Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 4, 1920, p. 2

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r r h i w h wilkon undertaker licensed embulmer bffcjua st owrtwa aulomowile or horw- drawn hearse ilinne night or jay 54w or 5lj born waoiafp- in acioii on sunday janu- jry 25l li 1920 to mr and mil rrca vatifl formerly of georgetown a on john bcnfiold married villlamsnomonoil january 26th 1o0 in race prenbyterian church lalgiiry by the rev andrew reed krma diiu of the late theophilua anrfmri norton of glenwilliamaonl- rio lonarthur4 vvillitn ce of l smidm alberta o of mr and mr wiiiutibfbeileypei inortat died firowilj jfrlmiary wth t92 mary robertaoiv victor tjorrington widow pf the latj john auirn tn oearpelown on monday feb- ruiyj2d 1920 john j allan nodtowin fcrorgetown on monday rvliruuro 2nd- l920ury j teeler widic of ou intetho r norton ag- edm ywa brow a eftoeninjrbn tlwridiivan- tijjta 2 ypara mvwtfconjir pupljlhoii wednesday r mh i0mv mmrv robertaoiv of georjova ared76yw mrdovvfetr atforl- credit on january t9vjjw mcdowell ajted64 stakdismai ripley ont 9 tu jnmiary 27lh 1920 bliiabeth sandh relict of thelie thoma sfottajred 84 years mcdchvkii at port credits on saturday january 31 1920 joaepb louia mc dowell aired 24 years mcdonald in acton on friday anu- ary 23rd 1920 jennie harding wife of malcolm mcdonald aged 33 yeara not so soon forgetting the outrages perpetrated upon their sisters by tne huns in belgium and evance that they talk of v race sninide as being preferable to rearing and training their sons to be ready in case at some future time history should repeat itself nearer home public school report following ie the report for jan- oar- 1920 sr iv pass helen lawsoio mand mcdonald and wakefield ford equal jean mackenrie mar mvkinnon earl vnnnnttev eva frauipuin dickson roe mildred flock georgina henry minn saxe lenore cook and fred davis and thelma henry equal hazel brad ley viv 4vjvhbnflthjeen treao- rr pass ada lanemuriei outran- der clarence king alex eraser 8r ill hop delia boles jack iiueaay isabel modermfd marie cameron harry wooft passjjiljian- kennedy path rorr jedna jepscrii olaays font qttiinelr ajqugbeajf myrtle tost jru tthosusie ejhmtdu thegeorqct herald wodnoslav evg feb 4th 1920 act bationaltv in regard to your physical condition be cheer ftil dont imagine that every little ache or pwin is the flu but if you feel really sick dont try to fight it off but go to bed and dont worry these are good maxims for everyone to adopt in these days of jjudden changes in the temper ature commonaense methods and tho avoidance of unnecessary worry and contact with the general pnblio will help a lot to fight off la grippe or whatever it is that is prevalent throughout the country just now possibly the flu is still to come in whioh case all tho more valuable will be the adoption of sensible health guards just now r in these days when the busi ness world is more upset than it ever was before and when even family life becomes upset because of the difficulty of making nds rmtet whim the pay envelope has beenhanded 6ver men and women are very apt to do more worrying than smiling i do a lot of it my self tho former mean wjiat we all need to try and bear in mind is that there is no use in worrying no good will come of that will it what is really re quired is a larger view of life we arc so taken up with our own little affairs we sometimes forget there is a big world beyond us and when things go wrong we reach tbe con elusion that the world is just a great flat sunless heartless sphere children worry and sometimes their hearts are almost broken be cause of what we consider a very trivial matter but later on they learn to smile at what they once thought were great sorrows and anxieties we need to remember that when we are so prone to worry wo cut shore our livebby doing so none of us i imagine would do ho niuh worrying if we bad tbe real faith of ouirchristinnity it is a great thing sometimes to forget ourselves and try and remember that our work and our life are just li part of