Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 11, 1920, p. 3

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a sac matthews drug store the home of the viotrola georgetown agents for the well known x nyal family remedies try nyal laacacold tablets with nyal cherry cough syrup to break up that cold y the nyal nylajistoilet preparations will please you etjmat deugs and station efet t personals mr coles of bombay indfu was n visitor in town last week mrs a noitlnxton visited friends at egluigtou last week mr and mrs f 6 gamble of leney mask are guests of mr and mrs a owens mr j a willoiighuy who hns been quire ill during the past week is improving nicely mr ad3 mrs j p stubbs of paltneraton north new zealand spent last week with mr and mrs p a barley a couple of yoang ladies from oui high school attended the box social at batlinafnd last friday night und report a good time electors for the honor of halton and in the inter ests of good government dont fail mammoth house geobgetown choice goods at popular prices to mark your ballot for r t tdrai ifeibis 7relejlilpntiostmon45 qi aleotipss hay pert sat- grday s r wing to the election next motidaj the yiits6pce vvpi bj ildbedall day lexoejit fvoni 7 to 8 j nomattel how mpoh gobdluok a man may have he3uways manages to have enough of the other kind io break the monotony tell a child that she is good a man that bo is tfioatanh a woman that she is beautiful and they will applaud your judgment be as easy as you can on your water supply the long steady cold weather has been hard on the hupply ooming into tho reservoir owing to sickness in town the minstrels bare postponed their en iertainment for two or three weeks watch for announcement ot dates in the near future at the pablie school board meetfng last night the teaching staff were givenh substantial in crease in salary minutes of the meeting will appear next issue ei in agricultural society re- ceiptsfor laat year including bal ance from 1918 were 215720 and the totaloxpndituiel61816 leaving a balance on hand of 844- c9 mr pred cpok has just return ed from oxhawa whore he seoured a bunoh of new chevrolet cars which he will soil at the old price also some new mclauuhins among the visiting masons who attended the funeral of the late john j allen last week were mr coles of bombay india and jlr j p stnbbs of paltrlerston north new zmland the oddfellows athletic as sociation held a successful t home and dunce in the town hull last friday evening jonea 0uz2 band supplied the music and ev erybodv present had a good time baked bennwand brown bread we supply the brown bifiul ever day now jjeaileis for friday nnd saturday this week straw berry tarts lemon tarts and cnnvc cakes b v oibbens main si next radial station at a depth of 710 feet driller have st uck n strong flow of oi i and gas on the farm of ben doran four and one half mi irs froyn meaford it is believed that both gas and nil in quantities will be fonnd when the drillers go further the new painless anesthetic just discovered in said to have the faculty of making the subject re late the true fltovy of the past life this dooms it to failure from the start not many men and shall we say women will care to he at the meroy of sucha truth foreinu aienoy when they dont know what they are saying a twlogiam from pangman bask announces the death there of mr dnncan mokechnie de ceased was born in chinguaeousy over sixty years ago for n num ber of yearsjie farmed at claude he began the study of law in the office of his brotner thelate arch mokeobnie brampton and after graduating went west if a thaw in january x january maintained its record of being the coldest january since 1887 if not the coldest recorded the closing day the mercury reported from 90 to 86 below ac cording to thermometers sunday wan not quifcoao cold monday candlemas day was a floe sun shiny spring like day and the bear nnd the groundhog crept baok to