rrr r re a shortlived romance bydwioht tingle 8cott juj m oasrrwht ana nil w th ksoan maw- ptpu syadjeato talt as dramade personae man wbo indulge to a cold bath every morning aod who has to sbavvdoa very day and who fall hard for thai w e 1 h-cant-belleve-lt-you-dont-look-a- dayoverfortystuff tt wife who l matronly and lolly plump and growing frankly gray and a stenographer with a very tall blonde pomp lifh ma heety apda pawiion for boberi vf- v oribranotoeu kpd o o oic perfunoe put th roinnndr thetenqtraiher into a smnll jmre wfth the nceni f the perfume antj hume the days wurt eopatauof writing about a battioaen bnalneas imfera ajnawarlng a tmv phone cauaand going down to tt bank irjequentfy to deposit a tat omr mlaaflod check apoa a arga at erade rubber apd you nava a- attuattao where the dem ta to v x sa lio badthe njeeat i hair ftpdwbeu jx smiled ft jaat yon ort of 1hie him vknow where did yotjset to kitty weil aatd kitty tulane off ber hit and patting her abe left the elevator i hardly got to khov blui at all yesterday mr sterling sent me over with iota pa per to life fatherinlaw office in the imperial building when i sot back down that shower came op and i had to wait in the lebby ha can along and took me oat tffldery mi umbrella and helped me on tpe rbrbjn- toovuie car we had to ran to cat it i wouldnt even have known bis name but it was written la wtdta ink inside hi umbrella it was a pretty name too thomas o slater bat pshaw i suppoae be is jost a utato nobody kitty tnlnne you make ae tired a little nobody ton think yon eaa get em with nice eyas and hair and at tfce same time have umonatnea and country homes like yoor boss 111 amy you cant i believe youre in love with yoor boas anyhow the way yon so on about him why gertie arent yon ashamed to say that to met and kitty tulaoea pretty face went red with a mixture of confusion and anger in the hall of the great building the two igtrls parted and went to their re spective offices kitty tulaoe pnt np her bat rained the windows opened the typewriter desk and then satin ber chair quite still her hands resting in bar lap it would be a half hour before se got in she yet colored as she though of gerties remark never had she con sciously thought of mr sterling except as a thoughtful employer ana a good friend besides he worshiped hi wife vepybody loved mrs sterling abe was that kind still wives did die sometime and men married again very yonng wemeu too kitty won dered vaguely if such girls were really ever happy at this point her dreams became strangely confused for she began to picture a young man with nice hair and eyes and a wonderful smile riding in mr sterlings ltasoi sine and talking over the pbonslnmr y sterlings clear confident asanper dreamily idle took up her notebook and began to write katharine tulane slater then katherlne tulane star ling with her bead set prettily p one side the studied these two lines crit ically finally abe erased tha first- hue it was this occupation whldssfr sterlings arrival interrupted his brisk cheery good morning mlaa katberlne startled ber she stammered and blushed guiltily and hurriedly bid tbo note book in her drawer that will be all this morning use tulane just read that last letter back to me i have ydnr favor of the sixteenth the cargo referred to should be at the docb in baltimore she had ever an alight a lisp he noticed jj quite ifflddenly she bad made mat chiffon waist herself her teeth were vary white and those highheeled shoes tliey were jnst bit shabby or all their neat bright polish she wao go ing to get another pair but she must wait until pay day after next beams this much he had overheard lneu et change of girl confldencea in the ball outside hi door her hands war vary sshapely how shiny plnsaht awajf kept her nails poor little thing prat- ly hard lues having to struiflt along on 18 a week not much inlllfa for her perhaps he put bis hind over the one that rested on the not book for just moment she seemed con- fuiied then ahe continued reading be allowed it to rest mare for jnst a mo ment and gave a fatherly little pal as he removed it in a hash kitty knew she bad written those telltale names on tn re verse of her note book and aa she read back the lastr letter he bad seen jt katberlne tulaue sterling during the day he glanced oyer at er once he caught ber studying mm nntl ahe blushed nml went to typing furiously a coupls of ticket for the flirl enrt the prince mlee tulane tuke your mother or some girl friend and we are not using our rnr frldaynlgkt hi have it come around for you of course the chauffeur knuw pres- jjasily you are so taoogntful tim wtta psttsd tola shoulder oould it be thst bajlle stefusg xpraoaw th eutly tin- cook knew tolr nald knew and said u was hatne mra steruag bit bar lips and lllokid hard over an anonymous note ruo she would not 1st herself cry iv oreen com and new potatoes myr now chester yea know the last time they always make yon bilious bt perhaps there was a uttla twinkle in mrs starting- jolly ray eyes r ihe liberally helped her kaaabsnd fi the third no