Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1920, p. 1

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fiftythibd yeab of publication georgetown wednesday evening february 4th 1920 si so per annua or si2s if pali fat aelvasofi the georgetown herald 1 publish cvery wednesday evening at the herald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application n ceiiie por uiefir tlrsl insertion ahtt llv c0irt iyr tine for each suimioi qumt liibertlon tll uti ciufjrg3t for nil i an inbhi v xdvertlaqment without peciite di rection will bo iimerted until ftjvbld find charged accordingly advevtlaenieii wilt be canged otvoc each month without etra charg- vj ctiktiites for ontttitii avjxtissmwnttt niuptbe hi the 61ttcp ljy even- yn i suobciptloxrtkft uuiybuv ur tlztx it paw 1 4vnt sutj iniitliv t cvua vtme- v uddiua labej ow dktu your iiiufccriptloit expiree z im movrr publisher v f otrtimjcbw going ea8h 1 passe rrger 7sj2 aui passenger 10l6am mail hb6 am passenger 846 p in mail 62b pui passenger 826 pm passenger sunday 711 pm going wbht passenger 767 am mail 1016 aui passenger 210 pm passenger 450 pni passenger 601 pm mail 767 ptn passenger sunday 1016 am going nokih mail 800 am mail 610 pui going sooth moil 1188 aiu mail 800 pm helps appetite and dlcesuon tbrss flavour u toronto suburban il daily timktajjus am pm pm going east 810 224 640 goiug west 86s 810 789 sunday timetabljir ioing ijiast a oa pm pm pm 1021 1220 846 610 pm 017 qoing west am 1040 pm 610 pm 98 counter check books at the herald st georges church ra win burt l th rector uuutiay aervlce as follow tirewnaoiisuf litm suiiiluiy tjeuool imi a m in imu uieut holy communion lat aud i sunday or eaclimoiitli el 11 a m lecfal bhilton waulbrioae dale barnatera olioitorej fcte iproiifo ml mwfmwm juice ktniieuy block iuy bale li charge o george- muihcal br joseph mo an or ew phyeioian and surgeon mimlioal ollloer of health district uikkiii u t it outce houre 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m phona 08 uuice and resldenoe ualn street south uppoalte preabjrterlan church 4933ft d m d s ont bawk w barrtift geornatown huum 9 a m to 6 p to eiicep- iliurwluy afternoon denllhlry in all iu bmnohoa over bell talaehone offiea f d d s l heath u08 dentlat ultlce in lane block on door north if onelira carrlaeje f aopryj fonra ctmroffmctlc ho atcdioln anerr oi qateopatn a m wbixson d o graduate of the palmer school of chro- bractlc cbiropractica rauulaiii head lavonport iowa us a omcti oyer homrlkuni pru store cniultdtlon and sbirull arialyel- free drficu hours tiiesdaya and satur- caya j o s p ni and 70 u 8 30pm w ciblcp iud tjldencp iqv auct10neebs benj pet0h uoenaed auctioneer for walton and peel oltrnwilliam pout ouloa sale oonduoted aatlafactorlly and et -rea- unable ratea orders left at tha georgetown herald ollloe will receive prompt attention 3f mlton prentiss noinbbs and motore kov budg machinebv brokkks electric kopaira r toronto piark tqvimhli of isaquealng clprk 3rd dlvlelmi court ftft leadjng jlre and life insurant hr of mvrgb uooniaa ompi m str wt aeorgetown ofdoe hours wednnday and sat day aftsrnoani i v issuer of marriage licenses ii i gnranooj anputtjto in lirl mnmi wl6ali ts not enough to make wrigleys flood we must keep it tfood until yon fiet it hence the sealed package impurityproof cuardln preserving the delicious con tentsthe beneficial goody the flavour lasts kerr right estabushed 167a w8b s arb ofioe amllton 1he customers of the bank of fiamilton may depend on abso lute secrecy in connection with all transaction tliecustomers con fidence is never violated under any cqnditiqn- eyeii tbo existence of uij account itbelf beirgatreateclis almimnpbdppblldoneo of hamilton just xoim armeitsr fftjslness for the past m years thu bnnk has- given particular sttentioa va the bus of fajrmers we havo helped 1118017 over the rough places and have aided inany more to the highest plane of success we are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any time and talk over your affairs with us you are always welcome th mcrchant5 dank head office montreal of canada established 1864 georgetown brnch h r mimms mjiager acton branch l b shorey mnnager scaled tight in canada jtv we have the most uptodate machinery nd can assure you ajrstchiss wor