their dens for another long sleep tuesday was bright but oolder and yesterday was quite raw and col j fall glenwilliams the oitusons of olonwillinras wore disappointed last thursday night whon they heard that the big hookey nmtch was called off owing to sickness georgetown vs the glen we hope to seo this game in the near future a few of our young people at tended the pddfellnws ball at georgetown inst friday evening and reported a good time 3ho oood times clnli have post poned their dance from january oth until later date mrs win haywood of brant ford is a visitor at her mothers mrs graham there are quite a few of omoiti- genssin tho sick list these days we wish them all a spoody recovery mrsbert bill is in hospital at ouelph miss catherine allan is home from hospital and is doing nicely tit a wheeler bos erectod a new building iuploie ot too one that was destroyed by ore mr t- j hill was banqueted and presented with tho votcranbmedal frorttbo raigbtti of pythian re eently at toronto s abunoper ioe crop this vh watir users jb xjuratn the witeflfanveainipititefl a watsvmajptdrrhohasn6wbr to shtitoff seyvinea wtiere waler is be- ing watedi lbis absolutely neces sary that every user be careful of the 8uivlyv so if you do not heed thiswarning jour supply wih be- utoppdd ordered a bptifcfng to tftfirier test his belief that a goodvbpa taking is better for youpg breakers of the drimlnal code than n long terra of imprisonment judge coatsworftrin the sessions at to onto last week sent two youths to the jail farm for ave days and there to be soundly whipped tho pair admitted having broken into a shop of fenning street and stolen two cheques must ot 1980 liomh motorists are warned that mon day february 9 was the time limit for using last years motor vehicle markers as a matter of fact the ape of these license plates termin ated on january 1 this year but nn extension of nearly six weeks has been allowed jko permit motorists to obtain the 1920 plates sum monses will be issued to offenders who are caught using the 191 9 li cense plate mr j j allii funeral the funeral of the late j j al len took place tto green wood ceme tery last wednesday afternoon and was largely attended the service was conducted by worshipful mas- tor w a wilson nnd brethren of credit lodgo af and am assist ed by revs b f cameron and dr cline there were many beauti ful floral tributes from friends and organizations with which deceased was connected the pnllhcnrers were major grant e y baira- dough r c mccullough j w kennedy win oowdy and j m moore school rjwirt of 8 a no 0 pol lowing is the report for jan- nary sr iv mary mobride hon ieorgc henderson 8r n helen wright lion niia meiedith jexsie norton campbell robh ritchie benton iie mcdonald hazelcott jr ill blanche wright stan ley norton jr ii albert brooks harvpy norton jim rush joe boss bert newton sr i irthur scott gladys mil- licre kenneth mcdonald beatrice land jr pr nellie lano mjldred bessey teacher sonool report s8 no 8 chins following in tho school report for january hr iv freda morris leslie young wilfrid leslie etda hard ing t jr iv hugliie clarke inn campbell j sr lit robert anderson jr ill- fred liarding lrncy harding lloyd leslie bessie campbell ii evelyn young florence hancock donafd campbell arthur clark nellie hancock alex ander son donald clark sr prim ellen harding mary anderson prim duncan campbell joe hancock noil anderson agnes 0 sutherland teacher box tbatr wednesday johnny get your gun with fred stone episode 6 of perils of thunder mountain one reel voda vil friday poor boob with byr- ant washburn the shades of shakespeare christie comedy british canadian news saturday romance of happy valley a d w griffith produc tion with lillian qish and robert uarron you liavotnen a number of d w griffiths pjatures birth of a nation intolerance the great love and tho greatest thing in life ilowssqines the romance of happy valloy see this