i stent neat the doctor i should havo listened to you last night same old trouble a day in bed will make me all right here dear put- on these lavender silk rajr ton know this was tha day i waa to motor down to mrs clems of coarsen now 0a right sbeadvlrll be all right welt obthjrte to leave you with just jtba servants tfnd it wouldnt- aeen right ta fwtlatralhed nurse as scarce as they are so i just phoned it tulans to come out and bring tha mall and ssksd bar to stay h bheu niak toaoompsay and it will bs uttla cbaaaa or jtsr from that stmtx alight llinees when sbetrauesi aroupd lb the- heat the day befora trying t locate the flrsthb tarr cornia tnarket oool4lt ha thit those twlnultu ayes knew bow a funny he looked wfth that httja wki t gray hair sts riding etr1rt nivor was it possible that abe bad with msuca aforethought got- out thoss atlst p jama mowing bow dldad satbaw aw looked in lavendert or when she called up bar mthart ottce aad asked- him ta lat jimmy butar cone oat for that day bo- cause she dldnt want to lanv ones alone and later got jimmy on tha phone and told him that very pretty girl waaidaobuf for us day aha huspect that jimmy would show up la white narssau and loounn anij look it was eood ef you to coma jimmy if a atlas tulane shell look after ones tfou can make yourself at home here on the veranda jrnd when she lent busy you can entertain her the net is np and the court just marked if yon two want tennis lord bally i thought ywa were going fcg get hack waa bar hus bands greeting as she came into his room tat that sftornoon my bow i inlsedyjrtt ftsmada npathetie feaurjl jmww ml4ttah oufrn ant with junmy ustsjni- bally do you think you could persuade that llrl to leave off that sickening perfume and drop that fool lisp shes been affecting i know hi have another sick speb tf i have ta go back to the office with that weil honey i dont think ws need worry abont it now and the plump jolly face want down against tha tired sallow one and hargray eyas- twinkled for as use came in hadnt she something on the vinecovered and hadnt her quick ears eaughi something that sounded uket thank heaven i have got the old cronk hands now sati get la that set of tennis said to b old organ mueleal instrument dating rem tha i eleventh century pound la churah b i an tha in s recant number of tha kings highway fjthel m bflhraugh de scribes plaoei of interest ta the pyre nees she describes among other thing the little vlllait ef bt bavin with its old chqrch and abbey the church ta remarkable or its eleventh oantnry work- and for the quaint eld jorgaa tt -pofsaases- which is literally crumbling to pfckess with age ill few remajnlng ptpaa jwf feebly against each cahersbd on th front- panels ro carved uirsa bugs fantastic beads with cav bote where mouths and eye should be tb old peasant who showed us over the church- explained that in dare gone by when the organ was befas played them grotsaquo faces ware rendered mors ufsuke by a longtongue pro truding from the mouth while eyes would suddenly emerge and noli about in me aweket this waa dona our guide informed as to keep the attenr tlon of the congregation he wound up by the proud declaration that it waa tha- oldest organ is the world meat market till iiikt iii iii tiihu rilnihi i slioulilit run i i suvitii bihf ril hiiil- rump ioiimi coin liecf ijluinlder of poll lorn fount fiesjllnniivs pprfc cliosloitl- lkimoieji6im siaojiork veal chops 8htu ider chajps shoulder rbjiat 8tawipgrjf 1 ili i lk1f pork leg of iftmbj v bljottwer imh tr- j j vvfcafo iwnn 2c 28c 26c 25c silc 20f 18 20 2e 8sc c sso aoo 80e 8c 32t 80c 24c 8fic 26c 8j0o r ftmbkeclmrat4i sidolab1iib or half side sliced baron smoked roll wholp ttr ha cuttarerpll smoked iforil whole arhatf smoked sjiaed ham -u- i-erd- 20 1 h pail of lard 8 1b pail of lard 1 lb brick of lard 8 lb pail of stforbanintt 1 lb briok of shortening 5 lb pail of alibrteninr dsvies pork and beans tonintopsl8can8 for corn 8 canajfor peas- 8 cans for tier biunil halmon lafe tin tig ir brand salmon smnl i tin sunflower salmon lartio tin sunflower salmon small tin ftoh bc salmon or balf por lb 3c salmon sliced per lb finnan iladdio zz z l fillets ciscoes lake borrin per doz cheese 3se per lb freah bones ground dally- boo the 82o 87c i 005 oo c 96c 82c 5o u j8c 5oo 50c 5gc sac j 9c l8o 10 1 6c j8o loo 20o t21c 4ka watch our window for specials on saturday w j main street georgetown phone no 1 norval flou mills begin the new year by using our wellknown brands of plour on sale by alj grocers car of corn just arrived we have always on hand bran shorts mixed feed oil cake molas ses meal calf meal ard salt w j campbell ltd norval ontario call and inspect our stock of babys and childrens wear of nit liindrt alwo fdiwy kouitri wo coiilttilly invilr tin liitnri of ceoihitown and viiuity to cull find innil our slock mrs a watson mrs e wlnfleld ocorqetowjf livery and sales staples tiiii open at stattoo hotel v piistoliibh iioraea and riiju for- hire atrqa80imblaprioeh sorsea always for sale j 0 ruicijgc pr0p frnttstore choia pruit avd