gods great plan for tbe betterment of the world if we would do that and then tackle onr jobs bravely doing our beet thats all that god asks of any man opposing the idea of military training in canada now that tbe war ia over a convention delegate declared that rather than anything like this happen she would advo cate race suicide insteadoftoce improvement here surely is a n bin king it is admitted that nothing is better for tbe physique of the youth of the country than military drill and that no training fits young men as well for successful business life as the discipline accompanying military experience if there were no other value in this erroneously styled militarism it would be worth while for canada when it guarantees a state of preparedness eventualities as well to is ajjbogotber desirable militarism in its offensive sense is something quite different it existed in germany where tbe whole thought of the nation was preparation for aggressive warfare dnpreparednoss cost tbe allies jnuoh it je safe to wager they will pever agaiq befound unpre pared such military training as is pro posed for canada is not militarism at nil bat a polioy of preparedness i surely tbe women of canada are passer- marie fleck- clarence petice aireeri boas alice parsons beta tost and alice tuck lily leslie nina mocbeapey jack tojft isrio emerson jr- in hon evelyn 8tock- fdrd fred- spires edith davis dorothy ballantine pass sam mackenzie cecil sta- pleton charlie frampton jack criohton claude bumside gordon jenkins jack modormiil irene tost jim dobbie lily errington jean allen harold bnllivant marv garet willooghbv albert living stone stella sleightholme isabel willson alex ritchie sr ii hon eileen bullivant alioe treanor wilhelmino hynds garfield mogilvray and marjorie hillock equal annie hirscborn gordon aloott violet tedder pass pearl saxe frank tost bennett arnold howard vint lome walters bert hale jr ii honrbzatbleen barnes claude kentner lome cave john hull and isabel cameron equal isabel lougheed pass gordon 8pence eleanor maw charlie kirk and clifford bradley equal charlie willson catherine sbarpe stella coulter harvey king jack bnck ruth evans sr i hon ii cole r boson d herrington j evans m boles s reeve pass m barker nt mccartney a groat s eason h cole m hillock e hoore v blair g hill h forster g henry a jepson r bradley prim hon jack armstrong and ray criohton equal louise bullivant alice henderson frank rosuo alice woods boy cole jack duncan gordon harley pass lily huagine and helen rash equal winnifred campbell tomsharpe pearl blair mary deering edna sutton george sar gent minnie sargent martha gra ham myra boles howard beau mont elmer costigan gordon martin v a norman greensides fin etta cook edgar gregory evelyn hoore barbara tost muriel wri ght ethel hal maitland wilson obituary iuzahkth sl siiihh elizabeth 8tiuiclili nljcl of the late thomas sioll uanwd ieitce- fully awa at ikm- hopie near ripley on tuesduy jtuiuiiry 27th de ceased was a in null tor of the into capt john stimliti and b born on lot 17 con i tkttictinii h years ago -sh- was uiarritd to the late mr hoot i in 1h7u nud had since reriidtd in 11 in tin township near ripley two utpi8 mrs prentiss and alias blandish of georgetown and one brother d john standish of buffalo survive the remain were ihoiikih to qoorgetowiv mid the funeral took place from tli liolnc of her aiitcr mrs prentiss on fiitltfy last the service was cfniducted by kev wray ij davjhacrii ititormoilt in oreeriwooii gpinetery j0hi mfcdof bi the remains of the late john mcdowell who died at port credit tu january 7th were brotibt to- georgetpwo and interred ih green- wood ceiuotery bp thursday last decelasevae fdtinhhyearaye- speoted rcidejifcofpeokdivnuml ekqusingjj ftw ears attohe moved to bnuvtiih jtwidthcii tv fbrqreditwherebe was residing nt the time of his death beuidos his widow heleaves twobohs fd gar of rorl credm- abd 5redrrik of aqtpu mary robertson after n long illness mary bobeib- sop widov of the- late joiinsutlon of georgetown died at ouelphon danunry 28th deceased was in