pioture saturfw prices matinee jo and 1a evening 25o nnd wai tax coming three men and a girl with marguerite clark norvar the nnnunr business meeting of the girlh khaki club was hold at the homo of dr webster on mon day evening there was n large at tendance nnd jill reports- showed a ory suocobstnryear war wpilt now being ovor the girls- decided to work for the gordon home at milton tho officers were olected us follonva pros miss prairie maguiro vice- pros miss miurg- v dr and mrsb wood lit tbtten- liamskut the eeuend with his parents mr- aud mrs f wwood mr and mrs plwdxlvqinpion of glemvioiamajyere- th guests of bis jrotrheji tlfla late j w miueiv of scaiboro onl 6n tueedjav lai jilk miller bassed asay suddenly oa saturdav fast after b phyrt ill ness wtttjj tf diseasowbiph haftled the docfjorsiynd wliicfiis belieced waisl8spihg sickness pewas4 years of age nnd leaves a family o six children aiil a widow lo inourri his loss advocate fiom factory to- feet the mcpherson utis oalf regrsterea beaver brand shoes the heut shoes on the market are sold in town on i ly by j roney tho gold boot main st georgetown l0wie son monday february 16th v vote early notice 4i application ot til vulac of qeorgttown jn the ooiitr of halton to the ontario rllw7 vnd mnnlplpal board to bo aoto6tato a town under pro- vialont of thf wnniclpul aot take notice lht whereas it up ponrs by tho aasoittmtfnt roll for the year 1919 of the village of geortfciou n in the county of halton that the said village contains- over 2000 inhabilant it is the intention of the council of he said village after three inonlhrt from the date of this notice to apply to tin oiunrlo railway and municipal board for the erection of the naid village into h town and further take notice that the limits interded to be iiuludtd in lie aatd town are the limits already entablitihed for rhc aid village of georgetown and that the prepoiied mime of the aid town it georgetown l kant uceve dated ul georgetown thit 12th day of november ao 1919 tm lai inillllllllirsbl nttttttttttlti g clearing auction sale of- farm slock implements etc the undersigned lm- received instrur tiont from y john e joyce to sell by public auction at lot 7 eon 4 esquesing on thnrtday february 80th the following farm slock 1iplementn u t cattlk red durham grndocow 4 yrs due in may red durham grade cow 4 yrt due in october red durham grade cow 4 ym due in october jersey cow 3 yrs due ocu 15th the above are all milking well durham grade cow 7 yrs due in may i howtein cow 7 y due in april t durham grade cow 8 yrs dryt 2 steer rm yr heifer ris 3 yrst 3 steers th 2 yrst 2 jieifers ris 2 yos 2 ye arling heifeiu yearling ilecr durham grade bull citlf ii moh hoftskft span grey mare focl wor kers sorrel mare 12 yv pigs asd fowl tamworth now due april 24tln yorkshire sow due april 25th 3 geese nnd gander so plymouth rock hens lilplemkstk h tt front 8t wood bln- deri duering mouurt peter hamilton seed drill hornc rakej mh hprlngtootli culti vator mh steul roller sruflluii hay tack i cnckhhutt nmnure rpreadcr new perrin riding plow new 21 cochuti walk ing plow cvnksliull jolntir root ptilner set iron liniiowa xtieclions set iron liar rows 2 seciionh lumbur wagon 2 sol bobsleighs buggy cutlur 240 lb set scales finiitlng mill wheelbarrow grind- stone dplaval cream mpparnior churn hay iulfu scythe anil hnatli 2 wets hoayy harness sugar kettle 2aeti single harn ess scitlding barrel 4 sets wliifllotrues 2 neckyolioh harn scoop uhovut liusil- age fork j chains stove sinv pipes a quantity of lumber pine and basswoud 32 it ox tension ladder forta and nuinerooii aret pettigrew bocrmiba qvqegirrtcaniih p ganollne engine in fiddler oloru miss pfchel cun- n n ningham when the bphlnene wan fonoludoo dainty relroshmentft wore served by mrs weuflter tbo choir of st pauls ohuroli were very kindly entcrtainod at tho h pf mr nnd mrs walter f on tuesday evening ivil enjoyed thejoiy 