vegetabr89 in season at most reasonable prices get our prices a restivo mm street georgetown arthur b castell t er f cfolre of bf uftlo xfq4qn bnvlans cbolrmaater 1rtytvian clrarob gorfftowo teacher off piano or- if a ooruet violin nnd sinking tuition fot fin any bra m it fi per term of 20 uhhomm lit my resi dence main st gf orgvtojvif or at pupils home pianos tuned neponset roofs nfponssttparoionoopino sbzponsct tvwt rllnctss look fot the rolf with the parofd labei sold by hardmarm and lmmktr dtmltrt nepooset tyrin shingles for all reeldeocas bird son head office hamnion oat akbhodsbs montreal toronto winnipeg calgary edmonton st john the largest manufacturers of roofings wll boafc and roofing felts in calnada yu w c anthony georgetown hsabo bad t wbeohapolaao waa a jwag cadet be went on one occasion to witness the aaceat of a balloon in tb champs de ifani ssenurcd nnper the in- cloenrewhch contained tbm balloon wblchtiaa tjien very nearly fall and bont majdand raqnaated t- aeronaut to allow him to antar the ca tlijrfinei wis refnaed tha reason being that the feeling of- the boy might embsurasa the aarodattt v ioagh i sm young i tsar neither the poweri of earth nor of air bona- part isireportejs to have azclalmed on balngr requeated to ratjre th llth cdk enraged at tha refusal drew ha award fnd slitting the bal- loonlo sevaral places deafojed the apparattu which had been constructed with inftnlt labor and ingenoltv 8neh waa apoleons orat and last attempt to ascend- in a balloon tnteyal rmd the dlacotd and jmbuck butoheb always keeps a oaolee stook of tlto best procurable ta trash and gait heat xrbloh b aolla at the lowest possible prices canada food board licenwo no 9 21 ok qtei the best x fish for choice quality x salmon haddies fillets bloaters ciscoes hirschorns ladies wear and tailo we are offering some exceptional values during this morith call and see for yourself a brooke slook hirschorn the best soranton goal in all isizea floub feed pbvi9ik john ballantine georgetown xfhone3p try clifford linham phoife 196 main street farm lands for sale ir albcilp tknodtoi district whoro the ocopa aio good ovhiv year eithis quarter aocllon half tliieenarters o- full section im- lilovcd well sottled for information write f qqqk lpom at a or choice corn just arrived robert noble limited florval ontariq li w do you want insu if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz british american british grpwn em ployers liability london mutuajj epfl- nomical mutual waterloo guirdian caledonian hartford western conti nental dpminion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance w a bailey harness ssi s now for the good old winter time call at the harness shopand see the fne assortment of bels blankets and robes and a good supply of everything tc be found in uptodate har ness shop repalrlag prvmptly attei4e4 to w a bailey main street ceorgetowv a viia b ttaev r ad record t v tbtbart slssbssaaaaalv frank king sealer k ceorgeiiwii nv- aa ww r j qeasraf lasaraztoe sef plwne w ceorgetwn farm machinery iitexiiat4qimt4 tvot9 qiaaoltne jnine sharplesa meoliaaioal mublng ssaoltineai carload of wirt fencing ftt bonsonable prioes cutters and sleigha the most modern mode b the beat makers a full line of oalvtumibed roofing etc photil jo r 8 those e hevvson norval ont business oaxis daily for qualified recruits a coui80 in one bf shftvs 8ohqdlavill auivlf youiri short qrder ritefprpftt- alomie nn4 proof of demand for our kmdiifites addrpes p molntoah obiefpiinoi- tnirsonge and qerrard sts toronto im mw protect yopr wife children yourself and your bupinesa with a polipy in the grpaf wesf jjifeab- suranoe co the lowpsl rfites with the best results for particulars see w w roe raeldenoe 05 aeoroetowit out bh canada business college colleare atspadlaa is torotitols poimlat oommor- blal sbbooi positidris tfuttiv pntr any flay mail oppress oep sppon pfeif aent j this is for yon you are int created in the high cost at living suppose yau had to replace yaiy house or the content h of it and buy everything overatain vou wotlltl need douhle an much man ey to da i m in september 1914 everythitur has fon qp the purchnn- ing power ot the dollar is about 47c com pared with september 19h building costa of all kind have nearly doubled clothing in going up every day boots and thoes furniture curtaina car pets food fuel everything costs more fire may destroy yottr entire property any minute your t 000 00 policy today wont buy half what it would three years ago so you need more insurance- one thing in the world has not increased in cost that ta insurance the thing you need most in short what you most need is the cheapest thin you can buy protection ywou need the best kind of protection too you can have it the best costs no more than the worst phone me how much mom cover you require and we wth put it on today or we will call value your property and give you he necessary pro tec tion au efloslnsii 0ouk fur jutfe stlecttsdwlcduliy iuyit thp pmrpoag of all who deajro towrrerathfiii decide iier tyfep tetes- 9 til gggpyiiiiii