Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 21, 1920, p. 3

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matthews drug store the home of the vlotrou georgetown agents for the well known nyal family remedies try nyal leucacold tablets with nyal cherry coisgh syrup to break up that cold thje nyal nyhuiqrtoilet p wll please you rim d j matthew dfctigs and stationery personals k he ixcal news hems v 4oln the board ortrtiile kiddies surniyal saturday v afternoon 4d6 ybqrpart when- thj- board of trade representative call oh yoli vtbursday two rooms will bjo opnedin the puwio librarytor our jboyn particulars next week wo can now supply you with granulated and yellow sugar by the bail a m grandy a few hundred of st lawronee granulatedsuuar for sale by the hag j j gibbons georgetown romeinber the meeting of the ijoper mission on thurtidny after- noon at il80 iu the baptist church soap is due for nnotlicr id- vnnee but what small boy worthy of the name will enter any objec tion the bin sting of some water pipes at the high sohool on mon day morning caused considerable inconvenience to teachers anil pupils dr f l heath has sold his residence on factory st to mr daniel campbell bale was ruade by j ii lane itenl instate agent the ill try sunday school class of hie baptist church raised 350 at thoir entertainment on monday evening for the armen ians mr norman megroor of glenwilliams has purchased by private sale the home of mrs win beid main st north geo rgetown mr howard martin will hold an auction sale of cattle and pigs at lot 16 con 8 gsquening on wednesday january 28th see advt in this issue listen for the vvhistlas to blow and the bolls to ring on thursday morning at 9 oclock then get your contribution ready for the board of trade reeve dale has disposed of an other one of his houses on main st north to mr samuol boulleld of town the sale was made by b a benbara seal estate agent georgetown the officers and teaohora of the sohool and members of the h 18 adult bible class will have a sooia overling at the home of mrs fred cook on wednesday evening january 28th in the death of david floyd brigden whioh took place at horn by yesterday esquoaing loses ono of its most highly respooted young men he was a young f man with very blight prospects arid his early demise is deeply regretted by his many friends money orders when you de sire to remit money seouro a cn b express money order at the radial station r c cowles agent georgetown tf la ttwatv wednesday hero conies tho bride paramount with john barrymore episode 8 of perils of thunder mountain 1 reel of vodavu thursday beauty proof with harry moroy topios of trio day eomorty friday paid in full para mount with paulina frederick britian canadian nowh and a oomody saturday daddy long legs with mary plokforj the first pioture made at her own studios jn7 reels from jean websters famous play and story matineo at 8 pm prices nmtinpo 10c and 18a night 86o war tax extra our advice is attend tho matineo if possible to avoid tho rush at night church news st gboboes and st aliunh on sunday next tho special pronobor will be tho vory rev the doan of niagara tho rev t owon dd georgetown 11 am and 7 pm and glenwilliams 8 pm mkthodist services on sunday morning withdrawn in favor of the anni versary service at the baptist church sunday sohool at 280 sorvloe in tho ovnninu at 780 special home missionary address at this horvioo a baptismal ser vice for adults will bo held quarterly communion and re ception of new members sunday morning february lit and in the evening a apodal sons service the christian pilgrimage in 8orlptureandiii song dont fail to nlltond tho young peoples mooting on monday oven- ing next something good st pauls norvai special service in st pauls church norval on monday even ing january 20th at 8 oclock tho vary bey dean owen will lvo an address on the forward move- rnont every member is urgently requested to ho prcimnt noi ro ai8 i yerkshfr chunk for apply to j c wsrrsy swrttw kn ftt 4 ija qnitfahnw vwm i tbd ks tne of theboe1fqy xjeauue eines was played at the rjivkliei6 last vctinflt between the oddfellqjys and- the paper m411 jilie oddfellows woo by- a soprof lojtiarewas a gored attend ance and thewtnc was clean and inleteating referee e w cole m5i formed jlis duties to the satis- faotionof all aainttqfwtry sarvtcm annivorsary sorvices will boheld in the baptist church georgetown on sunday january 25th prof li s cutr ma bd of edinburgh and toronto will preach at 11 am aud 7 pm special music by the choir assisted by miss ethelwith- erspoon soloist of toronto also selections by the male aimrtotte special freewill offering rev div cline pastor klddlav karntval kartmnl for kiddios and thoirimrents