Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1920, p. 2

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w h willson undertaker and licensed embalmer niulii st georgetown automobile or morno drawn hearse ilione night or tiny 51 w or 5 lj htrths miiringia and deaths are ihmgim lunit the following- rules births 2x nlnrriaos 50c ueaths 50c meinor- al ilirtu 50c kc per line extra for poems died uiinstm at saskatoon on january 1 2th qj0 stafford z bennett in memoriam memory of our ilcnr lull who died jmiaury stuil in lovini mother eliza 11th lh- in wuot ylmj tuemorteh yetv v you are liyiiff the georget flerald tyedbjb3sv byg j4tta 1920 a greater georgetown lino gfeorgetown yog aie noetidj e board- of trade- oatl to rms qeohgetowvi futurje is not sifabtiai i is oertajn r ovt towttibentiyed feci some of your effort join th board bf trade she board tf trade is theorgan through which alioitrzenscan pre eetit ilieir views in all matters of public welfare join up sympathetic criticism is always welcome but destructive criticism is base and unkind be fair to your town council join the board of trade and help them solve the difficulties for the past six years the newspaper business has been in a very serious state indeed and a climax is fast approaching many old established and hitherto pros perous papers have fallen by the wayside and many a community is today the poorer for the passing of the little local weekly during the coming year other pupers will have to g vo up the struggle for the ever mounting cost of production will probably reach its zenith in 1920 the new council would do well to keep in mind the fact that it is the steady faithful attention to the permanent needs of the com munity that in the end counts for most there are special things that may be done to promote the welfare of the community but there are the regular duties and obligations that call for good judg ment and careful administration we arojglad that our town has been showing decided signs of growth and nefer morn than now did it need careful yet progressive leadership thk afental and mobal distur bance due to the war the resent nient felt by the middle classes on account of the inflated prices oases of criminal profiteering all have combined to create a condition of unrest hardly less harraaalng than war itself strikes are everyday occurrences and the demands of the workers in some cases reason able are in others the reverse be tween the demands of capital and the claims of labor the lot of the middleman becomes daily more arduous the remedy can only be found in in creased production of wealth in place of whioh we have at present production greatly hampered by obstinate disputos it is not pecul iar to canada it is common to the civilized world and is often likened to the swelling of the sea that distresses the ship after the storm has died down we have mot and conquered more formid able enemies and the present difficulties can and must bo settled if our country is to live if labor and capital met together on the common basis of the go i don rule a happy settlement woulj soon en sue county council lor 1920 milton e syer aotongeo barber georgetown leroy dale burlington wm bridgman and e williamson oakville goo hillmer and j p medermott esquesing james blandish and j r elliott nassrtgaweya d b hutoheon nelson w a irving and james b leonard trafalgar w h morden and j a johnston v8 tle faces of six of the leading members of last years council will be missing and their assistance will be greatly missed until tbeir smoessors beoomo accustomed to handling couhty business tho names of beeves morden and slnndisli is mentioned far the wiirdensbij town council council for 1919 held their last meeting at 10 oclock am on mon day jtinuary 12th with the reeve in the chair and members all pres ent minutes of previous live meet ings were read and confirmed communications were read from dunlop tire and rubber co wish ing the couucil a merry christmas and a happy new tear dr nick- ell re damages to car by running against a falln hydro pole action deferred j a ellis directing housing commission re appropri ation of 100000 to georgetown dunlop tiro and rubber co re lanterns and j w kennedy thank ing tho council for a bonus of 50 it was moved by wv f brauey and seeobdedby jjeroy dale that uie fcdlowkiffaeeoantstio passed w cfinninghamstreetbflnd walks siioo edwin coleman nigbt watpbrtan it 00 henry marchmentpark700 waef work 860 v 10 marcbmfcmvrrihk aj 00 rlrilfcj0aoi waterworks 1t6 41 co jlarynment rbolt sji0 park 1700 waterworks 7oo i to marobriibnubah wtfq rind 700 176 herbert johnston esess ment 46 00 f l heath paid express 80 thembellermfgcor barvac 69 14 gatshorethompson pipe and foundryco bal ao 1 00 canadian express co 1 os dj matthews stamps wwks 4 09 j b mekenzie ao 615 88 dunlop tire its rubber co fire hose 141 so carried it was moved by bradley and seconded by momillan that the