Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 21, 1920, p. 2

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2- v r i is i w h willson undertaker and licensed xmbalmer main st gmuru a jiomohile or llre- drawn hearse ihone ci v- w or 5i sje in died relown on thursday jiui- 1120 jacob coir aged 6 uiv i5lh years llkfcvn lu clmiwilliams on monday i11111 i9lh wx mrkre hodkius il wife ol robert brennan k1 54 yours i lie luiural will take place from her litle iokioilo on krijuy hiiiimry2vd at j pm interment in ilenwilliamt cem etery kindl omit flovver cuutlhu al 1117 iqlh line kioliie ik on jtocaduyf jsiruiry i9i0i qhlart4 wlriilkfrihear lheft1 totfpecurilriurv 77lhyr- the luneml uik ple fronuh home ol her onnlw xjrwm ostrau- der oji thursday al 130 pp- ind olent hi lrulioviir bmotilsm llornryftntoday jiu- vtk20jli 1930 uavul floyd bnswn in tlk ihd vii uotsrij private tour davut 2pnj tpyottal cipatary the fieoraetown herald wtilrtrjbjav evg your own toufri t ltfft ths nrjiy oc every citizen to assist tlife board of trade rn its effort to promote the best hiurjlstsof tur town thai organ izntioii has proved- its worth in the past by securing industries ami nuilirng ipofkotownaniiph bet ter known throughout tho domin ion liy h judicious advertising oam paign evwry citizen knows that tho town is making good and we sincerely hope all will do their part to assist tho board of trade in its present effort become a mom her of the board of trade and give what yon can for community beltcrmcnt when the oanvassers call on thursday and friday noietouk golden opportunity lias arrived and it is up to every citizen to lake advantage of it tiikhk 18 not much satisfaction in shovelling your walk when you have to go knee deop through the unow on our town crossings even main street crossings wore neglect eil after the recent snow fall wo felt sorry for the ladies who were compelled to wade through the snow more especially for those wit 1 1 tliosilk stockings who must hate realized that this is n cold world we used to have our cross ingh shovelled after a snow storm and our citizens appreciated it why are they neglected now esquesing township stewarttown 18th january 1080 the members oleel of the entities- j ing township council met and hav- 1 ing made and subscribed to the declarations of qualifications and office took their seats as follows james l standish reeve john b elliott deputy reeve w j l hampshire james mcdowell and f c thompson councillors thompson elliott that leave be granted to introduce h by law to appoint auditors for tho year 1020 and that said by law be now rend the first timtr- carried elliott twoiiipson that tht uy law to appoint auditors be now read the second and third times and passed and that tho blank be ili4iip withlho riainon or hvc lotjwjioilh rn williajn yiiorrtp oniniltttatthejvreceivo ifuj im of slseaob for theirarvioesyctir m- mcdoftell thompson tbtuleave be granted to introduce b by tiv- to appoint a sanitary- inspector and tbtttsafd by law be now read tbeflnt tiiuet carried thompson mciowel jlhat the by law to ajindint a sarrititry t tx be hbw nerfa the second jap 21st 1d2 fhiv g w v a the following othcers of the ieorgetown swv a were elected al llieir uiiimnl mooting last week for the year 1920 pies com g o brown 1st vice- pies com b g arn old 2nd vice- pre com martin cummins exec com thoo dobbie nel son tuhf wallace thompson and chan ruddy sectieiir r j hynds iiockky club offkhk ires b g arnold manager r j iynd caitjiin jim clark sec treiis b parr the veterans will play the town ton in their first uume in the g and g league on thursday night all mcmbeis and friends of the gwva are requested to attend thoat home in the town hall on friday evening january 28 hockey schedule considerable interest is being taken in hockey in georgetown and olpuwilliains this year a liiiiiilsonie silver pup has been don ated by messrs a bcthell and w j patterson to lie presonted to tho vinnois of tho local league the different gnnies will no doubt draw largo crowds both in town and tho glen following is tho bchedulo jan 20 paper mill vs odd fellows 