8loihrjaftpd the pleaaant evening sperffc at this ubpit4welonm v vv auction sale of farm stocavand implements the undersigned has received innt ruc tions from john wiggins to sell by public miction tl lot 8 9ih line esquesink en fc friday february 20th 1980 at t pm bharp the follow ingt horsiw aged team good workers driving mare 9 yrs cattir jersey cow s yrs duo apiili jcrsej cow k yr due march jrey cow 9 yrn due march pifis york how due apr j3 22 ntore pigs iwplbmhnis- dee ring hinder 1 foot f w mower 5 ft deeiing mow er 5 ft i horse rake 10 ft lurnber waggon and dox chatham wagon 2 net harrow disc- 12 hoe drill spring tooth ultivntorj drag cultivator double furrow riding plow double turrow walking plow 2 sin gle plowni single furrow riding- plow perrins market wagon rubber tire bug gy old buggy cutter rob sleighs light sleighs 2hay racks slot k rack chatham fanning mill with bagger 2000 lbs- drop lover scat pulper pig crate stone boat wheelbarrow 40 gal oil bsrieljxream separator katons 4 rolht building paper 3 gals paint garden seed drill pont hole auger lawn mower hotskhold- furniturii steel range heater coal oil stove 1 burner inten sion table cupboards sideboard chairs 3 bedroom unites pnrlm ruitex organ rug 9x12 sewing machiuej cloekkr li tures dishes sealers hav and grain about 1h ton mixed hny a quantity ot barley terms hay grain and all sums of 1000 and under cash 8 months credit barnhills phefc and bartons bboain 8tobe 5 lbs of salt 5 lbs sulphur for 25c on approved joint notcn v a wiuon- clerk ben petcii v auctioneer poll order cm in rnihhur in fr iondi- tlon a quantity of imy dovur nml ilmothv mixed 100 bun berlin imrloy for siud 100 bin oats everything will be iold wllhout rciervc ill the proprietor has aold ilia fkrin snla lo conlincrtee at onooulprk sharp tprkbsiooo and under cnali over that aniounr 10 months credit ion unprov ed joint npteiivl 5 per com pur aiiiiuni oft for cash hay oraln and fowl caul w a wimion ben ietcw clwlt terms strictly cash barnhills ibogrnnnniibi ibiiijmimjuual norval numimiidsl jbjjqh gib bens cul rate cash and carry grocery bee hive corn syrup 6 lb pails al soap 10 burs of comfort and lalke pkg pantry lour in 24 lb bag kiiikh clioico tloiu in 21 lb batf foraht city baking powder quart jar meets in 2i lb tins 2 for bonlontt milk st charles brand goblin soap 8 bars for christies sodas lare package t fresh dftteb per lb new prunes per lb shredded wheat 2 pltkb kel logft ooin flakes 2 pkr boat cocoa per lb new ourrante per lb h o ammonia large pkg 8 for hayboes jelly powder 2 pkg for crystal brand washing soda b pkga for honey in glass jar about 22 oz each corn starch 2 pkgs for 6bo star crystal 100 149 160 86c 8c loo 2so 88o 26e i 2bc r 29o 28o 88c 27o s6o loo 25o 86c 28r- j j oibbens phone 160 lane block georgetown wia so mr working man why dont you ative arid gfet dollars trade at the-co-oper- mo8t out of your we carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low as any and all the profits go back to our mem bers in dividends and interest make up your mind to join today arid help along a movement that will help you georgetown glenwilliams co opera tive society ltd h pritchett mauiagor phone 82 r georgetown silk gloves ladies silk gloves black whie grey and pongee at 126 and slso ladies double silk gloves black white and pongee at 176 misses bilk gloves at 90c misses ohamoisette gloves at 90c the kayser silk glovo silk lined col ors blaek white grey and pongee at 1 76 tho kayser ohamoisetta gloves blaok white grey and pongee jit 100 kid glovea ladies tan kid gloves 200 und 800 badies white kid gut9 986 aid aijo fjadlea blaok cidgrdv8s atv iladiesgraysnede gjovcr at ladies black wool glovea at ladies i iued suede gloves at hoaiery department a full range of ladies silk stocking blatok white grayjbrown- navy rt the kflyser gjove silk ose oblpm ijjck and brovfn at v ladies allwool english cashmere hose at lerttd