wilbo held at george town rink next saturday afternoon january 21th from 2 to ft 80 the management would liko to sec every child in costume and as the rink is theirs for the afternoon it is hoped as manv as possible will tnko advantage of the occasion prizes will be given and there will bo special music those in cos tume and ticket- holders will bo ad mitted tree other children ac burglar la tows for the second time within a few weeks mr l v ilourigaus drug store has been broken into on wednesday night last tho outer door at tho rear of his store was pried off its hinges and the inner door which had a hoavy iron bar across tho inside fastened will a pndlock was opened by breaking n hole through the door and prying off the iron bar the thieves se cured a small quantity of liquor and other goods thorn have boon several attompts to break into other business places in town re cently and tho suggestion of plac ing a night watchman on duty is a good one msnagvr windsor branoh tho border cities star publish ed at windsor ont on january 0th has the following undor a photo engjn vino cut of mr w n mckay formorly manager of the bank of hamilton goorgotown mr w n mckay manager of tho windsor branch of the bank of hamilton which was formally opened this morning has boon con nected with tho bank for 28 years and has held managerships in sev eral plaoos coming hero from jodcrkli hoisgroatly impressod with the border citios and sees great things ahead for this district mr mckay will move his family hore shortly liuviuu secured npnrt- monts on one lotto avenue death of fred l lone the sudden death of fred l long occurred on sunday morning january lltb aftor some foijr days illness from pneumonia deceas ed who has conducted a shoo shop here for some seven years was horn in caledon township forty- five years ago for somo yeais ho and his patents resided at kola- pore and on tho death of his mot her he moved to moaford ho is survived by three brothers and ono sister john c menford frank blind river win f erin and mrs g b 8ayers georgetown moaford mjrror verdiot of jury t inqaut aftor hearing the evidonco pro duced the vonliot of the jury at the inquest hold by coroner dr a w nixon last friday regarding tlii death of charles mclaughlin ofcollingwood whowas run ovor by a train in tho gtr ynrds hero on tuosday ufternnon january 1 tytli was road by foreman l v tlourigan n follows wo find that charles g mclaughlin came to his death by being run over by a freight train in tho grand trunk yards at qeorgotown and that no blame for tho accident can ho ut- timlied to anybody oooparativ womans guild a meeting of ladles connected with the georgetown and glen- willinms co operative socictj was hold at the homo of manngor u pritchett on thursday night last mr annandale president of the society ocupiod the chair the objects and aims of the womens guild wero explained by mr h pritohett after which it was unanimously decided to form womens guild and fcho following ladies wero olonteri for the first torni president mrs 1 priteholt vice president airs mouuigan treasurer mib sutton secretary mrs walkor- comniitloo mrs sargontr mrs powell mrs illondnll and mrs francis a programme of social and mop agimdo wdrk whs disoussod to oo- oiipy tho wlntor months all lad- iaa opnneotod with the society are miss ina clark of now york is visiting at mrs moloods mrs henderson visited toronto friends during the week mrs a w ferguson of toronto is visiting at mr john mcbeans miss laura mooru of guolph spent the week end with george town relatives mr hurry gouldhaui loft ibis week for toronto where he intends taking a hnsinesh course mrs wetheruld and mrs c hodgson of toronto spent thurs day with friends in town mr arthur norrington of credit lodge attended tho installation or officers of the masonic lodg it t brampton lust evening mraua mre v y smith tsntbr- taiijeo rimnoeof frtohdwi iit a pf ofjiessiyo ench re lasv jf h u raday evening lifter which a dainty luncheon was served- among those from ut of town who attended the fnnsrat of the late jacob cole on saturday last were mr davidmqguireaf ailsa crajb dr win mconlro watvfc foi win mfccaniev flalti mrs heiojbeckeroij mr ja9pn well- and -j- t j kiddies karnlval hurrah for the kiddies kainv val at the civic bjokon sntuiduy january 24th read the following list of prilecs youiivftl itkntt- box chcxolhleit by t h moorvhwut si 50 roa uu swrtper vac in pxid condition s500 apply at herald ofdos prico heo for sax jolso col apply urn vouiik norval stitlioti rt phon i- r lj 2tp help wanted vviiituil wanhhl for a lew dan oleantiik prcaralory to moiinf apply to mrm j c runh ceorgetowo 11 wanted to kbmt a 1ltllwiod caoorgvtown phon 25 f s near issuer of marriage licenses