22 town vb gwva 27 gwva vs glen 20 glen vs odd fellows 8 gwva vs pnpermlll fi town vs glen 10 glen vs gwva 12 odd fellows vs papermill 17 papermill vs glen 10 odd follows vs town 24 papermill vs gwva 26 glon vs town 2 oddfellows vs glon 4 town vs oddfellows 0 glon vs papoimill 1 1 gwva vs town feb mnr cards of thanks yj hereby extend lo friendu and neigli- bor our very hlneoru thanks for their many indiiniek and nynipatliy uxtuuded to us in our recent sad bervnvemonl calls- hv into jacob cjole chester d cole wilfred colo liereby convey to he litixonnot glon- wiiliamv tho oeorfrpiown flro llriande and olliors my very hintore thankw for thelralile iimisinnco in extinguishing tho fire ywicj oivurird on my premises at cjionwilliuriih on kriday ovening ust g u polklitfrhorne wo hereby convey lo friends and neigh- boiwourvery hiihoio lltanks fr the many itindnuflkoii and syinpinhy extended to tta on iihi occahlon of our rucoiu uad bereave- ment cursed by the dualh ot our belnxed molhermra john martin daughters nod third ihinas and utsjsed and hiat the blarik be filled up vritbjtlie name of- john h snih carried elliott sicdowell that leave be granted to introdnce a by law to ippeint assessors for the town shipof jssqnesing and that said by law be now read the first time carried mcdowell elliott that tho by law to appoint assessors for the township of esquesing for the year 1020 be now read tho second and third times and that the blanks he filled up with the name of g b thompson for wards 1 2 and 8 and neil gillies for wards 4 8 and 0 and that they receive the sum of 100 each for their services car ried hampshire elliott that the treasurer pay tho following ac counts henry sayers tho sum of 480 for 82 yds gravel at is per yd by order of a e crosstnun p m div 8 john h smith sanitary inspector for fumigating and plac arding f 1850 d j matthew ding- gist for fumigating supplies to de cember 28rd 1010 8080 also that the salary of dr mcallister be paid at the rate of 75 per annum carried elliott thompson that the treasurer pay the following ac counts clare robertson the sum of 2 refund dog tax dog boing re moved before court of revision samuel momaster 2 dog tax he having no dog mrs john watkins 2 refund she having no dog muni cipal world municipal supplies 8298 j a tracy 86 ot8 express oh same dr j a moniren disin fecting no 6 beardmore crescent after smallpox case 6 robert oiven for gravelling bapermill hill 870 yds at 126 per yd and grading same 48260 john bingham for kiavel for papc mill bill 870 yds at 25 0250 carried thompson mcdowell that the treasurer pay wm ostrnnder for spreading gravel on paper mill hill 10 days at 400 per day 40 also that the council accept the tendor- of j m moore for printing at 100- oo- carried hampshire thompson that the treasurer pay the following ac counts t j leatham beardmore crescent esquesing foe household supplies during two weeks quaran tine for small pox household con sisting of 6 adults and 2 chhjien 60 carried hampshire mcdowell that the treasurer pay a j murray the sum of si 188 for taxes paid on property which was twice assessed and paid frank murray 5 for posting hills for nomination day j a triicyfo for loose loaf register for birth marriages and deaths j m moore georgetown horitld of account for 1910 printing o460 carried ilampshiro modowell ivheroith the county council of the county of hnlcon at their last regular rtieoting passod legislation commit ting the county to tho construction of a new high levol bridge on tho dtindas stroot the cost of suoh structure is ostimated tobojgj2c- ooo and whereas the county of hal ton is already heavily involved financially through debentures id ready issued for toad and bridge construction and whereas when thin legis lation was passed tbore were no proper estimates or specifications before the said council the mem bers of whioh had not sufficient time in whioh to consider a prop osition involving a financial obli gation of such magnitude it is hereby resolved that the construction of said bridgo be de forced until such estimates plans and specifications are plaood before