Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1920, p. 4

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the georgetown herald we evg jan 7th 102o dr grenfells letter have seen much bloodshed m sr the followitik letter willbe in teresting to the members of the georgetown branch of the gren- fjll mission who contributed to wards the hale mentioned 9th october 1019 mihu mary pierce georgetown dear miss pierce i am afrajd i have been very remiss in not ack nowledging personally the splendid box of socks that you bent me for our people i had great pleasure in distribution tbem personally will you be good enough to convey my very ainceraafc thanks taevouy onp wbo generously contributed rtwraiwu tins valuable it be lieve me xanavvei grateful tor the tcnit that you have sent ua lip not suppose that yon have ever lived in a fruitless country so yu cannot realize what the meaning of a barrel of fruit willbeto obr staff belfeve me bo rernaijj x verswgtatefiilty- yours 01 wilfred grenftyu v i milton tbe spring assist fpr hhon will be held here on monday maroh 28 1920 chief justice falconbridge will preside iflvcclu k d pantpnvho jias beea overseas sinoe the early stones of the war returned to bis home hers on sunday it is again rumored that hal ton will be opened in order to provide a seat for the hon manning do- herty minister of agrioulture in tbe drnry cabinet and if dame rumor ean be relied upon be is likely to have opposition if the re port be trne as hal ton has repeat edly shown that no outsider need apply however we shall see what we bhall see reformer acton the funeral of the late charles taylor of toronto for many years a resident of aoton was held here last week mr taylor was born in the south and lived at crewaons corners for years before he came to aoton he was 95 years of age the induotion of rev w l findlny ba to knox oburoh will take place on january 8th rev j t straoban of nassagaweya will preach tbe induotion sermon on tuesday morning mr john clarke superintendent of the aoton tanning company was pre- sentod by the employees with a comprehensive smokers set com promising beautifully polished ma hogany humidors for cigars and oigarettes jars of his favorite blend of one out and a generous variety of briar pipes and calabashes at the mortgage saleof the briok residence on tbe wallace property t flit x wwu wjulwyuffil a plains of palestine trampled by many of til mightiest armies known to history dennlfe historical records retarding uvrtita in palestine amy be said to be- lit n with the flrst detailed account of th- hnttle in the pla inn of armageddon when the army of pharaoh tbnthmea iii advancing up the plain of shnron crossed the carmel range by the same mate as that taken by lienors i allen- liya cavalry in september a d 1018 nnd defeated the byrlnti federation wider the ktni of cadeah before tbe fortress of meglddo iu tlie year 1479 b c thla historic pliiln litis een the march of the armies of the llltiltes die egyptians the jews under debo rah and barak the philistines on their way to the defeat of saul on mount guboa then came like wolf sennacherib the astyan alisfrev litifa nelidchadreariof boiyjon fcti h persian txtnbescsisejjt iqriiagft pal- jjloe joths lrtb ceoiury it 0 o route for his jwortc vi dewituctlbn jn erypt after the fall of balylon pal estine saw the armies rf ajexauder the great and pcrnipey vapiabjnn tltna snd lfasrari all foulhiin pnwa- ttn tin adj 8 he sasijniajbn- fceror choaroes tretrftjhiiriiiili frorn bis capita aticrejltiiuih josin- je- niaalenii once agad -j- cfytya re bqlt and within a jeneeitlort foe pjjeotf to- the xrn-tnwirjlpijtnriin- querarcallpiipuari hi themvilcth centurjr thecruvoderi took fnhshie which then became the jtje w the- romantic struggle berwcn ntrhnrtt coeur de xfon and tyteuiilii plfti years fater tbe holy llilnanlwirror frederick h known in the middle aires ss the wonder of ih viiud rowned himself lilog of jerusalem in the church of the holy sepulcher in 1mo the armies of the ottoman turku under bellm the grim mnrcheil down from aleppo and seized the country on their way to the conquest of rgypt nearly three hundred years later napoleon marched from egypt through the same pass of meelddo to flic fortress of acre and now the forces of general allenhy have ridded one more link to this great historical chain wherein have been engaged practically all the greatest names in human history from the holy land of many nations by mnj orms- hy gore in asia mnsaelne r livingstones bakery main street the homo of the best quality bread all kinds of fancy baking a all times cfcjeam rots and ptipps -filled- wiitii refl cream pipieisis gtjos4isiwri -it- aahlb you may put antifreez in your radiator but not in your battery why then neglect it when it plays the most important part of the car of today leave your battery with us this winter and have it in firstclass con dition next spring we keep them in wet or dry storage as the customer desires hamilton dec 20th 1u1d to whom it may concern this in to certify that mr j roney georgetown ont has placed aff order with us some time ago for spring delivery sot a good rnnuv dozen pairsof mens wo mens wi boys h6es thesftaire lulveryld kottj- shaee i-aiia- the very lieal thatrwij be bbtamecl iic piicie his- order wl bo nhed as yulakly as poissible find at the tfricethywere bought are aplen did i value 9ince this order was placed prirs iave- increased considerable io areexoep- tifipal vdrnefjphn rmacpherrsotf ci ltd hamilton ont spme qt the hbve orcei linajuet beert reooive3 for salopwly