thanks and appreciation of the citi zens of georgetown be extended to the merchants bank of canada for the opening of such handsome and convenient writing and rest rooms for the use of the public and that the clerk be instructed to write the local manager to this effect and requesting that the communication be forwarded to the bead offloe carried it was moved by momillan and seconded by bradley that a vote of thanks be tendered to reeve grant for the able and courteous riianner in which be conducted tho affairs of the council for the year 1919 carried unanimously reeve grant replied in very feel ing terms thanking the members of the counoil of 1919 for tbo able and willing assistance they bad always given him during tbo year council then adjourned con firmed wis re- appointed board for the en suing three years on motion of anthony and mo- otyre sir c w pupat wns re ap pointed a member nf the public librar board for t lie ensuing wo years chief reitl truaut officer edwin coleman was reappoint ed poundkeeper at no increase in salary john taylor wi reappointed caretaker of the fiio hull dr miandrew vu- re appointed medical health officer at a salary of 76 per aunutn david brook a member of the board of health and win ward sanitary inspector at 85c per hour while engaged inj the- performance of his duties moved by anllioiiy seconded b mclotyro the following accounts were ordered paid- ueprymarcfnhen i woterworkfl6-ia-r-ia- bjrtiepjiorfu co- town hall 670 constables 640 1 it qjrgetown uerald printing 48 90 albert tost dryinghose mervlo aennedy depjityre turolng oijjuer jftq- 6i j f l heathi deivn by return- iqg bqcranovr percy cleave poll olefkv percy harrjson pou dferk thps jhfieoery oqnstable jannfvry t tbos mqenery house n voting bqith albert apple ard looking after reservoir carried council adjourned 8 00 aoo 800 0 8 00 i 00 2500 a boot can be easily spoiled in repairing i have just put in a machine that will ido anything that can he dono in the repairing line wo warrant every job let professionals do your uork j roney tho iioinc of macplierson bogy beaver brand shoos main st georgetown counoil of 1920 met on monday evening as per adjournment from morning session beeve dale in the chair and councillors momillan rush an thony and mclntyre present communications were read from dr nickell re damage to auto ontario housing commission dun lop tire and rubber co re lan terns rev griffin thompson re damages to car resignation of boot h erwin as chief of fire brigade the account of dr niokoll for damages to car was held over moved by mcmillan seconded by rush that the clerk bo instructed to write the hon mr nixon to arrange a meeting with him re a fuither appropriation of 100000 for building houses under the housing scheme carried moved by anthony seconded by mclntyre that the claim for dam ages of rev griffin thompson be not entertained carried moved by bush seconded by momillan that the clerk be in structed to write the secretary of the fire brigade asking thorn to send in a ruoommendation for fiio chief carried moved by anthony seconded by molntyro that robt erwin bo ask ed to oontione as fireohief until his successor is appointed and that the clerk be instructed to writo him to that effect carried moved by momillan seconded by anthony that tbe hour for dosing the publio billiard room be extend ed from 1080 to 11 pm on wed nesday and saturday evenings and that the olerk be instruoted to preparo a bylaw to amend the present bylaw carried tbo following committees wero appointed for the year 1920 the first named on man streets and walks anthony and bush waterworks momillan and mc lntyre finapoe and charity mclntyre and anthony property and cemetery hush and momillan hydro committee all members of counoil on motion a bylaw empower ing the council to borrow 15000 for current expenses was read the necessary number of timos and passed solimiotendorf oi co of toronto wore appointed auditors for the village of georgetown for ui year 1020 on motion of mcmillan and rush mr d j matthew was appointed a member of tbe high school glenwilliams the ohoir of tbo methodist church recently met at the home of mrs hartsliorne and presented mrs a w allen with a silver butler dish and tlie following ad dress dear mrs allen- wo the mem bers of the glen methodist choir desire to show our appreciation of your past services and to- wish you and mr allen much happiness and prosperity in the future hoping we may continue our associations we ask you to accept this small token signed on belialf of the choir c j ciimmings leader the address was road by mrs c j ciimmings whilo miss olive logan made the presentation killed by train ohulm o kolaacklia of calling- wood rnlt ovarin georgetown yard on tuesday afternoon about 2 oolock mr chaies g mclaughlin of collingwood who was on his way to guelph accompanied by f d maidens also of collingwood was instantly killed by being run over by a frieght