the county representatives and due time be given to consider nlm that question of the legality of suoh procedure especially that of issuing debentures for such purpos- os be investigated as it is frit to lie illogal to proceed in such a manner wltviouln vote of tho ratepayer having boon takna which we huliove is according to legislation at pros out on the statute book of the province of ontario carried mcdowell ilampshiro that the troastirer pay the following no- counts john lawlor for hauling side road 6 also that the follow ing wire renoe bonus aiconitl lie paid stephen g tulniun at iui 073 george liiilimn 20 rod su150 nan nfilson j ts 1125 john i walters twroilc s70 ur mcallis tor 85 cts express howard brad ley shovelling gravel in his itwtl hon e c drury torun in hallon oflltdlal aanaumbmbt pt bjrelofc una urns lsut hht division 10 -carricl- mcdowell hampshire council adjoin n lo meet februao 10tlinl ioiiu that this tuesdu curried h s board the u s roaid met january 18 present mr c h daj foot clniir- niun ret r f cameron mid dr f r wat on accounts to be pused- xleo m hfmidrv 81 so il elou e c drury ttnd honmnu- ing doherty will be nominated for i setits in the legislature on man- 1 i day february 9 the prime minis- i ter in llallou imd the minister of agriculture in east kent a week luter lion w e haney attorneygeneral will lie nominat ed but the seat to he oiened for him will not be announced for ho v- crnl las writs n re lnmiig iusued iiiinicdintely an announcement to thi effect was unide last night h hen itll ciant minister of education who stated that j j f fol tjjf0 tyrfart member -fm- llalton and jv b irtjivl atontber for et kent bad vesijfned in order to make vcay for boo afr drury and tf ooluague within nfejv days 1 1 frtqled a third hdlng would be oiteneil lj the resigriaiiun of a tiiehjir ejfaiet o enable iheat ttiriiej- general tpentevihe rjjtsi- 1ttire communications waifl road from miss luird miss old and miss mullidiit salary and from albert appleyard je wood becatpcs and expepditq4c rf lolweie piesentvd bj5ceipts evfbe ll 1j 00 oor gcairt- b58 oh jmwtt 40 880 8ft wejlington 884 40 es6mi nations 00 00 i f 171 40 ecpendrribk salarieb- 85tmah caretaker 786 00 suplies j42 18 repairs 11 72 fuel 802 08 ilusu 70 78 fiirnnco ii7 68 fountainx 70 00 other 81fl 58 nflrto 80 balance 8hh ml glenwilliams after mnnv years of faithful service mrs lewis has given up the muil delivery between george town nnd tliotllen conscientious service to tho public such ns she has given is very rare and a few words of appreciation are certainly in order mrs lewis is moving to toronto and wo nil hope she will be spared lo enjoy many das of peace and quiet a disastrous fire was averted by tho good work of our volunteer bucket brigade on friday evening the shed at tlie rear of tho store occupied by mr r polkiugjhorno caught on flro but by the dint of hard work the blaze was extin guished before any great damage was done to the main store mr barlow was nitlior seriously in jured when ri- falling bar struck him on the forehead knotking him from the ladder ho is progress ing nicoly at infest report the orange lodge held another successful dance on friday even ing owinu to the stormy night the crowd was smnllorthnii expect ed hut everybody reports a good time the rcnimick orchestra supplied the music the g and g leagimgets under way this week tho glen team will give a good account of itself so turn out to the gnines and sup port the ton in not only nt home but nlso when playing in george town mr s allen is the new mail carrier between the glen and georgetown mr thos alger has written to thank tho people of glonwillinms for his gold watch which ho has just receive on his return from overseas as ho enlisted at the beginning of tho war villi the 4th batt mr alger must surely hold hp record for this district for er- vice abroad tho glon kink upon every night good ice comfortable wait ing rooms give it n trial obituary jaobcole by llie deatlvcrf lr jacob couv on f hnrsday last georgetown has lout one of its best -known- and highly respectedoitizons decem ed avis u ton