Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1920, p. 2

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itra i w h willson undertaker and licensed embalmer main st oaorsatowm automobile or horiedrawn hearse phone night or day m or 5j iv bern mcnally iii georgetown ou saturday rvbruiry 7th to mr nd mri fred mcnally h ion dud cott in georgetown n monday ruary 9ih 1920 bessie marfan beloved wife otever- feb- kay verrt w cole in her jlvt year campbhii on wednesday ut milton ont louise white wile of the late d vv campbell and daughter oflato john whiieoxmf february 4lh if thegcorflclown bcraw wednesday bvv feb assaasi 1820 forward uprs toj many of our read jhll-be- galled upon for d itdjbeih fothefapoenof tttratibst and bjcsif jh jeorwrdmoyejaent these bbieo6sale worthy let the rgsitopao be large and hearty dftqaitns of the ave dehomlq- mionb concerned ariglioan bap- tist conjiregatlonaliet methodist and presbyterian are religious in their nature and mostly mission ary they are for the oarrying out of the real work of christianity the spread of thejqlad news to the remotest corners of the earth the growth of christian rnissione during the past century has been notable but it has not been nearly so great nor so rapid as it might have been if the membership of the ohurobes had been thoroughly imbued with the principles that they profess the ohurobes are making a new start let them have the great mass of the membership behind them let them go forward in the great work committed to them forward into battle sse his ban ners go thb best crop that canada can produce is her boys what is a boy worth did you ever stop to figure up what canada has in her boys every boy lias two eyes whioh according to the table bf ao oident insurance are worth 2000 apiece two ears worth as much as bis eyes two hands worth 1000 and two arms and two less worth jjuooo canada has 600000 boys in their teens worth according to these figures 6000000000 what do these figures mean canadas teen age boys are worth in cold cash three and a half times as much as all her railroads three and a half times the capital and plantin manufactures nearly twice as much as all ber farms about onethird of her total wealth of all kinds and all this says nothing about the earning and producinx capacity of those hands eyes feet etc through the years to oome what is canada doing for ber boj s how is she seeking to draw forth to full development their complete lowers to realize fully this great national asset y w v now that we have intimations from premier- drury and hon mr biggs that there are splendid pros pects of provincial highways re- oeiving encouragement and finan cial assistance from the govern ment the counoil and board of trade ouubt to feel encouraged to again take up the project of tjbe toronto- windsor straight line high way which will pass through georgetown it would seem that the prospects are probably better than ever for securing the atten tion of the government for the con struction of a good provincial road from the queen oity to the border the arguments in favor of it from a rural standpoint are vastly more in keeping with the ufo program tbaqtbat which appeared to meet fervor from the late govern ment largely substantiated as it was from the tourists standpoint keeping everlastingly at it is the only way to obtain results anyhow and as the dominion grant for good roods must be expended on main roads tbere is substantial reason for results if a nnited stand is taken in favor of the strai road hockey the coating mill team of thog ds g league played an exhibition game of bookey with action last sat urday svoning resulting in a win for georgetown 87 if it hadnt been for kennedy in gpal for aoton the score would have been- doubled doble aleeplayed a good game for georgetown sbeppard tantt dunoan on the defence played excellent bookey while norton and mocartney on the forward line worked like beavers and were on the puck all the tinio ballinafad mr 0 harding of georgetown spent sunday at ira roscels at the quarterly board meeting held in erin on tuesday bobert was eleoted 8toward and f w sbortill parsonage trustee to fiu tbevaoaooy oaased by the death of the late b s henderson