train at tbe station yards here how he got under the train no one appears to know the bodv was badly miiti- lated the remains wero removed to w ii willson s undertaking rooms anda jur empanelled by coroner dr a w nixon as follows l v hourigun foreman a bethel i j j gibbons s-nvins- j fi dart j t ruddy and- j- watson i t after viewing too regains tb jury adjourned fo meet oil- friday atk2pni milton we are sorry to report tnat cbuueilhjf wni mafldooltfr inqgerkjusry ili vjith spinal mpoip- tfitis arising frarn the trijutiee he receiyea in france vhich p6nand hini to bis bed for tjyro yeari geqrgfetawn played an elhlbitlpn game here with the local intetroedi- ivtespn taesdnjeyehinr ia iriade it njoreintoresting than tie score 42 to 6 lu fhvor of milton would indicate fnrniers of this neighborhood tcomplainof an unusual shortage of water due to a scanty rain fall in thejatter part of last year and the freezing of water from running springs causing it to spread instead of following usual courses some farmers are drawing water from creeks champion the bylaw to raise 10000 by debentures for the purpose of build ing new sidewalks in town and for waterworks extensions submitted to thepeople on monday last was defeated by 11 votes 55 voting for the bylaw and 6ft against- re former evbwfidt big january clearing sale isininiiiiiidffil gi mnttrucmin lea mijulxmuj7ml nw iluiihj in tbe interest ol church going few people would cure to livp in a nhurchless community muob less would they think of bringing lip a family in such a place support the church by jour in terest and your nt tendance and thus assist in making it a greater power in the lifo of tire commun ity church news methodist services at regular hours on sun day next at the morning service the pastor will present the work of the superannuation bonrd st geoboe8 tbe services ou sunday next will bo in charge of rev h l 1 bangh of arthur on tuesday evening the 20th a congregational social will be held in tbe basement of the church to which all the members of tho con gregation are invited there will be refroshmenes a tmiscal pro gram and address by venerable archdeacon perry 8t pauls nobval mattins will be snid in st pauls clmrch norval on sunday morn ing january 18th at 11 oolock preacher the rector baptist annual reunion and business mooting of tho church and congre gation tomorrow thursday even ing supper at 7 oclock every member of the church and con gregation is urgently invited to attend sunday morning the pastor will outline the spiritual aims of the forward movement in the oven- ing he will plead the cause of the suffering armenians monday evening the ill try sunday school class will put on a program and talo an offering for the armenians it is hoped that each being ohairja large number will respond tothib appoal anniversary a week from next sunday january 26th prof h s curr bd of edinburgh and tor onto will bo tho prencher prof curr is spoken of as the most scholarly among tbe young men of the baptist denomination in scot land tho fact that ho saw ad vice in france under tho ymca makes his coming to georgetown nil the inoro welcome- everybody is invited to hear him iter cferit 6ff the mens store g special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking ol getting n blue or black senje suit 0 we have a lai go stock of the above goods bought bo forf the pig advance in price if you are considering the- purchase of a serge suit now is the tirne to place yoyr order as you vyiljjay onethird 1 ttiprefor tkesvqooidsvbjrf he er ol thej tponth no- i matvyherejoo buy- them buy m w and save money speeialjolenring of all i whrqyewoated as great opportunity to8ecurbargainsr et these godds mlist be clcarid lines bargain s iirija 11 ppartfrienfs cfuyirig the rtjfontkj ladies winter coals selling at half price brill co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown fllr bioftollass tailor hant fnraiahing tild htdytjiwr clpth ln georgetown phone 126 saturday treat pick out l ho and think about thi fuel etc if you do thi as our llomimitdo ct kct 50c per th for iiijk i in saturday treat price most cornfitrtabli rhftir in your lioufio and sit dowr hijf h price of suar pcinuu cocoaitut skilled labori i you will wotulrr htv we can fill such wonderful candy oaitut for 29 ytr lb we know tlint rome city tore out rcjfitliir price in 40c 39o per lb weekend chocolates 39c from factory to feet three thousand pairs of boots and shoes bought before the rise in price i have tho biggest and best seleoted spring stock in ontario beaver brand uris calf reg waterproof boots both in mens and boys enough said all my boots are made specially for my own trade and bought from tbe most reliable factory in canada and lean prove it by tho way people are calling for these boots repairing as us ual j boney the home of the macplierson registered boots properties for sale to bent a line largo brick house with all modern conveni- enoefl