of the late henry cole and was born on the 7th line below ballinttfat 62 years ago he came to georgetown 82 caret ago ond bos resided here continuously ever since for n number ol years ho has been freight agent at the grand trunk station whioh position be held at the time of his death tho late mr cole was of a fjonial disposi tion and made many friends who deeply regret his death a family of two sons chester d and wil fred remain to mourn the death of a kind and affectionate father mrs cole pre deceased her bus hand on november lolli 1914 one sister mrs john lindsay erin and two brothers mr albert colo of north bay and mr frank cole georgotown survive e ceasod was a member of the moth odiat church and the funeral xer vico on saturday nfteiiioou was conducted by his pastor rev wray davidson the pall bearers wore dr wm mcgnire wnterford john price john mcdnnuld rob ert ervvin k w dole nnd john lindsay thero wore many beautiful flor altrihutos and putting in three culverts on 15 we iinileisfiiid the lion hand will ho at the skating rink rioqifeiil ly thero is sotno excellent ioe ho- ing cut hero these days got vmirs in yot our school children worn sent homo lam friday afternoon tho cause boing ii cold school trus- toes cannot this beroniodiou mr mckinloyis busy putting his hake shop into first class nhnpo and will soon be open for business the people of glouwllliiims ex tend their sympathy in mr it brennan and fanjily in thoir sad bereavomont in i lie loss of the mother of the home who died mon day january 19th miss catherine allan daughter of mr and mrs george allan who was suffering with appendicitis was taken to toronto hospital on sun day evening tim glen woollen mills pnlil a dividend to its employees last fri day night which vns much appre ciated mr rretiiian jh luiil up through an uacidont to his font received while at work bro find mcnally pcm of georgetown orange lodge was tho recipient of n nice fountain pen niosented lo him by the glen or nngo lodge last ttiesdny evening january 1llh bro mcnally lias been n willing helper in tho glen lodge and hlssorviees have been much approalnted for sale to rent a line large brick hoiiro with all modern poirtoni- oneor hot- water ivatiitf llouwav hthi lots ruo three iutok of land wilh good htiildinfcfl huixau for this week house and lot on ctmrloh st on aiy terms also two tfood farms in this viciiiltv lowest commission phone 173 j h lane real estate agent georgetown big january clearing sajle boots per cent off ladies winter coats selling at half price brill co phone 167 mill and main sts georgetown lafnniiiimffil w aimuunpll iutrniimctll iboitr the mens store special announcement advice to oar friends who are thinking oi getting a bine or black serge suit we have a lare stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are considering the purchase of a serge suit now is the time to place your order as you will pay onethud i- v gosjby the jd- if tjw rrijarith fhaf lg rtiatter wheri youbuy tkeml 1 s buy now and save money special clearintjf of ah a great opportunity to secure bargains a jhse good must be cleared to make roorn for new sprihg lines qargains in all departments duringtha month wjvm millar co time tatoboljttm taiioiu ttmam furalaklass ad bssdr4gwsu clotmac georgetown phone 126 mtuuiflal llllllllllllirdbl ibiiiiiiiiiirjon rrtttmtrfjjll isj saturday treat this swurday we cjffrr you 100 lbs of a mixturi of jellies creams toffees etc regular 40c lb saturday treat price s9o per lb weekend chocolates 39c 1 wo nevsriire of telling you about our vvmltkud chocolntos we know thai they are the best value in canada and t herd ore we are anxious thai you should know about llietn assorted chocolateo reg- so si 60c lb weekend speoial 89o per lb hot drinks do not forget that we servo hoi chocolate tomato soup bovril et our parlors as well aa ice cream drop in when you feel chilly milton t h moore he ad brampton georgetown properties boiler paper at heram farms for sale 200 acres 100 nor in esquesing twp side the corporation of acton workable balance first farm out- pasture ami swamp small orchard siunly