her 70th year the late min sut ton was for many yearn one of georgetowns most highly resiioct ed citizens site was a miinbcr of the presbyterian church and a true christian woman loved by nil who knew ber one daughter mrs robert gault of manitowanning and one son mr will qutton of indianapolis remain to mourn the on thurhhay evening lut ihe glen defeated tlie oddfellows a tbp rink jiero by score tit 50 the gainewas a6odneard quite interesting to hixhitutoih adiwi can was- tire refelee the ganie at the rink last night between the paper mills and the war veterans reunited iri an eiy winfor tb panel mills bya snore ut ittl the vets- are evjdentiy watting ffflf the lasjt top raygra liaib referee j thib tliursdaydvening the tovii teaniwhtpiay theglpiiit gln- williams thswilj bbaoid gotue sd danft irrissitvj r death of a kind and loving mother two sisters mrs tyson ant parker and one brother llr combination of loose thinking and talking terra colta we are pleased to learn that mr john townsend who had bin leg- badly injured recently is able to be around again the ice harvest is in full swing tbe ice is the thickest known in yeara and of splendid quality a pie social- will be held in the methodist church here in the near future a good program is being prepared mr and mrs h el wood of tor onto have moved to our village pte h parr has arrived home from overseas after a long absence mr w d donaldson of begina bask is visiting with friends hore mr j 0 but ledge has sold a large quantity of wood to jibe hal- ton brick co he is now getting out logs and intends putting in a saw mill an entertainment and box soola will be held in the methodist ohuroh terra gotta on friday evening february 8tb a good program consisting of oborunes- duets dialogues readings and reci tations is being prepared pro gram at 746 sharpn bach lady in requested to bring a box admis sion 25c and 16c mr and mrs petrie and mr donaldson wero guests of mr win h nnter and family recently mrs e bmitbson of eden man if visiting friends in tbe village mr and mrs george edge spent tbe week end with terra cotta friends casto r i a for infintf and children in us for over 30 years atwupo bows a tyson and mrs brother jlr john robertson also remain the funeral took plate at george town on friday afternoon last when the remains were laid to rest in greenwood cemetery the funeral servico wan conducted by her former pastor rev r f cam eron the pall bearers were major grant r 1 creplman l e fleck 0 a henderson john mo- bean and e cole john j allen by the passing of john j allen whose death took place on monday morning at his home on main st georgetown loses one of its best citizens no one will be more missed in the community than de ceased and his death will be deeply regretted not only by his mnny georgetown friends but by friends all over the country from coast to coast for the late mr allen was one of tho most popular commer cial travellers on tho road not withstanding bin busy life there was not a ritfeen who took a deep er interest in the welfare of his home town and tho betterment of the community than deceased al ways ready and willing to give a hand to assist in anything that would make the life of tho town brighter and hotter he was presi dent of the lawn bowling club and muou credit for the clubs pres ent splendid greens is due deceased also tho present large membership and influential position of the georgetown bonid of tnwl is lurgely duo to his effort as presi dent of that organization fie was secretary of the drummers snack club a prominent mnnou and past master of credit lodge af and am a member of the public library board and an en thusiastic supporter of nil clean sport in lhofi when the old aetna lacrosse club won tho intermed iate championship of ontario the late mi allen personally present ed each member of the team with a beautiful silver medal suitably engraved in religion deceased was an earnest worker in the con gregational church for many years after the closing- of that church here some few years ago ho united with tbe presbyterian ohuroh