hotwater hcating hon ftc and lots also three acres of land with food bulldiiifjs bargfin for this week houeand lot on charles st on ay terms also two fpood farmh in this vicinity lowest cominuiion phone 173 j h lane real estate agent georgetown farms for sale no doubt you know that luar his auvamed also chocolate coating we are striving hard to keep the pricu of our yvuckknd chocolates down vou can help us do so by buyin them often assorted flavors ttj you 50 and 60c lb weekend special 39o per lb t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton first farm oat- 200 acres in esqneslng twp side the corporation of acton 100 nnres workable balance pasture and swamp snmll orchard sandy louui to gravelly loam soil 2 springs brick house of 8 rooms bank bnrn stono pig pen poultry houiie possession immediately price 110500 terms nrrangecl 80 acres in esqneslng twp 112 miles from norval 5 miles from brampton all workable 2 acres orchard h acres fall wheat 24 acres fall plou thed 16 acres monriow clay loam soil level 4 wells oood frame house of 8 rooms good cellar cistern furnace in house burn 00x86 barn no 2 60x80 tie- up 8 horses and 8 oatllo good bog pen lien house school i mile church miles 1 mile from ntono road hindi mail and tolephone possession arrangod price 80000 terms ar ranged ja furniture of merit at a good saving it in i windstorm damage the home insurance co ny insures against this loss liberal polioies low rates prompt payments for information apply to w t evans s phone 208 georgetown 200 acres in esqneslng twp 4 miles from adon 5 miles from georgetown 7 miles from hilton 180 acres workable balance pasturo and bush 55 acres fajj plough ed clap loam soil plenty of water a crook and 2 springs 8tone house of 0 rooms soft water in house hard water at door barn 60x80 barn no 2 62x86 on stono foundation shed for cattlo in end of barn stable 60x24 tio up 49 head of cattle and 5 horses also box stall well at end of stablo straw shed pig pen and hon house 72x18 driving bouse 85x20 garage worlirhop school noross tbe road church 8 miles rural mail and telephone possession arranged price 811 tbo terms arranged a 50 acres in trafalgar twp 0 miles from oakville castor i a for infanta and children in use for over 30 years always bean the signature of ladies call and inspect our stock of babys and children wear of all kinds also fancy goods we cordially invite the ladiog of georgetown and vicinity to call and inspect our stock mrs a watson mrs e tvlnlleld geojaostown 40 aores workable balanco bush 1 aore orchard is acres fall plou ghed 17 acrqs meadow woll water good frame house of 7 rooms cellar eistoni hank barn glxllo tieup 0 horses and 15 cattle schooi i mile church lj miles 1 mile from stone road rural mail and tele- pbobe possession hrrangcil price 85000 terms arranged 100 acres in nelson twp on stone road 5 miles from hilton 75 aores workable balance flats 2 acres orchard 25 nnros fall ploughed 40 acres in moiulow 10 acres frosli seeding clay and sandy foam soil 1 woll and a creek now brick houso of 8 rooms collar oistorn bank bnrn 00x45 burn no 2 10x26 tieup 0 horses and 16 cattle open yard school and church j mile rural mnil and telophone possess ion arranged price 88500 terms nr ranged willoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont beautiful extra- large sideboards of seleote j quar ter out on k hand ciirvingn lip i iii2liii 84 in high 18x85 bevel mir ror shaped drawers nuil front jiirgc roomy lined cutlery drawer two extra utility drawers extra large linen drawer extra top shelves extra largo cupbonrd spucr ccrliiinly a llargnin nt 8050o fine empire oak china cabinet 75 in high 85 in wide mirror in buck upacn for chi nil filnss sides and front 8285ft empire oak buffets 83500 empire oak extension tables lix14 largo 4i leg at 83250 empiae oak dining chairs pad seat at 82700 8 enkos of comfort 9bnp all 15c stove polishes for 10c olnss tumblers 10c china salt and popper shakers 2s dinner plates mens all wool sox mens wool gloves mens heavywool jackets mens work pants womens pino ciisliincroltc hose set of 0 l arm 5 chairs 25o 10c 8o bo lbo soo 8125 375 326 b5o womens extra quality lino cashmere hose knit to form without soam at 8175 boys girls nnd childrens cold weather hose close knit and warm the kind that will give scrvico ul sizes jacksons main street georgetown tia weekend svwiiv tdilet pafrer regular 1 5c a roll week end special 3 rolls for 25c welch talcum powder a very good quality talcym reg 25c weekend special 16c aorted soaps regular i 5c cake week end special 0c water bottles and syringes a few only which have been in stock for some time they are in good condition but soiled and will not wear as well as new ones to clear out quick ly we have marked these at the ridicuously low price of s9c each pi fe fv v- i vltv- jmm hourigans the feis j- m x il i v rhftii

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