in surance agent etc rmidaae qaaea it pkoat ml oiorobtowh out siieolal honsejsararaiia fraia botftae oa okiulaei itrt 4t iiri hcmilil lifiiu nis inlbiaictilsle tvnoiiivllii ihu hou4 vne 6f the ber icept wtvris til town splrildijl ailiatitin faemtr ilia pine and on lite wt side of the lrec ix rar bargalu for quick aaia i sjjco seltone of itie lot and ll vfill leave a ctioap liomfej geltuy pon1 ont tiere and say vou djdiilweta chance awiiyj wughfay i i ii i r i i wanted good roomi and board i school jfiru eferred apply lo mrs pocy gbtaa hurch st geingetoarn l7ll 5 auction sale of cattle and pigs th underitftd ham been inatrucid by howard mamtin to ell by public auctioa at lot 16 coo j esquettiug- on w4amr immmarj 8tk itko t 1 oclock ahurp the following cattle rdoow 4 yr due uo 2q red cow 6 yr call footi red cow 4 yrm due jan 20 orey cow 4 yr due jan 30 red cow 5 yr duemar 5j red cow 4 yra due mar t ji rod cow 6yr duo mar 10 grey com 6 yra- tnilki well jemey o red mammoth house geobqetown injf well 10i grey cow 7 yrs due june i milk- ow mnkinnivell voynucattlvte helcen aterwv i jetfi 1ifevi 1 trii tirife cwel jtee 6 yra- tnilkinjj june i milk- due june 10 holiday goods the following specials just to hand useful articui lor ladiaa and children 2rrtt s tlmffl 7 yrii reg hftjcet hioa 6 jkit3 motttlii old tmtmti all wmk of 910 and under cash over that tttnchiat lomoritna credit on apptofred joint riote 5 per cent- per nnbth offfor ctth w a wtlo fttw pkth cwrh auctifturte tleai cohtumt box clukolattlv a itlv- el 250 rent fancy dressod xr wx klationery ny l v ilourian si 75 beat dreuod couple caah by vv v koe s200 rest boy costume pair jfuantleu by brill co 150 beat indian cash by g c pnlmer 100 best clown roat by c unhhu h50 beat neuro rtviat by j m ruck si 50 best mult and jeff 2 hockev uwkn by w c anthony st 50 best mother hubbard couniitiii pu bv xx j mutthow s200 best rube pair rubber by j rtmty 100 beat la ncy dressed hoy or girl under 10 yra iab by iv living mono si 00 moat comical costume roiial by v j tattemon 200 quick change competition for k k- in oft bootb and- putiinx on kkalea and once around ice by s ii mc- tnbbon cash 1 00 quick change competition for hoy a name as above by rink manafror 100 fastest boy skater under 1 2 year taxh by glbbena and keraey 200 card of thanks 1 hereby convoy ity sincere thanks to all who so ably assisted it txtiunuithinjf the lire at my premikoa in glenwilliams on fri day evening last a v hkrikr house for sale ciuud frame honae toiiuittcil on nic lot 5 roomtt ood cellar bard ami soil wtor on main street one block from post office v a macheaiiey georgetown up bulk calf for saie pure brad moist cin bull cidf about three weiksoldi eligible for rvgt ration from kiti boa dckol fmnily apply to g w ilerrinton groijfoiovvn plune 81 u situation wanted by experienced farm hand apply lo occidental motel 2812 ouudas street west toronto v21 2tp lost amethyst necklaxe during christmas holidays between dr mcandrews and cj t r station finder kindly leave at her ald office mid receive reward up w a bailey harness now for the good old winter time i call at the harness shoparid see the fine assortment of bells blankets and robe and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate rai ness shop repairing promptly attended to w a bailey main street georgetown a r is h ills peek and battc8baqain stobe fresh fish b c salmon 1 4c per lb by the fish 178 8do 90c ido- aoo terms strictly cash barnhills norval u j rmrmijmil u m rmmiui mi i mnrii 1 1 1 1 txu i gibbens ft cut rate cash and carry grocery silk gloves imilies 8il klovex bluok whie itroy und lionueo at 125 mid 150 lujio double silkiiloveo hhiok whito bdd poimws at sr jisseibkiilk hlavstatvw misses ohaiiiqinette uloyea at tllo citysei ailk ttovo ilk lined cyt- ore llack white ilrey and ionoc at the kayaer ohamoisette kiovob bluok whito jny ind pongee nt k4d gloves ladla tjl kid flovea w260and300 laaea ulpvefc- uiq x60 fjaiip blatok jtid gloves t liriiiea ry suede kiom nt iiadiea bhu4 wool glovtia at xiiies liripl ueio tflovoh at- boslery dejrtmnt a fill i iano ofuiilidtf bilk btooyni iiltui1 white rrt brown nuvy at the kay so r nloy tlk hoiw oloia blaokiind browpflc v ladies all- wool english -oaslidiore- hoae nt mband 176 camisoles uidies embd silk oiwtiiscles 12ft to 800 liudieb embd silk nicht dress at 800 ladies embd silk envelope chemises at 498 waists ladies waists in georgette orepe-de- ohine habutni silk and band embd voiles at 800 to 1280 65 00 200 4j0o hbutdkerolalejis ladies handkerchiefs plain lawn and linen at tta to uo ladies tsiaay handkerchief lfto to 7s ladiqshandlkerqiefa infancy boxes 28c to ss qhitdrena liaiidkerohia j tgfte v isinoy fhkilmw la4iea foinoy cone and