premier djrury at georgetown a large and enthusiastioaudience greeted premier drury at bis meet ing held in the to wo ball last wed nesday evening mr w p bradley was the chair man of tbo evening and after a few very appropriate introductory re marks called on exbeeve grant who in the absence of beeve dale through illness extended the wel come of the town to the premier prof hutt made a short address and was followed by the eleoted member john p ford who resign ed to make a place for mr drury mr ford explained that bo had left bis resignation to bis supporters and they endorsed his course he readied that he bad nlnde a tecri ttpe bot hemade it willingbv anff he didnt think anyone bejieved be was bought off the printer was warmly reoeiv- henhe rose to address the atjdienceand it- was piainiyv seen h wsjrainodgfrlends b said we have been i making 8pd not duly hae w been pr6rojsftig tbirfgs bat we- bpve been doing- theh v t sines the farmers govern men t came into power the time bad been short and said the premier they hod been hras8ed ever watch ful enemies who were waiting for them to make a slip bat riever- theless the government bad been given credit in- all directions for their record of reform the premier discussed the good roads and edo- cational and forestry polioies of the government discussing the abolition of pat ronage by the government he said that even the angel gabriel oould not have maintained bis integrity in the faoe of pressure formerly brought to bear on county mem bers when asked to make recom mendations for outside positions in oivil service in connection with the attitude of those who desired one superla tive highway as against the govern ment policy of good roads all over he jokingly said it had occurred to him to build a race track around the province and let those wbo wanted that kind of road drive round and round and round the premier took a shot at mr dewurt remarking that he bad fired his biggest siege gun and the shell hod turned out a dud we must kill patronage or pat ronage will kill the government he declared be contrasted the stand taken by bis government with the action of the federal government in finding a defeated prerniefa soft job on the water ways commission mr drury said that he regretted tbo necessity of supplah ting the re tiring member mr ford but that the necessity was not of bis own ohoosing he had been barred against finding a seat in one of the simcoes by this entering of protests against the election of the success ful candidates in closing bis address he stated that while be was an outsider he would if elected make it his busi ness to lecome acquainted with the needs of the riding and in sp far as those needs were in oooord ance with the wellbeing of the whole provinoe he would support them further than that he would not go ori the platform with the prem ier and mr ford were w f brad ley major grant prof hutt b c blooollougb n wrigglesworth and councillors bush and mclntyre the meeting olosed with cheers for the king and premier daring his stay in town premier drnry was entertained at the home of mr and mrs w t evans election in ballon premier drury and e j stephensou nominated at m lltuu on monday the nominations to mil the vac ancy in the representation of hal- ton caused by the resignation of the member fleet mi- john f ford in favor of premier drury were held in the town hull milton from 12 to ij this iillimoon at the latter hour i ho returning officer b s uemiuwt announc ed that two names had been put in nomination namely hon e c drury yoemnn and edward j stephenson of toronto composi tor a public moetint was hold immediately uflorwnrdm wild p hutcheson oonnjy treasurer in tbe chair hrief addresses wore delivered b- the- two nominees there wajift large attondaneo tno ball bejpg we tf filled and aoroeliav- ing t6 stand polling day pext monday february loth esquestog council bsquosing feb 10th 1020 tbe counoil met pursuant to ad journment the beeve in the chair members all present the min utes ofviast meeting were read and confirmed hampshire elliott that tbe treasurer pay a h monab mil ton the sum of 50 as a grant to the short course judging class for tbe purpose of supplying prizes to contestants in