at a fair price if yoh skates need sharpening this is the place to hring them we have an expert skate sharpener t h rumford main 8trbet geoeoetown the man who has been satisfying the people who have been buying houses in georgetown is ea have sold rnany houses in the past few months and i fmve yet a number ot beautiful hornes ranging in pr from 1500 to 6500 terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser on any of these properties for particulars apply to box 185 or phone 164 e a benham real estate georgeiown grocery suggestions 4 lb tins marmalado 44 ot jars marmalade 10 oz jars marmalado 4 lb tin strawberry jam 4 lb tin raspberry jam 4 lb tin apple apd strawberry jam 4 lb tin apple and raspborry jam 2 lbs flffs evaporated peaches per in ji prunes por lb 6 lb pits prunes tabln raisins 1 lb pl s1qp 00 80 186 186 88 26 a 88 140 40 tye hatve a few barrels yhteh yfi are offering ooiviso salt pur ubl pine salt per hb salt specif of fine and coarse radiators repaired i has your auto radiator been frozen or is it leaking it is important it should have attention we repair radiators of all kinds and guarantee them to give satisfaction all radi ators tested with air pressure v call and have your batteries tested we store batteries either wet or dry for the winter and are capable of doing all repairs necessary to put your battery in first class condition for following season charges reasonable and work guaranteed wfcj georgetown garage c e baker proprietor phone 171 if yon want to feel youre doing something really worth your while just help a mn irrtrouble and then watch him start to smile take his burden off bis shoulders and relieve bis weight of care and stick until youve helped him from the valley of despair tlipn yrheri he turns to tfiurik you with a tfratltjude thats real iyfmjw he sarpfeiwoa tbjatianjilejust j howood it makes yon feell there no such satisfoctionai the satisfaction true whiphcome8 trom helping others in tfie worlbthey have tpdo and theres up such thrill of glad- j nessltksthat aweetand happy tjbrjllr i-0- vyirifclv isbarn or helping pthers v vbd oretludiiingun tbellill- if jqu want to knowcoptentnvent and be truly satisfied jusf go but abd holp ypur brotbpr mvbon fas soul js being tried you can bonafc your bolfisb pleasures and may glory in your fame you may think that there is glad ness in the mnny joys you olaim but youre never really- certain that yburo doing things worth while till youve done some deed of kindness under friendships bond and seal its surprising at that minute just how good it makes you feel by edgar a ouest county council tbi oymt better than pills for liver ills nr tablet ton and trangtbto organs of diijestloii and llminsv don improve appetite stop sick hedchm relievo blllousnest correct constipation act promptlj pleasantly tail my yet thoroughly rfitaaiibt ahiikt drnrjglsl everq pan in the week am mom tub vfeta thu fttt sat i 2 3 af e r tonnfo4nco both jr ttt 01 s km pally mst eodiaa ouireirf of lenlit sara rframliaa say oeeakst farter to thrak uie seeues map tfctt4if tetehi ibiaalib huaal vs matp natuii ijjjf eii1 iiaaiai mbpm4 toronto wlasisib iajnadian national h a i i uj a ij at the guelph business college herald bldo guelph ontario placed your friend in that po sition of rescmifciility ask the business men in your town about our graduates and undergraduates come along on monday a l b0dck principal phone simactqn fi 17s mainstheet next mglbbon hotel write gregy shorthand easy to leain vsy t0 road w wri the oourso that qualifies you better in standard time official notes and n free trial lesson forwuidod without obliga tion mon request wfito is today brampton business inst c e bousfieid prlj brampton onrario milton jan 87th 1980 the council met at pm in ac cordance with municipal aob the clerk in the chair the following gentlemen having filled certificates of election took their seats trafalgar reeve w h morden deputy reeve j a johnstone v s i esqubaing eeevevjafclisfcahd tslu deputy raeva jpti r bhitt nels6qbeeve a trving de puty reeve j as b xieopard milton reeve edmund syer oakvihe reovo geo milliner deputy reeve jas p mcdefmott burlington reeve wta if briagmao dibpifiy beeve w williiamsbn tjeiketotyn ijaie aetobtreeve 3eo bnrber nbirilutttipoa lor the office of