by j rjoneytne- jpeople 9boe many geargewu v deeember thiris to crjffy that i have been lenlinr with- mr j rrfney tor pver two years and have left him over s800 for repairing and new boots for myself and family i ncvor received such good satis faction from any other dealer duncan sinclair grocery specials of georgetown was the pnrobaser to improve the property mr will- oughby also bought a small parcel of land next it in mr willougbbys hands this fine piece of residental property will no doubt be improved free press are the days of miracles over ib 8upbbstxtiox and falsb be uep to overshadow facts ant longbb when a woman who haa been slok for years becomes well after taking s certain scientific preparation can you deny that the remedy must be good siud those extracts taken from a letter written to ua by mrs h gross of 362 king streot west toronto i suffered for eoveral years with ln0ammatory rheumatism aad could aardly got up or dovrn atalra my srosnand bought nio a box of temple- tons rhenmatlo capsules and almost immediately i felt rollof the swell ings atarted to go down and tbe stiff- aeee left my knees i might say that previously fb using tho s i had tried almost everything under the sun without success i am a happlor and wiaer woman now and i cannot thank you enough for tho aid tbo a have given mo its the same story from hundreds of other rheumatic sufferers toay tried tbca and trce fixed them op if you suffer try them ask your pmgbm or write as for our new booklttiittauucrestlna and coats you notfalnf templetob leg kins wnt toronto w null trcs anrwltere on receipt of vtol sole agent for georgetown o j mattheu druggist and stationer issfl fear to retouch masters work after the war of x870 writes a correspondent of the manchester england guardian itoriln was a competitor among the sculptors who desired to create the monument celo hrnrlng frances defense naturally ills proposed design was rejected to day however the deadl rodin is rec ognized as the greatest master of the century and the old design has heen discovered it is suggested thin it might well be cajlexl verdun the trouble is that ills model in not three feet in height and although by the colus proceas one can faithfully en- isrge a small piece of statuary the iden of doing so without rodin to di rect the operation and ro add the nec essary retouches hefnre the work is finally cast does not commend itself to the majority of artists who will txinke these necessary corrections it is n grave responsibility to meddle with the unfinished reatlon of u tnnn like rodin some natural feeling bus heen arouaed and nlthonirti if is pltp to rieglert also repairing done batteries left at fred cook s garage work csihurcuitoed will receive prompt attention d f brigden georgetown coming iu all the time just look at rac with 8000 pairs of boats bought before tho rise in price j roney tho home of the mophpr- son registered beaver brand shoes made especially for our own trade how can any one undersell me 800 tins of tomatoes ng 890 tins of cum ro 2ck- 2tfojjib8 v ijvnsdmaeb oni 89 tins vegetable souii 120 tins pork ar bbnns ir c 800 tins sardifiee rag w prrjnesipeclb prflpes iosubc j figs 2liis fpr j elate j pri jbc qnater cprn flakes reg istjb toi mm im i i8 wis 4 i2c chili b alice reg lbcv jfic iac vv 1 aso aodij8e t iiit r y j-isc- r luiic toi s 106 this is for yon eriil in the hiffli cost ol replace your house hid imy everything vol lire living suppose you hail or tlie conurnta of overagnin yol would neua jouble us inmh mon ey to do it hh in svmimbcr 1914 everything has iiiie up the pun-has- iiik power of tho dolliir is aboul 47c com pared with september i9h hiiilding costs of all kinds hae nearly doubled ilolhii u foing up every day boots and shoes furniture curtains enr- pets food fuel everything cost it more f fv rfsstjroy jfjcmm- eiugre pcoperty i j y y wrl li ybviyfo000i booty timajv wod byeholfrwjiat h wouldthrtel yeaf ago isoyau uiodioore rniiirarivre one thing in the world has not j increased l in cost tha need most tn slirt wiiat yqu niost nesdls the chspsttlsuf oan buv protection you neod the beet tihtf of too yoii i catt hwye it thebsitoi np more tbsn thiwomu sswm oecrlflsary prpc ran phone satisfaction guaranteed 75 prompt delivery por infanta tod chlldrqiu mothers know that genuine castoria cr iiesign which so per- fswrywpflssea the spirit of the he roic defense there would seem to be grave nrtlstlc and sentimental objec tions to the course proposed automatic lightship the efficient lighting of the water ways so that they can be snfely navi gated at night is an hlllmponnnt mat ter it la effected by the ordinary sta tionary lighthouse on shore and also by manned lightships and various kinds of automatic light buoys the intrst of these hitter is an ingenious automatic lightship requiring no at tention whatever when once set in mo tion built by a british firm it is a very ingeniously constructed vessel nnd tbe very latest of its kind tn its two steel tanks sufficient gas can be stored to supply the vessel for several months experiments have shown that the light may be depended upon to burn continuously for months nt a time without any attention what ever the approximate duration of the light can always be predetermined nnd there is no danger whatever of tlie light being extinguished either by wind or spray tho light is visible at n dlhtnnce of eight to twelve miles exact copy of wrapper rnm sv v eery for sale to alberta edmonton district whore tbe orops are good every year eitbee quartor section half threequarters o- fall