ac cident happened was that mr woodoook was pulling his coat from under him and in some way pulled the wheel with him and the oar shot across tbe pavement and over the bank they were on their wny to the city when the mishap took place oakville news h oaten must have laieanee by a recent enactment tbe pro vincial government has provided the means by which farmers may he largely saved from being pester ed and annoyed with boys promis cuously shooting on their farms hunting generally has been much restricted in future hunters and trappers of all fur bearing animals must seoure licenses for which a fee of fi per season will be charged a man may bunt on his own farm without a license but must secure the nocessary license before going on any property outside his own farmers now have the right to ohallenge any person found on their premises with a gun onelph man qsta tan lashes robert moreown guelpb was arrested at ten thirty oclock mon day night by constable living stone on tho complaint of bis wife who claimed that be assaulted her and obased ber out of che house she said she was afraid to go back home while he was there he was taken before magistrate watt and oharged with assault he pleaded not guilty mrs mckeown said that be had been away from bet tor over sixteen years and did not support ber in all tbat time and tbaij he only came bank a few days ago tbe evidence was of such a nature that tho magistrate entered a- conviction and sontnnoad the accused to jail for ten days and to receive ten lashes allan hertsaorne glenwilliams methodist churoh was tbe scone of a pretty wedding on december 91th when mary bfoddon youngest daughter of mr andlrs l ilarlshome was mar ried tor- mr alfred wohtlaml allen son of mv and mrs b alien olou- willinms tcho ceremony was per formed by hfty mr davidson of georgetown assisted by rer mr cotton norval tho bride who was given away by her father wore a becoming gown of taupa satin with oerise trimming and bat to ma toll and darried a shower bouauet of sweet penb carnationsand innidou bair fern miss w forgraves glenwlllinms ootod as bridesmaid and wore grey silk poplin and car ried a bouquet of ohrysnnthemumb mr william rlartbborno was tbe groomsman and mis c dimming played tho voddinjmnfol after tbe ceremony it rofteption was held in the churoh auditoriufn which bad been prettily decorated by friends of bride nind groom the bpbyjgogp iavtasr on the 715 mrs g c maokay will not re ceive on friday afternoon misb mildred barber of guelpb was home on new years miss howie of listowell visited friends in town lost week mrs f j mccallumn of toron to is visiting at mrs boea mr and mrs d brill visited otthawa friends during the holidays miss edna reaman of toronto spent the- weekend with friends iu town mr and mis h r miinui spent the weekend with toronto friends dr j r and mrs brooke of toronto visited at mr a watsons last week mr george hodgins of acton was hvtown putne8diwpen6wing old acguaihtahciin mr andmis a- oratifly spent tbe new xetti holiday w friends at ottervi lie major murray moihjey v and miss mokinlov of toronto tfere holiday visitor in towri mttvchailes fjaber apd son carleftof toronto weregoeiits of- mrsboe veitheuoliclay v mrvj agorrie of toronto viai ted at tbe home of bis daughter mrs h it minims lait week id and ilrs ca warren of toronto wereguegta- of mr oiid irs0 c maokay over the holi day v mr- and mrs fk hrrter of sarnia were visitors at mr john hooters norval during the lioli days mrs mimms and miss minims of toronto were guests of mr and mrs h r mimms during tbe hol idays mrs w johnson of guelph and miss bessie johnson of cleveland ohio visited friends in town on tuesday miss anderson and mr clarence logan of toronto were guests ob mr and mrs a j logan church 8t on new years day miss eleanor fraser miss kath leen jermyn and mr liittlo of toronto were guests of miss mat thews over the weekend mr and mrs h guiding and daughter and master buster green of toronto wero guests at principal greens ovor new years mr and mrs d mckenzie of grand valley were iu town this week attending the funeral of mrs mckenzios mother tho late mrs john martin mr and mrs d uilts and fam ily of norval station spent he christinas holidays with mr hilts brother mr w g hilts at wood stock mrs george errington of toron to and mr tom ross of acton attended the funeral of tbe i rue thomas armstrong on moudav of last week miss helen b cline who has been spending the holidajs in town with ber parents at