i76v j osvnilsdles liadieseiqbjd silk camisoles j 26 jo 800 xiodies nmbrf jilk night drestfal i 8o0- tadiob erabdsllk envelope chemises at 4915 waistil readies waists in georgette crope-de- chine habutai silt and hand emb4 voiiee t rv55to lao aco 800 86c 200 00 s 4op hstndkerolsivfli liadies bandkorehjefs plain lawn and linen at do to 8c ladies faney bandkerohiefs 16c to 76 ladies bandkerohiefs in fancy boxes 25o to 2 children9 bandkerohiefs 6c to lffc fsuioy oollavra ltadles fancy coat and dress collars from 140 to 800 wool sots liadies and misses wool nets tbqu and scarf 160to80 liadies wool scarfs chiurenv jvpplfcarfs- liadiey woo bill ts elbow lodgrth- matt tnrnlsdiliics mens derby silk ties at 75o 1 mens moohe lined gloves meiis silk mufflers 100 mens white lawn handkerohjefs 1 mens linen haadkercliiefs- 4p6 60o6j mens njgfisbii i vytmssli i long whjtejrid gioviesstt 17 7b- and 144 and 284 6 to 9-60- 26c 7o- isjoo m at y m colnir utaok wtesa lengths rifearl-groy- imperial duchesse satin oohesse moassievne colors burgandy si navy brown busbfoti green inauve american beaoty apd peach m dress length to flaota color prioe per yd china oupd arid aaticers a snap only 99o 2m m mcbean co georgetown new advertisements rajniey wanteb any quantity of live or drestcd poultry hlgrhett cash price w j alexander georgetown r r no 2 tf farm wanted to rent 100 up to 200 acres in eiquesing must be convenient to station and schools aprjiy toherald office 2tp ro ialb good jersey cow due in april ap ply to mrs thos armstrong george- town 3t bdildino lois for sale in different parts of the town prices from 8250 too 500 also a few good houses apply to e a benham ox 18s loan wanted wanted s3000 first mortgage on gorj louse in town apply box gcorg- h town bouse for bsmxe solid brick bouse on guelpb st 7 room a bath sod furnace oakflooradownstairl georgia pine upstairs lot 50 ft x m0 ft posmtsion in a months time price s6 0 terms arranged apply to j a wit loughby georgetown box i phone 164 lt speoial house bargraln frn hotts on chsirl strt 8 lots of btotand beautiful lavvni and shrubs and hetiges urroundinif the house one of the best kept lawns in town splendid situation facing the pinei and fo the weit sidw of the street a rare bargain for quick sale at 2500 sell one of the lots snd it will leave a cheap home get busy dont come here nnd say youdidnt get a chance apply j a wtlloufrhby properties for sale t6 ant a flne large briek hense with all modern conveni ences hot- water hfoting houses and tots also three acres of land with good buildings- bargain for this week house and lot on charles st on easy terms also two good farms in this vicinity lowest commission phone 173 jl hlane i real estate agest cesrfetoivb h c bailey ejectrieian elotrlowirlns tad fix tures orders loft in tlte bssrnoas shop will bo promptly attended to ra0ne2 cw16et0wr asssst since a is70 ss3 shilo 30s8i5coughs dodge bros motor cars have advanced in price lately and another advance is ex pected very soon why not place your order now and get ahead of the next advance see oneill about it we have ready for sale now one ford ton truck slightly used with latest style cab and body timpkin roller bearings newly painted and overhauled good as new a bargain a good stock of cutters sloop sleighs white sewing machines 1900 washing machines hog troughs etc j n oneills t and carriage works distributor for dodge brothers motor cars geobgetown milton acton b riscoe and frankiin old kii smo cars bil e r- call and see prices you above cars the i92q new will then decide on models and buying one compare of the jt is an pleasure to show such cars as we have on hand good service and satisfaction i guaranteed m b nicholson wiaoughby blbck georgetown h llli t l i t llsai vi ll vi j v ffii mv x r bbsabsahkbbsbsabffiliima iuouum k 7aillt3iiv nkjiuflt ffwattytbitytl vvhsjv v i bi3 m

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