warden were motfeoa follows- by mr brugman w h morden by mr johnson wmv m bridg- raon by mr elliott jos l stanafsh messrs bidgmao and standish withdraw in favor of mr mbrdenj who was declared elected unanij m6usly made his declaration of office before his honor jndge el liott and took the chair he thanked the council for the honor done him and outlined the business to be brought before the meeting and some which would oome np during the year mr hillmer moved seconded by mr bridfiman that the following members of council be hereby ap pointed a committee to strike the standing committee for the current year reeves irving standish bar ber briditman dale syer hillmer and the- warden carried mr irving moved seconded by mr williamson that the report of the committee to strike the stand ing committees for the current year be and is hereby adopted carried the minutes of he meeting of december 19th laift were read mr irving moved seconded by mr hijlmer that the minutes of the last county council be adopted as read carried communications were read as follows mrs geo havill asking tor grant to halton womens in stitute a warner notice of meet ing of trustees section ontario educational association a g g- ner re straight road conference w a mclean deputy minister of highways re meeting of ontario good roads association hospital for sick children asking for grant j as a bell c 1 re bridge six teen mile creek an j brent noocon ds co re debentures also claims lor maintenance of halton pupils from georgetown brampton and streetsville high schools county clerk dufferin re good road sub sidies county clerk essex re dog tax and county roads mr irving presented and read the first report of the standino commit tee on rodds and bridges mr dale the ff rst on special communications mr barber the first on printing mr syer the first on county build ings mr bridgman the first on ed ucation mr standish the first on tiood roads and special report on claims for damages of hugh black and mrs leslie mr irving moved seconded by mr williamson tbattbiscounoilgo to committee of the whole to con sider the reports of the various standing committees and special committee as read carried mr bridgman reported report t- of ooxomilteeb considered and n mended in committee of the whole mr irving moved seconded by mr leonard that c h stuart treasurer of the childrens aid society of the county of halton and peel by request of j m den- yes presando h stuart treas be paid four hundred dollars car ried mr leonard moved seconded by mr williamson that the report of the oojouittee of the whole on re ports of standing committees oon- hiderod and amended in committee of the whole he adopted carried mr hillmor moved seconded by mr irving that the report ot the finance committee be adopted carried mr standish moved seconded by mr johnstone that the warden and clerk be authorized to signand submit to the minister of public works and highways of the pro vince of ontario the petition of the corporation of the county of hah ton out showing that during the period jjanuary 1st 1919 to de- comber 81st 1919 there has been expended on the county highway system the sum of 12826827 and requesting the statutory grants on that nipounl as provided hy the aot to aid in the improvement of pnblio highways carried mr hillmor moved seconded by mr williamson that when this council adjourns we inset again on tuesday january 2711 ut 780 pm carried on motion the council adjourned ive auctioned oft the furniture and bought a gypsy van with flowered curtains at the aides a pot and frying pan two quilts to keep me warm at night when winds are blowing cold a orimson kerchief for my head and dangling hoops or gold im off to take the open road that leads so far andrf ree- 6 spots where i can camp at will beneaththd greenwood tree and cook my evening meal in peace and pitch my jittle tent and have no landlord oome arourid to raise my monthly ren r mlnnalbvitno six million jews w are facing tteath special big price fpi- fra t0 the trapper of georgetown i i i briii n a buyi or mojiircnl rqarkot ho dont sell your fur ngr n big i am u buyer want you to know that fura price in jlontreal uvrkot or montreal murtiet no do imforu you aae me for 1 can aaauro you a good prlc for ihom drop a card to me s riceman credit