tho baptist parsonage returned to toronto yesterday v mr j w maguire of the invest ment dopt of the canada ijife in surance co saskatoon spent a few days during tbe week with his uncle dr webster of norval mrs w s morphy and miss evelyn morphy of brampton loft for st petersburg florida to spend the winter months mr morphy will go down on february 1st mios hobart graduate nurse of toronto and daughter of the late mrs hobart was the guest of her aunt and unole mt and mrs boland during the holiday week mr wendelf apd miss eva gimly son and daughter of dr gimly of sault bte marie wero the guests of their aunt and uncle mr and mrs boland during the holiday week mr wap campbell has been mooted to the council in the town of port hope he polled the sec ond highest number of votes in the contest conwntulations w a f posts for bale uuntiiy of tcnii nottls apply to r wntnc rr no 2 acton 12w2lp 100 more farm for sale f mile- frmii villiio of erin itrge bank barn and urwk iumiho with furnace ixiplionjtllv wll loutctl apply to mra j h ilmmpwii krin out m- situation wanted work wumeil on farm by experitneeu farm laborer apply at herill 7l2lg tenders wanted for tho cutting tcaniing and packing away of 150 cakes of ice for ihurvmige- town and a cooperative so- ctely lul kpr partlctlate apply to manager c thcatoru v n v j it oaiiii5a yj3itel good roomii ami board school gtrls preferred applvlo mr percy glass church st oeorclown itu ror sale varcuin cleaner apply at herald of fice l7il bui4 fob sale durham bull 18 menlha old richard mills lot 17 con 6 eaqueeing phone h2 r t3 tfp olove found man black leather gauntlet owner may have tane by calling at herald and paying for advt it to water users mammoth house georgetown holiday goods the following specials just to hand useful articles for ladies and cfhildrn in order 10 cause as little inconvenience us poattible should your committee find it neceimmiy to nhut off the water at any itme owing to the lifnited supply town bell will ring qn- balf hour oefor actioji ia taken vheii yqflr heaqr he bell rfti it otlier trowlairisiavtine draw airfbclent wter to last y0uafey hour by- order water comm1ttee a laamiignidwi ibiiiiiiiiiniifal is lmu and haltgn8aiahein atplrle b c salmon 1 4c per lb by the fish silk gloves ladies silk gloves black while grey and pongee nt j125 and 160 liuliex dtiuhle nilk glovoh liliirk white iifiov pongee ftt 175 mjeeoe silk jloves nt 00c i mishesyjjlininpufette kldvcajbtr hoc tiio kaysevhilk ilqvesib luiedj inf 1 oita bliusk white gicy and iyivat i1t tbe kayuor chamoisetta glovei hlack n- whuo gray and iongee at 100 kidgloves liadieatatikld glovea fe26qafil stfoo iiadies wbilje kiii gloves ji5 ami 2fi6- rjaieilapti jtid cwett a hjo ladies ufflik woo gloven at 05o lavdieal liriipd sufettegltjves jvt 200 v- hosiery departnxoiit a fuirrartge of lalio mfktiiljyvkuigs- biak white grey broivn navy at vod kayaer glove wllk heiio olorj black ihd brown at 400 ladiea allvool bnglihh crfuhmere hose at vv- 125 and 176 oamisoleb ladies cmbd bilk camiaoles 125 to 800 ladiea emhd silk night drcsh nt 800 ladies embd silk envelope clieniiaea at 49s waists ladies waists in georgette orepo-de- chine habutai silk and hand cmbd voiles at ooo to 1260 handkerchiefs lndioa liantlkercliielrt plain lawn uui linon at bu to us ladies fancy handkimohiela 15c tn 75a ladies handkerchiefs in fanty bou-ak- id s2 chldrins hhdkerclifofs 5uto li iv ijpanpy collauw y rc tiivdie fancy coat ttnir- dress fthlisi frorn i6tboo- wool set ladies and raissi wool ssts ioqna arid- scarf lidllq lailie wool acarfsji xlt- i gjiifdrwa wsolsoaitfsl sii 100 radios ivoi mittfljol ho lotigfh l j t is vveiiri oniisfcliiga v teriysilu itt7se1lft ad la mens irtoeho lincdlovu2fj0 nhd i28 1 mohs silkmuinfovs lo04so to 830 merfs whitsslawii hitiidlcirrhjnh lw 2pftr-25c- mens lirioijhtinfkdvcrirjfa40i mki ov y mpii niglit hfityi 250 antlbflo special v i ludlos intnl wliftekiti rflovos at impariaf duohesse satin color black per yd duchesne idousseline- in dress lengths oolors burgandy sand pearl xrey navy brown russian green mauve american beauty and peach 1 dross length to each color price per yd special china caps and saucers a soap only v4 r j 90 95ff 2 sb 29 terms strictly cash barnhills norval mmniai fflffintuiiiiriil ifmininmfll lbiiiiiiiiniiii1 maaxaxm annual meeting of the daaos and sapper a dance and supper under the auspices of the ijol lien williams will be held in town hall of thatvillage on friday january 16th reniiok