besides his widow ho leaves a family of three daughters jessie ada and joan and one son finlay to mourn tie loss of a kind and loving father tkey have the sym pathy of the eomjn unity in their aad bereavement throe brothers of deceaseds living are r l allan allop grove bc charles allan stmt h more altn and w f allen gait the remains of tfho deceased wero interred in greenwood ceme tery this afternoen mary m teeter another old uhd dent of our town in the person of mary m teeter widow of the late thomas ii norton passed away at her home here on monday de ceased was born in- erin h7 years ago an fl had been n residont of georgetown for ovor co years mr norton prodeceased her a littlo ovor nine yoars ago the late mrs norton was i congre gationalist and a faithful at tendant at the church here for many years she leaves tho follow ing children to mourn the loss of a loving and beloved motion mrs g t andrew w f norton buffalo mrs v7m abbott kingsville l thomas r norton gait mrs h p helrjnnth detroit and james ii norton georgetown the remains wero interred in reeiiwood cemetery this after noon john w bbowk the sudden death of john will iam brown of lot 8 con 10 es- anesing on thursday last is deeply regretted deceased wan 82 years of iiife and hitihly respected in the community tho remains wero in terred in norval cemetery on sat urday afternoon hockey mqney yoy do- uife to remit money been re a cj- r express money order at the lladial station r c bow lee agent georgetown tf fran home on cfcrle fttreet 2 lota ofgrownd heauiiful lawn anil nhruba and httigeti nrrouudiiitf the houne one of i he bem kept lawnfi in town- splendid nituution facing the plnen and on the went side of the alreet a rare bargain for quick sale at 2500 sell one of the iota and it will leave a cheap home get busy dont come here and nayou didnt gel a chance ppy j a willoughby new woodworking shop having opened up a shop in mr harrygartleys premis es georgetown weytropro- pared to do all kinds of woodwork also skates and tools sharpened on shortest notice pricee reasonable terms cash february clearing sale 2s ier cfent off ladies winter coats selling at half price brill co 167 georgetown phone mill and main sis kfrrnrfflp the mens store murdock bros phone 179 georgetown bread for economy the dollar does not now buy as much foodstuff as it should but have you ever stopped to con sider that bread good- bread at the present price is- the cheapest most eco- onrnical food on the market eat ijjore bread eat gip- bens bread it is econorrjy to cjoijle your bread allow ance farms for sale 100 acres in erin twp 2 miles from balllnafad 7 miles from georgetown 70 acres workable balance bush and pasturo 1 acre orchard ltt ac res ftill ploughed clay i cm in soil plenty of water solid brick houso of 7 rooms good cellar bunk bain oosjfl tieup 10 head of caitle also bux stalls and open yard spring close lo barn school and cliuivh 2 miles grin ih miles rural mail possession nrrauietl price c60o0 terms arranged special announcement advice to one friends who are thinking of getting a bine or black serge suit we have a large stock of the above goods bought before the big advance in price if you are considering the purchase of a serge suif now is the time to place your order as you will pay- onethird mare fbrthese qoods by he end of the months h matter vhere you buylhehi v 0 buy now and save money speeharclearihg of all a ctfat- opportunity id secore baistaihs s tliese gdocib inust be clefed tvfijake i oorii fornevv spring s ine bargainsja aij pepattmetits during the rnonfh s1 mihar so co rlme hiohoxass tahviqbs m4 rojrmlakua itmd baa4tvaar olatklav georgetown phone 126 ainmjafl wfhiiimn sjiiiiinniiidi iboprrnnjrjmbl isjcnmcp saturday treat some like one kind of toffee and some like another and so this saturday we offer you 1 50 lbs of our 1 lamemade assorted toffee peanut cocoanut ruuerscotth etc exteptiunally good valutt at 40c per lb saturday treat price chocolate peanut this saturday we offer you instead of our ibh of our fresh homemade chocolate peanut crtsp peanuts