judging competi tions carried hampshire elliott that the sum of tbe granted for member ship fee to bnral municipal assoc- iationland that j b elliott and w j hampshire be appointed del egates to tbe convention alpo that margaret biiinie be refunded 8 being statute inbo worked and paid carried thompson hampshire that the following refunds be paid wjn mcgregor obi lector ward 0 s front 2 a dewhursfr 2 statute labor worked and paid dog tax 12 mrs forgrave 1418 0 evs erson 042 and a bradbirlsoo twice assessed j l clark 207 re turned against property carried elliott hampshire that the treasurer pay the following ac count w h mocollough for 16 yds of gravel 2fio par yd 460 jos barnes for drawing gravel on nolo side road oon 0 also clean ing oat ditob at same place 8105 oharlos day bierating grader jprj town line 700 obing paying like sum w 0 anthony for tile sup plied for entrances in norval 18 obituary i i b the posting of besste margaret kay bebaed wife ol m r e yeret- wdol whose deiatli tfoft piece sir ber home on charles street on monday morninglbjstils deejpiy ro- jgretted by the entire csomruunity deoeased who was in ber diet year was the youngest ddugbtee of mr adam kay a former highly respeoted resident o georgetown but now of calgary alta before ber marriage to mr cole about five years ago she had charge of one of tbe junior departments in our public school and no toucher was more beloved by her pupils than deoeased of a bright and obeorful disposition she made many friends and her death has caused deep sorrow in many homes deceased was a member of the presbyterian church besides the- bereaved husband there remains to mourn the loss of this bright- young life her father mr adam kay and sister mrs d jeqkins calgary also a brother mr adam j kay georgetown the bus- band and bereaved family have tho sympathy of tho entire com munity the remains were interred in greenwood cemetery this after noon james m pkbsxon james m preston died op thnrs day january 20th at his home on charles st miltou he was in his 67th year was the oldest son of the late wm preston and was born on the farm 6th lino esques- ing owned in succession by his grandfather his father and himself he is survived by his widow who is a dauahterof the lato john conl- son of esquesing one brother thomas principal of chalsworth high sohool and ono sister miss preston wbo lived with deoeased itj rellvion mr preston was a methodist and was for several years superintendent of hornby sunday school he was a staunoh liberal and a life long ternnerirooo man louis mcdowell following the death of bis father whioh took place on tuesday last at port credit joseph ijejuis mc dowell aged 24 paused away on saturday tbo rather and two sons were ill at the same time in the same house the former having an incurable disease tho end wns not unexpected but the taking olt of the young man soon aftnt- the father is a heavy blow to the niid mother and other members of the family mr andmrs mcdowell lived on the gardner farm ivt bri tannia for a number of years a ter selling out they moved to port credit where the boys engaged in the automobile business they were well and favorihly known in peel and halton the bodies were interred in the family plot at georgetown every sympathy goes out to the bereaved wife and mother and two sons i auction sale -of- household furniture the undrrniffiicd ha rwcived innlntr- tiooi from mrs hugh ciabrippc to sell by public auction at her homi on yoogtfesi georgetown on saturday february slat 1980 iii 2 oolork tho following two bedroom suit est sprtiijf and niiit- iresnesi cent her tick and pillowwt carpel aiulourtiiinnt parlor ute two upholutcrcd chtiimt rug 13 ft x 1 1 ft new spinning- wheel j four small iabkt pic urea and orn ament parlor lamp oi1j electric reading lompi diningroom chairn ruttct quarter- cut oak mirrors crockery and glanwarei sewing machine kitchen cupboiud grmt- tie wnrci secondhand rutr and kinglo harness ttew 50 ft rubber hoaoj nrnoel- imrrotv fork ahovels and other article- too numerous to mention trrmtcash t- benpfeich amtftioncer v t- ity jisfopir oeikwpb-ybfe- iip b6 iortiit money 4ejbwr ojcnv b fixitrc moliey ordfiir at uo badial station ft c cowiei ivent