boiv 6waww milton four candidates were nominated on tuesday as eoupc4llors for the vaoanoy cavased by the death of wra madilooks last week- the eleotion will bo heldinexttuesday on 19th iust wallr bew form erly of milton wasteleowaf mayor of rovelstoke b c whlbh lias a population of about 000 and is al leged to rave beepuunclei the con trol of a rough arid lawless element for some yours mr bews wastbe candidaiie of the law and ordpi ele- ment vio elected alt its slate mayor and qbunoll after a hot nd elioarsonimt starvation and disease cause in- desoribable smterihg in esastern europe the hardships of this winterkill mean death tq tboubands of jews in poland unless outside- ajjainter venes at once according to xitejit sheltoii wright of the amerjoan red cross commission to poland recently returned to the united states after- months of relief work in eastern europe he painted a vivid niotnre of this halfstarved people clad in rags who are now i creepinr naok toward their devastatedhomes after mqnths of refugee wandering and dying of starvation and typhus along the roads as they go outside starvation numerous diseases attributed to malnutrition and typhus have killed men and wo men and children like hies he said i remember a family trying to live nnder a waggon by the road side the mother was dead under atree a few yards ayay ahe had been dead for days thefather tfaa stretched upon the ground dying of typhus he dted that day un der the waggon were two little children both under five sick with typhus an older child sat stupid ly beside them a girl driven out of her mind many of the people are driven to making bread out of leaves and bark and soup out of grass and water lieutenant wright reported there wae unspeakable joy among them when the american ships loaded with relief supplies purchas ed with the funds raised by the american jewish relief committee and other american jewish agen cies and american and canadian red cross supplies were nnloaded at dansig and other ports in spite of the fact that the american jewish relief agencies ore spending almost 2000000 a montb on their relief work in poland and that tha red cross is doing its work on so vast a scale hundreds of thonsanda of jews and poles will die daring the winter unless more aid comes every box car full of refugees returning to their homes has in it those who die along the way sad those who have contractedtyphus lieutenant wright said che people- try to avoid disease by keep ing olean but it is impossibreto do so under existing conditions even our nurses and doctors fall ill of typhus a disease caused by filth and lice the red cross and the ameri can jewish relief agenoies are do ing their utmost to keep both the jews and the gentiles in these strixken lands alive six million jews in eastern europe face death unless immediate shipments of food olothing and bedding from canada and the united states reach thembefore the cold weather- sets in ballon union hsnranee company w a laser raelebtad president and if f idadaev vieepreaddmt the annual meeting of halton onion farmers mutual fire insur ance company was held in the town hall acton monday january aotb thero was not a largeatenjrance but muoh interest was manifested the annual report shotted re ceipts from all sources 87864 and exdenditnres 1762186 a balance of 971469 is on deposit in the royal bank guejlpb bank of nova scotia acton bank of nova scotia campbellville and in the treasury the losses of the year aggregated 114946c on december 8 the company had 8689 policies in foroe carrying a total- insurance of 911868600 the officers and directors were reelected as follows president w a lasby rook- wood p o vieoprcsn f lindsay aoton po dirootors richard graham georgetown james rirkwood ac ton p 0 h w cook streouvilres john yiuon erin wm home milten 0 h turner milton mr dnncan campbell moffat r was elected to till the vacancy osnsed by the death of colin cameron it looks now fsadf oonfaaion wonldbsworsetitwcb confoundsd over thedftyfligrrtsaving crass tha coming summer february begins and ends with sunday there are five of tbpm in thlshorte month o j980 avtbe ahnonl meoting ofiao- ton fall folr lasi week premier drury was mode an honorary dlmstw j 1 ij rtl -v-

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