orchestra robt pjlocartney floor manager dano- ing at 880 everybody welcome come and have a good time presented with olob bag reeve dale was waited on at his ofrloe last evening by the members of tbe bowling club andpresented with a handsome english club bag president j j allan after a few appropriate remarks made the prest entation mr willoughby and mr mimms also spoke reoye dale who was taken completely by surprise very feel ingly expressed bis appreciation of tbe kindness and goodfellowship shown by the members of the club he would always remember the occasion as one of the bright spots in hishfe rax theatre wodnosday the innl episode of tbe man of might the first npi- sodo of the perils of thunder mountain the goat artcraft picture with prod htone thursday miss dulcie from dixie vitagraph with gladys los- lie topics of tho day comotly friday happy though mar ried with enid bennett british canadian news comedy saturday matinee and niult mj8 wigks of thecahhngn patch with mnigturite clark uncle tom wit limit the cabin sennott comedy coining false faces para mount artcraft special pleasant aoolal evening the members of georgetown and glenwilliams cpoporativo so ciety and their families had n pleasant nnd enjoyublo time at their uooinl ovoning held in the town hall inst night president annandale onnupied tho chair and after the singing of tho national anthem and o canada a splon did program of vocal nnd instru mental music was rendered games were provided foitho child ren while tho older ones enjoyoda danoei after which ice cream and refroshrnoiitswero gorvedl- dur ing tho jsvoning plosldopl awnnh- dale ropdrted that ovor 910000 wotth of merobandiee had already baal4l by itr esqnesing agricultural society will be held in the council chamber georgetown wed jan 21st at 1 pm mcbean co georgetown gi ia tb e rrs cut rate cash and carry grocery for the purpose of receiving financial statement election of officers and other business hirschornjs ladies wear and tailoring we are offering some exceptional values during this month call and see for yourself a hirschorn georgetown brooke blook the quality of our goods is the talk of georgetown we will now stock only the highest grade of food stuffs it is possible to buy on the market and our prices will bear comparison with any other merchant in the dis trict and further we help you solve the high cost of living by paying you interest on your share capital and divide back to you the profits pro ratio on the dollar be wise i join us now you will materially feel the benefit georgetown glenwilliams coopera tive society itd h pritchett manager phone 230 georgetown salada tea reg 70c per lb for flsc liptons tea reu 70r per lb for goe 8wifts oottoktiit shortening in tin puils per lb 29c swifts oleo per lb 89c gold dust washing powder reg 10c per pkg 4 for 25c prunes per lb 25c fresh coooanut nor lb 89o pumpkins in hi lb tin 2 tor 26c orange peel new goods per lt 19o pastry hour 21 lb for 149e bfc3frsiod quality 4 string broom 68c daviea pork utifj4iafla34 la mze 25c fresh seeded raisins 2 lb for vrr- uv 45o christie sodas large size 2c peanut butter huge jar -aso- best canadian cheeso per lb 84c klim 1 lb tin fur 48e roll oats i lb for 29c roll wheat 8 lb for 27c walter bakers cocoa per lb 88c tea special for this week block tea reg 76o per lb c lb for 249o j j gribbens phone 160 lane block georgetown girls wanted girls for knittink weaving and windink steady work ami unod wanes good houses for families withiurl workers apply to e y barracl0ugh bfnvnabtas director glen woollen mills glenwilliams bread is your food boots and shoes the best in shoes at lowest ladies and gentlemens possible prices t h rumford main street georgetown more of it gibbens bread phone 202 b v gibbens bakery next door to radiaustation fresh eggs wanted h dodge bros motor cars have advanced in price lately and another advance is ex pected very soon why not place your order now and get dfoead of the next advance see oneill about it we have ready for sale now one ford ton truck slightly used with latest style cab and body timpkin roller bearings newly painted and overhauled good as new a bargain a good stock of cutters sloop sleighs white sewing machines 1900 washing machines hog troughs etc- j n 0neixis garage and carriage works distributor lor dodge brothers motor cars ft georgetown milton acton vih jh j j v- vipi i ilt l v- r s- asiji fesiyvfe v u j t t

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