georgetown tf ummmsu auction sale bradi4trush oflfjror hricai cdrval tmrml oaorsvtoro on thnraday ffhriiarjlbtli at one oclock the follcnvink listof cheice milker springer and voting- catju red shorthortf cow 6yrs calf at nlde red artd white shortnorh cow tyjt calf at aido roan shorthorn 6 yr calf by aide red hfer short horn 3 yru calf by bide rod hoi for shorthorn 3yra calf by aide ay rcfih ire cow 6 yrs calved one month bed shorthorn cow 7 yrs due time of sale rrindle cow 5 yrs due time of sate houtetu cow 3 yrs due lime of sale red shorthorn cow 8 yrn due time of nalc rm cow syrs due time of wale rod shorthorn cow 6 yru due time of shio red and white shorthorn cow 7 yrs due in mar red shorthorn cow 6 yrs due in mar red shorthorn cow syrs due in mar holsteln cow 7 yrs due in mar holstein cow 7 yrs due- in mar whiloface cow 7 yrs due in april black cow 4 yrs duo in april hohteln cow 7 yrs due in april red shorthorn cow s yrs due in april the above lot are ready to go ahead and make you money they are in grand condition and will not disappoint you 10 head of yearlings and two year olds will also be sold gelding 3 yrs by tbe faa p willie canteht 1 filly rising 2 yrs by spartan this sale will be held under cover if weather is unfavorable terms 6 months credit on approved notes h given 6 per annum off for cash ben fetch auctioneer new woodworking shop r9sblas big february clearing sale 20 m b turner for operating- grader li days also drawing cul vert and putting in same 0 car ried hampshire elliott that tbe treasurer pay the following ac counts hydro eeotrio system georgetown one light to 8lst dec ember 180 8 howard bradley balance on account for shovelling gravel on no 10 side rand 760 bell telepboneco loorgatown branoh account to february 1st 1020 8488 carried thompson elliott that tho treasurer pay h p lawsor 700 ft 8 in plank 2460 ching paying ono balf nho that the following statute labor be rofundod bttving been worked ana paid h carter 9800 catherine campbell 8 jno gurvin 2 wm halpin 62 jos allen 2- carried hamnsbuie elliott that the following amounts ho returned tig- alnst property in ward 1 p me- gibbon collector janet mclaren 000 w boroggs 8027 also 810 dog tftx rofunded carried hampshiro elliott that the counoil do now ndjourn to meet on moroli 8ih curried having opened up a shop in bfr harry oartjeys premis es oeorffetown we ar pre pared to do all kinds ol woodwork also skates and tools sharpened on shortest notice prices reasonable terms cash per cent ladies winter coats selling at half price mi 1 1 i 1 1 i pniiiminiifn ib wrrr famrmrjh co phone 167 mill and main sis georgetown the mens store special announcement advice to our friends who are thinking of getting a blue or hack serge salt we have a large stock of the above goods bought before- the big advance in price if you are considering th purchase of a serge swit now is the time to place your order as you will pay one- third tliese- qopds by the end f the ipbnf h ho atterwbtte uboyhnt w v now and sive imoay special clearing of all overcoats iancsuifs 2 ric ppportunit to sefcure bargaiftg 88 tixbf goods rrkiate cleared to mkeroom fof new spring lines bargains in ah departments during the nvmth- pb hioa tahori mans f ormlauncs and htmaj-tn-xtmmr- olothlac geo phone 126 w ouuiljuum iwitttrrrrmmbl im rrrrmttrrmfi laqmn farms for sale saturday treat not vnry lonjr ajo a cerlain indy made iome maple cream for her boys of course ihe boys enjoved il nearly every boy and girl is food of home made cream week later the cry was mother make us some more mb pie cream the molher being a very economical wife said here fred i ten cents fro down to mooreheads and get some she knows she can buy il for less mon ey than she could mke it this saturday we offer vou 100 lbs of our fresh home made maple cream regr 40c ll saturday treat price 29o per lb y weekend chocolates 39c remember you save money when you buy our weekend chocolates they are selling away below their value reg so and 60c lb- weekend special s8- par lb t h moore he ad milton brampton georgetown jacksons our business is to minister to the home i beautiful by affording farnisniues in fine harmony that reflect the good taste and j judgement of the