section im proved well settled for information write t cook room 30 hoiilake ink edmontob alia psrls forts may be razed the questjpnof the demolition of the ring of antiquated fortlflcntlons thin surround paris will be brought before the munlclpnl council this in not ns a result of the armistice or because of the league of nations which is expected to pat an end to wnrs for ever or because of the fact that with modern artillery tbe fortifications would be useless louis dnusset an alderman sponsor for tbe project ar gues that the benefits to be derived tire a closer easier nttitact with the paris suburbs elimination of the ne cessity of euterlng or leuvlng paris through various gates nnd the free ing of vnlunble land for building pur poses fuel that hungary needs- through the utilization r natural gns in hungary iui siebenbiirgen dis covered shortly before rhe war it is hoped that certain hungarian towns nna industrial districts may be en tirely independent of coal the total natural gits found in blebeuhurgan only is estimated at about 216000000- ut0 cubic motors 1 cubic meter eauallne 35r cubic feet m choice fruit and vegetables in season at most reasonable priceiv brjvti mt i since 1670 jesjsah shilo 30b8ssctjgris forjaie to rent a flue large briok hoobo with all modern oonveni- enoos hot- water heating houses and lots also three acres of larid with good bulldlngi bargain for this week houso and lot on cliltrloaston easy torrhs also two good j farms in this vlclnuyv lowest comiiilssloiilphoiie 173 do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz british americans british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance fish for choice quality salrrion haddfes bloaters cicoes to car owners now is the time your battery needs the closest attention be sure that it does not get low enough to freeze we test your battery and give you any necessary information on its care free of charge call and have your batteries tested welsoatojsjtfltftreunetwet or dry for the winter and kc capaole of doing all repairs necessary to put your battery in first class condition for following season charges reasonable and work guaranteed georgetown oarage c e baker proprietor phone 171 try clifford linh a iv phone 196 t i n street delcolight the complete electric usfct aaj powsr plant makes fiirm workers cbeorful conlent- ed and more efficient producer w gsorsrstown t evans w w roe phone 206 georgetown livery and sales stables now open al station hotel firstclass horses and ri for hire nt reasonable prices borates always for sale j 0 rutledge prop pbone231 georgetown full stock of flour and feed always on hand at our elevator georgetown all kinds of grain wanted at highest prices robert noble limited norval ontario the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying houses in georgetown is e a benham i have sold many houses in the past few months and i have yet a number of beautiful homes ranging in price from 1500 to 6560 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser oh any of these properties for particulars apply to box 1 85 or phone 164 e a benham real estate georgetown it jbynds v oisnmf iasniiaiu agassi ptwnekh fcorflefo wi a bailey harness now for the good old winter time call at the harness shopand see the fine assortment of bells blankets and robes and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate har ness shop repairing promptly attended to wabailey main street ge01getwi deering farm machinery international traotois gmyn enguiea sbarpleas meoaaniotl milking maoblnea carload of wire fencing at reasonable prices cutters and sleigrhs tbe most modern made by tbe beet mnkers a fnll line of galvavnised roofing etc phone 101 r 8h thos e hevvson norval ont j winter term from january 5th open in each of shaws schools tor onto business shorthand tolegraphy and wireless write for booklet w h shaw yonge and oerrard life insurance no shovelling required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sifees automatically sureoneiouid loaded v jmbuck butcher always kaaps a oholoa 8 to ok ot th bast prooarabla tn frash and htsti whioh ha su at th lowest possible prices canudn food boaril llipne no 9 2108 get the best protect your wire children yoursolf and your business with a policy in the cheat west life as surance co the lowest ratpr with the boat results for particulars sei w w roe raatdanos an oeoroetown ont canada business college collaore sc spadlna la torontos popular commer- oial school positions gnai- tocd individual instruction enter any day mail uourses geo spotton president madges candy shop select lamp for domes lo and tliroshiuk purposes smithintt and cannol coal in foot i carry everything to bo found in an uptodate goal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phontb j2 all kinds hot dr served main street r vi one 214 iff li il-j- 4 h c bailey electrifsia eleotrio wiping and tx- tnres orders left in the harn shop will be proinptly attended to phone 232 georgetow all bnslnsss oouacea are dot alika select a school carelnliy eluol yonge and cbarlos sts toronto invites the piitrotfaga of all who desire superior triilnlntj gel our gntaloguu read our records then decide enter now w j elliott principal arthur bcastell s f oouage of kasm london xnsland onolrmimtar praabrtailan onureli aorsatowu teacher of piano or ban cornet violin andsinkinv tuition pui in shybranch 6 per term of 20 lessons at my resi dence main st georgetown or ot pupils home viairob ttrerrao tif mm i4wliasaji i- tiij

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