covered with delicious choclate 39o per lb uster 43c t chocolates 100 cluster cluster of fresh ejfulac 60c lb 4sa weekend special 48a per lb t h moorehead milton brampton georgetown jacksons our business is to minister to the xpme beautiful by affording furnishings in fine harmony that reflect the grood taste aad judgement of the housewife 21 2 miles 100 acres in trafalgar twp on stone road from poslvlfllr 5 miles from oakvllle all workable 2 acres orchard b5 acres fall ploughed 7 acros full wheat 50 acrch in meadow 0 itciex fresh seedinu clay loam soil 2 wells new solid brick house of 10 riioins cellar cistern furnace in house kodl hank barn 60x40 barn no 2 06x21 hog pen hen houne 80x20 2 silos windmill rural mail and telephone church li miles railway depot i miles possession inranged price 12500 terms nr- anged 100 acres jn chlngnaconsy twp 4 lots from cheltenham 1 12 miles from terra cotta n 60 acres workable balnftce bush frame house of 7 rooms bank barn 60x86 driving shed hox25 good stone quarry bolh lime and free stone sprirjk oreek runs through farm school 8 lots rural mail bossess- ion arranged price 4o0o terms arranged 100 acres in ibe radial esqueslng twp 1 12 miles from 1 12 miles from nofval all workable 1 noro orchard 10 aores fall whoat 48 acres fall plou ghed clay loam soil good water solid briok house of 10 rooms furnace in house al conveniences also bathroom balilkharn 70x06 tieup 15 cattle 7 horse and box stalls open yard cement silo school j mile chtirobos li miles rural mail and tolephono possession arranged prioe tl5o0o terms arrniiged gibbens bread phone 302 b v gibbens bakery tf i next door to radial station 100 acres fn esqneslng twp on the stone road 1 14 miles fiqm hilton 35 miles from toronto 00 aores workable balance bush h acres orchard acres fall wheat 48 aurob fall plotiglied 20 acres in meadow iiz anre fresh seeding olay loam soil 3 wollsand it crook briclt house of 0 rqoins furnace and wa ter in house cistern collar hnuk barn ioxho lmrji no ii ilovllo tieup 5 horses and 15 cattle open yard driving houso bog pen hen house silo rural mail and telephone possession itrrunged price 012000 terms iutiiiiwii willoughby frm agency head office georgetown ont february furniture prices that will make jil big saving for now or your spring needs a beautiful large quarter cut oak bullet large mirror fume finish worth 6500 for 04800 large double door china cabipot to match worth 5500 for 8500 44 iu rxtention table extends to 6 ft pedestal lcr to matoh worth 4200 for 8300 set of dining chairs 5 chairs 1 arm pad boat to match for 450o rich seleoted quarter cut oitk buffets worth 6500 for 4000 libiary tables 28x44 v 1300 extra value in living boom chairs all- over upholstered in spanish leather large roomy chairs 18300 lockers 028so a fine reed rocker for 1740 chair to match 1080 a fine artistic electric table lauip t8v choice floor electric lamp 1bso yim need not fear the h c l if you take advantage of of thbso prices twin bar castile toilet aonp for so 8 bars comfort soap for 85o tt boxos star ammonia 250 ash sifters for 15c royal globe washboard 00c for 800 good ijiiality 4tie broom for 68c- large 65c galvanized pails 48o largo size ii galvanized wash tubs tl59 j doz china cupg and saucers l china broad abd butter plates lbp large gliihs fruit bowls 45 jacksons main street georgetown ifeiv joyridersdafnty confection in pepper mint cloves wintergreen and licorice reg 5c 3 for loc norvalls cure- a eolef taolet we re- cmtnencfthes tablets for breaking up a cold cjuicltly reg 25cweekrd speeils 10c we have ari assortment of writing paper in bulk mostly qdc lpts of different kinds of note papers original pricefrorri 15c to 30c a squire weekend special 9c quiire fountain pen ink best quality regqlar iqc weekend sjpecial 9c bordeaux chocolates regular sod lb week- end special 40c -lb- i- j il il amianssitsssnmsssrmsrsssstlmtf it tjwttt rv w wmm yfftp atet ftvsismiafrvi ivi s rto xcdul store t piti v pssyiffiia wtfvy 0j- v fevii iwliiw-bil- 4wv

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