housewife s 100 acres la erin two 2 miles from ballinafad 7 miles from georgetown 70 notes workable bnlimae bush ami imsturo 1 ncrc nicliard 1h ar ras full iloiikliod clity louni boil plenty of wntr solid brick hotisn of 7 rooms good cellar bank burn 00x45 tin- up 10 bend of cualo nuu hnx wtnlls ami open yard sprinii olosu lo bain sohool and cliinili 2itiilen brin 4j m i ion lliiial mail poxscssioii aiianoil price 86000 terms arrantied mirdock bros phone 179 georgefown in in torn in in in in caretaker wanted for the georgetown high school ply to ralph rots prln pies treat yourself to pie pumpkin pie 20c apple pie 25c at gibbeiys bakery on friday and saturday gibbens bread phone 203 api next door to radial station mmmmmmin 100 acres in trafalgar twp on stone road 212 miles from poslvllle 5 miles irom oakvllle all worlmblp 2 luros orcliaii 85 ncrcs fnll ftloiimliod 7 acres fall wheat 60 ncros in meadow 20 iicioh fiokh xtedinic clay loam soil 2 vvellu new solid brick house of 10 rootnr cellar cistern luiniicc in houi ooil bank barn 60x40 burn no 2 80x20 lioff pen hen iiouhp 80x20 3silon windmill eunil mail nncl telephone clmreliji nulos railway depot 4 miles posxextsion ainuihed price 12500 teruik in raiiffod 100 acres in chinguacousy twp 4 lots from cbellenham 1 12 miles from terra coffa 00 acres workable balance bush frame house of 7 rooms bnnk barn 60x86 driving shed 80x20 kood stone quarry both lime and free stone sprint oreok runsthroukh farm sohool 8 lots hural mail possess ion arranged price 94000 terms trrariged 100 acres in esqaeslng twp 112 miles from ibe radial 112 miles from norval all workable 1 acre orchard 10 aores full wheat 48 acres fall plou ghecl clay loam sail food water solid briok house of 10 rooms furnaee lu bouse all conveniences also bathrooni bank barn 70x80 tieup 18 cattle horse nnd box stalls open yard cement silo school mile ohurobes li miles rural mail and telephone possession arranged price 415000 terms curanged 100 acres in esqaeslng twp on ihe stone road 1 14 miles from hilton 35 miles from toronto 00 acres workable baloiiprtuah h aerex orchard 4 aovns fall wheat 15 acres full ploughed 20 anres in meadow 22 acres frosh seeding day loam soil 2 wolls and it crock brick house of 0 rooms fiirnnee and wa- tor in bouse nistorii cellar hank burn 10x80 barn no 2 80x80 tioup 5 horses and 15 cattle open yard driving hotiso hog pon ben house silo rural mail and telephone posnession nrrangca price 113000 terms niinnged willoughby farm agency head office georgetown ont february furniture prices that will make a big saving for now or your spring needs a beautiful large quarter out onk buffet large mirror fume finish worth 86000 for i40oo large double door china cabinet lo match worth 6600 for 8500 44 in extention tabic extends to v ft pedestal leu to mafoh worth s4200 for 8200 sot of dining chairs is chairs 1 arm pad seat to match for 4500 rich eeleoted piarter out oak buffets worth 86800 for 4900 12x 1 library tables 28x44 1200 extra valbo in living room chairs nil over upholstered in spanish leather largo roomy chairs s23oq rockers 12050 a fine rood rocker for 11740 chair to mnteli tlo90 a fine artistic elootrio tnble lamp 785 cholcn floor electric lainpr 1000 you need not fear tho h c l- if jou take advantage of of these prices twin bar pas tile toilet soap for 5c h bars nom fort soap for 25e 8 boxes- star ainmcmia 26o ash sifters for 155 rovill globe washboard 60c for 800 good juality 4tie broom for 58c large clio galvanized pails 48o large size 2 galvanized wash tubs 1159 4 doz china cups and saucers 8185 china bread anil hntter plates 15p lnrgo glass fruit bowls 45 jacksons main street georcetown life jbiw srffflsiffl- v s r bargain in tobaccos we have a limited supply of golden leaf cutplug smoking to- 4aicco this tobacco is carefully blended so that it rnajkeg a cool and lasting smoke we have it in 12 lb tins regular 90c weekend special vanilla caramels reg 60c weekend special 496 waldorf pipes a genuine french brier pipe guaranteed againsj burning out with the present scarcity of good pipes this is an excep tional bargain reg iweekend special 74c hourigans the j k3 vl

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