dress collars frdni t to 808 wool setts- ladies und raisse wopi sats qns and soarr lplolso ladies wool scarfs l at6 childrens wool sdfepfs 100 ladies wool mitts elbow ljpgti 7i- iceas furnlauttbi mens derby silt ijies atv78 lvooaud iijw mens moolie linijd gjovos 200 and 226 srnbsilk taufibciis j100 lv60 toltoo mits whi- lawn- andkerohlefa lbo 20c 26c mon a linen handkerchiefs mpc 60o oso 7fio mens niht shirts 260 and 800 spedisl ladies jong white itid gloves at imperial dudhebscr satin colpr black per yd duobesse mousselino in dress lengths colors burgandy sand pearl grey navy brown russian green manve american beauty and peaoh 1 dress length to each oolor price per yd speeial obina cups and aauoers a snap only o is vi i i 8m lm s8a mcbean co georgetown your own town georgetown purity flour 21 lb ban kel louu coin flakes 2 pk u o ammonia larue pkg 8 for tiiiffen brand soeded raisins 1 lb pkg land cooking eggs prr doi swifts oottosuet shortening iu tin pails per lb swifts oleo per lb 180 28o 2sd 28o 08o 29o 80o qold dust washing powder reg prunes per lb fresh coooanut por lb pumpkins in 2 lb tin oratixo peel now goods per lb loo per pkg 4 for 26c 26o 80o 8for28o 49o broome uood quality 4 string broom diivios pork and beans 2 tins large size fih heeded raisin a 2 lb for peanut butter large jar hoi i oats 4 lb for roll wheat 8 lb for walter bakors ooooa por lb 88c 26o 46o 26o 20o 27o 880 j j gibbens phone ieo lane block georgetown do you know the facts about the peace river district do you know that experts now declare there aro fifty billion tons of asphalt in canadas great penoo river distriot do you know that eminent geologies havo reported to the canadian government that tho tar sundh of the ponoe ftivor dintiiet nhow nil upwolling of oil to the siiifaoo unoquivllod in tho world i do you know that it lias boon cilirmuod by skilled nil mon that below thin asphalt und tnr nnwl there are oil pools of ii capacity that stagger tho human imagination do you know that oil ninn have decliired thnt this great big virgin peace river district of oiiih holdn in its trmuuiro vault ovor one thousand billions of barrels of oil enough to supply tho needs of tho on tiro world for hnndrods of yonrs do you know that tho blggost oil unmpiiniuh of jjwo continents are now buying up tromendoiin tracts in the pence river districts prnparinu to boro to tho grpnt pools below peace river petroleums limited of which we own and offer shares avt 35 cents for each one dollar share offers cnnailians their big opportunity to obtain thoir slinro of the wealth that is bound to flow down the from north in untold millions this strictly canadian company has seen rod 48000 aoresjalr in the centre of the holiest and ijiost promising district in the penoo river territory tho mun behind tho company are among thn ablest and vhrowdest buslnorh and llnanolnl leadors or tho dominion vonon to every man and nation ooiuus tho moment to dqoide make your doolalon today and write for full pnrliiiiilitrri on this groat speculative opportunity london toronto securities corporation i s3 jordan street toronto v t a logical industrial centre will you help by joining the georgetown board of trade 120000 required to advertise during 1010 your board with a small niomborship worked efficiently in your interests their advertising ban resulted in bringing georgetowns advantages to the attention of many american and british firms contemplating the orootion of canadian branph factories as well as manufacturing firms in canada looking for bettor sites or new companies organising hund reds of branch favtorioa nro under contemplation at the prosont time and georgetown oan only got her aharo through i aggressive and judicious advertising to tlllri end your board of trade is of the firm belief that oeomotowns citizens will sup ply the necohsary fundn in which all will roup the benefit on january 22ml und 211 id a canvass will bo mado when you are respectfully urgod as an ontorprieing citizen to join this board and through it take an aotivo interest in town affairs remember georgetown will be what you make dodge bros motor cars have advanced in price lately and another advance is ex pected very soon why not place your order now and get ahead of the next advance see oneill jibout it we have ready for sale now one ford ton truck slightly used with latest style cab and bearings newly painted and overhauled bargain a good stock of cutters sloop sleighs white sewing machines 1900 washing machines hog troughs etc body timpkin roller good as new a j n oneilis garage and carriage works distributor for dodge brothers motor cars geoboetown milton acton v vfoijfc li 1 vsnxjt tfik

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