loam to gravelly innni soil 2 springs brick house of 8 rooms bank burn stone pig pon nmillry house possession immediately price 810500 terms urruuged jacksons eat bread eat more bread eat gibbens bread bread r e a d acres la esquesing twp 112 miles from norva 5 miles irom brampton all worltnble 2 acres orchard r acres full wheat 21 acres fall plon- klioil 10 acres muiulow clay loam soil level i wells fiood fiiiine house of h rooms good cellar cistern fiiiniice in house hum 50x111 barn no 2 joxho tie up h horses nnd h cnlllc good hog pen hen house school mile church ii miles 1 mile from stone road rural mail and telephone possession arrnugeil price 86000 terms ar ranged it is economy to jouble your bread allowance 200 acres in esquesing twp 5 allies from ceorgetown 4 miles from acton 7 inlles from hilton 1u0 neros workable imlaiine pusthro and bush 5 acres fall plough ed clap loam soil plenty of water a crook and 2 springs stone liouso of i rooms soft wiitor in house liard water at door bifrn 10x110 hum no 2 ll2xfl on stone foundation shed for cuttle in end of hnrn stalilo 10x24 tie up 10 huiul of cuttle and 0 hoison also box stall well nt end of stnhlo straw hiioii pig pen and lion house 72vl h driving houso 116x20 gnrngo workshop sehool iterosu the rond church 8 miles rural mail and telephone possession arranged price 811 750 teniia aimnged 50 acres in trafalgar twp 6 miles irom oakvllle gibbens bread phone 202 b v gibbens bakery next door to radial station fatiiimirfrn 10 aores workable balance bush 1 ner orclnvrd ib acres fall plou- uhod 17 neres monilnw ell water flood frame house of 7 rooms collar cistern bank barn i4xu ticup 0 liorsos and ib cattle jjohool 4 mile chiitcli 14 miles 1 mile from stonti rond rural mail nnd telo- plione possession u rrungnil price 85000 terms nrruntfoil 100 acres in nelson twp on stone road 5 miles irom milton 7b acres woi liable balance flats 2j tines orchard 20 acres full ploughed 40 acres in ineiiiluw 10 acres fresh uonding clay and sandy loam soil 1 well iimuu creek new bilck house of rooms cellar cistern ixinlc barn 10x45 barn no 2 10x21 tieup i ikiikiis and 10 cattle open yurtl school and idiiircb t mile rural muil anil telephone possess ion arranged irrioe 88500 terms nminued willouflhby farm agency head office georgetown ont furniture values that are a substantial saving largo roomy i lull seats iputvter out oak fumo finish 181 60 ijargo mirror to match 18x80 2tsfio riull seats quarter out onk golden finish 208o large mirror to match 2500 living room rockers quarter out oak fumo finish loose heavy tapostry cushions 1975 chairs to inateli 1925 couches large size english verono covering 18bo couches largo sizo leatherette 1050 h pfoce parlor suites imported velours mahogany finish 3500 a big saving in carpet squares and rasa 0x84 wilton squares rieh colors 7750 tapestry squares 8x8 2700 serviceable squares 8x8 1875 a good solootian of rugs from 76 up congoleum sqnnres 8x4 8x8 and smaller sizes splendid patterns and onlosings a special in aluminum cooking utemil barge size preserving kettle fjrrvge utility oobking kottln double boiloih coffoe pot and percolator iloavv 18 guago 09 pure aluminum choice for infnnts delight soap 8 for a ohoieo large cako of fine tiolot soap a special imir brush value a good 20o drossing comb s hon ii ti col oiiiliioidurcd handkprchiefs 2bc your choice white ootton toweling a special 40o toweling pino tea toweling 895 850 395 395 298 89 90 50 15 10 95 yd 88 40 jacksons main street georgetown weekend we iave a limited number of pails of poultry food guaranteed to make hens lay reg 150 weekerid special 99c peppermint jumbo chocolates fresh goods with luscious centres peppermint flavor reg 60c per lb weekend special 40c liggetts butterfly package these are assorted chocolates with cream fruit and jiard centres reg 75c a lb weekend special s9c take home a box of these compound syrup ol hypophosphf f cs a splendid tonic reg 1 00 weekend special 69c hoirigans v 73 ioodbjul store rn 1 4 ajfflsw i l s i wmilmmsm itilji vr i i r jmmmi

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